The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 21, 1899, Image 4

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    Kiigene CJity Guard,
j a:
The busmeas department of
the WEEKLY GUARD If caused
coniiJerbie troub'e by corre
spondents addressing, the pro
prietor personally. Addres sii
lettcs rtferfing o the newp
per or bume connected there
with to THE GUARD.
Euflene, Oregon
To Correspondent
esrly Kriday mornlnga. 1 0 laisar
iuavrii'.ii f ynA-m- n should
react us later HM I MswOf
rrepoi,d i i li ""'I'" '"
fflf li Thursday and M K kI and
Saturday, uik Important. ld
tt pui,fi.i,d lltiWIM when
tbe paper mlttMMl eekaf'.-r
), and making aliowanc for U-av-veral
days tiuj retired i" leae
ulwrii-r throughout lb aMtt
would I stale and of linU iiitere.1
when the pi ' " " 1 '
('Atnf"' ' ui'i 'ill "'lf
MOlfibuil 'I jitoy inl
Wednesday. ' I early Thariday
Later II ' 'I y J '" 1
I . nt t.l th-
k her b2y with in and mf
rdrat br with anul aogsith
Is ran hardly drtcrU.
i,( -Hsn have had i similar
t. that Mrs i. -t. A
f WK'jn r:dham Co.,
f use 'f Ir Pire w.4eTftil
; hr imparting .
tirnrth tb t lmmm
urly rrMirrd ivmplrtt vigor
r "i 'b bo4Hy jti but has
renrw4 brtgbtaeas aud bsor-
f wr resr an Mrs Winiaa I
MtlMi and imttoh t I
nil sleet 1 irted anl ikra- i
nut -1
i it k:
The slip's i I lix Mat I reaiurer'
offloe. to fr PWI lictHBM it
ooncernel, have " VOVnd up,
bo hsvii.g rwi i' I llM NMlBit i
Cms U Mooti the m IraMoraf)
for the f-.llowin ru'incyi ij'I
-.. v. -
Bfl4t, BOtM iil irnrlii of
HktM bnifO lt,umn:e Hfi'l tx
prw OOHpaoll doio bun ue-i in
tbe luuri.y.vywo.
Pile ice retnainini! to th" n 'lit
of th revul ving fund of the Oftftfl
Ut KirtK r til wy, 14484 H.
Jliiir:e in tbe tr iiry n nhown
bjr tbebienriiil WpoH of lbt relir
inr IVMtMW WM 6W U
lialaiice rinirnnK of UbtaOMOOl
receiful from lh- ( ner! fov rn
ment for the main ten nice of the
Ori-gon .-oMir-m' Horn, itt Koi" -burg,
llalanje remairuiie to the credit
of th' ri-rolying fund of the Oregon
tate abjve foundry, 17070.24.
l 91 IPAL fx IALIHM.
Th l,ondon counly council
which fjffj fj(M outaideof
tbe old city, ruling aUut IfiCQfiOQ
iiilikbitanta, baa decided after a hot
debate, in the the lace of a general
public protet, to ue the tuxpay
cra'a money in putting up working
men' dwelling, which are to he
let at Icra than intertill on the land,
coat of construction, repair and
riupriutndonce. This in in the
direction of Mate rocialirm.
Mian Octavia Hill, whone author
ity on houaing the Kor all admit,
prolent thut the renlaU proponed
by the London county council will!
clone th I'eahody and other tene
ments put up hy endowment hut
manair,ed on huniueaa pr'nciplcf,
and therefore charging it FtOl
reckoned mi the investmrnt, I
repairn and OMV taking.
RUBS1 A DOK8 J 1 : 8T IC K lo II Mi
I.s'e illr, ill' - " i) mi imp T
taut innimiie ha hem u li ti) 1 1 1 l t i
the iinpriiil council hy the mini
ter of the interior. It means noth
ing IwM than MN lsglila,ltoa 01
marriage an I dll VM in KtiNtia.
Laws will I" j i-- d, and, it ;
believed, will be approved hy IM
NW btfON i)M end of the iiuntli,
whiub will be in nil renct mini-
lar to thore in (urce in the mon"
enlighteufl of civilised couiitrier,
which will t lid In llpret the pre
it cbiolic conditioun in
the MB pin
Heretofore the woman has heen
regarded, etpi'cially in the rural
districts of Kuama, an the "proper
ty" of the uinn The eci h Ma-lL'al
law permit the man to apply UM
rod as a puniHliuient lOf dUlbtdl
euce. I hu ritual of the re k
church alno render divorce aliiinnt
imHihle. Lien in canes of
extreme cruelly the police are
powerlen to interlere.
Owing to the war tax on many
arliclen shipped to lbt fold lield
of Aluks and V rthwral territory,
eeyeral of Hie Seattle outfitters alter
securing contract fur u.pliin have
purchaneil tin. Krticles in Vain iuvrr
and ictona, in mder iL.'
war tax ami otlur ilutie. Om
Arm U rvporled to have placed an
order in British OolQsxbia for.
70,000 worth of goods, which (hi y
will use in tilling their order from
Alaska. The articles thus pur
chased are condensed milk, Hour
a ud canned good, tea and other
lh. ' M
haa f'jf
um laaw tt aud U trtlng
i'jay lacked only sixteen voU-s of
an election Ui the senate by the
1'ennsyl vania legislature yeiterday.
To a man of QflOJ ' financial and
pl.ti ill ! -,;v that sfiould lie a
i very small matter. Pennsylvania
legislature Imve l ri on a caiih
basil for years, and the aspirant
for senatorial honors should recog
nise precedent. It may he that
jmy is delaying matters to gel a
ower rste.
They gve UeoOfel .""hafter a re
ceptiori at LI I'aso, 'I'exan, yester
, day and the pretty girl, and others,
made the old soldier toe the msrk
'while they kissed him and took
snip shots with Kodak. H tin
thing continue heroes will heei'ate
j to perform dd of valor for fear
of the ordeal lo which they must
i submit.
A b"4 bi i
Krprerutati- iiy rrarti-innr
yfsjf Mfasjtag '-I"'
ntriUH, I. No law or ct n rp r i (
tug any eliy or Uwo, aerodiiij auy
r btrtaf t any fci ev ciiy in tii
.lale, ahall U sJM UiiUm llM SBflaWj
skefl have eri uMoitll to tfjr lojsj
v Kers In tii towu Hiy f t nr
swaloii for RajtfajfJoaj anil the rr-uit
Si 'he vot--i tskrn aliall certified
IO kg Ui proper officer, i. : attached
! tne charlr or aiiieiidui-nt brlore
i-iiij iiiiroduca-d In eitl ,-r hoo-e of I he '
I ei-lilure
ss i All ecu or paru of set io J
1st aWSTTtlk are berrhy r-ld
b Klalative geleA.
Tbe Arncullural college asking i
appropriation causes mucb ,
U ifavoranle nouirue'it
IteprevrilatlveH.'.uuip's letler sipaiiiat
i b ll 000 a y ar ijoao'y ha
erewtd rxu-elfra: 1 oppxa'tiou I" that
'I here la a sospiclon of gigantic I
gr.f in th Kish and lan Warden'
Aerjaaad for .U Kx-Hi.atof
DtMj I Isftkftog for the bi'l and Is ,
oppiMed to be latd for the ehell
drpuiyshlp. It is ovcrhadowiriK aaa'i
eaja-nse the roijiruiaalolia that wrre
alydihel at the special eaUo.
II. editor of ihr Autelofie, Waacc
eounly, fieraid thus lake th public
Into I n lyiiifldence In th last Pmuc of
that paper: "The fierald la Issued
this week under adverse circumstances. ,
hilly ReMlOM, who had DSM lem
porsrily IIIIIhk M McMeken's place,
having gone on a hig blue tool, w hrn
w neill hlrii lite worst, thus com-1
lulling the old editor himself to gel in
and sling tbe festive type with both
list-, bidding the stick lo hi teeth. !
M is McMeekeu. our efficient manager,
will beat tbe helm again next week,
MMl then things will be different."
When the liver's
wrong all's wrong.
i 1
I Will i' :h- M hyj I
M l
I make wrong livew
teal EsUls I ranssetioiis.
W J Mlili r and wife to I A and
t A Belling, r, U m m in l IS l r 1 w.
I Si .ilef to J r Hunt, I0 acre io
IfJ r I w; HOO.
J V Kisk. J H t ustis and K K
Knoliand, 3 acre m t IMarf :
II ttrslman and wife io Alice
Hernogtori, 9 Is acres I.) t 17 r 4 w,
Pm I'.KA.MiY. Kxam iriKl bythe
liest of judges and found to be strictly
pure and Hie bet of stimulants. For
sale at 7 lit per , i art or ti.Vl per
gallon, Mb and lilair streets, Ku
gene, dreg.. r,. Made l . I M Francis
All orders by stage, freight or e press
will reoeiv.. prompt attention.
lieal Market
Uust Hi.
Our sh'H-a on the Kargsln Counter.
Ax Billy.
Mother and Babe
NONE but a mother know the
f urr, angimli and dread that a
wonun rndurct before and during
childbirth. And thll nearly all this uf
fering it unneceiaary. The faithful use of
will in great measure overcome (very
Jbtrciungiymptom, and labor ilielf will
not tv 1 vv ierl.,( tttdt i. Hrmn.lvr
tlul HO rHBR'S KM END u an ti-
' lataaal that (bftena and retain
f '' mutrki, -ni it not a dingrr.Hii
I ' . i of i'ft ,'r. i - ill w. Ask
Jau i ISV.
Wheat- 49c.
Ola Win
Hop- r to I6J0.
Huller M to Mk- ja r roll.
Kgg ! S3
I'olatoei. 3oc
Poultry y 60 Ui 3 oO per dOM
Mad prunes I to 4tc
Apples -In cent r bushel.
A Wonderfu1 Remeoy for
Wonderful Age.
Kleclnci'y i Hi wonder of the as
and th mode of treatment I the acne
i ; . rfa UatJ) It ;netrstes the secre
ami j-b of tfkMaw and exterminates
it. pad and brancD, forever. It re
moves wretched synip'om- of losth--r.o.e
malaole and nver s it- dreadful
eff-cts. It cures many of the mst
boneless eases and relieve pain that
every known rem-dy lias failed in,
and can be substantiated by the evl
deuce of hundreds who ha e leu
cured by iJr darrin.
I hsrgi-s reasonable, ai-crdii.g to
circiimsuni-' and ability to pay
OfTV- hour- 'i a m to t j. in, consajia
tion free.
Mist caj-s can be treated al IMMUS
afier one visit to the doctor's i fflce.
Iuipiiries answered: circulars and
question blank- sent free.
All business raJallnm ailta Hi Damn
are strictly confidential.
Innnity .Nhs' Apt olntmrnts
The students and dean of the Divio
ity Bfbeol, will preach at the follow
ing places next r-unday:
f-'pringtleld, 3 p I Ueaudresu
Halrey- Dean Handersou.
Collage Urove B A topple
Harrisburg (i SI) Humlrt.
Albany, central L lireen.
on ivm BOITU
Of Shil .h I '.ius'iai.ti"0 t'ure is thiagiiar
antoe "All wa ask of ym is In us two-
Black Eagle Doublf-Bitx Axe
Crescent Ground I
Hoo Hoo
i Web Foot J
Just Received
A Full Line of
Kearney & Foot File
Bv the
Griffin Hardware
( .at Kuers Attention.
I have 100 good grade young nanny
goats for sale until Kb Is', near Mou
roe. Fir price and particulars cor
respond with QW A BoOCKi
Eugene, Or.
CO r-,
ft" .)
; .s-isa-.'f
- tactt
thinli of the ciDtiiU ( thit UUl faithfully.
thn if you cad uy yoi fre not fMsnrtitt--!
There's money -making
for you. your grocer, and us,
turn ilia ltu to your
refund ths price paid."
and ILOft fm sale at
Ir i-t au.i he may
I'm ... cts, i lis
Wilkii,. and I.inu
-t r in gpi-: i'r i! r a otvu li lo
I l .il . Mjafaafl I.I I - . ll"S ( 0 , ltaata, (-a. I
I - J
f-'or si, by OS BURN da DELANO
Schillings Ikst.
r sal by
hsk m pow'ter
Sj . rn aaUssM
A Snap.
N u i. - of land, all in cull ivaliou
three acies in bearing prune trees,
story and a half house, all splendid
i i-uii latin: two miles mirth or I i..
on the liver msil. Price $700. oqulia
al this nillce or call on or address
K V Hakf.k,
Junction City, rftgon,
arc as od a- they can be
not ; rudishly or foolishly
or extravagantly perfect
Fa- tr'r v
Gray it Ss.
sV MM Hand Karniture.
I will pay the highest cash price fur
stcnml-liainl furniture.
Seventh & Willamette HK
To the Public.
We are nulhorized to guarantee everl
bottle of Chamberlain' rough Kemeil
audit not satisfactory lo refund tli
money to the purchaser. .There i- n
better medicine made for la m . ;
colds ami whooping couh. Price,
by Osburn St Delano.
For Infants and Children.
ThP Kmrt Ynn Havn A wavs boun
. . w
Kok BALI -HO acre excellent fann
ing lairds. Inquire of John Van
DOYJT, Coburg, or.
Bears the
Sifjuatore of
Farm for Sale
380 Acres
(if well iriii'rore.1 laad. Two d
hmises and barn-. Plenty of f irm
iiuplementt, bar , cattle, wap at,
etc. Six mib- - .il.ii.--t fr oaj
Kur terms, etc., a.ldrei
Kutjeoe, ( iiejo.
For :to days w will make prices on goods that will make them move as never before. We mean to make this SALE a
greater success than any of our previous sales. Every dollar's worth of goods will he marked at prices to astonish you.
Cost and former prices will not be considered. We regard it as a wise loss, and take it cheerfully.
We want your money
Space will not permit a general quotation. So
only quote you prices on a few articles. A call
at our store will convince you that
You need our pods
Ladies' Dress Skirts.
Om U M Btaak BroaMM Main
priaa uow . no
OW II M Ulack llrocailctl Hllk
hklri now 4 7.
our PlrJa BaMh Hiscllllan Skirt
M .'.0 niiw5 2 76
Urn ft Hr.xaili.l lllack Skill
IM for I Si
Ladles' K d Giovea
f I H Ma-tvt CtlOTai at 1 isi
l Ml t las. BultM anil MiMik
llloviaal I 26 1
DM' I fall I.- sf nut M mi I , -violas.
Hal : Oil uow $1 60
Hals J 'si now 76
Hals no now 36 1
Hats :t :.o uow 76)
Stitl Hats al youi own BIMaV
Trunks and Valises.
UooleMMj il t I.. His, rtf, are
al.-tugliti ii .1 I tt i tii ar, 'in Manimnlli Sale
Mackintoshes l.adie ami men. Our rutins
I ue ul llaaklniuakai at laatars in.. -
SVe are ileU-roilUrtl lo cltwe t , in nut
a i real opportMHj Rw thoss sraallag i m, Qoodt ah uur
U.'m' Urea limsls In all inlors al so
Da I'latil Omul U-sutiful shailm r.
Itt I'laiil UishIs Is-autlful shailes ,.
I Draaj tliHxIs lilack anil ciur Sk
Iim irM llmxls lilack ami aokMl ' jUo
60o Cress iIimnIs Mack ami iMlnra ;v
Keery peSOS nf DfBM tnsula will tsj snl.l al a sacnlWv N,. rrservai
Doa'l evailoak oaa Oarpat DsfaiiasaaL BwaafaVJ rati ao' loos anarJi
on ail Krailca nf Carpel
T BO Our rt'Kular 8 on suit Krcy Kersey rnuntl cut A L f3 ,ri0
AT 4 'sj Our nrular ft! ,".ii suit tiniwn Chevint rnuml cut. AT 4 AO
at ti vj Our rejrolar H 50 salt black Cheviot round eai at so
l 00 ami f 10 00 lilack clay worsted suits, Tabular price f 13 50
Now is w time to al a kihhI suit for little money
Mi ll's, Hoy's nml Children's We have n few Mod llilnas left in this
Hue and will make specially lo price lo close out
What We Say We Mean. We Desire lo Ctivitte You Hat Cur Crand f rr.uel Clearance Sales
Ladies' and Misses' Jackets and
Our stock of these goods i" vefJ
small, still wc have some good tlilnp
to oiler you nt temptingly lo prlcaa
iwj iiiusi oe soiu ar sorxe prm
Our t I 00 Ladies' Jacket now .
Our 5 00 Ladles' Jacket now.
Our !) (Hi Ladies' Jacket now.
Our 18 00 Ladies' Jacket now
All garments will be sold for .
l tlit'tr regular price. Misses'
i reduced in .iiue proportion.
P Oil
i X
' 450
ii 30
, .ball
,i ket
iv hoM in Eugene.
( ur out i iv itock
Will surpass anything ovor Ik
tvemeinber, khert is no reti in
is pathed to tin- nont, we offer you values. It is
your opportunity to taki gdvanUge of then iweep
iiiL' rt'ductions.
EAAaJsaVA s A at. sta i iS SSLJralSSSSSssaa
Domestics for $1.00
SI yds 4-4 Bleached Muslin
88 yds 4 4 llroM ti Mui 0
- yds Indigo lllue Calico
80 rdi Turrsy Red
10 yds Bleached Muslin
S) Hulls good Hattiuir
;) jH Ro(l I'alico
See our Cunaius at 4"h a alr.
See our t'urtaliis al tsv a pair.
See our Curtains at sc a pair.
Bee our Cvrtalaa aA U ma pair
See our Curtain al II 60 a p Ul
t ur letter grade hae all been reduced In - .m- proportion
Men s ual Wool Shirt ami li.,...,.
I.a.lie' ribbed l'ants anil Vesta, (eaaa
Oar II !0 gsnuentsat leach'
Our 41 i' garments at eab
liltlr iiiokx nl do wotidi is at thlaaale
fl 15
A double Illatiket In grey ami
w hile for i i
A Isri:.' irrev, white ami VleUI x'
Naakal worth $1 00
A w lute HlatiKe', ragttl -
price ti 00 V 00
We have all kiad of B'sukit- ,,ilt
all kinds of prices
Our stock of Shoes is very low si a '
clone out balance will not ' W
re-otiab!e ofter on them.