The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 14, 1899, Image 7

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JJOCk Powder
m Absolutely Pure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Bill P-ovMiig fur two ExIn Su
Sruttf Slith i Hihr taM in
Ltoc County Lratrtlbe Hohiwk nd
Mill Creek for 90 Ynn
lo Hi, in. ili Kelli I iimbrr o
pine Judges,
"nil ii 'il tatlHKS
Sieeiai lo thu ticaan.
Ni:ws 1TKMH
A Klad at
, knives, bMld pruners, long
': "i L pruuew. pruning
ind ' ' Hl.earH, at Urlillln
u.(,ivtr' l"
Kl. ln ... . Pton
" SslI(v harm H t 1'rvstoo A
'Vo-ei'.' l',n'''' Ddwh!,M ,,rw"
ion 4 Hate'
UrgMtiloek of artists supplies at
Prrsion 4 Hale'
0et pmton A Halea prices la fore
Iiuyln? our l "l,,t-
F(ir Rao dc Feel call on Mrs Whites
ker, bp ut. Tenth street, near
Mimr a Lover
fjHlWDt'.l with dimiuet !rom n "lhcrwi,te
loreble k'i' ! with an offensive breath. Karl's
Cloter K ot porlflSS the breath ly iU ae
da on lh bowels, etc., an Dothlng elee will.
Slvvesrsoa aliute guarantee. l'nce
fiFJi K ota. Bold by Wilkin. 4 Una.
Wood Wanted.
ElIOBNI, Oregon, Jau 10, 1890.
tli hereby given that sealed
bids w ill be received at the Clerk's
office until 10 o'clock a m, of February
10th. 1886, for 100 cords big body lr
wood. 4 fl h ug; 12 cords grub oak
wiicmI, 4 feet long, to be not less than
three iuchcs at the small end ; 10 cords
body pine l'; cuee long. Wood to
be delivered by August 16th, HW9.
Tbe court reserving the rlgtu to re
ject any and all bids.
By order of the court.
County Clerh,
What Is Hhiloh?
Apinil old remedy ;for Cough, Ooldl and
Consuuiiti'iu: uaed through the world for half
icentury. nsi .ure.1 innumerable cases of in
Iftant onniumpttotl and relieved many in a.!
mi If you are not sutistieJ with
Hi ta wl will refund your money. Price
. ."icU., and 81.00. Sold by Wilkins
k I. inn.
The English and German Expert Specialists
! Phytlrlani and Sureooni, all Oraduatea from the best Medical Colleges In the world.
Incorporated Under the Laws of California for $250,000. Established 26 Years
A part of the staff of the English and German Expert
Specialists and Dr Meyers & Co. will make their regular
monthly visit to
They will be at the
,, I tbs ailment cured by the EnglUl. and German Expert Spe cia its sr he f M m in,..
I lssess and all other iri.eases of the Kidneys; Uweaaea of hi gadder, I. rtnary
V 1 1 . Spleen. Spine, Brfwels, Heart, Stomach, Eye, tar Skin sad NfSS. Am
1 itl'u,!, l!l',l Poi.on ami Scrofula; Catarrh, ToniUitis, , C on. n 1 -U" n , Won
'hmaaad other Tlueat and l.ung troubles; Tumor,, M rm lie., In mn a
J1' y. Paralwta, Hupture, Dyaentery. Dyspsia. Ni "'?'? Kfe"n, f,tl o ' Uh
oU,n Joint.! Eeal. oZSSKS, including Ovarian h?HrS.Dda?'H
.mLVSATi Freckle, Blackheads, Cancer, eve.,
ftn. il , " iT
Dr M, yor. A Co cure Nervous Debility, let Manhood and all Private, mcludinu
" : .. . , , i. ,,uickly and permaiiently, and at laflaaaiMI BIMiai
Ik and German EMrt 8,ciali.U and Ur Meyers k (' ar, "nr
t and rVliabla, but are NapnaJbb, being backed by ample capita! and ablymanaw U which have baffled the .kill of other physician, and i .tublx ''y f" 1 '"
""nary medicinaa. meth-1. and appliances, are ..uickly .nbdulj an. Mkl red "VgJg.
andliermanExwrt t-pecHalisU. They have tha Unreal and best equipped meuicai in
Utution in America. . .. , ,
. rt... 0 thi Doctors wni.v thkt come. AH ailing pawl ;ho;sM .. Wj Expert SpecialiaU A friendly talk, which mb abeolutely nothing, U bound to re
":lt in a great deal of good, whether treatment is tak-n "r not
IMMKClTIiKS -WhU. it 1. nr.fer.ble
...1 f 7 - t T ..
' an r.p,rt -.. nali.U t ured tin
V t cannot see the doctors write the home
j""r aiuuent, Don lor men and wi men and
" ; I dence and other dealing, with patience
Terms and Prlcea Within the Reach of All.
Main Office. 731 Market St, San i'raneisco.
Divinity ekoo ippolntmenti.
Hereafter tin- i ui.v GUARD will
contsin the announcements of services
t- ie conducted by the itadenti of the
Divinity hcIiooI. For Sunday, Jan
usry 16, in and near LAM Co are:
C'reswell. Hunter's hall, John Hand
Brownsville, church. Edward Beau-
oburg Items
Jan 11, 180K.
The bridge gang eame op on Monday
to begin repairs on the big rsilroail
hrnlgs across the M river
Miss Kila Pblllppl haa had a severe
attack of rheumatism.
The Albany steam laundry will
establish an agency In re.
Miss Lnella Maglll Is seriously ill
with icarletlna,
Ten carloads of wheat were shipped
from the Coburg warehouse last Mon
day. Tbe trade between Messrs Vanduyn
and Hniilb has been declared oft, the
parties not being able to agret as to the
The Coburg meat market has changed
Rev Qood was a passenger for Autna
ville ou Monday.
The Free Methodists still continue
their ell'jrts I'ere, holding services
twice each day and once each evening.
Mr May, the English seaman, who
has been among us for several months
on furlough, says he has received or
ders from the British navy calling
him to service as .me of the crew on a
torpedo boat. He expects to leave for
Victoria In a few days.
Whatever else they are
or are not, Schillings Best
flavoring extract!
Hnu spurs
are money-back if you don't
like them.
Per sals by
X U. Qnaa fen
fourth oil on all Holiday ccod
Ax Billy.
in many instance, a patl.nt, me iHV-
;ffi"f., ..uStionUat Adv ee to rgard U
lreatiee-n any disease-A . I. ' T
" il .1 ... l.n, t heV lnne Ml W wen.
i.eanos l"-'."-"' - jL- i
offica for
treatise "n oj u,..- -- , ,:.
or prospective patient-
1 k
Daily i.,uard, lai II
Tba cotmniailoBefi court f ant
county yeatatday granted a very valua
ble franeblat to tbe Bootb Kelly Lam
tier Co I'he petition anil niraot la
hereby DUbllabed In full ami win tally
explain Ibe matter:
To the County Oouit of Laoa
County, Oregon:
Vour petitioner! the Bootb Kelly
Lutnbi r Company, a corporal ion duly
and teKiilly incorporated under and
pursuant lo t lie iaw ol the Btate of
Oregon, now, liert l' respectfully
that I.ani' county enter Into a contract
and leaaa it, leaalng to It nil tbe lights
unil loleteat of ealdoouaty in Mohaw k
river, Hill creek, the tributaries of
Mohawk river and the tributaries of
Mill creek, mid Krtuil and lease to said
pet Plot ere all the rights of said oounty
in said liver and ouch of said at teams
under and by virtue ol tbe proceed
ings, orders, dwularaliouaaiid dlreetlODS
beretofore had, made and done, reapect-iiiL-
sal r Ntreams and BSOb thereof,
declunng said ntreams and each then of
to. tie public highways for the AoeltPg
and traiisporlatiou of logs), timber ami
lumber and directing the Improve
ment thereof, for audi time and upon
such terms as. may he In accordance
with the statute reflating the matter
and agree ble to the court
January 10, 1800.
Thi Booth Billy LcmbbbI o.
By Z 8 Catiikk. Manager.
Wiikkbas. The County Court of
Lane county, Oregon, under and pur
suant to certain proceedings heretofore
had and by certain orders, declarations
and directions heretofore duly made
and eutered lu said court respecting
the improving of tbe Mohawk river,
Mill oreek, tbe tributaries of Mohawk
river and the tributaries of Mill oreek,
lyiiiK within said county, whereby
said nver and streams and trlbtuarlea
were duly declared lo be each a public
highway for the Boating anil transpor
tation of logs, limber and lumtier, as
provided by an act ol the legislature of
ili Khitn nf Oreoon. Ilhdln the office
of the S. cretary of State, Feb 96, 1S!,
WHRRIAB, The Bootb Kelly Lum
ber Co, a corporation, desires 10 lease
from said county the use of said pub
lic highways aforesaid, namely: the
Mohawk river, Mill creek, the trlbuta.
ries of the Mohawk river and the
tributaries of Mill creek, with the
rizht to collect lolls "for the rafting,
floating and booming of logs, timber
and lumber thereon, and to acquire to
itnelfall the rights and interests of
said couuty under the proceedings
herelnliefore referred to iu said river
and Ftreams and each thereof:
Now, therefore ills hereby mutually
agreed by and between Lane county,
Oregon, party of the first part, and the
Booth Kelly Lumber Co, party of the
second part, thut In consideration of
the promises, agreaauent and under
standings of the party ol the second
part and ot ihe beueUts to accruo by
the performance of this contract, tbe
party ofj'the 11 rst hereby grants and
leases to the party of the secoud part
for the period of ninety years from this
date the sole and exclusive use and
occupation of ibe Mohawk river, Mill
Creek, the tributaries of Mohawk aud
Mill Creek, each as a public highway
for the floating and tram-portaliou of
logs, Umber aud lumber giving and
granting to said parly of the second
nart for the period aforesaid all and
singular the rights, benefits and privi
leges of said party if the first part In
and to said river and said streams and
each thereof, and the party of the
second part in consideration of said
contractor lease by said party of the
tlrst part, now hereby agrees to secure
such rights of way aud other necessary
rights as m.'iy be necessary to its pur
pose aud in ike all IQOb improvements
as it may require or as maybe made
for the successful carrying on of the
busiiiepsaiid use of said streams as
public highways for the floating and
transportation of logs, timber and
lumber and keep the same In good re
pair all without any expense to said
party of the first part and to charge as
mil to those who transport logs, timber
or lumber ou said streams or any of
them not to exceed 55 cents per thous
and feet board measure according to
Hcribuer's scale, Doyles rules, and for
Imomlnir not to exceeding 10 cents per
1G0O feet per day after the first -M bouts
measured as above, ror tne nr-i ova
days, aud not to exceed double that
amount for each succeeding day,
Work shall be begun ti'itler this
agreement within M days from this
date and shall be prosecuted by the
party of the second part w lib reasona
ble diligence.
To all of which, each of the parties
aioreeald now fully and finally agrees
thi loth 'lay Of January, 1800.
Lank Cor.vrv
By B 0 POTTO, County Judge,
H U K.I.WAKI. I (;oniIIiM0ller,.
V T, J
Thi Booth Lumbib Co,
By Z B CATHItt, Manager.
From the abovt It would appear that
a large saw mill, with probably a ca
pacity of 5C,0oo,000 annually, Is to be
located at or Mow the mouth of the
Mohawk river.
The Booth Kelly Co say they will
spend KAOOO on the two streams dur
ing tbe summer.
Ktati Hodu, sal- m, Jan I- Phe
bill providing for two eitra jiidgee ol
the Supreme Co'iri rn-iiidn lively
dbcussiou. It was I tic llrst bill to
pass the house. It II unconstitu
tional as the following question Irom
the constitution pluinly .-bow:
"Articlk vii, Brotiom 10. When
the white population of the state shall
amount to two hundred thousand, tbe
legislative assembly may provide for
the election of suiueme and i licuit
judges in distinct clasM-, one of which
classes shall consist of three justices oil
the curt, who shil not er- j
form circuit court dui , ana tbe other
class shall consist of the in cessary nam
tier of elteall judges, who shall bold full I
terms without allotmeut, and who
shall take the same oath as ibe su
preme judges."
The house cut down the cletk hire
bill for the session about H Odd.
Routine business occu-les ibe moel
of the time.
The scalp homily bill, w it'll Is ini-
IKiriaiit was ably discusseil this after
One hundred and thirty bills have
alreadv been introduced.
Tile legislature adjourns tomorrow I
noon until Monday.
Billa Inirmluced.
I.egiflatiou bills Introduced:
No 18, Curtis Amending section
2fl.jH of eode, relating to the state uni
versity. Fixing salaries, of president
not more than 2,fi00, the profeaaore at
not more ihau 1,mH), and thai there
shall be not lo exceed fifteen profi Mora.
No 40, Nichols Annexing territory
from liUtio and Lincoln c unities to
Lobster Dieoluot. Benton county. Head
second time.
Beferaedtc delegation
from Lane, Lincoln ami BeutOO,
No 7", Oray Enabling legal repre-
seutatlve of a person whOM death or
iujury is caused by another to main
tain an action for damages on account
nf such set.
La Grippe Sue essftill v Treated-
"I have just recovered from the
second attack or la grippe this year,"
says Mr Jas A Jones, publish) r of the
Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter
case I used Chamberlain's Cough
Bemedy.and I think with considera
ble success, only being in bed a little
over two days against ten days lor (In
former attack. The sic tid attack I
am satisfied would have been equally
as bad as tbe first but for the use of
this remedy as I had to go to bed in
about six hours after being 'struck'
with It, while in the llrst case I was
able to attend to business about two
days before getting 'down.' " For sale
by Osburn & DeLano.
Locul Market
Jail 18 IS!.'.'.
Hop 15 to 161c
Butter-SO to 60c per roll.
Potatoes 350.
Poultry fS 50 to :i 50 per do, n
Dried prunes 3 to -lie
Apples-40 cents per bush. I,
cu ind nut for nothing
v;hethcr Schilling's Best
r. J
hakinc Bn'r
II . . nt ie
ami iic.
arc what you want; for, if
not, you get your money
Per tale by
Oray it Sea.
Second Hand ruill ture.
I will pay the big best cash price for
second-hand furniture.
Hevn.ib A Willamette Ht
Removal Sale!
lasaUl iu Ike Qaaid
Siatk Bouai, Jan IS.
fjovtrnor Qeer this morning iobatl
luted tbe name of Benator Smith, of
Baker county for KlOOald, In BlOo
amor Lord's Mat, for Ragout Judge
Bean and Cyrus A Dolph, for lU'geiits,
and S II Holt, trustee ol soldiers' home
at It's burg, I, ird s appointees, were
allow i it to remain.
The Senate promptly continued the
appointments. I'hus an exeltlng spb
sods was settled.
Senator Smilh was elected on the
j-moI ,(.h,.( M, jm ,, a silver
RfV, Herbert S. JokntOII Asked
Deliver an rddrei Before ihe
at I meeting bold yesterday the
faculty of the Unlveralty of Oregon
decided lo extend an invitation lo Itev
ileiis i t s Johnson, of Plttafleld, Maes,
to deliver the annual addriss before
the I niverslly ituring coiliiiieiuvinelil
week in June.
Bev Johnson will address the Cull-
foroU Baptist churches, which bold
their May anniversary In Ban Kran-
CleOO tins year, and it is hoped ihat be
will remain on tbe coast long enough
toacoepl Ibe Invitation of tbe Unlvei
ill the event of Itev Johnson's
SCOOptai his address will lie the
main attraction of the week.
Supreme Court Pcclalon.
Bottom Qdabdi a statemut ap
peared In your paper that in the case
ol First National Bank vs llovcy otalll
I itM supteme Court tlmply ordered a I
new trial. The Court did not ordera
new trial It affirmed the decision of j
the lower Court which was that (he
complaint did not state a cause of
action. It further remanded the case '
for such further proceedings as may la
nail not mcoii'-isieut Willi llie opinion.
Dnleas the pluinlill can get some new i
material into the co'iipbilnt It leaves
no cause of net ion. If it has any lie
material it must have kept it from Its
attorney as he know or must have
known what the objection to the
OOmplalnt was and why thu lower
Court decided against his client. Ho
rested his whole case ou that COD
plalnt-wenl toth Supreme Court ami
Ihat Court held that the complaint Is
bad. I am not accustomed todlscus
llng matters of (his kind in the news
papers -but inasmuch as I suppose the
other side caused the statement above
referred to, to he. made, it Is just to the
memory of my clients tint the truth
should appear.
a c Woodcock.
Spi rial School Meeting.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of School District No 4, of Lane
county, State of Oregon, that a special
school meeting of said district will he
held at the Court House In Kiigene,
Oregon, on the -Mid day f January,
IMHi, at 7 o'clock in the afternoon, for
the following objects: To levy a tax
to pay off the Indebtddness of tho dis
trict ai d interest on same, and to inn
the I'ii! lie Schools for the ensuing
Dated Jau 12, 1890.
0 H Frank,
Chairman Board of Directors.
Attest: Gao F Chaw,
District L'leik.
A Snap.
JO acres of land, all in cultivation,
three acres M hearing prune trees,
story and a half house, all splendid
fruit land; two miles north of Fugene
on the liver road. Price 1-700. Inquire
at this ollicu or call on or address
It F Bakkh,
Juuctlou City, Oregon.
On or about February 1st we will move our
stock into the two rooms formerly occupied by
Yoran & Son and Hanson Brothers opposite Hotel
Eugene. We do not want to move any more goods
than is really necessary, so we are going to give you
such prices on our goods that will make them go
fast. Remember this means we will cut prices on
our entire line of Dry Goods, both Staple and Fancy
notions, Boots & Shoes, Clothing & Furnishing goods.
We will not weary you by quoting prices, but if you
will call we promise you that our prices will please
you. We cordially invite the public to take advant
age of this sale. mmm
Is the only plow made that
is better than the No. 40
Oliver chilled. See it at
Iiki. Mrs Bruno Vitus, beloved
wife Of BlUDO Vitus, died at the family
home near Springfield. Lane county,
Oregon, this morning at ti o'clock
from fever ntraeted from child l Irth
about four weeks ago, when she gave
birth to a child weighing It) poinds,
which soon thetcafter died. The lady
w us l' p years of age and was highly re
spected by all. She had been married
six years. She havea a husband,
lather and mother, brothers and sisters
am! numerous other relatives aud
friends to mourn her untimely death.
Tbe funeral services will be held in
this city at the Catholic cliur. h, Fri
day forenoon lit 10 o'clocK, of which
she was a consistent member; inter
ment lu tbe Oatbollo oomeb ry
A Lkiiit I'koiuvkk. - The " Ma -on
10 Fraternal Accident AasocUtlon" of
West field, Mass, lu which a number of
Masons of this locality took policies
from a traveling agent seveial months
since, is a good thing, Ibl ti c com
pany, if J M Sloan's experience with
them is a sample of (ho way they do
business;. Mr Sloan had his foot injured
by a horse stepping on It last June so
that he was unable to be about for ten
days, and thereafter crippled around
for some time. August Ith he sent proof
ol the accident properly verified. lie
has just received adrnl't for the munifi
cent sum of fa. 87J 10 full payment for
the accident. A good company to let
In Krkok By a letter received from
Juuctlou today It Is learned there bus
been but one oase of diphtheria
reported In Ihat cl'y and that
the "scare" is apparently over. The
informatiom published by the QOAM)
did not come from the Postal operator
at Junction as reported there, but was
received lu this city as current news.
Citizens generally wjll be glad to learn
that the reported seriousness of the
coil agio' is Is not SO.
Mahkiaiik LlOUtU Clerk Lee to
day Issued a marriage license to Itola-it
Hugh Miller and Kdlth BUD Ice Brown,
the necessary allblayit being made by
Walter Hisis.
Hick lleadaclies,
he curiiet of ovorworked womankind, are
quickl and .urcly cureil by Karl's Clover
Boot Tea, the gnat blood parllar and tissue
builder. Money refunded If not satisfactory.
Met Mote, and .V) t-U. H.-I.I by WMMni
I, inn.
From Hodavllle: "Ueninnger Bios.,
Of Kugene, began bcIiikjI last w eek at
the college."
.Iilines Smith "f Coburg, Secures a
9S0Q Cosh Hail.
nail; Qaud, j.i ii
Today James Smith of Coburg,
charged with tho theft of two guns
from Barker Quo Works, was ad
mitted to ball by t he lepOalt offiOOIn
cash, ibe earna being furnished by bis
father In law, .1 D Arthur.
jmy Ulatf reea in ike Chink Dis
turbance Case.
I u Justice Qui ya court at Irving yes
terday the jury again disagreed In the
oaae agalnal RSarneet Abbot! and Ada
Maxwell, obi ad with dUtarbirf a
religious meeting and ibe same was
di-me 'ell Hi ;ty was composed of
ITS l'i Held, LIbcIiuow,
Koepp, Sol Bowera, Jno Fugate and
QeoOroaa. Deputy Attorney Harris
appeared fortbeatata ami Attorney J
M Wllllami lor the del' -rise. The case
attracted oonalderabla attention in that
Pleasant Hill items.
Pleaaant mil, Ore, Jau 10, isoo.
John West who has been lu Southern
On-yon, has returned home. Hecx
pert- io move to Fugene soon, where
hgiiicuds to engage In some business.
The Uraugcra will spread a free din
ner at the school house Saturday, Jan
lllb The Installation of officers will
bo public. The program promises to
ho entertaining.
The school began tho new year with
a good attendance. 'I'he number of
pupils enrolled during tho school up
to present time, tit). Among tbe pu
pils entered this year are, Manly Oil
bert of Camp Creek, and Myrtle
Buchauan of Enterprise.
The voters will meet the 13th luBt
for the purpose of voting a tax to paint
the house.
(louse Cleaning
0 bars Babbitt's Hoap 25o
1 SfiO Bottle Boiled Cider 150
1 SOO ITfitrio Stove Polish ISO
(I lOo pfcgs Olnss Starch &0
1 I 01 pkg Dixie Oiieeu 250
1 lb Smoking Tobacco -00
I lb Star Tobacco 45o
p. On onr bargala eonatsr at about
OnOcS K reanlar price, lom.-atouce
a- in- 1 vvhl not last loin.