The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 21, 1899, Image 10

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SllWlatliift Utt lood ntvl Ht V1 iii
ggj the SlouaiJb undDowls of
ncw nrwl Hest.Conuiins nrithtr
Oprutn .'Morphine nor fefKHU.
For Infants nnrl Children.
Jm.fl,. SmJ
... I
JMarV '"
lion. Sum i
..r( nti-ili).i
Tae Simile SiiiaMPj tt
Kind Ycu Have
Always Bought
Boars the
cxact copy or wrapplh.
You Have
Always Bought.
A Swi-- review .eak with ad
' intral Mir of the iMt that the I liM
it. ' nuhli' lv and privoeiy out
iribvlo i i v- tune a much
' nually for pvblifl horary purpose
a any niter nation in the orl I.
ami s prods nearly a much
n ia.ll v far tdw ttioOtl pVrpOMI
c) BogUad, Fram e and Uf n
cumin m-d." Tie example- ( MM
c Minify im helping education .in
oitei ' t tM itf ili' world.
Tlii- iMdtlslON bM rilinvwl
HaitooBMb Bouotjr o( grett
burden by aixiliniiiiix the fee
system ami placing the oflic" ul
ili-trict attorney i a Hilary. Under
ti.H fee system c im were multiplied the office 0 !
Um nunty IMjOUO a yeir. Homb
forth it will com 93,000 year. ThO
'I . legr,. m Ijcml tbo new a- the
p n Mighty Graft. "
Itf little tlx-mm'tia oM el't hvl Ptima.
Wo. nod all"l rti ... .l" t rw sept
C '.im worn:. 1 u- 1 1" rii tr li nula up,
ad i lrr4 her, bail i laaroataal dam
I roul'l not aoll brti lie wmil.l au k ar.d
n ream. ami. w I. n : ' ' ""M I'1'
hi-r U' ami siiio .1 ' ' I
Imaraof Ci-ri imh ' ! 1 ' '
cmeoaa H"Ai', w.i htm ttwuM
rarr.l krrt arj.l I 1 1
Feb I,"ja. Mr.'. COXI tl I. -' "n, V. II.
riir.f Crai Tar.
.... aor. tf.tUin-
aM niM.i
MIMmeakaaiiS- I
Co.... Frapt . awlon
.f H'lWi'rtl.i.lHfi TV
c, I t a. u.blwHt
li. April ihe .Spanish called nti
Ann rlcan a "pig" and in I) mlw-r
".in npi-tart :oniueror.'' The
epithet are not polite, hut they
give a glimpse of hint ry.
California in having her usuil
senatorial auction i le Charges of
Corrupt une of money are fre-ly
tllitde a fiut the ilatelioUie.
Ill 1 1 irriM: PBODI W,
get rid of tho horw. They appear
to bt kbit (O ttltvd more privation
A Manila BOfftipoiMMBt ol the than more valuthle atock, and
Alhany DmBOOMI bM tbll rfrd- while aome will perinh thia winter,
ing our ww poNtaiiM on llm there will tie a great number left to
Aaiatlc nhon o( lli un it I'aciflo: vex cattle owner'. There are, of
"The chief pro lin t ol the e inland , roiirae, nome bOTMM M the range
ia hemp, from whi h all of lbtbM are valuable, hut they are
Manila ia made, next is tobaa looked afn r carefully.
CO. lliere lire OVIT J'"),'""! llUH
uneil daily in Manila. Mot every
body um ikea here. I eend you u
box of KO'ne of the dillerent ciiira
iiianufacturel here. You can buy
cigam here frotn 1c to To Aim I 1 tn
moniy. You can net the U'nt uruh
lor 7c. which would uoct '.'' ctn in
Alhany. Kach factory MBployi
not Icb than I'HM) men, women, and
children, tine of the l.n limular
factoriea employ '.'MK).
"Hlce ia the i.ext product.
When we entered the city all of the
cliurchea were ntucked lull of rice,
where Ihey htd hurried it in to
live on. Sugar MUM i aDOtll next,
then hananu.i, lutive orange. pMV
nut, cocoanut, hiellenul, BMI -in
fact all kindi of tropical fruit.
Aa to wheal I don'i know wbtihw
they ruie any or not. It ia re
ported that Ihey rul e u little back
in the mountain valley, hut have
not een unv fur. I hey raii it
kinttol hurley, but it i not a kind
that grow in the I' nited Slnlci."
'I lie Hi , i n - at HtlVar
Denver, t'l-lo, Jan I" - W J Itf) an
anil wlfx arrivtil In DfUVW veli riUy
UinniliiK at II u'eloek. A puMM re.
reptliui wa kIviii liryan by Hut
BiBMtalliC UMbJM 'I In- reimtimlfi n(
tbt day ffH Klven over to a'K'lal fillie-
tioMto boDorof Hie rUllort, itiyau
vlnllatlie leKlalalure loilsy.
LtM county laal year pMdMtg
M7000 DNBM Of bwtMf, aceonlhiK to
yeaterilitya'H (lieKonlan.
tuny lira.
Jan B, tfO.
OatMbool i prog main nicely.
HA Carter went In EugtM -ler-day.
There la no Hon I IffilM m tbll lit -iii'inliy.
Mia Mable lllfgard i- U m blng II
Kali OmtkMbool
.1 M t'nx retiirtnil (ruin a week vilt
Willi liii iid and reUlive at OmdM
and BOfMM Mnmlay.
Mkw Irto Vaugbn ofWalMifllM
altemlmi; arbool here
B 0 Kdwarda rVNBMd work mi Ida
IuKKIUk in-." u l Moiiilm .
IfnRaloM bM batrj vlUlng
MMtVM li 1 frli-o l il rjirlnlh-ld
'fMnrOMl I ' ma yeal. nlav.
Our Lltrrary Boetety li progrMalog
nicely. A' l lie reuulur eleetlini Maltir
day iiIrIiI IbaMiOWlOg iitllcera ueie
eleeleil. .1 K Matteaon, prealdent; M
B Bdwarda vIm praa; Acne M itM
oo, aocratary : Brnott Hylaml, irea
urer; li I. Kilwaril, wargiant at
irnUi The umUod for dioratiloo nixi
halunlry la K'ao viil that capital
paotobmrDl -uid bttboltohdi
H.tN.iiiilli B l ' 1 UgWtH
W. .auilhai(iil all I kOOfkn I atll 1m
hi Hiirr.ahur lanl - i iy ulgW
j. J j Ibid ofitmrt Bftla wmy, m
he bad oa hi potoM) and por t" 11
In note ami c. rlillcal f ' "
II.. I.h.1 hwafl nlielidllnr Ihe WoOflmn
Ma-eat thai pl.u-eailll Weul It' nel lila
l.i.iu. uhr'i Hie a-aa.lli leni eil U' nf
h dark alli-y and ntruek MM dOO D D.
waa um.onaclnu about H alMMf
When found bU veal wa lorn of! of
him aa a iilao hi it, ao l litfl pOOfc"
Hi lurneil liiMlde out. Jut nem-a the
street kBOBbOr IMf POOpbj '" ID
iffleeuf Hie hotel, allowing ihe (le
parol loo of hi OMailool, Mr
well la now able to In- up and I at
In hOMOMaf Hul-ey nut I atill uf
frrlng (' Hie i llecti of the blow,
wlinli wa j'lat alaiv the kit ear.
Mr i'well handba eoiialderable
money In purchasing callle, bav, e'e,
Md wa ipille lucky In not Daring
more money In Ilia i nektt. One Jone
wa arretted for the crime Friday, but
we have not learmd the oulcniiie of
the trial.
llo 1 10, the econd city ol the
Philippine inland, now in the
homU of the insurgent, i situated
on the island ol I'anay, sOOMOl ISO
mile southeast nf Manila. Ailunial
lowey and Qooctal OUl are Noda
ing a (MM thcic to OOBMl the ln
urgent to reivgu.e the authnrity
of the Uuiled M.iti
I'anay ha an area ul 4900 K)!! ire
uiiloH. There i no calunate to ihe
initnher ot inhabitant on which
ilependence can l.e placed, hut they
may exceed hall a million. Supir
ia Ihe main indulry. The bullDMI
interest of llo ilo arc almost en
tirely in the hand- ol lingli-li
bILAVB BUi obm.
lion Tho PaulaMt preidenl of
tin- Oregon Dairy Aociatiou, best
l.ited a long tune MfON he put in
silo. Mi butter i used fatidi
mi priv tie oOttOOMN in Poftlftod
and he feared that the use ot silage
might poibly e ui-e u change in
the ll ivor ol his butt) r which would
not he im i with fav u . I il cum
mer, however, h" elected ilo and
tilled it with corn of which be had
rvrjriifgf ynid. TImum of tin
ailagehit Is-en o satiafactnry in
every way that he will next year
double the acreage of III corn Held
and erect another silo.
Douglas county ha ten oilers
to buy the poor farm, kbt purcham i
to furnish county wood and keep
the pauper at agreed prices. Sev
eral ol the idler ure so close
together, condition not being ex
actly alike, that the Imard is hav
ing a hard lime to determine the
awarl. The bldl run (rotn f 'J.MI to
$;! iHi srcik apiece. The pour farm
under management of the county
wa not it Mice linancl illy. All
counties that have tried to operate
mor larm hive the same ex
ptTMnMi (icneral Andrew, the lire warden
ot Ittonwotai ot 111 ftUontlon to one
of the evils resulting troiu the
waste of 001 forest lands. The
Uolttd BmIm i InptttltBf
and lumbal to the am unit of Ul,
CHX.tvtH, and exporting hg and
kambor to tbt amount ol ISbOOO,"
tHlU, only ah ut fJ,iMi.i,iU i more
thin t'.inad.i. KrtOM and i.r at
Brltalo laltyOtl ImporMd lumber
t ) the amount of 1140,000,000, of
which the I nited Still h furoihtd
I 1899
Fitted with Special Heavy Tread G & J Tires
Lead the World
New '99 Popular Lisl Prices $40 $30 $25 -$2Q
BfATI FOWIraV SHOW -Hie meet
log that cloud at Albany Halunluy
veiling wa a aueti-aaful ull'ulr. 'Ihe
morlpii were 4tt.M dMbOntnioflU,
1808 grj Tbo next mcotlng ol the
HMKialloii will again lie held Ml
AltMOy. The nltlcera eleeleil were: It
o Robmsoo, prwtdaotj D O Wood
rortb, vIm proaldtolj Frank Btnwloki
aecietary; A W BbkekbOm, treaurer;
CBBbOdd.J W Houck. Am Hart. U
D Mulkey uud Ow MoKolgbt were
elided member of the executive com
mittee t" wrve Willi I b oBtOCl The
aelee'lon of JudgO RW Ihe n-xt alow
wna lefl In Ihe exi eutive BOmmltMv.
tnrftOBM BtdOTOO - Ge"rg" K
Itotter. dOfBty head OOOMl, organl.eil
a camp of WooUllien nf the World,
with :i charter member at t'riwell
Friday olgbt About 40 Woodman
from nelbi'iiring camp wen profi t
lo ait in the work .if organization.
The following i Itlcer were IktOtod ami
InatMlltd: Consul. W I. Ilii-lnw; a'l
viaor, J N BtlBtOO; cltrk O W
Wallaee; tmnkir J M Volkman;
(-coil, H Kelaay ; walebman, It K
BooUj K'lilry, K K D. rahain ; maiiagera,
Dr He.iibiiruugh, l( D llawle. and It
B Pomooo.
ing of too tax pay on of nod district
N 1 19, whivh Hi west of Irvli'g, was
belli the oiher day lo express a choice
fot supervisor, ainl n-coinninnl. il
HoUrt Field to Ihe OOOMBavMBI r
eonrt. About It') voter resble in the
ili-lnct. ami of I lit se L'il slgneil the Call,
anil 111 BtMBdod Ihe llieelillg. A J
iniMalt wn eliNiriiiHli, ami I In"
FrtebH Mentary, A motkm favoring
the ! ciioii of lunsrvisori by a vote of
the dlstrlc'. waseairiid by a
mmi vole.
Fred T. fllerpill Cycle Co.
105. 107, 109, 111 Sixth St . Port and, Ore.
: AQBBTfl !
Eugene. Oregon.
anil (icrinan linn. lxiHirl ol
si-gar exceed Hioh ol Manila, and but ; small part.
the whole town smells ut it.
The town lies close to the sea
shore, hut is reached by uieam ol a
sluggish creek, which has I ecu
dredged out UDvll it Will admit the
island iteauicrs. Large vi-il
must lie in the channel otlUldo,
wliere there i- good anchorsge. The
channel hetivien I'anay and the
next island is tiv, to eight miles
wine, jio no is mint ou u'w ' out 0f i,
ground, much of which ta mini ( w, imniill, Wg,Mto is practi
awamp laud. It is not an altrac- u. coiitrolhd by that official. A
Junction City : Milling Company
1V I AM I R. '
II mil Watkb The warm rain
have raiel th- liver bank-MI. Tile
guage al not n unlay ngtottrrd II feet
above low water mark, it full oft)
Inehe from the highest point early
Ibis morning. The above measure
ment make an allowance lor Is inches
that the bottom i f the glUM slim. Is
above low wait r
BuaiNias Obxkoo. J H swt ha
pUrebased the l!ugene Feeil aid from
Messsr Uiitati A Itussard, and will
continue Ihe business at Ihe pKMBl
Tho must popular
loiulin; grooen.
the market. Sold by .ill
nl SolOB JoQrOal i after the
legislature with a sharp stick for
not performing it dulie in regard
to the state treasury. ll charges
that hundred of thousands ol
puhlio .uouey have laid idly in the
treasury, at least report soshowed,
while the state has paid large sum
for inteiest on unpai 1 warrants
There is i much nonev to be made
office of stale treasurer
live place
Newspaper report.- Ironi Um range
change i needed.
ccirdmg to two advertising et
tn rt iUotcd by Printers Ink, !
DBOel two million dollars are ex-
nAll.lasI ill a.l r I .,1 o .. I...
districts of Kastem Oregon sav thai , , ,
" 'tlin twentv New V .ok .le oa r I man I
great uumlier of rune,, dorses will ,V.,-
jierishthi winter for lack of h i,
Tneae low-grade range boraoi liave
teen a nuisanoe for a long time. A
good many have found their way lo
the Linnton cannery, hut thousands
remain and eat up grass which
would otherwise be le tier usod by
ctttle or aboep. It does not appi r
to be an eaay matter, however,
You car buy a 3-piece Bedroom Set of Day &
Henderson, with 20x24 glass , .'. ..
Corner 7th and Willamette Streets
$13 $13
Don't Forget
J. fl. Howe
TUBBDA) j.N 17
Commissions Suinkh-(lev T T
tleer ailieil coiumlasioiis for hi recent
appointees of Hie Stale I'nivi rsity of
Uiegon, ami trustee for Ihe Soldiers'
llouie, who wire oppiOTed by the
senate immediately after their nomi
nal Ion by the governor 'Ihe gentle
men so commissioned are: t'nlverslty
regents Hon C A Dolpb, of fortlaOd,
teioocaod Heorj Failing, deoiaiad, to
serve for Ihe MnBODdlOg April IS, 1908,
iton R B Baoo , of Bo ram i to mooted
Hon A HiihIi, fur the term expiring
April IS, P.tOS Hon Win Smith, of
linker City, to succeed Hon A Q
llovey, ibctased, of BogOOO, tor the
larm eodlug A iril IS, lIKIS. Soldiers'
Hoiut Bon s 11 Holt, of Jaokton
county, to succeed John F Koberlson,
for the term exiiring February 13,
A -Counts Judta Potter and
! a Jury, consisting of W P On shire,
; Hmry Kompp, O A McUabao, A J
' Chapinan S It Jackson and E Tur-
pi-iilng, are hearing aclvll suit wherein I
I, Simons is plaiulilt and V o Kan
, dOlpb A Co and O V Salomon, defeii- !
I daOla, The matter is the outcome of I
I tbo trail drying arrangement last fall.
L Bllyi n appeal for tbi pkxlotlfl, and I
A V WiHidcock for one deleudsnt.
Salomon. The plaintilt a-ks for a
judgmial in tbo ram of $187. It
Want to Pav Taxes-Kviii this
early iu.uiries are made at the .-heritrs I
j otnVe regarding the time when pay-1
inent of taxes can be mad-. As u mat-
j Mr of M formation It might be ortUn
state that Ihe '.HHki will t turned
over to the on or about .March 1
and ihat taxes ill ta- 1'ue and payable
after that date
s i
All TSiaf V;
CT uri
No soap. Dofoda, bo borax, w '",",i;lrnoth: 3
inir but water is neerlel t make things white and 0
briL'ht aud bcautiiully clean with
i, , j. mmiii aai
It cleans everything quickly,
Sold every-
. 1.'. .. J - - .
wliere. Largest package greatest 1
TIIK !. it. raiRBABK COaVAITfl
i-han. Ltulfc NawYorS. 11-teB. IMMMfM
,i..jjr a few quoii o i avid 701 a riJ treatment free,
it iron. The quisiiont aro aslttf, as no two question
cro ah, and the iraa:mett mutt oe prepared spt
atmllm i wnacial treatment mill be prepared fa
- . m ' Z ....
tou frje. If you suiter from nervous ueoii tt
' u- u 1 ' U l,y KmttmmUmm Ul.
nlJlT L03SO5, tOJt muniivvu, kr'ij4iiiiij, mm
ancholy, Duty spells, opois aerore'th
Eyes, Sleeplessness, you ougnt 10 yet
special treatment, no patent mt,
cine, but a caretuuy prepaid
treatment, tverymancan ha
a trial treatment trie. Thou
7 v 'I X
1 ab. JaVW aw Saw
V "aW VMW jsW X
"V .daaaaV
Ha tl v X.
Where? how long?
0 or hav i sains ?
W.'isre 9 Ho long?
n. isjni? Horn often?
Dj your eyos blur ? When ?
: sljepatnght? How long?
Irj you constipated? tlmta auastions and a special
'rial treatment will be prepared and tent
to you by mail free. You take no chances-
sands have been curec
and they write in bite
and white saying H
and get a tr.i
...1. ...... .... ..... 1 '
roraii,iuiiuei-iie.ons..iiliuNiifcu.-' ' ' 1
I h Lyons Iwtmi nation!
rha aeroonl pablbbod ly Sunday's
.... i j . i , ju u -J c Lyooai
merchant of Lyons, was murdered
In the room back ol his store, atut !
o'clock last night, havlug beat) shot,
tbroob a whdow by an unknown
a- -111 from the outside The weapon
Usui wa- a shot gun loaded with:
mixed lb it. Tne charge entered Ihe.
barkofllieii. el; and some of the shot
pi - d through 'uud came out enter
Ibaehin. The vleiim lived about an
hour after being shot and was conscious !
to the hist, but did not make any state
ment that glveii a clue to the identity
of the 111 ir.lerci .Mr Lyons was pre
paimg to retire and was alone In the
room at the time, hi sou, aged IU,
having already gone lo bed In an upper
mom. Tho murdered man bai been
respected cltlxen of Lyons for more'
tl n LM years.
I'h" coroner's jury found 1 he deceased
came lo his death ul the hands ol
some pernm unknown In the jury.
Tb'' introduction of new lighting
apparatus is causing quite a stir among
the conservative fire Insurance com.
patties The Insurance Monitor stales
thai President FMwaid Alkitison of
the BooMfl Manufacturers' Mutual
Fire Insurance Company hi issued
Ihe following caution:
"Too purpose of (his caution Is to
call Upon null and all nfour members
not to make use either ot carbide of
calcium or ofacelyleue ga without
full advlaemeol and consultation at
the lima the propositi applies ion 1 to
be made. It may happen that the
u-e of thete material are safe. At
present they are not dinned so. I'heie
fore the in trod action of either without
the consent of the underwriters would
make an alteration in the condition of
ihe risk nut contemplated in the origi
nal contract."
ANOTHIS tin ll K.-Representative
Young ol Astoria, has introduced a bill
in the house for the election of prose
l ining attorney In 1 adi county In the
state, dt log away with the present
district attorney, and dellning the
diiiiis and eompenaaUoo oftboomoui
0 oreatcd. Tbo bllt pravUko too hi
giving advice to county courts aud
im nmissio cr and atteiidinir to all
legal matter for the counly. HI
salary In Lane county I fixed at $I,ncu
lie may appoint a deputy. ill term
if ofllee shall be four years. The law
lo g InMefltet July 1, 1801.
,ir, pcrmaimur a:,
LuaS at Uruin rvwrt
.oiiy. ni. inir :
11S dlaaaaea oauard by
pa. U I nrrv tanio
nrf ami ptor p
1 r rVJ. II y Diallo.ra
rlla u.fraa
Hh ts-ttmiiDlala ana
,.:,r,! I- ,.
' rpl,lbl4
LAN '. I'reSKltts.
Try a
Sc Cigar
Julius tinsmith's
A I Popular Lraliil
Of l igar for sale.
Eugene and Junction-
Motfs Nerverine i
Tht grcit
remedy for
ntrvoui pro
t ra t lo n and
all ncrvou'
iJiicaKsof the
ronerative or-
' ' ' ' . ;,r. of Clth, r
-x, mch is Nervous Prostration, Failing 1 r
I st M.inh.xrl, Impotcncy, Nightly Enns
'on, Youthful Errors, Mental worry, cx-
: . u ol TobaCOO or Opium, whii'i
... 1 to Gsisumption and Inunity. $1.1 )
HI box by mil': e boxes for 55.00.
Ml 1 1 IMEalCAL CO., Prop s. Clueland, Wa
For sale by Wilkin A Linn
I aa .B.i
Look Here farmers!
Bring jour Hides and
Skins to our tannery.
For all No. 1 green hides will
pay you 4 to 41 00011 a pound;
for N'o 1 dry hide 10 ceuU a
pound; PorNo9 according to
ipiality, 4 to s ivuts.
Now don't forget these prices
are paid in CASH at
The W illamette Tanner)
Haines &. Co-
Tin r M-nmn Wvaknro. IrrffB
Ihi it n 11I miiissluno.llirrt .i-1 t I ft
niiil TtKtllatl " altl0 of Nvfl
1 1 ' H.BJ I.I4V istirr
tovMpBtl wiiin nhiKxI. al l - dr--
loprni ni ..f ttrirnri nil t" 1 a
bt n r. inch fur wiim n . 1,1
tin m t'tstirtol do humt-li'
B1 MT '
u iiiiiii iii i uriiu ji
or cale ly VilkinnV ritin.
Just a Cough
Thu n iU ury .
At fi-st, a slignt cuugh.
At last, a hemerrhagc.
At first, aUT to euro.
At last, extremely difficult
SPr Willlama'lniliuiil'ia)
Oiiiinioiit will run II l.
Illeiiliuir ami ll
I'll. s. It absorl s the '
alluya tho iu-biiii:at
as u Deultiia1. iMveS liislani nS
Hat I)r. Williams' Inillan V Hi 1 ' '
mem U i reran . I tor IrVe-a'
Ing el the private rarts. Kverv i II iiy iiriH-iriis. ry 11: :i i
csint i,( pri. e .Ml iinta aii.l ll.iai. VUILL '
For sale by Wilkins & Liuu.
-a. I
MEN ! be cu;
a is
If you suiter fr m onv . t '
ills of men, come lo IM
Speciali.t on the Pjciiic C
1051 MarMSt. Eat tl IBi.
YniuiK men .m. ! mlit'H
stoi.M. Jt ttus represent live lier
if nt ol UM boil 0001 dOBt) that bus
inesi must igJIOgaM lortr million
dollars a vear.
Will lako your BiBtBure and LiBVt
niitilo in oidw suits firom ifl.'t lo
188. Panti (Von fl to $ti.
OVfT 1000 sainplos to ohoOM
from. Fit guaruntcol or no salo.
Pi lit li l..Mi.s-Lne eounlv baa
itHO.I'.'l aires ot uoappmpilated and
aaiaaartrad Ntrtayod aiut paaii n i
OiBfadl, H acrsareservnt: I,.
IT7,sl acres pproprlateil, IbottVall
In BOUntj arsita to 'J.SS6.510 acrrs.
See samples at Starr & Aya
'liicken fanciers ire n'uch elated
t the hi .ci r of the In. i ul try
Assoeia' io.i iiM'ting at Alhu y
Kc.eiiiU am untod lo f i:'..' iib
loidisbunavnieiils of I88&.
To Our Customers and Friends;
in I ah, ii mii n. J mwti ta out !ia. njjepsir OVtllM the Paiai au.l Mall ewr wan.
M.vKKiAtiK LliKSSK A unr: iae
lie!!- was issued t.nlav by Coiintv
t'hrk Ia to Karneat Purva-.cs, i.'
ytars and Nslll K l urrln, jers
KrprsaeaMUta Young has pmnted
a bill No 134 aiueuding section H3i
of the code so as to make ths term of
oflliM of tbt county aMravor four year ,
iuatead .
qurklT coaaasrs year ktcUageoaga.
o .u "ioi ars-'ai ins cur Bow.
Kur ,...r half a century Avar's
I'hemr W-ri. n Km kii
.. ai.l ; re. stisg , -.
suaiptioc. Two m : $1.00 ; We.
ai.-t aa a4 Pe. ..r CSsrr. rviw.l
i .,ir ,T Bj, ii J .....
Vtrl'a the t'nc'os,
lf. ' ; air.l ahit. rrr.
AT I i
n,...f, ,
from the r'TVcts . i v
pSSSJI in m.o irrr ve.irs, Nrrv .iti an.i I'r
ll. i. Illi. I,,,,,, iihi, ,... nnnl 1
jnaJlit,. aiii-riiialtrrlii''i
I i ...1..1..1 , i,.. , wlrrl i
Irrqurarr nr frla i.eie. I
nDtnauen .a rr ni.le, uf greai citriiof 1 '
the ll..!. h., mmntfft.1 K. lo
that ll a ill H onlv aff.aj inaMiitale rfl"'
PsrauaaM cur. The iHxteieilimr.. 1 1
perform mincles, hut is wall-known SO ba a I i
ma vj.i ic iVn-.K-un and sure- ' I "-
llariiae of Ylrn.
s" I'lOl , in..'
I I I III l I a. ...
CMVW . or '. mtt alal..n nf Llaanaanl ill '
He ari.'li.u.iraalrrn It'SlrlX i 'I
feeTI f"e we aailerlate, or llt'l ut
I loo., on Dnllnr.
v.,..,iti I KEK ami artetrf t o ' '
rIHK:m VEKr KEASOSAlli r- T"
Wienl natv-nallr or hv Intfr. Srr.' f r
"The,h ir Mnrn i.
o. I t !... k f.r mfn.l
TIwit nti jnaniva
Oroat l iisoiini at A.natouo
tit hDcat MM Urcra Muarumof it. ki.. A
world. C. om asal laam law "'
are Madj Sjow la aaoil .i.kv.i kaat '
ara rmiliauallv lLIIu n, V
iT4ioirM rxk&. caJtse
1041 Markr. !trrl SasFrin.-