The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 31, 1898, Image 1

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    i 111 tiUARb.
( ur customers say we arc our own best adver
tisement. We try to make today's sales en
large tomorrow's. Friends make other
friends for us. Our goods are cheap, not alone
,m account of lowness of price, but excellence
of quality.
Special Offering
les' Street Ties, Ladies' Collarettes, Ladies' Capes and
fats, Ladies' Boas; Gents' Ties, Gloves and Suit-
fe Place,
IPBELL BROS , Publishers
L'K Bait lids "I Willamette street, bi
tweeu hoventh and r.iglitli street
terms of subscription.
I ear
until" ,
, rale marie known on anidicatinu
i utl Imsiness letter to THK OUAKU,
( In-on.
j lies, Cliaina, Jew
uring promptly ilone.
r warrauteiL
sUpiUira in OMnU Block.
to 11 a m; 12 U 2, C U 9 p ui.
One half block south of Clirisuuin
Kooan, OBKiiON.
partite in all the court of the state.
in Walton lllock.
Boom, Oreuon.
1 1. W1IITS0N,
H purchased the office ami fixtureH of
late deceased W V Henderaon, 1 am
' I'f' I are,! to do anvthinir in the line of
fiti-tr v in the above aaid office.
u ami bridge work a specialty.
iilenm .mil new Price in Foreiira and
tin -' Marble and G tnU
!-'. iii'h and Cemet itd
DUea-. -,,( Women andjChildren
panair, and Electricity.
D Block, opposite Guard office
LATIOMlIi bank
Of Eugene.
fd up Cash Capital $50,000
rplus and Profits, $50,000
Eugene, Oregon
ne on reasonable terms. diitlit
I I hicaga, Haa Francisco and Port-
iflianrf mid nn foreign countries.
'' reived subject to check or certib-
"I . I.Mif
W 'Ueetloo entrusted to u will receive
I lltNi.HicM, S B Eaeuj,
1 I'-ilsnL l '!., ...
Willsie" Cameras
"'ved. We recommend them.
Xflifls goods!
We have as a Btarter of
fiiendship: Ladies' Ties,
Ladies' Handkerchiefs.
Kid Gloves. Fassfoators,
A Coquillc City Meichant Kclicveti (if
His l.'oiu.
MAMBVIILO, Or, Dec 23. A few
minutes after 8 o'clock last evening
he general merchandise Htore of N
Loreuz of Coquillc City, wan t lie scene
of a ui": daring robbery. The two
sous of Mr Lirenz, Ed and Hurry hail
just put out the light ami were in Ike
act of lacking the door, w lien two men
stepped up lo them and, ut t ie point
of pistols ordered them l w-k luto (he
Htore. Tlie boys complied with the
request, and were followed by
the robbers, who Immediately locked
the door. One of the boy vas then
compelled to unlock the safe. A 1 1 .-r -wards
the two boys were securely
bound and gagged, and after securing
the contents of the safe, amounting lo
1, 000 in coin, the robbers quietly left
the store. In the course of an hour or
more, Ed succeeded in treeing himtelf
and, after freeing his brother, they
gave the alarm. The whereabouts of
the robbers remains a m stery.
Between $25,000 and 50,0UO Stolen
From Big Vault.
i .nun, O, Dec 36.- When the Janitor
entered the American National bank
this morning to put up a card au
uouEcing that the bank was cloned
he discovered the big vault door open.
He called the president and cashier
and they found that all the paper and
gold money, amounting to between
$2-5,000 and $50,000 was stolen. Sever,
al hundred dollars in silver had been
E A Bond haa been appointed
guardian of Leon C Bond and Mytela
Bond. Bond, $4,000; sureties, H L
Bond aud A 0 Woodcock.
Loans Savings Bank
Of Eugene, Oregon.
CAPITAL nnun $50,000
W. E BROWN frtlldsnt.
B. 0 PAINE. Vic Preilimt.
F rV OSBUKN, Cainlir.
W. W. BROWN. Ass t Cathlor
. General lUklll
Tramadol on $? T9MM
. u.- . ,. ., the
Lralts isui n on un- .iimar;. - -, " " .
Dnltelt ttatW also SXekUt furnished avail
able In all fotilxn countries
Interest raM on time tleposll" ,,,,
Klre t-rcof vaull lor the U.fie ' SlSSB.
'TKSsStlOM receive our prompt attention.
; sMMteMa' " I''"'"
I- or
A General anking business in all branches
transacted on favorable terms.
A. . HOVEY, President
j M. ABRAMH, Caahier
HmBiisiiKi) m tuk imiiumtim ipiONunt mwinit, ajp tu iiu is
The Fids AniM Um ai Hie
ul n mi s sh ji iii.i
Barred Plymouth Rock-.
I 'ahow A Keen. y-Lt NW ,t
eoekenl, Sod bto, 11 and si palMa,
1st pen, be-t male, and best dispiay
i W UtMWk tod enckfrel.lst and 3rd
hen, lad ieii ami - female.
Amos WllklMtOd wek, 3rd
C ( ketel, lad pul et and 3 d pen.
Buff Plymouth Rocks.
K B Dlllard-Sod and 3rd hen,
Mrs L B WiUel, Jnd aud 3rd pullet.
Cahow A Keetiey Best display of
Plj "Hi lKks, any of all viirletiea,
won on Barred Plynoutfa Hi cks
S. L. Wyandottes.
A 'A Bud 2nd rock, 1st dckerel.
1st and Srd hen, 1st pullet and 3rd
(MO, te.t inle and beat f u.ale
Wheeler Bros-3rd Cock, lad hen,
Sod and Bid pU lei and 2nd pen.
(J H Baker 1st 000 k.
Buff Wyandottes.
Mrs L BWItael Sod ooektrel, lod
and 3rd pullet and 2nd pen.
Black Javas.
(1 (1 Bella 1st co"k, lal cockerel. 1st
and 2nd ben, I -I pulle and 1st pen,
best male aud best female.
Black Langshana-
K Fenwlck-lst cockerel, 1st and 2nd
hen, 1st and 2nd pullet, 1st pen, best
It ale ud f male.
S C Brown Leghorns
Winder Bros 1st and 2nd hen, Is
and 2nd pullet ami best fe i.alc.
Amos WiJklim-Sfd lieu
S C White Leghorn
Leon Andreas- 1 -t ooek, Ut km! 3rd
cockerel, Is hen, lal pullet and 1st
pen, best iiiHleaml DSSl female.
fallow Keetii 2nd d'ckerel, lad
and 3rd hen, 2nd puUel SDd 2nd pen.
Alf Mtew art -Srd pullet.
Buff Leghorns.
Am s vVilklns Nt cock, Tst ben
and i - t male.
C V Dority Sod tuck. 2nd cockerel
mid tie nn Sid pen.
T UiMiduiHii 3rd cock.
Mrs L R vVilsel-lal ooekerel, I id
hen, lt and 2nd pullet, 1st pen aud
best ft male.
W E Wllons Ird ooekerel, 3rd hen
and tie on 3rd pen.
Mr- M J Babb, 3rd pullet.
Black Minorcas
X !' Bennett 1st and 2nd cock, 1st
aud 3rd cockerel, 1st, 2ud and 3rd hen,
1st, 2nd and 3rd pullet 1st aud 2nd
pen, test male and best female.
C L Parsons 2nd cockerel, White
White Minorcas
T K Bennett- 1st, 2nd, aud 3rd cock,
1st. 2nd and 3rd pullet, 1st pen, best
male and liest female.
Wheelei Bros--2ud hen.
Blue Andalusians
S II Hnuser 1st cockerel, a bestnd
K Turpenlng 2nd an, I 3id cockerel,
1st and 2nd pullet and llrst pen.
T F Bennett 1st lien 2nd pen and
lies', female.
0 L Panona 3rd pullet.
SS Hamburg
Win-tier limn 1st, .'nd and 3rd
cocks, ooekerel, bene, pullets and pen,
anil best male and best female.
Wheeler Bros- 2nd cock, 2nd and
3rd hen and 2ud pen.
B B Red Gsme.
deo tiislier 1st cock.
Silver Duck Wing.
Geo Fisher, 1st 000k and 1-1 hen.
Red Pyle Game.
Geo Kisher enck 2nd, 1st coc'.erel
2nd hen.
Cornish Indian Game.
Elvin Taylor- 1st cork, 1st hen, 2nd
and 3rd pullet and 2nd pen.
Geo Fisher Sod hen and 3rd u.
Bronze Turkeys-
link! Wassiim 1st yearlina: cock, 1st
ooekerel i-t ben, 1st ami 3rd pullet and
best pair
j f Kesney 1st adult ooek.
() i Belts Ind yearling cock, 2nd
cockerel. 2nd hen and 2nd pullet
(' H Baker - Ird yearling cock and
3rd hen.
Buff Turkeys-
f G Vatighan- 1st cockerel, 11, 2nd
and 3 d pullet abd 1st pair.
Toulouse Geese
Marv I Ayr-2nd pair.
Welby Kteveus- lrd pair.
Pekin Ducks
T fioodmao 1st young drake.
( II Baker 2nd young drake.
Welby Hteveni-beet pair.
Belgian Hares
Mr L B Wllsal bast pair.
The Judge, i W lowu, has given
good satisfaction aud Pa left wltb the
fancier a well established filendahip
all believing blm to be a moat coucleo-
i: F Kkkjikv,
sey, w r a.
Hn Ike h Wjs twH in
O. I II i III I i IT i, 1 1
''. Qaaid, i'. v
Chrlslniaa, I . has nawd
To K liajapo people the QMSOOrj of the
day Is nwrkod by Its iiii,.tnea., and by
tlie happiness and OOOlMtOl til ap
From Mr I'snue's lUOdpolol 'heduy
waa ideal. Clear and o Nil WOklbtf
narked the entire 24 hours, lid the 21
hours preceding as well.
ran oBumiAs.
As I bristiiiNs fell on Sunday this
year (be various ehttrehOJ arid B ilmay ,
schools commenced their regular nb- j
servance of the ilay as early as Friday
evening That portion was naturally 1
the Christmas trees, prt sent and other
events of like value that made the
little ones so happy, and In their
bapptMM the older 0 les felt MMW Hie
pleajurei of their youtli, which now
duells in memory.
Yesterday the exercises it thel
chirches was in keeping with a BttiOM
obttrtM "O Of the day of birth Of the!
Chrlat, BpOOlally prepared sermons,
wotllsnt music, svtfiron Isstoooed
I audltoriu'iis, larve and appreciative
audieiKTS all marked the excrclaes.
Ill the home life of the Oltj the ut
nio.t happiness whs apparent. From
the amount of iboDBing Unit has been
done in Hie past two weeks it Is evident
I that more and substantial gifts have
la-en tendered friends, rtlatlves and
loved ones this year than ever before.
The family ilium is WMO BOUBtOOQI
in their complete attention to that pari
of one's desires,
q the afternoon and evening si lal
calls wen- generally made, binding tin
fr.iternity of the commo .wealth In a
pleasant strain,
Batnrday erenlng compauy O, Third
regiment, N (), gave a Chrlstmns
dance at Armory Hall. About 30
OOaple were III attendance and
whirled with apparent pleasure
throngb an Intereetlui prngram.
Bviirverud'H orcheslra ol five pieces
furnished the music
This week Is the holiday fX k
proper. The schools are closed, many
MimPfiu away, and the businessmen
are Keuerally through with tbelrmsb,
The banks have remained olossd today
and the postotllce Is observing n-Kiilar
holiday hours, thus seuurltiK 11 well
earned vacation.
kll.l.KB BY A UOHPlNlOM,
Twelve Year Old Boy AcriUentHlly
Hhot ill I'endletui
Pendleton, Or. Deo SO EdwTli lia
ker, the 12-year-old son of rostnnister
M A Baker, of Weston, was acci
dentally shot and kllkd la-t evening
by the 12-yeac-old aou of Geoige
Marah. '1 he boys were playing rob
ber. Y'ouug Marsh had an old Cull's
cap and ball pistol, which had been
loaded some days ago by an older
brother, and as Baker ran towards
bin lie snapped the pistol In fun.
It vas discharged, the ball passing
through young linker's bear I He
died Instantly.
ret rihie Reports of tbe K
III Samaria.
oil famine
st Petersbnrg, IHt M. Terrible ac
OuUOta are coming In of the famine In
Samaria district. Not only an- tlo re
victims front actual starvation, but
hundreds are dying of typhus, Inllam
matlon of the bowels and other hunger
diseases. The cslamity la compared
with the awful famine of '02.
Conpilnenu a Palthfnl ouicer.
In an article on state olllcials, 'the, r
deputies and their successora when the
newly elected offlosfl !ake charge the
first of the year, the Halem Journal has
tbll lossy atsiut tin retiring Hecretary
of State:
Mr Kincald Is a man pant BO years
of age and has mads hia f ur years In
ofllce a continuous fljht for the plain
common people. He hat beeu uore
I' Dtlnj In his light and Las made some
euemle but many friends among the
e i in try people and the substantial
business meu ol Oregon. His ofllce Is
the b ggest and moat Important of all
the sUte offlces He la not only Be
retsry of Htate but alao Slate Auditor,
state Insurance Commissioner, Htate
Commlaaloner of Building and L lan
Aaaoclat Ions and Trustee ol tint Stale
institutions, and member of half a
dozen Board and C'ommlmlou. The
office I really too big an office. Mr
Kincald baa tried hard to attend toll
correctly. He works every night till
11 or 112 o'clock and I a hi desk by -
in the morning.
numumiB bt thriwkit op in
Stetier St Paul Brought Jov lo the
am iiuiisiti,s raosawBa
Sin Franclsi-ii rbronlcle, Deo 23:
The I'lllnwlng cabl-, wilt by the cap
tain of (In-St I'aul, waa n eel veil here
yesterday by the AUi-ka ('nmmersial
Company, annouii. lug the arrival of
the steamer at tier destination: "Ar
rived, nil well, Thursday a m. a
pleasant voyage. We wish you a
Man Christmas ami a nappy New'
The Si Paul left San Francisco No
vember lSili, laden with provision
aud supplies for the hoys In the
Philippines, for which they had la-en
anxiously waiting. She also carried
thousands ol llbristmaa packages, son
lalnlng the things which shall bring
Joy t- the braeS boys w ho are spending
Christina far away from home In the
service of their country, Including a
ChriatmaH tree of California growth
and an anipla supply of turkey. The
ship made a iptn k nip, reaching her
de-tii at Ion In time to distribute lbs
supplies and gifts, that the boys may
enjoy them in ample season.
Hum t leii K ejected Uan is Ku-
tllltll to.
AojutanUQenaral Tuttio has Bled
with the secretary of state a list of the
National (iiianlsuien who are entitled
to pay for lime under the law paxsed
b.V tin- legislature lit t be -pecial ses-io.i.
That law appropriate i money to pay
each man who eolnotsared undet tht
prostdrnt'a nail, tut was rajaotud by
Hie madloal examiner, jl fiO pi i day
from the lime he went with hi com
pany lo Oabap McKinlcy until he was
rejected. The Btujaoa boys aa reported
by tin ad utan lgsnsral Is as foltoarsi
A M Black, C BsOOBd ,. III 60
J w Bnabosll, c second io w
Jtx I) Craig, C Second 10 60
Morton Douglas, C Second 10 60
Fad C b'iab, C Hecond 10 50
Blchanl A Neut.uer, C, Second 10 60
Italeigh A liossman, C, Hecond 10 60
Qsorga ii W bber, U, .second . io 60
VV (i Whyte, C, Hecond 10 60
C B VTIHongbby, C, Second . . 13 60
Total l5 00
I In m are duly certified to as having
been memla-rs of the National (.Juard.
addition to them Is a list of men
Otrtlflsd to by the adjutaubgcneral aa
baying bean rejected by the examin
ing surgeons, who reported nearly all
of them aa enrolled In companleaof
the National maul, but whoae names
are not on the muster rolls or enlist
ment papers of his oflloe. These, the
olllcer adds, "would, if the law Is In
terpreted to Include all rejected re
cruits, bo entitled to t he pay set oppo
site their respectivo names." This
last mentioned list hero followa;
company a
Ed .1 linker, C Second ; l(i 50
B C Briggs, 0 Hecond 10 60
Levy C Crow, C Second 10 60
I. P Kndlcott, C Second 10 60
Fred Kik, C Second 10 60
Dwight Hopkins, C Hecond 10 60
B T Hnriis, 0 Hecond 10 60
(i Jenkins, o Beaood 10 50
Kdward King, Q Hecond Ill 60
J F Mulkey, C Hecond 10 50
Joseph A Martin, ('Hecond 10 60
F H Parks, C Hecond 10 60
F F Peterson, (J Hecond 10 60
Clsorgs Bosanao, c second 10 50
A E Hcorborough, C Hecond 10 50
William Tin Imer, ( ' Second 16 60
Q W Waters, 0 Hecond 10 50
Sam Wlcklstr, C Hecond 10 60
Frank Wilds, C Hecond 10 50
,310 M)
Attempted Jail Escape.
Frank Lawre M Smith, who was
coiivlr tdat the Doagtas county April
term of court of the murder of i'eter
Nelson near Ciriitral Point, and who
was sentenced to las hanged M the
loth of June last, aud u ho has since
been In Jail, assisted by Martin Kelley
made an attempt lo ssosps from the
jell at Bosebiirg last week, 'the offi
cers have been allowing the prlsonera
to SZSfSSM around In the jail outside of
tin- cells ami corridor, and during the
day, on Monday, Hinith and Kelley
got on top of the cells and tore oil the
corrugated tilling and cut a hole
through the sheeting which aupporla
, the tin covering.
Mr Charlie Adam, who, came to
l.aki-view with her husband aud four
children from ttogue river several
months ago, baa left her family and
I taken up with a young man ahe liked
ra-tter. aays the Lakevlew Examiner.
jHhe Informed her buahand that ahe
did not waut to be bothered any more
i with children. He will likely take
1 them back to Itogue river, where some
of hla folks live.
Claude HeHaigw, Hie Forger, in the
founty Jail.
''III: HtllKIlM I lllll. I II ai.ko.
baily (lusril P. r ''
ha preliminary - vamlimtion
hebl at Cottage Drove late Saturday
afternoon, Claude Mcllaigtie, the
forger, through his attorney. J S Med
ley, waived examination and Justice
Vaughau held him in oon bonds to
await his appearance la-fore the next
grand jury He was unable to raise
the DODda and Bherlfl A'lthers brought
him to this city ami placed bin in the
OOOnty (all for safe keeping. He
claimed that he still had $10 of the
money received from Hemenway A
Burkholdsr, and the same Is ill the.
hands Of ShcriH Withers.
Sherll! Withers has recovered all the
good the man reeelvcd from M H
linker, November, ITlh, and for which
a forged check on Albany was given,
ami he will be arraigned before Justice
Winteruieicr on that charge tomorrow.
MoHargtM is certain of a good term
in the state penitentiary.
The Japs House la tlie M P Yards
Dallv ttiianl, Ilea
Yesterday the Japanese section
iimiao at the Bontben Pactflo yards in
this city was entered and robbed, The
work was probably done by the hobo
The JapS left at 7 o'clock In the
morning t i go lo their work and did
not discover the theft until their return
at 6 o'clock lu the evening.
The thing, missing are two suits,
two hats, two pair ol slua-s, two over
coats, an alarm clock and : I in m m v
Marshal Stiles at once went to work
on the case, and In a short time
"spotted" two men. The men left
Bogena walking on the railroad, car
rying two Hour sucks and a grain sack
well filled with something. The mar
shal traced them to Falrmount, then
came back to town and wired to every
station between here aud BOSSbttTg to
look out.
About 2 o'clock this ufteruiiou Mr
Stiles felt very much gratified to re
ceive a telephone message front Cottaire
(trove saying the men had been
captured. The message also said the
men carried In thesackaall the articles
stolen from the Japs home.
Deputy Attorney Harris, who wai
In Cottage drove today, accompanied
by a constable from that place, are
bringing the men down on the freight
train, and they will be given a prellm
lucry examination here.
Marshal Stilt - deserves great credit
for the prompt action taken by him,
ami Hie quloh apprehension of the
Constables McHarlaiid and Vtatoh
an i w.l on the freight at 4:16 with the
prisoners and they wen- placed In the
county Jail pending cxatnluatiou.
Shcrlir Withers now has seven mt-u
SOU lined there, being a larger uumber
than he had accommodatlous for.
House Coats
Smoking Jackets
.Just the tliiii"; lor a preterit, Sou them Id our
( llothing window.
What do you say to a swell top coat, Q CZr
tan OOVert cloth, for vDOsOv-
$12 is what you usually pay for them.
A Splendid line of
Bents' Iritial Handkerchief Worked in Siik, 10c
New things in Ladios' Purses
and Side Combs. Wo have a
Splendid assortment of Jnici-things.
Come and See
NO 51
A Large Increase Pixb That of Ltfl
Year Miners Prats to
Death. unlit vii imuv
BAM ftUMCinoo, Dec JU. - A sja-cial
from Dawson City dated Nov 10, says:
Uep..rt from all creeks In the vicinity
of Dawson Indicate that the winter's
product of gold will exited that of
last year by more than list) per cent.
Be van! paraooa are reported In have
beer (wren to death. One of these
Wi a found in a kneeling poatuie beside
Ills aled and dogs, between Hunker
and Dominion, at the summit.
S veral steamers are in wluter quar
let mi the upter river, prepared lo
take advantage of the llrst rush of
traltlc. Between Dawson City and
Oil els city there we repotted iteaniers
Arnold and John C llarrln safe winter
quartan, ThO Monarch i at Circle
and the Sovereign aground lu li'id
river and ceitaln of destruction, as are
alao two of tlie Moran ll -et, the Vic
toria and Tacnma.
Buccugsa ky Dt y l urk, Late of
Kausas Clly.
Dally i .Hard, P.t Mi
Dr J J l-'iuley, the well known den
Hat, left Saturday night for the City
of Mexico, in company with Dr W W
Coutri of Halem. The two gentlemen
go will) the expectation ol lo.-atiug for
lha practice of their ptofession. Dr
Fluley, during hla roaldeneo here,
establishes a most excellent practice
and had many frlenda who w ish hliu
unbounded success. Drs Kin Icy and
UOBtrtS weie formerly asaoclsted In
business at Halem, and the two form a
llrm that Is capable of doing cverthlng
possible hi their line.
Mrs I i n ley and Mrs Contrls aud
daughu-r will remain In Oregon until
the doctom decide on a permanent
location aud will then join them In
the alster republic
Dr Fluley sold hla office In thla city
to Dr M L York, late of Kanaaa City,
Mo, who has already taken charge.
Dr Y'ork comes with diplomas from
foremost dental colleges aud with the
best of recommendations. Dr Y'ork
and hla wife have taken rooms in the
Dunn block, adjaoeut to hla office.
Real Katate 1 rausaclinus.
Htate of Oiegen lo Frank Eldrldge,
42.20 acres lu tp 10, a r 8 w: $62.83.
U ii i nun Hamilton to Frank Eld
rldge, properly in tp 10 a r 0 w; $400.
A J Johuson, sherll!', to Board of
Hchool Commissioners. 127 acres In tp
10 a rl w; $1102.15.
Htate of Oregon to Booth Kelley
Lumber Co, 120 acres lu tp 20 s r 2 w
Edward But-dy and wife to Wm O
Drlaklll, 1 1 . acres lu tp 15 s r 5 w;
From Dallas has teen shipped this
season 14 carloads of prunes, or 210
tous ot piunes, aud 37 carloads, or 2,022
baleeof hops. Aa a result, a largo
amount of outside money has been
brought lu and distributed among
several thousand people.
F. E. Dunn
parlor Foiografs.
aaaaa HHH ? jf' ' j