The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 07, 1899, Image 7

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    W v BSOLWTttv Pure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
DEC 31
raaru's harness oil at PreetonA
H'l at "OMDk" l-roiiers
hllneof point. "''""-t P'-
WH',,;,, ,.llU.e.i la todays Friendly'! l'"' '
JJJ . qnoted tha, will
. .....rrbwly-
a.t.llllBII ..
IVcslou 4 Hl' '
Pruning kui"' band prUD,toO
TOSS haodls irinieri. pruning
Md '.d hedge h. 81 Urinii"
-WSi gun '
Hardware to 8.
1 1 Butler, Of Junction City, has bwu
(OBMBl-lrrtWl ,Ub" bV
Ort Pwt-n A Hale'B prices Ufore
toWjow point.
tbdiDd offlOO at The Dalles has
bcfoioklnii i" lKut JtHK) ailay lor a
, nib is money paid in for the
Mirei'we of forfeited railroad land
within the dltriot.
An Biplawtlton.
RnmiR Guakiv I saw iii your last
(Bittbet Mr Kennedy's horse fell on
ibe ferry (mat ut HeuuncKs-. lour
annpoadenttbould have explained
tbil it was during the hard Irteze and
lbt there wa u l"t of early travel that
ninrniuii end they hail splashed water
on the boat ami it had frozen, and
theu Mr Ksnoerly came aloug the
boat was covered with he. One of Mr
K'a hrf8 was smooth shod and
when lie Parted up the the ap
proach he fell. We nubltchid
the horee aud he got up without any
difficulty; then we took a part of the
load out of the wagon and three meu
pulled it on Hie boat, It is a hard
place it a certain stage of water, but
not dangf rou-.. I'loase publish.
Yours etc, 8 C Dotson,
House Warmers.
1 lb good large prunes 02
lib " dried apples 02J
lib " " peaches 08$
lib ' raisins Ode
lbx SO good new cigars 05c
1 steel roil umbiella.. 70c
ldo. No 1 14 n candles 20c
1 lb good tea 25c
1 lti smoking tobacco with cob pipe 20c
Remember our odd aud ends iu shoes
at about oue half price as long as they
Ax Billy
Letter List
Eugene, Or, Jan 5, 1890
DM Mm reticle Fisher Frank
Keeth Mrs I. illle Lordly A
Front OM.
A thane o one cent will be made on all
mat flren out. Person! calling loi letters
HaMNitale when advertised.
II F. McCohnack, P M liuyerB Attention.
I have Uio good grade young nanny
Fu for sale until Feb let, near Mon
for price and particulars cor-
fpond with Geo A Houck,
Eugene, Or.
WIAYID From near Coburg, No
aber28th, n big black horse, 0 years
M, white i.ot In forehead, works
ioble; also last ipriug'a colt with
Kinder will please leave horse at
E Bangs' stable, Eugene, and receive
frwmpense, or address this office.
FrtESH cow fob Hale A young
Jersey cow will, fresh calf for sale. Four
rears old. Perfectly gentle. Apply to
r address
Floyd Vauohan,
West Sth 8t, Eugene, Or.
tioATs Wanthd. Call on or address
UEOLE,Iioval, Oregon.
JSHS0 TOT C'48B.-Benjamlu
'00dh0U9e' instituted suit In the
W court as(tiD8t H q McKlnley.
MMmplaiut aks that a certain tax
JJbeat awide. It claims that the
of lsfu was not triads accord-
u io iaW-
FRIEND rth. .
ternal liniment),
is a true safe
guard for expect
ant mothers. It
helps them thro"
the early stages
without mornina
sickness, and as
a ""o approacnes it relaxes
Uhrr"""' the ove"trained muscles.
;' 'hr'",ead and robbed of nearly
Had.- i,'! deverr ia assured, and
"a"Rcr of rising or swelled breasti
Jjwy avoided. Quick recovery and a
,sP"- g arc certain.
Cfu9ists sell It for SI a bottta.
j I u'frMllioatrated
n., 0 beaubjact.
' KitritLD KCtTLATOI CO , AUaata, Qm
1 1
CO., Mm vom.
Uemarkable yuartelte of Weddings in
an Ohio Town.
( anal Dover, O, Jan :t - A r- inarku
ble wedding has just tnl u plaOi al
Tr 11 Four sons of James Hotbstetlei
married f,,nr daughters of John Cum
iner The ceremonies oocuplid almost
an hour, cue flergyinan petformltig
them for all.
Case liecitled.
The supreme court yest. r uy handed
down the folio lug decision:
"First National Hank of Eugene,
appellant, vs A (J Efovavat ul. re
spondent, a-pea' Ir.nn Lana county, j
C Fulleiton, judge; affirmed and
remanded. Opinion by Wolverton
"This was an action for money had
and received. The principle of law
Involved was that "win never one
party has in his hand money which
bilong-t to anoil er and which he is nut
entitled to and cannot iu good con
science retain as attainst that other.
the law, not ithstandltig a want of
privity betweeu the parlies, will imply
a promise Upon his part to pay it over,
aud require him to disbuise llie fund
according to the tenor of such Implied
Wur Betweeu Hpaui and Kiance.
A Fans correspondent has sent the
rumor alloat that war is possible be
tween Hpaui and France Such an
outcone is hard to believe, tecause the
two countries have been for years on
unusually intimate terms. You cannot
tell what will happen betweeu nations,
but you can tell what will happen wheu
a dyspeptic takes Hosteller's Htoiuach
Bitters. His health will Improve. His
appetite will come back. His mouth
will not taste n dlv In the morning.
He will not be subject to uizzy spell',
and his head will be clear. His dispo
sition will be more agreeable, and bis
bilious look will disappear. His blond
will i.e purified and his kidneys stim
ulate! to pertonu their work uroperly.
All these thiugs are accomplished by
the Bitters.
You can have
haV'tig powdflf
Bavoi Inf txiiacta
on trial.
Your grocer pays you
back your money in full if
you don't like Schilling's
Par amlt by
Gray It S .
Burled or Dlsaec ed ?
An Astoria dispatch of January 4
says the body of Charles Willard, the
Seaside desperado, who murdered
Hheriff Williams and Deputy Sheriff
Lamars, was burled In the potters
field on Clatsop Plains today.
It is rumored about town, though
the report Is not substantiated, that
the burial was only a sham and that
Wlllard's body Is now iu the hands of
medical men for dissection.
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
come from chronic constipation. Karl's Clover
Koot Tea is an absolute cure and has been
sold for fifty years on an alwolule guarantee.
Prece 28 cts ami BO cts. For sale at Wilkins
and Linn Druggists.
Lengthy objections to the final set
tlement of the eata'e of Elizabeth Con
ser were filed in the county clerk's
office today by Mary K Warren. Her
attorneys are H ale & Norton.
Whatever else they are
or are not, Schilling s Best
V. -1- . , - r
.. flavoring extracts
are money-back if you don't
like them.
I U. Om San
To the Public
We are authorized to guarantee every
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and if not satisfactory to refund the
j money to the purchaser. There is no
better medicine made for la grippe,
colds aud whooping eouh. Price, 25
by Osburn & Delano.
Tuesdiy evening, Jan.'!, 1899, Miia
Fonna Davla and Mr OF Callison
were united in marriage in this city
at the home of Dean E 0 Banderson,
the official ing clergyman, They will
reside on South Pearl street. The bride
Is the youngest daughter of Mr and
Mrs L Davis and the groom is one of
the owners of the Eugene Delivery
Comnauv. Thev have many friends
whom the Guard joins in extending
I Daj & Henderson, Undertakers ?nd
t tmbalmers, Cor. Wil. and 7th its.
Lane Coootj Timber
to If. tin,
mum m a HUH null.
rnm'ii am ii',oiii,rii,,i.
Saw Mills, Paper Hills
$2,500,000 SEEKS UTILITY
Daily board, Jan 5
la Lt,IM) O MJDty to liave iii w ill, lus
triea and mora capital invested within
its boundurief
The queatlon appeals to tie at a statun
wlieie a will be answered without
need of any local assistauce.
The Ul AKIi Ofytatvrday slated that
a party of gemleiuen left thi.- city thai
day on an Inspecting tour, their ob
jective points being Hpnngflold. and the
McKeiuie riyer.
Following tba party: A J
Hetchmau, O X Wendliug aud H
Flelaokbaker, of Han trraooUoo, WM
Hlius of Witcra nonto, K H Huck of
Vacaville, It A Hooln of (iraut's Pass,
J H Booth of RoMburgMd J K Kelly,
Z S father ami Q H Kelly, of Haginaw
They were accompanied by Mayor
Kuykeudall. T Q Hendricks, 8 H
Friendly, li Hangs and County Sur
veyor roller.
These gen lemen ar. ived in a special
car and at once made arrangements
for their mvestigatious. They did not
make known any of their plans, mere
ly occupying thetrselves with tha
necessary details of their inspection.
It is Ituriied that the geutlemen
have utidtr consideration varied inter
eststhese being mole definitely de
fined as the saw mill, paper mil1, and
box factory industries. The Messrs
Booth, Kelley and father own the
large saw mills at Hugiuaw, and t lie
other gentlemen represent more direct
ly the paper Interests, some of them
being stockholders and directors iu
the frown paper mills at Oregon City.
Leaving here by private conveyance
the party went to Hpringfleld, insiect
edthe water power there, and then
went to the Haydeu bridge. At ihls
polut C M Collier and D V Kuykeu
dall acting as civil engineers, took
souudlngs and measurements, for the
future reference of the party.
It is said the u en have an opilou on
60. 000 acres of timber laud on the Mo
hawk, which isoueof the tin -t tim
ber sections in Oiegon.
From the Hayden bridge the purty
prow eded on foot down the river to
Heavey's ferry, and to the site of the
old saw mill on the Hpeucer place,
closely inspecting the river the entire
distance. They then weut to the Ar
uutage farm, north of this city, and
after viewing portions of it drove to
Coburg. The Ooodale property was
iosptcted closely, aud the uecescary
iuforinatioi. gathered for future consid
eration i:. turning, the party arrived
at Eugene at ti o'clock. They left this
morning iu their special car for Ore
gon City, and the California meu will
return lo llieir homes from that point.
IN h'OKM AT10.N Hf.MM Ahl.KIi
Oeneral report says that the geutle
men have taken the preliminary steps
toward incorporating with paid-up
capital stock of t2.oOO.000. With this
amouut of capital they expect to oper
UlHff mills with a capacity of 100,
030.000 feet of lumber per 3 ear, of;
which the Haginaw mills will contri
bute 80,1 00,000 feet; a paper mill, Using
halm aud eottonwood, with a capacity
to etjtial or exceed Bny paper mill on
the coast; a box and basket factory.
Tin- men have the capital necessary
tiengugein all these enterprise, and
it only remain to be seen whether
k... thla -..'0,0 1 1.lo for
their local ion.
What influence these Industries
,i.i l.ave on Kuirene ami
,. , ,
Lane county, It would be hard
to eat. mate Besides utilizing
the vast ranges of forest, and employ-
Ing hundreds of men. it 11 eatis the aei-
tlon contiguous to Bogtoe would be
come a manufacturing center f no
mean proportions. One of the rerulU
they contemplate Is a canal from the j
..... ' - - a
tacKei'ZiH to the Willamette,
uniting ul. iheir lottrtati and giving
untold power for I lie npcr.t' mn utile
inaclnnery Tin piojict i not new.
ll I.'- been coilhidcrcd In lure. Willi
Haltering pro-pect-, ll ck Ol capital be
ing , he only tbiug w iii -ii baa prtvnt
ed lit tiring DIlHI lef.ile ihls
It would lint be to much to hay
that, foil wing as a natural result,
branch hue railways through this aM '
lion would llieii btOODM a DeOMaltjf,
building up all Interests togetlu r - fruit
oicharda, far t s aud gardens atlkl in
ceMiig lutbtwall Iron th m,
I he Male at large but l.ane county
MHlBttgMM in particular will await ol these cupiliiiiMx w Hi
I Considerable inlviwat. Thas ulll lu
fortunate ll they locate here, I rl l.ane
county win m greatly advanced ly
llieir presence.
Htclare the iinenea-is Will Not Ite
Allowed to i,aud Armed
Manila Jan : Adv a Inal r,-
etivedfrom tlo Ilo aay tbat the rebeh
at their meeting Satin, I iy rati (led Ibe
Heliflll f tli.. .I. ' . ..... ,.l.i..l
tl,e Ametica... tho ml.... land on.
arm, d, but tf the iMi, r la&Uvd armed
the natives would Da uncontrollable.
it is further -not every preparation
Is being mad for nelattMIOI on the
part of the rebels, and reinforcements
are arriving from Xegros ami neigh,
boring i-dands in spite of the (florta of
the Cuitcd Btatet Bruiser Baltimore
and the gunboat Arinna to scare them
with aaarobllghta. Tha Amertran
troop" are realless; the rebels are
drilling on the beaeh evening and
morning in full view of tba Amerlo n
expedition, which is itlll alloat.
Out New Subjects I', rpetrate Atroch
ties iii the Philippines,
Maikii, Jan 3 (teueral BIOS OS
bles from Manila, OOUfirmlOg the re
port that all lbs Bpsnlardi al Balabae,
an Island of the Phlllppl is group, SO
miles south of Palawan, bSVS been
amas'itiuted, w ith the exception of the
women, whose release i being aked
I.eal Kstatu Transactions.
W II Watklns to Fish 1 ,t W alkitis
42 02 acres in tp 18 s r 3 w; flu.
UHtolra Uowuiau, 16.61 acres in
tp 17 s r I w; patent.
Ira Custls to Henry Book, lots in
Bmltbflsld, (loo.
Spencer llutte, XoO, loo I', to W
Kuykeudall, 01 mettry lot; 160,
.''late of Oregon to F Wbiillniii, 100
acres iu tp 17 s r 1 east ; 1400,
Slate of Oregon to B Wbattam, 100
acres iu tp 17 s r 1 east; MOO,
John Jenkins and wile to lliohard
I, and Emma Hayes, -J.X us acres in tp
lNs rfi west; $100.80.
M T Awbrey to T F Au brey, land ;
Cottage drove Lodge No (IS, OOF
to I, M Thompson, cemetery lot 16,
A II Minion to Ituth Howard, quit
claim lo lot 2, block 7, in town of Lan
caster; $20.
Ktlgene I, oau & Havings Hank, uu
divided I, of lot 6, block 14, Mulligan's
donation to Fugene; $1200.
La (iripne .Sue esaruily Treated-
"I have'just recoveretl from the
second attack of la grippe this year,"
says Mr Jas A Jones, puhli-lur of the
Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter
case I used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, and 1 think with consldsra
ble success, only I" Ing in bad a little
over two days against ten days lor the
former attack. The sec md uttitck I
am satisfied wouhl have been equslly
as bad as the first but for tbsUSBOf
this remedy us I had to go to bed in
about six hours after bslng '.-truck'
with it, while in the first ease I was
able to attend to business about two
days before getting 'down ' " I -r -;ile
by Osburn & Del, mo.
Junction City Hop Sale
Junction City, Or, Jan Horst
Bros of San Francisco, b ught J L
Furgeson's isn: bops, i;-J 1 des, at 7
cents per pound. Al HoldeOj of Fu
gene, uaine to receive them today.
lical Market
Jau 0 18i.
W boat 49o,
Oats- 2n
Hop 15 to 15jc.
ilutter-30 to 50c p- r roll.
Potatoes 880,
Poultry-$2 "0 to $.'150 per do.i n
Dried prunes S to I 0
Apples-40 cents per bushel.
Ha she l.t her beauty! If so, eoaatipatioo
luiiifc'.'iuinr., sick '" is' ne mn sue innciia
cansea. Karl's Cluvsr losit Tea liaa rnri-d
thee. Ilia for half a . . nt .ry
I'rloe 23 cU aiel
."alcta. Money isfaodsd if
raanlbi are te t
p .r it Wilkins ami Linn
. ,LI- r," ,
LOUT, 111 -.lig'-n mi" lueaHiajr
morulI,K , ,)UI,khklI1 ur(le, tt trl, ,.
ei, ,l)pi 0, two Uve dollar gold
pt0M. Th" finder will be suitably n-
sjsjsj 011 leaving same at the (iCAKD
J. W. iNfllO r UMl II UK Wh
Iviiau Cm il k LiuN Cemil
Outrages Maili Bloekided
fVwaitiBf In,
Nnitai mm rabai s msrsS
Taonma, Wash, Jan B, -Passengars
who arrived on the Al-K! from Alaska,
SOOM Of Whom Isft Dawson as late as
DaOStubtT 3, report that the Chllcat
Indians are terrorizing tile while in-
babttaola of Pyramid harbor, near
Skagway, ami have thtc:itcncd to
niaaere them.
Tita night iiefote Christmas whites
appeared at the Chllcat village with a
nig supply of whisky, which was -old
to tba Indians without reserve. The
entire tribe got drunk Christmas, and
with knives and gum compelled all
the whiles iu tha' locality to leave.
When the Al Kl lift Skagway no
blood bad bsen shad, but trouble was
On reaching Indian river the miueis
were informed than I WO DMO, names
unknoarn, bad frossn to dath 00 ths
Yukon between Fort Selkirk and
Dawson. They were guarding a scow
loatl of frozen dressed txef, anil kt
ishadona exceptionally cold night ill
N ivstubsr.
OaVeral tons of mail tor Dawson aie
blockaded a' Lake Dennett, awaiting
Ice tiansportatlon, The winter has
boon so open that Laha Binnattrs
m iltied tinfn . m up to December 23.
In October speculators cornered the
butter ami tobacco market at Dawson,
ami linos theu both articles have been
ringing from $2 to $:l a pound.
Ski om Tuial. Tba ssoond trial of
Fay lie Moore will la-nln iu New York
011 January 10. Her lawyer, Abraham
bavy, ns he baa evidence which will
rend, r her acquittal inevitable if the
trial comes oil, which he will tiy to
prevent. The trial will be la-fore all
ot judge. A dispatch says: "The
w ilium's loyalty to w hat she declares
to be the truth and her devotion to
Moors'l Interests prevent her being re-leu-ed.
She has had two opportunities
to gain her liberty, 01. e by swearing
against Moore ami anot her by plead
ing guilt.v, with a suspension of sen
tence, She declined both propositions,
although advised by her counsel that
site was 111 great peril."
I.nsank .-Mrs Luella Varuell, wife
of J F. Varnell, aged 88 yeais, was ex
amined this morning on n charge of
insanity by Msdlosl Kxiimlncrs, Drs
T A' llanis and L W llrowu and wns
ordetetl committed to the asylum at
Salsm for treatment. Tba lady while
al I lOlal gathering about two weeks
ago tirst sboared signs of darangsmsnt.
Bbo to highly respeotsd by her neigh
bors and it is sarnestly hoped that u
few v kt treatment at the hospital
will rully restore her mind. She was
taken to the asylum 011 this forenoon'
local train by Sheriff W W Wltheis
and her husband, J F Varnell as
OfFIOIBl MSXALUU). At tba reg
ular meeting of Hiencor Dutte I, ulge
No U, 1 () O F Tuesday eveulug, Jan
the following offloon were Installed by
E A Vauglian, DDOMl J W Lakln,
N OiO M Horn, VOjB F Dorrls, R S;
.1 ll Damson, V;JM Williams, Con
ductor; M Svarverud, US NO; Then
Konshaw, DSN fjj F M Warreu, L H
o;j OQray, It H V G; J w WhltUr
I G;H CChilson, OGjB H Mulkey,
t Ibaplaln,
IIknhY Stkwakt. The holiday
number of the Koseburg Itcyiew haa
Ihistosayof a well known former
Lane county young man: "Comatook
is a station an the S Fit K, 45 miles
north of Itoseburg. It is the trading
point for a busy woodcutting, lumber
ing and stock community. H W
Stewart Is the genial, gentlemanly
station agent, and Mrs 11 W Stewait
Is proprietress of a very complete and
well stocked store established in 180S.
Cm OF Ft 1 ; k.n K. The woodwork
Of tba DOW steamboat Is alsiut com
pleted, the carpenters being engaged
now iu constructing tho wheel. The
boiler and attain capstan have heeu
shlppad from St Louis. Mo, and are
expectetl here daily. The of
the machinery is all ready, having
inn constructed by the Eugene
Asm w. Mi KTlNd The OOUitSlS-
loneri court of Dane county sonvsnsd
at the OOOrt house this fbtSDOOD, TbD
Is the annual meeting and the court
w ill probably be In session a month.
At this time It must select 200 names
to tlraw jurors from during the next
year; must appoint supervisors and,
settle with them; change districts, and
do much other work.
Holiday SSJCB. The holiday
nambaroftba Boaahurg fiavtow i"
excellent oue aid will do Douglas
county much good. The proprietors
of the lleview are active uewspajier
I't IIASKP. C C McMeekin has
purchased the implement aud feed
store business, comer of Ninth and
oak stnt-ts, from J T Callison 4 Son.
We wish the gentl-'mau success in his
OtaaSaftisa i preventable; St-ieoc Itaa
pro en that, an.lalsi that netflect la euicUaL
Tlx worat cold St cough can be curat! with
Shlloh's CoiikI' an Vt-'waaiimption Cure. Sold
on sitive guarantee fur over tifty )eaia. I -r
sale UWilkina and Dinn DruggiaU
NO. 50
- M
Is the only plow made that
is better than the No. 40
Oliver chilled. See it at
Cottage Qrovs ami Lassati Hatito
lli. ir Troublea in Union,
CottSge Grove, Jau 4. At a mass
mooting tonight) tha oltlienaof Cot
tage drove ami Lematl approved the
charter tiiuler which the two towns
are consolidated under the old name
of Cottage QrOVS, Some opposition
to the movement was sxtaotod from
many of the residents of Dsmatl, hut
it diti not materallae! although a num
tier of persons who were OOtapOl en
against consolidation were present.
Their failure to make any Qgbl In tin
open meeting Is SOOOUUlsd for by the
supposition that they either consider
the whole proceeding illegal, or they
will attempt to defeat the charter in
the leitlslaturc.
L F VYooloy acted hh ehalrmau of
the meeting. lmmeilialely after be
called for ortler one of the obstacles to
consolidation was removed. Thin wus
the Cottage Drove waterworks, which
were offered to tho city for fiioOO. A
tluly executed option for ono year wus
presented to tiie meeting. Then the
proposetl charter wus taken up ami
read. It was a well-executed docu
ment and provides for u good city
government. Du motion it was ap
proved, and the next movement will
isj to secure its passage by the legisla
ture. For a High Grade I'lano.
Don't overlook the Haines Itros. pluuo
Indorsed by all leading musicians in
Koseburg. They are used and Indors
ed by Dr i Fhme, Mrs Appolhofl and
others. Mmel'attlhasa ilalnes up
right ill her b tutlolr 111 her beautiful
home atCraigynos Ca-tle, Vales, ami
used the Haines piano during her last
tour of the I'nited States.
Hainks Hhoh, New York, N Y.
MecotiU liutiil Furniture.
I will pay the highest cash price for
second-hand furniture.
Seventh A Will unci to Sts
Makkikii. At tho home of the
bride In this city Jau .' at 7 p no, Mrs
(.' F lligelow and Mr Fd 0 Strong.
Dry Goods
For Prices.
We meet all
Mr and Mrs T a Hendricks cele
brated their thirtieth wedding anni
versary last evening, aud Invited a
number of their friends to enjoy tho
occasion with them at their elegant
resilience, corner of Ninth ami Char
Dalton stru ts. A regUUU old fushioued
party was hud. The party played
whist, danced, s ing ami toltl stories
for several hours. The whist piica
were won by Mrs H D Miller ami Mrs
SM Yorau. Adoon very handsome
pearl handled knives were presented
to Mrs Hondrloki by the guests as her
Wedding present. All present enjoyed
themselves highly.
Those Invited were: Mr ami Mrs H
ii Friendly, Mr ami MrsGBOorna,
Mr ami Mrs Frank OabturBi Mr and
Mrs J S Lookoy, Mr ami Mrs H B
Ankeny, Mr ami Mrs Dr T W Harris,
Mr and Mrs Dr Prentice, Mrs John
Church, Mr and Mrs Henry llollen
book, Mr and Mrs K V Coleman, Mr
and Mrs H It Miller, Mr and Mrs H M
Yorau, Mr ami Mrs Joel Ware, Mrantl
Mrs B II BsJlin, Mr aud Mrs F M Wil
kins, Mr and Mrs lleorgu Smith, Mr
and Mrs (i T Hull, Mr F L Chambora,
Misses Mautl Wilklus, Doulsu Yuran,
Nellie (lilfry, Ada Hendricks, Ituby
For Infants aud Children.
Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought
Hoars tho
S:i-, U! o of I
a bsaaMral esssptsaiea is an bspssdMINy
without guod pure bisedi the a,.rt that only
existn in connection with k;..od ilimtlon,
hi'itlthy liver and IsiweU. Karl'a (,'lover
lb ,t Tea acts directly OS the Ixiwela, liver
ami kidneys keeping tlieiu In perfect health.
Price fg SOI and N cts at Wilkins and I.inn
San Joaipiili valley, California, lias
had olio half Inch of rain.