MtiM t'"' h,,"rtw' P 1 , : , full I'" and ,,"'" ,it i lht. . th- ..... of It. r'" Oil wu are soothed to eleep and curd. jet i'P " fc .....Ideal Travels. ?EVr.-ni-h l.rf-xi.l-xt navels fr. &WriH ..m,i,.l ...... In li" . hut l". tl.frW.un j.mrney I" 1 I his e.c.etary calculates 5SlHkW-ll pri.l furat nut nd tliis "um ,",",l8,l u'. ,iHtril.lxl among tha poor. lA 'l. railway mo-TU-..,.,.. Good New S From Many Homos Vadn EE wp"'tu"d" Hood's SarMptfilta boa ban l"'r!7'r, nsia Ulseuriiigit tiday and ratine "I" 1 ' , ,. iv,. .. I'tKii'" fr ta ST'ff vol iTav .l.rH ikr i j ." " - .in. If von have II friend hsiJ&M9 ke lafhring front ' ... Hood's Sarsaparilla i, ... Jo"'l",, D)i i'i. I I At a ,'"t :" ttog of Doib'" "" ;"','1'l,'r:l: al li'. gating, Ark., a lively debtU Jto wbetb r tha minutes of tlio , reri'MK "-'''"' sh""1'1 m"' b"'"n' Lint" nld i'""'1''"1 or "ot- ''"' l)aU,ter vmitiiri'il to quote Speaker Kffd on tl." lubjeot, bat she was ' ,ptly overruled ami the readmit lai (Hipensed with on tl.e motion of mother daughter, who nssortud ve-i.-mently that "Tom Bed didn't teMlWhat he win talking about." TnV AM.fc'VS KUIIT-BtNE, i powder to he shaken into the shoos. Jttnbseafi'ii your feet feel swollen, m-r-t'.ai sml umiunl'.irtahle. If you have .Tirtlnii feet or tight shoes, try Allen'a at, Itr -tsaud comforts; niakis nlkuiceasv. Cures swollen and sweating U blisters anil callous stints. Keltcws f .nind buni.ini of all lain and is a crr titn cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp jrfroatedfe. t. We have over thirty thou uud testimonials Try it today. Bold by lildrungniB ami iho? ; tore.: for '20c. Trial ra 'age K''Ki:. A.lilress, Allen S. 01 111- itrd.LoBnv.y.Y. Amonii the many mysteries of hird migration is the (.u t that over-sea jour neji ore generally ootuliieted in the Imkneu, and invariahly against 11 head wind. T Dart i CoM in Oaa uy Xk I ..x BroiltO ijuinine Tnhlcts. All druwiu refund Mono if it falls to cure, fw There is some talk of 11 tunnel under neath the strait., of Gibraltar, and M it would have to he only 20 miles long1, there is no reason why it should not be (Alible, particularly as there is a leJ of hard ruck all the way. Xo household is complete without a liot tie .if the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It ii spare and wholesome stimulant ree nes tided by all physkiaus. Don't ue IkI mil neceuitv. When a young woman gets n new hat the is never satisfied until tint man she lures most and the girl she hates most lure both seen it. T Perm 111 .m iinsl. Nn lllsnr nervnosim lie ilUll 1. .si itiiy s use of Ir. Ktuie - Ural Jierw It,-,'. -. r Brad for nu n Sx.oo irml koUU tnd mtlK I'R. B. O, KI.INK, .UJ., ujo awe mt, IhutdtlpuuvBs, When a woman buys canned mince meal she cbopi a few more apples into it Mini adds a dash of brandy and then she thinks she has made it. When roniiiiK to San Francisco to to Brooklyn Hotel, 2U8-2U Hush street. Utericau or Buropeen plan, lioom and twM f I.iki 10 l..'ii) jk t day ; rooms ,ri0 cents MtOO " r nays llngle meals 6 cents. rMooacn, ( has. Montgomery. George Knox, who died in London eceiity, called himself "tho last ol the Roticrucians" He spent a long lile and a great fortune in Linking for Hie philosopher! stone, the elixir ol lile and other myths of "the rosy HOITfS Sl'llllltl. KOIt IIOVH. In at Rurllngante, will remove to its imiful new home lit Meulo Park. San MMiCountv, ( al., and re-open January wlIHO. A'ddreei Ira 0. rfoitt, Ph. Dl, KU I'ark, Cab Instead of reshocing horses with llmper shoes when tho ground fioezes Obio mail lias invented a device tain screws on the under side of the hoe and cim he removed easily when th pound thaws. J EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS 4uT!ft,,th?.oripi"alitynnd to y he 0,"nl'ination. but also fflanuhart' an'' ski11 with whicl1 is d"'1? cientiflo processes . Cu"rRN'A F10 Svnur m th. 1 Wl' wish to impress uiwn true ,n7lp,r,ance of Purchasinp the rCsrSl!, remedy- As thc U.. r P "f 1 'P8 18 manufactured ell. , i:ALIF0KS' Fio Svbup Co. ni j''.'"11 of that fact will NUti,.? m av"illig the worthless iir '"nifactured by other par Nru 55 ''' stilr"l'n(r of the Cau ead Drlf hv,tl1, C- with the medi iid7 k "'n' aml tl,c satisfaction P'en to m'nuine BnP ot FiPs has tt nae '"i"18 ' ,amilies. makes the , "m cmpany a guaranty V ia ,1U e of its remedy. It is it art ' aM other laxatives, Wwi.r V'e kidneys- livt'r t tj," "'"j1 "TiUting or weaken sat ' ian ll d(X'8 not rripe noi ,8ts. ni " 0rder 10 ?et 'ta beneficial paTjVemCmberthe Dame of FORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. la,-,-" rucinco. r.L HtW TOKK. H.T. RECORD OF AIEAR.1":,-..- IK N iiMi r ihi hi 1 .. . . I Important EvMtl Crowded the Pa t Twelve Months. MI CH HISTORY MADK. The Year 1898 Will Be Remembered ai a Moil Notable One. A Chronoloulcul Heview Show, It tn Have lleen Itr m.irknble In Many Kc- lu-ct War with Hpiiln Taket Knrc hi t Place In the Interesting KrcnrJ - CnncUe 8try of Vlctnrlona ('mill c-t Intern itixnul ami Internal IUcnlnn Amnna Kurnpeun (nun trie Ilia titer mil Deuth ut II, on. unit, To him who U concerned with hUtory Id the uiakina there very rarely eOBSM a year more heavily laden with Important events thau the yenr It has seen every state In Kurope, except peaceful Bcandlaaria and the Dutch rninmunltles, face t.. face with either wnr or Internal dissolution- some of tlu-m within nieas liruhle distance of both. Vet the iirentest effects have nut been In Kurope: 1SP.N has seen the fnited States forced, tint by ny fraid of power, but by Its humanitarian ideals, to take Its art in BllfOpeaa rela tions. A brief hut Klorloua armed rontlict with Spain has been begun, prosecuted to Its end mid settled by a treaty of panes upon which the Ink is scarcely dry. The Inception of great political chnnisc has been witnessed in China two Kiiropenn rulers have come to their death: several linn and women prominent in statecraft, military affairs, reform, literature mid music, have passed away: the year ha been marked by some terrible marine dis asters, causing great loss of life: and Are, Hood and storm have numbered their vlc time by si-ores nod caused exteusive loss of property. The chronological table that follows gives the most Important happenings of 1M.M, foremost mining which are those of the war with Spain. OOMVUCT WITH FPAI.N. Bvemteof Wae Lately Won i.y the Ualtd States. January. 13 r. s. iintiieshii Maine, Capt C, l. Btge- bee, L. 8. .V, Is ordered to Uuvuus, Cuba. February. The publication of a letter written by laaef l.upur ile Loaia, ,.,-, . . minister to ibe United stales, ipeaklna dlapai Sgl.lgly of t'resldellt Mi-Klnlej. lends In the Minister's res'gnutlnu of bis unst and thl nppolntmeut of Seuur l.m i'olu y llernsbe. 15- The V.. S. biiltleslilp Maine, lying In he harbor f Havana, is destroyed ind sunk by mi extilnsl.iu between U uud 10 o'clock p. m. 17 Raar Admlrnl tttenrd, enmmnnillug the North Allnntle sqnidroa, orders a court of Inquiry Into the loss of Ibe Mllaa. 10 The request f .he Spanish olllelsli In Ilnvnnn fur n Joint Invest gnllou Into the 0M of the M n I tie Is declined. 21 The I'nlted States Btnite orders an lu vestlgatlou Into the Maine disaster. March. g.9 Congress votes to place $50,000,000 at the unqiiniifieii disposal of President Mc Kiniey us so snergeacy fund. 10 Sinln remnnsl rates ngnliist Ibe presence M the I'nlted SUtes fleet at Key West ami against other measures of defeuse by our liiivernnient. 17 Pacts concerning rutin stated In the Senate by Senator Prnetor. of Vermont, as the result of personal observation. 28 Ciuirt of Inquiry's report on the Maine sent to Congn si. April. 6- Consul flenernl aM recalled. 10 Consul (ieneral leaves Cuba. 11 President MeKlnley sends a message to Congress recommending urmed lutcrvcu tlon In Cuba. 15 Army ordered teTnolillle. Ill Senate belligerency resolution! passed. 18 Congress votes against Cubau recogni tion. 19 Congress passes resolutions demanding the withdrawal of Spnln from Culm. 20 Qaeen openi Cortes with war speech. Oorernment anaopacei lis oppoeltion to prlvuteerlug. President signs DOtlflci tlou to the uatloni of lutcntlnu tu bluck ade. 21 ur minister st Msdrld, (ieu. Stewart L. Woodford, Informed by the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs that diplo mntlc relations between Hpslu and the l ulled States ore terminated Presi dent MeKlnley rabies our ultimatum to Spain, demanding n reply by April 2.1.... Seuor Polo y Ilernabe. Spanish minis ter, receives bis passport and leaves Washington. 12 Cruiser Sew York, Sampson's flagship, enptur-s I'edro, 2,000 tons, uftccu miles east of Havana. .. .Cuban ports block ailed by the American squadron. 23 The President Issues Ills proclamation calling for volunteers, 24 (Sundayi A Spanish decres declaring wnr against the United States was gazetted at Madrid. 25 Congress passes a resolution declaring that the slate of war existed from April 21. 20 Keerulilng volunteers began In New York City. 27 -I'nlted States vessels bombard Mnlnn sus. .. .Seventh New York lteglmeut de clines to enlist. 28 Commodore Dewey's fleet snlls from Hongkong fur Manlln. 20 Hpaulsh squadron snlls from Cape Verde for the West Indies. .. .New York shells Cabanas fnrts U. S. cruiser Yule (Parlsi nrrlves In New York. 80 Comnindore Dewey's squadron nrrlves off Msnllu Flagship New York tires on Spnnlsb cavalry sharpshooters off Havana. May. 1- C 8. eru'ser Tnpekn arrives st New Ymk from Falmouth Commodors Dewey's squadron destroys the Spuulsh fleet at Manila. 2 Cable frun Manila to Hongkong cut by Commodore Dewey. 4 Battleship Oregon and gunboat Marietta snll from Klo Jnnelro. 7- Ccmnmdnre Dewey Informs State De portment of the seliure of Cavlte. 0 Congress thanks Hear Admiral Dewey. 10 The Gussle expedltlnu sulled from Tampa. 11- Emlgn Worth nagley and four of the crew nf the torpedo boat Wlnslow killed by a shell from the Spanish forts st Cur deals 12- Admiral Sampson's squadron bombards the fnrts at 8sn Juan. Porto Rico The Spanish Cupe Verde fleet arrives at Port de France. Martinique Uuosle expedition repulsed. U Cotnmodon Schley's fleet sails south to ni.i t the Spanish squadm-i. 14 Spanish Cape Verde fleet sighted off Curocoa. 16 Itenr Admiral Dewey reports on fall of Manila. ,. .8 ig ista's cabinet resigns Spin'sh torpedo boat destroyer Terror disabled st Port de Frame. Martinique. Spanish fleet leaves Curor.ia Gen. Merrllt ordered to Ihe Philippine! as mil itary governor Gov. Black authorises Ile (nr.-fill How Vou Sit. Recently an eminent physician gave utterance to the opinion that appendi citis ia nioie couimon in tliis countrv than in o'hers because of the Yankee cuetom that men have and men are more frequently tufleiers I'o.n tlio .111 ease than women of habitually lilting with one leg thrown over the other. Thia habit, the physician was quoted as saying, teatricti the action of the di geetive eppartus, and especially of the lower intoatiiifl and catties stagnation ol the contents and the stretching of II Kan.lsg.. ,e . .mil. Wiser ruarlestos sails f..r Manila. '' JJ seet is hot tied up it Hsu grw trsnspnrts with 2..-WM men .t.rt for Manns President Issues a call for in.. inure vnluntiers. 20 Oregon :,rri,.. l w.... ti . s Slioln s cabinet mliilst. r. said the SS0 try was willing to aeseM "an h rsble iSHr i". """..'id.ire S.-hley Is In touch with the lusurg.-nt lenders. ... Florida eiNdltbui landed without opposition near Giiantansmo, Cuba. 27-Hianlsh scum ships rhlSsd by American warshlis i.ear Key West. ' 're chili reports the trapping of ( eriers lu the hurlur of Santiago de liibs Cruiser Coluuib'.a arrive! at New York, having 1 u In roliuiim with the British st. am. hip Fosdlla, which ssnk. m Jr""l" nibark nt Tnmpa for Havana. 31 Hear Admlrnl Sampson's fleet bombards forts of Hautlago de Cuba. Jim . I-Transporti f,,r Manila arrive at Bono lulu. Hawaii, and the Boys lu Blue be BMM the guests of the city Monitor Monsdiioek ordered to Msnllu treat San Francisco. 2 Spsln stain appeals to the Powers to Intervene. S American squadron bombarded Santiago de Cuba. 4 Lieut lnbon slnki cruiser Merrltnic In the mouth of the harbor uf Santiago de Cuba. 0 -Fortification! of Santiago de Cuba re dueed. 7-Amerlcan squadron bombard! and il wneOf batteries at Santiago Monitor Monterey and collier Brutus sail for Manila. 5- -Asault on fortlflcutloas of Quaniansmo liny. 0 House agrees on war revenue conference rep rt. 10- Admiral Simpson reports he has held Guun'anamn hurbor since the 7th.... Senate agrees on eoi.fereuce report on wur revenue bill. 11- Four Americans at Calmnnera are killed In a flghi with the Spaniards. lS-Thlrty two r insporta with Shnftrr'a troops sail for Santiago President MeKlBley s'gns the war lax bill. 14 Two Americana and several hundred Spaniards kl.le.1 In a battle at Csl manera. 15 Second ex red t 'on sail, d from San Fran risen for Manila Great destruction results to Santiago forts through the use or the dynamite guns ou the Vesuvius. 17 Spanish squsdrnn sailed from Cadis and p.issed Gibraltar. 20 Transport! wlih Gen. Shatter'! troops on Santiago. 22 Part of Shufter's troops landed. 23- Balance nf troops landed with, hi seel dent Admiral Camara'a Cadis fleet arrives at Isbind of Pun ellsrls. 24 Sixteen Amer.csn soldiers killed and f,.r I voaudtd In driving baa ij sold ers at Santiago. 27 Commodon Wataon to command fleet to Ittock Spanish hone territory Presl dent MeKlnley recommends thanks of Co trees for I. lent. Hobsoa, sad thai he be trunsferred to the line. 28 President prnelnlms blnckade of Smith eru Cuba from C.ipe Frunrea to Cape Crux. '-0 Gen. Shatter reports he can take San tlago In forty eight hours ...The Senate thanks I. b ut. Hobson and his men. n un leg each one pera itially. 80 Kgyptlan Government refused to let Cnuiuru coal his fleet at Port Said. July. 1-Shaffer's army began the assault upon Santiago de Cuba, capturing the euemy's outer works. 3 -Shatter renewed the attack upon San tlago. los ug about l.lssl In killed and wounded, and making 2 Spanish prisoners. The Spanish I ISSllllSI prob ably exceeded those of the Atii'-rlcnus. 3 Cereera'S fleet desiroyed at Sautljgn, with great loss uf life. 0 SpanUh tr.iuspirt Alfonso XII. blown up off Mi:, by American guuhnsis. . . . Hobson. the hem of the Iterrlmac. and his romriides fur Spanish .risntt'Ts outside Santiago. 7 President signs Hawaiian annotation res liitloti. ... Admiral Dewey tuuk Suing and 1 pr.siiners. 11 Cruiser St. le.uls brings Admiral Cer vera n ml 146 prisoners tn Portsmouth, N H . . . Admiral Sampsons fleet lium blirded Sllll.lagu. 13 Announced that fellow fever has bruken nut In Gen. Sliarter a army. 14 Geo. Torul and the Spin ah army sur rendered Santiago nt .1 p. lu. 17 "Old Glory" rulsed over Santlagn at noon. IS President Issues 1 proclamation provid ing for the government of Santiago.... Seven American vessels bombard Mnn anltlO and destroy seven Spanish ships. 21 Use. Miles, with M19 men on trims ports, convoyed by warships, star's to take Porto fetco American gunhouis Capture Nine mil sink the Spnnlsh cruis er Jorge Junu....Cen. Cnllxtn Garcia. eg attainder nf the Cnhan army of Rast. ern Cubs, owing to discontent hoeaoss the American Government has Ignored htm nnd his troops In the surrender of Santiago. withdrew .... News reached I his country that the second expedition to re SUforcs Admiral Dewey had urrlved ut Cavlte. 22 Agulnnldo declared himself dictator of the Philippines. 23- Anothcr expedition for the Philippine I hi u ml sailed from s.m Francisco, 23 Gen .Miles and 3.5' 0 men reach QUID Ico, Porto Kleo, ami effect n landing, 2(1 Secretary Day, M. Cninhon, French am- liossoilor. and his nrst secretary. M Thleliant. confer with President McKIn ley In regard to terms of peace, 27 The p rt of Ponce, Porto Hlco. surrend ers to Cant. Davis, of gunboat Dixie. 30 News of Gen. Merrill's arrival at Civile r "Ived ot Washington. .. .Dcwcy In forms the President that Agulnablo. the Philippine Insurgent chief, assumed n deflont attitude. 31 -The Spanish forces st Cavlte mnde a sortie during n fbTce storm on the Amer Icon troops In Ihe Mnlnte trein hes They were repulsed with hesvy loss. Ten of Gen Merrltt's men were killed and fur ty eight wounded. A u mint 2 Preetdial MeKlnley mokes public the terms of peace offered to Spain by the I'nlted States. 4- The monitor Monterey and Its COBSOrl Brutus, arrive at Manila ... Gen. Shnf tor and his subordinates ask lhat the fever stricken army at Santlagn de Cuba lie renored north. 5 Formal orders Issued for the removal of Gen. Shatter's army to this country. B Spain sceepts the terms nf pence offered by tho I'nlted S ates. . . .Guayanio. Porto Itlen, captured by Gen. llulues' forces. Three Americans cornered. 8- Spsln accepts President M'-Klnley's peace terms. Certain representations were made regarding Cuba whleh WON not accepted, however Spaniards at Guarrtanamn lay down their arms anil surrender to Brig. Gen F.wors. 0 Qea, Brest's brigade captured Cnnmn, Porto Hlco. sfter s lively fight, In which seven Pennsylvsnls volunteers were wounded. Two hundred Spaniards were token prisoners Spaniards attempt to retake the lighthouse at Cape Son Juan, bu ore repulsed with heavy loss. 10- A protocol covering the peace terms nf the I'nlted States has been agreed upon by M i 'million, representing Spain, nnd President MeKlnley Gen. Schwun's fores defeat Spin sh troops st Mays gin i. Porto RleOt UeOS on our side twu tilled snd one wounded. 11- Spsln's csblnet formally sppmved Pres Id. -nt McKlnley's peace protocol snd s cablegram was sent to M. ( ninlmn au thorising him to sign In behalf "f Spain 12 M Csnioon. French imhnssudor to the United st.iti-s. signs the protocol and a cessation "f hostilities Is ordered. 13 iurrender "f 'he city of Manila, sfter stiff bombardment by Dewey. 30 Gen. Merrltt lesvea Manila for Psrls to sld the Pea.-e c mtulsslon, eptember. 5 Spnlh Cortes convenes to consider peaee pcopeeilSi B Men Otis. 1 Sited S-ates commander st the opening of the vermiform appendix, miking it possible for ohitruclioni to reach the latter, and thus giving tise to appendicitis. There is M other dis ease, if we BUY Judge from the atten tion given 10 il by current puhli.-a-lions, in which the general public take, so much interest as in this one, which ii comparatively new to medi cs! practice. Probably much of the popular interest is due to Ihe fact thst Oaty within a few yean whit may be called the literature of upiendicitls fegfl reached ti. reading couimuuity. Lsss lio'a Weekly. " npaiii.Ti niel urr. Msnlts. ileiusndi-d the remoeat of th.- Isaari all fr. m that city. o S. s tu:.- j,lo;,t ihe peace protn c.d. 12 The situation at Mum.I.i reported crlt brsV i t Ipaslahcasaih r.of rjfpeties adopts tn,. peace prntiH-nl. 10 Spanish Pearl PnUtSjlgalaS appointed, with Sener 111. is. President of the Sen ste, SS Pres dellt. 17 Tin- peon- Csmatieatee f the Called Slates sails f. r P .r s 10 Spanish Government Issues an order for all troops lu the Wot ladles to return home. 20 The ers -notion of the nu'lytng posltlnns in i -nrm llieo r.egun ny the Spnnlsh. 2 American and Spanish Commissioners meet lu Paris. October. 1 Atmrlesn snd Spanish Pence Commls sinners hold their flrs( session. 4 Atnerb-an Pence Commission receives the r. imrl of G. n. Merrltt lu Parts IS Formal ceremony of raising the I'nlted s '.iles nag over fan Juan Ink. s place. . . . American Commissioners refuse to ss sume any portion of Cuban deht. 24 Gen. Ortega, with the lost of the Span- isn a.uuters, suns rorto it ten for gala. 2d- Spanish snhPeri captured at Manila luring Ihe war are released by United States. 27 Spanish Peace Commissioners accept cntiiiitinn nt the no:i assumption of Cu ban debt by United States. November. 28 Terms of peaee accepted hy Spain. December. 10 Treaty of peace with Spain signed at Purls. or. (BR Aft CHBOMOftl OY. Record of Brett ts thnt Cure Occurred Durlnu the I'ust Yeur, January. 1 Officers nf the Cuban provisions! gov er.nnent sworn In. 3 Six persons burned to death at Jersey City. N. J. 8 Thirty persona killed hy collapse of finer In city hall at London, Ont. T Th.-odore luirrsnt hanged for murder at St Ouentln prison, California. 8 Six m.-n killed by explosion of sn Ohio liter nenr Gleuneld. Pa.... Fifteen meu drowned off Bsuduc by foundering nf a French steamer. .. .Six lives b at In s mine explosion near Pitts burg. Kun Deuth of MuJ. Moses P. Untidy. 12 Forty lives and f l.oio.noo worth of prop er.y destroyed by I tornado It Fort Smith. Ark. 10 Dcith of ll.m. n.-nj. Butterwnrth. t'nl ted Motes Commissioner uf Pateuts, st Thomasrllle, III. II) Bread riots ol Ancnna. Italy. 20 Fire loss of -;hi,iss1 at F.ast Grand Forks. Minn. 22 Mnrr.age of Kev T DeWltt Tolmogi and Mrs. Col Collier. .. .Destructive storm over the West lad South. . 25 Many persons burned to dilth In a con fi.grallnn s Spokane. Wash II. BOO, tssi worth of property at Fast St. Louis III , lactedlai L'nloa elevator and Bur llugtiin freight depot, destroyed by Are 27 January whe it sells for 1 1 15 lu Chi cogo. . . .Steamer city of Duiuth lost off St Joseph. Ml.-h. 20 Several persons killed In a imssh up on Ihe Maine Centra: Hallway at oron Ten men killed by caving In of North west laud tunnel In Chicago. Frlirllury. 1 Six lives lost by burning of the Alvonl Ho ise, Gloversvllle, N. Y ... .Schooner llrlggs wreikeil off Llt.le Nuhaut and eight lives losl. 2 f.'ssi.nsi lire I. s. In Winnipeg. Manitoba 3 Six persons k lied In railway colllslnii near Boston ... Fire destroys I22.,isi worth of properly ut Sciautnu, Pa. 4 Seven killed lu railroad wreck al (Has gow, Scotland. (I fo i.isjo J. re ut Albany. Ind llnllnnd American steiiuer Veendam wrecked lu n.ld set au. 0 Adolph L. Leulgert sentenced tn life Im iirlsiitiuient for wife murder lu Ch cuao. . . Assnsslunlbui of President Bar rlns of Guatemala l25ti,ISJ0 Ore loas at Fort Worth. Texas. 10 Th rty e'ght l ies erushed out by fall lug walls at Pittsburg. 11 N.issiin Chambers lu New York burned loss, irusi.nisi Ifrench ship Fiuetiat goi a down off Canary Islands: K7 lives ost. 17 Fire dump explosion In n colliery at II iii rly, Pruss u. kills .ai porsniis. flisi.iks. lire nt Pittstleld. Moss Brit ish steamer Legislator burned nt sen. 18-D.llh of Miss Fran-is P.. Wlllurd In New York City Large lire at Pitts burg. 20 -New wharf snd eus'nm house st Tarn p'co, Mexico, burned; In l. 12 .011). 25 National Tobacco Company's works at Louisville. Ky.. burned: loss, f .'.ismmsmi. 20 Nine lives Inst In n tenement hnUBS tire It Charleston, S. ('....Seen persons killed ut Blue Island. III., by the colli Inn nf n trahi and an omnibus. . . .Ten persons killed ami Ave Injured by an cxplnslnn i ml Are lu Hull Bros.' Inborn tory nt Kulnmuxnn. Mich. 27 Denth of Win. II, Inter!, proprietor of the Philadelphia Iteenrd. Vnrch. 2 Sis men killed by boiler explosion near Brew-t IB, Ala. 3 Nine drow ned by the foundering of the s. h nf Bps id Wtll off the I I Thin coast 7 Fire causes loss lu llrownell ,V Field Co.'s building al Providence, It I. . . . ,A,issi,issi Are loss ut Manila, Phil ippiue Islsnda ii Death of Gen w. s. Roseerana 13 Pleven men burned to deuth lu Bowery Mission, New York. HI Death ot Aubrey Beerdlliy, the nrtlst. . ...Muiiy persons kllleil lu u lire .11 -to Wabash avenue, Cblcagn. 17 Death nf Blanche K. Bruce, lleglo'er f the Treasury. 10 Six emu lets killed In a mine nt Pratt City. Ala. 21 Several persons killed In n hotel lire si Butte, Mont 22 Forty lives lost hy sinking of bark Helen Almy off San PrauelSCO, 25 Death "f James Pay a, i.ngiish novel ist. ...Denth of Truman p. Hand, el Cleveland, Ohio, oldest banker in i i Stales. .. .Wisconsin Industrlnl Behoej for Boys si Wuukesha damsgtd 1100,000 by Are. 2.1 Forty eight sealers of steam, r Green land perished en lee flues. 2it Si ven persons baraeel to death at Kent, Minn. 27 Death el Congressman simpkius, of Massachusetts. April. 3 Fifty lives lost lu flood nt Shawnee town, III. 4 Fifteen men killed by explosion of pow der near Sun Vicente, Mexico. 7 Redden denth uf Margaret Mather, the tragedienne. 11- oxford Junction, Iowa, risked by 1100, (Ki Are. 12 Pi glass works st North Irwin, Ps., burned, ess. IfgOtOOO, 15 Anicondi Copper Mining Co. at nelt, Mont , suffers 2.V).' losl. 17- Fire, follnwlng s dust explnslon, de- stmys grain elevator at B .s ou. loss, inim.iSKi. Hi Death ot George Psrsoni Lnthrnp. 21 Peetmiiter Oeneril ''r.v resigns snd is paucildld by Charles Pmory Smith Ilesth of henator Walthall, of Missis slppl. 2:, Se.-retsry of Rtnie John Shermsn re signs. 20 Win. It. Doy ippolntsd tn All the rs csney. .. .Glasgow, S'.inaua, visnen ny a IT50.ISKI lire . Powdef mill at Knnta Crus, Csl., blown up. csusltig loss of eleven lives. 2 Atlantic Powder Co,'l works st Dover, N. J., wrecked hy on Itptettoa, 30 Heavy iliimog.- done by tnrnsdio In Nsbraaka, Kanass, Iowa uud Suuih Da kola. May. 2 Thirteen persons killed by tornado st J art co, Mo. 3 Schooner Crown wreehed off St. Johns, N. F., snd II men drou hod. 0 1125, '. Are loss nt Cleveland. 7-Threo hundred persons killed In a rlul st Mi. Italy. R I Mil tit ti. Minn . no', rs a 1 100.(11) fire. 11 Wool war.-h iuse burns st Bollardvllle, Miss : loss. 1500.000. DON'T DELAY.. In securing Ihe ((Itt WHlA oOINfl forlsW; one day's delav may remit tn your aumpetlturaettliiK H we are the only Wercla house bevtlge delivery point In thl North writ Prompt delivery ol all orders usumL Healers who handle the CottniM and ItallT riiltli Mm will havs I douhle adrsnt sce over uthers who do not. W have Im t.ruved tbi quality ol our products, whlls our InrresMd output enables us to reduce our prices, as follows: Columbia Chalnlesa j. M W Cnliimhta M.slel. - njn- 9 C.lurah.s Model. 4i 4, 'W patters. ' Ira- sn.OBigtl - 40 00 POPE MANUFACTURING CO., eealrslllsi Orseie Wiillaatis. elenlsas aa llsk. 12 Burning nf Armour's eteVltOf D at I several Inmhet nrds es uses 11,000,0141 ii . iii Chteaga, II I I1011..1111I. kl bd by eycl me ou Sum hews letaad, Malay Atwnlpstagiis..iBd wnr.i RemenjrL vtollnlst, fails dead In son rnseieco Ihealie. ...Ball iiro.' glass works burned al Mnuele, Ind , loss. fJV.,ISO. tn Pi nt mill ,f Mining A Mill Co. nt Rail MVerj I. Olio. l.uruiMl. loss, IIisi.insi 7 Ureal iamage done s sd many people hen bi cyclone lu Nebraska. IS Business section of Altlelmro, Mass.. destroy Id by Are. .. Destructive CVClons SWeettS through lows, Kansas, Illinois and Wisconsin. 10 Death of William F. Gladstone. 2 Penth of I dwurd Bellamy. .. .Mine Are ol got live, Prussia: 45 miners perish. 2H Italian cnblnet resigns. II New f. riued lu Italy. June. 1 Death of tragedian Thos. W. Keene.... Tr insmlsslppl exposition opens at Omaha. 4 Death Of ("apt. Chss. V. Ortdleg, of the cruiser olympls at Manila. T-Pliint of Burgess Steel Co , Pnrlsinouth. Ohio, burned: loss. 4isi,iss). 11 Case Power Hull. ling In Detroit burned II 1 oiiapse or Joseph Letters wheal deal 15 Iteslgnatlun of the French mrilletri, s first party enbl ,et foruicd In two. in 2:i I'orin.itlou of the I'llhk 1.1.. .a In Duly. ' July. 2 Strike nf store-tip, -rs causes Chicago papers to suspend for four days. 4 French liner La llourgogue goes down off Sable Island with .Vst passengers. 0 llawnllsu resolutions adopted by Ibe Senate. 8 Steelrllle. Mo, almost obliterated hy a waterspout. .. .Congresi adjourns sine die. 11 Sagssls minis' ry In Spain resigns.... Eleven men killed In water tunnel at Cleveland, Ohio. Ill Powder mill at Oakland. Cat . blow 11 up liy a t hi nil tu:i 11 uud seven lives lost. 30 1 1. nt ti of Prim e Bismarck. August. 1 Martin Thoru executed at Sing Slug. N. Y. 8 Bismarck. N. P.. destroyed hy lire.... Death of Georg M. Kbers. P.gyptologlst and novelist. 12 United S utcs flog officially hoisted over Hawaii, 13 Twen'y lives lost by cloudburst In Haw klno ( "mint jr. hy. 15 Resignation of ministry st Lisbon. 2u French steamer La Cmpiette sunk off New fouiiilluuil by the Norge. lu lives lost. 21 Seven persons killed In railway collision nt Sharon. Mass. 22 l'.'.ght lab, vers killed hy eollnpse of s wsu in . nrneaie iiinnei, in.... inner vllle. III., visited by a 1380,000 Are 300 miners drowned si Nleuce. Sllesls.... I leath of King Mnlletoa nf Samoa. 23 Deetmetlve Are at I.ogiinsport, Li. 25 R Gov. t luuile Matthews stricken by paralysis nt Mi-hnrrj's Grove. Ind. 28 Deuth nf ex Guv. Claude Matthew 1 of Indiana. 30 Small poi breaks nut st Put In Buy Isl nnd, l.nke Rrll, 31 Wllhelinlun bernmes (Jueen of Holland ....Confession mid su'clde of ("ol. Henry, principal witness against Cnpt. Dreyfus, at Psrla Feptenilicr. 2 Prentdenl Wlltord Woodruff, of the Mor- uim church, died at San Francisco.... The llr.tlsb captured Ouuluruiut oppo !lte Khartoum, lu the Soudan. 4 British troops occupied Khartoum. .. .M. Cl Valgus, French Minister uf War, re signs. 5 Twenty eight people killed In collision of Irulu with trolley curat Cohoes, N. Y. ....Gen. Zurlludeii upp. luted French Milliter of War. 0 Wllhelinlun crowned (Jueen of llnllnnd nt Amsterdam. .. .Thirty men killed by falling of a bridge over St. Lawrence River, near St. Itegls Iti.IIun village. . Many killed In riots In Crete. . . .Opening of g. a. it. uutiouu! encampment ut .'in ttnnatt, 10 Assassination of Fllxabetb. Fiupress of Austria, by nn Itullan nnitri-hlst nt Geneva, Swltierlsnd t2lsj,ts lire nt iivermore lulls, lie, 1 Fire wiped out New Weitinluster, B. C. and Jerome. Arls. 12 lienih of Judge Thus. M. Cooley nt Ann Arbor. .Mich. . . . llurrleniie ou Island t St. VlUCint, West Indies, killed 100 per Suns and destmyed mOch prnperty. 14 LureUSO Snow chosen of the Mor 111. in church. IS Iicnth nf I r. John Hall Death of Miss Winnie Mails 20 Ten P' rsOUB burned In denth lu nu ele vntnr tire In Tulcihi. 22 Thirty alx men ilmwued by sinking of 1 r. n. ti In. at lile ne I c amp nrr I- eeamp 2.1 Fifty miners sntombed lu OOel sbuft st llron nsvllle. Pa 24 Scleral persnus killed mid much prop erty destroyed by WlndetOlm nt Limn, O 2(1 Toriuido destroys property at Tnnnwau da, N. Y.. uud kills Ave nt Merrlllon, Out. ....Denth of Miss Funny 1 1,1 veuport. 27 Cliir. inont. Minn., destroyed by Are. 25 Death of ex Hecretiri Taotnas F. Buy nrd . . . Hint at Pnnn, III. 20 D1111I1 of (Juen Louise of lienmnrk. .'to lluinlreils uf Uvea lost by floods In japon, Oct.ll e-. 1 Great fire In Colorado Springs. Colo. 2 Fierce gale 011 South Atlantic const. 5 In attempting tn quell ihe rebellion ot ibe Ind gas ut Hour l.nke. Minn., several soldiers were killed nnd wnuudeil. B Ureal lire In Sidney. N, S. W. 0 I2IMI.INSI Are ill Alia nt 1. City. N. J. Id Great lire nt Hanson City, Alaska. 20 Seven men killed by holler explosion on torpedo boot Muvls near Astoria, Ore. 2.'l Ten men killed In a ruee wur ut liar persvllle. Miss. 24 Fire 011 the Brooklyn, N. Y., water front; loss, 1175 nun. gS Fn-ii. h cabinet r'slgns. Ill New French OlblSSt foruicd. . . .Jupnn cse csblnet resigns. November, 5 Pleven men killed by eollnpse of new Wonderland theater al Detroit oven men crushed to deulb lu a till lie neur Wllhesbsrre, Po. 0 CapltOI nt Witshlngtnn wrecked hy gas explosion Death uf David A. Wells, eeoaomle writer. 7- Iteslgnstlnn uf the Greek ministry. s Oanerel election. 0 Orgnulzutloii of Japan's uew ministry enmpleted. 10 New ministry formed In Greece. .. Pres ident Massu and secretaries uf Cubuu re public resign. 11- Bunk ut Klrkullle, Mo., robbed of tX'.H in. 17 British ship Atnlonta sinks off Oregon cnast ; 211 lives lost. 18 Death nf John W. Keely. the Inventor. Twelve laborers killed by trslu at llnekensoek at sedowe, N. J. 10 Denth nf Gen. D. C RasIL 23 Burning uf the Baldwin hutel and the ater In Son Ffunelsen. 2I2D Great storm sweeps over the coun try: many lives lust st sea. 27 Death nf Actnr C. W. Couldock Ml persons killed by boiler explosion near Fourteen Mile Slough, Csl. 2H liynomlte explnslnn In Havana kills 15 persons snd Injures 25 others. December. 5 Opening of Ciiiigresalnnsl session. In Menth of Wllllsm lllsrk, novelist. 11 Death uf Gen. Csllxto Garde at Wash Ington. U Death of ei Senator Cslvln S Brlce. . . . Sit persons killed In railway wreck st Madison. Fls. 10 Sit persons kilted hy s train st Allen wood. N. J Dcpurtmeut store of G. Rsetetetn'S Sons burned at Milwaukee; loss. till,!)!!). 17 Den.h of Bsrnn Ferdinand James d Hotlisi'hlld In loiudon Twenty live! lost In steamship collision In the North Sen. 10 fT,i)0,nrM Are st Terre Haute, Ind. And now Boeton man claims (he eon ter of the stage lung enough to ilvis thai, so fnr ss the nnnexnlloti of the Phil ippines is concerned, "celerity should bt cotil. -inMre. tvTfb eunctntliiti." I.I Hung I'hniig has h.-.-n sent lo witch the overflow of the Vellnw river. This, we take It, is the illte Chinese equiva lent for saying (but he bus bet-u sent up Salt lllver. I I. Is Model 4 '.I. aiu. Hartford! Vedstle., Strictly I p to Pate We Job bicycle sundries. Write lor term, and discounts. gM oo .. 00 132 84 Slid its PiTtlu.. Or STORIES (IF RELIEF, Two Lattorn to Mm. Plnkham, Mrw. .Ihiin (YrxUAJU, IfafllghttWlj N. J writm : ' DgAH Mils. Pinkiiam: I cnnnul 1 irln to tell ymi how 1 Miffercil before taking your ramOflloa I wits so weak thnt t OOnldhjtrdly walk across the thmr without tailing, ha, 1 womb Ironbla ami such n beariBftiown foaling ; nloo MitTcri-,1 uith my hack nil. I limbs, tuitu lu womb, Inflaininatloa of the bladder, piles ntnl imliifestion. It. fure 1 hail taJtea one bottle ol Lvdla B, Pinkhama Vega table Compound I fall a great daal la'tter, and after taking two and one hall IxittU-a nn.l hnlf a bog of your Liver Pilla I waaoured. If more sronld talcs your recdtolne they would uot have to stiff or so mueh." Mrs. Joanpa Pinxioa, 513 Knst st, Warren. Pa., write-,: "Dt vit Mitts. Pin KHAN I I have suf fered with womb trouble over iifi.-eu years. 1 hail inflammation, enlarges iiictit ntnl dlaDlacetncnt of the wromK I hiul the linckucho loiihlntttly, also headaohai tad was ho dlsrjr, 1 had heart trooble, it mnnwd ius thongh my heart was in my throat ut times aholc itier mo, I oould not walk around and I oould not lie down, for then my heart WOUld Ix-ut Ml fast I would feci lis though I wan smothering, 1 hnd to nit op In bod nlghv in order to breathe, 1 was mi wcuk I could not do any thing. ' I have now taken several liot- ties of Lydia K. Ptnkhua'n Vegetable CoiiiHitind. and used three jick- ncs of sanative Wash, and enn say I am parieotly cured. I do not tt ink I c. uld have lived lonjf if Mrs. Pink- ham's mediciuo hod uot helped uie." Tho elephant has tnurn iniisdes in its trunk titan any Otbet erontUN D0 sesses in its entite limlr, their tnnnlier lii'iit) tin (ew'eer than 40,000. The Most Coeanaea of All. The must common of till ailment-. from sports of all kinds ate sprains ami bruises. Tim most common luresl rare of them is hy the uhc of St. Jacohs Oil, whioh is prompt in its action. Transparent leather is inuile in Knitted. I shall recommend Plso's Cure f"r Cnn- utnptlon far and wide. Mrs. Muiiu.mii, I'luinsteail, Kent, Knclaml, Nov. S, ISIO. The woman of 20 asks, "Who is he." the woman of 1111, "What is he?" tho woman past no, "When it he?" HetIthyJ1dppyGiTls often. From no apparent cause, become l&nguid and despondent in thecotlydhyi of their mo man hood They drag along always tired, nevet hungry, breathless and with ft palpitating heari alter slight exercise so that merely to walk up sta.irs is exhausting. Somttimes a short . dt y-toujlh teaai to tne lea, that they are "going into consumption" ' They are anaemic, doc tors tell them, means that thev have too little blood Are you like that have you too little blood? MoTe anm.c people have been made Strong, hungvy. on re,, tn men and women bv the use of Dr Pink Pills fot Pale People than by any otheT means They are the best tome in thc world. Miss tyate Stevens, of Oil part, Nlnarn Co., N, V.hsd been a very healthy K'll until iiIhuiI n yrnr iik", whin she uiriv wenk and pule. She Inst her Ippsttte, was us tlrr.1 lu the atomtng as nu retiring, and lost (1. sh until shr been rue an riuaclaled that her ft lends hardly km-w her. The due turn d.-elan-d the .list-use ntia'lnla , and nave her up tu die. A plivsni in win. .is visiiiiiK in Qaeporl pteealled upon her to try Dr, wuiinm.' pink I'ltls Im I'. ile people. Hhe did so, and was lH-iirfite.1 st .Hue. She ii uow well sud hirmiK the very picture of heallh. IsTje (A1. )'.) C'esr.r. The genuine &ts sold only m package, the vsrapptr always bearing thc full name. For sale by all drug d.sts ot sent , postpaid, by the Dr William Medicine Company. Schenectady. N Y , on receipt of price, fifty cents per bo Book of cures tree on revues,.. m m ii CM) A SWORN STATEMENT. I, C, It. kettlns, M I)., ol Ores. Valley, Or . v.ilunlarlly make the fnllimlns I'stcinent; Alter ha vim my teeth ealracted I have bad II e sets uisda in 1'ilerval.ol almul nine months, three In Portland, oil! In San I nn.e .. .. and nne ill Hisikaiie. With neither .if the-e hais I been alile tn eat a meal s victual! or even an spple or rlne peach, on lMcember lu latis, I , u I my nth sot made In lir. Strvker. I. o, o, K. Teinp'.e, Klr.t and Alder, I'nrllaii or , ami within twenty minutes alter the time they were put tutu my mnuth I was ahle tn est a common hard winter apple and a piece id dried veiilsnn, and at this tune, In-eeuiher Pith, have eaten every Me since with Ihe sn-at.-.t enmliirt audvtilli nu Iruulilc at all. They are a pen. it ill and satlslactnry In every MeBMi 11 t "I I I Nr. M l Kefersuce. nenen Bras Hank. The Dalles, or ; ihermaa Oo, itsnk. Wisso, or.i was, ilulder. sheriff, ul Sheiinsn Oo : Its .t. I Nichols and brother, Portland, or. - ,, ...... i and sworn to before me this Mih Osi ol lieeeinlier. Is' isiKai) JnllN ihiII.IIKK, SiUsry Pul.l ,- t..r m MACHINERY Knr Mill., Mines, ObOBS and Farm.-, Steel Log. Kill! sil l Hoisting RUfflnSS; line Chisel Tooth I ny ilreasi-, etc. TATUMt&BOWEN V Iii SJ Klrst street Purtlaiid, or iM-.'SI Kreiuuiit street. San Krancisc.i. Cut Rate Drug CaUlofne ... FREE... Woodnrd. Clarke M'o. liRfAITMSSV I. , l in: I I Mi (Ut. YOUR LIVER IS it f n Get It Kiuht. Keep it KighL Moore's Itevealed Ilemedy wllldulL ihree doses will -take you l.-cl beturr. Set It from your druirftit or any holesale druc house, ot bom ru n art A llnitues Uruj Co., Seallle. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Id, n Is Pros iic.l. Ilrlttea Made. I'slnleis lllllna and rilrsri i..n. Dr. T. H. White, f$tiSX$P vtsv Rrtag I e la till. I ..entry. II Is s, luted mil that Ihe t inted States o. dlers lu IIiihsII may soalrnet leprosy ihere, Itlit Ihrlai II lo thlieouatn whenlhei return. l hits t pr,.s, u atueh lo hi- dreaded, there are a .' sand MsjieS as mini i tetim tn sinmaeh li.oi. ei - ind i.i I disease, ton there is cure tor Hum in ll.sieii,,'. stnmieh hitters, luher somsinn illweuls that the Rliteriirs -is eisa Inr are innisria, lev, , i,. nun,., gold at all trus, stores. The host pineapples grOU in eastern I'uhii. They are icrve.isy to cultivate, only little capital is toqnlrodi and pie vi.ius experience, is mrt ibsolotey ee senlial. ttiKNTs w . n run. DIATOMS feastabls and etillls, I Ireak nf usture, noted i,s tin- boot !' t, s i in the eorld lor 'liver, so d. hrsss, etl , seat In , nu tlty suBteiinl (or jreers, tor .'.' esatt r o. stniniis. Il Is lulus,, r al and cricks In stoves miy M repaired with II tddren.H II 1 ni ls.. Kit. ."ail MiitusIl.llellullding.seslie.Uash. The polar fox ohgngag the color of Hi coat, lu inmmor it is alwayi blaeki in winter it is so while that tho ani mal can scaicelv lie seen as it scam pen over the MOW, A Ihart i i(in. The damp lutumn nights and mori ilia's stirs up sitintien, ami then oomee a inn of pain. Dag M. Jgoobg Oil, and ihen conies g.tUJ lo COW It, It is a lOft tiiflit and the cu e is sure. If you want the bail n ind mill, pumps, tanks, plviws, wagons, hells ol all lixes boilers, engines, or it il uuu liinei v. see or writo JnllN POOl.K, f....t of Moriuon I reel, Portland, on on The haii of robbiti Ind other nnlngli in liiisiin is ooueeriod Into bowlg, .I sl es .nil plates, which are valued for their irongth, durability nnd Hgbtnooi, The articles have the appearance of vur nt -he I leather. 0AMMOT HI ( rit::t ty lis-sl applli'sllotis. ns Ibey nan not reach thl diseased ortloa ei the aag, Thin Is only one I w Ipeuradealnes , and that n by eonsuin'- Iirnlui u is csuied bv au In- anted eoadJiioa el tin- ameouallnlagnl tin kuiiaehlaa Tube, when this iuis gets in- Um I ton linn-a rumtiitiiK -outui or miner tu t gearing, and urban li n . ntirely clnsed di allies! Is ibe issiili, and unless tlieliillanima lion cnn he taken nut and this tubs rest ued to Us iinnnnl condition, benrlua lllbe.leitroyeil lerever; nine esses .nil ol t u irseaueeahv rniarth. vi hb h Is imihliii; Inn au inflamed the niiirnus surfaces. We Hit ne one Hundred Ikillari for any cs I Peal uesi (caused bv catarrh) Ihnt can not tn cured b) Hall's Calarrk Cnta, send ior. circuliri, tree g. J. CIIKNKY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by I.rusiti-ts. 7.V Uall'i rauilly Tills are the best The most active volcano in the wot hi la lit. Bungay, If.lM feet lilgh,gltas nted on the enstein chain of the Andes, Smith America. I', has lieeu in eon slant irupt lOB sinoo 17.--, ntnl tho sound of its explosions is sometimes hoard at QoltO, a distgnoe of 160 miles, Stl7 litiv heen cnuiited in au hour. Uj $40 CASH, $45 INSTALLMENTS 1899x BICYCLES "lie. I Wheels .in Kuril.." S deal I M '" M gsi. Send l.r ralalosaa. Llvusivuls ssuted everywhere. hikii i. HaiUtttli 0TOLI co.. PORTLAND, IPOKANg TACOUA. FERRY3 SEEDS RUPTURE CURED. Wv KUAraiiti-t) U ' t'Vrry rnif ttttdi rl nkf. l .n't put It tiff; write for .hi l;fulr At mires. t. ii. um.iiiiii. i in is,... i TtrM K litmri. Hih ntuihI htni'I, iVi-tltm!1, Or. CURE YOURSELF! ( - Mtat u fur miiiajtural ilia tirv-a. 1 1. it- nut. all. .n, Irnttitiiiiia v. r uli s i a hi ltd tf Mini mis iiirrulraif. IrreesaU itnstagt-sj. Pftltll-sM, III I IH'I MltlU tl ti l. lbrUlars, r a nt In il.,iu ta riDt-T. lit nree. iiretlMLlil. fast i , r i - it:. -, , s. i ii 'Iriulsr witl mi rvsia N. I NO, I WIIKN wrltlne to adserllsere uieuUou Ibis .r. I nrrr fainn'in y I'nr itajo- II. It fiiniH 111 KH'As il rs fill!- llJI HI 1 im to In rt'licl m as hIu my m ifHI iftUlhr brail. Knr futiv I , i wiiiitt UKm I ilmliTtl PVIT) win rt-. l)- i.nlBj V iss-r ft) nl mIhiiti m Mmi VH 1 IIMlMl (HI llHVIIIet li HI. l.UII Jufl VfcfcX. I'Weil Alitlintl ( I" VMLV u u MHit ai .Mr fVU I to i Ufa V mmm sara ic . i I N. I' I 1