The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 24, 1898, Image 9

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    ,,ire not l let irlll atay in
.(.in longo man ynn nn ik
I a, Jacobs nil to rare it.
!.. .... ll'llillL' u hut n.irt it V
Lg w ho MOW miseiy 11 DM gift,
RadeeB Bay OleBOpearlaa;.
niton Inty will Itt thooourooola few
Hal two"'" '''J' tawli tint rino ii
tirfat-o being more loinnrkitblo tliati
other portion of the enrth. Heai-lies
... - ..... ... i ,,,, .
... , i 1 ill ill it'" 'I mi- mi l .i ii
feet BOOTO I'18 bBJ?i tl''l lir
i linvu become very sliu'liw.
hv the Best
.v. T.uth ri n IV .-ill 1
St.itcmcn . in cbi onsneii.
, l .ir-atanua 11 ura QWl n M I Int
m.v(fni bujTi U bit ftiMtti the n-i i
,, im. I irnai iiiuii t n -
C ""
j ,y us rurt'ft r ctoniia, Mil
il - BMjala Baa I.I If I
..Mill nWnvr i i"ph.ib, ri.iMi
1.1 . ..I IM
I DIUVU wi"" f,. mi' 1 1 l" III,
itrra. Bwinwui rvuinw, iyipvpeu.
ood s Sjarsapaniia
- !' -i .viciiicin.'. if ,,, .
ure all I.Iut II!. i, i , mi..
III llilnk.
Xlifr- i i Bir.v told oi yir. Ulad-
which would IhOII that Int true
int; f the olil saying: "Do not
l.t..La " U'..u I...
S vnui oiioij, .,. HMaiivnu in in,.
statesman. It m said to have
I u II lit 111 ll'L t III Vtlll.'M IV 1.1. U
tlHaa nt liilt clllllkv. and ilnrin.r a
"... I lli 11 111 VII I till it III Hl'i'li 1 1 1 i - j
at happened 1 lU neatest. On one
Mr I i . :i I -I i i.i- u till luiil m .
.I....I I,,,.,.,. If its usual in ii,,. Inn.
I .,, nvu ,,,,,,11 il...
actice of mixing wines. It was re-
eitfiilly pointed out to bim that Im
been guilty of this vi-ry art; but
cxi I. in,i-, 1. to Ins okkii satisfaction,
at tn mix wines was to fill no half a
ana ol champagne frotn the port lu
oter! t'oriiliill Magazine.
Tn gleetrocots n Safety Vunit.
An cxiicrmient of Bcicntilic inictot
to be tried In getting rid of the safety
..i ii... ..1,1 l W , i i iti i 1 i ..-;
ill Tru-t t'oiiiinny. The walls art-
.... ...1 ,.l nl UmmA
bI to a tit., k of one ami one-
nartiT mi lieu, cwo operaiorl win im
jeed in the vault ami a wire for each
in in thronah a vent hoM. The wire
ill 1 1. ...I 1A - H 1.1. I.
iil he toenlpollted with a heavy
in lie. iney w in pass me cariuin
Mf the Iteel walls, burning tliuin ir
A. powder to lie shaken into the shoes.
klKlaaaaion vour feet feel MVullen. ncr-
jus anil umiiiiif'irlahlc. If vmi have
liiurt I r i r leei or ugni nuocs, iry Alien
ut-Kae. Uresis ami comlurts; males
ct, blisters uml t allnus Bpnts. Beltevei
irns anil hnmmis uf all Pain ami is a ccr-
rl'M-i, . I feet. We have ok it thirty tlnui-
i ii ri . i ,1 in I vi ' siiirpr I , ,r ' u ri , I
'.' f ltl'.l';. Aitilress, Allen tllin-
si, to It y, X. Y.
Popajjrr 'Phone srviri.
The telephone pystein of I'aris will
H really poularizei ami extemleil
, i.. ., ... . : i .. i ...i i.
nartment. 1'uhlio etationa will In
Hi: nut sn .scritiiTH tnav ca rn n m
Hike engagani6Btl over the wire.
No li.niM Imlil is eotuiilete without a but-
ii t,,i',. 'inii i ,,. ,.., iiiiii,iiii ree.
;i in From Scum mmd
A fresh an for ntweed is olalmed tc
in; tianer elm' ilri.HsiiiL. mini ami soali
lion is school pott no vs.
N .' at I'lllrliii'.iuiip w ill ri'innvc tn 111
rM,!tniii i. m .... . p..
'''Hi. I8U9. Addreai lia (i. 11, mi. I'll. 1'.,
riilu I'nrk. Ciil
flies are prevented Iron entering t lie
II M' U I' I, I 111 U. ,.,.,,, , ,',,,. .1 I,,l,
'new attachment, wbion haeaev-
twomori Everywhere Expross tholr
Gratitude to Mrs Pinkham.
In T A. WALOEN. Qlbion On., wrlteai
"DkarMkm I'i.vkiiam: llefore tak-
og your medrdne. life wus a burden
tn ..... T - ll .1 .. .- At
m...- i never hinv u ...ii i, .i.i
my montblf period I eaffered untold
tnki.i.,, .....i - i Jm I f tti.iA I
I -..j. 1111,1 .1 I , . i I IIVUI ill HH -
as troubled with a severe pain in my
eide Itefore Bniabing the lirst bo'l'ie
Of your Vegetable Compound I dmld
tell it was doing DM good I continued
Its use. also used the Liver Tills and
Sanative Wnvl, nn.l ha 1 n irreatlV
heleil I would like to have you use
my letter for the benefit of Others."
flrv Ft riPPMrn a unt pp Hulberrv
&t. Uincil&lrr. Ilhia. aril, .
"Hear Mrs. Pinkham: For two
years I was troubled with what the
loeal physicians told me was Inflamma
tion of the womb. Every month I suf
fered terribly. I had taken enough
medicine from the doctors to cure any
one, tint obtained relief for a short
time only. At last I concluded to write
to you in repard to my case, and can
ay that by following your advice I am
now pcfectiy waJX"
rirt W. B,. BATES, Hanalleld, La., writes I
" Ik-fore writing to you I suffered
dreadfully from painful menstrua
tion, leucorrhjea and sore feeling in
We lowei part of the bowels. Now my
friends want to know what makes me
look o well. Idonot hesitate one min
ute in U-llinp them what has brought
about this great change. I cannot
praise Lydia E. Pinkham a Vegetable
Compound enoueu. It bj the grtateat
remedy of the e."
J m ait IisTTa lS. " E-T
"uan Sjrvip. Yam X Cie BI
in tin. ., . ...... , . BM
V M t kJ IV I 1 ,, i.ii i
ji ,ii .i n i . i i .1 i . i i i i i1
- ' aa.aavi.1 v 11,
At 50 Degrees Helow Zero, ami While
the Hitter WlniU Were Kourinu,
Dawaoa city Celebrated in a crude
hut Joyous Manner.
in: December daya
ami niitiits, accord
ing to one of the
ininers who came
back from the Yu
kon ilimiincs with
plenty of fold, are
the most trying of
the year in the Klon
dike region, cHicchil
lyat time.
"If I live to the nc1
of Methneileh." he
says, "I don't be
lieve I shall ever foritet Christ inaa. It
was nawKon city s tirt. Uawaon was
three montbi ami a half old. nml had set
tled down to be a permanent town, ah
the miners who had mule good locations
had by this time housed themselves in
pine-board shanties. A few had built
shanty frames about tents to secure
greater warmth within. All of us who
mndc any strikes of gold at all had done
so by October, so we were well along with
our gold digging; hut we could do less in
December lluin in any month in the year.
Prom the litter part of November to early
ill January there is only four hours of
practical daylight in any day. Many
days, when the wind blew hardest in
fact. It blows a gale there oil the winter
long, nml snow ami pellets of ice were
blown ulong caudles were kept lighted
all day long. In winter, canities and
lamps were alw ays lighted bet ween 1 end
'2 in the afternoon. The mercury ranged
from M degrees below lorn to 85 degrees
below. So we could not make satisfactory
lie.idkvay even in the richest of the dig
gings. All through December about half
the miners need to spend days in loafing
about McCarthy's saloon at Dawson. The
other hnlf puttered about their cabins,
dug a little now and then, mended their
fur suits and made shoes from walrus
"At McCarthy's sometimes ISO or more
nun would gather I round the roaring lire
and a strange scene it was. Imagine in
assemblage of men in a rough, hum like
fracture, furnished with board benches,
ami illuminated by a dozen flickering can
illes. Some men are dressed in buggy gar
ments of fur, others in several coarse,
heavy overcoats over heavy woolen
clothes. All have caps of hulf-cureil. slng
gy, riincid-sinelling fur, so that only the
face appears, Bvery man has a prodlf-
lous grow th of whiskers, sometimes a foot
long, and hnir that reaches below- the rim
of the caps and lies aeross the shoulders.
"There were but a dozen calendars in
all that region and very few men had nny
idea of dales. Some did not even know-
....... Ill ll M-l
One day, us we sat
nt McCarthy s, some one suggesicu mm
Christmas was approaching and we
thought of observing the occasion. A
week before Christmas we all i greed upon
a celebration, and. crude though it was,
WC had n day thnt none of us will ever
forget. It was more remarkable from the
fact that there were in and about the lit
tle hamlet of Dawson City over 1,100
men. No one earned less than $! a day,
and the larger part had each risen from
poverty to possessions worth several thou
sand dollar! in n period of three months
I suppose the cotnbi 1 wealth in actual
gold in the district then was nearly fl.
(KN).(slO. ami a clear prospect of increasing
it to twice or thrice that sum in mother
five months. I don't believe that a coin
munitj richer per capita has existed in
this world than that was at Dawson City.
Yet we had a mockery of civilization nml
hardly any of the comforts of life of a lot
of paupers.
"Every one wis Informed on Deft -
of the tod thnt next day would be Christ
mas Some !t f us went down to Mc
Carthy's to celebrate the holiday Dark
ness set in nt that period at about 1:30 p.
m but we had become accustomed to the
oo.'hour nights. When it got along to
about 11 '.SOp. we got our watches out
and waited. At ex ictly 1'.' the signal was
L.iv, n The whistle at Joe Ltdue'l saw
null tcreecbed for a half hour, and oyer
aim shotguns, rifles nml pistols were dbv
charged,, nvos a,.-"uh'
in trios, tor wan. "; - ,
Some ilan
, nl'OUl (B0 rooiii. awn
burij miners BOgge
, one another, wnne
.. . . i..;.i,. i s
shouted again nml
err j .. -- -- ,, ..,,,
again. t was tne nrsi itaa. . . ....
eMierience of the Klondike that we felt
in svmpn.hy with the outside w orld
on Christinas morning W0 brushed up
a bit, and putting on our beat rubla-r boott
went and caO n our be., trtrBdatatbe
mining cabins and settlement, nml ri
ve, I our friends from the mining cabins
ere,l up and down t he I frozen cr 'k
Vt " n m.. when the darkness was s.t
Hin'g down in the valleys, scverall hundnsl
nim rs met by agreement at M.( arth , ..
, was th dy la Dawson hit
. ,,,, ...mfortablj hold .
ot ,HS,ple. Mac had pr-'l'r.'d "
.vents for the day and we had b
, , in an ounce of dust iTWaid
frnv tig the The siwdust had
frayini. o i fl an(, , ,rre
T, , " " ' ,
re srranged ah ml
and lamps wf
McCarthy himself wore a l'H-
-m at... Afwaaiifin. OD 1
shirt in honor e i-a
I hroad board table along one wall of the
ru. luDcbecn bid been arracged for
the Christuina celebrntors. por a half
hour after arriving at Mac's w e were busy
stamping snow from our ruhU'r Ihsmh ami
Walrai hide shoes, i ling off extra cover
ings and in general band shakings ami
more "Merry Christ mating.'
" 'Now. boy, fnll right in ami tickle
your gizzard over there,' tdiuutcd Mac
urbanely to the crowd.
"There was room for only fifty to eat at
a time, an while one Hipiad was Standing
up and eating at the table, the reel were
sitting about on the benches. We told
stories of other Chri-tuias day in other
ri nips, talked about what the pic doWfl
ill the Slate were doing. Wondered what
had transpired since we last boon! from
there (five mouth before)i woodored win,
was dead, how election had gone, mi l
what the people would say when we go
bsck w ith our heaps of gob and stories of
how rich We had struck it.
"At last the last man in the crowd of
Christ m is Celeb re tori had been to the
long table and had tilled up on baked
beans, fried pork mid be COO, dullish balls,
macaroni and coffee. Then Mac read the
program and the entertainment proceeded.
A dozen men made sM'eclies n few of
them genuinely BUBMrouo appropriate to
the occasion. 'America' and tjod Save
the Queen' were snug ami resting. The
Norwegians nml Bwedee sang their na
tional songs, and the son ml of the first
Christmas celebration in the Klondike
were eirrled on the wind down among tin
Icy crags of the lonely, frozen Yukon. It
must have been below M degree below
zero when we pulled our fur caps on ami
strapped our heavy garments about u
late that arctic night and went trudging
home through the snow to our cabins
along the creeks."
A Mean Man.
I '
t i nu4'- n
Booster Did you ever say anything
rude to tile cook?
Turkey-No. Why?
Booster-lie says be'l going to cut you
dead w hen he sees you Chrlltmai Eve.
Mra. Qrumpy In Iter fhrUlma Hur-
int Adopte Ornmpy'e Method a,
Qrumpy always has a financial spasm
when the Christinas returns come in, nml
thia year liia spell was an unusually biul
"Thunder and lightning, woman!" he
began; "look at these bills. Iio "U las
. . ..r as 1" . '
', ,
r i
t i wkJtr
me for a real trust or n ub treasury of
the t'nlted Slate T tilaring mure fierce
ly a account after account win exiimiu
el. he broke out again: "I'm not a profane
man. Mr, (iriimpy. but riplty rip my but
lou. If thia dou'l beat n financial panic.
Ore hat! We have one daughter, mad
am, and she' hot a two-heiiiled freak!
And OJgVCfl dneBMl Have you gone
crazy? Do you think of ippcaring on the
stage at your time of life, or ha some
.In -.maker h.k pnoiizeil you? Hut jut
i ast your eye over this one. All kinds of
capeB, sack, jacket, circulars, shavvl
ami ulsters. Are you planning n Polar
PipeditiOB, or nre you Bttder the delusion
that we nre going to camp out thin w inter?
Now, 1 do throw up the BMMgtl Nine
plirs of shoe and hosiery by the gro.
lining to open up nu emporium, or did you
yield to the fascination of a bargain
"I'd like tn have you tnke enough Inter
est in our impending bankruptcy to in
voice the balance of tbeee traps ami oa
iamltiee caadtea, toy, collar, cuff, sir-
sets, gloves, hatiilkerchlef, laces, jewelry,
skirl, si ml what's tin S h i el d .
Now, what in the rip snorting CfcetlOB
: iloe an BBtla Bated veteran like you want
i with shields? Where the bill for jave
litis and dynamite guns? If it's tint a
stale secret, I'd like to know whether
you Intend M take the In I.I in Siiulh Af
rica or Cuba. Woman, have you any ex
pbinitbM t" ofTer for this briueii attempt
. to ruin Bled
"Only this. You hnve nlwaya sought tn
Impress upon me that I should adopt your
, business methods, Ymi declared Unit you
were going to make the money fly provid
ed (lie election went your way, nml I made
nil tbeOC orders subject to the same condi
tion." "oh. 1 comprehend. Your extravagant
scheme I DC Id dee a plot to place the entire
hi i me umn me. I will BO exchange criiu
bullion or refer to the viper that Ming
after it ha I n warmeil in OBO'l breast.
I simply ami absolutely repudiate. You
may work out your own salvation In your
Own ilck Inn- way." Detroit Tree Press.
hrtitaaaa in i:o i
The Bttaaian Christ ma Is teli .lays later
than the Bugitah one, but i celebrated
very lunch in Kuglili fashion. Pamilie
ill meet upon that tiny nml country house
parlies are many. The tree Is a Christ
mas yew ami is beautifully decorated. The
gifts are placed 1111 small tables m ar the
tree. The churches are decorated with
green ami so are the hOUSCe, but tin mi
tlt'toc i used. Two or three day are
public bolldayi nt Christmas time, ami
the people greet each other with "Happy
feast to you." A huge pyramid of rice
with ruiiins in It. which has been blessed
at the church. Is served at the Christina
dinner, nnd the meat are goose, duck and
sucking pig. A arent dellnicy nt n ltu
siau Chldatmai dinner I veil which has
been fed entirely upon milk for thai spc
clnl day.
Tin- Unctielor'o Hlm-klng.
Hung up Hie haelielor's ItOCllBgi
11 laipt teat n by alabti
Ami .hi". areaad it k,i
it te.ui ami empty 1 1
gar him a" gtadaeee bring y
Tin- single, selfish anul;
In It no pre, 'iil fling ye,
They'd i,ll drop through iti- hole.
The NOW Arrangement.
"I luppOae you're going to hike another
aM-faabloued Christmas ut your bouae
this year, liopiy?"
"Can't poaaibiy arrange it. Hired girl
pies to matinee in the afternoon, r ption
in the eketiing and n dBBCe Inter on."
"C kveiil ... i i- . "
Sf:'ltnM .
Poor h dv rm',
i r ... ov.
k.k.. r. wo
i ii ..nrk ikjy. " "
lCh J
airvf dot mtcK t in Ki
savs shei A-wtMwrt
r . i Sja i .
t.rkriirruA') wouaiM cotciht$car
Cotnr ot Ker-condinon,
Buf I'll Utf itub xM tKert
WKtrt hei urt to find if
On Ifie, ole IxoKe rcxJKin'cKair
An IH Wide beWind ig '
ami m
Betal they IBM yon an the ruta
That ha cniie ter Iteaeoit Chase. ,
An' the hlg church rnw thnt'a hrewla'
Seme he geared aa' fell fraai grartl
Witt, mi Chrle'Biee nlghl hl durter
llelsey run nlT ter the QaBfO.
An' the Deaeea slralglitnay artrr
I Inil in "i na.niiml gal ill, prance.
When he reiiched l lie Chrla'inaa party
An' seen ll. tse.r nit the floor
Dei i' alih Jeronie MeCarty,
What an ugly Brawl he wore.
Reiser trowed a rlsht amart palei
When tier pup renw Inter sight.
An' lug. hnx, ,in llarncr Khalrr
.uaed she'd trjr ler act thlnga right.
A hi- Hit l annul' him gtannB
Haraef apoke up nugtny peart,
"1 'll i "ii llll ler I lie the dulieln'?
Cine along an' BeO'l tie akerrt."
Then aba grabbed Uaj, an the nihil
Kinder dronnrd the DeacOB'l ipieal
Aa he tusked him iOWB llie middle
In the ol' Virginia reel.
Now 'hi- gait they nrnt t rutin'
Kent the of mail' tagnant 1,1, md
Thro' hla let in a elreiilalln'
I.Ike a raahla , springtime flung;
An li. fnre he liardir km, aril It
He had Jlned the Infill fun,
An' the way he heeled an toed It
Mh d the beye of twenty line.
ii area Balk kg a' rider
Je' ter see III iii hop her down.
An' all nlghl thai ol hackallder
bowed nu scraped an aklpped aroun'.
NOB fOO're keerd th tale n' horror,
H0U fr 'in nir the klgktl o tract
Ter the depibe e' am an' aorrer,
llurner yanked l lieaeon Ch,ie.
it win t;ive Slewing iir,,,.i t:p to
I'uv You for Ynor Patlh.
:i W oitl. I) once
eonin I a ra I It
er ami BlothOf
w ho did not i,,..
Ileve In Simla '
China. They were
Bfrald, Ion, In let
their children lic
it...... i.. .i. . ii
ml.- '. ""1- in me iiiea-
vA..n 2T ll ' ''""'' '
nig nun in, i in
ry would Baku
i in in erodolotta,
or that it woulil
V rV - hnve the effect of
8" ft!' tenehllig litem tie
' il' I'"' Is Inch
! ' could i- proved
nn.l Verified three excellent people Insisted
upon, nml WbeB low ii uml country were
rejoicing. Christina liell ringing. Cltriat
mas taper! twinkling nml QhfhrtBjMI car
ol thrilling, their home wa rubbed of
half it rightful cheer In their BtrOBUOBi
detennlBatloB not to be Impeaed upon t.y
Santa Chilis or nny of his train.
Ittil to turn lo our original lliotight. Did
the pnrctits who would hnve none of Santa
Chilis gain nny thing by their resolution to
be rigidly true to a tangible ami material
order, or, clinging to the husk, did they
lose the fruit which was growing kkilltin
for the belling of the nations? Many
things not susceptible of proof tij the evi
dence of I be physical BI BBCI are really
true In that higher realm where the ka
gglnatlou rules. One of these never dy
ing never failing thing is Santa Clan,
nml year by year the week orer it hu b
hi scepter is egteoded are weeks of rare
beauty and a time Bare good win every
where hinea in men' CBMtMMBcee mid
I the mainspring of their live. Children
see ami feel thia wonderful festival of
love on the earth, but they ran not enter
Into it fully, and so those who weir wiser
than we. in good old day fragrant In
uiemory. chrialened the Christina seiiHon,
when the yule log burn, and the holly
gleams, and the world i glad, a the spe
cial gala lime of Santa Clan. Believe
in liltu all you can mid he will give you
bleaing heaped up and running orer to
pay you for your faith. Ilarpcr'a llazar.
A It inlii l-r.
"Why, Mr. Ooaila, how good it la of you
to cull on Christum day," said Mis Has
kell, extending lu r hand to the newcomer.
"I wish )ou the compliment of-aw
the season. Miss inkott," replied lb
young BMB.
"De you know. Mr. QowHl, tint I ran
ace ree ly ever eae Ohrhdmae tree with
out thinking of you?"
"How kind of you to BBBSOtttg ' with
it-aiiuietliilig ao bnight and inteweat
ing. I that - aw -why you think of tu
at such a 'line, aw ?''
"Well. I don't think that I It. exactly,
Mr. QOBata, I eBpBOBB I think of you when
I see a (Tiristuiaa Hit beCBBBC it is an
A Hi mark alii Note.
"Do you ee thl five dollar note, Ten-
"I do, Plpp, but whit of ItT
"I regard (hat aa the most wonderful
fire dollar note extant."
"What i there wonderful aliout UT
"I bml it left after buying all tbe Christ
mas present I bad to get."
The man who feela like a king Chiitt-
mm Mmm im 11.1 til tmm Ilka th dmmjmm M
i -i f i i
Itnlh While on 1 1.. ,m Ii..,,,
If yon 1'ive one ol the new dllBBI,
yon are carrying In koiir pin ket a very
ood Motorool Mi" Ruth White, at
Sun Piaiicisco. Miss White might
baVO sat to Uncle Sam'a artist, the re
iemblanoe is mi close. Mist White Was
ii MemhOI of the Colli' Inuara Com
pany last aaaaoo.
tha BaorMoui Oald PraOaet r icus
Krom goutfa Afma. the Klondike aad
Auetrelle gold i being iblpped in largr
auantiiiw, Tin jrear1! outwui will aaarly
double Uuttufany prerloui twelve montha.
The mile ot Hoatettei'l Stomal b llilti rs
are nio Increasing very ft. Tins fantoua
remedy will cure dyepopebv IndlgeetloB,
eoweilpaHoB, aervouinieeand aaSneee,
A Bedlcal writer in deel.ire
that segregation of patient, the ony
effective way of dealing with the
plague; is so repugnant to the Hindoo
that they prefer to die by the million
rather than submit to it.
Irani a sirri Rarnre i
if you want t feel your spine is a
pipe stem le.nly to snap, just get lum
bago. If von want to feel as strong as
a steel ramrod, use St. Jacobs Oil; it
has magic.
Il is estimated that nil the gold
mined in I'nlifnriiin since IN4H could
bo put into a room I 'J yard long, il
ynids wide and 5 '.'-3 yards high.
rive PenoaoanU 1 and NoBlaor nervananea
IIO an. r n. -I a... . u- nl In k
nam! or. Band lur rilr.ic 0.oo trial
u.otnj uniLf. DO, it H, atCUajL Ud JH
arui tu-Mi, rhuaat laaav iw.
Australia scuds OOOOOBUl oil to I'.ng
land. Kor I. uog ami cbet dbjaaeee, Pleo'eCuri
La the best medldne we hake uaed. Mr.
J I. KorthOOtt, W indsor, lint.. Canada.
Thunder can lie heanl ninii miles
If you want the beel wind mill, iiiiuips,
tanks, plow, kkagous, Veil ot nil sizes
boilers, engines, or general machinery, tee
or write JoilN POOLS, footol Morrlaoo
atri'et, PorUand, Orejron,
Dallas, Texas, bus a coloted printct's
When coining t.i San Kranese,i go to
Brooklyn Hotel, BM-tll Hush Areei
American or Kurnpean phm Room ami
iutru ri.uu to . i 1st (lav ; nsnii" .stcenta
to II t
r nay; single nnals .., tenia.
Free eoacb,
Chas. Moiitgoinery.
The ktiatocraey of Obina ami Bpaln
will agree it lias been a very bard
year for boy monarch.
By local appUeatieaa, Ihey cannot laeak the
diveSMHt t'orllon of ilm , " r Thete I on y one
ay tpeure deolueta, and thai i by oonstlio
Bonal remedies. Daafaasi la eaueeu by an In
fl an, e.l rotidllloii nl the inui, ma lining of tha
laalaehtaa luis-. When tins mi tets in
flauii'd von have a riiinbling toBBd or imfer
hot hearing, and tien it n entirely 1 t
di ntiics la tiie iult, and uuleflsihe liitlaiiuu
Hon sn he taken out and tint lube rest ted to
Its normal condition, hearing will bed. stiove l
toreker; nine easei out ot in are canted by
catarrh, which ta nothing bill an lutlaiiied
coudltlnucl the niuemi nrlacia.
Wa will tke On Hundred Indian (or any
ran-1. 1 lieaineaa (canted B catarrh) that can
pot b cured by 111. . OBMrrh Cure. Head lur
circulars, tree.
r. J. CHUNKY A CO., Toledo. O
Hold by 1 i i. i. Ihe
Uall'a Kstutly Fills are th beat
Massachusetts claims to have mure
ditTotent kinds of native trees tluiii any
kitigiloin in Europe; the number ex
ceeding oil, among il cm being nine
huge oaks.
sinking of Ilia Mnrrliiiac.
Tho complete story of the sinking of
the Mm r unite and the capture and im
prisonment of her crew nt Santiago,
w ill be graphically told in nn article by
Oslmrn W. Deignan, I' S. Navy, late
helmsman of the Morritnae, in the Jan
uary Eiunk Leslie's Popular Monthly,
now ll) cents, and to be publlchod Dos
BOmbei J Ith. The Itorjf will be fully
ami rlellly illustrated kvitli nuliieutic
portraits of llolisoit and all tlie crew,
Ih'spIcs many new ilitiwings especially
prepared under Mr. Deiguan'a puisonul
Inpervilion. Oilier features promised
foi the .I.ii n hi Ftiiuk Leslie's nre:
BlOl Harto'l BOW ItOiy ".lack Hamlin's
Mediation"; JoBOjlitl Miller's "la n
Klondike Cabin"; ami Thomas B.
Dawley's "Campaigning Willi Uomei."
Nubmlta a 1. 1st ir Niaelal lllaeaaet He
Traat. With BtBSBHelBy
and Medlclna.
rhea, Stricture, Hyplillll", Weukiirst of
Organ iiiih kly cured without pain or de
tention from buslneea,
LOrJT MANHOOD and riaoi q ilckly re
ttoreil ; varies ele, wruk ami ( i .. 1 I. . . I
part fullv ree to rod,
LADlKn who stiller from apathy, Indif
ference, nervous debility ur diseases pern
liar lo women, can consult the doctor with
MTf('t rntihdeiice.
ULAUDKR, Intlammailon, CyatltU, Oa-
tarrli of the lllmbler. These ilincusea in-
vitriiihlv vieiii 1,1 this treatment.
VARICOCELE. Hydrocele, Pilee. Fis
tula, Swelling ami Teudernes of Ulatids,
and Sbriiukeii Orgitna treated with unfail
ing success.
KIDNEYS. Inflammation of the Kid
neys. Ibaiietea. Qongeet ion of (me Kldneye,
I'raeinla, llravel, Stone, all scleutlncally
ami lucceeefUlly treated,
ni.titili A Nl) SKIN Diseases, Bores,
ShiI, Pimidea. Scrofula, Syphilitic Taints,
Tumor.. Khottmalbnn, BrapUoiWi etc ,
promptly cured, letviug 'he sy-lem ill a
pure. ttroBg and healthful siute.
Yoi'N'i MEN, If you an iron bled with
tired feelings, gloomy for, 'Ik, ding., palpi
m iM'r im
Saw Mill and Mining Machinery.
Dealera In Flour Mill and Grain Cleaning Machinery and Supplies. Repair
ing Promptly Attended to.
I mii i i t: t )uurii; ii is in
oi l'lt filling trUBt BtppIltHl 111
gt- boh vliu-ti tff-ciB a curt); the
ITlivt firm,
Mlevt Iron rnaUre us lu guar
hire a lit, or no charge; If youi
tit r unit ht doe not keep iota
lartle ui lor itlreritnitt for at If
UieBtiureineiit ; nkretpunileuie
rttttnofiiiui hdi iruwi w-cum-
from oDswrvetlon, lo any
kiMri aa, it . i t n-tuifli'! II not
aatlaiactofy. v. H- Hornitrn
l o , KipertTruaa rtUert.lOJ
ft0D 8t. Kiilaad. Or.
Makas the BlBOCl 01 'lr.
i . nam aork orexcaafivoosaiolgt
eoreneel .md itiffm s rati in and laya
up. st Jaeobe oil will cum it after a
few applications ami make th" muicleo
limber ami sttong.
Mltlil I'lrirnl Kallna.
Ordlng lothe Australian Standanl
and Dig,'et' New, a scaru hat been
created iimoiig tint natives in Durban
by an at mi I idea liny have got that
in raootnation againit unallpua tbo
IbrOBl is to bo operated n " Which,
as they put It, will prevent them eat
ing. ThO recall is that a good many
bavi sinl lenly left for their kraals, aa
many ai 100 depending then budge in
one day.
i eat "i,i in oaa "
Pake baiatlv llromo tyiiinine Tahlet.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
vuie. gtti
leather money circulated In Kusaia
" recentlv as the lime uf Peter the
ll due not only to the originality and
simplicity of tbe oombtnai i"ii. butalaoj
to the care and skill with which it Is
manufactured by scientific processes
known ho the CUfcNORMM fit Svaur
Co. only, and we w ish to impress upon
all tlie importanoa of purchasing tho
1 1 n- and OligUMU remedy. Aa the
genuine Syrup of l-'igs Is mantifactured
by the I'At.ll DltNIA Pill KVRUP Co.
I lift a knowledge of that fuct will
aaaiat one in avoiding the worthleaa
Imltailooa aukUBtBoturad by other par-
tiea, The high standing of the t'ALI
PORMU PlO BrMOP Co. with tbe medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
w hich the genuine Syrup of pig hut
given In millions of families, make
tbo name of tha Oompnny a guaranty
of the excellence of it-, n ineily. It la
fur in inhum e nf till other laxativea,
as it acts mi tlie kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing t heiii, uml it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
He. Is. please remember the name of
the t iiuip.tliy
BAtk I IIIVtlM'll. t'aL
l.lll ItVlt.t.K. Ky. NEW win, N. v
A big kid of both
prolit nn I sntisfaction
will result if you plant
1 ti.f BM atll it . Il,i hat.
1 I' I CO II. I, ll I I
tula - buy tlniia Ml Irni ,
Kit. I l,y all il-a'af. V rl'.l BM
mi' HV i-eo ai inla - lira.
O.lkJ.FERRTI "P C?' olt.ViH.
la it Wrong,
lot it KlehL
Keep it Kit; lit.
Mom. '. Iletaalail Itelnndjr kllldolt. Thrta
dowa will .. take you loci belter, (o t It from
your araagaVt OC any whnlralodrug hoitae, or
bom BMW tn .l ll, Iirugto., Sean I.
Cut Rate
Ilriii; Cat.ilt. (lie
... FREE...
lard. I I.ii kc ,U'o.. "H'srSTa.
i (in 11 as i, tin.
tulbm id the heart, hot Hushes. 1,1.,.,, I rush
ing to the heud, ringing In the ears, wan
dering mind, wink memory, dark circles
under the eyes, ilirine., jmor npH'tite,
tuntdneeBi deepondeneyi Ins of energy,
an. Ian . n and elf-ciiiiliileiue, which alieo
Intel v unlit ymi lor study or business, yuu
should take treat ment I fore It i ttm late.
There ure thousand of you troubled with
weak, selling Inn ks and kidneys, and other
unmistakable nignaof nervous debility and
I'lemal ure decay. Many die of this'illfn-
i.ity. Ignorant of tbe enure, which is the
second tinge of seminal weakness. The
in"-! . i fist 1 1 1 hi c cases nf tli Im charsclrr
treated w ith unfailing success.
HEART, lutAIN a ,D HBRVBB, I'if-
fictllt hri'ulhing uml uir,stlng feeling,
fullness of the head, a tired, Irritable, dis
contented feeling and feur of impciulinjr
danger or death, a dread nf being alone, or
the reversi de. ire t" lie al if your
memory is failing, ami you are glimn.y slid
despondent, or if ynu dream much or often
and have an aversion to society, yuu are
uttering from a sen., us di.riue of the
nerve., I, rain mid In art You hare tin lima
to lose, Cull nt once on Dr. Durriu. al
MA Morrison street, Portland. Hour, 10
loh; evenings, 7 to s Sundays, 10 tu 12.
Examination 'tee ami cniili den tail. Cir
enters end que ikm blank i sent free. No
cures pul, It-ln ii ol a prik. Ic nature. Kat
terie and lielt fiimi-lieil w hen neeesary.
Patient writing please mi .tlloii llila popeft
"Ileal IV liaal nn Karlh."
me laaali I I i an itsd fee saaalegtak
Lfkeagenla aailtcl ever) a her.
HI Ml T. l K It It I II. It IK CO.,
iiKits or
I oe IMi, 4J for ueaaterel
llohhrKa, luilajUiBiattltiDgk,
ii rtlMlMM ur ulcvrnMluaa
if in ii cue niortilirn.
I' ii , hh l iml auiCrla
ii fin. btvuI or poi
I "HO.
Mold bj oar
or tost tn ByUia
HT ripfsyg
a I I., ... 1 .m.miill -'.
I lli'glar e-tit oil remucei.
mi. an- ,
117 II EN wrUiogf l ilrrtUre pUaa)
ff -miUm tiile
JHV UutiBlsed VJ
MM tsBd a ai-MltlM
lVBB(aJlIBSBta ( Jti
m.- jut
- -tppe J
n. r. n. o.
' i " " - r -