The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 24, 1898, Image 2

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Eugene City Guard.
I. L. CAMrBH.1.. rri.prl.lor.
An Interesting OiUMNM ' Items From
the Two BtsmlsphelO. Presented
iu I i 1 "rin.
Two men wore killed liy the esplo-
iun of na'.otal ga at Cannniuvillo, 1ml.
One man was killed and several
fatally wounded at n school entertain
ment at Charleston, VV. Vu.
Henry J. Nclligan, cook, QeOffO W.
Beverly, both of company , Kirit
Flori'ln, stationed at llnntaville, Ala.,
were killed in a camp qaarrel.
A HMWth iftintt ol counterfeiter! is at
work In the Mississippi valley. The
counterfeit la ol tlie standard silver
dollara. All ol which have ho far DMA
discovered hear the .lute of 1800. It I.
believed conwtbing Ilka 2011,000 of
them have gained circulation.
iMMtM Davis, of the Peril DMM
commission, in an interview with a
Lomlon Daily Mail correspondent, de
clared in favor of a triple alliance ho
twuen the United states, England and
Japan, lor the protection of ull their
Interests north of the cipiator.
Charlea Trary, aKed 11, shot and
instantly killed Tun OODDOfli cuatodian
of 'ireenlawn cemetery, Iii'lianuslia,
Iml. Tracy with number of other
boy a waa near the cemetery throwing
anowhalla at pedestrian I. ltefuaing
to desist he waa killed hy Oonnora.
The thirteenth annual convention of
the American Federation of Labor met
at Kunaaa City, Mo. About I Ml dele
galea from all peril of the country were
prevent; alao William Thome and Wil
liam Ineklpi of Lomlon, representing
the British tiiiilct-uiiion congress.
The Briiiah Oolombian government
baa made a crown receive of all town
aitea ami land OUtaida of ihu uiluiug
flelda in the Lake Atlin iliatilct. Thia
waa recently announced privately by
Mr. C. Heltlin, premier ol Britilh Otr
lumbia, to Sold Oommiaeioner w. J.
Kant, who haa Juat arrived iu Keattle
from Atlin.
ICoaaland'a famoua Le lint mine ia at
laat larforo Liudon inveatora. The
L Inn Qlobs t 'orporution and the
liritiah America Corporation have In
vited subscriptions to 200,000 shares
of 6 each in the Le Ibd Company, ltd.
The purchase mice ia aTMO,000, paya
ble in eaah in fully paid aharea, leaving
MO, 000 (or the working capital.
The United Slalea government ia not
aware that any an alignment haa I n
inaile for the tiauafer of the title of the
Hamuitu ielandl to (lermany, and being
one of the partial to the tripartite
agreement iniilcr whicb Suinoa la now
governed, it ia not conceivable that
any change in the status of the ialanda
can be made without the knowledge of
thia government.
Prealdenl MoKlnley will mako a
tour of l'orlo Kico and Cuba.
Only two men were killed in the
Wat dnei (Idaho) mine disaster.
Ten deatha aa u icsult of auieide,
and accident ia the record of one Hun
day in Qieater New York.
tlermany ia now aaid to bo pocking
an ally ami want! the friendship o(
Undo Sam. Uciman Ambassador von
Bollaban haa been oommiaslooed to
aettlu whatever dlffaranoaa axlat
An urea of at) bloeka in the 38th
ward iu Brooklyn waa inundated by
raging watera, which washed out the
(uudationaof houses, tore down trolley
nod telegraph poles, liupi iaouud people
in theii homi'H.
Chuilea W. Miller, of Chicago, laat
year's six-day champion, won the meat
bicycle race at Madison-Square Harden
again thia year, beating the world's
record (hia own) hy "I in ilea, He ma le
8,00? ml lea) and loatud but '11 hours
in the 143.
Dnpraodantad leoioey obtalni ua to
the OOOdltloni of the construction of
the Shamrock, the challenger for the
Ann 1 tea's oup. Not merely are the
moat atrict pNoantlOIII taken to pre
vent a leakage of the detailaof her con
atruction, tint even the place where alio
ia being built ta kept secret.
The foreign exhibitors have been aeri
nualy affected by the decision of the
l'nria appeal court iu rejecting the auit
of a Swiss embroiderer agalnit a French
manufacturer who copied his deaigna.
The effect id the decision ia that de
aigna and patterns in the foreign ox
hiliita of 1000 may be copied with im
punity by French manufacturers, uu
leaathe exhibitoia posscsss a manu
factory in Prance,
The battle nil ip Miissacbnaetta struck
a reef or sunken QbetlUOtlotl near Die
BOnd reef, off Castle William, Hover
nor'a island, N. Y., while on her way
from the navy-yard to tbe naval an
chorage off Tonipkinaville, H. I, The
damage WfOaght was considerably
greater than waa at tlist aupposed,
and It ia believed fully 00 days will bo
requited to put the vaaaal In condition
to go to ecu, even if alio ia not vitally
Minor HoWl lleINO)
The will of the late Kdward Austin,
of Huston, bequeathe $1, 100,000 to
public usee.
The haa recently issued an edict
ordering a trial by jury in Siberia
alter January 1.
The Brltlah government has decided
to make a geueioiia grant for the teliel
of the distress ami damage caused by
the recent hurricane in the Weat In
die. Miaa Nora Blttnar, a respected
young huly ol Allegheny, Pa., waa fa
tally beaten by three girl, none ol
whom are over 16 veara of age.
Irwin McDowell (lailleld, a aon of
tbe former president, haa successfully
tried hia first caae in the Huston mu
nicipal courts. He ia 37 yeara old.
The youngest chaplain iu the navy
ia laid to be Frederick 0. Brown, 35
yean aid, now on the Iowa, which ii
oil Iter way to Manila, lie waa ap
pointed to the aervice laat April, be
ing at that time past I the Unitarian
church of Middleboro, Mas.
The drought in California hai ended
4ml rainfall ia reported from nearly
avery section of the state.
I'llget Solllld ovsloll I h ive foimod
an association, and will make an effort
to secure needed legislation.
Tint war department has decided to
have the remains of all aoldieia who
died iu Manila letiirned to thia country.
Captain Kuoch, custodian of the
relief in the famous Luetgert caae, is a
victim of blood oiouing and may not
Clyde Bennington, aged 23, iiaa been
sentenced to life imprisonment in Nan
Qnantifl for hia part in the O10 Qiandl
train robberies.
The death sentence of Private Lind
lay, Tenth cavalry, haa been commuted
by the president to life imprisonment. I
011 recommendation of (leneral Wheeler.
Bince the cessation of hostilities this
government bus spent about $1,000,000
in feeding the starving Cubans, and the
work is still going on with untiling
The United Htatoi troops in Cuba and
l'orlo Itiio have not beer, forgotten.
They wilt he sent (or Cluistmaa 10,000
pounds ol prime tin key and 2,000
oiimls of cranberries.
The body ol an unknown man was
found on one of the bars of the Willam
ette, throe miles east of Monroe. The
head and feet were missing. There waa
no means of identification.
A dispatch from Lomlon sayi it il
understood that the Prince of Wales
has spoken approvingly of the promised
monument to Oeorge Washington to he
placed in Westuiinstci Abbey.
The halibut echoonoi Two Brothers, '
plying in Aluska waters, has been miss
ing nearly six weeks, ami it ia (eaied
that she has been lost with all 011 Irourd.
One o( her bouts waa recently found in
a badly buttered condition.
Kight additional aurvivoia of the orew
of the lost ship Lomlonian were btOVgbt
into Ilaltimore by the North Herman
Lloyd steamship Maria Kickiners. They
are: Captain F. B. Lee, Third Officer
Joseph Cottier, Boatswain T. Beliem,
(Quartermaster P. Cnilsen, Ablo Sea
men J. Webb ami W. Cadiioss, Hocond
Steward U. Darnell and Second Cook
W. Martin.
Iu the German reiehatng, Count von
Kardorff, leader of the free cum i va
tivos, condemned the sentimental (b r
in n sympathy with Spain, and wel
comed the appearance of the "great
and vigorous American nation" among
tho solouizlng pOWaM He said he
Imped that, in accordance with Bis
uiaick's principle, commercial ques
tion! would be kept separate from
political relatione, lor, if this were
done, Garmany could toon vary food
terms with the United States.
Colonel William J, Bryan haa de
clared himself as opposed to expansion.
Spaniards opened fire on a Cuban
funeral procession In Havana, ami
wounded aeverul. One will probably
By the explosion of a shell at Foil
Oonatantlna, at QronataJt, Raaala, nine
soldiers were killed ami three officers
and seven soldiers wounded.
By an explosion in the griat mill at
1'ettysville, Nate Thomas and Chuenco
Bmmoni were killed outright and Will
Maiklcy was fatally Injured,
Chicago puckers will spend a large
amount of nu y iu erecting immense
cohbstorage plants in Santiago and Ha
vana for the reception and storing of
fresh incut.
Simon, the new senator from Ore
gon, has been placed upon the follow
ing committees: Mines and mining,
in igutiun, revolutionary claims, Poto
mac river front and tiespaaaca Uhii
Indian lamia.
Five deatha occurred iu Butte,
Mont., which are claimed to have tarn
caused by the dreadful aulphui and
arsenic fumes from the stnelteis. Many
people who can do so aie leaving the
city to gel out of tne smoke.
It is probable that Secretary Bliss
will, within 11 short time, temlei his
resignation to the president. He has
had the step under consideration for
some time, deeming it necessary that
he should be free to devote more time
to his large business iuteiests.
The Brooklyn, Texas, Castino and
Kesolutu have been ordered lo Havana.
While there is not the faintest desire
to convey a threat iu the dispatch of
these warships to Havana, it may lie
noted that when they lie within the
harbor they Vill bold the town iii per
fect subjection.
The Clearwater Short Line Railway
Company, which is the official title of
the branch Northern Pacillo cut off,
has Hied certificates in the office of the
NO rotary of state at Olympia, designat
ing Thomas Cooper as its agent in
Washington, and showing the route of
the proposed road, now undei construc
tion. Word has been received Irotri United
States Consul Allen that John C. Flan
agan, tbe confidential eh 1 k of Oeorge
W. Lake, a rich merchant of Chemul
po, who waa murdered August 30, has
been sentenced by a consular com I to
imprisonment foi life. Flanagan hud
been robbing his employer systematic
ally and committed the crime to cover
up his misdeeds.
Leon Favier, who (ought under the
great Napoleon, has just celebrated his
Mth birthday at Philadelphia.
The ptealdenl of the municipal coun
cil of Paris has informed Mine, Sara
Bernhardt that the council has accept
ed her recent offer to take a leuae of
the Theater des Nacions.
Preparations aie on foot in Honolulu
to test the applicability of the United
States immigration laWI lO lb! Hawa
iian islands by the importation to the
cane flelda ol 1,000 UOroafl laborers.
Tho American Fireproo( W ood com
puny was incorporated at 1 ton, N.
J., with a capital of $1,000,000.
The New York court of appeals de
cided that the anli-scalping law passed
at the laat session o( the legislature Is
Admiral Dewey, in reply to an offer
of $A,000 (or a slant magaaiue article
on the Philippines, cabled: "Thanks,
but I am too busy."
1 The law restricting foreign Itiimi
1 giatton and cupelling (oreignera who
1 will not In-come ciliavui of Prusaia ia
being enforced.
Pinar del Rio Rnv.'.ged by
Spanish Troops.
(leneral DaVla' Krpnrl on the District
aa ll r'ntinil II rriM-lanmtliin
lo U11. People.
Waahington, Deo. 10. The teirible
statu of affairs existing in the western
province of Cuba ia shown in this report
to the war department from fJcnoml
"Pinar del Kio, Dec. 10. Adjutant
General, Washington: Arrived here
last night. The troops are comfortably
encamped, and have all the required
llppliea. We have been received with
the greatest enthusiasm and rejoicing.
The civil governor left the province
when the Spanish troops retired. The
alcalde called and tendered hia service!.
A small Cuban force is in the town aa
Kilice, and good order prevails cvory
whoie. I shall raise the lla,' tomorrow
in tho presence of tho troops and eiti
aeni. The treusuiy ia empty, and the
only means of leplenishing it is 11 sys
tem of taxation almost to the verge of
confiscation. There are no custom
houses in this province. The country
is one of great fertility and beauty, but
haa been ravaged almost to destruction.
I am assured hy responsible citizens
and foreigners that one half the former
population has la-en killed and starved
to death. Colonel Seyburn, with two
battalions. Is at Huanajay. He ia or-
dered t vupy Muriel w ith a detach-
moot. There is no sickness among tho
troops. DAVIS."
Nworits Tiimeii 10 IMawekMoe,
Havana, Deo. 10. (leneral Divis,
the American commander at Pinar del
Bio, has issued a proclamation suying
that President McKinley lias directed
him to assure tho inhabitants of secur
ity of their lives and property as long
as they were orderly. General Davis
furthor declines that fair tuxes will be
levied, ami that no favoritism will bo
shown. In conclusion, (leneral Davis
say a:
"Inhabitant! of Pinar del Rio 1
have come us a (1 lend to help you III
all which may contribute to the pros
perity of this great country, or its gen
eral welfare. Thero is vary little I am
obliged to do without your co-operation,
hut with your help 1 am sure of
complete success. The troebai and
forta will be turned into homes, ami
the muchotca will bo used for labor
only. Your sacrifices and heroic acts
have been already rewarded. The past
belongs to the history of the century;
think of your future peace ami prosper
ity. This must he your aspiration."
Tin Hfiuiilati Archives.
Havana, Dec. 10. The lemoval ol
tho Spanish archive! fiom Cuba to
Spain has been the subject of beipient
corresKimlence between the American
and Spanish military commissions. To
day the matter was satisfactorily ad
jostod. Colonel Clous, on behalf of
the Ameiican commissioners, hud it
long interview with (leneral Jiminea
I'astcllunos, who hud lists of the docu
ments in each division of the varloui
departments of the government. All
documents relating to municipal ami
provincial affairs, as well as thoso
necessary to administration, are not to
be disturbed, bill only such papers from
the governoi general's office and othei
offices us exclusively relate to the Span
ish government. For instance, paper!
regarding the Cuban debt ami the war
expenses aie to be sent to Madrid, While
on tho other hand the archives of the
autonomist government arc to remain
practically intact.
Ilrrlileil ly m Soldier's Vote.
Topekn. Kan., Dec. 10. The state
canvassing board decided a tie between
A. P. Scott, Republican, ami L. M.
Murks, Populist, candidates for tho
legislature from Jefferson county, by
Drderlng the drawing of Iota. Mr, Bootl
won, but did not demand his certifi
cate, going home with the expectation
that it would Ih sent by mail. Before
the ceititicute was sent, however, tho
mid-Pitcitlc vote cast by the Twentieth
Kansas, en mute to Manila, was re
ceived. Upon examination one vote
was found (or Mr. Marks. Accordingly
the state canvassing board reversed in
decision and issued 11 ceititicute to Mr. ,
Transports From llnvittiu.
Savannah, (la., Deo, 10. Tbe trans
port Chester sailed today for Muthimt,
Cuba, currying Brigiidior-Uonornl lias
brOOOk ami the heaibpiai ters stuff of
the Second division of the Seventh
amy corps and tho Fourth Virginia
regiment. The transput ta Minncwasku
and Roumanian arrived from 11. hum
today. They will take aboard tho
Forty-ninth Iowa and the Sixth Mis
souri regiments tomoirow and will
piobubly sail the next day.
Gold Bell u Large.
Bpokana, Waah,, Dec. 10. There is
great excitement here over repeated
rick strikes in the Republic camp, 011
the Culvillo reset vation. It ia now
demonstrated that the gold belt is at
least seven miles long and three miles
wide, and in that uiea rich chutes ate
being dieOOVeted almost daily.
Petal Train Nek I" florid.
Jacksonville, Flu., Dec. 10. A pas
sengei tiain on the Floiida Central &
Peninsula railroad was wrecked this
afternoon near Madison, caused by a
Oollieon with cattle on the track. Six
persona weie killed, us follows: K. II.
Chaudler, engineer; James Kvans,
coloicd, Bremani John T. Sullivan, of
St, Augustine, Flu., attache to the
army; Bev. S. II. Coleman, a OOlfltod
preacher of Jacksonville; John A.
Uhoades, colored, Pcusucola; Alfred
Austin, colored, Chulres.
I'rulinl I 111- Mmii IU III tot t It lun.
London, Dec. 10. The Daily News,
commenting thia morning upon it!
Washington correspondent's report of
the gun tiials at Sandy Hook, s.ivs:
" The Americana have only to give
their minds to it to become the tlrst ar
tillerista In the world. In fact, an
A met lean artillerists on the warpath
deserves the moat serious notice of all
whom it may concern."
New York. Dec 19. A dispatch to
the Tribune from Washington says the
converted cruiser Yoevmite haa been
ordered lo Manila.
no, g 1 n ( Mnee leiiaMjeeeal el Ifce
Murili-r Trial.
Kan Francisco, DeO, III. The defense
in the Potkiii murder trial today re-
salved tbe worst sei b o k n hai aipa''
anoad since 1 bo case opanadi The evi
dence ol two of the witnesses examined
today waa of anoh convincing nature
that the chagrin caused by its intrisluc
lion waa plainly wiitlen DpOfl th" laces
of the accused woman and her oOOnafli
The evidence clearly showed that Mrs.
Botkin wioto the anonymous letters
sent to Mrs. Dunning from thia city,
apprising Mra. Dunning of tho alleged
misconduct of her husband, and in
forming her that she had grounds for
commencing a auit lor divorce. Tho
handkerchief which waa incloied iu
the box o( poisonad candy was proven
to have been piirchaaed in this city by
Mrs. Botkin, another link iu the chain
of tho prosecution.
Admiral iwey' Oplalea or iim riiii
ii,iiie lasnrgeatea
Manila. Doo. 10. Hour-Admiral
' Dewey, when a preai correspondent
'called upon him today, was courteous
: and pleasant, hut absolutely decline I
! to disenss the political situation in the
I Philippine islands, on the ground that
I bis sphere wus purely naval. He then
I proceeded to cross-exam ine tho cot re
' spotuleiit about everything ashore. Ho
was glad to learn that the insurgent!
1 wero releasing tho rick Spanish sol
diers they held as prisoners, notwith
standing Aguinaldo's grandiloquent ia
- fusal to do so. This proves that the
insurgents are very conciliatory, in
spito of their defiant talk.
Admiral Dewey always believed that
. the insurgents wero friendly, especial
ly since the warship! of our fleet have
visited the different prtR ' thoso
islands, and slnoa aoms or our omcors
jiuve mnde tours inline, carefully in
vestigating popular sentiment and jtl-
, diciuosly pleaching tho gospel ol peace
j (ul settlement eveiywheie with highly
uitisfuctory icrults
Hawaiian mils.
Washington, Dec. 10. Tho senate
nmtnittee On foreign relation! made
tome progress today with the bill re
ported by the Hawaiian committee (or
the government of the Hawaiian
Islands, but adjourned over without
MMBpleting tho work. The house eoui
nlttaa on merchant marine ami flshei
ies today Ordered 11 favorable report on
I bill to extend the navigation laws of
ilia United States to the Hawaii. in
s-CeafMeralei in toldlers' Romee,
Washington, Deo. lo. Repiesenta
iiva Riley, of Virginia, today Intro
I need a bill for the admission of ex
.'onledeiate, as well as Union, soldiers,
,0 soldiers' homes.
Four Persons kllli-il hy a Train.
New Y'ork, Doo. 10. A wagon con
taining eight person! wus !truck by a
Main on the Pennsylvania railroad to
night at the Allenwood crossing, a few
miles from ManasqUSU, N. J., and four
people were killed, two fatally injured,
and twoothets seriously injured. The
dead are: Mis. Ellen Allen, Bessie
Allen, her daughter; Miss Allio Alger,
and Jennie Crammci. The fatally in
jured are: David S. Allen, husband
of Mrs. Allen, who WSJ killed, ami Kate
Allen, their daughter. Mr. Allen was
of the family of which Allciiwood takes
its name, and was one of the most
prominent men in that part of New
Hying by BandredSi
San Francisco, Dec. 10. On board
tho steamer Qaelio, which arrived
from the Orient today, was Rev, II. W.
White, a missionary. He brings news
of a terrible condition of affairs exist
ing in the Chin-Chow-Fu piovinco, a
section lot) miles long and 70 miles
wide, inhabited by over 4,500,000 peo
ple, mostly farmers, owing to two
successive droughts the crops have been
failures, and the people of the province
are dying by thousands from starvation
and tho outlying provinces and tho
government ate doing little to help the
suffering. The people of Shung-Tung
province are also starving. In some of
tho villages of the latter place there
tiro hundreds of deaths in a week's
time. In Obln-Chow-Pu there have
been aa many us ISO deuP.s in otto
important Btesleaa Coaeeaaloaii
New York, Dec. 10. A dispatofa to
the Heruld from Mexico City says:
The lust act of the Mexican congress
today wus the confirmation ol one of
tho largest concessions tor many years.
The ooneasaion was granted to Captain
A. B. Smith, of Los Angeles, Gal., and
his associates foi colonizing, steamship
ami railway enterprises ol tho first
Tho colony lands include many
leagues on the Gulf of California, with
tho erudition that a canal be con
trnoted from the lands to Yuma, Gal.,
and a steamship service be placed from
the head of the gull to the southern
boundary. The service will also Do ex
tended to the Lower California points.
The line will comprise six modern
Itmtuil for Home.
Paris, Dec. 10. Tbe American peace
OOmmiaslOO left for Havre and Booth
ampton tonight, and will sail foi New
York tomorrow on tho steamer St.
Ktiirii by n rallies Mall.
Chicago, Dec. 10. Two llretncn,
Lieutenant Matthew Myer and Tinck
inun Pat tick (I'Hcrn, were killed by
the collapse of a wall tonight during a
Ore in tho Palace lively stables, at
Di.M Cottage (trove avenue. Several
other firemen were seriously hurt, in
cluding the following: Lieutenant
Albert Lingenberger, leg fractured;
Michael O'Hare, skull fructured;
Thomas Dillon, skull fractured; I d
ward Creuscno, back broken. Tbe
property I was about ;l0,0tH.
Madrid, Doo. 10. A lemiofllcial
note issued today says:
"As the Amei ican senate must ratify
the treaty of peace btOSfl it becomes
effective, our government should wait
tor this ratification and not hasten to
cede territory which the United States
senate may not accept."
Durango, Cola, Doo. 10. News has
reached this city that three men have
been killed in the Columbus mine, lo
cated in the La Plata diatiict. They
are: Bay Burnett, Joseph Faragher
and Walter K. Seeling, it is uot
kuowu what caused their deaths.
House Pted Pension Bill
Without Debate
eras raiui .wi-r Dlsadaolag th M
rafaa Usual Bill Peaalea Kill
farrl.. ii4i,a.
Wa-biiigtoti. Deo. 17. Tho hoime to
day adopted the conference rcKirt on
tho hill extending the marine inspeo
tion laws to -ailing vessels of 700 tons
uixl over, and providing for licensing
their second and third mate".
Harney (Hep. Wis.), in charge ol the
pension appropriation Ull, then culled
up this measure and made a general ex
planation of ill provisions.
Allen (Dun. Miss.), of the appropri
ations committee, ir. lepl.v 10 Barney,
calb d attention to the fact that when
he Hist came to congress. It vears ago,
the pension appropriation bill invniia
bly precipitated a bloo ly-shirt discus
sion, Ud he congratulated tho country
that congress hud prnglessed ilnco then
and that there would ho no acrimoni
ous discussion on this bill. The coun
Ity at least had the gratifying informa
tion that the ieiision roll hud reached
the maximum.
"And I congratulate the country for
this," said Allen, iu conclusion, "that
while one of the most gallant and des
perate soldiers of tho Confederacy (him
self) helred to rciort this bill, the
lucsidcnt ol the United States is down in
Dixie doing honor to tho Confederate
dead. We all have cause to lejoice."
( Laughter and applause.) There wus
no further debate upon the bill. It
was read through without a word ol
criticism and passed, the whole time
occupied iu its consideration being less
than 20 minutes. This is the shortest
time on roconl for u general pension
bill. Tho bill carries tltB.233,880.
Tho total number of pensioners on the
toll is 003,714.
in the leaatei
The senate decided upon convening
today to take a recess from 1:30 until
5:80 o'clock in order to permit senatoil
to attend tho funeral ( Mrs. Blight,
wile of the eargeant-at-arma.
Morgan (Dem. Ala.) presented a
memorial from tho national hoard ol
trade favorable to the construction of
tho Nicaragua canal, asking that the
document be printed in the Congres
sional Record. Allen (Pop. Neb.) ob
jected, 'and the objection provoked an
animated discussion, involving tbo
rules of the senate us well as tho wis
dom ol the OOnatlUOtiou of the canal.
Morgan accepted the objection m an
effort to obstruct legislation on the sub
ject of the canal and prevent the coun
try securing information on the subject.
Allen resented this imputation, suying
he wus favorable to the canal on Ken-
J era! principles, though advocating gov
ernment ownership. Ho predicted
that the canal would cost fo00,000,000.
Without determining the mooted
point raised by Allen, tho senate, at
Hale's request, took up the urgency
deficiency appropriation bill.
Cookrell (Dem. Mo.) addressed tho
senate in regard to the mustering out
of the volunteer soldiers, n large niu
1 jority ol whom he said, wanted to bo
mustered out, and many o( whom were
making sucrilices by remaining in tho
Hale (Rap, Me.) said lie had no
doubt that the tank and tile ol the
army abroad had a great desire to re
turn home, and he expiessed the opin
ion that they should bo ullowed to
do so.
Allison (Rep. la.) expressed lympa
( thy with tho desiro to havo a laigo
number of volunteers mustered out.
Sewell (Hep. N. J.) said tho war de
partment had for the past several
months been gradually weeding out
soldiers for discharge, and that many
thousands had thus been relieved from
this duty, lie had no doubt that oven
without legislation 50,000 men would
be released within the next six months.
The urgency deficiency bill wus then
At the instanco of Hnrris, the senate
adopted a resolution calling upon tho
president for information as to tho
status of the report of tho Nicaragua
1.. 1 in n iii HassaehaseMsi
New York, Doc. 17. The Herald
says: Sn serious are tho injuries sus
tained by battle-ship Massachusetts as
a result of the mishap seveial days ago
that Naval Constructor Bowles esti
mates that tho cost of her repairs will
be at least $84,000. Requisitions cov
ering this amount for material and la
bor have been approved, and repair!
will be started at once. Constructor
P.mles estimates that six weeks at
least will be necessary to complete tho
Trnln Baa Into SIHgh.
Imlay City, Mich., Dec. 17. -A
tOUthbound engine, light, on the Pon
tiae, Oxford A Northern railroad, to
night struck n sleigh containing five
people, throwing thetn out, seriously
injuring two and killing thtce outright.
The dead are: Mrs. Thomas Robb, of
Lom; Walter Robb, her son, age 1 I,
and Mrs. John Veikes' eon, aged 14
Grata Blockade at BaOJMe,
Buffalo, N. Y., Deo. 17. The grain
blockade at this irt continues and is
unprecedented. At noon today fully
80 large steamers wero in the rivet
waiting to be unloaded, or frozen in.
They cuny about 0,000.000 bushels of
grain, while in the different elevators
7,000,000 bushels are at present stored.
Lima. Pern, via Galveston, Tex.,
Dev. 17. Advices received hero today
confirm the reKirt of a 'evolution iii
the Bolivian republic.
Spirit or I'm ,.
Kansas City, Mo., Deo. 17. At its
annual convention todav, the Ameri
can Federation ol Labor declared, by
almost a uiinanimons vote, against a
I larger standing army in the United
j Mates, which is in reality recognixd ss a
protest against expansion, or tbo spirit
' o( imperialism." aa it was termed by
I tbo delegate,. This action was taken
afte, five hours of debate on evety
phase o( the .location. At times, many
1" ."" lakera became eloquent in
1 their ulietunc s and received unstinted
applause from the delegates.
K.iriimt Order ef tlie wr DeMftaaeai
Aselarnmetil erf Cesamaadei, Dee. 17. Tho war de
,, ailment made public tho formal order
(, lililury government of Cuba.
The notable raataia is that Major-
(leneral Ludlow, who is designated as
military governor of Havana City,
while nominally subordinate to tlie li
vsion commander, (leneral Brooke, Is
apparently charged to exercise all tho
eivil (nnetioni In that place under di
rect authority of the president, (len
eral Lee'l luiictions appear to be limit
ed to thoaa stricily military, and it h
Ihoi.glit he may be eventually charged
with all the dutlMi civil as well 111
military, ol tba gover nt ( tho
province. Ti e text of the or.lor is us
"War Dep.:' Intent. Washington,
Dee, 15. By direction of the presi
dent, u division to bo known as the di
vision of Cuba, consisting of geograph
ical departments and provinces of Cu
lm, with beadqoartera in the city ol
Havana, is Hereby created under com
mand ol Mujor-Oeneriil John R.
Brooke, United States army, who. in
addition to commanding tho troops in
tho division, will exerciso tho author
ity of militiiry governor Ol tho island.
"Major (leneral FiUhngh Leo,
United states volunteers, oommandin
the Seventh army corps, is assigned tO
tho immediate command of B the
hoops iu the province of Havana.
"Major-General William Ludlow,
United states volunteers, Is designated
ns the military governor of the city of
Havana, and will report direct to tho
division commander. Ho is charged
with all that lelufs to tho collection
ami disbursement of tho revenues ol
the city and its police, sanitation and
general government, under such regula
tions us may bo prescribed hy tho pres
ident. R. a. ALOKi;,
"Secret!! y of War."
Tho commands of military depart
net ts of the division of Cuba, OOBV
nan led by General Brooke, so far as
decided upon, ate as follows:
Department of Pinar del Rio, Briga-liier-ti'ineial
W. Davis.
Puerto Principe, General H. L. Car
penter. Santa Clara, General Simon Snydor.
Santiago, General L. Wood.
This leaves the provinces of Havana
and Matanzas unpiovidud for. These
c lauds probably will he left open
until the return of tho president from
the South, but the piohabllitie! are
strong that Major-General Lee will ho
assigned to tho district of Havana, and
Major-General Henry to the command
u( Matanzas.
MIMIeaaJre aed en-Vetted Itatea Si-n-lor
PaeaoS Away.
New York, Deo, 17. Calvin 8.
Price died at 3:15 o'clock this after
noon ul hia home in this city. Mr.
Brice contracted a severe cold 0110
week ago today. Friday last ho went
down to his office, returning home in a
suffering condition, and Saturday took
to his hod. Ho gtew steadily worse
until this afternoon, when he .In I.
Calvin S. Biice wus a native of Ohio
and was born in 1845. He wa! the
son of a Preebytetiau minister. Three
years hefoie tho civil win he entered
Miami univeisit v, and in Iciii he en
listed in a university company (or the
war. He aeived In West Viiginia in
tho Ni:."ty-sixth Ohio lufantiy. In
I '" he graduated from the university,
and. after teaching school a few
months, he became captain of a com
pany iu the One Hundred ud Eighth
Ohio and served to the end of tho war.
In the winter of 1800 Mr. Brico was
oleotod United States senator to suo
cee I Henry R, Payne, and took his scat
March 4, 18IM.
Tlii Monthly NlMlruipiit or Export!
Hint Imports.
Washington, Doc. 17. Tho monthly
statement ol tho imports and exports of
tho United States shows that in No
vember Imports of merchandise
amounted to $69,109,560, about f!148,
000 lesi than November, 1807. The
imports freo of duty aggregated over
"'ii. 000,000. Kxports of domestic
merchandise Inst month aggregated
1127,488,407, an increase over Novem
ber, 1807. of about 13,000,000.
Km 11 months ended November,
1808, the exports of the United States
amounted to 111,117,681,199, exceed
ing the imports hy 537,837,040, an
i net oaso over the same period of 1807
of 143,020,115.
The imports of gold during Novem
ber amounted to 5,825,701, and tho
exports 013,407. Tho silver i m potts
amounted to 2.208,035, and tho ex
ports 1,023,078.
Barled In n ling rn.
Franklin, Neb., Dec. 17. The body
of Peter Kreigbbaum, a wealthy farm
er, who disappeared mysteiiously last
week, was found buried in a hog pen
on hia farm, thico miles south of this
place, The coroner has empaneled a
jury and will at once begin an investi
gation. Mesleo Preparing (BsttVMllMoa Treaty.
City of Mexico, Dec. 17. The (or
eign relations department is preparing
a draft of un extradition treaty with
the United states, which will 00 for
warded to Washington to Amhassulor
Romero, who will negotiate it with
Sccietury I lav.
Repatrtateai Bpealili Troops,
-Malaga, Deo. 17. Tho Spanish
transport St.Aitgustin has arrived from
Cuba with 1,80(1 repatriated Spanish
troops on board. Two died on the
voyage, and 18 wore sick when they
arrived here.
Omaha, Neb., Dec. 17. A decision
to hold n greater American exposition
in Omaha in 1809 was reached at a
mass meeting of business men, bankets
and professional men tonight. Over
$105,000 was subset ibed for the project.
BaldWta Hotel Inquest.
San Francis.-,,, 1)..,.. I13. The inqneet
pon the victims of the Baldwin hotel
fire waa held today. The investigation
lasted bnt a short time, the jury return
ing a verdict that .J. L. White died from
concussion of the brain following a fall
(1r.n1 the third story of the hotel; that
Lewis Meyers died fiom heort disease,
caused hy the shook; that H. A. Prior,
James N. Leitheud and John B.Carter,
lied frop,tlie shock caused by burn
ing; that an unknown woman was
destroyed by tire, and that tbe deaths
weio accidental.
for mm
Scores of Sick Sold
-"mens rw
inB at Manila.
restf oaetelism aaa .,.,,.
A" I rH
"UlrU Sur...
Honolulu, via Ban v.. ,
l.-Tbs DnltJ I 8,f&l
Boandla bus arrived from t ,r""
"If aha left Jfitf.?!
bt.ngs a number of officer, t,
chained ami lurlougbeil i' . 1
doss nun and iu h"
ever left Manila, 111 nSLTSi
Francisco, and one f, u
The vessel will
or about the 10th Inst, !u
Miss Bchafer, a Red Cton
who went fiom lloiiola ,0 jJJJJJ'
arriving there September 18
on the Scandia. Shu inukea' sunt
charges as to tho way tl, L ,
soldiers uro taken cure ol
Miss Sohufer made the lolluairi.!!,
ment for publication:
"Scores of soldier boys are
tho hospitals ut Manila juat fw ea.
of proper nourish nt They,,,,?
government allows (iu rent, 1 iZ
each patient. I could have avsj 4?
ons of lives on ,r cents day, OiilT
utter woo of tho soldiers, n,2
helplessness ul them. Men a!
and noble as Ghxl ever made, sirJ?
to death, hoping f(,r it, seeking (JiT
taking poison, doing ariytliing that afi
relievo tho despair that cornel ,.
tt.em. Seeing nothing beforetlifsu
days of pain and nights ol sretcW,
iicss, without propet esrs, wit'u.
proper food, alone with no one torm
them Sympathy or cheer, to writes
their Menus, to sooth,, their uim
brows or moisten their patched lip, j
by sheer endurance nf nature, ol s
itinaey of vitality, titer du get betw
there is before them nothing hot a sag
tnoro cheeiless period of s telspieg
convalescence, with the probability i(
relapsu and the old weariiieaaolilemir
to be sufleied again. Xo wonder tha
are six or seven funciali a dir. Si
wondor tho dead house ia nerer empty.
"And outside of the hotiilil, a1
oven in it, such iiniitlercnce. fttt;
consideiation ol rank and aiti,
eiiuabble! about precedeaes, lack 4
consideration iu prescribing imlprt
paring food, while men are dying. M
ineiely of heart hunger, tot lot iim
of nourishment. I have gunetbroej
the wards day after day, anduliHO)
to this one and tliat one, idJ tbty
poured out their suiruwa, men 1I0 at
wear their hearts on their sleeve, criel
foi pur agony of their Inneliiiruul
despair, ma le pregnant and riTid hy
their own telling of it.
"I got so 1 just con Id not go thraejl
tho wunls. What could 1 do? In
need of care, of proper uoariahraeiit, d
the most ordinary hospital treiUMBV
and was utterly helpless to do isr
thing; just one cog iu it great, remove
less grinding machine, whose miltrisl
was noble men and w lawe griit ra
"I do not mean that nil in tleba
I i tn It are careless or indifferent. Vuj
are trying to do their best. Therein
lot of worthiness ami nmellirhwa
among the attendants at tlie hoepitste
but in a whole ward there is notasi
than 0110 muse, only one 01 two 1
ward boys, who, perhaps, never tin
sick room before.'1
Colonel George W. McIWlul I
turned by Ihe Coptic and bring! vas
that tho controller of eorrsstj I
guaranteed to Perry 8. Heath. W
nssistant postmaeter-genersl, w
associates that he will issue tkm
for a new bank iu which James Cisr
hell and himself are Interested ajal
ns congiess extends the territorial Isw
to Hawaii. The bank will hlI
authorized capital of 1,500,000.
Statement by MellM. a"
Nortlirrn Paella
New York, Dec. ie. PraaMeatW
Mollen, of the Northern PsoiM.W
gave out tho following stntement.
"Tho Northern PaciHo CM
not const ructing, nor does it vm
plate consttueting lines lor the )'-i
of injuring any other company. " 1
1 believe that any other "'"'I'11"-,
tend to build lines to injure the
em Pacific.. j
"Tlie only oonitruction
Northern Pacific lias i.i presreM i'r
76 miles in the Clearwater OOJ
Idaho. The Northern Pscifc'
onlv lino In that country 01 " 1
mile! of it. A question hai
tween tho Northern Pacific '
K. A N. as to whc.ehr IhaO.
should not also be allowed
that country without being io
as invading territory ol tne
Pttcitlc. . -iies,1
"Except the 75 mile n ,
construe, ,on has I n auibo ii
tho Northern Pacifio JM
will benndeitakenwitlioouuq
ity. I have none to rw
present. . ,asBjll
"Tho Nottitern 1 "" 1 .ff,,WrtSl
.:.i ,r its rieiI,,t '
in war aim ". .,
....... Hum nlol 1101- ' ...UJ
""ii " - ... ne.-
ir I ,.ritoria niieau""- ..M
one between the Bonner- - (
creative counsels prev.Ob Z,,
PfftnPffl DHWmil " aMlfaWWI
-...1...1 i. naoAtiatlOna,
seiiieu o,
this one
will be in 'l"1"1"" Mj
"Outside the Ii""''
plan of reorganiaation, W a
Pacillo, sitico ita r,"'rK ' s0,fl
completed, over to ,
. ..: ,.. mo mi es of raim J
onus onij iv nitmrein" 1
ipors), ami has bought alter
160 milea.,'
Washington. Dec 1"
sent from the navy jepj"
the oommander of ,! it,ihii
League laland, fPrleila
.i ... h.i, Wraticisco, "I 1 Ait
on - uu'ina"- .
ter.hip.theV.... ,r,.
for this service, lb' ti of J
the passage by the M
antt win ,er i,
u",M " ..1.11 IT
The station i P-".'" ,(
sels just now, jirr
Yoiktown. I. Ukely
soon to Honolulu.