The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 31, 1898, Image 7

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Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
tma sosnm co. . kxw.
fcbscrtbere wno nave promts
In ncltlmitnt fnr t h .
CKLY GUARD account are
uested to oenver me same at
lr -a' lest convenience.
iota par dozen .
fral marriages ou tin- tapis.
, Monday Ih a legal holiday
I . indication of au
L .. lilDOM changes In content-
Ind ot "Crjuk" pruners
Bn Hard wan Co.
Di w Masonic Temple In for
was dedicated lust evening.
MatocH nave auvaiiccii in rsptiKain ,
io ;I 10 per sack of loo pounds.
hilling Knives, nauu prunerw, mug i
. i
short humile primers, priinlntr
. and hedge shears, at Orllllin ,
tfware Co'a.
i lateat remark of Dante Humor
11 two marriages, If not more, aie
Inexi events, among l-.ugrin- young
hie New Veers football game he
rn M 0 A anil Multnomah clubs
prl laud, is the next thing In the
Belie line of local nature.
Ill original willows pension, vie,
been granted the minor children of i
Ilia W Whipple Of 18, by the de-
tm. ii t at Washington.
Lruberleln'i Cbolle, Cholera and
knli i ii Ueincriy call always lie cle.
Idtd upon and la pleasant and -afe
lak. . Sold by Unburn A De Latin
are pleased to state that the old
Sneer, H (J uwen, h improving
lie rapidly. He la able now to walk
eral block. Mr Owen came to
Sgoii in IBM over m yeara ago
the Slate of Miaaouri.
F Moore, the "Badger" worker of
sw I ore l tty, wno in coiuiecuou
Ih Pel Straliao, robbed a rich hotel
per, was sentenced yesieroay in
telly to 19 years iu the peniten-
It the corner of Wall and Broadway
York, them fat apiece of raoant
ftuiid, si.e 35x100, whose owner has
used $1 ,J50,000 for It. The whole of
Iliihattan island was bought from
Indians by the Dutch for $10.
Hie Lebanon Kxpress-Advanee con-
bathe following fowl story: Ii b
lodged informs us that a Japanese
rtriilgc a new guiie bird turned
e in this country some time agoi
taken up Its anode with Ills
sickens. He says It la a very pretty
rd, and quite tame.
II' iu the chest wheu a person
i a cold indicate a tendency toward
leiiiiioiun. A niece of flannel damp-
eilwith Chamberlain's Paiu Balm , oneratcd cattlemen rode up to the llt
d bound ou to the cheat over the aeat ! tie cabin occupied by the destitute
pain will promptly relieve the pain family of the dead mau. The leader
d prevent the threatened attack of j knocked at the door and Mrs Kknian
Deumniiia. This same treatment win
re a lame back in a few hours. 8 ild
(Miuru & De Lano.
itaie Now to Be Administered I'pon
and Munev Divided.
iUeorge W Whitest! has been sp
linted administrator of the estate of
I S Miller who died in Iane county
mguit 10, 1805. Since his death a
pigment has been obtained against
lie government of the United States
BOO a depredation claim In favorof
klJ W S Miller and Q B Miller In the
h'u of $5,700. The heirs are a wife,
ksldence unknown, and she is married
k a person unknown; JW Miller, of
foliage drove, a son; Andrew Miller,
Hreswell, a eon; Aden Miller, of
'htUM,.ll . . . . . II Mill... I'llll..
Hie, a sou; Eliza Winkley, Lewistoti,
dalio, a daughter; Nancy Barrett, of
shet.'.ailauirh'er: Tlllie dilgrist, of !
T he ill to lif ilfn, t-. non bonds
Ith Darwin Briatow ami B M Veatch
M sureties,
Attornev Geo B Dorrls made the i
proof f loss In 1803 and has been look.. ' H ,,,,, IlUblic will very
log after the matter ever since. The to be tried and the public wi
claim was for cattle killed in the quickly pass judgment on them uttii
Bogue Jtionr Indian War nf 1H55-0. i naannla the iietter OUe.
Bargains in Keal Estate.
, , . , , J
I have for solo nuvornl trncls ill alio
belonging to parties who obtained said have found that u eau -l0ds
by foreclosure of mortgage, peuded upon. They may o. casional
which ure lor sale very cheap and on UKe up with soaie tashioiiable novelty
-r ierma.
Also citv nrnnorlv io Kllirelie ana 1
Hpilngtleld' S like' conditions and
trms. tot deaerieilon uud orlces call ,
8 R Williams, Agent, I
Eiugene, tregon,
You Try It
"liiliih'sC'uughanl Coniamption Curt,
k sold for the small price oi 28 osata.
cenU and 81.00, does not care, Uke the
bottle back and we will refund your money.
I "ver fifty yean on tlii guaraotoe.
pn;e ii eta. and SO eta. 8 1J by Wilkine
List. A snot nt hnt was
t .
lost I
Monday. Dec 28 ht., John Keen-
ey's place at Goshen and Eugene
HeturnDHherifl Withers and receive
fw k Bound Orer tu km Be
lore Hip Grand Jury
Dally Guard, lHvjg
Cbaa Halataad ami Jatues Kelley,
the (wn men atvii-cri of Staalina ninth.
Iiikbihi money from the Jap section
house at tbla place, were given h pre
liminary examination before Justice
Wtnlermeier thin morning.
They were hound over in the sum of
$500 each to appear before i... gi n .!
juiy. Not being able lo furnish ball
mey were committed t the county
jail. Haistead haa the appearance of
one old In the business, ami is a pr. It y
good lawyer himself. Kelley i- only
boat IS year of age.
Lnu a aa a t -
ered Parmenter, of Cottage drove,
was yesteidsy lined 2"i for a-saulllng
Mary Hklnner. anil not Mug able to
piy the name wax bronchi dow n lor
incirceratlon IB the jail loi twelve am)
'.me half days.
There are now nine prisoner con
lined in the county Jail as follows:
Claude Branton, murder,
Bd Oonalway, In Dto8 for 30 days
f"r dtotnrblng public no etlng,
w w
WHt, or I reswe II, justice.
Frank Walton and van Kldwall,
'? NoJ '" ftWHIt ,.- I01
-nop lining. , . inieinit ici o i.u-
gene, justice.
Fred I'armeiiter, in Dec 87 for 12j
daya, for assault. Juatice Vaugban of
Cottage drove.
Claude Mcllargue, to await action
of grand juiy for forgery, .his' ice
Vaiiglm of Cottage drove.
Bouy Coualy, Chas Haistead and
: James Kelley, to await action of grand
jurv ror burglary
0 A Wintermeier,
jua' Ice.
This la the largest number to he
confined in the jail at onetime for a
number of years.
M S Barker called at the county jail
today and Identified McHargue as
the person who i a-scd the worthless
cbeck on hlni, signed "Wni Vance."
ClllC'Aiio, Dec J7. A special lo the
Bccord from Chadron, Neb, says: Aa
a atipiel to the court scei e at Hot
Sj riugH, 8 1), last week, in which 32
cattlemen were acquitted on the
charge of killing John Kkmau, a
aheep herder iu Kali Biver country, 8
D, last August, a cavalcade of the ex-
reapot ded. Her face grew paleaa stie
"Mrs Ekman," said the leader. "We
have come to make you a little Chtlsl
mas preaent. Weahotyour husband,
but It was In self-defense. We know
you are without funds. We would
gladly restore your husband, but that
is impossible, so we do the next best
thing give you the means to support
yourself and children. If you need
more, call on us," and he handed her a
bag containing $1000 In gold. The
plainsmen raised their hats, mounted
their horses and rode away.
Two Pointed Questions Answered.
What Is the use of making a better
article than your competitor if you can
not get a better price for lit
Ans As there Is no difference in the
price the the public will buy only the
better, so that while our profits may
be smaller on a single sale thev will tx
, ,.,. 1m rltu ttt'trri'i'ntr
How can you get the public to know
your make Is the best
If both articles are brought promln-
,,,,, i,0 ublin Isiih an' certain
This' explains the large sale on
Cbejnbertoin'e Cough Remedy, The
iMjor-le have been using it for years and
I 1 ... .... H.
fortll witi exaggerated ciuims.
r ... ... .1... ,,r ronolv
are certain .0 re.uru ,
that they know to le reliable, ami mr
coughs, colds and croup mere n
n0,hlug e(1,,ai to Chamlrlaln's Cough
Itemedv. For saie by dsbum & De
Youug Hotliera
Oreen U the terror cf.lhoun.le of young
jftkesi Ucu IUoutl.reJii"
.n.i bwmetly Mali shiioh'. Ossgb
, kmmSm fur. MSI like magic
Creep. It I... never ten known to Utl. Its
aa i 1 C.i.Te Vnc .1
aa-.,ft f"JW rllVe'l lli.l"1 m-
worst eaisi . ,
- '" u' ?'
U l.w. "i
,,,,K sai k-220 acres cxoeilent farm
iUg lends. Inquire of iOBM VAJ
DOYH, Coburg, dr.
driel nf hlb stih Miut il by
liutnl lec .".i
AL Tnloek, rbo leeMie en Kat
Btfbtb Mreel, went ou rampage last
night that may prove more serious to
bin than he llrst imagined.',
TUloek go! on a drunk yesterday and
in the evening went home when, his
slster-ln law Mrs M K PrSSOOtt and
I wo II tils ghls lived, keeping house
for bun. Taking a pis.oi bs brandish.
ed it fnely arom d Hie woman to ter
rorize her Finally it was dlaehnrged,
the ball entering ibe lhor. At this
slageoftlie proceedings Mrs l'rii-oit
escaped from t be Ionise ai d going to
the electric light station, about one
block distant, aked for protection.
Wirt ( hutch immediately came down
town and notiOsd Pol merest! doner,
Who together with Ohllf Stiles,
baetensd to ibesosns of the trouble
En r'Mite tbey passed a man an t in
quired of blm tlte house. I'lm man
afterw iird proveM to lie Tttloek, w ho by
lying In Ibe officers thus got nway
On going to the bouse the mistake u is
dlsoovsrsd, l'ollceiuau Oroner then
same down Uwn to look among ths
salisiiis for the man while "bief Htllea
searcbi d the neighborhood Mr Utiles
000 found Ibe man irbO hail returned
home, when found he started to run
Willi Mr Stiles after him. telling bun
to stop or he would shoot As i!
man continued hU Might Ibe chief did
tin , aiming wide ot bis mark however
as he only Intended to soars him At.
about this juncture Tulock stopped
suddenly, look caieful aim ami find
twice al the chief who eouragi-otisly
kept running towards blm, Finding
he had failed to slop the chief, Tulock
continued running ml sera pod east
acro-s lbs railro d track.
Ongoing back In the home nf er
scutching hi vain for Tulock lo get tbe
little girls and remove I hem tO a place
of safety, they found Tulock, who tin
looked lbs door and threw up his
bands at lbs officers bidding, chief
snies and Policeman Croner both
having blm covered
Tulock states he will put up the plea
that he was In the hou-e nil the tiui",
ami that some other man must baVS
shot at the offloerS nnd led them the
merry diase,
Both the chief and policeman dis
played remarkable coolness and In
trepldlty in the really dangerous
experience they went through, and it
Is fortunate they lured so I nek 1 1 . .
ran t kamivation.
A 7 o'clock tonight Tulock
appear belore Justice Wintermeier for
preliminary examination, the charge
against blm being assault with intent
to kill.
Tai'oMA, Wash, Dec 87. The fo-es-try
rgve olllcials of the Northwest
nu t last night in Tacoma to discuss
the question of sheep grazing in the
Is wus practically decided to sllot
the pasture districts lying In the
Mount Tacoma reserves iu well-defined
ranges, the boundaries being marked
by streams and ridges. These ranges
will be let at the rate of $5 to a very
thousand sheep pastured each season,
unless there is competition for the
same tract between rival growers,
when it will be ghen to the highest
bidder. Crazing will be prohibited
iu tlie reserves uutil June IfO to allow
the grass to get well starti d, and the
higher altitudes will be reterved until
a month later.
Betsieni win Be Resumed on Tuesday,
Jan. B.
As Monday, Jan '-', Is regarded by
the government as the lejal New
Year's holiday, the public schools will
open on Tuesday, the 3rd.
When school was dismissed tor the
Xmas vacation, it eras annouQoed that
It would open again ou Monday the
3nd of January. However, for the
above mentioned reason, the opening
will be deferred until Tuesday.
Kick Headaches,
he ciirMt of overworked womankind, ure
qniskl , i"l eurvly cured by Karl's Clover
Hunt Ten, the great Misnl purifier and tissue
builder. Money refundeil if not atlfactory.
Pride ! ct. end .' ct Sold by Wilkins
I inn.
Huppeuings at Havana.
Havana, Dec 27. -The city jail was
delivered Into the hands of the Amer
icans today. Hie transport Mobile,
having on Isiard two battaliotia of the
First Texas and Hec md Louisiana, haa
arrived from Savannah.
u anted.
,00 sood choppers to cut railroad
wood. Timber first-class. Cash pay
menta Apply or addresa
Comatock Dreu n
Pl ke ItBA.Niiv. -Examined by the
best of Judges and found to be strictly
pure and the beat of stimulant. For
sale atTiceuta per quart or $2 50 per
gallon, 5th and Blair streets, Eugene,
Oregon. Made by I M Krmxtcle.
Hie Stale Fair and Ulliti Stilt
Mitta Ciueitvi Dm,
1 1 so s I I i: m a
ItKKLKXIONVIl.l.K, Dei' Js 'tis
Mil Km i kk:-Bein' an the ledgls
laycbure is goiu' to sot before long I
thot I'd rite you a few lint s, lo Ii t j on
no my OpInyUU Of these here stale up-
proprlaehnna, I've is-en sreedlu' a
if hI deel on that BUbJIek lately and it
you go down to Bale'n you mite toll
'em what my advise Is, if It will help
'i in eny.
Thare air some things that oiler lie
sot down on and thare air other tilings
that orter have more money front the
state than (bay gits
For instants, lhare is t e feller as
looks after the chlny lesMtl and slch.
Akordlnto uiy noshnn he or er is.
dons away with. He gits a good deel
of money and the peeple In geii'al
don't git eny benefit from It He
keeps the Tanners from klllli g the
vaimlntana eatanpjibnyef kraps. but
as 1000 as them city fellers gits a vaka
hln, be turns the law oft a d ! Is 'em
git In and kill all (hay kau bit, while
tbe farmers us fattens 'cm air to biz.v
tO bunl I think w hen u fel'er feeds
a Van Inl all its life, he has a rite to
kill it whenever he feels like it. Fe.
snU taste as well In far m as coy-
Also, this here feller aa is hired by
tlte state has a big iukuhatar, down
thekentry kUttlWbsrt-e, in which he
hatches out fish by hand, and when
tbey gits big snuff to piddle tinner
own kanoo. be OUtl won tin i It and
turi s i in lo i.e. Ill corse, if eny of
u- fellers happen, to ketch won of 'cm
air iinh out of see son ere gu balled over
the kools fer it. COUldtell you how
them city chaps gits lish whenever
they can keteh them, wbethei its the
rite seez hi or not, but Shakespeer sex:
"silence is golden," so 1 ain't SgOlD to
give it away, bUl I wlllasy, that if the
tate wants them Ash, why don't sb
keep 'em whan that hired mau ol
bet'l can watch 'em and feed 'em until
tbey gits big snuff for the ledylelay
ehureto eat. if ihlsiiere fetter is ugoin
to be kept and his pay go on us It has
Intbepeet, thure orter is-a appro
prlaabuu to feed ull these hue var
mints as he has under his .''ire, und not
let em eat the farmers out Ol house
uud home.
Now us fer Ilia' fair ua the itotc
hois at Salem, Banner and me hardly
BVSr gits to go, nnd when we do we
baa to pay 4 bits to gll Iu, ami when
we gits in we don't git to see much
only what the farmer bus brung, uud
u few sharpers as wants your eyetcetb,
That money as Is given 1 1 the fair
could be given to sum of I lie pawpeis
as air in the lunntlck asylum, hare
tbay air put bsoog tbayer folks wants
to git shed of them and hot becizthay
air kraay. If Ibaj wus nut, there
wouldn't be nigh as meiiny iu the
asylum und the approprya- bun for it
could be cut down. It Walcm wants to
have u fuir, jest let her let Ibe slrcussea
und sich in free, and the peeple will
fuller end pay to see whut's inside
Peeple will pay more to see a circus
eny day, thuu a puukin, and thay
may lie mitey fond of punkiu pio too.
The fair wood pay Its own expenOM
that way, but If the state is ugoin to
continyer to faver Halem, it orter glvj
jest as mutch to the Ugeen poltryahow
und the Portland transposition, so aa
not to be parshal to eny won of her
cttya. I uln't got no kick agin Siilem,
but Hhakesneer aez: "Bite rongs no
man," and I wood like to do sumthing
to help the ledglslaychure to ckoni
mize, If I could. Ita chore time so I'l
have to klose.
Veiy trooly,
P H. While youre at It, you mite
us well tell the ledglsla eliure to kin
der be keerftil as to how they git bam
boozled by thete here sharpers us has
sum little edukashuual establishment
iu low. Its ull rite to give ninny to
the skools us ulr a benefit to the stute,
but wheu sum feller fulls to pass a
ekzamination and goes off mud und
sUrts a sko d of hia own, and gits iu
debt, and then wants the state to help
him out, I tell ye It orter not do It.
o I o.
Something lor the .New Year.
The world-renowned success of Ho
tetter's Htomach Bitters, and their
continued popularity for near half a
century as a stomlchlc, la scarcely
more wonderful than the welcome that
greets Hosteller's Almanac. This
medical treatise is published by the
Hostetter Company, Pittsburgh, Pa,
under their own immediate supervis
ion, employing sixty hands in thit
department. The issue of suine for
BvQ will be over eleven millions,
printed in nine languages. Bcfer to a
copy of It for valuulde and interesting
n u i nig concerning health, and nutiicr
0QS testimonials as lo llto eftlcacy of
Hosteller's Htomach Bitters. This
Almanac for IMiOcau tie obtalued, free
of cost, from druggists aud general
country dealers In all parts of lbs
Letter List
Eugene, Or, Deo 20, UJ9S,
Condray A P Cuppell Miss Anna
Harper MJ HerllDg Kev C
Lynch L It Melviu Mrs Minnie
Fisher Frank.
A charge of on cent will bs mad on ail
letteri given out. rermnt calling lot letter.
will pleasetuu, wfteu sdfertlJ.
H V Mr-oaca. ! M
, , , " " '
A large force of carpenter are e in
ployed upon the upper floor of th. nee
Sill: IIAlr A DRI1AM,
T' - at ajf the 1 as etorjr of a
well known i, .iileat of Hpioigftrld. She
bell vol, as n mssy woaien belisve, thai
' ' led kri life, In r foitune, und
in i future, shs bad been aaheMy a long
tnm She -u". u ,1 ,i long lime. She vainly Miiiglu help here, there, and
viso!. i H.iv ili-tus.rd hrr. Night no
lotigei ri. Resaed her, tint to. night ,mly
fitful itaaibst haunted bv fiighfui drsessa
It ilu h.uid i I itr, she Mid. She
ro w pitle, fieilul, htggurd and tired of
bra. she drifted, ilrilwa on lata wild-
imfo of troSMa's woes Unit h;i driven
thousamls f lu t Milleriaj aistStS to the
feigc of sell ,!i slriKtion. I'lniilljr she came
to look npoii death alone as source of
relief Sin- hoped I'm il ; longed for it.
She couited thv lawful hour. One night
she aWOkt with a start She dreamed that
when the hand on the of the clock
should poiat to the thiol hour of nooning
he would die. (Ifliu ihe had Milbted
agonies and wished for death, tmt now It
was sudilen, so mar. so veijr near ! In
that BMnasat hie bseaBM ineipttoibly
dear Howtoagkad she to live? With a
cry she -auR Irom her bed and ran to thr
Clock i It lacked leu minutes of three.
Only a Bret minutes atofS of life ! With
frenii d hast,, she grasped Ike hand of the
clock and push .1 It back, hack, hack from
the fan nil mimhei Tin u she stooped
and almost swooned bat no, the tick of
the clock should not make n CO Ward of het.
She would ihe al tin ntted BOS! fate had
lUetccd it. hut i n v moiueiils still re
mained. In that time she would take
leave of those dear to her. Hushing to
her wilting desk she seized hei pen and
attempted to write a note of farewell. It
was useless. Uofds failed her. The blank
sheet swam before her. Despairingly she
turned lui eyrs fiom it lo u newspaper that
lay near at nam). In an instant her gae
riveted on the letters which weie therein
minted fiom Mis. Anna Ttiggle, of Cherokee
City. Aik., Mis. Batma Snyder, of Ames,
Iowa, and Ml. While of Stony Creek, N. V.
Tin reading of these letters (nought new
hope, new daSifSS tO live. She would
make one nunc cfToit. She aio would
tutu buck the hand of fate and become ii
heulthy, happy woman. That very hour
she iH-gati the struggle. That verv morn
ing she began l'i le-e l)r 1'ieiee's Favorite
Prescription, uud to day then- in no happier
woman no happier wife .. id mother in
all Springfield, fills one woman is a type
of thousands who suffer anil submit in
silence to the appalling f ile which they,
too, consider inevitable, l'or them all theie
is hope, l'or them all time is help.
Let them resolutely tors hick the hand
of fate, that, ncci'onling to their over
wrought imaginations, is stretched out
again-! them. Many a woman to day is
nuifei nig i .ni. taut pun, nnd sees the hand
nf death ou the dial of time, who could lie
saved to a useful, happy life, if by some
means her attention could lie dtawn to
the wonderful cures of woman's ailments
wrought by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion, The dilference between Dr. Pierce's
treatment and ull Others is the tlitlcrence
A woman naturally shrinks fiom the
experimental treatment which involves
questionings nnd examinations that are
repugnant to her delicacy and offensive to
her BlodsSty, SSd w hich ut best result in
mental misetv and physical patchwotk.
And so she silently endures hrr suffering
rather than submit to ctumiualions and
local treatment.
Wonders aie worked by I)r. Plerce'a
Favorite prescription. Nature is always
struggling In baud up the wasted and worn
system, liut she cannot make bricks with
out straw. The "Favorite Prescription "
supplies the material that nalute can use
to tcpair the waste of the system and re
new the vitality of the debilitated otgans.
When this is ail 'ouiplivht il health comes
along ruiturul channels and comes to stay.
Manila, Deo 87. A steamer which
has arrived hero from Samar Island re
potts that the I n, oil inslirgentri have
been In possession of Kalbuou sinse
December IL Business there Is sub! to
be entirely luspended and all Spaniards
of the vicinity h ive ho nght reluge iu
the bOttse of a man named Scott, all
All efforts to induce the Ylsayas to
join the revolution huvti been fruitless.
The situation here so far as the in
surgents areoonoerowd is serious: The
formathW Of a new cabinet has bceu
intrusted to a Filipino named Mudl, a
rampant, Irreconcilable nf unknown
antecedents nnd a bitter opponent of
Agulnaldo, especially ou the question
of Hpunlsh prisoners.
Ills reported that .;;iilnuldo ri fused
to release t In I r pi isniiers, ut though the
cabinet deeided to accede to the re
quest of Ueiierai I his for their release.
It is rumored that AgttlUldO has
fled to tin Inaccessible regiou buck of
Unfile with a few followers, fearing
USSUHsill III Ion.
An expedition commauded by Gen
eral Miller has left here for Hollo.
Three of the Klecn Noriualitea He
turned lo School.
Pendleton Fast tregon Ian, Decem
ber 27lh: "President D v d fintdi of
tho Weston normal school, informs
the East Oregon Ian that, Of the eleven
seniors who left achool recently, three
have returned to school, six are for
bidden I j return und two ure at liberty
to return, but have not yet done so.
The thru' w ho huve returned are Miss
liullaher, Miss Evans ami Miss
"President K id believes the coming
term will begin with things nicely ad
justed and In good working order.
I be trouble with the seniors will have
been all done with, aud the friction
causing II will cease.
, , i. m u
! "If Ilia hopes bd realized, It will be
elceejlngy fortunate, as the uflairhaa
been most detrimental aud has lo a
( " , , ...
NO. 50
Is the only plow made that
is better than the No. 40
Oliver chilled. See it at
a ataes of Vttnpsrttlve fWsebeodi Ke
giirtling Ihe Slate I'ullerslty.'
Qrant'a Pass Courier: "There lias
been no end of complaint of Incompe
tency, both momlly and mentally of
the faculty of Ihe Slate l'i,lver-ity that
Chapman has long been un education
al Impimsibllily has Ufii univer
sally conceded. That more than one
mental und moral incompetent has
la-en foisted, through the political
pull, upon the auflonng tag payers is
beyond di ubt. Now comes to light
another I nrhurity that demands the
attention of the regents and patrons of
the institution. Eye witnesses relate
Unit when the university football
(cum wetit to Portland to play, oh
tain professor of t lie university lid the
team into a saloon at Albany uud lined
up with then at the bar for a drink.
"Are the patrons compelled to aub
mlt to this'.' The statu ought to pro
vide I he regents with n kicker of ;mo
horse (tower to apply to audi mon
strosities uud they ought to kick them
clear over the numlwlch Islnuds."
The above carefully edited falsehood
has ita origin iu the i mint's Puss
Courier of December K, Only two
professors were with the team ou that
trip, Prof Ft) Dunn and Prof C A
Burden, the uthletln instructor, and
their names are asulllcleiit gunrunce
of their i ii oi no ut of the team.
The firaul'a Pass man displays a
wondeifiil Ignorance of the conduct of
athletes while in tunning. Not only
do rootball men refrain from drinking
during Ihe training (If they indulge at
all) hut they do not smoke, dunce, or
keep lute hours, every man being In
In d ut 11) o'clock. Coach Simpson
refused to let a student put on a foot
bell suit the second time, who came
out on the Held one afternoon smoking.
Tills la to allow Miu'. training rules are
rigidly enforced. And then to think
It possible that the team, while Jour
neying to play an Id porlaut game
would do such a thing.
A (IllAKl) man was with the I' of ()
team that trip and bus H-rsonai
knowledge that the above accusation
by the Courier la a lie, pure nnd sim
ple, whether written pre mcdltutedly
or through ignorance.
A car loud of Kugene people accom
panled the team on their trip, and
some of tie in probably did taken
drink ut Albany, but thu Courier
should never again he guilty nf accus
ing a lot of athletics iu training, of
doing such a thing, r accusing such
professors as the two above mentioned
of leading out In such a proposition.
Imi kkii Claude Blair, a H P
brakeiiian, Is visiting in the city. The
boy Is sullerlng from two cracked ribs
aud a crushed ankle, having mixed up
In a freight wreck In Houthcru Oregon
the other day.
mmBm I
H Dun t weir vottr wntkiti.; .ipum all the lCPB
Bfsftr time it's a nign of poor uiainigetuout. Do IPfH
PfLOlM IsmlAXchino 9
U" OUOI Powder
and yon can chsnge your
clothes early in the day.
worry. Largest package
mi I. H. i
4,-lt UUohu. at lsiiii.
How Christmas Mas ( eh hi ap d aud
Other Items.
Christmas Eve at Thurston.
The chlldieu of the Public School at
Thurston, under PloJeetOf Eugeuo
Bond, lit-lit an entertainment nt Un
christian church, consisting of recita
tions, dialogues nnd singing. The
music was under the direction of Prof
essor Daly, with his violin, assisted by
his pupil, Miss Pearl itussell, at the
Organ. None tint Hid children except
ing the Professor bsik part in tho
exercises, which were a credit to the
schools, nfier which the I 'resents from
tin- Christmas tree wan distributed.
Ml reci Ived pn seiits, even tho 1'atleiita
III the County Home were not forgot
ten. Dr Bussel, the superintendent,
received u package from Eugene,
OOnaletlng of a largo box, securely tied,
winch the Dr was requested to open,
after opening ten boxen he found a
little i-illpluo baby, rather dark iu
color. Others In the audience espoo
ially lluwe that were not blessed with
any children, received babies ot dlller-
cut colors. K very -body enjoyed tbe
fun. There were many very valuable
presents distributed. Visitors from
Natron, were present.
Mrs Dr Itussell gave a turkey
dinner to tbe pour farm patients
Christmas day with other good things
loo numerous to mention.
Commissioner Edwards vlaltcd the
pisir farm ou Monday to aee the condi
tion of Mr Berg. He also inspected
everything connected with the care of
patleuta, and will report to the county
court Iu January, of which he la an
honored member.
Mrs K I. Smith, Mrs Marion Wal
lace aud Itev Darrlel Vaugban, of
Natron, attended the Christian church
Christmas Fvc, also a numlair ot young
ladles aud gentlemen, from Mr
ward's aud MoPhersoti's families.
Last week James Blnley, while driv
ing on the ferry laiat at Hendersons
ferry, one of his horses fell and great
dlftlculty they succeeded 111 getting it
on the boat. Everything had to be
taken out of the wagon uud carried on
the boat before they could get tbe
wagon on the boat. Half way aenwa
the river has to he forded boforu you
get to the boat ami It is dangerous.
Hmim Boffle snow fell here today
but It melted nearly as soon as It
cached the ground. The surround
lug hills are white with tho beautiful.
Jamee Hayes of Corvallu1, says the
Newsirt News Is now tho owner of
the pioperty known for years as the
Bay View House in Newport, having
bid It In at sheriffs sale Haturday.
Monday he returned home satisfied
that he made a good purchase.
working clothes for resting
It auves tiuic, work aud
greatest economy.
uiiiiiM. osi'iM.
New York.
wWn mm