The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 24, 1898, Image 10

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    m MM MM
AVcfictablc I'rcparafion for As -slmilaliiiglhcrcodiindHc.Jula-img
the sionuidis aodBowua of
Promotes Digcslion.Chccrful
ncssand Rcst.Cont.iins nrillicr
Opiuin.Morpuine nor Mineral.
Mot nahcotic.
toajt SOUIJlrSAKllLrilUJLH
Abe .Xtnrv
.... SJu -Amti
!' IllUIlt -
fl Uirt-tt SmJa '
firm Suri -
llkm m 1 1 1 Ail w
A perfect nVrncdy for Con
lion. Sour Stomach,!):,, rht
Worms .Convulsions IVvci isli
ncssandLossOF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
hEl-TlMf nil: i d k
How bt Different 1'ountlra of 1 lit
state Hot! H nli Ike Preblem,
l)r 0 II Nt wtli, of Philomath,
has compiled u li-4 of the counties
of the lUte with thtir plain of
doilinK with the pwr wbioh in us
Waabington county teamed to
have her pau peri tended the J hi
with the leant outlay in proportion
to the service and grade of atten
tion. l!itK3r Ii.ih a poor farm; 1 oat to,1 K)i I,
buildings if7.r)(). Benin has it free
for keeping the county poor, ulii.'li
average two.
Benton contrao h with one person
ti) keep at 18 per week.
Olaokamas poor are allowed from I
$3 to $'-0 per month etch and hoard
theiiirelvi". Average number
ClatHop keeprf paupers at St
Mary's hospital at if" each per
Columbia contracts lot the main-
tsnanos ol each pauper separate,
some are sent to Portland hospital,
cost from $8 to $7 per week: nuui-
her frum live to ten.
t'oos has 11 poor farm, $8,000,
given rent free to the lowest bidder
on keeping paupers who number
live to twelve.
Crook lets the lowest bidder who
moat korp them all in one plaoe.
Seldom mora than two,
Curry same us Crook: aversgS
cost $15 per month,
Douglas has a poor (arm valued
at .f 10,000. Contractor has tree
use of mime and 1 1. 'Jo ier week for
each inmate and supplies every
thing including olothss, medical
attendance and tobacco.
Gilliam gives aid as needed.
Ilium1)' gives aid us needed.
Jackson gives the contractor
$4,60 per week saoh for supplying
everything including burial ex
pellees. Josephine hotids the poor at
private bouses wherever con
venient. Klamath lets the contract for
$600 per year and very little out
aide relief is granted.
Lake gives relict as nieded.
Lani sold her poor far.11 and
boards paupers by contract at $2, LO
per week including medical utten-
dance Limited aid occasionally e
given families,
Linn county boards her poor at
various places at $L2"i per week,
but bus roomily purchased a farm.
kf alheur pays an average of $25 1
per month.
Marion .ia- a po r farm o thirty
three acres and pays a con
tractor $2,-l'.' per week for each in
mate. Multnomah owns a poor farm
valued at $22,000, county au.iplies
..., n; i i,;., ,i ui i
u, u, 1 iiiiitL nun ill,,:- mil', lino
1 11
HUjieriittendeut and matron. Aver
ago oost per inmate per week
I'olk gives individual relief.
Tillanaoik gic- individual relief.
Umatilla haa a farm of four
acres and Hiipcrintendent, usually
about Jiftieu inmates oohU ifTlKK)
Union ha-t twenty-live
value 15,000. Contractor has free ,
l, - T- .: "
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
You Have
Always Bought.
OSS and -to per week each. Medic il
attendanoe turnisbed hy contraol
hy n pbysioian.
Wasoo let the oontraot for a
term f yean at 11,600 per year.
Washington has a p or (arm of
100 aoraa, contractor pays $800 per
year rent and gels $18 To per mouth
each ami supplier everjtbing.
Yamhill grants relief from $8 to
$20 tor mouth.
Pat'lPU t (.sr i-Ki its.
Eugene Qermaio, United States
cou-ul ut Zurich, Silzerland, is
home to Lot Angeles and savs
Paciflo coast prod nets will have "a
wonderful Hal 1 before long; at pros
Ml tho trade is in its infancy. For
iii-iance, take dried fruit, which
are now being largely imported.
Only lour years ago, In 1N91,
iwitserland imported California
dried fruitsof all kinds to the value
of only $700, whereas, in 1897,
three years later, (he imports
amounted to $720,000. This was
iu Switzerland, hut the proportion
M about tiie sune throughout
Kurnpc. tier nany is an especially
heavy buyer."
I'lu) Paoifio Lumber Trade
Journal, an authority on lumber
ing sitys: 'The prospects lor next
year iu the lumber trade of the
Pacific coast never Knktd brighter
than they do at ibis writing.
Copious raina bay e fallen in Call
lornia, assuring a bounteous crop
of cereals; fir prices have advanced
iu San Pranolsoo; the rsdwood men
are 1 btalning batter returos for
their lumber than formerly, aud
slo iks of lumbar of nearly all kinds
are from '! t ') per cent lowerthan,
one year ago. With all these good
tilings the mill men nt northern
California and the Paoifio north
west and the dealers in central and
southern California hays reason for
s a naval demonstration is to be
m ideal Havana, just to show the
world that the United States in
ifn la tn I rasarve order in that city
A Strong force of warships have
he, n ordered there, consisting of
the Texas, 1 second class battleship,
the New York, and Brooklyn,
armored cruisers, the l'opeka, gun
boat, nod the Resolute, an auxiliary
cruiser. The lorce ft ill be sulli-
latently lormida'de to impress
Spanish and Cubans of the purpose
of the Tinted
States to preserve
Claude BrantOU has gained ote
point a delay in data i execution,
If he should escape the gallows
through any chance he c, old show
his own funeral notice, ti e black
bordered invitation to the hanging.
Sheriff Withers can at least use
them as souvenir cards to present
to friends for tlx r s, rap bioks. A
hanging that did not take
I 1.1 .... .-a.-
on tha day advertised.
K rank Jay ti mid, youngest ton
of tho late Jay tiould, came of age
this we?k and was presented under
the term? of hie father's will, with
1 110,000,000. Those of us ho have
received similar liirthdav gifts will
cordially sympathise with him iu
his good fortu oa.
n't If
IHllKK ItO.tMi I'KitlHtKI) tiui-li-
leal isiiieafaiiislsuas i" lbs Mossaaa
Wfesai l r t s peopt of tfcstl aliltlaw
hoed inuke the rjjUStl Liked nf easy
grixle nvei ( hlckalu llllny unm litalu I
Iboaaon Dssdwood aud Lake oSwfc
my they will build rood from Ni l- 111
sraek np jsevet's creek in chicks-,
lemony with a grade nowhere I
eiOSS lli'K a lo .1 to the rod Tie. 11 tliut
win i ihssbortssi, diyest aud assist
route from head of tlds to Eugene.
DisX) Alktrt linldwlu died Mthlsj
boms near Lonsne, Tuesday, l).e 1:1,
aijcd about 18 Jeitrs aim ws 1. 111 li d
Wild esday iu the I (M) Fceinei.-iy.
Friday night, Dec '. he wsstnrowul
Iron a wagon end bursl a blood - - 1
A doctor Was called liut InlUiiniiaiinii
of the bowels had net in and nothing
e mid he done to b lp him n
a it ! h'iy and his ihath i- a sud tiii 1
to In- widowed mother.
KlIoM NKIIItAHK A --The fllllOWlOl
lime families arrlvrd here laet light
from Nebraska ami asps t lo purchase
farms ami Innate in Laos coumy is T
Mi l nil uml wife, Heiia TsrOMO, wife
nml flew children, A H Smith, wife
aod I wo children, N It IfePall, J M
MoFsll ami O-car COoper. Kur Hie
present they will rent residences in
Oi i id us ELarrrSD. The Klr -e
Masonic M has Steeled oflletM is
follow,: BWL'nbb, WM: Bit Mil-,
HW; Thoiuat ri.eear, J W: J I
Hutle.ll. I.I. KOratarjlHa Lindsay,
' . .. . , ,. .,
trtaSUrMi A ilml-ah Irus.e. ; II
( :m i S 1): J A McLmhI. J 1; A
Brand and V A fox. H.eward,; H J
Brand, Tyler. The regular Install,,-
Hon of nfflcsr. will Iss held on
' '
DlKD. "Urandma" Smith died at
11.. 1 n ..1.1.. Mr- ti w
m . .
Wa.Ker. Waiker BUtbm, W,,l y,
Dec 14 after an illness of time duys,
aged (ill years, '.i iinmibs and 14 tiny-.
She leaves two sons and one daughter.
At Hi'KiMiFiKi.ii Prldajr ovenlng
Hupl B I) Htsler, of the Kugetie public
school., lectured ln-fnre lb BpriOgtleld
schools on "The Hero of Han Hugo." Il
was well attended and create. I much
favorable comment.
DlKD It James, OnmmHttd to the
asylum from Lane county, June -.
1886, Med Dec 4.
Tils; Moona Cask.- Interest Is being
adiltil in the MiHiro case in New York
City hy the charge Hi t tile firs', jury
was bribed, thus scouring a di-ugree-ment.
MiHiro brands the charge from
Paris that he mid Ins Wife had black
mailed a Itusi'luii count as an infamous
fa I at hood, as will as scvtral others of a
like character. Mrs Moore aeeu-es
Malum of being a liar, and was confi
dent she would lie acquitted on the
second trial to take place this week.
A Mrs Nancy Moore claims to have
married W A E Moore In lfcDO, and
that they went to Europe ami Africa
together and that be abandoned her at
Johaunoaberg and lookjup with Kayuu
Stiiibau, and a suit for divorce Is to
lie brouulit. ineludinir Kavne Htnhan
as co-respondent. Misire has denied
that lie has any lawlul Wife except
Kay lie.
Junction City :
o o o o i,J- IvOX.I J 1
Tho most popular Hour in the market. Sold hy all
leading grocers.
Couches. Lounges, Bed Lounges, Side
boards, Buffets, Hall Seats, Fancy Rock
ers, Cabinets, Jardaniere Stands
Ladies' Witing Desks, Office Desks, Bookcases and
For the Holiday Trade. Call ami see them.
Don't Forget
Will take your measure nnd have
made to order suit from 1:. to
$38. Pants from $4 to $11.
Over 1000 samples to ohoose
from. Fit guaranteed or tweale.
See samples at Starr & Aya
... aseJOB
ou ar saving fmiu 10 to 65 ct on
every dollar spent, tioods going fast,
L-A- OVERTON, Eighth st, Eugene.
My nolo asagbtsr's nsod nml 'k-" l,r"l8
out In l.l.-oallntc iri'. Olio of In r ear wa tn
alTnUMl we Uiouvlil It ould gluiiyb off. Iler
miffi-rniK wm luU'n-i., ci tilnir H rt unlrM
eadST nplalcs. Tin .li)U-lan trleil cery
known ri'inrily, lint ln-'i :nl of (.'I'tllni; Iwlter.
lm (Mt tune. Iiktu ti 'l ulili lier nmili
UOW, was silrla. il to try COTKOBJ IIKMR
IiIIji. Iliore thr;! i I I i. i-l lliat lm
Utllnsaffsrsrwu boKlanlsr; to (ret relief.snJ
In .'j than fro moi rry SSfiiS.
MM.JAa.MKLTiiV.MInilsnBl .AllanU.Oa.
ittr rii Hl'-T'iiu I iioR'T r.
Turn. M itMim lit w.'iu l..,(. "1 1 1 m i fe I Sr,
1. 1 t.iitl tmnknut'i with I 1 1 1 k ., tr.r.u.l .
I.fltf. -4 nqrMl I.L 1. tu I ' ' I -t mm, W 1 mrt
n.l.l rlf, pmtmu ml I if r" hi 4 !! fnrfiiia,
n.l Mai loa.MNjdy. ,rtuB.'.l. -n.l tr.'nu.ntrslculV,
wi all b Suit.
- I i i I I) SC. Ct Mt
IVSfS UoaWu. Ilw I KM i .il, lag li'Jiuu... f
Thr in.. in,- I IMays
Menu MS on III Witt.
"My wifo uever appears to be hap
py, " said Dorlson wearily, "utdnss she
lias somo sort of a fad. Just at present
it Is Kmerson. On" of tho innnmerable
llnbt that sbo belongs to has ftarteon
1 ronrse of sti.dy along the line of that
imp in imblo mystery, nnd my wire hat
taken it up with an enthusiasm worthy
A a butter cause.
"Shu bas made it a sort of religion to
read one hour every night from Emer
son's etfays, and I wouldn't object to
that if sbe would keep quiet, but just
M H00U aR j uet interested In a political
irticle she hreaks in, and, with her face
r.lowing with enthusiasm, insisti on
l-ading an extract from Kn.orson that
he call, simply snh lmo. Then I am
nb iged to liM. ii to a long seesaw of lug
,, woul(, (oan juflt ,he same
I u lL .1 1. 1, ,,,i tt., n
II l t'V I'H I'WIU I Ul artillM. nun Kfim
,.', Mk what )t al, about she
lllirH up aI1(, ys that I bare no appro-
eiation of the inner soul of a superior
intelligence-whatever that may mean
ipiea.uup 1110 taw. '""i-'"-;
and chanced to notion that my wifo had
t-arefullv marked the nlaco whoro she
, ,",. , ,., . u.i. men discover a Ui'W grniinu ai or iinuui
W TZtXVZZco olTshtt. they generally
the hairpiu hack 20 pages, which is her
usual limit nt one time.
"Tho next evening she started In wes want, i.y u.u.his. -whore
I had placed tho hairpin aud read ""rks to a couvorgence tho happy hunt-
through to where sho had left off tbe
evening before without noticing that
she wus going over old ground.
"I have kept it up now for two weeks,
and sho is drill readina tho same 20
pges. totally nnconsciona that she it " pnucipally, or mere is a ripo
rinding tho tamo thing over and over. competition among these beach comb
"1 am really growing Interettod in ud it s only by playing possum
tho mutter. I notice that now and then "d "P" a weather ejre open that
ho examines the remaining pages rath- j luMU WUBt U,H r,val '!otilu'',
s r anxiously, as if sho realize that the . know.
is not making tho progress that the Ouo day last season a reporter was in
(t ono of these snrf boats 18 miles offshore
"Bbaboa now become so anxloot to Baruegat The fisherman in charge
get through, so that sho will bo able to
I say that she lias read Kmerson, that she
rail Kmerson, that she
Uo longer bntb, rs me with extracts, and
I can road mv paper iu peace. witniu a mho or so oi tuo grouu.i. iiu-
Mi anvvhi'lo 1 simply chuckle to my-! other flshennau aud his helper wero
self uml tuko euro that tho hairpin is sot I seen at auchor. They wero hauling up
buck 'JO pages every day. " Detroit I whacking big bass as fust as they could
free Kress. throw out. and altogether they seemed
j to bo having a glorious time. After tho
j two boats had separated sufficiently to
TBLLYOl R81BT9R, permit a privato conversation tho pro
fessional In cbargo of tho first mcntion
A beautiful oooip!vi"n i an i in ini tility ed craft said to his shipmate:
srlthont Ipod port bl I, tbt tort that only j "Did you mark It?"
eiiats in otMMStion with ""il ilineiiiin, "Yes," answered tho other. "Tho
healthy liver mi l bosrtls, Karl's 'l iver ; pier's to tho Westward, the life saving
l!,-.t'IV i u J ifi ily mi the laiwels, liver i station i to tho uorthwartl ami tint
uml kidosyi ktoplag tbtn in ptrfsot health. , cottage of that old crank is tothosonth
Priot IS i t. inn! BO 1 1. ut Wilkiini ami Kinn ! ward. "
I Druggists
N.-T Ha. I'.i riiii
Qaanuite ii tuts , ., -i , -J.UI.
slrou, i'nsHi I- ,i f.i' . .
n - a
Milling Company
fl. Howe
llnn'l nice It
SVUH I 1 llaa II,
8 door west of fustofrloe
l isil Tl AUK TRIeKS.
The Seerel of S SSall PloMoa "ff
,i. n. Jawoi CskSBlataslUM
,.., I or I iiturr t al. hr. and
ni.ilaliiK Htala.
"Oot tbe range, Will?"
'Looks like it, 81."
"See the walnut tr n the loll'"
"Yes; stands about west-northwest."
"And tbe church steeple son-son-west?1
"To tbudot. No mistake about that."
"How heads Ludomus' cottage?"
"About due west"
"We ought to bu nearly over it now,
Will. Stand by to let go when I sing
out. Steady, now ; steady ! Lot her rip.
Now! Now! Hnllyboy! Right over the
middle of 11"
That is how the professional fleher
tnuu along tho Jersey coast lluds bis fa
vorite "biting" ground. Tholattermay
bo 20 or moro fathoms deep, uud a
dozen or morn miles offshore; but,
with the aid of such landmarks as trees,
st, , pli s and beach cottages, lying iu
various directions along the strand,
tlieso crack surfraeu seldom make a mis
take in "picking up" the grouud sought
offshore. It's no easy job this finding
of some particularly good fishing ground
that has no mark on tho chart and is
only fixed in tho mind of fishermen by
study of distances from tho shore.
It is a well known fact that fish must
be sought. They will not, as a rule,
come to the fisherman, be the latter
professional or amateur. Sea fish, as
well us lake fish, liko rocky bottom, and
it is over this kind of bottom that tbe
best catches am made. It is no easy task
to locate a rocky bed along the Jersey
coast, uud even with ranges or hind
murks ouo is not always oertain to Bud
ii on nnotlier tluv's flthioa trip. Tho
. . . . . .
ranges nP ; '
I " f Ztn Z
"fT of tho Jersey Jtb 'U nst
, St
... . i,,,,,,.,, of. wiv. IS
VIUSwU lUIVtm saw ' '
miles from the land. When the fisher-
pick three marks on land ouo north,
ouo south and tbe third directly to tho
. a n , . I 1. v. ...
( "of
As a rulo theni lishcrmeu uro a lilt
selfish when new grounds uro discover
ed. Thoy conceal tho fact as long as
possimo man ouo a.. u..,.,, .
j OI mouuy iaiu. wa
DOlt0IU u tal "uauoru u m. .iu. v
wiiuoui compass aim pn vi.ioun. ueu
"That's tho way I mado it," replied
tho first speaker. All this sceiucd liko
so much Greek to ouo of tho amateur
iu tho boat who begun tu nsk questions.
"Thut's a new ground, " said the fixh
erniau. "Wo didn't know that it exist
ed. Yes, they aro catchiug lots of fish.
Why don't I go back and try it? Well,
j I do not liko to iinitnto peoplo at least
1 1 do not care to let theiu seo tuo copy
tliriu. I ll try it soiuo other tiny.
It may have been professional prido
or etiquette, this sharp bit of practice,
but iu othor walks of life it would bo
called a trick of tho trade. It's douo all
along the beuch. Here's another triok
of tho trade that u surfniau ut Ilcluiur
taught this luudlubberly reporter.
There's a schooucr that takes city folk
from Asbury Park otlshoro to fish. She
was anchored ten itiilo otTshore this
particular nioruiug uvur a newly found
ground, nnd there wero half a dozen or
j niore surf boats clustered about her. The
j biting wus first class, hut presently ouo
of tho big fishing steamboats from tho
Battery was Bightod heading down tho
beach. There wits an inteiehaiigo of
conversation ou tho purt of tho profes
sional fishermen, hut they suddenly
I pulled up anchor a if ouo mau aud
began rowing around.
Tho schooner weighed her bowel ulso
aud under her houdsails aud mainsail
roached offshore. Naturally tho ama
teurs wanted to know why a shift
shonld bo made, especially as tho strike
wero unusually lively. "That's tho Hal
Oorster coming down," said one of tho
fishermen iu a half whixper, as if thoso
ou tho steamboat could hear him, al
though sho was fully two miles away.
"Wo havo a good ground here, aud we
don't want hor pilots to find tho ranges.
Sho'll keep to the southward, aud we'll
olrole arouud until sho gi is out of the
way. That's how we savo our bacou."
And thoy did snvo it too. The steam
boat kopt to tho southward for somo lit
tle distance and finally, being tumble
to got tho ranges or whatever ground
her pilots hud iu view, cauio uhout i
again and stood to tho northward, final- I
ly anchoring off Long Branch. SheTiad
no sooner dono so when tho fishing ;
sohooner aud surfbouK alter it menial
and ocular etrugglo with ranges, w, re
haok iu their original txisitions. with
I thoir amateurs fishiug liko mischief.
New ork Mail aud Express.
Huckien's w a i i ,aivK
t he heat salv m the world for cul
bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever
sotea, tetter, chapped hands, chill laitx
0ur?.".' a" 8kiu "upturns, ind
posi ti vol y cures piles, or no wl re
quired h Is euaranteed to vive
fect satisfaction or money relumle I
Bill -t.tour llow... with -limm
Wca iiltCl' UII.UriieB.M.tiiuiaioIS
r- r
mm ;
i l
- j
and esteem won fairly by its
L'i . '.ti. I
unvarying gooa quality.
it fVaa. 7"iie cuw'ion.
I JOS ' W n al:k. and i
' ' - V daily. A spica'
t-. jmm fii
Wiont liowlongl
Otyou hare pains?
W.ier? How Ion jf
Uhhi smaL ? Ilow often ?
Do your oyos blur ? When ?
Doynu shop at night ? How long ?
Aro you constipated?
.'.siver these questions and a special
trial treatment will be prepared and sent
to you by mail free. You take no chances
I IJi IWJrl kV I3T.1.TI I J
,li In Kiii-ii"'.lir"T. I.y Ii l'v'-. ' i'" ' 1 ' ' "
Millions OF Kotis Monthly's
Ainuiiy Dsmocrat : 'T.ast Saturday
evenii g Stale Fisli and Game Warden
If cGoIro and Frank Middlaton came
up from Portlaod with a cur load of
almon gs, which Mr Mid tilt ten
took to the Buy this noon and for
waided to the Hiuslmv, wlieio they
will bs pinched in the hatchery far
that river. There were 4.0tlO,(iOO i f ihe
eggs, nieily packed In trays, with
dampened IIIOSS over them, ughteen
boxes Id all, wlnoh will mean p enty
of lUh for tha BlOflaw,"
Dii.n In Buacua, Deo 1, isos, of
typhoid lever, ftav Ahrnm E Keys
nolda, Sgad '!!' years. Deceased came
here from Walla, Wash, to attend the
Bugsns Divinity sehool. He leaves a
wife. Tha Inderal will he held from
tha residence, corner of Olive and
Twelfth streets, Wednesday morning
at in o'clock to ihe 1 O O E cemetery.
Look Here farmers!
Bring your Hides and
Skins lo our tannery.
I'm all No. 1 ,'r, ni hMaa vill
pay von i to 4 oenis n pound;
fur Nh I dry hides 10 cents n
pound; For No 2 according to
quality, 4 ton cents.
Now cion't forget these prices
are paid in JPbti at
Tin Willamette Tannery.
Haines & Co
fflofts Nerveriue ?ills
The vreii
remedy for
nervous pros
tration and
all iicrvou
diseases of thr
IND il II H I- IN, .
generative o
, . lain OI nUB
" "uitui rors, Mcntil Worry, S
:i .i.J es,- oj TcKicco or Ooium. v.-Iiieh
T WtlHlption and Insanity. $1.00
ror .ale by Wilkius ft, Una,
i i
"Tlx dede b an -kin' Sell of North Carolina, umt as inyvlf !
AH sorts and conditions of men
I smo':e j
r . 1 r -R.T .1 1.
t3eal or in or in Carolina
in their pipes. The rich and the poor f
the lawyer and the laborer al
like it buy it and enjpy it. It has
a remarkable record ot excellence
r . 1
The Original Plug Cut
Always the same
Mild and Cool.
V Jilt In
c.'j as-
OJ 110 mOSatataa
'jimant must be preptnTA
iruuimuni win oe pnfttM
it you suner rrom Nervous mm
osses, Lost Manhood, Emission,
Uiziy Sp".l!s, Spots Behri
Sleeplossnoss, you ought ttm
special treatment. Ho pattntmt
Liii.;. a u i ii i. ii rii i unw nmmmm
. i . j - .i i m
-r - j rv
f fa rttm nnf sa. .-....
a trial treatment frit.
uii'j& nun wsn
i.. i. i...
-fyauiu I u a li
la. r. ou.. -. ...
J !( .itacae, v. k?U!iii
. .:ii..:IJ
....Hir, NkhijI
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