Eugene City Guard. I. I.. OAMPBKLL. Proprietor. KUUKNE CITY OBBOOK. EVENTS OF THE DAV An .. .u,.k iir.ti..n afttatM frntrn the Two Meinlaphrrea I'reaeirted In Comlpatail Form. A dispatch ftum Koine au a a innh nf 4,000 people I j it -1 uss.iulteil mi internal levermc !! try box, hihI tinned the Biii'lar inf n around Msneini, Kieilv a protet HKHiiift ex iiiiiiiiuiiii'atiiiii. A amber of ptwoni m wounded. John WelliniT, of Lafayette, Niool lett county, Minn, wan shot in tin- head aii'l iiip by two tramp. t whom he had kivimi shelter. They bound Mm. VVellmer to a kwnn With achithes linn ami ecapd with Wellrncr' L ain. Tliu ipivernor' "Jli itt the state- bonne ia Bprlnfflekl, UL, wax entered by purlieu unknown' an I M0 stolen from n drawei. Tim crime ia hhi round ed ill royteiy, aa all floor f tha bmld Inn hhi foarded liy watchmen. Tim theft wan -lia- nverod by oloin-l J. M. Tinnier and un investigation in pettd lag, Oik-of the limit iioIhIiIh Ooltbf f tlOMM IB the history cil A inor i i n n col-li-k'i-H wh ill WNHMnontltMl ol the 100th tnr.iveriary of Transylvania ti a -eiaily, at Islington, Ky. It wan DO labia mi MOM nl of It many faimnit alumni, including Jefferson Duvia, president of tin' "onf- 'li-rutf t,it. . mid J ml ice Harlan, of tlm supreme rmiit of lliB United St.it1", score of con-gri-atmeii ami men prominent in pflblU life. KiriK Charlea hat iik i I tlm nnrtai gerarca at Lialsni. In tlm course of liia peenh fiom tlm throne, King ('liarlaa aid tliat during tlm war helwi . n tlm United Ntatea ami Spain, two friendly nation!, I'oitugal proclaimed, ami, aa wai liar (Inly, maintained atrict ami almoluta neutrality. Ilia majesty aaid ha greatly ayinpathlxcd with the txir'a diaariuaiuout propoaala, ami mailo a reference to tho colon ica whirh aptir fitly diapoac of Ilia minora of tlm tale oM' ' .p'. i hay. In China thn Yellow rlu-r flmsla liava dealruyed thn crops, ami faimim haa resulted. Thnuaamla of UtiTM urn itarvlng. Tlmuaamli of hungry ami ragged refugeoa are moving down thtt river in lioiita. only to tlm) Ilia Walla of tlm eiliea lower dowu clnaed against the atarving hnidca. Tlm gnv cintnent appropriated HiMl.flnH lacla for their relief, hut loaa than ttie flfrtfhaa been, iliatrihtltril. It fa claimed df honrat ofllriala have N-kalcd tlm Infl ame. A relief fond haa hern stinted at Shanghai, lie v. II. Craig Palter aoii, of the OblM K iitn iniasioii, appeal to Ainarican friemla for aid. Tlm llriliah government favora thn canal Iwing built iy the I'uiled Miilea with unaianti'iia of ita nioitialilT in caaa of wai. A crlala la imminent at llnrlin. Tha miipinnr and uhanoallnr cannot HK"', ami a new mhinct la loobtll for. Tho principal tnmMe it oyer the Wbjolmll aipulaiona of Hain't and Anatriana. Tlm now rear hrinita liclaml tlm grvatnal eipcnnmnt aime Ciitholio MaUCipatinn, iiunixly, tlm illiliution of tlm local uovci union! act, which rvally, in many of lla featnroa, ia an axlanaion of tho HMWeJNlUM acta ami policy. Tlm war department haa come to tlm MMlttfion that it will l' neceaaury to aoeoid (ieneral lliiHiim, militaiy nnver nor of Coha, the anaiatanee of a Kpeeial cahiiiKl appioachiiiK In finictiona tho lata initononiiKt caldtml of Cnhan ad latMfttlM Ol ihj tit II atfaira of Iho iahnid. Tlm aitnalion at Nollo la uraro I'M tei n linndiail nalivea, fully aimed, aru at Melo, a aulnnli of lloilo. Seven tean tliouaaml mora, il ia remrted, am awaiting onlera to emhark at aeroral Kiinta on tlm inlaml of Nogroa, 13 lioura' aail from Hullo. All the women hue witlnliawn, and many fmniliea havu taken refuge with tho Aineiinana. Cnleaa rongteaa ahouhl piiaa a law anlhoiiiing him to remain on the no li Hal, Itear-Admiral Ucwey will ba placed on Ml rellri'd hat on liecemher (), 1NUU. Duly one other rctiieiiient will occur Ihia yrar, that of GlMBMO' atari II. Ia HowImM) now coiiimamlanl of tlm lloaton narr-yarl. Thera ia a Hung arnllilieiit in naval cilclea in farm of tlm paaaage of a law whiuli ' will pro in It the relentlun of Admiral Daway apM tha aolira liat for 10 vaara, aa wua done in Ilia oaao of Imroea ol tha clrll war. Tlm Amen, in line aleamahip I'm la, wlnoh haa arnvrtl in New Yoikfiom Soutliamplon, altera tonpaMttOW paa age, i.'porla that Tnea-lay, DaMabW Mi m latitude Ui JH north, ami longi Imlu SI ill weal, at t0 in the ineiiiing, he alghtixl a aleanier Hying aignal of d lull eta She pioved to la the lliiliah lank ateamer Vmdohala, t'apl.un l.Taik, ftom Itoiien, Kranee, Decemlier 16, lor I'hiladalphla, In liallaat. Slia theued the atgnal lellera, "Mnm uhan ilon reaaal." The 1'atia reacuisl her orew, and no livca wert loaU ii loo awi IttaanV Sebattiau Hat h Mill-, Ilia well known taatpaaaf ami pianist, 6UM iu Wietbilen, Uernmnv, agevl tttl yeara The preliminary remrt ol the Su a agiia canal coiiiuntsi.ui shows thai it will repine aboal 1II,000,OOJ to build the canal. Km-ouragiug u-mrta of the condition cl affaire in Manila ami Porto Kico reached the war depariin. ul from the offlceia roiuiuau-liiig the troop in tlnwa derlmeuU. Ohiu achool children have given I6,ttl foi the I mi Fayelle uionuineiK fund. The lira! Ameiican flag oxei a I'hil ippine pilticatioual institution waa laiaed over the Malale tcb.xdl.. A new ootinterfell one dollar lilvvr certificate haa heeii dixoorercd It ia of the tenet of Isutl, llruoe, reglslei, liobeiis, ireaiurer. Advice ahow thai more huaineaa ia being dune now by the meichauU and nanufactureia of Ilia United Statea than at any preivoua lime in the bi lory of the couulry. LATER NEWS. Henator llala haa bean renominate V the Maine Itepuhliiaiia. Hun. .loaeph H. t.'hoatn will Im our next amhaaainlor to Ureal Dntaili. Dr. II. Seward W'ehb, preaidaiH of the Wagri'T PaltOt 'ar QompBriJi i mentioned aa amx-vaaor lo Senator Mor- II ua aenator from Vermont. Thn fliit form il atnte dinner ol the eaaon took pluoe at tlm White llonae Thurarlay, when PrtfilDt and Via. McKinley entertaini'd Um UHMDWI Ol Ihv calnnet. A aenaation haa la-en created in 'ier many hy the pnhlieation In GblMM pa pat ol an alh-gerl ooOTafMllOfl nil with Ilia late I'rince Miamaick, in which he predicted the fail of the Ana Iriail empire. An Aineri-an nar I Koynlon, who ia trying to travel around the earlh without money, met with a terrible fall into a i Imam while enteiing Kram n by night through th- i'y icneea. He wax MflOdaly injnreil. Another lixagreealdn conwxpience of the late war haa been preterite-! to the U'lVerriinent of chiiuia from the ml lompamea for damrigcx auxtained through the nx j .. n - o their hiixi- ueax by the Unileal Statea military ami naval forces. The aggn-galn amount of Iheae claim! cannot Ixi hoetohl. The aecretary of war haa tranamitle-l to mingtcaa a letter from the ataln claima committee ria-ommemling legis lation to plovide lor thn payment of all meriturioiia olaima for muter lalt or auppliea fnriiiahed ami aervicea ren- dwad hy individual dotiai Ida Bpan iah'Arnericau war, together with a iliaft ol a hill to accomplitli that pur- paaa Itepreaeutative Tongue, of Hiegon, h i- prepared an amendment to the bill for BOdiflcatloa Ol lb" law a ol Al.ixka, now imndirig in the hoii-e, rnviding (or the licenaing ol main huxineaa con ceina in the tei ritory, and eapi-cially the liijuur buaineaa. Mr. Tongue aura that the Treadwell miliea -hx a not liny anything in the way of taxea to the lap port ol the teriitorial iliatit utiona, ami that f rum the icginn aurroun-llng Ju- aaaa tbool e, 000,000 in gold pto dttoad auirually, ami doOf not conlr ihute a cent to the government. Tin- Havana afternoon papera acnt a tlit ill through the city with a report that a torture and execution chamber had been found at the rexldeuce of the Rpaoiall miltiary governor, adjoining the palace. The papera dec In reed that there the Hpaniah ollleiala rpiextioned ami HBrdarad polltlaal priaoueri. Ao cprding to theii accoifntl, the IIihji id the ciiamlier wax covered with rlried IJixxl, and ita walla were ImleiitPrl with maahete atrokea. An excifxl, crowd xuo.11 gathered oulai-le the boaM whii h waa laat BOOOplad hy (leueial l'aira-lo. -.The hi lil v atatUjlilent of the le- ceipta and expemlittirea of tha Dnllad Stalex ahowx that the total receipla for Hi nla-r W ere f 4 1 .40 1, Ttlll, aa coin hi re. I with 160,644,191 for December, IHU7. Qaaaral .Maximo Qonta, Iron hit camp, 1100 unlet weatward, near Nar- i i-o. baa laanad praalaaaatlon lotka (Milan army advising against iliatiaml ing until tlm proceediuga at Washing ton regarding the pay ol tlm Insurgent lioopa have hOen completed. Hy the purchaaa ol a large block of tool of tin- (Jalbarlaa nnlwav, in Cuba, U Unix & Co., hankerx, repiesenling Knglish oapltaliala, have aaarad a con trolling interest in that line. The lime men have alao Ixeu large pur- ehaaau of the itookaol Bagna ann Claa fuegos coiupiiuii-a. Tha munthly tieasmr atah tit of the nubile debt aliont that at the close of huxineaa, liecemher 111, the debt, leaa caah in the treasury, amounted to l,in,IT6,l86, an Inoiaaaa timing the th of lifQtiTMi Tina Inoraaaa is due to the delivery of II per cent I I - of the new laaue, previoualy paid lor. At Kvanaville, Iml., Minot tlnrrett, tlanluer, l lijnh Scott, Frank Curl and William Moirix, loya ranging in age finiii III to vearx, were given a public w hipping in the peine court for lealing tome old wash bollON Their pareula weie given the option hv Ju-lge Winfn y of whipping the bOVI or having them sent to the tefoiiu school. fJoTarnoi Rooaavolti Qfaalof New York'a new exeuclive, haa catalhiahcd a i ode of rules to govern hia couaidera tiou and determination of applicationa for pardona and commutations of aeu teuce. He will not eieiclat executive eleinem v in hel.iilf of a man who haa MOO OOnVietad of murdering or ahiiaing his wife, nor will he paidou any hab itual criminal. His mercy will be IbOWa only lo thoae WbOM acntence aeemt to have been text-re or whoae comtuiaaiou of a crime waa the rcault of wfluaaooi A ino-t rental kable wedding ha taken place a' the village of Trail, II., four MOtnOfl being nun i led in four tit ter. The four knola were lied at the home ol the hi idea, w ho are the daugh ter ol a fanner named Jamea Hooh tatter. Their agea tange fiom 1H to UN, anl the agea of their tespectivo baaabadl vaty oulv lightly. Tha trOOtJM ate four tout ol John Summeit The OOMMROMJ of inatving the four couplea vHH-upieil almoat an lioui, the tame clergyman x-r lurming all. Tha four hrolhera and their vvtvea will live within a atoue't throw of each other. M-s John tjuaik, nk-ed 100 Tear), died at her home Mai Halena, III. Lieutenant Commander Sum Ml Q Pavne. I'nilml Statea navy, retired, died in Athvllle, N. U, James MclVmald, agtsl 160, a leai .lent of Uhlppawa Falla, Wis , died at St. Joteph'i hofpital, Mtjlwaukeo. A Pilttbutg coiuvany l-at received a cxinliact from the I' rule. I Slate govern ment to re rspnp Morro cattle in Hav ana. Patrick ifaggerlv, who would have t-n 10V year old January 17, died near Malone, N. Y. Mlat Margaret IVxIge, a pioiiuneul literary worker, waa found dead in a lew in a church iu Potion. She had taken poiaon. Marine loaiee during I v- were ma terially grealei than -luring any previ ous sens.. n mi the lakea, tbe aggregate being etlimatcl at t'.'.mHI.nno. While Deputy Sheriff Frank I . Nve wa furaing an entrame to a reaidemv la Chicago be waa hol and killed by Thorn a 0, Croiby, age.1 1 1 year. AGONCILLO'S NERVE Hopes to Be Received Offi cially at Washington. TO ACT o.M THK DBFEMIYI i. .,.. i Miller Hat Hean Ordered l l.aail Ilia Tria at IIm llo I liar. YVahington, Jan. . Senor Agon eillo, who ia in Waihinglnii aa tlm r- p retelitativa of the PklfipflM govern ment, haa axke-l to ba recogml hy the United Statea aa am h, ami to be acorded the RUM righta aa the other diplomat!. Hia n-rpieat ia now in tha hamla ol Kecretaiy Hay. Today, Horn Hiito Loptii the private aecrelaiy of Senor Agom illo, viaiterl the Itata department, and preaented to the offlciala a letter to Ser retarr Hay. rerueating, on la-hall o! Senor Agonal hr. an interview for the parpotc r.f ar- I rmnriliK to hia cri-ll'lltilllt to Piaaraont McKinley, ami Impnring when it would meet the convenience of the president to meal the 1'hilippine ruirexenliitl The letter ol Kenor I-om x furtlur that he i inalructed by BOOM Agonvillo, in view of recent development-, to urge tlm advisability of an adaratading batwaaa the AnMrieaa government ami the renretentati ve of the I'hillppine people to the rela tions between the ruaratctiva nationa; uch understanding to be reacheil eitlier at Wathlngton, through tbe joint rep- resentativ f th" two governineuta, or in the i'hilippine iilamla, in like man lier. The letter conclude with an ex prettion ol the earnest Impo that the friendly relation heietufore exitting la-tween tlm two nation may evei he maintained. Accompanying the letter i a memo randum setting forth tl at.ibliabmenl of the riiilippino republic, and the provision for a detailed iylm or guv- eriinient. From the facta iihmilted, aya Henor Agom illo, "it will appear thai the Philippine government ia now, ami it 1ia laren practically ever ahice June lH, IMU8, luhatantially in lull I ...... in ol the territory of the neople it represent." WILL FORCE THE ISSUE. Banatal Nltlef iua O Ml an 10 Whaaa A(lnit llo llo. Chicago, Jan. 0. A apecial to the Timea-Herald Iroin Washington lays: President McKinley I, as deui-le-l to force the iasue witli tile Filipinoa. Hia Incision may result in a battle at llo llo. It may lead to a hairaaaing war with the natives ol the Philippines. It is bopad ami believed that audi calam ities will bo avcried, hut it letnalna for the iuaurgenti to determine what the results will ho The president haa ordered (leueial Mlllai t land hia tioopa at llo llo. The order leave the Ameiican e. mi ni n vi no alternative. ' He i directed to bo conciliatory toward the natives, but at the same time he ia instructed to use force, if necessary, to effect his landing ami establish himself in the dailrad camp. In othai word. Qaaar al Miller is to act on the defensive, lla w ill not Die a gun unless atlai ked by Ibe Filipino. STEAMERS MAY BE CHUSHED. ffnhaa Ornfl win in Danger Whaa lltf- lei. llreakt. Seattle, Jan. U. Newt from Dawson statea that a number nl Yukon river steamers will be loll when the iee breaks up in spring. Some were caught ill veiy unprotected plar-x, ami can scarcely escape being wrecked. Tha Robot I Kerr, of tlm Moran fleet, ia Itnok fast on a bar lio miles la-low Circle City The line tleainei Am. .Id. of the Alaska Kxploration Company' fleet, waa caught hy the ice while last on a bar aoine 110 miles below Foitv Mile. A crack boo) of lho Ktnpire line, the Sent tie, ia slu. k IU miles below Circle City. She la on a har ami ice is Jam med up all around her. The Tacoma and John C. Harr are aluo laat in dan- genms poaiiloaa. tloinei' Aitililllon. New Yolk, Jan. U. A dispatch tu the Heralil from Havana says: A colo nel in the insurgent army savs tint Qomaa recently soumle-l the aimv on hia old ambition of uniting Cuba and Santo Domingo under one government. The wily old duel think that the I'niled State can offer no objection to this plan, which, if BOOOMplithadi would create a atate et long enough lu absorb Havti toon. With tli lit done, tloutci believes the foundation wtuld lie laid tot a republic which would soon take rank in the Waatara world aecond only to the Dnltad Statea. Dlainlltotl OMeOti Kichmoml, Ya., Jan. tt. News it received fiom l.cilngtiui tonight that today the superintendent of the Ytr gima military institute issued an older disuniting tlm entire Drat class ol thai Inititutmu, cotitiatiug of cadets. Tho young men dismissed repictenl I J stall., ami their offense waa a breach of discipline aeaiallltad M New Year't ve in the face of special warning niUn.i win Welea Oteiaka lauulon, Jan. th The Daily Newt tin Btoralaa in n adllorlal walcoaalnaj Iha aipaatad appolataiMl ol Jaaaph h. Choate, of New Yotk, as I'mtetl Statea mbaaaa.ior to lho .una of St. Jutnei, ays: " Kiigliahmen w ill thank President Mi Kinley lor hit choice. Mr. Choate will have an eatv and pleasant tatk. He comet neither to lake pail in a quarrel nor lo heal one, but to barter a ccmlial friendahip tuto (till more friendly cordiality." Toapln Keeorsl rtioken. Chicago, Jan. U. The highest acsirw I tenpln ever Woaidad on the alyla with th American Itiwling congteaa Hey hat been made by Unlit I'llrn li, of the Fellowship Club, in a vMiiletl with John A. Pender, ul tha Oakland ITuh. Ullrich core-l exactly 300 pint, the msiimnm in a ten frame gtue. The night pre v nuit be made an average of IDS lu three game during ivnteal between In club and thpOakland Club i. . i -i. i . . . i u mi i imago laague n 'U - II tin ell I. The latter avvra 1 aald to be tha world', rasord (oj the bigheal aveiaga iu throe game. NO APPROPRIATION. taUa Cltll aerrira gslnrmrn Vlrlorlou In III Hnutt. Waahinglon,' Jn. . The anti-civil servu.- relorm-ra MOTOd a victory in the house t.xlay. The executive legia lative ami judicial appropriation bill waa taken up lor consideration, and tben, when ti n appropriation lor lbs civil er vue conimiaaion wa leacheal, K ,ii - made a motion lo atrike it out. Thi notion ha heen ma-le annually for a doxen yeai or mote, hut invari ably laih-d. Hut fxlay the opponent nl the law lai'l great trea on trie fact that they could not get a decisive vote uxm tlm prosrsition, and were there fore compelled to seek it nullification in thi manner. Kv.-n Iheae apa-ala tailed to bring out the lull trenglh of the appaalHOSi though the motion to Itflfca out curried hy a narrow margin, IftOfl, Thi wa in coram ittea of the whole, where no lecord waa made of the vote. Mixsly gave notice that he would demand a rr- ord vote in the house, where the frivmli ol the civil crviee law ex.-ct to reverau tho deci- ion. When the seriate convened t'xlay tbo rasolallOB otTarad faatoiday hy Hoar, calling on the presi-h-nt for information as to the iristrm tiuiit to thn ooinmia lonota who nagotiatad tlm treaty of Par in, together with all ml I epurts relating lo their work, wa laid te-fore the senate. Chairman Davis, une of the commissioners, asked thai it Ixi referred te tHe foreign rela liuna run. mittee, but Hoar insisted that the senate had 'aa much right to uch iafoimatipn a the tpembera of tin- fore ,n relation committee, and that the president Rhouhl determine whether t ia lenate ahould have it. The resolution waa aloptel in aecret eaaun. In aupxut of the resolution ffered mine time ago by Vest, in oppo sition to expansion, (Jaffury delivatxii an extended apeech. At tin- conclusion of CalTery's arga uient, Morgan announoud, on behalf if the Nicaragua canal committee, the leaopianta in iuolifh-l form ol the . i offered hy Ilerry before lho bolbj-,! to the ponding canal bill r)in alll.,,111(.lllg v.ere not paued upon by the senate MISSIONARY OUTRAGE. (atliollr P Heart llrulallv Trrnlod In a Chlnea Villas. Merlin, .Ian. 9. letter received here f-oin Kiao lion, the Herman fortified s 'I lenient in the province of Khang Tung, China, give details of an outrage upon lathoi Stenx, the Herman Cath olio missionary, Nuvemhei U laat. The mbxaiouary waa about to leave Tie-Tan, province of Sluing Tung, owing to the anti-Christian feeling. . Finding him self confronted by crowd ol Chinese who were clamoring (or tlm deatructioti of the Christiana, he ttxik refuge in a hut, but he was dragged out, hi cloth ing torn fr hi hack, ami he was strmk with aticks and pricked with knives ami lances ami Ilia la-ard torn out. The Chinese threatened to May him alive. The following day, hia paraaeotOII prepared to hung him by the wilsta. Finally, a mandarin in terfered in hia la-hall, hut compelled him In leave the district w ith a prom ise never to return. iw - in Ian tiiim-is WTraaaiaoOi Jan. u. Tha Dnltad Statea torpedo bout Davi arrived today from Aatoria, via Tillamook, ami aftei taking on coal ptOOtadad to Mare isl and. She proved to he a g-xi I ae.i, but ow ing to the haa J weather along the coast she -lid not ulfenipt a greater peed than six or eight knot. Tha I'uvis crossed out ol the Colum bia about two week- ago, but put into TilluuuMik to .-scape a storm, remaining there until Wednesday morning, when In- again headed MUthi She was in command of Captain Thomaa F. Neill, and Aithur Zw II k.-r ami J. K. Weill, of the llrm which built the vessel, were in charge of the engine and bollt! looms. AiitiiMssaihir lo a a talis New York, Jan. V. A diapatcli ti the Herald, from Washington, says: The ptcsblent has pia. ticiillv selected William Poller, of Philadelphia, fui ambassador to liuaaia. Mr. Potter win formerly minister to Italy, having been lallonad at Roma during the Haniaoa adninllUation. Ilia record during that period ha been caiefully exam ined by the president ami Secretary liny, and lailh fee! coufldent that he will aatiafactorily till the St. Peteil Imrg poat. tap I a lee. in lb Ipvausg, lain. Ion, Jan. 6. A big Ixnler being teated in llevvilt'a ihipbuildiiig-yaidi at Harking burst tixlay, and the auper intendeut, engineer ami eight othei men were killed. About 40 persons were injured, some fatally. The whole hip-building works wete wtpcked. A woman was found dead IIOO yard from the scene of the disaster. A number uf men ami bovs are missing. WUrdoWl half a mile away were battered. i if i nprxaooMnat, Uadrldi Jan. 9. Colonel Julion Sau Martin, who was in command of Iha Bpaaiah larrlaoo at Ponce when the C inted Slate tiooi's under Q antral Miles landed on the island, ami who abandoned the place without resistance, haa been tent I to iruprisonmetit (or I lie. He will he incarcerated at t'enta. the Spanish penal colony in Morocco, oppaalla Ulbraltar. Motrin! su. crssor. Mmitpelier. Yl., Jan. 8. Hovernor Smilh haa ten leie I the place iu the I lilted Males senate enate, left vacant by tha tor Morn 11, to U. F city. Mr. Fitield htl death of Seuat K . ol thit not vet accepted. Washington, Jan. I). The bona-' committee on Indian affairt bslty or dered a favorable report on the lull granting te the Kettle Uiver Yalley road righ of way through the Col till Indian reservation, Wathlngton. T.iisioi Mar Hr Oawttana. lauidon. Jan. V The Hmlin corrt pomleut ol tha Daily Newt mentioni a rumor from Si. Peeraburg thtt Count Leo ToUloi will be banitbed lor championing I lit) cause of tha dit enlert who are being pt-rtecute-l into wholesale imiuigralion from the CM catlan ilivtrictt, moatly for hither one ol Tolatol't tone la going to inspect land thai haa been 6Maliad lor the immigrant. KowU ,r P1"' 1 ,n r" '. "d in aooie part, of Kngland. BATTLE ON THE NILE Last Dervish Chief Routed by the British. FIVE HUIOBBD BBBBU VLIMD PKlren lluinlred Warn Lett on Hie llrlllsh Tat Hmoll. Captured -Mlrle lnrton, Jan. 7. I'articnlars regard fnar iha raatnl baltleon the Hlue Nile have laren received in a dispatch from Cairo to the K bang-) I'eb griipli fJOOJ' pany. Colonel latwia, it npp nr, when he muted Emir Fedil, the last remaining Derviah chief, killed 60U of his ful lowera, ami made many priaoueit. Tin emir, however, socceoded in escaping. All 'official diapatch from Colonel Lewi say that with h Soudanese regiment he attacked Fedil while ho waa crossing tho Nile at the cutaract south ol Bott I rag (lleteresl. The colonel' force atormcd tho island on which Fedil took hi position, and Mime severe fighting followed. Event ually, Fedil fieri with 300 follower acrot too rivei. where Ins lurcu was diaperied by the Maxim guns. On the Uritish side Major Ferguson. ix Egyptian officers and IH men were wounded, and 27 men were killed. Cairo. Jan. 7. (Joloenl Lewis defeat ed the Emir Ahmed Fodil on the Hlue Nile December 126. Hi position waa taken by storm and 1.S00 deiviihet weaj captured. PHILIPPINE INSURGENTS. Will Itaalal tha Longing of tire Anier Irana !y furrr or Arms. Pari", Jan. 7. An official telegram received by the Philippine junta here dated Manila, January 4, aajs Agui-nal-lu ha gone to llo llo at the request ol the insurgent, there to place himself at their head with a view tu lighting the Americana. The diipatch alio givea fact as to the antecedenti of mcmberi uf the new Filipino cabinet. The following have accepted: President of the cabinet and minister of foreign affairs, Mahini; interior, Teodoro Samlico, a civil en gineer, who waa educated abroad; war, General Hulouiero Aginnaldo, cousin uf Agiiinaldo, president ol the so-called Filipino government; finance, General Trias, a close ally of Agui naldo;)public work, Grcgoiio (lonsaga, a lawyer, foimerly Spanish attorney general of the Visayas. Tin- cabinet il described aa homo genotu, every member being pledged, according to these advices to resist the military occupation of the Philippine. Member- ol the Filipino junta here explain that Aguiualdo did not run away, hut "left Manila for the moun tain legion behind Cavite in ruder to iiiake leeret arrangements foi his voy avge tu llo Ho." The Filipino who lainUbM this in formation also categorically ami spu cilically asserts that the latest tele graphic advice declaio if the Ameri can insist upon tlm occupation of the principal citie by tlm American troop, tho whole Filipino lube will resist by lorce of am,-. SANTIAGO IS SATISFIED. The C'usl a lleeelplt XVIII Not lie Sent lo Havana. Santiago do Culm, Jan. 7. A dia patcli wa received from Havana today saying that the disjoins receipts may remain in Santiago. The effects of this information aru good, mid pat Den ial If M lar aa tho laborers are con cerned. Senor liauardi, the mayor, Inn Assured tho laborers that nil work now in ptogreaa will go on, and, then bee, there i not likely to be any llama diate trouble. Prominent Cubans emphatically us erl that if a Cuhau government should assume to issue audi an order concen trating the custouil receipt at Havana civil war would break out Immedi ately, It is hoped that a civil govern ment may be established in every prov ince, distinct from the luleol the gov er nor-gent-ial, who should ho niciely tho military chief of the island. For Meritorious BettlOOi New York, Jan. 7. A diipatch to the Herald from Washington aaya: Hovel nor lloosevelt, of New Y'ork, ia lo receive the brevet rank ol brigadier general (or gallant ami meritorious service during the battle of San Juan. A board of officer, consisting of Gen erals Swan and Poynton mid Colonel Cartel, adjutant-geneial, which hud been considering the question ol the nfflcer entitled to bievets (or heroism, have recommended that Colonel Roooe velt be breveted. Secretary Alger haa brought the recommendation to the at tention of the president, who directed tne nomination ol Governor Rooaevelt (or the brevet giade. Naw Hpanitli CablBst. Madrid, Jan. 7. General Poliavejn, ex-gortrmor-general ei Cuba ami ol the Philippine ialanda, and Senor Silvela, tha oonioivalive leader, have agreed upon tho formation ol a new cabinet, and have been autnuioucd by the queen rriceoC Tho early advent of the con erxutuus ha power il regarded a cer tain. k hi.. i m r.i,,!;,! New Yoik, Jan. 7. George Tvler, !4 years o( age. was killed in an im. ,; . ' ' tu ptiM fight tonight in Jeraey Djr riiomaa holey, agisl alxuit 33 yeais. The two men had an nnnsatis- factory ltut a few days ago ml decid ed to aettle it tonight. In the first round Foley landed a light swing un the point of Tyler't jaw. Tyler dropped, and aflei being Doaated out waa taken to a lioapital, where he wa pPOMOMaddaad, Hit aaeh waa broken. Itfln Wero IHeoeeO Falruoutb, Jan. 7. Fourteen mem lari of the crew of theBiitiab steamet Kotahire, t ardiff for St. N.ixaire, and 1 IS ol the crew ol the Fieu. b steamer Dngucaolin. Koueii (or Swans.-, land ad hero today by pilot-ltiat. Thef steatueti collided near Trever Head yesterday and aank. Kh-ven of the i crew of the Flench ve.tael and one of Hit Kostbire a men were drowned. Wellington. Jan. T. Congrestman Lawn, of Waabimiton. iinr..b,.i . bill in Ibe bouae tctlay lo appropiratf . IIOO.DOO for attay offlct at Seattla. I QUICK TIME FROM DAWSON l-ortlandera llrrak Ovrrlanrl Itrrord Mew Vorkera Have Hard Lurk. Seattle, Jan. 7. William Welch, Frank Hekole and W. Devine, of Port land, Or., who arrived here today fiom the Klondike, claim to have broken the oveiland record from Dawaon to Skagway. They led Dawson, Decem ber 13. and arrived at Skagwav, De cember 2D. Antone Groheaita and Albert Ber nanl, two young men from New York, nn-t with very haul luck on the way out. They broke through the ice on Thirty-Mile river and were in the wa ter some time. Tlmy finally wete rea died and cared for by tbe jail ice. Oroheita lost 63.800 in gold, which waa tied on hi sb-d. He arrived horo tixlay absolutely penniless. Hi part ner ia at Tagiah house in the isilice hospitul, ind will lote both feet a well a several finger. Grobeaita will rttagj to have a tor- amputated. The William sawmill on the Klon dike liver, near Dawaon, waa totally lestroyed by (lie December 10. A number of horse perished. The to tal loaa ia estimated at $7,000. Sulphur creek, which waa disap pointing laat year, it repotted to bo bowing up well thit winter. DAY IN CONGRESS Several II H In or Minor linportanri. I'assed In the Senate. Waaliington, Jan. 7. In tho ab sence of tlm vice-president, on account of illness. Five (liep. Me.) waa presi dent pro torn nt the owning of today'a session of the aenate. Dcrry (Dum. Ark.) presented a pioteat lrom J. K. Murray, camp ol United Confederate veteran! of Arkansas, against thn adoption ol the proposed amendment ol Butler (Pop. N. C.) to the pension ap propriation bill, providing for payment of pensions to Confederate soldi. -rs. Hoar (Rep. Mass) gave notice that next Monday ho would address the aen ate on tho resolution offered by Vest (Dem Ma), relating to the acquisition of foreign tenitoiy by the United Statea. Caffery (Dem. La.) announced that ho would addtesa the aenate to motrow on the aame resolution. The senate passed a resolution direct ing the foreign relations committee to investigate the status ol cluims of United Statea citizen! against Spain and passed hills to ratify agreements with the lower Drule and llosebud reservation Indians, grunt California 6 per cent of the net pioceeda of cash sale of public land in the state, classi fying clerka in first and aecond-claas poatufficea. The Nicaragua oannl bill then came up, and Caffery made a 8peeoh on tho Clavtou-Uulwei treaty. In the House. Washington, Jan. 7. Under a spe cial order adopted before the holiday recess, the house proceeded today to consideration of lulls presented by the committee on judiciary. Tho bills wi-ie first considered in committee ol the whole. Tlm first hill called up was that to creato an additional cir cuit judge in the sixth jmlicfal olronlt. The bill was finally laid aside witli a fuvorahle recommendation. Favorable action was ulso hud on a similar bill providing an additional judge for the third judicial district. The bill was called up providing for the retirement of Judge Cassitie G. Fostei. United States district ol Kan sas, ami occasioned some debate. Foster, Mr. Uroderick explained, liad served 34 years on the bench and hud broken down physically, but had not reached uge (70 years), when lie can (il legally retired. Open Door III the PhlllpplOtt. Washington, Jan. 7. Senator Five, of tho American peace commission, laid in the senate committee on com merce today that it wai the under standing ol the Ameiican commission crs that an absolute open-door policy was to he observed by the government of the United States witli reference to trade in the Philippines, and Dial other countries were to lie given the tame Mel II tit! as the United Slates in that trade. The question came up in connection with an informal discussion of the coast trade policy of this country and its extension to the Philippines. Frve also said the policy of exlcuding tei tile fabrics would not, according to his understanding, he applied aa in this country. mj BselMe Amerietmei Vancouver, P.. C, Jan. 7. Much talk is heard over the announcement in the I pooch from the throne at the open ing of the provincial legislature today, that a hill will be introduced to ex clude aliens (rum taking up or work ing placer mining claima within the ptovince. The impoitance of tliia ia in no way to be gainsaid, for it will shut Americana out of the Atlin coun try completely, and it will preserve Atlin's riches for British mbjects alone. At present Canadians are not allowed to take up mining claima iu the United States. IsMOh l ake Indiana Pardoned. Washington, Jan. 7. The president has pardoned the 13 Leech lake Indiana eninnoed to various terms of imprison ment, and fined at the late term of the United 8tatet dtatilet court of Minne sota for resisting tho United Stales niatshal in making an arrest. Maert-t Trwtly Ketprrtliic 'hln. London, Jan. 7. The Shanghai cor respondent of the Daily Mail says: Ac cording to Chinese report, a secret treaty exists between Great Britain and the Dai tad States to prevent anv (uitlier alienation of Chinese territory. Kin..- in . Srmvel Fit, Futlerlen, Oil., Jan. 7. Martin and Uilleiy KichoU,, aere killed to day in a gravel-pit by a c ive-in. Thev were taking out gravel when the alid'e centred. , The Tat on Beer. Wathlngton, Jan. 6. Attomey-Gen-eral Griggs, in a recent opinion, holds that the tax to be attened upon beer in case of attempted evation and willful failure to affix tbe stamps hould l-e at 63. nd further that the additional tax to be assessed upon laser ttore.1 in warehouses on June 14, 1898, hould be 61 a barrel, aud not 931, cents. Pear Admiral Schley wai presented with a sword in Philadelphia valued at 4,300 from citiaeni of New Jersey. PenniylTania and Delaware. SENT TO THE SENATE The Peace Treaty Leaves the President's Hands. CONTESTS NOT MAIK llolh II Adjourned Knnn Oul lteaperl to Hie Memory uf Master Horttiti Washington, Jan. fi. The first sion of the senate after the holidays .. copied only nil minutes, although in that brief time two open ti-isioin tnd one executive session weie field. The galleries Were filled with srectutois he. fore the senate convened, the genei,, expectation being that the peace treaty would be preaented. The tenatorial menibera of tlio peuce commiaiion ap peared on the floor and were given a hearty greeting by their colleagues. In the absence of the vice-president, Fry-- of Maine, the president pro tea., called the senate to order. Tbe chap lain in his invocation said: "We como together under a tenae of bereavement by the absence of tin senior senator fiom Vermont, wlmta wise counsel and loving presence shall no more enrich the proceedings of the ( bam her. We bless thee, O Lord, In bi- noble life, for hit example to all men, and we pray that his spiiit may ever abide within these walls." Scarcely had the clerk begun to read tho journal of the lait session of tht senate when Davis moved tbut the fur ther reading bo disHjuaed with. Tire motion prevailed. Frye, who was in the chair, immedi ately recognized Major Pruden, secre tary to the president, who held a mes sage from tbo president of tbe United States. The message contained the treuty of Paiia. Gn motion of Davit the lenate then Went into executive session, in ordei that the treaty might be referred to the committee on foreign lelutiona. In a lew minutes the sen ate reconvened in --pen session, ami Allison announced the death of Senator Morrill. Tbo usual reaolutiont weta adopted, and as a mark of reaped tht senate adjourned until tomorrow. The honae apent today contideritig the bill to define and punish ciime in Alaska, and provide a code ol criminal procedure for the territory. Sixty seven pages were com pleted today, and the bill was made a continuing order until disposed of, not, however, to in terfere with appropriation billt ur other special orders. The house h.I- journed out ot respect to tbe memory of the late Senator Morrill. SANTIAGO PROTESTS. Against Rending Cuttomt r..n, , to Havana Situation la Ollleal. Santiago, Jan. 0. Meetings were hehl at all the political clubs lust night, nnd even the most conservative people, those favoring the annexation of Cuba to the United States, wera astounded ill tin. onlera from lluvuna for t I.., nmm I trulization of cuatoma money there. The past 48 hours have completely altered the situation of affairs here. Tlio province hud gradually settle down, and waa contented with the or der of thine nrcvuilinir. recoirnizirur the benefits conferred. Nnvx there is i,t..ti. (,'ii.,... ,i.wl itinru ia .... L.'t'Mvion in -.i.inL: wi.u tin- Hiiuutiun in . t . .1 ntnl lli il a nnorlr u'.,ti I I rathft a - - i . i . nil! io.u n o-(ii nnuill .-mt l:..l II -.1 A a. I Ui II i iii" wiin il winnu jilllliti IM" jirnvinco into lusurroctiinn. ....... ....... 1 t- Ill v.- il llflU I ' l' . ' 1 1 1 1 1 ' h ' ' ' ' 1 uif piMHit' woikh, Mich actum won i I'lwitii'i tiitini a iliuil w II ii- (l win lit ho hard to ijuoll. l,ii,i,i.v.i ti.- r r i I riaataW . I :. tat - r "rr - i . . t l ti' i ; 1 1 i i a a i i, C'Tnr fir r'li ur tm a f , i inn lr iu i m.iiioe iuui iiit i a ur iii tii iiis i mi nam i il i iirui't i-o c in i off the nail of the regimentH there. i'f. v .ti ::t i ti i i t mi i i i ii v it. ' lit J . It . uuu iu tmningTon, roprVMDlll I'M i hi ill 1 1 r m itiMi lrit i nt nriN nit'ii tt 1 1 t i . . .t J ontfhly appreoiateil by the Cubans. CHINESE OF HAWAII.,. l.pnriiil taktfaaM .1 1. a . J.oktma ivanij liwnrjll, Ul Uil' ireUBlir UVyHH . - 111)1111 Ciiltl 1 1 v t mi tatii . tin (win, itliltl ii nun tun uroinuion ,,f i .u i nun n t .it t t w i r r i r t,o,-i t . i iiiinvjo r liifna ill t it- I .... 1 I. ft i .u tu -mil iiiillinilitint Iirt'M'II I H( I III Vllf "ij, iuq im inr, ill r. 13 TOW II. . vuui i, iurniixi - -- in j n.ia i-iiiiiir'i i " KIM the question haa heen refer. tnl viikio -r- I I 1 4 I, Ol t Willi t . ...II Ul I " VVV V-1 1 1 1 1 COO TI II I - taintsl. InfrrnMl Mrhlne Kiplodr.l idlil !.l. Ton., T..n A HV I ..nil., U It II. V. v . 1. i . ... ..( ... i i i u : , r miiri un i Hit ur i .u m- 11 five men were terriblv iniured. ' of them fatntllv. The BMObint cleverly constructed, and enca-e-l WiHXil in such a manner a to Le aat by the opening of the box lid. In the Kram o-t terman wai third Herman soldier had a map "' J ,1 U TI in. I-, ,. .. i ,,,. ,,! ,i itriintii Waaklagaoa, Jan. o. The teei of the navy bai tranimittevl to con an estimate of fUl.&00 for th ton, ixey est and Mare itlaml. secretary of the treasury alio pie-1 an additional ettimate of fSSO.t'v'd maintenance ol tne l-oreau ol . .in I emrravimr. and theaeeretarv ol an estimate of $100,000 tor a riex pital at Fort Lavenworlh, Kau- In Ilunitaiy there are Ihotisam ,,,ak.-o nil llulllimiB Ul BUI.'. - aithout doctor within ten mile