Ml ROYAL v Absolutely urk Baking Powder RHOBUL SKRVICK STILL mm WAis OB AINKD Y FBAH'ii Absolutely ttRL Makes the food more delicious and wholesome 01 IU.ISQ p. H i.i Etgnw liy Ik Flu U A .1 foki.ii St n am uouinty sei RDAV DE 1. MR SII10II SEATLESS WOOD SUBSCRIBERS. bscribcs wh5 have porois wood in settement for the FKlY GUAHU a-cout arc iUested to deliver the same at tlBt-f-Aw Failed M Arrai gem- nts fur the New Senator. it. . . I. c i'ce I" lbs city. aims ""'i i"i 1 ' ' .f all kimls ut F I. ll INI on -ui t i , (' ( Lpltor Dili! Mb" Kit ii- nt "Cr-iLk" pruners at Bo H 'I'.rr'o . I I will I- ruinrru in piium 1 mi " . . I ... IT I . I I. . 1 ui'ii. H IiHimi. in i- ii i i iiiu.' ' - I.OM. I If ( ; N RW l okk. Dec 6 A special to the ii nil, i from Washington says: w hen Joseph Blmon, ihe nt bmhv lor from Ore. was formally ivora mo. offloi , in- found ti.ut there wus do '.i.' for blip In 'lie MMiHie. Afif. ti- bad quaint, d, ilgued ths HI and received congratulations, he a - tU Had ..ver id (he sergeant at- dinm who ipee.rd In provldi blni n desk and a -cat. TUt a mi -iiii iii Oregon hai invn vacant - long lha In the arranatmi m nt . ..I .......I ........ 1.. . I Si at III. III..... H ub ...... I.. ... . . Oiling Mines, umiu pi unci, - i'.,- lur . namr lnit hanu I primers, pinning nnu n n i!i republican ilda of the aud hedge luenea, in Qrlfltlti obaiuber. ware Coa. Tbe new aaaator resented tba sug Wiberlain'a Clmlle, Cholera and ' geat Ion that he Hit on the dtmooratle Ifilni ii Id in. U)' cull rlwuy- ic iii ,,.. Ti. r public in senators com ted ii"n ami ih pn uauni una -are suited ami It wm suggest, d that Bens, ke. Hold p Oabarn Da Lauu , Butler, the popuh-t ir, , Uortb hotlier car Load of Oliver plows, Leeivtdal P L Chambere'. ileel, M D, ami Mr- Katbi f, M I), graduate 1 1 yalctaus .lit of the Pbysin-Mtdical Imilaiiap l If. Indl ilia, have y praettOMl lu Eugene fur Khi ni.'iiitin and w .H co ut the servlceof the public Ofl.01 ..pp. elle GUAM) hey Ueut oil dlaeases wlthl sanitlve, or pon-pohonous as all who are di'itiaintid i Pbyito MadToaJ actio ! well flir Ml IM I 1) DU r w. Carolina, mllit be Wllliug lo move ver to I l.e iliniKinlic ude, The Norlb Carolina man l.u.l uivd timt ilda i i.tiy h the day and itung by i efaance reniark that In view of .be aoe triMibtei in u iuta be woo Id leteaft.r Ide-itify hluiKeU with the toaaoaratla party. rufui-ci toivo ip nls praaaol eut, and ."enstor Blaaon I " III :;! lets. AKTimi ins larmtsaivi biii uasid, i s . At their ball in Masonic 1 sea le laal evening, tt roemnrlal wrviiv mm bah) by the Mmobm oraanliatioM .f Bvgentaod suxiiiHry, tii(. Baatarn Mar I he uieniorlsi services re i m bald u any atoled period, ba ut ibasa ttmei Ie nied approprlule b.v the order. The asrvloss of laal reaalng wire held l,i nnniury of tho-e iiiemlierH woo i. ..I paasad aaray daring me s ) t Obarob, Philip Prleby, a I. hun t!, Jaiiien lUrirer, Sherto.l llun, .1 V Johnson, s Bdgar lioClure, The organisations taking pat en Bngens ioiIk- Ho ii. a k a a m, Bn gene lodge No in. It a m, vanhoe .'ii.iusn.lerv, k T. nd Bvaugellne ehaptei 0 E8. Tin- lervloes were presided ovei h MOO in ill it Hsri-ieburg, Or, Dee 0 A period of slghleeu daya bava mnr gtapml alnoa onr rspeoted fellow iitlsen J It lim it nu. n wtt Id-i in the Cascade rjono tains, and no Uaet, as issxi.dlscov ervd whereby bis fte nlgbtbemads known We r now foic d lo lbs oonoluslon that he u perished, tu bow or when l a baati of thought for the Imaginative uiiud to umk m 'HI- ,l.....,l .., ... , IM)7i., ,IK.s viZ; K AiiiliT-nn. J , . ' . ' ' . ....., ,n iiiii ii. inn, h I! at lie h- H bllghl upon many tors lieni la The voloatary ..torts tMtds by tin Ipsoplsof Uarrlsbura ami vlclnliy lo rescue Mr Huoktmni from lii-prrll, have be f wide rutige, C'lnpreb n I slvs mid tii ceasing Tliey bsve l"iv. .1 jibe heavy storms ol .now and mln I... i .. .. ,1 V..r.. ...I.i a . ' ii ini i 1 I le 11)1 11 1 Mil,, - mo cere. ,iM)., oomluusllv nine iba search " ' " "iif "" " nr. ti aiehHUre In III- .rr tu .leli,i. The blue bulge dodk led t . In men tor ol the departed i.ritiiei ho sl'ar ornaBteoted with the tnre, greit ;'li'n oi Hie Holy BiMe,tudtha iqnara aod romp Si Tun formal dedication was made by Fa.t M ,-M J L Page, Or V Knvkendill re-p .ii.h-d ouiliu ras Instituted and u gni.t portbiuol lies llms without sbellet . itiier b ls r by Right, Hi,. , i OMM hOVt become exhausted the fores baa bead recruit. .1 with volunteers, IhuskeeD lug the searoli lgnrouly pmareuted from day lo day, Dm. aliens of food bava been mads lo fully supply every iranl and bava been ack d mi Immms lh ........ ,,.o,on., uhihcu, . ,.,,, ,.,,, , ,,. .,, i the altar, i h 1 1 appropriate talk. x M ,!irfl.t.uri.( ,,l)t ,lrott l:g. 1 In ebnptor d, die .1. d au m .1 the ; ,,u obura h.-.i the i souls nftha Ur oovenaat, oruanMntad with a key hwwk, have i irlbuted msU-lal .id tone, lite earns being done by High 1 1 n... i.t,-,. U ..t u Prissl W Osnaro. Tbnraapo seand rawid moon whirl roobd iba recital wis mad., by E u p r l. , wl(l.I1, Ml ,;u,.kl)(ltll ww hll t:tl gly amp ill il tli; lilKtoricil nyiii- wvH ft Ih.I ol D it v. iu H.H'climg puny ll II III I The oiuiuandery uuder the dlreniton tf Mr daiage.ol tin. .ugh it-. 'i oonioient'er, It n I'ai. e, dedic il. d H pine-i'ill .-, ll'. M. l.aK Valley, WIIO Ih an i xpell III i crall lo- iiieih'nl- ofonanlaa. ting t.spo.i-e and t.ibutf being tlelis. ,, u , mnb hhj 0Nvr lhe B'Mik-i.ikI Mairiizin.4 Wan'ed. ian- Bllilf ii I tl.Hl Si-' rHDHBDAY DEC 8. MaKKIIO . Yi-terdiiyV Albany Democrat: "At the I to of Mr II Wokley, neat Plain view, Wednendaj1 morning, Dec 7tb, at o'clouk ocvur id one ol the prettleal urn! most im pith-ive wi'.KIuig ceremonies. The bride, bis eldest daughter, Mist Jes'lo ; W iiii ley to Mr A L I'eter of Eu- r to ' call from Manila for I If! ..I II... I' I I M ' , ,. , , , U'sne, tbe Itev Ur Onekloga offletallOB iiih veneroui public t hand ... in miy naagaalnes or bunk- to donate. Please renieni ihere are all nnllunalllies I and foielgii iiiatf.ial is I f icceplablfi . be hi-i .-Iiipuo'iit leavt-H fc igeiiel day, December 10th. All coutrl ooi may t.e u-it i diug at Wilkms A Hitrgiilus in Krai Bi ale. lii wedding march wbh p.'ayad by he iirbli '- j iniiig. it, Miss I J race I.. The borne waa biautifuliy decor ii d wl I. orysantbemunu nni smltaa. 'Ills marriage uuiie- two if Kugeue'a i iosI popular young people. After the t rtmooy Mr Htid Mr- Peter took leave of Ibeir relatives and many friends to leturn t Bogene, wbera they will - i 1 . Th. y have the bea wh.hes of ihi- c immunity." WlLb iMPBOVB. The county will art Ibf rook crusher at woik near the liver liiinorri W. The rook will be ustd in Impiove ii portion of lllair street, wbloh ha- became very rough in hstfe fur sale several trac s of land BDglug to partlee who obtained said 111- hy for. closure of mortgage, Boh are lor sale Vry cheap and on m lerma .., ct.iJ , i .i , , ll'ill l S. I IN.- I.- Ill' liril llllll. Uf uu l-o city prntierty In Kttgt-iic ami . , , . , , , . kiugtield of like COI.d. lions mil 11 MOU'" "", rlK"i i" compel nr description uinl price ca'l cr. :ige properly along said street to ts K WILLIAMS, Agent, igaiu imprnveit. rCugctie, Oregon. l."ciil .Uarkci wheat i8o. Dals-l'sc lopn-15 to 15o. Butter ,'iO to 60c per roll. Eg', Stic Potatoes HSo. Poultry-$2 50 to $3 oO Pricl prunes 3 to 41c Ipples 40 cents per busli Ps;) ! I88& ereii by R B McElroj Mrs Win Preston, worthy matron of tha Bai tent Btar, proeiotad tor ded I Cation a live pointed emhlfinai ic star, and Ur D B Lovorldga made the ad drc-s illustrative of the symbolism. The mnsle of tba evening was lur- ground in be bunted ul, tniveling thodl llfteeu to twenty tu-i apMfi In ins way they are uhlc to cl wily scan . very loot nf gtnund traveled over. The outside meu wen- furoishsd Wlih axes fur the purpose ol making ''biases' on the trees, wlncli luiliealc.l tilsbed bv thel'haucel Qusrtetle.wlilch n,e proper line for their counlei march rendered a number ol beautiful selec- .Vhcii n large urea liud boy 1 1 sea relied in us, and .Mr I, man and Mil Hie murllj of L i UsHgafi Dm Not M M, III I I sll IN II II lu the Superior OOOrl of the OoUnt .f Lis. Angi lea, .state of Qallforn'a. A M leburn vs Roper, et si. The OOUtsel in this esse is In rcgaru In the priority ol the phUnMITa mori- gaga OVSI another oiorlgMce cxeeiiied by the daftudant, Etoper, to the defsi ant, Harriet l.' c The mortgage t I plaintiff la dated Aprlia IMmidwai 00 the same il:,y llgntd aid SO' know led ged by Roper, but ll waa no delleared to Oabarn until April IS, iwsi nor recorded until April is. is The Lee mortgage hears tuadat. n March SI, IStHi hihI appears to DRVi bi ii Signed and BOknowh i'ged on ll i day and reoordtd on April isihi. Upon tbe face of t bo record tn mortgaga t" bag Is paramoonl TN defeat thla apparent priority tin pblnttfl alleges fraud. Hedatmatl i the mortgages warn both given to ob tain g ri b as of a mortgue 00 certuii i mis in Lsog oounty, Oft gun, gam Eugene previously given by I r Ii OsbUrnjn Whhth tin' defendant K J Prasier had un equitable Intaraoti timi Praslerhad Uonahjrred ins inlgfaal i. Iln'rict Leo gl Ms tru-l.e to bold f.'i bla use, and subjeot to bta oootrol and dispo Ulon; Unit Prgeler oegotialad tbi trade in nisiiaiice uf Wbloh the lllnrl gUgS DO lbs tin gnu lends was gleaned, ami ihe two mortgages In controversy here f SSCUtsd; that the ngreemenl WM that Oslurn should have a lirst mortgage on the Los Angeles lot, lo the amount of about Dfty per cent ol blalolereal in the Oregon mortgage! and Unit I." ibOOld take u sc. mil mortgage mi the agOM lot for her cut ue ' calm: Unit Pr total frauduluntly pto cured the eseculloo of the LOgmort! age, com cab d I he fact of such ex. vil tit) . frmu QabUrn, lod i "1 Oaburg 01 take bis llioJgsg by representing lliut it wits s Ural martgm c, an I Dggtad 1 1 tine im rlsHge to be Ii i nt recorded, all for the pin po-c of securing a priority over Osbom QMtfgry lO the agree ment. Alur Cousltlering llm evidence, i- r i Is the only plow made that is better than the No. 40 Oliver chilled. See it at F L Chambers ORM BOYS Will COME BIG FIRKIN B0SEBDR6 Is tter, so that while our prollls may i relief to Ids ifflhjtgd family beyond de- bs smaller on a single sale they will lit fiiptl"n much greater in the aggregate, How can you get the public to know , 0,M1 ,,, p0,,tlvH). Cgred. ) our ion'-e is t ut -i ll linlli articles are hrnught promin Mr It Ii (.reeve, luercliiiut of t'lil!- per dot 'n D B 1 HI a l. Jl'kiiks James L Page, .merchant, Eugene, gnd A Bond, far mer, Irving, have been drawn to appear In the Untied stales circuit court room at 0 am, January (, 1800, to serve us trial jurors. Cof.Mv Cot kt Cask 0 Wldroerl has iustituletl suit in the OOUOly COUTt uKsinst W (i Randolph Co. Jmig nicnt i- i.skiil for the sum of ftil 05. TELL rOtrRSUTCR. Wamku - Lady or genllrmgn to act a- agent Addrem TBOBato Oooai Co., 301, Macleuy RI.Ik Portland, Ort. tsiitifol complex!..!) ht an Impossibility Wan ikd A steady laboring moo itgood pure bliiisl, tbe sort tnatoaly wantM work. Is not purticiilar as to in "uneotliin with kuihI ili...-li"i., Unil and do. s not expect hiuhaiige. Itliv liver and insnda. Kurt's Clovsr Unit have hoard with altUgtfoD. Has t I , . .... .1.,1. .i, i.,.-..i. n.-.r . 'rki d in a dairv. At'lil.V at mice or ki'lnev! keeidiw tbM la nsrfsot bsaltk, iddrwe OOABB eat f oni outll l.aue LAIIuKKK. - I - ..II I ."lO ets at Wilkii.s sad Llns What's money for? To let u n.l thincrs. o I hit's money-hack I by Ids melhotl, the force .is divitletl ! there i m dmibl in tnv mind that Ihe Louise Yoroli, Who sang a beautiful mm gangs who traveled nown the ! Hllcgstlons of the plalnlill are '.rue. ,lue"- , streams which bead near the summit rbo oblef oootrosersy Ii near (ho queg About MO people were present, gnd of tbo moantoln in that reglon.Srtth I lion wbetnorornnt Krasier Isihereal sppreciated to n- fullest the saored gnd ihatAwtlona to make a halfday'i travel owner of tiie L tortgagg, ami lur leiiilc servb in nieiunry of those on one side of ihe stream and to re- j rict I in. rely I. Is agent lor the pur" gone, who ate dear to all, and a hose lurn on .the other side, and uiitler this I of makiiig it appear not to l his Memory Is gratefully Obertabod. , plan they arestlll working. properly, and of emmliiig hei In appear e- i aire Bucknutu and bar falher-indaw I aa an lnnooenl party to tba iranmo- Two Pointett Questions Ali-Weteil I ha- a posted a reward of 1800 to the lion, lam sallsllt.l thai this queg- ; par. y or parlies win. may succeed I.i I llou sli. uhl be ansueretl in the ulllrin- What is tbe use of making a better tludlng the ti'.'iy." This, It to thought, I tlve. i'rasici's nietbod nf testifying article than your competitor If you oan I will Indoea men skilled in mountain I wan sQeh aa in show that lie was mil gel a loiter price for ll? OllOlblUg to engage in the search, and i uttciiy unworthy of belief Tng Utter Ans As there la no dlflgPMOl In Ihe I "I is sincerely hoped they may succeed, of instillation concerning the mailer, price ihe the public will buy only the The recovery of the b dy would tie a which he claims to have received from Harriet Lee, wus manifestly compo- d by him after the dispute arose. The lanuuage a ol fnrui uf expression hic bis, ami Ibg toiler ... a whole Is not such a OOmmgniOgtlon as would be nu i oral under tiie circumstances. No satisfactory account ol the omisldera Hon for the transfer to Harriet Lgg of Prasler's inleiesl iu the Oicgon niori gHge nor of the oiigin of Fraslcr's liiileliledness lo her is given, slid from these and nia ' other cilt'll'iistancea appearing ill the evidence, my con du -slon la that tiie Indebtedness v. ut entire y llctlliuus and I h il I he 1 1 i p fer whs a inert, form to cover and conceal Prasier' proia-rty. I here Is mi dilllcull qUWtlon of law Involvodi Tin ptoodlngi su- iuIBok dI to elitl: le the plallillir to the relief ho asks. The detondont Praatof with tho aiti of Harriet Let. and probably Willi ihe coiiiiivatice uf ': p r, to perpetrate a fraud upon the plalutiit and tbe evidence ts-ing amply sulllc -nt to prove it, l lie hill. lilt should have a dggftg giving him priori i y over the claims of ihe defemlatits ami for the forecl-sure nf Ills uinrtgiigi'. liOOUM HllAW, Judge. Nov 20, IW.8. Voluolreis at Udi u 11? Relkfte. ently before. he public lanli an cert..inlowi(.Vi(.(.lilliH M fc (, , Tills .xplains Cbambiriain'i Cough R uiedc. siimntimi. was civ i n un In ilii siiiiubt quickly para judgment .... them and. IieJj(.B tmUMUi lllht ,v use only Ihe belter oil". could procure, tiled all cough remedies Ihe lame sale mi In- cm. Id hear uf, but gut in. relief; The spent many mulils sitting up in h chair I U'UU t.t.lll. ...I ... I, I'. U'lll..1. V..U. people have been udngi. for years '!.,.,., Vf ,, m clll,.(l ,,v UM , lo bottles. rnrlhepasl llliee veals ha- been alien ing lo bUSlueSI and have found that it can always Ih? tie pended Opon. They may occasionally tnkc up with slime ffubloogbta novelty -ii- Dr King's Now Dlsonven It lbs ver made a- il lias . . Ii .1. rellli'itv .' put fmth iU, nuns I"" ,,,. K .,, fr are oertatn to return to the one remedy jotbeis In his community, lr King's that they know to la? reliable, and lor I New Discovery is goaraoteed fur coughs, colds and group Hiere I' C"U,J,,,;'.,'",'I,H, ,,V"u"l!m,,".0nu.L . , . . , , . , i doiil fail. I n il bolth In. it Wil- notblngeqnal to I bamberiam -t ..ugh , A , ,)11KHlore Remedyi For sa e by OsburtiADel Lano, do vol know Qauwwpliog is pesvegtaMs! . isaes h provsa timt, sod site that gsglsct u loMdal. Tbs w.irst dill or cn.iuh sea I c tied with ii.tligs.tiur., .ick bsaaache are the priadpa miuoaa wiagn soo wwaampi rs. new Mttsm Karl . Clnv.r boot Tea has urf.l . '"' l''i,i" K" 'ntes for ov.r Hfty ..... For these ills for half a century. Price -'"i et- and sale lil ilkui. ..n I l.inu I )r..tfK i-! -. .". lit-. .M -n. y r. fun.le.l it results un i. i ilow 8 v.iCK WIMI Baasbghnt her beauty? If ", soastlpatlqa natisfactory. Druggist. . rlcsl l.i t haViiu P"'A 'lrl f o n i itradsf ami .pier. ' C d-SeMmg's Best For ult by Gray tt Sea. Kre-h (JuW for Mile. BOSMVALg, Nov 30, 1808. I -i.iio Blggina ol Dexter made a busi- i ress visit to this place last v.e. k. Henry Mitchell and family spent Thanksgiving Wtgk With Mrs Mitchell, near Starr. Mi s Alice Smith was so r-cverely In j irnl b.v her collisiou wi'li Lie ferry tia' lust Weill esday tlntl slie was un iible lo retutu to her school this week. The Middle Fork near lu re lis- la-en rgglhg torrent mi neatly two weeks, l i little ilam' ge ha- been done, For sale at Wilkins au l I inn ' Letter Lis' Eugtna, Or, Deo 8, 1888, Bordtok E E Hale Mis- Minnie Knox Ella Mi-s Vaughn F G Wood Mrs ito-e (l.s-iiy Annie A chaw ol out) eent will be mule on .11 Idler- Riven out. Cemoi.. ralllur lo. letter, will pteSSSSBMa when advertlMsl il r. MoOossai k, P si Bock leg's Argt -an -. I he heat in the world for cuts bruises, sores, tilcim, salt rhe un, fever soies, feller, cbs j-d bands, i bill liiins ourna, and all skiu eruptions, md positively cures piles, or no pay re ii ii I red It Is guaranteed lo give ter feel satlsfat In i. or money relutlde I DDKS Til! - silt IKK YOU! A ire bred Jersey cow with young t ho-igh the ferry boat could run only a VI for shIc. A.I.I ii - - or snnlv ' N..RKI8 HlIMPIIIIKV, Fugetie. "R Sai.k -220 acres cxci ilcuf farm- Pa lands. Inquire of JoifN an pevx, t'obtirir, Or. part f t tie time Bgrolea ai'd ltlanche Warbinton spent Tbgnkaglving at borne, return. i'lir to Kugelie Sunday. I hey neaa in ibg highest tarsal f thslr Instruetor 'aud Prof Orion ami Supt ileslor. Glen 0 Ht.lmon. forun rly an sllor- A reoeptloO was given at I'X Laird's P.v "I tlilg eltv la nnn tiavi liliu rt.i.r.,tse eveiiimr. to the lit r. fuinnrlst. He represents U tele 8am ,,f pleasant Hill and Jasper. A literary Inme. program was rrndved, rerreslimenis served and a good lime generally re- Fskirs ba-e been operating In tbe rurul di-tricts of rolk and Msrlon counties, and are expec ed to make thtlr sppearance in Lane. They sell Isking powder fluid at a ilnllar pr bottle ai d give the buyer of ihe same .ticket that Is fupposed to draw any article from a piano to a lead pencil. ull Lino Feed at Mill Prices rbe fluid to said to be worthless, and the cha' .-SH nf a prize remme. rai.u- s 'nd Chickens L- ,i nthora will d u. It. .haven.. uht ... .t-t ..u. with -. i - ii"-I " muted under I K PETERS :' ' Muddy eonplciions, Nsiusalinir hresth cams from ebronic c nitipstiao. Karl's Clover Ituiit Tea is an .' - lu'" f'ira ainl ! i ls'o I ...II ....nil. ..... .... nn i.liilnll iflisr.stM. . a I.. ,rul...u '.It 3 . I I ,,,. 1 n iiiieuti." -.... " '"si "-"s 'rtee 1 1 1 ami Km sie at I IlaigMn. WOat of Eogoao. d miles from I'.imira aad Lhw Drei 1C0 ncies in cultivation, balance neur ly all past tin New residems sud barn and uusl outbolldlogr All fenced. I U(T. s good orclisr." 'loiKi garden. Siileiitlid t. " '.Huge, almost uiiiiinlt ed, open hill' dOMll spring branch run- by hous. .ipleudld wa'er. Easy terms. Addr-n I M SlKI'llKSs, la. I r salt at Wilkin. orGtt.alD. Rggsoo. Kliiilru. Or. $2.V) RgWABU I'lie above reward Will bs given to any party or parties who will lli.d il b"tly nf Jit Buck- w ho wus lost in the mouulalus mar Ihe head of Parson's Cieek, Llun OOOnty, uregon, while I, u ring nu November, i, 1888 "i flaie. IMPORTANT NOTICE Ws hare eularced our 1'oek . I Groceries Anil Price, are ixw Mlts Anna 'lit km an, D ItLX'KalAM. Harrishurg. Ncvombar 27. I'alus in the chest w lien a person lias a cold indicate a tendency towanl pneumonia. Apiece f flannel damp tngd with h .mi it. urn' Palti Halm Unity Llem. Dec 0, 1808. Mumps are prSVgtoOl In tills vicinity. Heveral liave kggg MpOSgd, MrsJ W Cox tel timed frmn a visit willi her daggMorg at Eugene Sunday. The upper Kali Creek miners prisstd here on lln ir w ay bOOM last Tnursday. They IntSUd lo re urn MOO itfl. i Xmss lo resume umk Miss Abide Huinplirey is teailung the Llltln Fall Creek school until lbs teacher, Mi-s Oalsy Mult.s. u recovers from sn attack of Hie mumps. A literary society has been Ofggnlgtd here; a -uliahle program was tendered, the ipjesllmi, ic sul veil that "Foreign magujrgtloo should b ProbiMtsd" was disciii. d. The ipn stiou for next Saturday night is: Kesolvetl, (list the "Liquor Trafllu has cau-cl more misery than war." V. sir -i rlptimi paper Is being circa- lated to get money to buy an organ for l he school house. A good Idea and ill will be a success. CoR timi Bsevia Mm ii.- Beds lepf Denver, Dec 7. Tim Rocky Muuu lalli News pilots Ihe fellow lug tele gram frmu Bagrotary Alger, da ed VVgablggton, Dm mbsi o: "It Is pr iM(sed lo send rSgUlal regl DMOIg to IclleVe ibg VOhinff Ml III Ma nila jusi iis s as tnwiportatloo dm be arranged, The volume, rs will be returned to the United BtOtl I In Ihe order in which they toft," Thla WOUld bring tiie tn... buck in the following ortler: Fllst I alibu nia,, First Colorado, I'e th pMnaylVMlg gnd lug Utah battery, The cllcumslaiices MrfOUbdlug the is-uancc ol Ihis piece nl lot u uiai ion in dicate iiuti ii is auth otto ami true, It to the oplnloo nf thou i nave lvell Ihe uiatier IhoOght that lu ex- hange cutilti nut poaalbly bg cum pleted lu less than threi ntbs fmui the lime il begins, and a Ihe regular ire nrder. .1 o bn n-.tdy l ' from San Fraucl-cn bStWSM Juiiiiaiy 8 gWl 12. it may be Apili M Mn Is ) gg tin Oregon boyi gel bone. The Ihouglil that I hey are stain to come, however, will make Ihe lime go by nipuby, ami within less thin a year limn the tlnn of their departure ll I it ry probable nut tho 1 1 uve buy- uf Oregon will Main bo settled down In .hair native laud. lion lu I. " I, (.nod. dotal look- ire really more than .kin deep, th 'pending entirely mi peglthyg DdlMooofgll tbi vnai of on- If tin. liver he Inactive j'. II bgVI If yuur stomach be lisurdered, you have dyiyeptlo lookj f yo .r kidneys i.e aflWotodj y u liave a glnebed i.s.k. Bvoura gisui baaltu and v'o.l will surely have good look-. Electilc lllllera Is a good sllerulive iml tonic. acIs directly on Um loin tcii, liver god kldneya, Purities tba MOO I, . .in s pimples n'otchea and botll Hid gives a guoti OMOptostjM. BvgVI tMttls gugraoteed, Bold stWiikiuA Linn's Drug Mtore. r.O ivnt i p. r l.ottlu. SiiiNdi.tos !'( Sai.k A csrlustl of irst class Washington ceibur shingles list tecelvi d mid fur sulo In iinv u i m- iiiy at Andrew! lumber y ini. Judge BgUlngsr lias ii olded thai pgrttoi holding land. purcbM i from 'ha Oregmi Ctulral Mlnlury It.. ml . 'ompai.y cannot be nustt d by the guv- rnineiit, althmigh t lie coHsBg Ml felted their grant by falling to luMWI heir agreement. Itagiu Count) Ctturl m Diiiiugcil. inn mi i. o si R -i burg. Dec". At IdJOpm tot'ay, ut. i Un. adjournment of the Circuit court, flames sen observed issuing frotn tlx itrt house cupula ami from UndK the roof, ! I..r the lire depait -in nl c Hid begin work the whole upper stuiy was i. II re. To make mat- rso the boas burst, .Meantime gala d Mtoh headway that the lii building wus dimmed. There being nu wind blowing the progress of theflregrai Jew, giving time to carry mil all Un' i. ( in ult Judge Hamilton bud moved his extensive nl. mis int.. his chambers, adjoining ii. nrtroom. n bona oolieviion Doveriog many y.ars, with no in surauosj also papers in oases under oon ' in. ills loss suit probably $4,000. Ihe upper si ory t f the court huu- is entirely gone and the. lower da DSgi i, the court room ll..,., being burned thrnllgll lu man) plaoee. Tba building cost 840 0-0 six years ago. Tho Insurance is not known. It Is supposed to beiroia HI i lo 8 .",i. (X). Tne lower floor was "c opied by the clerk, shurlll and ghel . . Bi r- gnd the upper floor by thi court room, Judge's chsm tars, etc I be origin of tho flrg at un known. Uis Ihouglit to have been .used by a defective lluo or elect. la wlr.s. 'I I.. prisoners were moved from (bo cmiiily tothe city (.ill when the firo w..a llrsl discovered. I Iv.i Mile up lu the Air. PWO daring London icronauts . re. del live miles above the earth in .1 hullo. m neatly fro. to death, I he temperature at that height waa 01 degrst i nelo stro. The meu went In tbe Interest of scisnce, and while the actual bent lit of Ibeir trip to buiiianlly it larg.. was cmisldered, it will uot n. gin to ' oil tl.o .st acoom-pli-hcd by tho liicdual scientist who gave tba world Hnalelter! stomach Nothing to equal tills remedy . sn d for ailments loin "'ii, liver, bowel! aud kid neys. I I loii. is are the ta-at remetly for tudlgeetloo, biliousneso, Dogtai , bad breath, steepleasngM and n. i vuusuess. They strengthen the brain, the lnsly, tbe nerves. They p the despondent aud cheer the Invalid. MARRIAHN LtcKNSg. A marriage lloeoso wss issuetl ttalay by C'ouuty Clerk Lee to John Miller, :s years, and l.ouey ttaioey, 21 yean. lOn acres of ou; 50 acres In cultivi tlon; all unt' '-ue. Good house and hern slid oib" .mprovements. Wa gon and teatr 'wo coas and calves, , and Isiur.d on tn the chest over the scut plow and hae", all for 11,800. A of pain will promptly relievo tbe pgln i Jdnition Pies En(ink.-TIiIs i great bargain M some one. One mile i and prevent the threatened attack nf morning Ibe Junction City fire engine from g.HHl ichoo . .'pneumonia. I n Is same treatment will was brought to KugeiiH and is now at Jamix A i.i. km. Valtervllle. Oregon cure a lame back in a few l ours. B ld by O-burn A Da Lano he F'Bt-r Irmi Work" uudcgoiiig r. pairs. While pimping nut some ..I ggBMMMggiMMMMal mmmim h( w W( ( tmt (i . .i.jA il J IV iin FIIKNITIIRt fid .s-d . mud. and need. . tber LSI O r.llECIIVI. CIUWISSSI8 rHB " - - - JLlmVLTSmmx mm m wmi directors Will- .'"-. WW.- WW lugb Cleaning It will soon he sent . home to go on tluly again. IWWVVt . "Lend a Han d ! to the cry of women wtyMt house woik Is beyond their physical powers. Such women need to know that ull clcuniut; is UisJc eaiy Liy Washing Powder It's SMgxtrs pir of hands in the 1 .Id, It save limo and worry. Largest pari ig gre.-itest economy. Til N. K. VtlKRAMg; ( OWFANV, . .. mi. boms. New lurk. Boston. I I.i".i -WWNS-wUSwSVAAwlwW