The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 29, 1898, Image 9

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    . .,, Mast Coiamoa of All,
The n"-t con,mon ' " "menfe
1 .-. jif nil kind are Hiintina and
from n" 1. . 7 lj ..".:
Tim most coinmon and surest
.I.-.,, ia hv Ilia use of St. Jacobs
-... nj hh'"
, .bjl.n i prompt to ta action.
Til Art of Walking.
To he thatOOgMf graeelul long Itopi
. ,,uick sliort eteps iliouM bo equal-
bavoldwli rwBarkl a French woman.
1 Mid walk is lo very ungraceful,
f,l that i" ,b" 8reat ,uu,t ' E"8""
' T,a walk too stifllv and laku
Joo long ' "' .
Spaing' women havo a voiy pretty
Ik, tnHi M "too huvo Italian
country girls and all Bocustoiucd to
carrying weights on tlitur beads.
Tl. French aro also very graceful
MlfttrP, H t i I y your walk, girls.
Take dancing lesson to begin with and
llu'ii rvpOt jour lessons hoforo your
long toilet 1,'Iass. A pretty walk la a
i.arilv In itself, and evory ono who will
KJ lequin mis neaniy. uo 11, men,
, ,, now without losing anolhei
Good Blood
Makes Health
M, I'm r-'nrsuparilla makes good
I,,hI. That is wlix. it cures so many
. uihI makes so many people feel
itttirthn" "" iH'fure. If you don't feel
taajL ,in' half sick, tired, worn out, you
niay I mads well hy tukiiiK
Hood's Sarsaparilla
America s (rciitcst Meiliclne.
Hood s PIHa
euro all I.lver III-.
A siifti iH'foie the door of a dentist
. i urn . I. , . i tl
reads inus: leein cairactuu winiu
you wait."
A farmer near Cottonburg, K . . has
traineil a terrier dog to rciuovo the
worms from tohncoo plants.
An artist in a Now Yoik paper pic
tured the Vesuvius in action and en
ihrouiled in dense clouds of sinoku fiom
her nennutia guns. That artist needs
to he informed that the Vesuvius uses
only smokeless air in discharging her
dynamite guns.
A little smpriso awaited two women
who recently met in the office of a Chi-
rage lawyer, lliey had never soen each
older before, hut ere they left the offlco
(lie discovery was made that each had
called to begin proceedings to obtain a
divorce from the same man.
Nil household Is complete w ithout a Kit
tle of the fuinoUK Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
l- a pure ami wholesome stimulant rec
onniiendcd hy all physicians. Don't nc
glcct this necessity.
The beautiful colors soon in tho soap
babble arlso from tho fact that the
bubble, being vory thin, reflects light
from the outer and inner surfaces of
the film.
HT1 '""""""" Oars No flisor nrreousnes
Die ail.r Urst iluy's use of Dr. Kline's (treat
Nerve 11. -..turcr. Svml for FKr.R aa.OO trial
txitUrliri.l treatise. Ml. B. Ii. lLUUlL Li I UJU
ANli strict, I'UUiulelelila. Pa.
It has been calculated that nridnary
gunpowder on exploding expands ubout
9,000 times, that is, fills a space this
much larger as a gas than when in a
(olid form.
In the fall cleanse your .system by using
Hr. ffuuder! Oregon Blood Purifier.
Tir Schilling's beat tea and baktrjg powder.
It is said that a striking outlino of
the features of Uoorge Washington has
appeared in a knottv protuberance of a
tree in Portland, Me. It is not a cher
ry tree.
We will forfeit $1,000 if any of our pub
ashed testimonial! are proven to be not
genuine. The Piso Co., Warren, Pa.
Ardent in spite of his 80 yoais,
Francis Watkins, of Anderson, Ind.,
proposed to Lydia Bethel, a good-looking
young woman of Bethel, O. Sho
aocepted him and they intended to
lope, but his daughters prevented.
Then the aged lover hecamu cool, and
the result was u $10,000 breach -of-promiie
suit, which he has just com
promised for $8,000.
Mrs. Polly Owens, who was lately
married to William Owens, of Whits
Kiver township, near Noblesville,
Ind., ia now living with her 13th hus
band. Mrs. Owens has six children as
the fruits of her former marriages, no
two having tho same name. Sho is
over 50 years old. She was separated
Ironi tho larger numhei of her hus
bands. She is pait Indian, her mother
hoing a half-caste.
Bo Says Mrs. Mary Roohletto of
Lindon, Now Jersey, In this
Lett- r to Mrs. PInkham.
"I was bothered with a flow which
Would i i.i quite annoying at times, and
at others would almost stop.
" I used prescriptions given me by my
physician, but the
sumo stato
of affairs
" After a
time I was
taken with
a flooding,
that I was
obliged to
keep my bed
Finally, in
despair. I
gave up my doc
tor, md beiran
taking your medi-
cine, and have certainly been greatly
benefited by Its use.
. "LydlaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound has Indeed been a friend to mo.
" I am now able to do my own work,
thanks to your wonderful medicine. I
was as near deiath I believe as I could
be. so weak that my pulse scarcely beat
and my heart had almost given out. I
could not have stood it one week more,
I am sure. I never thought I would
be so grateful to any medicine.
" I shall use my influence with any
one suffering a I did, to have them
Imj Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable
Every woman that ia puzzled about
her condition should secure the sympa
thetic advice of a woman who under
etanda. Writ to Mrs. Pinkham at
Lynn, Haas., and tell her your Ula
wisu warn ail list rails.
i "ub Syrup. Tmm Oooa. v
tin. Hold or droa lrta
f Oener.l 1, ,;,,,,,
From Ih. Tlirl.l,,, laellle
This year is a great one fot the fish
ermen on the Ooqollll river.
The total attendance at the Spokane
''O't fair this year waa 72.250.
Steps have been taken at Halem to
contest the Wright branch asylum site
Lane oounty'a ptoto rtop ,. h0ft
"lis year, and the farmers look for blah
Winter apples are more plentiful In
Kittitas valley than ever before, and
the quality in llmt-class.
Theie is an unusual amonnt of giek
neas in Palouso at presunt, most of tha
patients having typhoid fever.
Two men who made a voyage from
Lynn canal to 8t. Michaels in an open
boat have arrived at Victoria,
Tho run of ailverside salmon in tha
Lower Columbia river continue! heavy,
nd the fall paok will bo unusually
Nows has reached Victoria of the ap
pointment of C. C. Sinklor, of Nelson,
as gold Commissioner for the Yukon
iistnct, vice Fawcett, removed.
On tho steamship Doiic. which ar
rived at 8an Francisco from tho Orient,
was brought in opium valued at $270,
000, on which a duty of 1100.000 will
bo collected.
The valuo of Improvements In Walla
nalla county, exclusive of cities, ac
cording to the reviaion of the board of
equalization, amounts tof380,324; per
sonal property, $1,878,882.
The Lincoln county (Wahh.) commis
sioners have fixed the tax levy for all
purposes at 14 mills, on a valuation ol
$5,600,732. The levy for road pur
poses was increased from 0.82 to 1.25
The floating indebtedness against the
new town of hent, Wash., will be paid
of! January, aftor which the city s in
come will lie sufficient to pay all cur
rent expenses and leave a handsome
The prune ciop of Clackamas county,
Oregon, has been gathered and mar
keted with very little Ijss, and groweri
are elated over piosent profits and
future prosiectB. At Clackamas sta
tion, 82 tons weio ovapoiated.
A cargo of 100,073 bushels of barley
was shipied from Tacomathe week be
fore last direct to Kngland. The barley
was all raised in Columbia county,
Washington, and being of piime qual
ity, netted the producois a good piice.
Tho charter has been granted for the
building of tho Goldon-Foit Steelo, B.
C, railroad, and work will be started
in early spring. The contract for the
Nelson & Bedlington railway has been
let to Lai son & Foley, work to com
mence this month.
Controller of the Currency Dawei
has decided that ho has no authority to
charter a national bank in Honolulu
until congress passes laws for the gov
ernment of tho islands. Consequently
Perrv S. Heath and San Fiancisco capi
tulistB will not have their application!
granted at preaent.
Tho Carbonado coal mines shipped
85,000 tons during September, heat
ing all previous tecords. Koslyn had
held the record with 80,000 tons. The
Carbonado mines, owned by the South
pin Pacific Kuilroad Company, are run
ning full timo and employ 600 men,
aveiaging $3.20 a day wages.
The Scully Steel St Iron Company, ol
Chicago, has just closed a contract for
the delivery of 25,000 tona ol steel
plates at Victoria, B. C, to bo used in
the constiuction oi five British steam
ships by one of the largest shipbuild
ing firms at that point, inevaiue oi
the contract exceeds $100,000.
A scheme is on foot to construct
logging road about thieo miles in
longth from tho head ol Gray's liver,
Oregon. It will be operated by A. L.
Saldren, who has In operation a simi
lar road at Clatskanie, and will tap a
district ol 6,000 acres of spruce tlmbei
belonging to C. H. Oieen, ol huginaw,
The new association does not con-
iemplato any goneral regulation oi
coast lumber values, its anua are
imply to control the situation at San
Francisco, where the traue nas oeen
for Borne time in a badly demoralized
condition. Puget Sound values, loreign
trade or othor departments ol.lbe lum
ber business, are not affected.
Henry Miller, of Cathiamet, Wash..
i. .o .-nntriicted to iumish tne noria
Pacific mills, at Portland, ovor 2,000,
000 feet of spruce and fir logs this sea
son. The Astoiian says that this cut
will come from Kulokinm, the principal
lnooino treara flowing into the Colum
bia, w here over 150 men were employed
at lowing during tho past summer,
4Mmllna to the Lumberman there
la a good field on the ooast for a small
turpentino factory. Theie are two
.pecies of wood rich In turpentine and
allied porducts, Douglas fir and "bull"
pine, wood alcohol, pitch and other
eo-oalled naval products. The yield ia
by no means as large as the pitch pine
of the South, but there is certainly
room for a factory that will utilize the
tamp and refuse ol pitch-bearing
tn os on the coaat.
Harvesting in the Palouse country
has been completed. Every threshing
machine has pulled in, and the hail ing
of grain to different shipping points
will be finished by November 1, or pH
haps a little sooner. So far this season,
the total shipment of new wheat has
not exceeded 275,000 bushels, most of
this being to Spokane for milling, and
to the Sound. Since the completion of
harvesting, farmers and gtaindealers
have conclude,! that the crop of this
year is the largest ever baiveeted in
the Palouse country. Although the
average yield ia less than in 1807 and
teveral other former seasons, the aggie
gate yield has been greater.
One feature of the new fishery law
enacted bv the Oregon legislature in
special e.aion, is likely to raav
rr ... ... inn it ! that tba
I period appointed to the P H.on ol
I fiah commissioner .hall hold tn ufflv
herein provided for for the period of
I four years from the time of hi. aPPo In
Sent" This woold make be a potefr
ment by Governor Lord, for the law
...... M .),. emerueucoy clauae. hold
rearly through the term of Governor
Since Leitei fuiKnl the outsider has
ot lieet. Interested in Chicago prices.
The diaastroua outcome to the man
'ith so many millions was a terrifying
Iwsontotheamall bull. Explanation!
Jid not count Whether Leitcr made
egregious errors or not was of little
consequence. The defeat, after a year'a
campaign, of the bull leader who for
o long seemed the greatest who hsd
ever arisen, took the heart from every
ono who hud believed in bis cause. It
was only lust June that the dlaastei
took place; about four months ago. It
eema a long interval, but it ia reallv a
short one, and it would be remarkable
if it were not atill In everyone's mind.
What new bull leader would now invite
the comiiariaons which would inevitably
bt made; what banking concern would
hazard the criticism which would fol
low any favors toward a buying cam
paign in grsin? Have the losses of last
rammer1! collapse been forgotten yet!
There must be s good deal imaginative
alKiut any bull deal. Not one suvsnce
in (want Is a mere mutter of consump
tive demand or of actual acsroity.
There must be a great deal ol theory
with advancing prices; eopls must
forget piudence, become venturesome,
permit more or less exhiliratlon.
Would it not be like holding a picnic
st the close ol a funeral to permit much
bull spirit within four montha of the
Leiter failure?
The present movement of wheat to
market Is the heaviest evei known 11,
000,000 bushel! received at primary
points last week. There waB never any
inch total as that in six days before.
Is not the speculator doing pretty well
in takimr care of that nrmmiif and In
r - r - 'j ...
also maintaining prices? Is not the fact
mat sucn a volume oi grain is uuanced
and the nrice luatained evi.lem-o that
the volumeof ipeculation is larger than
the very nanow fluctuations would
aaattl Market!.
Tomatoei, 60(3 75c per box.
Cucumbers, 10(3 15c pei doz.
Onions, 8590c per 100 pounda.
Potatoes, $10(314.
Beets, per sack, $1.
Turnips, per sack, 8005o.
Carrots, per sack, 68c.
Parsnips, per sack, $1.
Beans, green. 23o,
Green corn, $ l 1.26 per saok.
Cauliflower, 76c per doz.
Hubbard squash, 1 l4'o per pound.
Celery. 40(60o.
Cabbage, native and Callfomi
$1.25(3 160 per 100 pounds.
Apples, 60c(3DOc per boa.
Pears, 7Qc3$l per box.
Prunes, 40($50c per boa.
Peaches, 60c(3$l.
Plums, 60c.
Cantaloupes, $1.35 per box.
Butter Creamoiy, 20c per pound;
dairy and ranch, 18(320c pur pound.
Eggs, 26c
Cheese Native, 12-t 12
Poultry Old hens, 18(3 14c per
pound; spring chicken!, $3(34.
Fresh meats Choice diessed beef
steers, prime, 0(37c; cows, prime,
6c; mutton, 7tc; pork, 7(38o; voal,
6 (3 60.
Wheat Feed wheat, $19.
Oats Choice, per ton, $22(328.
Corn Whole, $a8"fl0; cracked, $94;
feed meal, $23.50.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$24(f25; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60;
straights, $3.26; California brr-nds,
$3.26; buckwheat flour, $3.76 graham,
per barrel, $3.70; whole wheat flour,
$3.76; rye flour, $4.
Millstnffs Bran, per ton, $14;
shorts, por ton, $10.
F'eod Chopped feed, $17(321 pei
ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil cake
meal, per ton, $35.
Hay Puget Hound mixed, $0.5063
10; choice Eastern Washington tim
othy, $18.
Portland Markat.
Wheat Walla Walla, 60c; Val
ley and Bluestem, 62363o per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.85; graham,
$2.86; superfine, $3.26 per barrel.
Oats Choice whito, 3638c; choice
ray, 84 (3 35c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $21 22; brew
ing, $23 per ton.
MillstuffB-Bran, $16.50 per ton; mid
dlings, $21; shorts, $16.60; chop, $16
per ton.
Hay Timothy, $10U; clover. $9
10; Oregon wild hay, $9(310 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamory, 60(3 65o;
seconds, 40(3 4 60; dairy, 4046o store,
Cheese Oregon full croam, 1 1 12o;
Young America, 13,o; new oheese,
10c per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.608
per dozen; hens, $3.00(33.60; springs,
$1.25(33; geese, $6.00(30.00 for old,
$4.60)6 for young; ducks, $4.00(1
6.00 per dozen; turkeye, live, 19X
1 2 ! ., i- per pound.
Potatoes 65 $ 60c per !ack; iweots,
3(33 tc per pounn.
Vegetables Beets, 00c; turnips, 75e
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, $1 (3 1.26 per 100 pounda; cauli
flower, 76o per dozen; parsnips, 76c
per sack; beans, 8c per pound; lelery,
70375c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per
box; peas, 8(38X0 per pound.
Onions Oregon, 76c$l per lack.
Hopi 10 (31 5o; 1897 crop, 637o.
Wool Valley, 10(3 12o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 8012c; mohair,
36c per pound.
Mutton Grose, best sheep, wethers
and ewei, 8c; dreesed mutton, 7c;
!pring lambs, 7 V !"'r lb-
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.76;
light and feeders. $8.00034.00; dressed,
$6.60(36.60 per 100 pounds.
Beef Oross. top steers, 8.60(3$8.76;
cows, $2.60(g8.00; dressed beef,
6(36,'-c per pound.
Veal Large. 638c; small, 6 9
"!c per pound.
aa rraaeiaco MaraaS.
Wool Spring Nevada, ll314c per
dound; Oregon, Eastern, 10(3 12c; Val
ley, 16017c; Noithern, 9(3 11c.
Millstnffs Middlings. $17(321.00;
bran, $14,600 15.50 per ton.
Onions Yellow, 85060c per ssck.
ntter FancT creamery, 38o;
do second", 25.237r; fancy dairy, 31(8
$2c; do second!, 20 0 24c per pound.
Eggs Store, 18022c; fancy ranoh,
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Vslenria, $3
02.60; Mexican limes, $8)6.60; Cali
fornia lemons. $3.00O-$00; do ahoioa,
$8. 50 O 4. 60; per boa.
Will Ha ASSaaaaa hj the Dailies' Main
New York. Oct, HI. A disiitach to
the World fiom Washington ay: The
I nite.l States will assume the indebt
edness of the Cuban luunicinalitiis.
but will not agree to pay or guarantee
any portion of the general debt.
This statement was mude to the
World correspondent by the highest
Minority in Washington at this time.
There can be no doubt as to Its coriect
less. Hy this receasion from the original
instructions to the American commis-
sion, the Spanish commission has won
a victory. The instructions to the
American commission watt that they
were not to consider or discuss the ques
tion of the Cuban or Porto Moan debt.
The debt of the municipalitiea of
Cuba will be assumed bv the I'nited
States and pro rated among municipali
ties when a permanent government is
established. In making this couceasion
the Americans were actuated by a do
iiro to protect American interests. The
water works, elootric-lighting plants
and other muuicipal improvements
were largely constructed by American
capital, the bonus being guaranteed by
the Spanish government.
State department officials say that
the assumption of tho Cuban municipal
debt win contemplated from the outset
in the event of Spain making the plea
that the indebtedness was incmred in
improving tho conditions of the Islsnd.
This view is indorsed by international
lawyers. As Spain did not derive any
benefit from the money expended in
improvements in Cuba and will not in
future, juiiati say it ii only proper
that the United States ass'imo the in
debtedness for municipal works. The
contract! already made for municipal
improvement! will also be honored by
the American government.
Output It Katlinatrd at Klghl Million
Dal lata,
Seattle. Oct. 21. Uecoipti of the
Seattle assay office and tho San Fran
cisco mint of the clean-up of this sea
son's output of Klondike gold are
$8,000,000. Superintendent Wing, ol
the former, eald his offloo had taken in
$4,400,000, and the Han Franoisco
mint $8,t00,000. Bceidcs this it ii
estimated that dust amounting to $600,
000 was sent to Philadelphia, Denver
and Helena. The local assay offices has
advices of a singlo oonsignment ol
$003,000 now en louto hero.
I. ait of the Heaann.
Seattle, Oct. 81. The exodus 01
miners and gold from Alaska by way
of the lower Yukon river practically
closed today with the arrival of the
titoamor itoanoke, from St. Michaels.
The Koanoko left St. Michaels Octoler
8. At that time there wore only three
steamers in the harbor tho Portland.
Protection and (larronne which were
to sail in a day or so for San Francisco,
Seattle and Victoria, respectively.
They had only a few passengers. All
of the Yukon rivor steamers had gone
into winter quarters.
The Koanoke brought down about
850 passengers, and gold dust esti
mated at $1,500,000. About $1,000,
000 was the propeity of three 001 pota
tions, the Noith American Trauaporta
lion & Trading Company, the Canadian
Dank of Commorce and the Dank of
British North America. The gold was
contained in 20 boxes. The total
amount in tho iossession of tndjvidoals
ia estimated at $500,000. Tho largest
individual amount! are given ai fol
lows: F. Belcher, $100,000; A. Jaok
son, $10,000; K. Langlois, $40,000; S.
Alexander, $10,000; i. Laurie, $50,
000. Among the passengers were Captain
J. J. Mealy, manager of tho North
Amuiican Transportation ft Trading
Company, at Dawson, and Pat Galvln,
a well-known Klondiker.
The Koaiioke'a passengers for the
most part left Dawson as early as Sep
tember 14, and have no late advices.
The tiip down was unevontful.
Admiral s, l.l. , In Command.
Washington, Got. 21. Admiral
Schley was today, by order! of the
navv department, placed in command
of the naval station at San Juan de
Porto Rioo. So far, the dspaitment
has no knowledge of the value of the
naval property contained in this sta
tion when it was evacuated by tha
Spanish officials. Admiral Sohley has
requested that he bo permitted to re
tain in service for a time three or four
civilian employes who aro acquainted
with the station. This has been grant
ed. It is the Intention of the depart
ment to end another naval officer to
relieve Admiral 8chlcy of the com
mand very soon, and to maintain a per
manent station at tliia most important
itrategio point In the south.
To rtalsa flpanlsh Vaaaala.
Vancouver, B. U, Oct. 21. Accord
ing to advices by the Empress of Jaimn,
W. C. Jack, of the Hong Knng ft
Wbampoa Dock Company, has left
Hong Kong foi Msnila for the purpose
of reporting 011 the possibility of rail
ing some of tha Spanish vessel!.
Tha Kaport nanled.
Paria. Oct. 21. A semi-official note
say! the statements that the French
warships are being placed on a war
footing and ordered to Brest aro Incor
reel and that undue imiiortunce is at
tached to the incident.
Boston, Oct 31. Patrick Itoaoh, 46
years of age, and John C. Itloe, aged
80, while employed in repairing the
roof of a fonr-slory bouse on Hudson
atieet, became engaged In a quarrel.
People below saw them struggling on
the roof. They grew gradually near
the edge and then to the honor of the
raaetatora the two rolled over and fell
50 feet to the ground. Both were ter
ribly injured and died a few hours
later. -
Htolen Honda lle.o.err.l.
Minneapolis, Oct SI. The pollen
today found 151,000 Worth of govern
ment bonds in an old cloeet In South
Minneaisilia They proved to lie all ol
the 5I,000 worth of bondi stolen from
the Har.l wo-"l Manufacturing Company
two weeks sgo, which had been secreted ;
ny the thieves.
(In an-. , iint rif superstitions regarding'
the plague the natives of Bombay still '
occasionally throw stones at foreigners
moving about alone, and not long ago
a ohvaician's life wsi saved only by hia
helmet, at which a blow waa aimed.
A Benefactress' Kind Act.
'"i tkr Kxtmng .Vrae. afn.ii, JrVa.
Mrs. John Tansey, of IM Hiker
stieat, Detroit, Mich., is one of those
Women who always know just what to
do in all trouble and sickness. One
that is mother to those in distresa To
a reportci she said:
"I am the mother of 10 children
and have raised eight of them. Sev
eral years ago we had a serious time
with my daughter, which begun when
she was about sixteen years old. She
did not have any lerious illness but
109 mod to gradually waste away. Hav
ing never hail uuy consumption in our
family, at we come of Mod old Irish
and Scotch stock, we did not think It
was that. Our doctor culled the dis
ease by an odd name which, as I after
ward learned, meant lack of blood.
"It Is impossible In describe the feel
ing John and 1 bad us we notice. I our
daughter slowly passing away from us.
We finally found, however, u medicine
that socuiod to help her, and from tfie
.Vlxl of IV Hie She Wn (V ar, l ..(.
first we noticed a decided change fur tho
better, and after three months' treat
ment hor health was so greatly im
proved yon would not have recognised
ber. She gained in flesh rapidly and
soon was in perfect health. The medi
cine used was Dr. Williams' Pink Tills
for Palo People. I have always kept 1
these pills in tho house since and have
recommended them to many people I
have told many mothers about them
and they have affected some wonderful .
"Kvery mother in this land should I
keep these pills In thu house, as they 1
ire good (or many ailments, particular
Iv l1 . - arising, from impoverish. .1 or
tiaeasttl blood, and weakened noivo
There were 111 shocked and angry 1
maidens in Whillug, la., when they
learned that the young clergyman of
the Christian church iu that little town
was about to become the husband of
Mias Annie lligelow. He was engaged
to lie married to every one of the 17.
He has resigned Irom the church.
docs ny cake smell so
Too n.jch soda or per
haps alum or lime. Use
Schillings Best baking pow
der. "Hunter stones" were seen in the
lthiiio last winter. They appaai only
when the river is vory low, and tho
date ol their aiicarnnco ia then cut
into than They lire believed lo fore
bode a year of bad crops.
DBAS Rsgfoai - It ynu know of a solicitor or
canvasser In tourclly or elsewhere. i-eclatly
a man who has solicited for suhscrltillous, in
surance, nursery slis-k. hooks or lalfor Inn. or a
man Mho i an sell good., you will confer a
favor hy telling him In correspond with us: or
If you will Insert this Boties In your pup. r and
such psrtles will cm this notice out and mall
lo us, we may Is able lo furnish them a gisat
po-iliou In tlielr own slid adjoining mum 1. 1
AM Hill AN WOOI.KN MM. 1.4 CO-, t Im ago.
The Maledivo Archiielago, west of
Ceylon, embraces 14,000 coral islands,
few of which are more than six feel
starve the level of the ocean and only
176 of which are inhabited.
A Nhorl right.
The damp uutiitnn nights and morn
ings stirs up aoiatica, and then comes a
tug of pain. Use Nt. Jacobs Oil, and
then comes a tug to cure it. It is a
short tight and the cure is sure.
Miss Daisy Keaiing, the young col
ored woman apMiiuted a teacher in the
Jersey City ho,, U will retain her
j place and tie school to which ihe ha!
been assigned, according to the super
intendent, no raattor what objections
are laisod. She ia a graduate of the
schools, bright and capable. It has
been stated that tho residents of the
district in which her school is I ted
had filed protests to the apK)iiitiiient of
a colored woman as teacher.
The oldest steam engine in the world
has just gone off duty after working
120 yeara It waa built in 1777.
(a due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which It la
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the ('ai.ifoiinia Flo Hrutir
Co. only, and we wish to Impreas upon
all the Importance of purchardng the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine .Syrup of Figs ia manufactured
by tho OALUINMIA Kio Hrnup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
asjilst one In avoiding the worthless
Imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cam
roniUA Flo Kritup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which tho genuine Kyrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the eioellence of Its remedy. It la
far In advance of all other laxatives,
aa it acta on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and It does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get Its beneficial
effectn, please remember the name of
the Company
an in Oat.
Let isvillk. Kj. Haw vena. a. T.
Moaar Kient on Cubans.
Ill addition to tho $60,000 appropri
ated by congress and distributed by
Ocnerul Lee for the relief of tin' people
ol Cuba, the central Cuban relief
committee appointed by tho ; resident
distributed food, medicines and general
-o i lie- to the poor and suftering
Cubans lo the cash value of $821,0111.
Of this amount $1 5,082 waa in cash
contributions and $14rl,6HT in supplies.
The total shipment of supplies was
(,042,082 kilos, or 828)1 tons, ol which
quantity 2,N6il,H88 kilos were fond, $$
758 kilos wore clothing, HI.H.VJ kilos
medicines and 4.M4 were miscellaneous
m- I lel.l. ,.r S.,.rl.
Fmiu the fields of sport we go to tied
and get up full of pain and aches.
The neit night, by the use of SI.
Jamba Oil, we are soothed to sleep and
get up cored.
Smokers are h-sa liable than non
smokers to contract diphtheria and
other thioiit diseases in the ratio of ono
to -.'H. Si says Professor llajak, of
Vienna, Austria.
If you want the best wind mill, pumps,
tanks, plows, ngon, IVII ol all sue.,
boilers, enirliies, or general nutcbliiery, see
or w rite JOHN POOtiKi foot of Morrison
street, Portland, Oregon.
A Frenchman, M. Dietitian!, uses
the X-rays for measuring the adultera
tion of Hour with chalk and sand.
When coming to Snu Frurickim go to
llriMiklyn Hotel, Hush si reel.
American or KurolH-aii plan ltooui and
Isturd $1 ,Q0 to II .'si p. r dnv ; room BOOMltl
Free coach
r dav ; single riit-als .'.' cents.
('has. Montgomery.
The Austrian stale railway carried
o.lOO.Olo passengers and 3, SOS. (14 1
tona of goo-Is dining the month of
l ac IT Plunder'! Oregon lllood 1'urlfler now.
Now that it is all over, women war
corresKindenta who were in the cam
paign of Santiago aro beginning to be
heard from for the lirst time. Mies
Anna Noithend Deujauiin, a Southern
gill, ia tho latest of these, and she is
going to lecture about hor experiences
lo various women's clubs throughout
the New Kngland and the Middle
states. She was actively in the cam
paign, and to judge from the difficulties
she surmounted in getting to the front
her silence while there or, at least,
her anonymity was due to a (ear thai
she might bo sent awav.
nt nl
Front and Evorott Sts.
A Beautiful Present
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand
the manufacturers, I. C. liuhinger Bros. Co., ol Keokuk, Iowa, have
decided loOIVIl AWAY a beautiful preirnt with each package ol
March a.,ld. These present! are in the form of
Beautiful Pastel Pictures
They are 13s 19 inches, in site, and are entitled ai lollowi:
Lilacs and
' Oouuttl wo c xesT"
These rare nlctures. four in number, bv
R. I.eRoy, of New York, have been
in his studio and are now offered for lire first time to IM public.
The pictures arc accurately repns lur ed in all the colors used in the orig
inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art.
pastel pictures are the correct thing lor the home, nothing surpassing
them in beauty, richness of color and
One of these pictures
will Ire given away
with earn oackatre ol
purchased ol your grocer. It is the
is sold fitr 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer lor this atarcn and get a
beautilul picture.
aeooH Bipod pumnc a
-X ask a 1 taj ar ? rn aro
mime aaosvuaanuia turruia.
and for Calalofut.
Golden Waddings.
Only one out of every thousand mar
ried couples live to celebrate their
golden wedding.
hall We Keep the I'hlllpptna.
While pui. I pinion is divided as to the
Wisdom of keeping the Philippines, It is,
howi-M r. all one nay In regard to the wis
dom of awry body keeping their health.
p..r Ihla purpose Hosteller's Stomach
Killers i widely used. This medicine ta
Iwilh preventive and cure for malaria!
fevers and stomach disorders.
A ton of gold is worth i'120,000. A
Ion ul silver, at the present rate per
mi , inuv be said lo bo worth about
III, 100.
100 ItKW Ml. Hi on
Ttie readers i. ( ilii" ear er will ho pleased la
ream thai there it at lessl line drea.le.l dl.eaas
I ihst Kiel list heeo able lo cure in all Its
Stales, and Iscaiarrh. Ilsll'it atarrh I'uro
i.i) nljr positive- cure known lo the saedleal
Iran-ruiry. i mm i Ii i- 'i s . .-iitU'iil..iial dia
! ease, requires a pnnstlluiloaal treatment.
, Hall's Caiarrh I'ure la taken iim rnallr, a iln
oirseily upon the M.wmI arid mucous sur'arcs
of the aystess, therehj d.-.trnymg the founda-
tlou of Die ili.ease, and airing, the patient
; atretirrlh l.y hutMlug up the eonstiiaticn and
I assisting nature In .l.Ung Us work. The pro
prletors have so ranch faith In Its eurallvs
I powera, that they offer One Hundred Is. liars
lor any case that II lallslocnre. Hand lor list
of le.thneiilals. Address
K I IIKNEY A CO., Toledo, O.
kid ly truRltL7to.
nan s rainny i ins are rue riest.
Itiintft OflVllii It r I l t( M.t'lf.
1 1 1 1 1 1 h h Itllliitc mid ' - -
Dr. t. h. white, ; :;?r;r
Buy Direct
And save middleman's i r. ilts. Men'a fine tall
I or-nia.lo sulis,.l Bin 111. fit gc.aranlred. lata.
logus, samidei, si ll-inessiirement hlanks, etc.,
; mailed Iree. Address 1, LAM Did AN, McKar
I building, Portland, nr. Mention this paper
Is it Wrong?
Get It Right
keep It Right,
Moore's Keelel Itemed 7 wllldolt These
doses w'U msko you leel belter. Oel It Irora
your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or
trom Stewart A Holmes brugCo., Heailla.
MatemoueT br eurcesl .
speculation in Chicago. W.
nril I lui) and ..-ll wheal ou mar
WW llladl I gins. Torturies have beaa
n.s.le on a smsll beginning hy trading In la-
lures. ni. er lull particulars. Ileal ol r
erenre given. Several years' eiperlenceon tha
' CalesirQ hoard si Trade, and a thorough know
ledse ol the l-i.nei. Send (or our Iree refer
ence i.ook bowKiNa, Hopkins a Co..
Chlrag.i Hoard ol Trsde llrokers. OSees In
1 Portland, Orsgea and Seattle. Wash.
S45 $45 $45 $45 $45
1899 qx- BICYCLES
"Heat Wheels on Karlh."
W ith III per ci-u I discount for sash, ISM) I d.-nls
v 0 I"'. !'. with in paf cent disc. mill tor
cnnli -end lor cstalogue. l.Uc agent, wanted
KIIKIt T. MKIIItll.l. I Vl'LK '..
pulill si. hpi rg AN K. TAIOMA.
Iron Works.,
Mantifarlorrrs of Marinr and Stationary Englnrs and
Boilrn, Saw Mill. Flour Mill, Mining and I hedging
Machinery, Shafting, Pullryt, Hangers witer
Whrrls, ItC. Aernli for Iht John T. Noyg Co. Flour
Mill Machinery. Huntley Mfg. Co. 's Monitor Grain
Srparalon and Scotirrn. Dr.lm in Exrrliior Itohmg
Cloth, Mill and EUvator Supplies, Cotton and Leather
I iour old, rs direct to us and gel Ihe lame
manufacturers' prices.
Cawston & Co.
Ittccesien lo H. f . Urtger) a Co!
48 and SO First M.,
Portland, Or.
304 First Ave., S.,
Seattle, Wash.
Lilacs and
led na
chosen from the very choicest subjects
ol color ami arnauc mew.
Elastic Starch
artistic merit.
best launtlry starch on the market, and
Is,. HiajU fur uunntuml
ill- tir-. IfirlsiRtrimlUtnt,
Irriutioiia of ul prfcHutu
tif n 11 o 11 mnintr (.
Pk.ltitu, auti uot aritria
' poisonous.
f 11, 1.1.1 s.ut o reaaart.
ssruatsr writo.t t
adseellasra please
YV suaotloB taTa iif
tffW 1 an jafsvl
jpjeW 0-ttJi.loj B
nl Mt to atria a
I fjTjjaslTiWtlWlUHIMjWOt
MC ia.i j A
N. v. w. v.
HP i I'll I I'