The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 07, 1899, Image 2

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    Eugene City Guard.
I. I CI AM I'M r.rUlor.
An f nlereatlue; Collection ul I from
tha Too M I ' ' il
Admiral Sampson' daughter if (o
retl a ci ifomian.
"Bab," the well-known syndicate
writer ( critically ill at Iter home In
New York.
The O. It. ft N. C.' iieanithip Co
lumbia on hei lat trip made tli run
from Han Francisco l' 1'orilarnl in 47
hours and. 66 minutes.
The Ameiican Nationul liank, of
Lima, 0.i wai robbed of fix, n-j. The
money wa taken from the lir vault
The robbery waa perpetrated la lkil
(u I manner, no damage Doing done to
the vault
An exproi train and freight train
mel on tin- name Inn k near Vinc MMe,
hid., ami three trHiinii. ii were serum
ly hurt and a score nr mule passenger
biuisod un I ortened.
Captain It. I). F.vaiit' name It pmm
Ineully mentioned aa Hear-Admiral
llunce'a lilocor in the Hnaiklyn
navy-vard, now that it com to lie ile.
oided that Ifcar-Adiinral Sampson will
remain cnmuininler in-chief of the
Noilli Atlantic atation, end Itear-Ad-miral
Hchley will lw nailgued to aea
duty in compliance Willi In icqut.
The conference bused uin the ilia
armament proMal of Kuipemr Ni.ho
laa haa been filed for Ht. Polcrhoig
about the beginning of May next, prior
to which the linssian government will
uhinit ofHeiallv to the powers dell
nite plan of disarmament ll order to
enable them to formulate tuudifli it
or countoi-iuggcalion.
A scfial 'nun Da WDM date I Nn-
vcmber III ys: Jttirtl fr all
creeki in the vicinity ol DaWtOO lodh
cate that the winter! product of gold
will exceed that of 11 year by re
than 1(10 ier cent. Heveral ierona are
reported to bave Imm-ii (Mai to death
One of theao wan found in a kn cling
p.. Mure beaide his aled and dngs, he
tween Hunker anil Dominion, at the
The navy department ia going to be
prepaied for any eiuerxcucy that may
heieaftor ariae in the Atlantic and Pil
ot lie ocenna by currying on hand the
emumnu "t". k Ol nearly half n nllllOB
Iom the aaat ttaaailaa aoal lot war-
ahipa :hul can bt '1 1. tat up-
ply of the moil Inportul 'f .ill " w"
of aaadani wot la to i tyiteiaatleelly
diltriliiited in American .rl moat
conveniently locate I f..r tbu .nullltguf
hii lor any uperiiliona tbo navy may
conceivably I at called upon to unl.i
take. In V'.. Day, piealdent of the Pfclll
peace ciiminiaNtnn, hua arrived homo.
A lua. led lumber aohiHHier i aahore
at Camion bead ur Klk creek, Or.
Tim recently p. Intel rcuiatai of
the Nulato land office in Alu-ku ia
In a litlaJHanfc near Lexington. Ky .
mm. Italaaaaa were injured, two p . u
ably fatally.
importation of atannlaolorai from
(iicat llritain into Hie I'nited gtatei
eoeiu likely to almw an uiiumiiiII) Mall
total in the year IMS.
Public men in office, especially Ihoae
In oouKiera, notrapapci Dorreepoodenta
and i'VcivIhmIv wbo ia supposed 10 have
Influence in shaping Icgislai or with
the adiiiinialratinn are being t! ! I
with literatim.' limn fafelgn cuintilc
in lelutlon to our changed condition of
affuiia as a lestill of the A'nct lean
Spanish war.
Fire doslioved the hnnae occupied l'V
letter Dm Oar lot II or la Vienna, the
Chilean iii I ii later, at Hie corner nf 00D(
lie. In ut avenue an, I N atieet, Wash
ington. The riail and top atory were
daatfoyad ami the furniture nf the
whole hnuae waa ruined by aiimke ami
water, entailing a loaa of (In, 000, The
Inlaw and hia family hniely o
capod. The cotton n pta at Houston, Tex ,
titice the beginning of the pn nt ecu
on have la-en '.'.OOil.liiiil bale, a record
ncv i i eipiah'd hi .111 nitci uu tow n ol
port of the I'mtc.l Statca, ami which
will be cel. bi ale I by a banquet to
Vt'hnh all tlm the pioiumcnt oivlf oO
dale and cotton men will be luvltad.
It la aailtaatad by Baeratary Warnaf, f
the cottou exchange, that (00,000
balea will yet be received tluiing tho
remainder of the Beaton
The table of pm-autod atatlnm ol
I'nited Mulci liiaipa, aubiiuttcd liy
0 aaatal Wa le, ibowa a total of (0000
tnHipa, dlatrl btalatd aa follown Proviaat
of I'inai del Km, 1,000) piovime ol
Havana, I4,000 provlnoa al Mntau:ia,
10,000) aroflnat ol Banta Ulava, 10,000)
province of I'ueito PrlltOlpa, H,(.HI0;
proviuoo of Santiago, 1,000. The
recoiuinemlat mna of tlm iHimtiiiaaion, If
carried out, would repute regiment
of infautry an I live ol cavalry, with aix
lialterica of lluht aillllery, (our (or
Havana and two for M.itanx.ia,
Mliotr Nrtt ii- ....
1'iof. Kilridce, of Harvard, ia aaid to
lie the tMlly aUB livimj wtio can read
Kliot'a Indian Blbla,
The French vintage of M It offi
cially aatlmatad at (1,IVI,0O0 hvcto-
lilen. whlih la M.000 be, tolitcn be
low the vintage of lat yaat
Jamea II. Sotithall, MMVlota-Jol deal
ingl III fiaiiduleul govcinmeiil lime
ohecki, waa aaatattOtxl in Hi. I'aul to
aUte'a priaon foi 10 yean al hard la
bor. The myatcry urrmiding the gift of
$9A0,000 to the anlvaralty ol New
York, haa been eleaicd up by the .11
covery that Helen tlould waa the donor.
Benjamin S. U-ar ia Hint aergeant of
onpauy C, Firal Colorado infantry,
DOW alalioiicd at Manila. Ilia father,
'tenjainiii K. Lear, Is a piivate in the
ma oompanv.
.'?iaaident W. H. Newman, of the
ke Hhore & Michigan Boutliem Rail.
Company, ha placet! an uidel
" a lirtKika I.Komotive works, ol
for V v Jiaoinotlvea.
.1 600,00a
William K. Vamlcrbilt, Jr.. ia to wed
U'm Virginia Fair, of Mn Friinciwo.
Only about 1400 worth of properly
Ww recovered I nun the wreck of the
Maria Tereaa.
fjHjM ihipmenta from Au.lralia for
the year IhUH iiinonnted 4i,H0,000.
Htlaaaenta to Ameilia inuteaae.l by
The war ileparlment'a ftiuiiuaiy of
army atathun jitat Ittdtd fat the hr-l
lime include Havana aa a regular aut,
bowing al-oul IV.hOO iTOOfl there.
A deficit in the Herman beet augar
cmp of at laaatllOtOOO ton in Bewail
gpOH liy United Htatea Ootainl Hiedrich,
at Madgebnrg. He auya that tha back
ward leaaon ritaulled in a deficiency.
The secretary of war haa received a
recommendation from Surgeon-Oeiiernl
Sternberg (or the ealabliahiiient of any
army sanitarium at Nagasaki, Japan,
foi the BOB of the United Mutes tioopa
at Manila.
Negotiations aie progressing in the
matter of the payment of the Cuban
troops, so that un laying down then
arms they may be enabled to cute
upon civil pursuits and earn then
livmg. I'robahly no further appropi la
tino by collates will he necessary t"
enable the president to ciury out the
plan, if it should ho decided, as the
money will eventually come out of the
revenuea ol the island.
Immediately upon tha ratification of
the pnaie trcity by the aeuatn, the
president w I'M recommend to OOOglMI
the enactment of legislation looking to
the settlement of the claims of Auo ri
call citizens fui ihiuiugcs sustained in
Cuba, I'm to Him urn I olhei hpanish
poaaaaalnna which formed the seat of
war. Claims In the aBMMMl of If i,
000,000 on this score have already been
lodged with the state depurtmeiit.
N. ar Austin. Tex., a passenger train
escaped a lerious wreck thiougb the in
tervention of a bud Home one ha i
tied a rail securely across the track. A
few miles be (ore. leaching the spot a
bird, blinded by the headlight, flew
against the glass, lircaking and extin
guishing the light, which necessitated
running slowly to the next station
The train, at reduced speed, stun k Itll
obstruction, tearing up tin. Hack tod
damaging Hie front of tlm engine, hut
no one was injured.
Cart nf lied Ko.-k immiitiiin, lie md
ing to a iliapalcb Iron Aiiolo, a village
of arltaarland, canton of ll mo. has
fallen into Aimlo, destroying a hotel
and aeveial booaaa. Tha teanaoftlia
disaalcr preaenta a terrible Sa-clacle,
Hie debt ia of the avahuiche covering a
-.pi ii.- mile. The bold, Willi l ight
houses uiul I -' other hull. lings, wele
swept into a great heap of matchwood.
A new terror waa added by thiiotitbieak
of lire mind the ruins. Tin Iciid
Issliea have been recoveicrl. ll ia i-sli
mated that the damage will reach
Miss Mercedes (lurchi, daughter of
the late OaliltO Oiirciu, the Cuban
leader, died at the Masury hold,
Tlmniaaville, On., of consumpliuu.
Admiral Dewey la now the senior
officer of the American navv, having
reached that poail urn without emigres
aiumil action through the letireinent
ol Admiral Hunce.
The American Nawapapai I'uhlish
en' Association hits pieauiitod to the
Anglo Aiiici ienn joint high commission
a carefully prepared iiigmnenl in lavoi
of fice paper and fice pulp.
Senator Mcllii.le has offered tin
amendment to the naval lull, which
provider, for the const ruction of a atone
drydiak on the Columbia river and
appropriates 9(00,000 for Immediate
tile in beginning the work.
One half Hie hug. st fotcigu or. lei for
Unlabel ste. l xt scut to this innnlry
haa been ottered the Illinois Sleel Com
punv, of Chicago. The order amounts
to ('J,0llll,ti0(l, and is for water pipes
to i.e nsei by Hit auatfallan govern
and The Oarnagla Company will
supply half the amount.
Senator Mcllri.le baa introduced u
bill appropi iallng (1,000 for the pur
chase or construction of a launch lot
the use of the customs official al Ai
toiia. A craft capable of giving a (000
speed and one that will aland knocking
iltaiul Is badly needed In ti e eu-toin
Nnlot at Astoria, and Scnatoi Me
linite' hill n intended to supply tin
The Oeimiin ninhusauih.r. Dr. Von
ll.dl. ia has roturnad to Washington
after an extended absence, dui ing which
he held imirlaut confeiencea
with the iiuthol It lea at I mi I i ii iclalivc
to American affaiis. It exiaeted
that hi id ii. will loon hi ing about
exchange with Hie state .lepai tnient
and Hrhal directly with (be presi
dent, relative b. a number of cmicnt
Quaallona In which both oountilatara
William K. M.Hue. convicted nf
robbing Maitin Malum, hotel keeper
of New York, by the "badger game,"
waa sentenced to 111 veins in the state
prison. The barge against Moore va
that he ronapircd with hi ilc, Kayn,, to loli M.ihon. and that M.thon
waa enticed by the woman to apart
incuts occupied bv the M.mie and
there coui lled by the husband to pay
blackmail. Moore a convicted on
his second tiial. the jury in the Dial
instance having disagiee.l. Fayne
V formerly resided in roillan.l.Or
The will of the late Charles IV Wtl
tier, of Wellsley Hills, Mass., lie
(MnltM 1101,000 to Mount Holyoke
The shortage in the California wine
clop ol ISUN and the fan ly k'sid demiiud
that has extale.l dm lug the past y cut
have resulted iii advancing prices.
M. Coiislanlin, a veung Fn-nchman
ol IV, win lives ill ran, ia eight feet
tall ami pioliahly higher than olhei
man sin has ever lived. He Is per
feclly proportioned.
A ukase hai la-en issued by the
liusaiaii minister ol elu.uti.m, Mi
llogoleiow, lorblddlng the wealing of
corsuli in any educational instituliou.
The governmeul of Nic.nau.i, as a
result uf the . ;lae of the it-putllic
nf Central America, has establ isbe-l a
ileeieo decUring Nicaragua to be au iu
1eMudenl soveieigu state.
Howard Ooul.l will not be called
Umjii to aacnthv any part ol Ins lortlllie
aa a result of Ins raaanl marriage to
Mis Katherlne Cleiiimons The other
Uotild heir detline to protit by bis
dittegard ol ins father' wishes.
alniata Laaaaliat a rawsaxlga vt...,.i
ilia Aasartaaa Nf-iirma.
New Yoik, Jan. 2. A dlsmtch from
I'uris says: The Herald's Kurnp.-an
edition piitits the lollowing:
Itussi.i is evidently heginning a
campaign against the Nicaragua canal.
The Novimi Vreiuya publishes an urticlo
not only warmly advocating the I'ana
Bia scheme, hut filled with hitter dis
like of the United State.
The w riter says the predominance of
the United Htatea would have been de
sirable foi Roatia a few yaait ago, but
all this has changed since the last
war. lie goes on to ray that, having
ilatpoilad pour Spain, the United Htatea
baa baooBt t oolonlal party and an
Asiatic power.
"Forgetting the Monroe doctrino of
America foi Americans, which implies
the olhei doctrine that American do
minion most he confined to America,
the Yankees," he says, "aie now enter
ing into opn aonpttiikn with us in
China and Corea. They have DO
scruples ovei an nlUMOM with their
traditional enemy, Kuglaud, and with
Japan for this purpn-e.
"For this reason Itnsslan financiers
and diplomats ought to give their sup
port to the Fiench undertaking when
it comes to seriously iliscnitling the
Dentraliaatlon of tin. Panama eanal and
placing it under the general control ur
guarantee of the Kuropeali DOWiM.
The writer declares the l'anutua route
would la more beneficial to llussia
than the Nicaragua mule.
"This laltei canal," ho adds, "even
supposing in completion DOMibit,
would he a purely Ameiican nndertak
Ingi whereas the I'anainn canal remain
in the hands of our alln-a, the French,
or it may become an international en
ter prist' with the addition of a strong
American element to its shareholders. "
The Novimi Vreinya saya:
"Boat la inii-t llieiafora, be on her
guard against tho United States, ea
is.cially in view of the enoruious
wealth of its Paolflt shores and strat
egical position occupied by Americans
in the Sandwich, Hie Philippines, the
Batnoan ami the Mariana islands."
Oeararal kferrtll'i onti-iai Caaaetlwa
wiiii iio. i -! 1 1 1 i i o e iia. Caaasati
Ohlengo, Jan. u. HaJor.Genarajl
W e-i. y A. Merritt and bride are in
Chnugo. They will spend the holi
daya here and then go to New York,
allele the general will assume his DO
-it ion a commander uf the department
of the Fast.
The general says that his official
connection with the Philippines hue
ceased. Ile thinks this government
should ignore Agolicillo, the Filipino
representative. Accoi.ling to the gen
eral's belle! Agonelllo is trying to hold
up the Dnlted States.
(leneial Merritt smiled when the
qntetiofl ol "eojbalnied" beef was
brooajhl up.
"What fresh Iseef was furnished us
al Manila came from Australia." Oen-i-ral
Meruit says, "but most of the
meat furnished Hie aimy was canned,
and ii good shale of it was taken with
us. We did not experience the least
trouble with it. Myself and my staff
lived on canned meat part of the time,
in. I we weie in the best of health."
l ouvleletl ol Miiriler In I'lrsl lli.(rrs
Ltfa lntirlaeemeal tna rtiiMii.
San Francisco, Jan. 3. liathcr tc
the general am prise ot those who have
followed the I tut k ill trial, and to the
entire dismay ol the defendant ami her
attorney, Mi. Cordelia Botklu wa
tonight (nun. I guilty of minder In the
lirst tlegree loi causing the death of
Mis. John I1. Donning) by sending a
hoi uf poiauned candy to her in Dover.
Dal, The condemned murderess will
be spared an ignominious death nn the
gallows, however, the Jury that (omul
her guilty imposing also the penalty
of life Intprlaoonentf The vei.llct waa
unexpected, An Boaulttal wat ooaA
iti-nl ly awaited by the defcne, while
the proatoollon (eared a dttag ream ant
Ills; I, ..I.I Hlrlke,
F.I Iaa0, Tex., Jan. I, Considerable
exciteiiK'nt was caused in mining ami
smelting circles here today by the ar
rival ( authentic Information ol one of
the biggest gold strikes yet madii in
Noitberil Mexico. F. V. Ileaiichamp,
who arrived today from Haccrcac, So
lium, by way ol Casus Ornndos, Chihua
hua, repoit the discovery of nn im
mense lissure vein of free milling gold
ere '.'0 mile south of Haccrcac. The
ore is repoite.l to contain IS ounces ol
gold to the ton, and the Vein has been
tuned for scveial tulles. American
protpectOtl in Ciisa Qrandat and sur
rounding districts are aiming on the
scene in largi numbers.
ro..i Train m the Wertth
Cleveland, O , Jan. I. As a result
of a meeting of division superintend
ents of the Lake shore ,V Michigan
Southern railroad. Juat held heie to re
arrange time-tables, it is autumn. cd
that the new last mail, which is to
lie stalled next Sunday between New
York and San Francisco, will be the
fastest regular train iu the world.
That ii to say. theie is no ether train
which goes so great a distance iu at
short a lime every day in the year.
Die total reduction in time between
New Y'nrk and San Francisco over the
present schedule is a little over 13
lion i a.
Atlanta, Qe, Jan. 3. The memor
able sentiment regarding the nation's
care of Confederate dend axpteaaed In
President McKiuley's now (anions fra
tci lilting speech bcfoie tlx Qeofglt leg
lahitmo has cryslalliaeil into an order
to ascertain the location of all the Con
federate burying iu the South,
and this work lias already bagejta
(ieoigia hat been called on for a list
ot these places, the adjutant-general ol
the stale having receive! an official
letter from Washington lepicsling a
full list of the Confederate cemeteries.
Hienham, Tex., Jan. 3. A wholesale
poisoning is reported by telephone troni
Shelby, Austin county. Frank l.o
mack, hia wife and Ave children, were
the victims. Two aie dead, and it it
thought that none ol the other can te
toeef. Arsenic was placed In their
coffee by unknown person.
Manila. Jan. 3. The tchfloner Albi
reports the masaacre ol the Spanish
gariison by the combinevl native
forces at I'aimpi, Caroline islands.
Henry Naoti. U e Iu. vied chiel, ha
been elected to i e the ruler, lie ll
said to la favorable to lb Amencaut.
Three Men Killed in a Des
perate Fight.
Charts wiiiani ataNetwd ahritr
aTllllaaM m4 ttupmtf laacaer) mil
Hot that at Depaty Miller)
Seaside, Or., Jan. 3. Tho burning
of the Knlton cottage, at this place,
last We lay morning, culminated
tint afteiiiiaiu in the bloodieet tragedy
In tho history of this county, as a re
sult of which three men are col I in
death and DM other it badly wounded.
Tin- dead aie:
Sheriff J. W. Williams, Deputy
Sheriff James Lamer and Ubtrltt Wil
lard. Deputy Sheiiff A. E. Miller was
shot in tho leg.
It wa considered certain by every
one that the burning of the cottage wnt
for tho purpose of tOMMling a rob
btfjfi and toiploloo pointed to Oharlet
Willardaatho guilty person, pari ieu
1 ur 1 v as he was seen a limit time after
the lire coming from tho locality w ith
a wheelbarrow load of good.
Acting on the suspicion then amused
Sheriff William this morning securt d
a search warrant, and In com puny with
Honator 0 W. Fulton and otheis, went
to laulda to search Willard'l prem
ise, and also all the cuttages ol which
he had chaige during the winter season.
a i. iiu 8 o'cliak this afternoon, sher
iff Williams, Benator Fulton and D. p
utie A. E Miller tnd Jamea Lamera,
the two latter being residents of Sea
side, went to the collage of Mrs. Susie
Lnwibton, where Wlllaid was living,
to search it.
On rapping at the diair they were
answered immediately by SVilhml,
who told them to wait until bedretM I,
but from inbaeqnenl events it i certain
he trtnted time to get bit gun leady
for action. After a few momenta ha
opened the dour, ami un being told
what was wanted, told the sheriff, ill a
polite manner, (hat he was welcome to
search any of the resi deuces in his
Leaving Fulton, Lamer mil the
sheriff in the house, he picked up hi
title, and telling Miller to follow I.
he started for John L. GarlOUIl'lOOttage
which he had in charge, ami which he
said Rome one had endeavored to break
into. There they weie soon afterwardl
joined by William and Pulton. The
latter asked Willard to come buck to
the LawiltOO Outrage, He made no
It was on neai ing the cottage the
second time that the tragedy o ciirrel.
Senatoi Fulton had identified some
shotgun carti idges in the house us ho-
longing to him, au.i began quettloning
Willard as to w here he 0 p .-session
nf them. This nettled Willard, al
though he antwered ihat n Irlend had
given them to him, and he began to get
Fulton and Miller went inside the
cottage, leaving W illard. Sheriff Wil
liams and Lamer standing OOttidO,
They had Jait preceded to the rear
room when two slml were heard in
quick succession, an I on running to
he door, Sheriff William was seen to
throw up hi Land, and fall back ward
over tin' bank. In hunt of the In. use
weie Willard and Lamer, in u desper
ate baildt0 hand ItrngglO) although
the latter had la-en shot through the
right groinltml was fast growing faint,
and his assailant was lighting with the
desperation of a deinun. Fulton sprung
at Wil'ard'a head, ami pulling him lo
the ground jumped on his face. Millet
wrenched the ritle fiom his hand, threw
it on the ground, and taking nut hi
revolvci beat the desperado over the
Senator Fulton, in the meantime,
picked up the nflc tad told Willard to
remain quiet, oi ho Would kill him,
Tho latter, however, watched hi up
portnnity, and jumping lo liis feet
started to run away, when Pulton fuel,
missing him the fust time, hut strik
ing him in the face the second lime,
carrying away the greater poittou of
In mouth ami nose. Willard fell, ap
parently dead, and Fulton started to
obtain help to caie fur the injured men,
leaving Miller nn guard with the nflo
in hand. Miller stepped buck to aid
Lamer, who was lying on the gtOQnd
desHrntely wounded, when Willard
was noticed to he tumbling with hit
belt. (Quicker than a flash he drew a
levolver and llre.l three bullet, the
first one hitting Miller in the left leg,
Just below the hip. Mill, r returned
the tire with the ritle, the dial bullet
inflicting a flesh wound in Willard'
sho ul let, and the second hitting him
in the left side, near the gioin, killing
him instantly.
Ky this time help had in rived, and
an examination was made of the in
jured men. Shot iff William wat
found to have been shot thigg!i the
right breast, and although his pulse
was beating fecblv when examined, he
showed no further sign of I fo. La
mer was shot in the right groin, and
he livtsi about :u minute after being
lemnved to Oiime' hotel. Miller, the
other deputy, Wat wounded in the lag,
hut hi wound it not of a serious na
ture. Illx-ar,lr,l W MMM'a Urnl.
lavs Angeloa, Cal , Jan. 3. Ifoorgt
I'. King, chief deputy in the office of
City Engineer IWkwciler, was shot
and probably fatally wounded thin
evening by Theresa Kerr, whom ho had
cast off.
rtlra.llllnn Tiralt Mllh lira .11.
New Y'ork. Jan. 3.--A dispatch to
! tho Herald (tern Km do Janeiro ataloa
! that the Itratilian congrets has ap
' tOOted a treaty of extradition with the
Untttd state.
MeeeareaTtwaj itatJeato.
Madrid, Jan. 3. The cabinet haa
agreed to send additional fund to Cu
ba for ItBtltriatran of the Spanish
tloO remani ng there. Tno govern
incut considers tlje pmstavt for release
of Spanish prisoner lu the Philippine
reiy discouraging.
New York, Jan. I. Ninety men
were taken ftotu the receiving hip
Venn. nl at the navy yanl by steamer
to Norfolk, V . front which place
they w ill go overland to San Franci
Co, where they wll emlrk for Manila
aa reinhMCtmeotf for Admiral Dewey.
II in. .Ire. I tjllll
Chicago, Dec SI. A tpOelal Ul D
Tribune Loin New Y'ork say: II IM
asserliolil of the heirs of Charles
Dwriteo, formeily BUtyor ol Huffulo,
aie well loiinded, the national govern
ment may bt WM polled l'".v ""'Ul
more than IOll,0lO,000 on account Of
siiiiim Pacific railroad DOodt which, it
ia alleged, the former mayor on hie
doatllbed Mid belonged to him.
According to the attmney of the
estate, Mr. DorkOt told his wife he had
caused lo he forwarded to the MottO
polilan National bank of thi cily a
tin Ijoi containing an lUsigMUienl of
the railroad bonda in quest ion, an nt-
log to more Ihali 1(14,(144,000, but fr
thut time until thi, it i allegeil by
tho attorneys, they have been unublo
to get any trace of tho box.
There waa a rumor afloat In 1HU4, it
it said, that mine of the Iannis had
poaaed through the hands ol Orunt &
Ward, and the mutter was called to the
attention of the secretary of the treas
ury. The heir are said to have ob
tained Information later that mine,
if not all of fhe bond in question were
htoovered and lodged in the vault of
the treasury in Washington.
It i said the court of claim is again
to be taWed tism to make an investiga
tion. Thcuo bonds am said to have
been issued on account uf the Union
Pacific, Western Pacific, Central Pa
cific, Kansas Pacific, central branch,
and tho Sioux City & Pacific railroads.
They hole fi per cent interest. The ac
crued interest, it is alleged now
amounts to twice the principal.
Charles Durkee, it is alleged, wa
the assignee of all the eOMtlMtiOII
bonds and of all the original bond i
sued by the Pacific corporation. It
is ullegeil that Charles F. Folger yeurl
ago leOOgniaed the validity ol these
lVr Depart! Tafcee strpa I" Con
nect the Islands.
New York, Dec. 81. Colonel Kim
ball, of the noattetmatter't depaitment
in the uimy building hero, received or
der from the war depui tnient to Bocure
ut i e an iron ihip llOffl I,1" 11 tu
1,300 Ion, for use hi a ctible ship lo
lay cables lo connect the island of the
Philippines. The depaitment ha al
ien. ly ordered for this purwe KiO
mil.. of marine cable, weighing 618
tuna. The cable will tuku about U,u00
cubic feet for coiling.
The cable is to be coiled in skeleton
l.n k- in different holds in tho v. I
Til ible ship must uccominoduto on
the forward deck the "playing-ont"
machinery, which will weigh from In
to '.'( Ions, and tho accessories, weigh
ing from b to 10 tons. In the after
hold will be fitted out the quarter- for
the crew of 30 men. This space will
be need for coal on the way out. The
ship will he kept on station us a cable
-hip, or cnu ho used as a trunsport.
Shu ia tu he secured ut once.
A Well I in ao Ki.ipl.iye ami 0(10.000
San Antonio, Tex., Doc. 31. The
local office of the Wells-Fargo Express
Company is out u money puckage con
laming (HO, 0011. The money wa sent
here from Houston for the Southern
Pacific to meet it payroll west (mm
that city to Kl Paso. It arrived Wed
need ay morning and wa given to c. A.
Heeler, the Wolla-Furgo money deliv
ery clerk, to handover. Heeler started
lor the depot and was seen on route.
Four hours after his dopiirtuiu hia
Wagon wa- found five miles west of
the city in a thicket, the horse almost
dead from the effect of hunt driving.
Inquiry developed the fact that no de
livery 1 1 ml been made. There wiia no
evidence of n struggle in the vicinity
hero the vehicle was found. Heeler
hud been in the employ of the company
for nine yours, and enjoyed the con
Bdenoo ol all. He spent teveral
on the front lei a a cowboy. Hi
Irienda ttOUtly assort that he is tho vic
tim of foul play, and his wife also in
cline to this belief.
cm. .... nf Kx-Cttafad arwl vtrwai
Ntil All VI ore A way.
New Y'ork, Dec. 11, Tho following
retolut Ion, offered fly Oomtadt Beoiley,
formerly ot North Carolina, was DMBl
monsly passed at a mooting of the Con
federate veteran camp, of Now York:
"RoOOWed, That the Confederate
veteran camp of Now Y'ork condemns
in unmeasured terms the effort of Sen
ator Batler, of North Carolina, who l
not a Confederate veteran, to debauch
the manhood of tho South by seeking
to obtain peuiion for ex-Con federate
soldiers from the I'nited States, and
that any limllai effort by Southern
members of congress will be abhorrent
to this camp and meet with unqualified
lil) r Ihr I Inc.
VanOOOvOf, B, C, Dec. 31. Salmon
onnnoil ate alarmed at the IX. minion
government regulation. They say if
the fisheries department remains ob
durate ami refuse to agree to the can
non' suggested amendments, all the
cannot ies on Frasei river must close
down, or rather go ovei to the Ameri
can side. This means that a Hrilish
Columbia industry, in which about
S,0000QQ it annually spent, will be
bodily transferred to the United States.
Qermoey ami iaaav
Her I in, Deo. 31. There ia much
comment hero ut the repotted arrival ol
an A mOI loan warship at Apia, Samoa,
the new spaper regarding it a a sign
that Fiesident McKinley mean to
carry out the programme outlined in
hi- iccvut mc.aage to emigres. The
Vnssisohhe iiuug say:
"No doubt Oioat Hritain will snp
trt America and thus para ly to the
slowly ai-.pi i ied (icrnian pres.n leran.v.
There i no longer chance of (ieimunv
securing excliis:vo control."
Flat wta al M .rial.
Havana, IVc. SI. Two ronivaniia)
i i ennsy iTania, un.ier i ,j. r .Meyer,
went to Mariel yeeteiday. Colonel
Seyhuin, ot the Two Hnndre.1 and Sec
md New York, raised the American
(lag yeaterday over li e municipal build
ing at Mariel.
How n ulla Will Vast.
Los Angele, Dec. 11. Senatot
Stephen M. White left toon, 'or Wash
ington. In an interview regar, the
Pb 1 1 1 1 ine question he laid: "1 mu
Utterly op-e. to the acquisition of
dlrtant and barbarian lapda."
City Hello aptwed Of Aauiea'o'
lulluwrrs. ,
Washington, Deo. 30 -lloilo hat
btllM into the hand of the Filipino,
lu.t before main a cablegram wa re
ceived fmm lieiieral Oti. which stated
thut Ihe American expedition reached
thut place loo lai". the insuigent hu
ing taken p.. -session of the city on the
MfJi gg hour prior to Captain Pot
ler' arrival. AguinaUo'e flag lloat
uver the city. .
1 i ktiai uara tin jJi'iiiiiarOH navi
' ! ll' .i 'lie - e t -
...coaled all the station m the Wlltll-
em island except 2ml,anga. Min-
ilanao, by order, they say, iiw -
dtid. Heneral ni expects no (uither
ttiii. f r. ii 1 1 Hollo for foul day, owing
to lack ol -table communication. It
pretumed Ueiieial Oti will demand
the aurren lei of lloilo into liii batral
and thi demainl may at once ruile the
istue between the Insurgent a no our
own governiiieiitl the ajiaeaiioli of
the islands.
The province of lloilo i set dow n in
,m,.M.I .1, reel). lies ll huvilllC U tlol iu la-
lion ol 472,000, Uiul the city I the sec
. .ii-i.i
.lid seaport In importance in tne i nil"
ippine group.
The Spunish have chosen a ttlOng
place foi the conceiitrntiou of their
troopt in the town of Zamlnjunaga,
...I.1..I. ! .)r,,.,lv f,,rlitled ami iiosfeclsed
of comi.lorahle natural stiength from
. . . I t. I aaaafi
a defensive isuut ol view. ii i BO
louhted they will be able to maintain
for an indefinite time
against tho insurgent, prelum ing they
are not cut off fiom obtaining nipplic
I mm the sea.
Tint town itaelf Inn a )ptilatlon o(
I,... .tula ,h,reirlmenl lo.blV received
n cablegram from Uniteil Stutii Con
sul Pratt, ll hingaiire, contlrt
Qtneral Otlt' tcHirt, except that ho
stated that the Spanish had fled to
Officials at the war department itill
lecine to imike public QenOntl Otli'
telegram of yesterday, but there is no
loubt he ia meeting with grelg diffl
ultv in his oftoit to secure the release
if the Spunish prisoners held by the
Filipinos. It begins to appear clearly
Hint a considerable element among
r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ie:inera, proutuuy mo majority,
are ilisposetl to use those unfoitunulc
prisoner a a basil lor negotiation!
with tho United Slate government,
making their release conditional iilaui
certain inoie or Ies important collect
sioni demanded by them.
rrrllmlnarjr Iteport of the Nicaragua
Washington, Deo. 30. Copies, of the
preliminary repoit of the Nicaragua
canal com mission, uf which Admiral
Walker is chairman, have been fur
nished to Senator Morgan and others
interested iu the bill now pending in
emigres on that subject. TheoommiH
si. in has nut fully woiked out nil the
details of construction of the piopose.l
canal, but the repoit simply present
briefly the view of tho commissioner
aa to foaalbillty of the work and the
minimum cost ut which it is belivod
tho waterway can bo constructed.
Throe runtol nro spoken of, namely:
The old low level, the high level, or
Menocal route, mid an intermediate
route, and all of these, Senator Moigun
lays, the commission coniidci feusible
of construction.
Foi the purposeof auiving nt un Mtl
mate uf probable maximum cost, the
cummiasiou submitted tigtirea on the
low level route, which the lenutor say
i OOntideted the longest uud most ex
pensive. For this route, Admiral
Walker estimated the cost would be
f I '.'4.000,000, and Professor Haupt
1118,000,000, while Oeneial Haines
added 20 per cent to the figure because
of varioUl conditions, chiefly the ques
tion of the cost of labor, which it was,
ho thought? impossible to liguro with
absolute delinitciiees.
The report, suys the senator, ihon
cnnclusivcly that tbo project i un en
tirely feasible one, and that in it con
struction the government ha the choice
of any of these mutes. It shows fur
tl cr, Senator Morgan stilted, the abso
lute accuracy of tho survey made by
Kngineor Menocal sonic years ago.
Tie MMUm believes, however, thut
all those liguro are too high, and ex
presses tho opinion that (100,000,000
will cover the entire cost of consliuc
t inn, basing the belief on w hat bus boon
done iu the caW of the Miinchestoi,
tho Kiel, and the Chicago drainage
canals, uud on tho reduced colt of ma
terial and labor today,
ttoiiMtarllsl I'lolllng.
London, Dec. 80. Special dispatches
(ton Hrussel reinirt that an important
oo n (ere n oo ot Uonupartitt hn just
been held there undol tho presidency
of Prince Victor Nupolcon. Huron
Legnux was re-elected president of the
party, in thanking hi supporter., ho
"Tho time of watching It ended, and
the hour for combat i founding."
Turin rln i ( artists.
London, Dec. 80. A Seville coire
SHindont of tho Morning Post say:
Some nf the recently aireste.l Cm lists,
it i rumored, era being tortured to in
duce them to tweur allegiance to King
Alfonso, and to tcvoal detail regarding
the Curlist organixation. Such reports
are, of oourae, denied officially, but
they are believed throughout the
ii.onuir.i to Death,
St. Louis, Dec. 30. David Shea, ai.
ex-coiivict, fatally shot himself in the
head. Iu a pathetic letter left by Shea
and addicssed to the editor of tho Post
Dispatch, ho lays lie wa driven to
death by a private detective agency.
Shea declare he was unable to obtain
woik to sustain himself honestly, and
he decided to die.
The dew that i annually deposited
on the surface of England 1 equal to
nve luchc of rain.
A Double Traar.ty.
Fort Smith. Ark., Dec. 80. A
double tragedy occurred in the terri
toiy, near Vian. last night. A v.umg
man named Horn was going to a dunce,
lie wa drunk, and went by miilake to
the home of W, 11. Miller, a highly re
peeted citiaen. When informed of
hit mutake, Bum insisted upon hav
ing a dance ibeie, anyway. Miller
ffnally tried to eject Bnim fiom hia
house. The latter then drew hi gun
and began to (boot Millet also pulled
a weapon, and a battle ensued, in which
Mill.-i waa killed and Hum la tally
wounded, dying iu a lew houra.
Report of Nicaragua Canal
i i DlmaoeleM ire Mad ne-
easarjr I.y tfea DoMOMgl
VI ...I . , ., i ,, ,,,., ,,
vTbblngtOO, Deo. 8I. The full text
of thepteliiuiiiury report ol the Nica.
ragnt) tonal oommimioo wa today
inn le uihlic. It says:
"Tin coiumiision visittd Nicuiuguii,
lJI bly examii.i .l tho entire canal
legionB-om ocean to ocean, and em
ployed "me 70 engineers, with their
laborefland helpers, for 10 nionlhs, iii
milking, ureful iiirvey and examina
tion olthe canal rigion. The com
luiion H-lieves that tile construction
of a can I ucios Nicaragua ia entirely
feasible. The estimates of the best
known rutri hav.- boon nearly com
pleted. Ii.-..- route! are known n tlm
MuritimtCunal Company's route and
tho Lull into. Their estimated cost
it apptxiniutely 121,000,00 and
1U,000,PO rfapoetleoly,
"The usuuie.l diiueiisioni are cou
lldorably teater tliiin ever before pro
lieed, bisli in length of locks and in
w idth, and radius of cuirut'irn of
cairn I. lie.o increased dimension!
hate been, mnde necessary by the do
luaiidi of Aiudern commerce, size and
draught ( modern ship, etc. Tin
has necestrily imide a correspoinling
increase it the estimated cost, and i
iu no wavincoiiiisteiit with the esti
mate niiid from former surveys.whicli
conlempluld u much imallei and
cheaper caul.
"It is tu opinion of tliia commis
sion thut o the two route herewith
estimated J, the one culled the Lull
route is tin more desirable, because it
i easier i conn met ion, presents DO
pioblemi ot well within gmsl engi
neering priedonts, and will he a safer
and more reliable oiiuul when com.
plcted. Itulso believe! that the tli
menaioni ad form of construction pre
ferred by ie commission aie better
than the c.'iper form, ni tho tmalloi
dimonilonnronld uudoubtodly cull fm
txopative aprovementi within a slmit
time after its completion. Uoth of
the rontesjieforred tu above admit of
variations liicli may reduce the cost.
These are Ow being consitlered by tho
cotiiiuissiori The work necessary for
an exhaust!;' discussion of and report
upon the ero canal problem It being
pushed a jipidly as its gieal magni
tude permit, ami when complete I Hiu
report will i euhu lltetl without delay,
Wo are, litwith ureal leaped, VO0I
ubedieiit s ante,
J. K. WALK Kit,
"Itear-Adm-al, U. S. N., President of
aa Commitan,
" Kengineer, Member,
"1 concg with the other memlaraa
if the comassion with respect to the
jonitruetiutwork and feasibility of the
canal, but .'think, in view of the In
n used sizel the canal estimated (or,
.tnd tlie difolty incident to work iu
tropical lOttries, that the estimate is
lower thuOt should be by about 'JO
per cent.
"Colonel Cfisof Knginecrs, Member."
lieu.) Mi, ii fc ll lll-l (his "lHlislllll
Nanen Hie l'lilllpo... -
New YorlDec. 31. A ditpatoh to
the Herald Imi Manila say Admiial
Dewey coper it nbsoliilely ne. e-saiy
thut a llrtthtsi itatesniiiii ho sent to
Manila buroughly InVOOtigatt the
lituatiojtbere andaacettain the aaplnt
tiom of ho Filipino republicans, lie
ftiitheri-tutes that the I'nited State
must fopt their retponiibilitlet in
the Plippiuc! which have been ac
liiire I y conqnest. If they should
shirk tl duty they would put them
selves ick '.'00 years in tho world's
Tho ft lopublicun governiiient Imi
tesiguoover the question of American
intereetiou in the goveriimont of the
Philip no.. Dwners of property deBiro
Am. ri.ii co operation.
The present temporary cabinet,
which ill exercise power pending the
eleotna, is VOiy anti-American. It
allowi n American co-opt! ation whit
ever, til wants to tleclare a I ret repub
lic agjito consider AmorleaM ns allleo,
It is ailing to grunt liberal commer
cial bailee, with a monopoly ol the
luiiieeantl ruilwuvs, and to ropoy the
evp.'ii of the American occupation
of Ma. la.
Trouiee doe to melcontenti continue
In the prov inee of Turlac and Panu
gasitnu. liepublican tmop have been
scut teie to quell tho distui hance.
f Killed Three Men.
We Plain-. Ma, Dec. 31. At Am
hroejtjti Ozark county, William Hat
ton .day shot and killed two men
name Cobb. Sheriff Liitin tjoJoWf
orgatred a po-se at (luiuesville ninl
starlt out to capture the murderer,
iio 'iu (ouiid near the scone of the
trugiy, and before being urrested lie
shut ml killed Henry Winge, n luetn
lcri the posse, an I then siirrendeied.
v.. una Man BwageO,
Hufoi.l, Conn., Dec. 81. Hon
jaiai it. Wiletl, aged St, will hanged
at Ii state prison, Wethersflel.l, at
12:1 this moiniiig for tho murder of
D. t Lambert, of Wiltei, hi lormer
tear i. IV. ember IT, lS'.'T. Willetta
watiie youngest per -on ever hangid
in t prison.
Pi Francisco, Doe. 31. John Liley
and ohn Nealon, laborer, wore killed
t al by Hie caving in of a sewer
trmh which they were digging.
nterlran Machinery r..r Kus.l.i.
r.tsburg. Dec, SU. Kolasrt (1.
tw, uonnecte.1 with the Niooiml-
Nhos.l Mining & Metallurgical dun-
pit, of Mariupol, Knssia, ia in Pitt-
to place order for machinery ag-
gmating gl.iKm.uotl for mammoili
ami to be erected at Mariupol, on the
ao( Aaof.
ii'ashiniEton. f0. 81. Atnliusafclor
lero, of, .lie.1 ibis moining
o'clock, aged til year. The re
us will be taken to Mexico for in .
Mfoetit. An operation for apin.lici-
'it wee twolormed on him yeateUay.