The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 24, 1898, Image 6

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    Hiitgeiie City (iiiard
The business department of
the WEEKLY GUARD is caused
considerable trouble by corre
spondents addressing the pro
prietors personally. Addres ell
iette -i inferring vO thenewspc
p.r or ou liness connected mere
with lo THE GUARD,
Eugene, Oregon.
(juruiauy will add 10,000 men to
linr standing iirmy by 11K).'1, says
ihft East Oregonian, While tne
arin-s (if Europe are being BtrCOgtb'
enwl ilin mniici of Kuropo have
more and Bm of the woi k of daily
bread making to do. Later day
civilization in Europe doe not al
low the rua-a of women much'
greater freedom and ease than are
enjoyed by the squaws of the reser
vatioo of (he Unid-d BtatOS, Where I
women are mad I 'beasts of bunion"
there "royalty" and 1 1 bilitj'
Governments wblch adroit of
nub conditions deserve to be wiped
out of existence, if by no other
h lod thin by tiie nan I oi in HO by.
Justice orii 1 001 gainst such kv-
ernments end the law of nature,
working through the lUifrringl of
an outraged people, never fail to
answer. The .r oi Russia Hee
the handwriting on the wail, and it
was this that prom led him to
call lor disarmament, in hie laui us
peace proclamation issued none
time "no.
Prediction Minie Tliai Hermann
Would Fight Hll Hfaj 10 Qreei
Dean My HU industry,
Portland Dally Timet: "The
itatement tiiat Binger Hermann
may bs the successor of Secretary
Kiiss in the interior department
recalls a memory of La Payette
Lane and James D Pay," laid J U
Troas in the lobby of the Imperial
hotel today. ' Pay and Line were
bosom oronlee,'1 Mr 1'ruix eon
tinued, Way back Id tbo CO's y
was the democratic candidate for
congressman and Lane was Ins.. as
sociate on t in ticket, having been
nominated for leoratary of state.
They are two nen destined to till a
niche iii Oregon history. No man
was over more sharp, nor keener
thin Pay. ('lean ns the cut of a
Damascus blade came every utter
anco from bis lips. I in wax the
personification of SggroSsiYCnecS,
Line was different there was no
oombativeneei In bis naturt kind
ness and geniality predominated
and those who knew him pronounce I
bim one of the world's ne st gifted
and brilliant men. The two men
were returning from a professional
visit to Coos count y making the
trip in a stafe when upon the
way they passed the home of l)r
llerininu, well known to nil old
citizens of Southern Oregon,
I'nd'.T the shade of a tree, stretched
out to his full length, was a young
tnan reading a law hook. Lane
aid to Pay, "there is a young fel
low who will dig Ins way up.
While you and 1 may he disap
pointed in our ambitions that youth
struggling With his hooks will lie :i
congressman, perhaps a sen itor or
The young man referred to was
Linger Hermann.
Traveling doctors are the worst
kind ot the traveling bilk species.
They make all .ort-i oi specious
promises, get the money Into their
pookste, and are gone, A L banon
correspondent of the Albany Deno
crat gives a lair Illustration, H
"The Quakers ha?s come and
gone, likewise several hundred
dollars of our people's hard earned
cash have gone. V are poorer 1ml
wiser. See?"
Multnomah county had to fool a
!f;i,t00 election expense bill in get
ting a successor to Senator Simon
Hardly worth it.
The la for tbe olledtionoftttetJ
should be SO amended that county
treasurers should collet all Ux-,
Myi the bVtlem sVntinel, Thej are
i he custodians ol tbn evuoty funds
i. lid ure Iheonlv r..ns all ml'OllId
in any av b DOl uceted wi h the
collection of taxes In mates east!
of the Hocki--" iMiinly treasurer
ii lileel the axe .1- will 'if dUborM
the fund', tieisnrer should!
he empowered to make all lax
sales, tbe warrant deing issued 10
bim ineteod of the shoriff, la eome
states there are tax collectors alio
are elected the MOM an other county
There is not lialde to be any 1
difliculty over the po, session of
church property, need as such, in 1
the Philippines. All church JKM
uiH under .-) auish rule were
held by the crown, the church
being an integral part of the k irn J
doiu. Our laws do not tolerate
any union of oburch and state, and
while the church will be allowed to
reta'n possession of nil property
Hied directly for church purposes
any lands tint may b attached as1
levei uc producers will escheat to j
the government to hedispoced of as
Congress may see fit.
Tbe depths of human depravity
oonld appear to have hewn reached
in the line of coin.jien ial deceit.
It is averted on an excellent
authority that the life preservers on
the steamer Portland, wrecked a
week ago at Cape Cod, were not
tilled with cork, but with grass, I
which when wet a dead
weight of sixteen pounds, a re
porter for the Boston Herald, while j
at Provinoetown, examined a lot of 1
the life preservers and found only
one thai 0 intained cork and th it ill
poor quality.
It is a good indication of an im
proving eonditii n ot affaire that
few young men are applyit.g
lit different recruiting stn
tlons throughout the country for
enlistment in the army lor I ireign '
service. It is proposed that he
pay be increased as an inducement
for enlistment The now (rmyl
will be oomposed of 100,000 men,!
and none hut young men areae-j
Tacoma burglars understand j
their business. The other night
thby went through a store in that
city and got $2,000 worth of goods.
Old time burglars took nothing hut
money, or jewelry that could be
converted Into bullion, but it seems
the fraternity has got down to a ,
hard time proposition and t'ikes1
all there is in sight.
Chicago Hebrews gave a charity
ball that netted 100,0'H). They J
had the proper spirit which
prompted th -in to attend for the
pleasure of giving rather than lor j
gratification ot their own senses.
struck a Husg.
lvrtimi'i Ttlajraaii
Onliamonth k John Mlnto was
appointed to lUOOesd M M lluirisai
chief deputy In theoollectorof oustous
nflhv lu re.
Today comes the announcement that
the collector had received a few days
ago a letter from lieadcpmrters utatiiig
that J.ihn MlntO, chief deputy, was In
fact no deputy at all, und according to
the civil sci vice regulations could not !
be, as he had not passed any civil
servloe examination,
Mr Mlnto Im not only auiaed over t
the loss of his pl-ice, but is trying to
guess where the pay for his month's
work Is to come from. He gave up bis
place (Saturday night, not wishing to i
Impose his services upon nu ungrateful
government that didn't appreciate
Collector Patterson says the vacancy
will he tilled hy promotion, and that
several changes will he made in the I
offloe, but that there is no room for
outsiders! as tbe civil wrvloa regula
tions must be adhered to.
Qeorge W MoUowan of Monmouth,
a few days ago received a check (rimi
Alaska In settlement of an old bill!
amounting to 4-1 To, which baa been
due sonic l'J years What distinguish
es this hill more widely from the gen-1
oral run of accounts, is that it was
contracted at Hums, Harney county,
Oregon, by Jack Miller, who murder
ed n nan 'here and then skipped out. j
When next heard of was In Alaska,
going uudei the name of "Jack Dal
ton(" who has become rloh and ceic-i
bra ted,
Anil la IteaaVred ll tar Wore Sa
ii.- War He Tells II A l.ouU, sua
(.ante and Home Verr Remarkable,
There was a party of four sitting at
a small table in tbe rear nf a prominent
Sail 11 In Waluutstreet, Spell Unit salon
with one o, please, for It Bounds ein
iiiuitly Frenchy nnrl aristocratic. In
tbe crowd whs the veteran, and ho is a
veteran in more ways than one. He
grow remlnlsocnt, a characteristic of
veterans. The younger men led him on.
In fact, they always did when oppor
tunity offered, for they were sure of a
good story. Tbe subject was draw poker,
and the veteran said:
"Yes, I've been in mnio putty stiff
games, and it was when we played
with tbe stuff, the long green; ante
what you please and raise what you
pleuseand go for all in sight after the
draw with the money right thereon tho
table; no ivories, no nothing, 'oept
"If I romembor rightly, there was a
lumberman from Handy here, and a
sawmill man from Ironton, and a grocer
from Portsmouth, and a liquor man
from Maysvillo and DM In tho game. It
was down at tho Spt-noer House.
"I can't tell you how we got mixed
in the game, for that would spoil the
story. Hut we were in it, and I remem
ber tbe money was on the table in lieu pa
until the hands came out that broke up
the sitting. Boys, I never saw such hands
before nor since. I never did, and if I
live to be a million I'll never seo the
like again.
"It just went around in the usual
way with nothing peculiar about tho
anto or the raises till aftor tho draw.
Then every son of a gun about the tablo
kinder hunched np a little closer and
looked pcarter than ever. I knowed
there was troublo coming. Every feller
raised, and when it got around to tbe
starter ho saw all of 'em and raised
with about half his pile. Never mind
tt"? amounts. Hundred dollar bills wero
laying around on thut tuble like whito
chips now, only more plenty, and every
man in tho crowd had his roll in his
insido pocket besides. And before it
went very far tin y camo out and eomo
bigger bills than centuries got oommou,
too, but every one of tho crowd seemed
to think it all bis when the show
down come. I knowed I bad 'em, for
four kings was hard to beat when yon
bad an ace in tho discard. Straight
flushes? Not on your lifo. Theyworcn't
played then.
" 'It's getting interesting, 1 said the
Maysville man. 'Let's tnko an account
of stock. '
"There was (27,000 on the table, not
counting tho odd bills of a hundred and
nnder, and overy one of tbo five was
obotit equally interested in tho pot Of
course, wo could have gone along for
awhile by making chocks or markers,
but obecks on out of town banks are n
dead give nway when tboy get home,
and tho men from up tho river didn't
want anything of that kind So we just
made an agreement to show down and
let tbo thing go.
" What do you think was the end?
Yon oouldn't guess. Now, remember,
every man was a straightforward busi
ness man, and during tho gumo there
wasn't an outsider in the room and the
cards had never been changod during
tho wholo game.
"Every feller laid down four kings
and every ouo sworo ho had discarded
an aoo.
"Just then my wifo pushed mo in my
buck with her knee and waked me up
und suid I was all in a cold sweat and
wanted to know whether I had a chill,
as I was ilmking like a scared dog. And
aftor that I never eat one of thorn Welsh
rabbits with mince pie and went to bed
right afterward" Oiuoinnuti Com
mercial Tribuuo.
lie Knom Uer.
She Who is that frightful looking
woman behind you who is talking
with a man?
He It's my wife.
She But you haven't looked around
to soo whom I mean I
Ho Oh, your description is enough!
Dns Kleiue Witzblatt.
Friond (criticising picture) Yonr
winter effect is excellent It fairly
makes ono shiver to look at it.
Artist No wonder, old man. I be
gan that picture in December and had
to pawn my overcoat to buy tho can
vas. Town Topics.
No Cause For Alarm.
"Look here," said tho barber to tho
restless man in the ohair, "if you don't
keep still I'm liablotocut your throat. "
"Oh, I'm uot afraid of that," replied
the helpless victim, "ns loug as you
continue to uso that razor. " -Chicago
The Sequence of Events.
"Tho doctors had a consultation yes
terday. "
"What was tho result?"
"I understand that tho f:imily law
yers aro now in scou t session. "Brook
lyn Ltfa
Another Instance.
"Maud says she is madly in love with
her now wheel, "
"Huh I Another case where man is
displaced by machinery I" Indianapo
lis Journal
Breaking Hrcords.
Mr. Piatt It doesn't take Delia half
as long to wash the dishes as it used to.
Mrs. Platt (wearily) There isn't
half as many uow. -New York Journal.
Crowded Oot.
Whm ftrst they wed, she gives him half
The clothes hooks for tils share.
Out It Isn't loog till he lias to hang
Ills pants on the hack of chair.
L. A W. UulUiin
V,..., ...poriaallle. Me
Ttaaa War.
I The sharp October air had bronihll
, rinMoo to lbs leaves and had
brought back to the dtf again Mm air
maid ii...! AJfanMBeerge pownsbafl
paid I OOrt to on Valeiitlue's day ore she
, .. M I'elnt. thero to preen
liaa nowii iu - - ,
MS wings for uorthern flight when
btmimer had come.
Bs had pe'ujit,Hl ber ,0 " ,n
lor two days before ho called upon her.
"Ah, Mr. Towne! sue uiim
twit red when he appeared before her.
k. oily, I am (blighted to see you. I
"Thank you, " be said with a wild
heating at Us heart "What isade
light to you is an ecstasy, a rhapsody, j
I tome." !
Bow lovely of you to any so, Mr.
T ne I Of course you have been heap
ing up glory all summer for yourself In
the war I do so wish I were a man, to
1 go forth at my country's call and shed
my blood gloriouoly on her altars. Ev
er'v p, rn n ovm-,. it to his land to do at
bust that macb, and how grand you
must havo felt as you swept up tho bill
I at Ban Juan aud drove the foe to hii
Ialrl" , .
Hho would have said more, but he
Stopped her
'Pardon me, " he said proudly. "You
' aro mistaken in your location. I was
- a.... Tr. r, Hill "
"Not at San Juan?" sho eiolaimed
In dismay
"At Manila, then?"
She could not speak.
"No," ho went on; "no, but I lived
all summor in a Washington boarding
house, and, what is moro, I rooted un
falteringly for tho Washington baseball
team." As he stood before ner sno real
j Ued thcro aro things In this llfo that
I call for moro courage and self denial
' i.vuii than u ii- 1111(1 she bowed ber head
and pleaded for forgiveness. Washing
ton Star
Trouble Ahead.
"I will now give you some oold
facts," shouted the campaign orator,
fumbling nmoug the newspapor clip
pings and niomoranda that lay on the
stand before him and finding some trou
ble in laying his hands on tho desired
documents, "some cold facts," he went
on, somewhat flustered, "with which
you can roast tho life out of tho flimsy
arguments that will dribblo through
the through thefuueetsof tbe hireling
press that opposes tho eloction of our
candidates, Ah, here tboy ore I Listenl"
Chicago Tribune
She Thlnkn The? Did It All.
"Of course, I don't wish to have you
think that I doubt your word," she
said, "but I can't understand how you
can look me U) the eye and tell me that
you took any part in whipping those
Spaniards m Santiago.
"Aud why," ho aeked, "should you
find that so hard to believe?"
"Haven't you told mo yourself that
you wero not one of tho rough riders?"
Chicago Ntffta.
Johnale'e Moral Lmos.
"Ma, Johnnie kicked me. "
"What did you do to blmr"
"I just bit him."
"Well, ho wouldn't have kicked yon
if you hadn't bitten bim first Yon
ought to fuel sorry. "
"I do."
"Sorry for what?"
"Sorry I didn't bite him after he
kicked me. " Cleveland Plain Doalor.
At a Disadvantage.
"I wonder what niado that Indian
chief give up and run. It's something
uuueuuI with him."
'I supposo, " answered tho man who
never acknowledges that ho doesn't
know, "he has been so used to sneering
at tho 'palefaces' that be got rattled
wueu iney (-em it (leiacnmoni or coioron
troops after him." Washington Star.
Tla Ever Thai.
"At last," murmured tho suburban
ite, "I can lay aside the lawn mower!"
"Tho snow shovel needs monding,
OharlosI" shouted his wifo from the
cellar Bteps.
A dark und growsome scowl moved
in to occupy tho placo where the smile
had dwelt for one brief moment. New
York Journal.
Couldn't Afford It.
"I hear that Jorkins flatly refused
tho uomiuatiou for sheriff."
"Yes, he cays his wifo and children
thoroughly respoct him now, and he
doesn't believe the ofiloo pays enough
to muko it an objoct for him to be look
od upon with scorn by tho members of
his family. " -Chicago Newa
I'pholdlnw Ills Kruatntlon.
Detective Well, you aro a guilt
edged one.
Burglar It's false. I've always had
enough pride in my work never to take
anything that was plated. Philadel
phia North American.
Mrs. Hatterson Didn't you tremble
all over when you aimed the revolver
at the burglar?
Mrs. Catturson Not a bit I knew
it wasn't loaded. Detroit Free Presa
Big Head What are you going to
call your new paper Home and Fire
(ido? Jumpuppo No Flat and Steam
Heater. Town Topioa
Antumn Sentiment.
"Does tho fall of the leaves make
you sad?"
"Not when I havo money to pay for
having them raked up " -Chicago Rec
ord. It Depends.
"What is home without a mother?'
"Well, it depends a little on whether
'it is your mother or your wife's. "
I Cleveland Plain Denier
The man who was old enough to
hoe bettor was chasing up und down
.Sixteenth Itreet boarding house, try
lag to flsd S match to light n cigarette
Hid it ever occur to you." he aitid
to the man who tlually found B light
for blni) "wbai a boon and s bealson
the ciguretti) manufacturer has Isien to
th.- mutch manufacturer? Think of it a
moment. First, however, give mo an
Dtbi r match for this cigarette. I don't
.now how ninny cigaretti s are niado in
tois country, but let us, for the sake of
iMTUBSBtj say there are a thousand
i urloads a year. Well, It takes on an
average another light, please four
matches to tho cigarette, and the niuuu
fueturei of mutches must thereore
tuake 4,000 carloads of matches just to
meet tbo cigarette demand. You may
not think -,ioo carloads is a grout
quantity, but if you knew how hard it
was to get one match when your cigar
ette is out, you would think -1,000 car
loads wasn't a few if you bud to go
around bogging them. I havo never
given sorious study to tho matter, but,
looking at it casually, I should say tho
,nfnettirrn nwii uu inestima
ble debt of gratitude to the cigarette
makera" New York Sun.
Caen Verm Olor).
An ordinary service to munkind i
usually paid for at current rates In legal
tender. An extraordinary service, not
Involving the element of heroism, Is re
warded by both legal tender and more
or loss fame. The highest of all sorvloes,
rendered at tho risk of llfo, is supposed
to receive its full compensation In glory,
uuacoouipauled by more sordid consid
erations. If, however, tbo hero of tbo
service last mentioned should not be
contented with his meed of glory, bnt
should demand more substantial reward,
he may receive it indeed, but at a large
discount from tho other (and in sentl
mental estimation more valuable) con
sideration. Unlike tho butcher, tho baker and
the candlestick maker, who receive
their qnld pro quo without a thought
of humiliation, either lu their own
minds or yours, tho man who saves
your life at tho risk of his own Is looked
upon as almost if not qulto disgracing
himself by accepting your proffered pe
cuniary reward, although he may, in
fact, be in far sorer net 'I than any ono
of the worthy trio who simply contrib
ute to your necessities or comforts.
Edward P Jackson in North American
The Qlawwafas! X 1 1"
The glowworm's light is said to have
been shown to be duo to the emission of
rays himilur to Roentgen's. Three huu
ilri d glowworms wero cuuglit near
Kioto aud placed before photographic
i 1 i'e.i screened from the light. by sev
eral thicknesses of black paper, together
with plates of brass, copper and alumin
ium. A piece of cardboard with a hole
in it was placed between the metal and
I the photographic plate, and for two
! duys tho arrangement was kept in a
1 dark chum ber, sheltered from nil foreign
lights. On developing tho plato it
was found to bo blackened, except tho
part opposite tho holo in tho cardboard.
The rays of tho glowworm would appear
therefore to penetrate metal and excite
luminosity in cardboard. When tlicro is
uothing between the sensitive plate and
tbe glowworm, tbo rays aro said to bo
havo like ordinary light, but in travers
ing some metals and cardboard they
seem to aoqulre properties liko thut of
X rays, or it may bo that the ordinary
glow-worm emits X ns well us ordinary
rays. Itevuo Soientlflquo.
A M.-. i ii Trlrk.
Absentmlndedly Brooks steppod up
to the oasbier's desk and paid for his
luncheon. Then, accompanied by Riv
ers, he went out into tho open air.
"Brooks," said Rivers, "you'd bettor
go back and sottle for your dinner if
you don't want tho proprietor to follow
yon out and dun you right here on the
"Great Scott I Didn't I pay for itf"
ejaculated Brooks. " Whero's my chock?
I haven't got It."
"I picked it up us we left tho table, "
said Rivera "Hero it is."
"Ah, you havo come back to pay the
othor gentleman's check," said tho
cashier as Brooks went back, stepped up
to the desk a second time and handed
out a half dollar.
Wbeu Brooks went outside ngain, a
moment later, Rivers wus nowhere in
sight, and there is another unsettled
account botween them. Chicago Trib
une. Causes of Death.
An Austrian prnfessi r estimates that
only 000 persous out of 1,000,080 die
from old age, whilo 1,300 succumb to
gout, 18,400 to measles, 2,700 to apo
plexy, 7,000 to erysipelas, 7,500 to con
sumption, 48,000 to scarlet fever, .6
000 to whooping cough, 30,000 to ty
phoid and typhus and 7,000 to rheuma
tism. These averages of course vary ac
cording to locality. Smallpox does not
even get a placo iu the list. Was this
Austrian professor an antivaccinator?
London Globe.
M ays und Means.
Home Seeker (inspecting a flat)
How In tho world are peoplo to llvo in
such littlo cubby holes as these?
Agent Easy enough, mum. All you
need is folding beds and camp chairs
and solf doubling up tables and u few
things like that
"Humph! I can hardly tifrn around
in those rooms myself."
"I see, mum. It's too bad to bo so
afflicted, mum. You should take anti
fat" Now York Weekly.
The Syrians regarded tho rose as an
emblem of immortality, tho Chinese
planted it over graves, and in the Tyrol
it is said to produce sleep. Roso leatSS
are sometimes thrown on the tiro for
good luck. In France aud Italy it is be
lieved that rosy cheeks will come to tho
lasa that buries u drop of her blood un
der a rosebush.
""'"" Terra,,. J" V
b e- proved hUlMH( , V"11 Hi,
n-herma,, ,,,, Um u
awarded ts iKt boat' ,),, 'a,
award, f'blfll bntt' N "' Tl
hy the oaoneryiiM,ri ,.f
watch or SOfTM other wti , Hi
"-"'l' ' hioi
oomber of fish dnrb,g,h, '"''I
Hasoo I- rwrtalniv ,t JT tr
award baring toriml in to .uj
this Neeot, ov-r 4iMi,,i1(1',t,lWf
VuiUd Artln.,LT!5
ealrtalMtb,lrfrian .,
onNlotbstrari a ... u ..J?' N
gram was rei dried r ,. ' I
nrgaulsl g rtVpety, fM
gaeata. After ih. ... """
I, 1 u ass
eo -hided, llt reiiiMl....... .. "
, llic-h.
Iiik wm sp-nt lu ,. , '
;r - x
tlOS Wlnt, rineierV , , rt u
against W ( Randolph ,.""'
with being an -,.,
-till banging Ore. , ,
neyH, Pcsars D..rrb ,v .t,.v,ni
tlotJ was llled in ,, . ,,,,,
arrest, but this wu, overruw
fun her action will In, ukwi
t seen 9
LatorJodgmsnt wss scowgi l.
the fall smoam nl islMimtftV ssasssBBa.
ed by Attorney Markley and ,u JjZ
forreli M-c .f deli lnbuit () j'
dolpb, ts-ii d.
Man POOND.-Allw iy Dm,
i be body of ' ii unknown msn ,
found Wednesday on one ,,f the barsnf
the Wlllatuetta, three rullss sm,,,,
Monroe rhe head ind M m
missing. There w.,s mptt
Identlfleatlou. A the body wssmsjI
on i lie Linn county -ide f the rtw
Coroner Norman wasei t torsaiel
ko t.i Harrlsbarg on the next train
Nr. i Maasoei's Lkxis.-vy Wllwa,
J N B Fuller and I B II ipklSS k)
Kugen.. miii aud LuiniK-r Vmfm
ret imed ut noon today from trip Up
Fall Creek where they bsd Wen dSM
Ti ly making arrangrOMB sfer inn
Wltb which lo run their uiili nut
season. This company nets a dns clta
ot logs from that section, No bettrr
lU'iibcr in any mark t
Stone and F P Hheatgresn, of 0t.
ville. Linn county, Wbn -hippi a car
load if i u oi h in Des Monies, hvte
reeetfed returns front tin-sunn- tiihs
w, re SO i 00 pounds, for which ihry te-,M-le,l
4 .1U cents net. An eflVr o 7
ii ills for boxed prune bus lvn nitde
at Corvnllls.
sVili, RinrKN. - riiree Miuth
Dakota peoplit who have lculien
looking at 'he country, left for their
homes tbl- forenoon. Thsy artgnsU)
pleased with l.nne county and will
return here iu June with t li-ir DUttUW
uml other relatives to make peruistxat
!( n- s near Kugetie.
Duck Hir.NTtNd. During the last
week Mr Gibson, of Richardson pre
cinct has pu reheard :!,bi0 slmt gun
slu lis from one of our dealers. In at
,la he killed I'iO ducks by biruelf.
During the week he bas rhippsd be
tween BOO and 700 ducks to the Port
land and San Franci-co markels.
DirrcRBNCfl of Opinion. Fsnaes
express onsideiable ditleretioe it
opinion as to what Injurj tbe (has)
has done the wheat. A good Htm
rain Is needed to eettle the soiiiutla
Makkauk LtOtWBB. County Clerk
Le today isMiod a marriage llomsB
Luther A Sutherland, 26 year slid
Annie E Churchill, 18 years.
Born Iu Eugene, Orrgon, I"1
Monday, to the wife of C .as L W
u daughter.
Dseember Snd, 1808, at her heU
near Lowell, Lane county. Orsps,
after a short illness, Mis Mary U
wlb- of Thomas J Blakeiy. 'r"e
OSasi d was born at Union l'"lnt' 81
Clair county, Mo Bhecsme to U"
oounty, Oregon, with ler parenls, '
and Mr 10 sjprague, i" the Pr,"J
1SS3; was married to Tnomas J l!ls
ly. Feb Und, 1801, and resided ne
Lowell until the time of her
She leaves tWO sons, Walter slid Ut
ter, o mourn her death. ,
Hho was i lady lev d and recjwoteo
by all who knew her, and K S W
friends who Join the mournrM In i"eir
Be still sad bean and cesMreplm"
Behind tbe cloud- Is the iud
shlOlBg) , , , ii
Thy Me la the common late orsi',
inineach life some aln mostW I,
s- mo day must be dark ana
A letter received In this city Jj
MrsJohn Wilson, Trail. B -
that she and her husband were
KUdgetUos along nicely- Tin
as h tumor had gained ground '
dieil about one month since.