The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 24, 1898, Image 1

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ill V
M) 0
Tlie Supreme Cuur! Gmuts a Slav
of Execution for I'lairie
I -
xmfls goods!
Hope Uv,s Mm OlbrtDini ;,i.J Hf revnt.ttive Rig Will Crimi
QtyiiDiziiion of I PrrBtDCtl State! btliiSitttB Gnttiig k Ike People,iS
He Giver Way to Dnyiir,
lib llur.1! at Salt hi.
Body Effected
Another Beriev of Troops.
Our customers Bay we are our own hot adver
tisement. We try to make today's sales en
large tomorrow's. Friendl make other
friend for us. Our go ds are cheap, not alone
on account of lowness of price, but excellence
of quality.
pscial Offering
Its Ladies' Boas; (ients' Ties (Moves and Suits.
IPBELL BROS., Publishers
Bail dda "I Willamette itreet, be-
tween Seventh ami Kittlitli -tr. . i-
. 1.00
. .50
ainc rat mad, known mi appUMtlna
all l-iuess letter to 1111. i.l Alii',
i I'repin.
its, i I .in-, Jew
iriag promptly done.
, rk warraatea.
' lilt iVN, M. D.
-I'l -t lira in ChrUntan Block.
to 11 am; lltoS,6to9pia.
Ii wooncocK,
KruENK, Okeuon.
ratti.-e in all the courts of the ute.
In Walton ltlock.
Boom, oheiion.
"irrhaseil the ottue ami Ii tures ol
late .leceaud W V Henderson. 1 am
't. ire.l to do anytnlni? in the line of
Itintry in the above said office.
loan ami bridge work a upecialty.
AM I K AND MAltlll.r. WoUKS
MB and new prices in Foreign and
Mltlo Marble and liranite, SloannieiiU
dit' Des and Cemetery work ol all kind
wasi-ii of Women and Children
wao and Electricity.
-Sh.lton llloca, eppaaltt tiuard otl'ue
Of Eugene.
id up Gash Capital, $50,000
plus and Profits, $50,UUU
Eugene, Oregon.
j. I'one oa reasonable terms. "ik t
P ''hlcago, Hn Vrancinco and Port
"" f exchange sold on foreign . -received
sublet to check or certili
1c..llectioM tntnuted to n willrecene
Vt ..ttentlon.
I Hrxnaicai, 8 B'Evaia.
1're-ident. CwLier.
Willsie" Cameras
l'ceiveiL We recommen'l them.
1 yi'n ri, :
iperlor Fotografs.
We have
fi iendshi
as a starter of
: Ladies lies.
Ladies' Handk
Kid Ci loves, Kassinators.
U' Street Ties, Ladies' Collarettes, Ladies' Capes and
He i iik &i ranged
Coater iiioek.
Dally liusrd, DM 20.
ill the
hi .i. a . t
,. .... .. '
h ullry ever seen in UiU section are
$2.00 ! being brought to Kugene t 'day for ex-
hilntion at the poultry tdiow.
The show will la- held it) the Conser
b!o k betweao Horn .t Palnai gun
s'.ore and Vnran & Bon'l ahoe Ibwa,
The clerks are basy arranging I lie ex-
lilbita, for il..- ibOWOpaOa h the public
lomi.rr iw morning.
A large number of rob taut I d prlz
and premiums have been oflVftd by
Kugene. buaini'08 DMtl, and aetfUlIng
poiutl to one of the moat aucceaafui ex
blbita in the biatory of t he asHociatlon.
A Heoil Uuens.
Uoqnllla City Haraid: "We'll waner
a Christmas turkey that t lie local
editor of the Kugene' QOARO Is n single
I man. He heads the :ei iitlnir of inai
liage licenses 'Olory Tickets.' "
Tbi Herald guesses correctly aa to
the matrimonial status of the "IrOal,
but we must Intortn him that the
man if I member of I lie firm is
responsible for that "head," and as lie
em' half block south of t'hrimiun . , ,... ,uk i,...,,. in
liavinc this uolice "killed" before I'.
reaches the press. To farther astonish
the Herald man, who evidently walks
in double harness, we may say that
the married editor used the ' head'1
before marriage, and since wni.-ii
Without apparent doubt to the truth
of the same. FtcUl
The slate board of school land com-
...l-ulnnera linv. leased the laud tiur-
chased In Ftostern Orcgou for a branch
asylum site to Turner Oliver. Hy tb
teimsof the leas-c, Oliver gets the use
of the lai d one year, l.y paylug t7."0
lii,.HfA. mwi i. . , - r. the ferces in re-
l I ' ' ' I 1 I HUH
Pol,!. Taxes. -Assessor Burton Hat
urday turned over to Treasurer l'at
terso'u K"7, representing 37 poll taxis
collected by him.
Loana Savings Bank
Of Eugene, Oregon
CAPITAL frAiDU!) $50,000
W. E BROWN ereiiaent.
B. 0 PAINE. Vice Pre.lomt.
F.W, OSBUHi;. Caihljr.
W. W. BKOWN. t Curler
f W 03BURN
t ;encriil ItimkinK
DrafM Is-ned on the i.rlnclp.1 ItHMafJbl
ni.ite.1 Mattel also iieaaae SrattMS aia
-wi. ,., .11 hMM ronlltrlel-
niSDrcIrvacill lor UM itorife ol valuable;
Inlcreit r-ld ou time MPeslW
"fohecUoni receive our prompt sllentlor.
I .1.. l.l ..In . I III INNS.'
- or
General anking business in all branches
transacted on favorable terms.
A O. HOVEY, President
J.'M. ABIL1MH, Caeuier
A o HOV'EY Jr.. Ajwt Cashlei
ntiit (iusnl I NX- M
Tin. MptMM ounti nl Oregon ycelit
day grain. d :t stay nf execution m th
m HKiiic. i'InuiIi- Brsnioo, W c
Half, nue of hi
attorneys, preMnltd
lb mm to tbe Mpmne court, asking
that the slay bt grained, and it who
opposed hy DUlrkH AUnrucy dco M
BntWD anil Deputy L T Harris.
Accoidilig In the allowance of lime
made for tiling of It .(.- uoIlM of
appeal, and other methods of itgal
pro eilure, it will 1 1 Mine lime III
February belore lite date i f untine
iMulil utln l l. iii. i. mil if in. ,1. mtt.ii n
of llie h en nun I. ulilrincil
When Bhertfl Wlibeii learn d hul
svenlugoy leitg'aph that ih aiay of
ex. cumin nan nien gnWM DO t nine
unfilled Branton. The mwi lifted
I perceptible load from his mind. F r
the. list ft w day- Branton Iihh been in-
dllstiioll-ly lltljll c the Bil , ; :
IngaimoMthe entire day Bnnday In
till I urstilt. He ha lx eh -eilou-in
action, leaving conic t a full KUilM
Hon of tiie 1 1 1 i ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; ' tenteoM w bleb
would baea oooorred next Friday, tut
for I hi favor granted hy .the supreme
court. Tbe news of the new laaat un
life, OODllt.g at aliiiiml I he tlevenlh
hour, tukes away the soluble usct i f
ll. ....... ..... . I... .I...... ...(!
iv-j --....,. ...... ...v
aemi to him a gieater boon
than ever.
rbli Weil Laown nnn Babuglag lis
Twenty-five years ago Win t'resion
opened u harness and saddle store iu
; this city, ai d since tliat date DM bl MO
; continually IdanlllUd wiih Bogana'l
bilsiuesi iuteiests, urailually building
up the bU lineal Wbleb ia now the most
prominent in its line iu the Willamette
Ten years ago Chas H Hale entered
bll employ and after working for bin
two years, stalled In business for him
i If, continuing alone until three years
ago, when the two gentlemen consoli
dated their I milieus under i lie present
llrm name, PfMtOO .v Hule.
The business of this llrm occupies a
one story brick I nil. ling, having a
frontage of HU feet on Willamette street
and extending iU feet toward the alley,
with a wooden annex iu the rear.
They employ live bauds the eiillre,
year, ami manufacture everything to
be found iu leather goods, Iroin harness
and saddles to leather coats, ahap.
culls, suspenders, ladies music rolls, etc. I
It Is In the general stock of the store,
however, that this firm Ubb cause for
I conirratulalion in its large trade. They
aie Without (lUesllon, headquarters for
8tO' k Haildles III
the state. Besides re
ceivlug orders from the range district
of Eastern Oregon, their saddle trade
during the last seaeo-i extended to
Washington, Idaho ami Montana
To illustrate the collar and liirne-ljlrot)rt,
stock they keep, Mr Hale lulonus a
reporter that at any time in the year
they can furuish col ars for .'WU teams,
uud harness for L'm) leania. In other
words they not only keep u larger atock
of collars than an other retail llrm In
the valley, but larger than the Port
land wholesale howes. The same cau
beaaldof whlpt, tbelr stock In this
line invoicing over $1,000.
Robft, dusters, condition powders,
aonps, ointments, and all acceasorles to
the trade are kept in good a-soitm nts.
Lust month I he llrm embarked in a
new ilenarture liaints. oils, urti-ls
supplie and wall paper. Like the
other branch of their busineas Messrs
PMaton A Hale intend keeping the
largest slock in tin Wl lametle valley
in this line.
The iieucles for tills brunch Is the formerly owned by the Lane uhlcli thev nurcliased. Al-
rMdy tbej have ordered enough new
goods to more than double the stock,
and ripeot to be the leaders for West
ern Oregon In everything that a?rlalus
to this Hue.
l'l.-unnallv Meisrs Prestoil A Hale
, ,t.cial Introduction or com-
menCation. Tliorough business men.
energetic, tactful and courteous, their
J prosperous business is In Itself sultl
cleu evidence of the esteem in which
they are held by the purchasing com
munity with whom they come Iu con
tact. License has been issued iu Hun
! county for the marriage of Mr Charles
I Belmont and Mlis Alice Lovt, two of
the will knowu young people of Har
' riiburg.
Cottage Grove Leader: Mr ai d Mrs
Wm Churchill went to Itoeeburg on
Tuesday's local, for a few days visit
with relatives and frienda.
iik i ii s iii l i l ll l l i Ih
BoMlmrg. Or. Dio IB Oftntuian. In
jailliereun.h r MHUMe of dealh for '
the murder of his mining partner,
"Jap" asteel, s gfllWlOg gMIOM M)d
rvslive He was sentenced to i.
hanged on Friday next, UU ilk e I
had lawn appeal d to the ninrcme
conrl mmilhs since. OlbeftMU
ha no hope that the supreme c. url
whl reverse the dtolaloil lf the lowe;
court in his case ami believes thai he
MIMl evelilually pay the K-luilty nflile
ilvid Willi his life The conn's delay
in taking lip tl e matti i ll inexphcal le
to the eltlMUl of UuttglM cniiniy.
0! bemoan waa always oonaidertd of a
cranky dtapOMtlon, but not dangerou,
ami many beliive him not a perfectly
recponalbta being
Branton. aantanaarl tm Llva aaoxa da
bai better look. His life will nolle
taken on the gallon I next hrlday ac
cording lo si nlenre, a stay ol execution
having been granted I ail evening by
t he BapfMH ii.urt.
nVileged MlatrettiMul ol Prbjonersat
the pi altantlai t
Mond y' Porllauil Telegram: A
(ieary, an ex coi.vlcl (mm I UlOO
county, who arrived iu the c ty yesti r
day from Eugene, where he b:s been
engaged In o tiing v,-o, d finte ids re
lea-e fmm the penilctiliary Oclober 17
tells a Story of allegKl mlstleatmeut of
prlw'iiei Ht the slate peiillenllary. ll"
sa - l he food is poor and inadiiiiate
and 'he work hard, and Ihat when
dl i hargi d, Instead if receiving a aUII
of clothes, IB in cash and their railroad
Tfare back home, as I lie law provides,
tin nvlotage! only a sli 'ddy suit of
Wbal he calls particular attention to
however, it. the whipping poet which
is used by thi) superintendent In the
Boat apnrovei' fashion. The ptloners
are itrapped to it and given Ron lo to
ISO hstbM on their bale backs. One
filleuder receive III lashes, and soon
faftcrwards went Insane and then died
In the aylum. During the 10 DOnlbl
he WU there he saw L'O men Hogged.
The la-hes are applied with great
vigor, and neither the groans of pain
nor the pitilu! appeals of the hapless
victims avail.
Sullied at Hie o-iaha Kxp sition
O.egOO has reasoli to feel proud of
its exhibit made at Hie Omaha exposi
tion, following Is a list of mentions
I)iplouas of highest aw ard
(iold medals
Hilver medals
Diplomas of honorable mention 88
Total I '7
l.aue county contributed materially
to the medals received by I he state,
besides securing individually, a silver
medal on a collection of 8j .ariclles of
grains and grasses
Tbe rsiusiaw ci larry, Florence, re
ceived a diploma of honorable mention
on a block of dressed building stone.
TUB t nif.Sh UAHE
Dale ol Trill Ki t (or Friday
ary HI.
Monday evening's Portland Tunes:
"In the matter of QeorgO W Kin-y,
HtmuJ Long and Qheu May Wl)ig,
Indited by eooiplraey lo unlawfully
secure llMsntrsnee of a Cblosss lal or
er Into the United Htatei. Judge
Helllfitrr this morning overruled the
demurrer to the indictment.
and set
the date of trial
13 "
lor Friday, January
Frank Ankeny oranteu N Days Lea vo
of Absence'
Hon 11 BAukeny of ihis city rr-
.1 a tel. gram from Coiigieasman
Tongue today that his son F'rauk
now with the (Second Oregon regiment
hud been granted a W days furlough,
tbe same having been cabled to Manila.
Frank will Hurt home on the flrat
Hi..m.r nd ill likelv await the ar-
rhil of his regiment on native shores
to be mustered out.
Captain J L May is now en route
home having been granted a furlough
nd will probably reacb this city,
where his family reside, In a week or
Mill, nun Mill
ative FUgg of Marlon
ilhty, Will Intruduee a bill at the
Ht f tate legislature
'I;"'I'"K all eXCUtlolis of criminals to
made at the stale penitentiary at
' Flngg Is of the opinion that
HWI MOOOUOM have a demoiali.lng
fleet IIDOO a ..immunity, and while
under the present law executions are
not nublli they are usually witnessed
by from 100 to :i'0 people.
I f all exi-ru l lous were conducted at
tbe stale penitentiary ne contends
thm n flllOOM would ina large measure
hcaha'id, w hile a most salutary e libel
might 1 1 wrought upon the convicts
at the same time. California a d
New York execute eondemued crlllli
Ualaal llate penitentiaries with tietler
malts, u i- - .ni, than indof tbe nublli
l7lttl and al county cats
1 !.IN Mil. II t 1,1 MATE
v Purtbuul Man Telli s TeregraB Be
potier of the I ountr).
While the winter on White Pass and
from there to llie coast Is said to be one
of MM most severe In the history of the
nor t li , the people of Lake Atlin are
reported to he enjoying a mild season
lht Is rivaled only by the warmth ol
Arthui Da Houoy, tintmsker for the
White Pass A Yukon Itailway Com
pany, who rcturiiid from Skagway on
tbe City of Topeks, says there Is from
live losix feet of snow on Hie level al
llie siiininll of the pars, mid that cold
weal I r has been the rule there for the
past mouth, although tl e lust few days
Imvt i ecu slightly warmer. Hut the
nearer Lake Atlin Is approached, he
says, l he warmer becomes the weather.
Un n l little Ice on that water and
little I90W has fallen. Shallow lake Is
fTi D, but 1'uglsh lake Is not.
lugeuiotis Devices on Hie. stage to I 111
Itate Hie Element.
Chainlaa' Journal.
Whatever may hu the state of the
weather outside, the stttiat manager
within can bring about rain and hall,
wind or a thunderstorm at will, ami
llie Illusion is so complete us to some
limes make nervous niemlars of the
audience Insensibly shudder, Hall
and ruin are represented by a closed
wooded cylinder about six feet long,
which Is obstructed Inside by various
cross-pieces, a uarl of peas completing
(lie arrangement. By turning this
cylinder first one way up and then the
other, the peas rattle through it w ith
close imitation to the souud of heuvy
rain on the roof.
The wind arrangement consists of a
wheel of about two feel diameter, set
iu a frame like that of a grindstone.
This wheel la furnished with rlba on
its periphery somewhat like the tloats
of a waterwheel, and drawn tightly
ip er there ribs Is a piece of thick silk.
When the wheel Is turned Hut ribs rub
against the silk, and by turning the
handle first ipulckly and then slowly, S
very good lailtatlon of llie soughing of
the wind Is produced. Lightning can
easily be imitated by chemical or
electrical means, anil the usual mode
of producing thunder Is by shaking a
large I lice of llexlblc iron plate. Home
theatres have, however, a far more
elaborate and effective thunder ar-
fsnirement, which Is used as an
auxiliary to the sheet o. Iron when a
storm Is supposed to reach Its height.
Tills couslnls of a number of cannon
balls held In a trough and allowed to
fall at the right moment, and to run
over a Ihsir above Hie celling of the
A MOW slorm is brought about by a
la.rforuiid revolving cylinder alave
llle stage, charged wllh paper culling.
I hfortunatcly these messengers of frost
have a habit nl resting on all kind- of
projections, and dislodging themselves
In Mbsrqaent SQSMS when their pres
ence Is not desirable.
Horn HniieilileU In Wood.
A curhsiity is on exhibition at tbe
K'weburg it-view office. It consists of
a WU s horn recently picked up In the
country hy Dr K A Le-p. About mid
way between the base and point of the
horn a very hard fir or pine knot one
Inch la diameter haa pi. reed the horn
ung larger
the sharp pointed kuot
at either end than tbe
hole through wlikh It passed and It
proli udes through the horn about two
Inches at one end and four Inches at
the other. There Is every Indication
that the stick or kuot baa been carried
In the horo for many yean, but la still
stioug, sound and firmly Imbedded.
iii tun ot mill i oils i i i n i n
Sunday's Oreg.oiiaii: PuiMISDl to
call from I, ll Cox, a MBbM Ol per
mm ssMBbled st tbe lecture nob nl
the Portland library eslcrduy
aftaniOOO for the pnrpoM Ol orgauUing
a slate historical society, in line with
the work that has been Inaugurate! by
Professor K(l Young nl the unlversiiy
of On gon, at Kugene. Those present
D 1' Thompson, Re J R Wilson,
Mrs Matthew Dcady, Prof J R
Bolierison. Forest drove; L B Cox,
tire II V Alien, .Mr- L L HoArtbur,
Judge C It Itcllliigei, II W Scott, Mrs
W M Molson, Kick), all, Mrs L B Col,
Itev T L Bitot, W I) tattOO, V W
I'll 1 on. storla, Mrs (leorge I'aylor,
Win Hallow ay, ' Iregnu City, Hcorgc 11
1 1 linen. M W Smith, Mrs j Myrlck, J
0 Flanders, Pre! f U Young Bugeue,
Alfred Holmai , W L Brewster, Mrs 0
II Dye, Ongon City, Dr llany I. ace,
William W Hanks,
II Scott was chosen chairman and
George n nines MOtetsry,
Pro iMSOr Young was asked to give
an outline of his plan. This he did
brielly, referring to similar socieln I in
other stales, hut OepOOtelly to that of
Wisconsin, as .Hurtling the best nm h I.
He then called upon Lit CoX to give
the legal aspect ol the matter. He
responded by suggesting (he mode of
organization under existing slate laws.
A board ol ten directors was theu
elected, us follows:
Judge C B Bellinger, Mrs J Myrick,
Portland, to servo one year; H W
Bsott, MrsL L HoArtbur, Portland,
for two years; I'rofessor F O Young,
Kugene, L I! Cox, Portland, for three
s.ais, Rev i ii wiisi s, Porttsnd;
Professor J R BobertSOn, Forest drove,
for four years; the governor and
Myerintsodent el public insUvettott,
Permanent ofllcers wer" then elected
aa follows:
ll W Hcott, president; 0 B Bellinger,
vice president; FO Young, secretary,
L U Cox, tieasurer.
Articles of Incorporation were sub
milled anil adopted. The annual
meeting was llxed for the thlrvl
Saturday In December of each year.
After wide discussion ou the motion
of Mr Kenton that Portland should bo
the permanent place of business, III
which Prosossor Young ami II W
Hcott urgetl that Kugene should OS
choaeu, ami Mrs Dye, W D Kenton,
Professor Robertson, L B I 'ox ami Rsg
J It Wilson urged the claim- of
Portland, the latter was selected.
The matter of framing necessary by
laws was refcired to the board of
After the signing of the articles ol
ine irporatlon In triplicate by the board
of due. i.i's, the meeting adjourned.
Personals In Portland Times Mon
day evening: "W Kuykendall, a
member of the UgUdstUN from Lane
county, Is at the Perkins, registered
from lagSM C B Loomls a
special agent of the Interior ih puit
ment, Is In the city , en route to Teeo
n.a, on departmental business.
Albany does not have a bowling
alley. Hhe Is certainly a village. Tbkl
proves It.
House Coats
Smoking Jackets
Just the think' Tor a present. Sc them in our
Clothing window.
What lo you ay to i swell top coat, (Q
tan covert cloth, for vPOiWsy
$12 io what you usually pay for them.
A Splendid line of
Bents' Initial Handkerchief Worked in Silk, 10c
New things in Ladies' l'tirnos
and Side Combs. Wo have a
Splendid assortment of nice
Come and See F. DUIHl
not n m ran capital
UAIDH (la, DM V.-President Mc
Kin ley arrival hue this morning. He
WM reoalTed by a large ami eiithusi
Mtla erowtl. The presidential iarty
drove OUl tO the reviewing giotinds,
win rc Qenersl Wilson's command
. pMaed liefore the pre-idenl.
I At the station (lie presidential party
! wa- met by 1J eairlages. Lined up
j along i he -treeet was the (Seventh
asvalrjr, Hie bright yellow of their
overcoat linings making a vivid eon
I trail igalnstthe log and drisals that
j prevailed.
Altet driving through (ho sireets,
the pr. -I. lent look bis place ou the
reviewing stand As the regiments
passed the respective commander!
t s'k their places ou the si ml with
the presidential paity.
The piWldsnttsl party hit Macon for
Augusta'ut lltSO a B.
H o mas Trade Is Hie Uigesl in Hi
Thin stole w ill keep open until 0:30
every evening from now until Xinas.
C.unc an. I sc.. our wonderful display
of gifts of American and foreign manu
facture. Tho stock Is large, pricea low.
and goods are moving (bet The first
to come are llrst served. Come as soon
as you can and avoid the rush. Wa
are very busy but w ill wait on you If
you come. We will lie remarkably
busy from now until Xmae, so advise
you to pleuso call aa soon as possible.
It will be a benellt to both of us an you
will be better assi-ied Iu making your
-elections ami we'wlll he better able to
handle the huslncfs.
ilernembcr the lace. Barker Gun
Works, Ninth street, oppoalte th
Backet store. With best wishes and a
merry Xmas to all.
Your respectfully,
M H Bahkkk.
Failed lo Wed Through Interferente
i f outsiders.
This letter was handed us for pub
lication by the ludy most directly iu
Ic rested:
"A piece having recently appeared
iu llie paper In reference to a certain
wedding, which failed to inaterallze,
in Kugene. I as one of the parties,
wish to state that it was wholly
through tho Interl'eienco of outsider!,
and that I would advise such persons
to care for their own business In the
future and theieby save much uunecee
sary trouble and coiifuslou.
''They would no doubt have married
had i ot certain outsiders interfered.
Card or Thauki.
We desire to extend our sincere
thanks to the kind hearted people of
Kugene for their many acts of loving
kindness ami aid In our daikest hours
of bitter sorrow ami deep afltlction.
Hii.ah and Family.