T H B KlvENE I II V UIAHI,. 1899! 0 AND STILL DOING BUSINESS HT1IUIIII HIR TIIK l)l.R1H,TIII flKOFIIirmTir PBIiriPLES. Ill TO KIRK i IIIIITVITIKt HT TIIKSWK1T OP OI K HRll-i BiUliENL, OR., SATURDAY, JANUARY ll. 1899 NO 2 KINKAID REPLIES IN Dry Goods Clothing Gents' Furnishings For rrices ' We meet all Competition mm EUGENE GUARD. CAMPBELL BROS.. Publishers OrHOi East side"! Willamette titreet.be. Ursen Stiviilli ami Kij;litli streets TUBUS Of SUSSCHIPTION. OssYsar Su M.tlu 100 BmHaaii so ifartWlf rales ma le known on application AAlnss ll Mien letUn to TM G UA B 1 , Eajnw, OtJ. .1 SLl'CKKY, .Mi IN i ... V. .' , ( li.uli", .lew in. Etc MnariM promptly done. STAJl Mfk warranted. 1 f-7 SPRINGFIELD SAW MILL f W BR iVN, M. I. PHY8IU1AN ,NI S.UUUKON. N Upstairs in ChHsrasa Block. sTH in I) to Ham: 12 to 2, C to f p m. C WOODCOCK, AITHKNKY-ATLAW. 'i ill block auutli of Chriaman 1 , Kl OENK, Oreoon. Sari j vii t. in T ALTON MAKKLEY N I MAIlKl.tT ATTOliNEYS AT LAW 31ctiw in all the court of the Btate. Mw-I V.ik n Block. Ln El'iiENS, ORIOOlf. LWH1T80N, DENTIST. I - : n : llio oIKee anil fixtures of to latt daceued W V Henderson, I am wprtparf.l t . il anything In the line of lnlBtry in i nbove said office. Wnn.l bri Iga work a specialty. E C LAKE. 6HANITE AND MABBLI WOUKS- '! WjM am', new Prices in' Foreign and jJjeMarU.' anil (iranite, Monu manta ; "tooaa and i . luetery work of all kinds hMKathkrinh l SCHLEEE, m d iol Wi,. and Children "Massage and Iflactoli ity. -Shton Bloc. ..ppoalto Cuar.1 office FIRST NATIONAL BAHK Of E ugene. Paid up Cash Capital. $50,000 and Profits, $50,000 Eugene, Oregon. A ,;KN' 1 ' ' U. INKING BUSINESS Wun.7-"n r-Mnahle terma. diiiht CM a Use fm Same. miii in. f. is. li Caparil)'. Dans Quar.1 Jan M The Bpringfll M sawmill, after sev eral yearn of Idleness, ill MOD resume openttloos. H A Hkeels, of Kingston, Msbo, has secured it lease on the pla I to lake effect March 1st. MrSkeels is an ex perienced mill man, and Will Oo duet the plant along modem lines. Yesterday N A Skeels, son of the lessee, arrived here and will start iu a lew days for the upper Willamette and Kali Creek sections to make log ging contracts. Iu conversation witli a Ouakd reporter today Mr iskeels stated that the mill would be thorough ly overhauled and reuovated. 'the capacity of the present pluut is about 20,00' feet per day, and this they ex pect to raise to .i.',000 or 40,000 feet per day. The machinery in the mill at preseut Is in very good condition and enough new machinery will be added to supply their needs. The mill pond is a large one, said lo have a capacity of 7,000,000 feet of logs, so that long and steady runs are assured. The constant operation of this plant will be a decided advantage to this section of Lane county, as well aa the limber districts tributary. 4 Vigorous and Letter. BAB IT from The orcironhin, January 1.1, IV". Kt (ikk. .Ian. 13.-(To the Editor) Many -late lis conccrnim' me Milal conduct ai leertUrs of itaia during the latt four years have been made since I retired from office on the Mb oi this nionlh. I usk -pace fur n brief reply. Everything of any Importance has been kiniwti for lour years lo iwo legislatures anil the people, ami threshed over dozens of tin.es In the press mid on the lump in Hie Inst campaign, and yet ll seems lo have broke out In a malignant loini since I retired Iron OfllOS, when it was thought necessary to Irtiiup up 11:1 excuse for the withdrawal ot uiy name as a regent of the university of Oregon, and since then 'o justify that envious, jealous, co itemplible net. The real reason because I opposed the head and tail of (be political combination that Is now running the executive an4 administrative departments M the state government and domineering with loud voice In Ihe legislature like the fog-horns, where Ihey levy tribute ou the sailors and li-hi i men and pack juries ami stuff ballot boxes In Ihe hope of breakllg Into Ihe l ulled States senate, the olllce of governor or some that ought to be tilled with something belter lhan sounding brass. Hut cow ards ami sneaks usually cover up their real motives ami en "Mon thief I" when II. .. Skeeb. of Kingston, Idaho, lbuiv-v.aro doi"K nothing detestably I mean or inakitur r...-ide fur M.r ......it .ft Silver or gold, greenbacks or lugs, lead or pew ter, leather or brass, is the kind of money Ihey always favor if It leads to an olllce and a chance to soar ou Ihe wings of popular prejudice. It rcquiios Spartan limine, ami virtue to refuse a fee for putting a seal on '-any paper' when there are only a few more o put it on, the lieu lands having been nearly all selected and sold. Why lake a few ittle measly lees, only seml uccasionally, when by a lofty and high- sounding refusal you cau impugn the motives of some other person, and lake in much bigger fees, and more of thein'r Something for nothing is a sure shot, 1 have alllxed t lie seal free, with a very few exceptions, on ill military commis sions, and nearly all other commissions, ou all pardons and restorations lo citi zenship, and on a large portiou of no taries public, ami tiled many incorpora tions free, ainoiiuliug iu all to miiiiv thousands of dollars, donated to thous ands of people all over Utegou. If a few dollars allowed lo the pecrelary as a tcember of any board prohibits fees in that department, then it follows that the salary of SI. 100 a year fixed in tho constitution for Ills service on all boards and lor all services and all business of whatsoever nature, with the ipeolflo proviso that there shall lie no other fees or emolumenU, prohibits him from taking any pay ns a member of any board or any fees for any services w hat- ever. I nave nqjor taken a fee contrary to aw, and not anything like those speci fically so inthorlied. Wherever there was a shadow of a doubt as to any pay nieut 1 have alw ays taken t tie opinlou of the court, as in the case of tbe railroad OOmmtMlonera, and the auditing of claim- and the Withdrawing of WSN rents, or the w ritten or verbal advice of the attorney-general, as in the ease of a few dollar for a paper, which i. ihe last ittul uio.t wondeilul di-oiveri ret i made, indicating that a very iiiall mat ter l belter than nothing when nothing of rral Importsuoe can be found. Dan I, , died of others have been paid without niflr IN any legal sdvlee, 'he full SIIIOUOll, ami If el Dobcdf complain, but In tbll - lis instance only, where there i- no inlcn -l and only a pat t of Ihe principal, iheie is it regular cyclone raised, -bowing that mud is scarce and every I peek must be scraped up and Utilised. I have, myself, pild hundred- of I I i during Ihe last four yearn for DSWfpa pers w hich were paid for by mj pre dee saora out of the incidental appro priation, and have paid many olio - bills myself willed I had the powel I" audit and pay out of the IreSSttt WIlBOht ipiesllon. if I had desired to "work the JERSEY BULL 1 have procured an extra A 1 full blood reg istered Jcney bull, which I will keep cou staiitly at Hangs' stable'. TKttltB-fi.OO, caih at time of icrvtc '. Cowi may be returned until with calf without extra charge. EUGENE Loan isi Savings Bank Of Eugene, Oregon' CAPITAL (paid up) $50,000 W. E BROWN President. B. 0 PAINE, Vies Prtildtut F. W, OSBURH, Caihlar. W. W. BROWN. All Cllhltr DIRECTORS- W E BROWN J B HARRI8 V'ranciaco and Port- i.m,. . . Olson SaW '""ifm countries. a-V;r,'! '" 1 '" 'eck or .-. rtili tintt' ,:"tnl"td to ua will receive be F w OSBURN. BO PAINE. D A PAINE. J F ROBINSON W.W. BROWN. a ..n. mi itankiiiK Baslmeaw TrniiNarteil on KavorBbl TOaTSM brafts Issued ou the principal cities of Die nnlted .-tat.-, also cK-haiine liiriiislinl avail able In all foreign countries. Interest rld on llracdepoll. Fire-prcof vaull lor the sUrgc of valuable OuSfttlOOS receive our prompt attention. aZ . ' " " Mtavt S B Eakin, Cashier. A NEW LOT OF IMPROVED Willsie" Cameras "eiVfiL W, LANE COUNTY BANK I .( .i.i.s I. . 0 In ' ' recommend them . EUGENE. OREGON. sSf J'HOTO CO SuPerior Fotoarafs A General Banking business in all branches transacted on favorable terms. A. O. HOVKV, President v w 4liDXfiJ l'..-l,i..'- A. O. HOVKYJk.. AastCaehier olllce." My predeOSW On were no doubt entirely JnSflbsd fioui their stand point and 1 hav no fan1! to llml w ilh their acts, and DBVC 'ever criti cised them. They acini on their best jnrtfmenl la a very trying ami responsi ble position, not so Irving then as now. and entirely too much now for any one man to control. This sti ai' oil nciivlly. tliit' catching at straws, an mumbling OVef old charges made in I be le teres 1 1 of the worshipers of the Idol I helped lo deleat for United stat. - -etialor two years ago acd the new Idol who Is here, alter lo lake his place, i- a -'range an... lualy of politic On kCCOUOl of that OPpOSlttOOuSnd for no Other reason, all Ibis deluge of calumny has been in spired, ami the strangest ol all Is that it is being circulated through the columns of the paper w hich took a leading part in that opposition ; ami w hat Is gained by it ami Its friends ha- been my lo--. I never received $J 01 any other sum for or in connection with any pardon or restoration lo citizenship, or from or lor any convict, directly or indirectly, in my life; never received or asked a cent for any such service, although hundreds of such papers were issued, for every OBS of which by law I OOUld have re tpiired 92. I never reoslvod f asked pay fur a dor.cn out of perhaps lti military commissions, lor very o.ie of which the law allows For hundreds of other miscellaneous commis sions' I never received pay or asked for one in twenty. I have answered all these Ignorant and malicious charges repeatedly, and yet they are reiterated, as U true and doe- know, in I ha- often so staled. Oregon has in w i had a more able or mole faithful chief eXSCOtlVS, and DM) uol soon have another like him; and it Cannot Itwal one more shabbily and unju-tly. These fact- are known and have been recognized and commented n by hundreds of other trustworthy people, as well is Ihe allot licy .gctn'i al. judge- and otb. is In a po-lllofl to know. But, notwithstanding these well-known afed oftsn repeated facta by Intelligent and d's'iileic-tcd parlies, for all Ihi- faithful serv'oe, a torrent ol calumny, misrepresentation and wholesale felts- hood Is now being pinned out by those who may And out thai llicy have bitten off more lhan lhe can chew, and dial their fal-ehood- may come homo to roost. Ills pei haps impossible lo do anything i . tin. world w hich will not be criticized, tni-rcprrscnleil and nils construed, but ll docs Mem like tbe dis DOSltOO to make mountains out of mole bllu and blacken the character of any public Officer who has any character or tries to render faithful service, is in dulged In Wickedly uml criminally b those who hsve little or no responsl billly. and who. if placed Iu any Official position of public trust, would full far short d Iho-e Ihey n - ivagely criticize and vilify. Very respectfully, II. B. KtXCAlU. K1XBB1 I S ACQI ITTBII i lugeas Lawyi i IMnnd Rot tiinity Illegally Lnudlng Cfelnfse, ot Wistar Mawtlioriu', I'niver the sad and Irlshtfal discoveries. The eleritl iu the olllce arc paid by tbe stale for do ing the business of the olllce, which consists of keeping books, examining and auditing aOOOnntS, drawing warrants, pulling Ihe seal on commission- of no- saries publlO, and various olln r co ils- Uoas, What fees were collected, being much less than allowed by law, were largely given to help clubs or association- tint OUlftheJ to be for the public good, to help leagues, aud to publish league registers, to help other publications thai claimed to be for tbe public good In various ways, to help committee.- aud individuals engaged in political or other important work. Borne ol tin people w ho received tbe most beocfll snivel and howl the loudest about a drop in Ibo ocean, honestly received, compared with what they hav.- had 01 ate tea. 'y to take the first chance llicy get Id take It. I hey are iu a hurry, and feel injured because their cbanoc did not come long ngo, and are lighting their own shadows judging otben bj themselves. I have saved lor the slate dining the last fuu i years largo sums of mooei Uj closing many big leaks, and have taken Deny thousands of dollars less than the law allow-. These facts are well known to the governor with whom I lerved' and whose duty It ll to know, md who Pally GnSld, Jan IS, Prof it J Hawthorns of the sliy of Oregon, today reoelvtd news announcing tbe death of his son Vllcr, a member of the Second Oregon Voluuteers.now at Manila. The oablegram wu- as followai Manila, P I H J Mawi ftOHMI, Bneene, Oregon: Wistar died from paralysis of the In art. iu ti .i t aitain W B Mooit, Company c. god Oregon. Prof Hawthorns and family are stricken with gtlef at the sad news. This morning Ihey received two oi three letters Iroin Wistar, in which be sHike of his excellent health, his long- lllg to lie holm' iigalli, . itO, and OUly a few hours hit. i the sorrow fill news of the oablegram wai received. That bis In nil h generally was good is evidenced by a letter r. coolly leccived from US' t'liuplaln Oilberl slating Hint Wistar was rugged mid t lint bis parents nnd eel no anxiety on bis account. Wislnr was L'n years old on tbeOlh day in-t of lb eetnln r. Ou the htcaklng out ol bosiilitli-i i . .is very eiithusi astlc and was nuinln re 1 among Ihe first of Hie stud, nts of Ihe 1'nlversily tO SOUS'. Tbe news will bu reccivid with soi row by all. V I Hie I'hlllppiiWH. Washington, Jau 16 The transport Grant, formerly the Mohawk, having mi board (he Fourth Infantry nnd a battalion of the lrth Infantry, will Bail from Now York Wednesday for the Philippines, via Suez, canal. General Law ton, who wns assigned to the Philippines, will take passage with his stall aboard Hie (Irant. Dynamite Bleu Up the House. PlTTSVILLR, Wis Jan 16 The farm- bouseof Fayette Meaohanii near this place, was blown lo atoms by dyna mite, killing Mcachnm and fatally injuring four children. Meaehain purchased the dynamite for blasting purposes. How It I ame ignited is not known. Sunday's Orogonleni "Usorge w Klnesy, the Bugene lawyer, tried ill Ihe I'nlle 1 States court on a charge of e nspiracy lo unlawfully land Mm Qnoy, aOMnese laborer, was acquitted, The jury returned a verdict of not gullly yesteiday afternoon at .1 o'clock During i be trial, Dlstrlel Attorney Hall, for Ihe government, Introduced the Judgment mil ..f ti ourt, show. tug that Moy Qnoy bad been nt back lo China as PUS of tbe prohibited class. c "tinsel saked thai ll be admitted in evblel.ee Attorney Schlltiltcl ol jccle.l, saying the deteudaot was a Stranger to wbal l ad happened in tbal case, ami wee n..t bound by It. The judgment might have wen prouired by fraud, and counsel cited instance- of Chinese wniiHiig In go back In China, and save transportation OKpeuoes who asserted Hint they were Illegally In tliis country ebon they were not so. Judge liilliugersUHiaiuedlhepoi.it and de nied the evidence The gOVOI ntneiit was, therefore, with. or. pi oof eonolo- sive that Ihe I hli ese wa n laborer. 'The jury, when it llrst reiind, Stood 11 for .'onvictlon. The jury came In for instructions, and tho spokesman asked the court if the Jury found Klnsey guilty, If tiny would have to llnd that Moy Qqoy a laborer. Tbe oourt aniwsred thai this would Is1 necessary, and the jury retired, aud soon reported a verdict of acquittal. United Btatei District At torney Hall was milted by (ieorge West and Chinese Inspector Jossey. Stroud Long and Hun Cluing were jointly indicted with KlOSSy, Long pleaded guilty a::.i beoams a w itness for the government. The case ngaiiiHt Sun Chung will no doubt now be dls missed." kkti'hm:i BOMBf Mr Klnsey returned home front Portland Saturday night, aud since that lini" his many Irleinls have been congratulating him on i is acquittal. Most of the witnesses have also return ed home. THK LEGISLATURE Cbllaie Giovi Charter Hill WiM III III II 'll IM III s. S.mim, Jan 17. The ns-cinbly wae busy on routine Both today. Two hundred and fourteen bills are on the bou e ealendar, and one hundred and twetuy-four on senate calendar, mak Itlg a total i f 888. The main feature Ibis forenoon was action on bills relative to sal sin license, city Incorporation in seen tea. at I one providing nubile school build. lugs. Albany and Salmi tendered land ami buildings in the State, proposing tint the State inn orphan-, holm - in either city. Both propositions Bill bo looked after. The senate was In session only one hour. The Cottage Drove consolidated chnrter t in pas .! the hAQai this morning. J. W. KAYS FURNITURE CO. EM3ALMERS and FUNFPAL DIRECTORS HAVANA MUNICIPAL WORK Niw York, Jan 16. A dispatch lo the 1'ni. tin. from Havana asysi Tim polios authorities have begun the moral situation at Havana Vans have been provided, and last night after midnight Ihey made the rounds of Ihe city, picking Up Vagrants and homeless persons. Sluce the (lino of the recon ecu trillion, the parks and porticos have been lilted nightly with these unfortunates, a few of whom are criminals. It has been one of the distressing features of the prevailing couditli lis for which no remedy was found. Under the Coban-Amsrloan adnata islratiou, tho building known as the San Isidore asylum has been obtained us a shelter Persons (diked up iu Hie streets urn taken there and provided w ith lodging and food. If they are aide to labor Ihey lire turned over to the municipal public works ami are put (0 work sweeping the streets, l-'or this they are paid DO cents a day. Those who are unable to work, who are the larger class, arc provided for ul Sail Isldoieaud iu tbe QOSpltall In u short time It Is expected H at the streets will he cleared entirely of these people. Provision Is also made for the care of the urchins who uro without homes, in San Jose asylum. Albany Democrat Jan 111. "1 he fowls have taken to w ing aud the crow of tho blue blood rooster la no longer heard In tho city, except such as arc owned by our local breed era, prize winners by the way. Tho most successful poultry show ever held in Oregon was closed Saturday night. A large crowd wan present to w itness the llnlshlug touches. PicsldcH the line dteplay of birds thsre wasaspieu- did stc rcopitcoii exhibition by I'M Hlodgelt ami t Jcorge S Aoblson Ol lOOBj scenes ami an hypnotic exhibition In which Prof Lolierl Chambers took a elasH of live boy a through a seriesof amusing performances. 'I here was music by the Slinontoii Hand and by I ho orchestra. Kven tho fowls pitched their cackles nuil crows higher. The great sucocss of thediow displayed tho fact that Portland Is not tlio only place iu Ihe state w hero a state show can bu held." "The annual meeting of the State Poultry Association was held in Ihe Court lions., with an attondanos of about thirty, a new constitution was adopted. Ity it vote of 28 to 'III Albany was seltrtt das tin. meeting pla..' of tho Association nnd show in the second week of January, mild, tit (he begin ning of the -01 It century." OHABLE8 THOMPJOB FINED. On lbs TWO i Iihi ges He Will Pay the City $S7. bally Ounrd, Jan 17 The jury last night In the case of tho city vs Charles Thompson, charged with selling llquoi to a minor, dis agreed. Afterwards Thompson entered a plea of guilty lo the charge and was lined f J.r and costs, amounting In the total t.. Igg, Hi' also plead guilty to tho charge of psrmlltlng a minor to loiter about his saloon and was lined -". lie aid all the lines. Albany Democrat Jan hi: Divld Link uml with of Eugene, have been In the eltyaOOUpla of days while ou their way from Aurora. THE BIG SALE Is Sailing Along X Tbe days m pug ll) tile rest There air. a few more plums CARPETS. 59c 73c or 9?c 48c to $10 All wool 2 ply ingrain Carpets, ooo During the sale tho price is 49c. rade. Ex we I super 2 ply all wool ingrain Carpeti, worth 75c a van'.; new pattern- l'o1 colors'. 1 Kiriiii: the Sale they go at Sevellan extra heavy, all wool, same quality a- 3 ply, $1.00 quality. None better for wear. Now 73c 49c 59c 73c Tapestry Brussels, rich colors, new patterns, t li col't'el' t l'arlor ('arnet. Now BO at og. gfoquets and Velvets, rich and ran', nice enough for tho host of us, and only 97c. Art Squares, Rugi, Oil Cloth, Mattings, Pertieres, Stand Covers; all at correspond ingly reduced price-. tin" 48c to $10 F. E. D U N N BARGAINS. Wo have gome good bargains here. Half dozen and single dozen lots from il'le per doen up. Bath, Quale Linen, Cotton, excellent values, from oc up. Bleached Bath Towels at I foper pair. Have you sen our Bleached Linen Crash at c'f 63c 5c 80-inch Percale ir it'll! iiklalaw' I . ' . assorted patterns, DC 6 i-k Kast bleached seamless iupply, 5c a pair. Un limited II ID HUM HI Our I'mbrelhis 45c ami an, are good things. iP Choice of Ladies and Gents' 1 and ft Shoes now for $2.15. The best if l.oo Fedora Hal buy from US for KOe. $2.45 yoa 9Vfl saw you