Eugene City Guard. I. i.. cmrmi i EUQKNE CITY OKKOON EVENTS OF THE DAI j A i, I ii. t ' "II" OfttOM I ii.. Two llen,leiheres 'reeeatad la a ComlalHil Vuwm. Thirteen perann were killed and froin SU to 4A injur! in railway col lialnn near Hound llr-aik, N. J. TfcoN was a lieal-nl rolliiion between I.M-..I train and the Mack Diamond x pi em. I'reeldont Alonao'i advance guard ii within ail league ol I .a Pal, capital of the republic o Bolivia. It ia likely a deeiiive battle will bo fought MM i 'mi ii t!io government tr-ip and tha reboli who now hold the capital. It ia prnpol that a memorial he mated at Manila to the memory of all American who fell in the capture or -lied of diai-aae during the campaign. The propmal ia that all Am-m -nn- now reiident in the Kar Kaat, of whom there la a veiy considerable iniml.-T, pIk.uI 1 lie invited to conliihute toward thia object. Filipino committeaa have made formal prnlot, atrxl President Mi-Kin-ley haa leen warned from I'aiia, Madrid and Don-Ion not to attempt to take fumble pHeaiion of Do Ho. The ground ia taken that the Ameilcao claim of eovereignty ia premature, and that tha United Hlatea ia not tha imaaeaior ol the I'lulippinea unlll the peace treaty ia ratified. The Filipino agent at Hong Kong aaya a light with the Americana at Hollo ia unavoida hie, but little apparent BSBMIbBM ia felt at Wiihinglon. The AM liniall Kipreea (Jatetta haa collecteil data anent the upciationi of iraiurohhera during the paat year. The effect of Mini jurisdiction uxn train rolitieilea la evidenced in Meih'o Dur ing the paat year there waa not even an attempt at traiq roblwry In the eia ter republic. The orlme ia punlahahla there with inatant death. Tim r rd f r I "UN la aa followa: NumUr ol train hold upi, 2; I MB MM of alaga rnlil.i'iiea, 7; number id puiaeugari and train men ahot, 4; number ol rubber! killed, fi; number of rohbera ahot, 0. Captain K It. Mia w and the crew of the llritiah hark tllen lluulley, long given up for loal, are alive and well, and on their way to UfSrJxeSi They abandoned the Ohm Huntley in a tierce gala June 4, IHOH. Kor l&t daya the II aailora lived on Triatan d'Anunha lain, more than I.. '.'in in ilea enuth by weal ol the 0BO4 of - I lloie. They aulitod on iciiguln rgg un I the Head id aea eagle, mid ahared with 7'J white inhahitaiila the eoauly aliHtk of piovl aiona that the cuptaln of a paaaing vol aid had given them. ' The Farmer' bank ol IiiwinhI, (ia., waa entered by burglara, who aecured 10,000 and escaped. At a lire wbtrli luoke out In tin' II Ul Idclo-licu, at I'uuhurg, I'a . Hi"'" gueala loal Iheir Urea and Ave people were badly hurt. t'nliuiel I'oller, aim la I etniaaniy id (ieneial Otli to Ho llu, teportlthal ilia relN'la Ihreatun to burn the town ll lha Atniirk'ana Isimhaid the place. Knur dead, two injuied, one id Iheaa ltrhapa fatally, and the loaa ol pi opal ty ol the Hoiithein railway In the amount of about I'Jn.QOO, ia Hie reault nl a wreck whiuli occur led at Knox- viiie, turn, A heavy wind aloiin awept over the remote mm I lull id Scott county, Ark. A I llolea, a leleOolBjOBOl waa blown down and three pnpila ware, killed, an oilier wiia (nlally wn-in-iod, and a J OH or morn auataihod BON or leaa injiiriea. A treinendiiua landalide 000BI red near Sieuce'a llrldge, on the Canadian l'u t'lttr railroad. A iiioiiulaiu whiuh hai long been un object "t OBI eMail to tiavelera rraihed into dm Kiaaer river, I ii lug it Completely, and sending I In. water in linrenta oVel the leitlla Nicola valley. The tmiiee ol Hie liver waa changed t m 1 1 I I I y . Aooordlni t lata adviooi from Dow eon, the Culled Stall" goveiniiii'iil will be called IBM to relievo indigent mIb era In the Klondike. The DOWOOO Nugget aaya lliete ia a atrnng move liient on foot lit Dawson to aeml a icp- roMBtOlive t rVeeblngtoo lor tim pur- Hiae ol I'liliating the I'nited Hlalea giivernuieiit in the OHM d aiding in remedying the gical diatieaa wlimli pievaila among Hie ill mora ol tin' Yu kon. At the annual convention of the llltitheiliiHtd of Strain Shovel and Diedge Kuglneera and OtBBOONMB nl America, held in I'hieago, n-aolul iom wore adopted, uigtng emigre In pnaa the NIcaiagua canal hill and a I so that a law should he passed making eigbt liouta a day' work on aanl canal Ida olulioni were alao pnaeed urging con git as to paaa the i iver and hnilsir hill at the preaeul oaaion nl congtoa. Con gleaa Wita alao Otged to c unite a labor cuiniiilMioti of three union Mad to aia that the lal in the Intcreal of woik ingiiien weaa enforced oi, nil govern nn nt WOlk. Miioir Rawa I A lieutenant mid 13 men ol ilia French warahip Sure were klllisl in tha New llebrldet by native. The Merritt .V Chapman Wrecking company 'a outlll arnve.1 at Santiago da t'uba to raiau the hMMMI Spaniah crula ar Iteina Merccdce. Araenlo placeil in coffee by VMM one iinknow n canned the dcatln of Kiank Kunavk, hia wile and live children at Khelhy, Tel. The aleainer Olenovan waa wrivked ' near Hong Kong and HO ol the crew were loat. The qnntrolling inlereal of the Chi cago ft Alton railroad haa paaaivl to eaatern men. Itcnjamin K. Willelta, ageil ii, waa liangiil at Welherattehl, Conn., for Ilia murder of David H. latMaOi on De- mmkm it, iwi. Harry Iloffinan ami Orace IViiaa were drowneil at New Um hele, N Y., while akallug. The boy loal bla Me iu trlug to aave the girl. j LATER HEWS. At Forley, Kan., Thomaa Oreana kilh- l bit wife and then ahot hirnaelf. Jealouty waa the cauae. Kev. Dr. tflltiaM Maiwell Black burn, preaident ol Hnnui college at 1'ierre, H. D., die.1 at the age of 86 feara. Margaret Idvingaton (.'hauler and Anna Booting, heroic women who I without pay aa nuraea in I'urto Hico during the war, have been NtMaV mended lor that rare honor, the thauka ul oongreaa. It ii rOBOftod Inm I'eking that Kueaia haa demamleil a leara of the Miao Tao ialauda aa a torpe.lo alation. There ialandi lie acroaa the entrance ol tha dull of i'e-Chi-Li, aouth ol Port Arthur. The aciuiaition of theae ialand would atill lurlher atrengtheu Uueaia'a hold on the approachea to I'eking. The riiiarlcrmiiater'a department ia preparing to diainter and bring to thin country the remailia ol the l.KOU hmoea ol the Hpaniah war who were either killed by bulh ta or died of fever in Cuba and 1'orto lin o. Colonel MoOMi aaaiatant ruarlermaaer general, aaya the ei (Kid it ion of diainternient ia we'l under way. Senator Teller, of Colorado, Inn In trodui'fd a bill for tha amendment "I the war-revenue hi t, ao aa to provide lor a tai apoo ihe actual value or -ell-trig pricea inatead of the nominal value ol oertain attx ka. The bill ia In-' tended to relieve tlm cheaper mining locka from what i claimed to bo an rnoriuoua burden upon them. An inventory of the peraonal HfTeote of the late John W. Keeley, ol motor fame, haa been tiled in the regialur ol willa' oflhe, in New York, in which the valuation of the prnMily ia placed at 9 1 ,r3l. One of the itema, which - t" the motor, renda: "FlftOM pleoea of clierlmenlal apparalua, a oertain right of unknown valuation in certain uncompleted and unpatented, Inventioiia. " A H-titioii from ex-yueen l.iliouka Ian I of Hawaii haa boM DNOMMO tO the houae, proteating MJOiBOl the Unit e.l Hlatea' aaaertlou of ownerahli to the crown lamia ol Hawaii aa timing oi properly without dun proceaa ol law, and appealing to the preaident, con great and the people for a maturation of theee lamia. A Ilka petition wui preaenlral to the annate. A Havana cable to Ihe New York World aaya: "The gruvea ol the Malm MtlMJI In the Havana cemetery are neglected. Two (mull, aickly ahroha. one weather Ih'uIcii ait with a dead plant and two hlualed atulka of three allpa are all there ia to ahow that any thing haa h en done in line heaiitiful burial place for our iialion'a dead. A iiioiith ago, upon the interment ol MMM aailora ol the HaOOlolO, their cnmradei put an I s t ; t inch i alien Americun Hug on Ihe mound. Tina little faded Mag ia the only thing given by either tin army or the navy. The monthly aliiteineut ol Ihe col-lei-tiotiaol internal revenue ihoWf that dining HovombWi IIMi the rootlpti MMMDtod M) 11,404,400, ngainal ll, UMi.'Jllfl lor November, I8U7. The lOPOrtl Ihut DrolM h it the Inle do Diablo ami boon brought tu PgiU receive further denial III u atillcinenl that the whole elaiuiiiiitloii ol Ihe pria oner by the com I of aaaaotrOO will he conducted by ciihle. Tina will entail an enorinoua eipenae. At Hong Koug, the Filipino '"iii miltee haa broken off all iidatlOM with United Hlatea Cnnaul Wildinan. The ooliimtttiHi hai iaailcd n writ in the au pietue court to rei over the MM of 47," (Mill which Ihe Kiliplnoa oUlM to have la-en dcKlted with i1 liiinn ua IrooMiM of the i'iii i I ndo pond anoi fund in June laat. The gnntNiul Y'orklown haa nailed f i - .in San FtomIoOO for Muulla, via Honolulu. She will go nil the way under a I, ill head of atcalii, and ihOOjId make the run in thiee WOO 01 ll ahe ia not doUyod at Honolulu. She ia the hearer of full iuatriictiiuia to Ailuilral Dewey and QoOOIOl tltiain regard In the lltOOtlon III the I'hillppinea. Ma I ii. l fa haa heen eli-ite-l king ol Ha nio.i, to am - I Malleloa. OflUlol in loi illation to llna effi-ct lina DOOH re OOlTOd in Waalniiglon. The el. 'lion waa hcl-l without lioiihle, Ihoiigh I'a , inaaeae, who waa vice-kiiig In INti, twckeil by a aiuall lollowiug, in- dooTorod to obtain Uio oSoo, Tkooitu- all-in, according tO Hie luteal udvi.ea, ia qnioi Senator Maaon, of llllnolo, OOOOplod the attention of the aenate for nearly an hour ami a hall TOaodO, wilha ipOOOh in ""I poit of In- leaidutiou -lit. Curing that the United Stalea will never attempt to govern the pimple nt any OOUHtrf without their OOaOOnt III mam rOapOOll the a ch waa one of the moat notahln utteramea Iroin the aenate lima fai thia OMOrOOi At Knkntiio, ln-1., theie are Id train, a, in ihe llowurd county Jail alowly ala-viig to doOth- Two WOOkl ago the bobOf rOfUOtd tO woik on the atone pile, and SheiitT llarnea put Uoati in tail on a dlot ol brOOd ami water, nioatly watet, until they llgnl in. I a willingnoaa t-i work. At the OMMOl the IQOOnd week of the an it,.. the jailer reduced the hrea-l aupply to Iwo loavea a day for the entile gang. They declare they will alarve to death in Iheii cella rather Ihau haiuiuet alone. A violent gale awepl over the Kng llah channel and the caal eo.tat of (ileal Hi nam, doing loiaMOjOl -l.iin.ige. An elevator helonging to the (iooigO C. Ilagley Compauv waa l-uineil al MlnneaHilii with 100,000 bOOblbl of Wheal, the loaa being ovci f'JOO.OOO IV nipt atepa are being taken hv the adunniairalioii to aaaert Hie aupreinacy id the Cm lad Stalea in Ihe I'lulippinea ami Ma), (leneral Otll haa 0000 deaig nated aa governor geneial of the lalanda. The Keyatoue Mutual llenetit Aamvi aliou, locorwtraled in IN"., ma le an aaaigumeul at Allentonu, I'a. Mam plea of the new 1HW0 iaaue of one dollar allver oertttloatea were ihnwii at the ticaaury department in Waahington. They are printed luuu entirely new dealgnt. A delegation presented to rreaidettt McKinley two patltiOOa, one doin the great majority ol the orgainie-l I'm teat ant Chriallan -lum-hra of the World and tha other froui the I'an I'realiv lerlau alliam-e. aakiug (or inter nation al arbitration aa a auhatitute for war SITl ATION IS CRITICAL" But General Otis Has Well in Hand. A i; i mi ATTACK U UDICUIrOOl Ooaat i:.. ..ii. Boirooaod Flow ' taw- f- ' - - I ' , - . i . IIIU' Mllll AgUl- OOlaWi llairir,tMtlaa. Manila, Jan. The aitiiiillon 0010 ia undouhte-lly critical, but Major (leneral Otia iiaa it well in hand, and there ia no audi certainty ol tumble aa many believe. The re la-la are coin en tiated on the ouiaiiita of the town, an-l their leudera have iaaued atrial or der! that they ahall act only on the de (enaivit. An in wldOBt might precipitita trouble, but tha idea ol a rebel uttack upon Manila ia lldionloOO, aa the AlMriOOM OOBtfOl the )oaitiou. Auinaldo Iiaa lepuhliahcd tlm am otnl inai,i(cat-i in reply to the prnclaina tion ol tieneral Otia. which wua un called on ila Ural apa-aruiice, but it haa proved ineffectual. On Wedneaday, a falao alarm, dun trivial Ineidonti oorarfing iImoI taniMiiialy in opi-oaitc purta of the city, led to a general cull to the DoitOO hlatea foro-a. In IA miniitea the en tile city waa covered. The pmuipti tudifol the Americana, while it croolod a a:are (or the moment, effectually re ItOtad OOOftdonOt throughout Manila, and diapelleil the eicileinent due to puaaing fear on the part of the cltiMiil that an outhri-ak wna iinuiiuent. It il DOOllblO that the Filipinoa, after the diplomatic OOflforOOOOO that have b- en held between the repreaelltiitivea of (leneral Otia and Aguiuallo, have finally come to un-leratun-l that lha cautioua and conreivative adicy ol the Amor ii ana ia not dun to fear, and they Bay accept the inevitable with good grace, ll ia evident that al pr nt they are unable In oppfOOlOtO Hm full meaiiing ol the IndopondoiMM deinand- e-l, ami when they do ondorotond ita eitent, the Americun prOpOOlttoO Will he an- - ptal.le, HOUSE PASSES ONE BILL. Mrnata lilaeuaara llin OJOaottOO t aa Kaerullni, ralon. Waahington, Jan. 111. The houae I..-lay pooaod the diplomotio and mmm lir appropi iiiliou bill without un amnndinent. During thu gem-ral -la- bato two act apeechea were ma-la aguiuat i in -4-r i a 1 1 - in by Cariiiach and (lainea, ol Tenneaaee. Tin- diplomatic an-l cimatiliir bill ia Ihe hi it h of the regular nppioriat ion billa to puaa the houae. Heven budgeta vet n-inain to he a- tod npOn, The bill ua paaaed cur riea $l,TAlINi Waaliiugti-n, Jan. IA. Little buai lieaa wua (lOnOMtOd by the aenate in open aeaaion tie In v . Siitcen billa on the piivate penaion calendar were puaaed, and a joint reaolullon Oil Img Hm tbuksol oongroM to MIm clam llartoli Mil-1 other olllciala of the lied Croaa Sa-iely for their liein-lheiit woik in Annonlo ond Uobo waa adopiod, Cocktell OnlOIOd u motion to recall the lull which puaae-l yealer-lay, aulllor iling the ptOOldonl to oppolnt Kriga iller t leneral T. II. BtaOtOO u major general, an I place him on the ictircd liat with that rank. At ! o'olOOb the m n.iii H-lj lurneil. 1 , I- a I III rprll Sraal-ina. Waahington, Jan. 1(1. The anppnrt- era and OppOnOOtl ol the 00000 tieaty In the aenate ha-l their lira! ODOtfOl ovei thai doCOBOnl today in OlOUOtltO I aeaaion. While the debute tcchni-allv waa Uhiii Seuutoi llerry'a motion pi. hi. ling lot the ctinahleration in oao aeaaiun, 1 the cnl pu-ation ul iaauo 111 gOHO over to a conaideruble degree. The die- onoolnti oontlnvod Iron u few mlnutM paat I until fi, when the Nmtl ad journed f-n the )! without reaching ' a vote main the llcirv motion. TO ORGANIZE A CABINET. Uertrral llrio-hp Haa PaalOea pa llava r,iur Civil Oaaralarlaa Havana, Jan, lit. Hen. Ilnaike Inn carefully OOnoldofOd the formation ol a OOblnol ol civil u-lviaera, and haa de oldod to have four BtorotarioO the liiet of iiata ami govornnont! tliooooondol lluance, the lliinl ol jualice and pnblM illatruclion; and the fourth of agricul ture, Induotry, ooumoioo ond pobllo worka. Only proniliieul NoMontl -d the ialauda will he Invited to join the cabinet The governor geneial h aa rOOOivod lOOOptonOO Iroin two. wltOOa HOMO! are roooTTOd until all foul can he an tlOOOOOdi One ol the othei two may be a Bponlaid, though ii is proboblo Hint all four will he Cuhima. Ore-inn lalOlava win Oaoaa ' Waahington, Jan. III. Kepieaeuta tne Tongue lodaj aaw Aoilltaill Se, m. tiirv Meiklejobn and aakoil htm if the recent turn ol eveuta in Ihe I'lnlip-t-inee would mean that the Oiegon vol unteera would la- retained In thoae ialainla longer than waa originally in tended, lie waa Informed that the niithicaka Wimi! I not change Hie dcparl inenl'a plan, and thai the Hccon-I Ore gon would Ih OMl home aa toon aa le llavcd by rtgulata. I'hra Ing -Ii um l oul Korutvil. New Yuik, Jaw. 1(1. A combina tion of chewing gum inaiinf icturera of the Vnited Stalea waa pracrtically cou POMBlOtOd tolay, when the l.-tal con traita OOOOOMIfJ to amalgauial ion -vera IXOOO (ad in tint city. The capital In volved UtOMbl to ala-ul I. '',000.000. The uaval l-.-.n I mi prvnioliou wi'l recommend that lewar-la l-e given to BnoIgM II. II. Waid ami W. U Book, who actevl aa apiea duimg the war with Bpaia. Mr. Dtaaftai BaaO. Waahington, Jan. III. Hon. Nelaon Dingley, ol Maine, leader of Ihe K.--publican anle on the flmir ot the honao of Tcpieaenlattvea, dlinl here tonight at IO:SO o'clock, of hejrt failure, reault Ing from eilnuie weakueaa due to puetiuionia. n.aih Kl(Mt la aHia tiara. Havana, Jan. 14. The official re port of the mayor of Santa Clara ahowi that in I'll there were 1,414 death; 4,087 death in lSvi, and 4, Ml -leal hi In 1800, being in three yean a loaa ol 44 par cent ol tha population. OO ON THEIR MERITS. Jipgwn i.giaiiurr Of III i-.fir Coo loot 4 HWOOajlOlfOO Kllla. Halem, Or.. Jan. 14. The Drat week of Ihe legiilitive aevaion cloaca with bl bill iiitralucel and lead in the (en ate, and 184 in the bOPQp, The tMBOf poJOOd the bill to id-l two ju-lge to the inpreme court, and there ia little doubt that the 0100 000 will paaa the aenate in due time. Two notable re forma have l.een provided lor to limit the number ol committee cb-rk and to keep appiopiiat ion ol doubtful merit out of tlm general appropriation bill. A bill to correct ll e committee clerk a) ip ahuie further for future loglllo lure ia before the aenate, and ia likely to paaa both houae. The way an-l QJfgOl OOBflaOjIttOO will ropOfl OOt only a geneial appropi ialiou hill and a a-e. elal appropriation bill, hut will reluae to yoke with appropriation ol un doubted meiit thoae that are queation nhle. making the hjttOT bill atind in-divi-lually on their merit helot e the Ifgialuture and tin- governoi . WASHINGTON LAWMAKERS. Manx. Whoaa Baal la Ceateateali Aai to Ha Taken rr i Ilea. Olympia, Jan. 14. Senator Mantx todaf aakinl to he ei. mod from aerving on the committee of ekotloBI uti-l aloe 1 1 1 in -oiiteata, I ij.i-iii ii- li aa hia a-at waa to Im con teat i-I, ami that, in nil proba bility, the matter Would Irf) referred to that committee. The chair itOtod that it waa OgpoOtod that the OOBtOBt in UaBtS1 diatrict Would bo refi ire-l tu a -p-'i-inl couiinit tee. lie did not know hut that a apo dal c mittee would yet he named. Mantx wna mule chaiiuiaii of till DO in to lltee on aenaln employe other thuii regular, an-l Caul, of that unit tee, waa made chin man id H le. lion con- loot OOOJOaitlOOi Keith waa trunalcrre-l (nun the com mil leu nn llah to the com mittee on printing, exchanging pluci.-a with Bona tor itigg. Kight hundred and for ty-two citizen ol Wallu Walla potltlOBOd for an 10 OOjbljf hall in the Walla Walla elate h'i- teiituny. The reipieat wua irnnle un tin- ground of public morula,, ir it waa claimed an iixaoiuldy hull (or the inmate of the pOnitOntiorjf Would lend to improve their moral. For a Hlata Itnail. Ii the houae a bill wa iutrialuoed by MoOtO, eatahli-biug a atatn road down UM Colombia llvai from Lyle, Klicki tat county, to WaHhoiigal, (Turk coun ty, ami appropriating t'JA.OOO therefor. A QOBOIIIIonl rOOolUtlOfl relating to the wealth of WuHhingtou coal mine, and rHueating the aecretaiy of the navy to nan Waahington coal in prefer ence to Brltillt Columbia coal, ami cull ing iiaiii aaid aecretaiy nf thu navy tc, notify the legialuture if any Icilann ex lotfl why thia cannot be done, will Offend by Calvert, ami adopted. Houae bill No. 78. offered by Hid foul, who moved ita advancement to third loading ufter the title hud been ren-l. ll i un appropriation bill, cur rying il,MH) for the traBOpOrtalion of priaoliera, f.'iUO for trnnapoiting juve nile offender!, ind failO to pay travel ing ex aea of mi poi iur court ju-lgea. On n il paaaage it iecetve-1 by one neg ative vole and tit iillii illative. Senate OOBOOHOBl ri-Milution No. 3, authorizing the pun huae of a aintable Mug (or ibOOapitol, waa taki-n up and paaae.l under naK'iiion of Ihe rulea. I In- aenntu com in rent rcrolution for the pi inting and publication of ',&l)0 copiea of Ooveriiur lioger'a uieaauge waa pawed. RAILROADS TO POOL ISSUES. lienri Thai Brawl Rartheia aag Berth . i " i n hi. Have CaaabtaaB. Nob Yoik,. inn. i n. Die Timet onyo: The tnnooncemenl of the Mtt lenient ol recent dloogroettOBti between UmQiobI Not thorn and the Northern Paoifk railroadi proved to I no ol the moat Interacting itatemenli Wall atn-et hu Intely ha-l to couaidcr ami enthiiae over. In Northern I'm .in- coininou atiH'k there ia reaaon to hollow- that u pool haa bOOt) formed, including in it inein- betohlp tin- itrongeoi Bnanoleii ol Wall troot, among othoroi Iriendi of J. p. Morgan, Qovotnoi Flower an-l John D. Kickcleller. Tina pool, credited with a capacity beyond any aucl. recent combituiti-itiH, ia believed to have aa the buai for ita organization knowledge of plana which will practically Bake the Northern Pa cittc and the llalliiuore - Ohio one piopOltTi 5a me report!, probably die tnitod, have it even that N'oithcrn Pa olflc ptOpOtty would iiotuully iihnorb the II AO. Undo! any circuiiitithcea, it ia declared there will la- direct man agement ami poroonnl mpoi vtoloB ol policy by Jnmea .1. Hill. Kl like an HaaaOi llillaboro. Jan. III. While ditching on Ina heaver-lam at Karmington, live mile aoiitheaal of thia city, Oeoige RobinooB iiruck a gokJ'boarlng qoaito ledge which aaaaya I J to the ton. The ledge ia between two an-l thico feel in width. The load run north ami aouth, pitching aait. Near il are two other ledge, the rock from which ha not yet 0000 aaaayed. The ledge wa dtaoovi-re-l aeverul -lay ago, hut the mallei waa kept very ipnel until today, and the only tiouhle to U encountered it in getting water. No gold had ever before DOOB foun.l at VarokiOagton, bnt old mIboii ooBOldorod the indication there Very good. GENERAL HAGAN Mill Vehemently Denounces Gen eral Miles as a Liar. Qeaevel OtMaraat. Waahington, Jan. Id. Tha wat in veatigutitig coiiiiuiaiion tialay paael a reaolullon --muring Kagau for the language In- uae-l when he pearei to aiiawer chaigea ma-le againat the com in i-ary biam-li of the aimy bv Mile, an-l returned to turn tha carefullv pre MtBi typjOWrlttOB OtOffBOJOal which be left with the OOnaVjoBJOB after reading il to that body, It t raptirtevl thai (leneral Kg. in h.ta concluded to exclude Hie moltei complained ol. In. !-,.. out, J aad Okillaata lllrl. Mailnette, Wit., Jan. Id. Jennh Howard, a MiiabBj fflod today, prac tically of (low kOjtOteV, Kour weeki ago ahe went to me Xenomtnee ho pital, ilctr-rininisl to die, made hei will ami - -. ... , v refuel to take am medicine or allow tha phyiioau to d( anything tor her. A love affair i aid to have - an--- l the oicLle. The Kien- h have lent China an ulli malum threatening to mid au armec force from T-uigking into Sao Chuen, to leacue the oufortonale ralbei Kleoiy . coAUSK and BBUTAL UIOCASi Hm itai-T'"' Crltmii rom . x i.eoer.i BBva Hot'r flmnrU tuiiiinlarf -Oaaeral. Waahington, Jan. 14. Comroiaiary OoBOrol harle H. Kagan Haley reap pOOiOil before the wur investigation committee to amwer the ciiargn ol (jtneral MotOOfl A. Mile concerning the eooamlaBtry vappllei forolobod the army doriBg the lOOOBl war. tienerul Bogpo'i miQMonl tarotanod the oobob- tion of the war oomuiiaim'a hiatory, and wu rOgardod by old army ofllcera al one of the innat remarkahlu attack ever made in the hiatorv of the aervicc. (leneral KogBO'l itOlOOMBt to the coin Bllooloa w i H hitter pOMOBOl attack upon OoBOrol Mile, o entirely un qualified u to hcop and language that tin- wur I'ommiaaion on hearing ita con- olnolofl otdorod a btlel esooBtlvo ae- lion, oftei which the doOTl were opt , the a u ima was rooallod and bBOlnOM 1 0011 IB Oil in thu nauul way. The itlhject in controveray wua tien erul Mile' already fitiuoo "emhulmed beef" tOOtimony, and the letter ami document aupiairtihg it. (teueral Milei hud charged that the canned an-l rofliajOfOtod moot! aent to the army in Culm and Porto 111' o welOBttll for use. that tlu-V were preserved by the liae of obotnloolo, an-l that they ha-l "been laiught and sent to the aimy under pre teiiRO of un experiment." Thia reflec tion UpOB Loth the ability uml honesty ol the coin 111 la -a ry ib'purtiuent hud an geled tienerul Kagun and cnu-i hi-n to reipiest to ly recalled to reply to (leneral Mile' charge. That hi statement concerning the commanding eneral were not the result of a au IdOfl outbiiral til passion wa clearly shown by Hut fact that leneral Kagan rea l hia remark from it curefully prepared t)'-e-written copy. Not the least remarka ble phase of (itnernl Eugan'a itatement wna thu languugu in which it wui couched. There wna acarcely a phrnao that would not have been characterized na aeniutiotiul in or-liiimy official BttOr auce. tienerul Kagan, after thu hear ing win over, refused to my whetbei he had any further move in prospect in fofelBg an issue between himiell and t leneral Mile. He denied numotoiii itntemouti ol Mile, charged that the latter' testi mony constituted severe reflection! on commanding generals of the expedi tions, and referre-l to him a "Thia suuie Cummiin-ling-Oeneral Nelson A. Mile," and said "whoever culled li-ef furnished 'embalmed beef was a liar." V. II. Mile, in charge of Armour A Co.' plant, appeared for the packing house. He testified us to the ipiality ul thu canned meats mnl metho-l of in ipOOtlOB, (Joiuniiiuiry-Oem-ral Kagan, in the con ran of his testimony, culled Major UoBOtal Miles, commanding the tinny, "A liar, who lied in hii throat, lied in hi heart, lied in everv put of hia body," w ho perpetrated n gioss scandal in I who should he drummed out ol the service and imprisoned, .ml should be avoided bv everv honest man and barred from every club. He charac terize.! hia iiiletviews a "tilth." MAY MAKE MISCHIEF. Nlle-baal Kvlnre Hlgn nf eettlltg Agallial Ami-rlraits. Manila, Jn:i. 14. The situation it Ho Ho i unchanged, Tim Filipino are unceasingly active day and night. Saturday they loaded lome lighten with rock and aiik them tit the en tinnce of the river, blocking the chan nel tot all vessel with thu exception ol iBBBOhOB All light have DOOfl ex tinguished. Ordet, however, is maintained with MvOrlty, and Offendeil tiro promptly hot. On Sunday one of the Arizotta'i boat!, manned by sul-licis, wn carried on by the ebb tide to yuiiiiarc"' ialand, and while attempting to land three untied natives nsseniblc-l on the bench and com dlod the American to leliie. The Filipino refuse tohavenny deal ing with the American, regetaldei MM fruit are not obtainable, btisitu-si ll inopOndod, end the warehouse are tilled with rotting sugar. At Mnii the situation i critical, but pacification ia poibla in spite ol the unyielding attitude of the Fili pinoa. It i reported that the rebel government at Malolos is willing that the Americans ahoul-l establish n pro tectorate on the condition that thev I promioo to give the Plllpinoi tboolota Indopendenoe within a ita tod tine, It ia also said that the Filipino will de mand official recognition. KtTorts are U-ing ma le to bring alsiut another confen-nce with the lehela. The od 000 tod Filipino are aniioiia to avoid trouble, and it n hoped that the militant Filipino will rooodl bofoto wiaer OOBBMlO, In the meantime the teniion ii extreme on both sides. DoxainlqM KroUMfakl woj hangsl at Springtiel.l. Mai., fur the mut-ler f In ItOpdoBghbir, Victoria Pinkui, 16 yean of ige. on January 17, 18U7. M..r llallla-Hhlpi lor Kntlaml. ItBadoO, Jan. 14. The admiralty haa plBOOa order for two l-attle-iliipi of the tirit-claii of 14,000 tons each, at a coil of 1,000,000, with the Tkames Iron Work a) Shipbuilding Company, Ltd. VETO MESSAGES RETURNED Ooiof of Baareri I an 01 tr OToaleO Duruiiirnta lo llir Nrnala. Olympia, Waih.. Jin. 13. Imme -liately aftei the reading of the mintuei in the aenate. Lieuteinnt-Oovernor Daniel announced the Handing com mitleea. Plummer called for a committee of five to group the committee and recom mend the number of clerk. Carried. High presented a memorial from Clark county etlleri. He aiked that the memorial he refeired to the com mittee on memorial!, but that, inas much aa a aim ilur document hud l-en introduced in the houae, he did not de-sir- the atute put to the eXjieneeof printing the memorial. On motion of Yeend, W. 0, dray, of Steven county, who i oonteiting the aent of Senator C. A. Mantl, wai al lowed the privilege of the floor of the aenate. The committee on the compeniation of lenate employe! refuted aa follow: Secretary, 45; assistant ooereUtyi ..',0; sergeaiit-at-arrn, fi; assistant Mrgeaflt-Ot-armO, 44; minute, j.'iinial in I enrolling, engroaing and assiataut engroaaing, bill and docket clerks ami ateiiogrupher, 4 each; judiciary slork, I4.&0; puge. 42; all other inployOO, ioelodini iiiininittee cletks, $3.60. The Tetia-a of (iovertioi linger! on bill acted usm since the adjournment ot the last legislature wero presented, together with the iiiimei of ihe ap a lint eel of the governor. Tire confir mation of appointee waa made a spe cial order for January 20, at 11 A. M. On motion of Megler, tho vetoo were made a apetial order for January 17. The votei cover, among other, tho gen eral appropriation bill. The excep tion are; "The appropriation of $!, 600 for the Cheney normal ichool, 117,600 for tine maintenance of the Whatcom normal ichool, and (20,000 for the equipment and i in proving thu gronnda ol the laid Whatcom normal achool are heieby objected to nnd dii approved, the reason for audi disap proval being such appropriation! are opposed to u Juit public policy at tho present tllllC With theae exceptions the bill ii hereby approved." Senate bill 250 appropriated fl.715 for tho lelief of (ieorge W. Bahcock. The governor'! objection! are: "Fiom information and boliof, I consider this claim unjuit. The claimant baa hit remedy in the courts." Senate bill 104, relating to tidelanda, the chief executive considers unconsti tutional. The committee on giooping commit tees wa- named al followa: Pltimtner, U'llebire, Paul, Megler and Carper. OlOfk'l Salaries riled. The flrat buitieia ol the day in the house ufter invocation by Uev. lleuiy L. lliidger, rector ol St. John', wai iiikiu the ipcciul order involving the mloption of the committee leport ichedtiling sulnriei ol employee. Mr. Hell iw- iiibmitted an amend in I-ii t horizontitlly reducing the schedule 60 cent on euoh omployu, but allowing thu prop- "I 3 extra compeination to the -i eukei to staii-1. le 1 1 all on the proposed amendment on laluty ol chief clerk allowed the relutive itiength to stun. I about 47 to 23 in favor of lui taining the committee. Afterone more test ol itiength, the amendment waa withdrawn by Mt. Hollows, and thu committee report wui adopted. Thu speaker wai authorized, on mo tion of Smith of King, to employ a sec retary at a Hilary of t4 per day. Heal presented a petition from en gineers and steam useri ol Skagit and Bnohomilb counties for a law compell ing inspection of boileia. A resolution prevailed, offered by Guoderoon, calling upon the state land commissioner! office for informa tion concerning value of the state's granted capitol lands. The speaker ap pointed Qandonon, Miuaid and Bod ford ai inch committee. A memorial was offered by Daniels, praying for thu pensioning of Indian war roterana, APPOINTMENTS CONFIRMED. QevomOf (leer's tnlieralty llegenti HatUfaelury. Salem. Jan. 13. Qoeemar (leer sent to the senate this morning the ap pointment ol Dolph, Uean and Senator William Smith, of Utiker, ni ment- Don of the larard of regents of the state university, nnd Holt as titistoe of tho Soldiers' Hume, the same as Governor Lonl had mimed, and which were with drawn yesterday except Smith in place of Kincaid. Tho nomination ol Smith "took the wind out of the sails" ol the opposition to tho governor, as Selling expressed it, and instead of a fight all were confirmed immediately. two AdiiitiiiriHi goalleooi Upon the assembling ol tho house the committee on resolutions reported buck a resrrrrttioii providing for an ex amination of tho hooks ol the state board of school hind commissioners, with an amendment that the commit tee be allowed only one clerk, at a sal ary of 43 K-r day. The resolution was adopted as ainetn'od. After the first lending of the bill by BoaOh of Mtiltnomnh to regulate building and loan association!, Moody aske-l the consent of the house to take up nnd place on its third reading the bill providing for relief of the supreme court, and au increase ol the number of justices of the supremo court to live. The bill pulse 1 by a vote of 37 to 17. tBBtaa Aparapriatlaa BUI Banlil. Washington, Jan. 14. The senate ippropnaiions committee to-lay report ed the Indian appropriation hill. It authoiizod a limited letnrn to the con tract system ol Indian school. "'I"a Will Me Senator. Albany, N. Y.. Jan. 1 1 TlBOOBOOJ M. Upew waa unaniiu-'ual y tOaMOB ao the catnli-late of the Kepublican party lor I'tntevl statee aenaloi at a joint caucui held in the assembly chambei tonight. There wai very nearly a full attendance of mem ben of l-oth houe. lue election will be hel.t in loih houere next Tneidir. and on W.ti,. : day la-th houeei will meet bj joint ee lion to declare the remit I Corneliu McUanney and ten borwe ' were burnevl to death iu e Are which , deitroyed o itohle io New York. I run in eBeratoe Ban. Rome. Jan. 13. The Marqoli di Meilici has ptBfJBIBd for the govern, ment hii plans of a project to make Home a 100 port, He estimate! the eot at 112,000,000. Medici is one ol the wealthiest men in Italv, and is prominent as an engineer. He has al ready executed gigantic works regulat ing the flow of the river Tiber at a coat of over 4ti0.000.000, and con strocted a number ol railroadi and other feata of engineering. Hall a Town lleslrayarl. Halifax. N. S., Jan. 14. -Fire to day detrored hall of Bridgewater, a IMpllOBB ihipping and mill town on La Have river, entailing a loss of 250.000. Ol 58 .toree on Main street only two remain. Sereuty building! were burned. nill ror Parlflc Coast Taller. Waahington. Jan. " TlBOtBB Per kini of lal.fornia, today intrcaluced . bill for the comtruction of a revtnne ' " " A NATION'S POWER Senator Foraker to the Fore in a Notable Speech. IKIl'SE PASSKS ALASKA LICKN'SE Oavaral Heaalors Wariiilr lilsruss r. rlous BealOllaOI llelallng to Uur foalllun In the riillliilne. Washington, Jan. 18. A climax wai reucho.1 tialay in the debate on tha question of eipanaion which i in !,,-. rea in the senate. Heretofore all of the apeechea, with the notable ex. op. lion of that of Halt of Concoct itcut, have been In opposition to what i pre mined to be the poliey of the admlnia. tration with rect to the acquisition of the Philippine!. To-lay Porakor of Ohio, aihlrcHied the senate in opiaiaitmu to the declaration of the Veal rea., in tion, that the United States line m, conatitutional powei to acquire foreign territory to be in. untamed as OolOBioo, While much of hii speech wua devoted to a constitutional argument iu support of the right of this country as a nation to acquire and govern outlyiug terri tory, ho guru particular attention to the iilterutice tlmp- have heen made in oootiavontlon ol that poiliion, and IbON of Vest and Hoar. Koraker has a clear, direct and forceful itylo of oratoiy, which comm. m l- uttetit ion, not only by reason of the tOOOgnloed ability of thu man, hut ulo by hi im petuosity and power as a speaker, lie is at his hot in a running tire of de-hat-, and tho frequency of interruption today affoi-leil him ample opportunity to o'uoidate hia argument to the heat advantage. He laid down the hroud proHisilion that to adopt the Veil reso lution was to declare that our lathera had brought forth a nation that was Infll lor to all othoi nations, regurdleaa of the generally accepted idea that onus nation wui the eqtiul of another ami ull ...... ..II.. ...ul ... I...1 I1 liluiiitniiio.l f-lll-lllj - - . that the right of nationality, and that aa we have the right to make wur an-l to entei into treaty agreements, it fol lowa lOgicalW that we have the jaiwer to acquire teriitory by oonqueat and to assume responsibilitiei that muy ac crue therefrom. Foruker'i itrong 10 aertiou that the acquisition ol the Phil ippines wns tempotury in oliarui-tor created a aensatiuii in the chain her. Ho maintained, however, that we have a legal right to hold the isluuda per manently. Prior to tho iieech by Koraker a shaip debute was piecipitated by Allen of Nebraska by some remark! he made upon a resolution he had intro duced. Hoar of Massachusetts and Uray ol Delaware were drawn into it. Vice-Pieaidetit llohait presided over the senate to-lay for the tint time since the holiday recess, having been de tained ut hia home by un attack ol the grip. A bill authorizing Lieutenant-(Vd-onel V'ifquian, ol the Thinl Nebraska, to accept frum the empoior of China the decoration of the Order of the Double Drugon for distinguished serv ice rendered, was passed. In the House. Washington, Jan. 18. Tho house today completed ami passed the bill fur the codilicution of the criminal law! of Alaska, upon which it has been working inteimitteutly for a week. An amendment was adopted providing a high license system iu tho territory, with a species of local option. Liquor dealers, by its provisions, are to pay a license of f 1,000 a year, and tlie con sent of a majority of the white citi zens residing within two miles of a liquor dealer's establishment must be obtained before a liooeBM can be se cured. An attempt to recommit the bill for tho purpose of securing the adoption of ii provision excluding con victs from service on juites was de feated. AMERICAN SPACE INADEQUATE. Parli Baaoollloa Bahlkli Must Be Care fuiir OoadeaaeBi Boston, Jan. It, Ferdinand IV. Peck, United States commissioner-general to tho Pari exposition, in hi) speech ut thu Algonquin Club huuqiict, said: "Although wo have lUOOodod in ob Lluiiiiiig our fair proportion of exhibit space for the Americun leotion, yet our allotment is grossly inadequate, and those intrusted with tho responsi bility must make a constant Ittoggbl in the direction of careful selection ami extreme condensation, and out of the demands for space which in the aggre gate tie already beyond that at 001 oommand, wo mint retain only the ex hibits that are the best "This is a period of national expan sion. In tho recent Btrtfo with n toi eign power wo have successfully fought for humanity. Tho booming of the guns of Admiral Dewey at Manila has thundered aiound tho earth, and awakened ull civilisation to the fact that the American republic now reechel across the globe, and the nation ol tBO new centtttv is rising on this side ol the Atlantic. Therefore tho appinach- ing pence festival iu Franco is m-Ht opportune, enabling, as it will. OUf manufactuier8 and producers to placl the resources and ware of our nation before tho 6,000,000 visitor!." Fruit Trees llamaf-ed. Waslionirnl Wash Jan. 13. A m , , lioavy (till of plett ivoarreti Uw v,fi l'n. .iv mill atill grower! state that a great deal ol daM' age will result to Irtiit trees is thia lo cal i'y. Savannah, (ia .Ian 13 The Unit' isl States transport Michigan left I '-T for MaUnaeo. with the Eighth Man" chusett infantry on board. The Iran port Panama arrived today froui a vana. Washington, Jan. 18. Consul -(leneral de Leon, at Guayaqiiill, leportl 10 the state department that a reei treaty ia proposed between Km - ' an-l Chile, and haa already OB tied by Eucador. lie sayi that the treaty ia (amiable to Chile in nu" T reepect, in some wayi at the coat of the I'nited Statee commerce, an-l I"1"' eipally in the direction of flout. IbjooBI and other Califorutoa prclncts. Chewelah, Waih.. Jan. 13 A T' Dobbim wa itrock bv a passei gcr train here t.alay and killed. Bt a brother in Seattle