The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 14, 1899, Image 4

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    KiigoiH! City Guard.
.IAN l
The business department of
the WEEKLY GUARD is caused
considerable trouble by corre
spondents addressinp the pro
prietors peisonally. Addreai H
letters referring 10 the newsp
per or business connected there to THE GUARD,
Eugene, Oregon.
To Correspondent.
Tbe WmcLY Ooako iom to prM
ttrlv Frldajr moralop. TO loeoreine
Insertion nf tune- piii.dnne it sboiild
reacli uit ii''. later UWO Tnur-lny
CirrfH.niil me wliirh n-irliM Wis
ofllce la.-e Timradav and mi I'ndaj tod
faturday, unli Imp-riant, will not
im paMwbad, U woold be old arbeu
t tie i4-r went lo press m week allei
ward, Md mak log allowance for tin
several dai iiiiim req tired to isoek
sub r i - i - throughout tbt enaotrj
woui'i be state eod of utile loleieat
whi n tin- ruber was re ied
VotT- '' ! - l' I 1 'I'1'
mtttrtbutlm i ij i hi I'll' la) "'id
Wedneada) all a tr Hi H lJf
I.Hi, r . '..i i lii r '1 . tli. ; mil. I 't
Is- USfd
ill K I. ii I
Queernor Qeei ii i lit opinion
that lur better rmul.l o til I be
sound in in onnofiuorl f pob-
Il6 roods II iIk- i" ibettfui was
collecicl ilii' i-imi'iii other laxi'H,
ami i xii ii.Ii I under ilirtotloa of
tue.ounty it. The g .voruor,
wall moon g i r moo, nyi in inn
ini'HHBKI ;
"Our proseni r mil taken as
a whole, im unit to i mere tru v ty
on iboobjoot nr vbioh tiny oow
intended. They arc. ll'e result of
bnobuMrd, pntebork legUUlloa
frutii Kision ti ttoaion, UsuoJiJf
Mntndatory of preflooj soli that
were tliemMtlve nit-r ti upu login fur
existing cui.ditiuns. inure i"
ample jmlili atiun for the. talo
ment tliiit, ffUh exceptions, fo f'W
aa to Ixi unworthy of montiOB), tin
average country roadi n ur itato
arc in no bi tter condition tbu lin y
wore 3(1 yeri ago. There an; many
roaiU in Oregon that hive DOM
traveled regularly f"r nine ilmn ."50
year tlirougli thickly MttUd 00D1
inunilici, and have, never In en
no ue.irly im passable an during the
"This diacouraging condition in
wholly attributable lo tlio absence
of an intelligent application of the
effort put forlh lur their improve
ment. If all the road work in Ore
you during thin period hud been
applied to their systematic draiuing,
grading mid top-dreeing with
gravel or crushed rock we would
today have um good a system ol
roads as any htale in the union.
The amount of human energy
absolutely thrown away in prodlg
nun, hot in no iustanee, perhaps,
more inexcusably ho thin in the
matter of alleged work on our
When a j"uui man uk fathrr fur bit
daughter'! han'l In marriage, if tot fathtr
la a wlae out. h tbinka "f -iie thing nual
It a important at tar yuing mn'i murala,
social and l,uintaa aUnilint and intrlli
genet. A yiung man who auftVrn from ill
health haa no right to marry uarll hi! htaltb
is rratoicd. To do 10 ii to commit a crime
againat the human lacr Whili all diaeaa
may not tt directly inherited, the conatitu
tionai tendency to acquire them U inher
ited. If roan i a lonaumptive. the
chancen are that hit childien will hart
weak. underird lunga, and a jirediarxiai
tion to timalfl the name diwaae.
The oung man who nffer from DIM
cfaitio, weak liingn, apitting of hliHd or any
diaeane of the air pawagea which, if neg
lerted li ali up to i onuimutlon. may talf
Dr. I'ierct 'iColden Mrdicaf Diacovery with
almoit abwilute aaauranee of recovery It
curn ii per nt of all wh-n takt n
in timr. It aooUm and heala the delicate
and wnnilive Iimh of th- air panaagi h and
lunga. ( he tin- rough, facilitatea eiptct
oration, drivea out all impurilitai and all
eaat germs fiom the tainted blood and
huilda new and healthy tiaauea
Mr MM " Born, of aw MWrty Ae lllla
Imrgh Pa , write ' Home Ihlrty nionlli ago I
aaidlo my wile. 1 1 itm t wanl In krp anything
fr .m yOU, I niut I'll "IM I am In the laat la-f
.f rMui.l, Im Ii il " V I -.nirririn r-l
taking Ilr. I'lrrre a lioldm Mrdleal Uasmry
r r..,J,l ihru niilv aMiik iii whlarirra I havr
lakrn tliln-ii tailr ami nn aay with truth I
r-plc arp aurpriava in
,1. r na
not l--n a iinod m 'iir'il ytara My atomaili
wa nrvrr in ilir, roodkkaa Hormrrly I rmM
, 1 1
lirar BMIMaW ' mm nli" ami mi
net fit llh. ..l v. If' Mill vrrv mm )l ImiUCdlaU'v
after, but mom I tan eal anything."
and by (he time he reached ma'tera'
I of poll9 a good many logU
' laiora were not in a fritiie of mind
0 are wtsal hm opini n were. . M
Mint, I think, ia genHMl ntnn g
(iicio'era Ibftt (BO g veruor Digbl
hav "aid Iwn alniut ei.Ulive
proordoro with mnoh botui niie;
and there ar i meol wrmer lern
perament whodn not loroplo to pfO
clu'ii the givernor'n reiniki M
praoooiirtnofli tnd inportinont.
Kvery n--ion ol ihe Oregon leg
ialuture there in a grea', row over
the olorkoblp pro position! the (fort
to turtail the employment of tbooa
ornamental walary draers ii de
fa ted, rftid the rnembera ge1. Jobj
fur their niroo, conaini and tuoto,
ami iooidooUlljf nomelKxIir ellwl
coti-ini. Many nl the rlerki bum
slmut Bob m for the ipoolfiod forty
doi.dmw tbeir lolorlot, olid gn
h me in the full OOnaoioO'DOH tint
tin y bad a good thing.
When DOOllnttiOni for ne flMOlf
hen of the legielatiiro are in order
before the eleotion nil parties
anlemnly pledge therrjnelve to3or
root tbo clerkihip luxury with the
n -uit that the lutue old Mtory is re-
i iiled. The metliberi, who get nut
three dollari a -lay, cannot reiint
the temptation to secure joba for
Iriendn and dependenti caring lit-
imter I ' em-
I. I' i- awrtooily
leiile .
u o UoHtrti ureot'heil
Suulay at II ii'i liiek.
Mr ( arr of Upper IO Vnli. y
ed IhnI week at J Im OoltOf'
Itert MatbeWI la wnrklii In DC
Mnlbewi mill ptoeioi ble planer.
Hoier Unllrj larepkUp eonde
IM from hi- n nt utiek of (plMl
lll-UInK' H"
Jau. II
Jio. 17 to Fob. 15, Si
At hotel Eugaoe.
Dr tatHI SrsteiD- Diler?ac? Belt eel tie
Old War am tie New.
Electrlclir Is me Latest and Core
lor ill Cbroi'.c Diseases.
JollU II Ull moveil In l,oillt"fH lo
ony lo vK.nrrn wood camp. A nice
lime In iieive.
(iraml'iiH Hnlbr.x.k lain vrr.v bad
health Una w. ' ler Her illaeucen are
Incident in old age.
lf- ..,,-,..., U.H- i rinnlell W illi a
.'ii i.... .... . -- r ,
badly ipralotd ankle aturo"ay by
lielug tbrown from almrae.
Tbe Il.-x'er ll mr mllle were Mopped
a coupl.- .f dBJTi by a biokeii water
wbeei, Tbey be reWaPed work.
Preok aud Will CniMn returned n
tbe Kelley mill Mo nlay. i b- "'ill
MBOUDcwd h return to wotfc Tuaaday I
motalng ny piotonged wbtetllng.
cuhro initial cer vice for the it IM,
have kept open doon together, re-
...i.i.w, il,n nianv aim eiimn to
, , iii.i ,i tie whetli'-r ur not 'hey perform anv
tender the proper I'lVllilli'H of the1"3 ,oi" . ' 3
Ammt iruu , ,itl.illfT fif llliri
IIDf , lU III' I ' I.-, p, w-
Sloriei of DMl mutual alfronti be-1
t ween Lord and (Jeer were whis
pered about in the corridor in ex
planation ol the chill in the air, but
theio lUUnSMtl did not reach
the COM if the incoming
and retiring lecretariei ol
Htate who appeared in little fond of
each other ai the two governoii.
"QOfOfDOf Lord, who hat had ex-
porionoi with leffiilttarei from the
Undpotntof Ihe governor' oflice,
If roe are fading under tbe weakening
intlnence of female trouble!," do not
longei esperlment erlth ueles nr tlan-
goroui druga, but ti y
BradflllfJ'l Female Regulator
I, .. .11 r I ll... nwMwin ni rfi elK nod
in liia mi Mugn dealt cbielly with i . Kalung u the Womb, LencorrhoBe,
.1.1 : itii.l mm eiinlioliN not It e ile. !'.. 1 - h- ! 4
ble remedy which
in pel feet
a d over-
to treatl on the corn of the co
onliiiale brunch; but (iovernor
(Seer wee 1cm diplomatic. Fully i
20 mintilp of bit inaugural hour ;-
wm devoted to orlUoaJ diMOMioa by 080URN DELANO
of legil tlive methodi and policit'8,1
Iir Darrtn nifk.a apeetaJly nf all
iii...iuaof i ha ev. ear, nownnd tbroat,
l iinrrb ami d hfnei-H broticliltU, la,
.ripie eoneeniptiofli dyepepela mi
treetlon, bwri liver aud k dney dkv
( eaio".
HoperOMHOntly cuf all dieeaeH t'l
ti- geuilo urliiHry OffJtMi i" either
ex. All pecu iir female trouiilet a'e
BOOfldenUell trelel, H well an all
hcuU", ebrOUlO, private and nervoui
dteMMH Of whatever nature, if t urslile.
UnoNlUMlon Free. Ofttea liooni '
in, t't h p Hi. The poor treated free
eicept medicine,
1 1 on He Warinen
Black Eagle Doubl -Bitt Axe
( Crescent Ground
Hoo Hoo
I Web Foot J
Just Received
A Full Line of
Kearney & Foot File
Wnlbm KlmbeJl'iletoj t'k a lively
. . ... -r . - ...ill T111..1I.1V
pill iroiu llie 1 1 i-ni ""' . .
;.- ere Mopped el ibe Trenl aebool ' 'ru' "
li'iute liV the leacber mid puplla. II
wuk a very lucky numuy; nothing
being broken In ,- .k of.
Output i.rilie Klondike.
02j ;
1 IP dried apple" W
I in ' peki bei 08( -
j I lb " ralaloa "W
! I bx 50 mI new eiKara 05i'
t . .... I nu' 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 114 . 70c
1 di 1 NO 1 M . candles 20c j
1 lb niod tea 250 I
. . ... ... 1 ..... 1. .. .1 1,.
No one will ever know exactly how 1 m hiiiokihb iniim f. .t.. -e-
much Mid x taken from Ibe Klon- ltenieu,l-r our o.I.ih alio enoa m Mine,
I . a ... ..... I ..II ...l.u. .. . I I, f
dik- li.-ldi Hie ptwt Be.m. Hlnce the ai aimui one nan putt- -
Bogllib goeernment Impoeed royal-1 laat, ..
tv. the minerH b tve adopted aP ttorla mi. 1.1
of ruati to
evade tbe law. It la lather
dillli nil to (Indue luxe-, but It la nmre QoOt ROfOn Attention.
difficult lo (lodge a had Cold and the
eriD at thla time of year. When the ,, , . ..,!.., ,,..
Htti DI I! wcHk-ned by inch aMuckr.. : ' " .. i' J ft -----
hoi l ilt Ii 1 .oil tieeoUHH I hm HIUI llll- .
lovt-riHlifd, tbe Ih-"1 iiiedlclue Intake r(K. y nricen and pari ICUlart cor
1 Uof n-tter'H htoiuach Itittent Huh reH,l0U,i wu, Geo A riuU K,
r.11,1 dy liuilda up tbe ayileiu. Ilealdea Kugene Or
regulating dlgeetion, it oeoioomei 000 ' '
itipetlon, Ii ll good fur ihe kldueya
mid liver, loo, HtiiuulatiiiK Ibtwiirgati! toung Oinen
Into thi proper perfiiruiatice ol their rjroop fa tka tMTor t,f tbooiaaui of young I
ranOtlOOa. Nothing im tO gi lor j mMm jiHt,uw it, nutlinrak ia an agOofaiBf I
"mlHrlI 'and frfintntly fatal BMkaVa Ooogll and
Yeu Try It I Conaumptlon Cure acta likt manic iu emeu oft
I OtOaP, It hat never Ihii ki,. ii t' l.iil. Tbe
lfSI,il,.h'.fiM, (uo.uu.pti.a. "V wr.t , Hi..w., i. I ,-, v ITi -
whirl, i. imld fnrthe umall prleu nf - eenta, I ... .... a, ..i.i i. vvilbnua l.inn .
.hi . ,1,1a 11ml, U!K- 1101 fiire, taai- tun
hnttli-lutrk and wa will n-fiiml ymir nmney.
Snl.l fur lifty yrara nn tlilf guarantee.
Price J."i t-ta. aud .'HI eta. SnM by Wilkin. 4
I. inn.
Kent haa been appnlnti tl hiIiu Iniatra-
tor of the eatate of Cbarlea K Kt-ill , 1
who died nt Honolulu, llawnil, Nov
18, lus, at theatre nf L'"i yearn. Proba
ble value of aetata, l,nO. Bonda,
By the
griffin Hardware Go
Letter l.tit
How to Prerent Pneumonia
Vim are pcthapN aware that pneu
monli alwayi reiulti from a coldor
Irom an attaok of la grippe. During
thee 1 !t-ni i 0 of la gripp? a few yean
mc.ii when ho ma y caw reaulted In
pneumonia, It wbh obatrvod that the
..iim.u uh- never followed bv that
dlaeaaa hen Cbambetlaln'a Cough I
Itemedy wai uied. It counteracts any
tendency of a cold or la grippe to result
In tbai dangercoa disease. It lithe
beet remedy in the world for bad colda
and la grippe Kvery bottle warranted.
For fide by O.iburn A DeLano.
Dual More
(Jul thueaou Ihe llargaiu Counter.
Ax Billy.
Eugene, Or, Jau 12, 18
(J A Brown 0 C I'.aber
Mrs Jno Higby
H K Ne inian
Lester L Bebt
Caro Broi
Mrs Kliza Nule
A A HobertB
B B Yancey.
A chant' ol one cent will be matV
letter, glvt-n nut. Ivrutm railing loi
will pleaae .late vtaaa MwUMO.
II. F. McC'oliN id
For Infauts and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bough!
Signature ol
(loA'ia Wantkd. fail DO oraddrtws
I) ksla(ii.k, Etoyal, Oregon.
Pol Sai.i -Ll) acres excellent farm
ing lands. Inquire of John Van
bUY, ( olittrg, Or.
Pu.- ate I aaf 11 .we, W in Oaae ictr
C..:iy ..iiuri.r. Bi.rtt roi.a e.ttloi
to t
.nr. it"
Puke Brajidy. Examined b
best of judges and found to be itl
pure and tbe best of stimulant-,
aale at 73 cents per quart or
gallon, Sth and Blair Itreeti
gene, Oregon. Made by IM l-'n
For sale by ('has Tliompaoii,
Cobweb." and J T Wilier,
What is pure brandy? It Ii
double distilled essence of fruit,
clttini it ii too ritrong to use. Jus
some and compare it with any bt
on the market, "ft cents a quint,
a gallon.
i m Francis, Eugene, 1 n 1
J. W. KAYS FURNITURE CO. i Da; 4 Henderson, Undertaken
EH3HLMERS and FUKMl DIRECTORS embalmers. Cor. Wil. and 7lh sts.
I, ink "J ( lie ml A Illcs in the
t Inillge nt Mate Adinlll Mralion
"A ll," Alfred Bolaon, kboOro
tfiinian correipondeiit at the legis
lature is a thorough ncwspiper
man lot fotorto nt ihe work.
Ilii letter to his paper describing
the meeting ol tin' legislature and
tbo obaago tram thoolditnia a.l
minis ration to the new ia IQea
live of much frioUOD and ill til ling,
lie writes in part:
"The truth nf history reitiireenie
to write wiial it would btplOaMOtOI
to le.tve unt 'Id, namely, that over
the whole inaugural praooodlng
today there lay a dead frost. The
warm greeting iv00 lo QoTOfSOl
Lord in he rose to deliver his vale
dictory, and again as he ceased lo
speak, and the i .Ually gt in mus ap
plause given to (iovernor QOOT,
oruicd the sole cheerlul munif-itik'
tion ol theday. All the other lime,
there w.'i a palpable weight ol
Bloom on everything, making the
lofty corrid'irs and the dirty tloors
of the slatehoust't ven more disunil
and forbidding limn usual. The
trauslcr of ai'lhuril) lrom the old
ollicial to Ihe new wai B0titQOtor
to the Ian degree. There mix notli
iug in the forai of outward otrOINH
etauce to mark the event, aud a
etranger might eaiily have l cut
the day in S.letu without .e:irning
that anything out of the com tin ti
had happened.
ma not iwBtvi raoi i iia,
"The old i llicials having packid
up their private belonging', m veil
out, while ihe new RMMB Olliod In
aud occupied the vacant placea.
wilhuut even waiting for the
ton lo bweep up the litter. Iti
would have been gracioui and ht-i
coming f ir the new and the old to j
For 'M davs we will make prices on goods that will make them move as never before. We mean to make this SALE a
greater success Hum any of our previous sales. Kvery dollar's worth of goods will be marked at prices to astonish you.
Cost imtl former prices will not be considered. We regard it as a wise loss, and take it cheerfully.
We want your money
Space will not permit a general quotation. So
only quote you prices on a few articles. A call
at our store will convince you that
You need our goo
Ladies' Dresa Skirts.
Oor fl ' in h i. Braeaded Bktti
prtea now i 00
our i ,v Hlaek Braeaded iilk
Kklrl iuw 4
Our Pttdn Blank BImIIUm Bktti
M M 'now 8 75
out j-t BO Braoadod Bkwk skirt
now fur I -V
Lidiea' Kid Gloves
(I :' Ma-isi t.luvea at fl M
Ml l laap BultOI and llimk
llluvea Hi I 34
DotVl Tall toOM Bttl fl IHI IMoiMi
Mala f'J 00 now f I 50
Hati I N new r I T'i
llali .1 tJ now S
llala 8 "0 uiw i 7
Siltl I lata at yoOfOVO prke.
.real OOportttOltl fur thoae wanting Pteai liiN. All nur
llreaa tiiaiiU In all colda at...
I'lai.t UihkU Uailtlful aliailei
Plant i,.' !- U-autirul abailea
)rv tiiaxla black and eolow
Dreaa tiomla niack ami eolon
Iiew liiHiil. black and cole
Bverj ataoa ul Drees faoodo will tweotdliltsnonfloe No naareea
I tie
iK.n't overlook our t'arpct Department, Sweeping redoo'toon goods
on all grailca f t'aipvt
T $3 50 Our ngular f(i on ault Krcy Keney round cut AT
at 4 50 Oor rrgolar 08 60 ault brawn C'neviot round cut . at
AT ti 50 Oor regular fS 60 OOit black t'beviot rouud cut.. ..AT
fl' 00 and f 10 00 ltlack clay worsted M(U, regular price fl3 60
Now ia the time to et a good Mil for little money
f3 60
4 SO
6 50
Men's, Boy's and Children's We have a few food tilings left in this
line and will make specially lo- prices to close out
Trunks and Valises.
UOOSMOM. Oil CtoUaB, etc. are i
iUtigbteie.1 iIuiIiik out Mammoth Sale
Kor l.adie. and men Our entire
hue oi Maaktnteakos ol factory priest
We arv dot. I.UI.ii.l lo okaM ll-rm 001
What We Say We Mean. We Desire to
Will surpass anything over heforo lu-UI in Ktigene.
Remombtr, thtri is do rooervts. Our oniire stm-k
is pusbBcl to thi front, We offer you valuos. It i
your opportanity lo tako tdvtDMago of thoM iWBep
iuu' raduotioDi.
You T hat Our Crand Annual Clearance rales
WW V N N s- VA
Ladies' and Misses' Jackets!
CO poo.
Our itock of these goi - 0
mall, still we have some g d
r,i .ilfur ana r lunml i no I 0
... ....V. J..H U.
They must be sold at boilc price.
Our $4 00 Ladles' Jacket n
Our 6 00 I.adiea' Jacket
Our 9 00 Ladles' Jacket now.
Our 18 00 Ladiea' Jacket 1.
All (jurnicuts will be eoM '
tlieir r,...iil,ir i.ii.... Mi-i
reduced In ssnie proportion
Domestics for $1.00.
20 vds t-4 Hleached Mwlln
11 yils 4 4 Brown Muslin
M yds Indigo Blue t'alic"
80 yds Turkey Red CeltOO
16 yds llltached Muslin
ill Rolls koimI Itattint;
30 yds good Calico
See our Curtain at f 1 u a pair
See our Curtalus at 1 1 M a f .lr
St our t'unali.a at 4 V a pair.
See our Curlali.i al (hv a (alr.
Stv (Mr PortnlBO at SV a pair.
Our tflter gradiai hv si' been r-dt eed In same proportion
Mru's ual. Wool Sliirta ami Drawer! at
l.adiea' r.l-'e.t rani and Vests, (each)
Our fl "ll carments at eacl.
Our fl . i Karmvi.l al .eaelii
A little money will do . luKra at I tits sale
A ni..,L-ot .1. irn - :UH
A lnr.:e grev, wblte ami ! linB
Illaiiket won), f I no..
A u Inle alUiri nl Klnnkit. P--."'1
niic to no
We have all ki.ida of B
all kind of prices
Our M(?k of Shoes I eerj
do. oiM balance will n-rea-onab!e
( Her on thtni.