- .......... I nt en... Nfr '. ....i .ml cm. live enemy re, r I!""' . it. . I MM '" m i.l ..- . lift '"r,r, Ill gave III.' ."Mill ....hull.'" ... .... ....... i. h... I If.. .n. . .. .Mum ' ihc eurca brought alsilll by much Hitter.. ' ill. i. .. .11 uresatul raedtclai klilery n ,t,i,llialct nt MrvOOJ, (nr .M'VCr IH-liir Ill fr ' . i ijitordcri Uki' .i. -i" .""' . .11. ,i JJjgJjhV" KncfltWl b It, nn.l all prelSS II inn....-..--- .' . ' ii -1 . 1 ... 1 1 1 n tiuuriuiis coins lire logully uiinln in n.i . ... ...... I In mil iti 1 1... t China- ""' r ' '"...ii. ihit they mako the dtml hapPT- Scrofula Tni"'" Wood df wHlloiMi md hoimi or lati r mar art urn "'l' uumu, ' ruiini'itc imuvh or some mure MMpUcated form. To van scrofula or prevent it, Swoaghl purity jroui Uood with Hood's canl.ainlla, wlilcn una n coiiiinuiHiy mwuig record of wonilcrful cures. Hood's8 pariila b America' realeiit Meillclne. f I ; nix for f Mood's Pills ' IndlgeattMi MilOOMSSa The flrat double-decked ship built in England tno great l lurry, con- itrmle.l in 1609, by order of Henry VIII. It Will 1,000 tons liurdun ami con 110,000. The Italian criminologist, Dr. For rimts, found that of 2,000 juvenile ciiiniuals 1,121 wcro idlers, Tho pre. vailing CllnH wan theft, being 1,182 of the whole A prOCeMlon of icebergs sent agninst the surface of tho sun would melt nt the rate of 1100,000,000 cubio wiles of hiIi I ice a second. Cake made with Schillings Best baking powder has no bitter taste. v William Nell, of Colorado, unearthed aix baby coyotes on li is ranch, and trained them 80 that they follow him like dogf. I. tlllKS) CAN WKAH SHOES, Dot ilie smaller after using Allen's Font- F..I-. . a powder to tie shaken into the shoes. It make!. tight or new shoes feeleusy; less instant relief to coma and bunions. It's the creiilest comfort discovery of the aaa Cum and prevents swoflen feet, Mi. i. -is, calloUl and sore spots. Allen's fuot'Rase is a certain cure for sweating , kut, H llillgi nervous feet. At all druggists an.l shoe si. ires, 2.V. trial pnekage, KKKK. Address. Allen 8. Olmsted, l.c Boy, S. Y., box 852. laboring men hayo 312 working dayp a year in Hungary, 308 in tho United Slates, 278 in England, and 207 in Rossis. Nn household is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. I is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't HO gleet this necessity. As to the length of lifo of fish, it it aid thut the ordinary carp, if not in terfered with, would live about 50C rests. Pit i'i Cur fur Consumption Is our only Rtetliclne fur couirhs ami colds. Mrs. ('. Belts, 4808th Aver, Denver, Col, Nov. 8, DB. ' I'se Dr. PtttUder'l Oreumi Mood Pariflfr DOW, According to Professor (4n I ton, a few peisuns seo mentally in print every word they hear uttored. When coming to San Kraneiso go to Brooklyn Hotel, HB-2M Hush street, American or European plan Boom ami l,iir.i no i,, t 1 . r4 ) per day ; rooms an cents I" tl.im per day; single' meals 25 OtnU, Free mat h. ("has. Montgomery. If you want the liest wind mill, pumps, tanks, plows, wagons, liells ot all sizes, boilers, liglues, or general maehinery, see nr write JOHN l'OOI.E, foot of Morrison HlMt, Portland, Oregon. The Koman brido, when being ihesse.l for tho wedding, invariably hnd hei hair parted with a point ol a ipeai. A Japanese brido gives her wedding presents to her parents as some slight recompense for their trouble in reuiing her. u the United Stntes 37 po' cent ol nlldran undor tlueo years of ago die from gastio-intestinal disorders. In Hrazil a never attained 1 seven pounds. single pineapple hat 1 greater growth than AN OPERATION AVOIDED. Mre. Rosa Oaum Wrltos to Mrs. Plnkham About It Sho Says : fRAH Mrs I'i 1, 11 m I take pleas ure in writinir you a few lines to in form you of the good your Vegetable Compound, haa done me. I cannot thank you enough for what yourmcdl eine has done for me; it has. indeed, Miped me wonderfully ror years I was trou Med with an ovarian tumor, eaeh year grow ing worse, un Hl at iast I vas compelled to consult with physician. He said nothingcould he done fne uie but to po under an operation In speaking with a friend of mine bout It, she recommended Lydla E. I'mkham's Vegetable Compound, say ing she knew it vvpuld cure mo. I then sent for your medicine, and after tak '"g three bottles of it, the tumor dis ppeared. Oh! you do not know how ""eh good your medicine has done mt I shall recommend it to all suffer ing women Mrs. Rosa OAaTK, 720 "all St.. Loa Angeles, Cal. The great and unvarying success of Lydia, R Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound in relieving every derangement of the female organs, demonstrates 11 to be the modern safeguard of wo wan s happiness and bodily strength. Wore than a million women have been benefited by It Every woman who needs advice bout her health Is Invited to write to Mrs Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. 1 iM J I f slf Willi W J Jil a busts nstlt sit list FSAS. '"in .lnip TutM l ameJIrfTTT . ""cArim 1 II K HINT vnru I o01T . 1 jj i Wmtm I B l:. c-l.c,l .1,, , i .i.l t "-n,i (4 a-orle.M. Uequlrril U Klrrl. .J ,lt;"" '- f lb ksgieUtarebal. wd perl.f or i . a. . . '" Will? . I lit. ,, . w. Carbon lows: i" Total. a m m It 1 1 1 1 I l l l crhotl le'.rxo , "Hllaine Ptans it Kaklu . Cotton Hewitt . . I'UIIUU ... Cilia Null u t 1 i a I t Tho Oregon senatorial situation was one hanged o first j()j, ballot taken Wednesday. Corbett again received iies .in I the oth are divided amoiig inmority candidates much the same as tne tirbt day. RsntMM lu Two IIuuim. Tho routine, wmlr In k,.h. i. ... ... ""HI IM .I-.I-. l's laydid not develop anything ot nmt ImpOrUnfle. Tho senate concur r(1 t the house resolution for an in vestigation of tho boobs ol the seciotsry of state, penitontisry, Soldiers' Home, state elnul .. nussioners and insane asylum. Arising to a uuestioii of bvIwIUm Senator Fulton hoate.Ur denied a state ment that tho Clatson delei'iltinri ia in collusion with Seorelaiv ol Snn..-....i U'ltibar in thedistiibutiou ol partongae in tho hitter's oftloo in tho interest of the Snti-Ootbetl men . In tho house, the bill to incorisirntn Condon, Gilliam county, was naasiil. Uills and icsolutions wore intrwluced in the bouse as (ullows: Dy FurdnoT, llxiug tho time of hold ing terms of court in the sixth judicial district. By Myers, providing that a Joint committee be appointed to inves tigate the salmon industry of the state and rejiort at the next session, its ex pense not to noted 500. This is a substitute for a lesolutlon on the same subject killed last week. Moody of Multnomah, introduced two bills, ono to repeal tho present law authorizing tho payment of taxes with county warrants, and tho other to pro vide that county warrunts shall be re deemed in the order of the date of the troasuror's indorsement Un tbom. Tho bill authorizing tho state to re fund to Lincoln county nearly 1,000, paid on account of property assessed in tho Bilfltl Indian reservation, which was recently decided not to bo assessa ble by that county, nassed without ob jection. Two moro investigating committees wero set on foot today, ono to investi gate the school land commission, and the other to examine into the maungo lent ot tho state school for the blind. Tho Multnomah senators held a meeting this afternoon and organized as 11 committee, by electing Haseltino chairman. Following is tho full text of tho reso lutions introduced in tho Iioiisj by lioss of Multnomah, providing for the eclcbrutiou of the 40th anniversary of Oregon's admission into the Union: "Whereas, Thore occurs in 1811 the 40th anniversary ol tho admis.ejn ol Oregon as u state and the scmi-cMen-Dial anniversary of tho extension ot tho laws of the United States over the Oregon countiy; and, "Whereas, Tho npproptiato observ ance of bucIi annlveisary is conducive to creating nnd enlightening a true commonwealth spirit, fosUring tho zealous study of its history md institu tions by its people; therefore, be it "Ilesolvcd, That the speaker of tho house appoint a committee of three, who. with two appointed by the senate, shall constitute a joint committee to arrange for appropriate exercises by tho senate and houso of representa tives of the legislature of Oregon, as sembled in joint assembly on the 14th day of February, 1899; and further be it "Hosoived, That tho governor be re quested to apioint a cominittoo of ar rangements for tho celebration of tho semi ceutennial anniversary, to bo held at i'oitiaud, Or., on Juno 16, 1899." Curtis of Clatsop, introduced in the house, by request ol ex-BeptMMitatiM D'Bfln, a joint resolution lor an amend ment to tho constitution providing for tiro initiative and referendum plan of making laws. By its terms, "the leg islative assembly shall have power to refer any bill to the legal votors of the state for approval or rejection. Five thousand legal voters of the state shall havo the right and iowcr to propose any bill or constitutional amendment to all the legal voters for approval or rejec tion." It Is made compulsory lor tho legislature to rofer to the voters every increase in any appropriation of public funds, every increase in salary of any public officer and every new appropiia tion of public funds. Bids have been opened at tho navy department for tho construction of four harbor-defense vessels, ol tho monitor typo, authorized by congress at an ex penditure of 1. 250,000 for each mon itor. Four per cent allowance was made in favor of the Pacific coast build ers. From the fate of the bids, the lowest bidders for the four vessels woic Nixon, Newport News, Bath and Union iron woiks, who oach bid for one mon itor. A pedestrian succeeded the other day in setting foot jn the course of five hours and 40 minutes, in seven Gor man states. Tho perccntago of dark or black eyes is 20.7 percent among women, while among men it is 12.3 that is, of the wholo number. America has eight towns namod Ma drid, three of which are considering the expediency of changing their names to something less pointedy and aggres sively Castillian. Adelina Patti has liecome natural ised in England, alter a continuous residence of 12 years. Simla, India, Is built on the side of a steep hill, and the roof of one house is often on a level with the foundation of one In the next tier. The greatest force known to science is that produced ly the contraction and expansion of mcUls, rosnltlng from tho action of beat and cold. Grasshoppers sttain thejrnrestest : c.,th America, where they grow to a length of five Inches, and j their wings tpreao 01a i n'llj. 1 ' " UN TAP t'o.11... Iiu.n,,.. ,. Orator v was ,, ,Mp ltl , ',";".""ll"r very good spo.tles P" Ml l llen.on. ,, tnmnelli.f OlaakMBM, ,N,k jn "ren,K, M the r,.,H u( , ,nw 1U1. "hoi.xiiig the railroad OOOUlUflioa, and . ir mm r -niton f flatsop. ,,! Dufurof WMoo. uncorked their elo luenoe in favor of a Joint committee to make an examination of the piemises Md rMorl some proj.vt for circumvent ng the olwtruction to navigation of the 'iverat t'lilo. h ,M,enel . ,o si1Uj.vi, an.l Kulton e-neemllv con in me iielustri.il clones of the ""ire inian.l hmpire when it shall MM free water access to the sea filing of Multnomah, oppottd the resolution on the ground ol economy. .In motion of Taylor of Umatilla, it as tabled. His objection was ma le :o the present foim of tho resolution, "t it really goes deeper. lie has lit :le faith that United States officials would attach much weight to any te isirt a legislative committee might nake, but if It must go through, ho wants the committee to be composed of :he best-equipped men In the leui.la. ture lor such an investigation. lhursdiiy'a vote loi senator : Corbett ieorge, lt m; smith, of t; atson. m-. u.,r..., m.i.i ....... E E.HS1H, u; v 1 111. in,.. 8. Tho ways and means commit lees held a joint mivtinir. and. ,1 ,.t,. era, listened to the case of the Salem Orphans' Home, which asks for $3,000; that ol W. T. Wright, of Union, wlio is out of pocket f 25,000 ami four years' interest by rensou of tbo hitch iii tho Eastern Oregon asylum matter, and that ol John Hall, who wants relief to the extent of nearly flO.000, being 10 per cent and iutotest for collecting tho Hate's pari of the mortgage taxes from Multnomah couonty in 1804, when he was deputy district attorney. He al leges that he was employed by ex-Sec-rctaiy of State McBride to assist the Jltoiney-gcneral. Tho ways and means omniittees oxiiect to complete their wotk early next week. Michell ol Wasco, in the senate, and Myers of Multnomah, in the house, in troduced a hill authorizing cxpicss com panies to bring sheep into the state in lots of not more than live animals each, without having them inspected. Tho object Is to do away with the tumble some and expensive requirements which subjects even a single sheep to official inspection. Express companies do not transport sheep to market or between ranges, but handle ihicfiy thu tinest snimals designed for breeding pur- poses. Flagg of Marion, introduced in the houso a resolution calling upon the sec retary ol state to have a ceiling built over representative hull at its first ttnry, and to have tho upper story I i Tided into committee-rooms. It is npp.ised that such an arrangement will really improve tho wretched acoustics if the chamber, and it would certainly relievo Ibe press for accommodation ol .-omniittees. "Wo can spare the spectators' gal lery, in the... times of vigilant newspa MM," said Flagg. Tbo resolution was passed. The hill putting the district attorney f Multnomah county on salary nnd livfrting his fees into the county treas ury pa.s,.. 1 the senate without objec tion. Tho Marion county delegation con cluded to amend the salary bill foi Marion county by raising the allow ance for deputy hire in the clerk's HDOfl Irom f l,IW to f 1, mm per year, 1 e. hieing such allowance for the recordiV from 7H0 to tiluO, and changing whol ly tho scheme of the assessor's pay. Instead of allowing blm a per diem ol 4 and 3 for Held and f 2 for office deputies, be is to be paid (1,200 per year, and will lio allowed $2,500 for deputies. It is estimated that the new schedule will save Marion county about H,000 a year. When tho Maekay bill to allow the Port of Portland commission to build a drydiHik camo lioforo the Multnomah delegation, the point was iaise.1 that it might interfere with the projected en terprise of Wolff & Z Wicktr. Pending inqniiy into this phase of the matter, uo action will be taken on the bill. Ono of tho several hills for the abol ishment of tho rsilroad commission passed the senate without a dissenting vote, on a favorable report of the com mittte on federal relatione. It was the bill of Daly, of BwlOII, that passed. Tho author spoke strongly in favor of the repeal, and Biownoll also improved the opisirtuiiity to go 011 record with an eloquent appeal for it. Fulton's amendment lo the Astoria charter, which has passed tho senalo, changes the chartor in hut 0110 respect. The charter now authorizes tho council to grant street railway franchises for a period of years only. Sherwin of Jackson, introduced in the house a bill for an act to promote the heet--.ug.il industry in this state by paying a bounty of $1 per ton for all sugar beets harvested for the purs)S of being manufacture.! into sugar, for a peiiod of six years. It carries the emergency clause. Senator Porlcr's bill to amend tho code provides that in all cases whero service of summons is made by publica. tion, the defendant shall appear iinrne- liately on the completion of the notice or judgment may ho taken, it aiso authorizes the county judge to grant an order for seivice of summons in the ah nonce of the circuit judge. This is to avoid tedious delays where terms of cir cuit court are infrequent, and does not apply to cases whero personal sorvioe is obtained. Freeland of Morrow, introduced s resolution asking the appointment of s joiut conunitteo to Investigate the beet means of improving the Columbia rivel at Olilo. Tho committee Is lo report at the next session. The corner-stone of a monument tc the Irish revolutionists of 179H, lnoa, 1848 and 1867 has been laid at Cork. The London Standard says England ran confidently rely on the support of the United States ami Japan in nr . ecution of necassary measures la lina. Tlllltn KCOXOMY WWA, - Vate ) 4kIUk RQMimiisM Beer4 mmi m is iM,na, ItsllniHil OsWMImIms. The third economy and n-furm bill paxsod the seualo Thuisday afternoon, repealing the law creating tho state board of equalization. t'onsi.lerable oratory was indulged in before the bill was put on its final passage. It a dually passed by a vote of 17 to 13. The feattue of the forenoon session in the house today was the piss.ige ol a bill abolishing the board ol state rail- roml commissioners. When the bill i "P u" un' passage, alter a . is. pension of rules, there w. ie hut four absentees. The vote of IhoflS remain ing was unanimous in favor ol tho bill. Friday's vote for senator: Oorbflit, lb'.; M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, 23; Ueorgfl, I0; Hatch, 6; Bakin, U; Wil liams, 4. In the least. Tho house) bill providing nr the in corporation of the citv ol Oondon passi I the senate. The house bill remitting the over paid tales to Lincoln county was passed. The house bill amending the statutes la,ll,g to circuit court terms in the tllir'1 J1'0! district was referred to ..... ...luiiuiiiee nn juuieiarv. The house lull to regulate salaries of county officers in Washington county was referred to the senators from Wash ington county. The house bill to In nrporate tho city of Ashland was passed. The committee on revision of laws reported hack favorably tbo senate bill providing for placing the American flag on all school houses. It was online I engrossed (or third reading. The committee on onnl Institutions reported back favorably tho senate hill providing for working misdemeanants on public highways. It was ro-rofeiicd for specific amendment. Tho committee on education re port,-1 back favorably, with slight amend ment, the bill regulating quliflcations of electors at school meetings and school elections. The bill was lost by a vote of 15 to 10 on final passage. The committee on agriculturo report- ! cd hack the senate bill in relation to Eastern Oregon agricultural societies 1 favorably; it was ordered engrossed lor third reading. The committee on judiciary reported back the senate bill fixing tho statu tory rate of Mtcrest at 0 per cent. Mulkey moved an amendment placing the rate at 5 per cent; the amendment waa lost. Ordered engrossed for third reading. Tbo senate bill fixing tho terms of circuit court in the seventh judicial district was reported favorably, and under suspension read a third time and passed. The senate bill calling for a consti tutional convention in September, 1889. was reported back with amend- 1 moots and adopted. The bill was or dered engrossed for third reading. The senutu bill to establish a rule of pleading in cases of arson was reported back favorably and ordered engrossed for a third reading. The bouse bill relating to the terms Ol circuit court in thu third ju It. 1.1I distiict with amendments was adopted, and the bill ordered to third leading undor suspension of rules was passed. In the House.. A bill creating the office of game and forestry warden in each county caused lively discussion in the bouse, but was passed by a vote of !is to 10, Many weie opposed to it by reason ol the expense to the stale, claiming the wardens would Cost the state fHO.OOO i annually in salaries alone. niiiiu claimed thuir counties did not need such wardens at all. Flagg of Marion, made a g I talk against the bill, but tO HO pill pose A measure providing for the ap pointment of supremo court commis sioners was reiel a second time ami re ferred to the judiciary committee. Young's bill, providing for exempt certificates for volunteer Astoiia lire men, was taken up, read a second and a third time, and passed. A special order for 10:30 was at this time brought up and passod. The measure amends soction 291, title 1, chaptoi 8, Hill's code, and its effect will ho lo take tho publication of sher iff's salo notices out of the hands of the sheriff and place it in the hands of the judgment debtor or his attorney. A hill by Boeder, relative to the cor rection of defects in deeds for lands Eobl undor execution, etc., came up lor final passage. Tho vote stool: Ayes 17, noes 41, absent 2. Heeler himself voted In Ibe negative, promising lo bring the bill up in another form later in the session. A bill by Moody provides for a change In tho Oregon law rulativo to tho commission of nonresident attor neys to practico, so as to make it con form with the statu ton law of Wash ington, thereby allowing Oregon attor neys to handle legal business in Wash ington. Curtis' bill to regulate and protoet (turgenn-lishing was, on motion of Huberts, made a special order for 8 P. M. Monday. The measure protects sturgeon Irom March 1 to November 1. Ibe sen te bill conferring autitbor iiy upon Eugene divinity school to is sue degrees and diplomas Was read the first and second times and refeired to the committee on education. Young's bill to protect elk from Jan uary 1, 1899, to January 1, 1910, in Oregon, came up at 1 1 :80 A, M., and was also a bill providing for tlio regu of public latum ol the lanying on WOrks The senate bill making it a misde meanor to teai down or destroy toll gales, telegraph poles, bridges or mao adain roads, and providing penalties therefor, was passed by an almost cnnnioiuns vote. The courtesies of the house were ex tended to Hon. T. B. Handle. The senate bill Incorporating the town of Monmouth, aftor passing its second reading, was referred to the Polk county delegation. The senate hill incorporating the town of Elgin, after passing its second resiling, under iuseniioii of the rules waa passed. F, ijj of M irion, iutroduoed a ri no tation for an appropriation to pay vol unteers fur thu late Hpanisb-Ameriran war who were r j-isggallowliig IJ1.60 P r lay from the time of enlistment until the time of rejection. Tho reso lution prevailed. Tho hill abolishing tbe railroad com mission Is in the governor's hands. JOSEPH SIMON NAMED. Itrtuihllri,,, I'Miirns Choir fur HriiMl.ir - ..in. 11 Withdraw from in. Itae Slate Senium Joseph Simon, of Port 1 11 1 was 11. .initialed lor United stales senator Friday night by 11 caucus if ii;i Hepuhiican members of the leg Mature Without nominating ipaachM ot ani ithei method of putting forth caudi hlles t 1 ln voted for under a secret ballot, Simon received 41 of the ti3 votes, and he Was snhseiinently de clared the unanimous choice of the MDOOfl, on motion of Senator Fulton, Ol t'latsop, Oarfcetfa mirr of Withdrawal. When the caucus had assembled, with Senator Miohell, of Wasco, In the chair, and Hepresentative Moody, of Multnomah, a. secretaiy, the oiganiza kion that was titst effected by the reg ular Hepuhlioaus, there was a roll-call, and then Kepn sentative Hoss, of Mult nomah, in oareful terms announood the definite withdrawal of Mr. for belt's name as a candidate, and lead the folio ing letter: "Portland, Or., oot. fl. Qanttanen of the Hepuhiican Caucus of the lire OD 1-egislatiiie: 1 am sensible of the honor which you have conferred on ma in making me tbo Hepuhiican caucus nominee lor United States senator. Although I have been assured of the Support of a laige number of friends lo the end, nnd notwithstanding that 1 am the majority candidate as declared in the caucus, 1 am convinced that my continued candidacy for senator would precipitate a deadlock and tend to dis rupt the party, creating ores which it would require a long time to heal. For a period of 40 years I have given the party tho warmest affection mid the best service of which 1 am capable. I do not now desire any personal ambi tion of mgjjp to stand in the way of party harmony or of tho continued tri umph ot Hepuhiican principles. 1 am therefore constrained to withdraw my name as a candidate. In doing so, I desire to assure my friends and the party ol my continued zeal an.l active co-operation in permanently securing tho important principles for which we havo flo earnestly 000 tended, "1 beg leave to thank my Iriends for the loyal ami generous support which they have ncconled me. 1 earnest I hope that without further delay a sen ator may bo elected who is and liar 1 11 in accord with tbo sound financial principles of the party as embodied ll Ibe Astoria platform. Very respect fully yours, H. W. OOBBITT." SESSIONS WERE SHORT. saaaSarlal Qnaattan ilsaialiaslaeiesl tian lalltlloil Nt Mulrlll. The senatorial question quite over shadowed legislation Friday. llolh houses attended to some routine work in the morning, and then adjournal, The Nronle. In the senate, Kovken, lull's bill do nning the qualifications of voters at school elections, which lacked one vote of passing Friday, was brought forward again as a new bill, by unanimous eon sent, and finally passed under suspen sion of the iiiles. The property quali- B cation of the present bill is only loo. which must stand on the assess ment roll to the credit of thu voter lu the regular assessment prim to tin election at which ho or she is thou qualified to vote. Tho new measure also prat ides that in sehisd districts having less than 1,000 Inhabitants, a widow or male citizen, otherwise qual ified, may vote without the properly ' qualification, if he or shu have chil dren of school age in the district. The committee on wavs and means reported back to the senate a joint res olution authorizing tho secretary ol i stato to turn over to thu officers of the Indian war veteran camps copies of the history of the Indian wars. The res olution Was adopted. 1 Mulkey offered 1111 amendment to the house joint resolution providing for , tho payment of f 1.60 per day to reject I ed recruits by adding that the further sum of f 3 per month lie paid to thost mustered into tho serivce, and that : suoh payment onutinuu until they are I mustered out. The amendment was ! ih hat.-l. The resolution and ninend- ment were referred to the committee ' on judiciary. The house joint resolution appropri ating 25,000 to rebuild the burned portion of tho Oregon agricultural csd lege was referred to tho wars and means committee, which is to report Saturday ut 10 A. M. Senator Adams called np the hill au thorizing school districts to contract debts. It was read a second time, and under suspension road a third turn urn! passed. In 1 in- House. The chief moasuro befuro tho houso was thu Hill registration hill. Hill made a strong speech in favor of Its passage, showing the gloat necessity for suoh protoet Ion of the ballot-box, and urging it for the favorabhj coushl eikrtion of the members. Ills was the only speech upon the bill, which was passed by a vote of 4H to 10. Selling's bill fixing tho compensa tion of the district attorney for thu fourth judicial district waa referred to the Multnomah delegation. The committee on education reported buck a measure providing a suitablii lime for holding teachers' quarterly examinations, with tho leoomuienda tion that It he not passed. Senator Dufur's bill lo punish van dalism reads: "If any B0MM shall willfully break down, Injure, remove or destroy any fine or toll bridge, rail way, plank road, macadamized road, telegiaph or telephone sists or wires, M any gate opoa any such road, or any lock, or embankment of any canal, such poisons, upon conviction thereof, shall he punished Dy imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than six montht nor more than two years, or by fine not . ss than :,0 nor more than f 1,000." Senate bill No. 45, by Taylor ol Dmatilla provides foi the unconditional i. ating the state board of equalisa tion. The board of arbitration to aettlt the dispute between tbe American rail roads and tbe Canadian Pacific, has been completed by the selection ot Ed Ward Washburn, of Chicago, as tb third mem liar. Ornithologist have discoveiwl Dial crows bave no leas then 27 cries, each distinctly referrable to a different uo tion. Gained 22 Pounds in 5 Weeks V, IS, Jty..,ia,frr, Vnni ah, 71. Alderman lmis w. 'amp. of our cur, has quite MtOnMhotl Ilia friends of late, by a reuiaikablo gain In weight. He has gained 22 pounds in live weeks. Those of Ins friends who do not snow the tacts of hie sickness will read with interest the following: "I was broken down in health and utterly miserable," said Mr. ramp to 00r reporter, "I was unable to wnik much of the time and mi badly affllotod with a foi in of stomach trouble that llffl was a verilahle nightmare. "I triisl various loinedios, i ni dur ing the six months of my sickness I oh lai I no relief. I hud always been a robust, healthy man and sickness bOM heavily ODM me. "About two years ago I waa advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, I purchased ono box ami received so much benefit that I used live more and was entirely cured. I gained twenty-two pounds in five weeks. Since I stopped taking tho pills 1 huvu scarcely bad an ache or pain. nleriiVu'oij fie .-CiiVrtiwfM. "Dr. William's Pink Pilla restored me to health and I most heartily rec ommend them." L W. Damp on oath says thai the foregoing statement is true. W. W. MKI.OAN. Notary Public, Following is the physician's certifi cate as to Mr. Camp's present condi tion. I am a regularly licensed physician ol Macomb, McDonnugh county, III. I have very recently examined Mr. I W. Camp as to his geneial physical condition, and find tbe same to be all that could he desired, apt . tit.- and di gestion good, sloops well, and has all tho evidences of being in a good physi cal condition. HA Ml' EL RUMILL. M. a Subscribed and sworn to lioforo me this Mtfa day of September. 1H07. W. W. MEIjOAN, Notary Public. ITEMS OF INTEREST. The oldest university In tho world is El Ayhur, nt Carlo, Egypt. Marigolds In North Afrieit roach a height of four or five feet. During the last eentuiy 100 lakes in the Tytol have subsided and disap peared. Of the -hoes ImpOttad into British colonies more than 45 per cent, are of American manufacture. The toxine remedy against the lo custs in Mashonalaud, Africa, is said to be proving of some efficacy. Tho largest tobacco piMi factory in the world is mealed in Apoinaltox uouiity, near Pamplla Citv, Vu. Anthracite coal discovered at historic Kings Mountain, North Carolina, shows nn analysis of 95 per cent, of carbon. OofflO, tbfl birthplace of Alessaudro Vnlta, is ii Ik i ii t to celebrate tho centen ary of the invention of the voltaio bat tery. The number of stars visible to the naked eye is less than 0.000. Tho lUimls.r of stars visible through tho largest telesooMis is probably not less than 100,000,000. A lighthouse of bamboo has been built in Japan. It is said to have gieator siwor of resisting tho waves than any other kind of wood. rive i '"He .' ll, i 1 1 . rti, nunr rilO nfi.-r Bui .lay's us ot I'r. Klliir's llrrftt Nerve ll. sn.r. r. H.m.1 for I' llS K - Irlnl tiiittli.an.l ii Iin. IU ll. UIJM-, U.I IUU AnUiiil, Plui.-i.il 1.1a, I'a. I lie l . ii i. in have a quaint custom of taking a guest by the ear when inviting him to eat or drink with them. Thsro la mora Catarrh In thu leotlon nf the r-iniiilry than all other dlseatet pill tn(i tlirr, an.l until the last lew yrara wan upisjsi HQ in I... liieuratile. For a imal many yrara diirlnri prn DOUBSsd It a hs al disease, anil preaerlbeil Incal rente. lira, and I y eoantantly htlUii log lu can with local treatment, prnnoiinrfl It Inrurahlr Helenrs has proven Catarrh to l aeomtltu. tlnnal ,11" .'. and thsrrtor raqulrta omiittlu lliinal treatment. Hall's Catarrh t'ura. man- a - I by F. 1. i h. ... A Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only conattiullonal cure on the market. It Is taken Internally Indo.rafmm lodrniiaio a leaiimnnfiil. It sets directly on the blood anil tnuentia surfaeea of the ayRlem. Th.y uffer one hundred dolltra for any caao It falls to euro. Buud for circular. nd ti-ntlmonlals. Ad dries, 1. 1. C'llKNEV 4 CO., Toledo, 0. H..I.1 by IiriiKsl.ta.7Se. Ilall'a family Tills ere the best. In the fall cleanse your system by usiiiK lr. Mtowar't Oregon Mood Purifier. Try Schilling's uest la and baking powder. CLEARANCE SALE OF RAMBLER, IDEAL, Ami other make, nf cycle.. No reasonable offer retime I, from fl UP, In make room Inr S.ooo lawn It W HI. Kits and hleala now nn Ihe r,,al, Write fur bargain ll.t, catalogues and agency. Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co. PORTLAND, kpokank. Tacoma. .Willamet Front and Everett sts. ..riAl C.VO.VXV AA7 JKlllt THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS la due not only to the originality nnd simplicity of the combination, hut also to the care nnd skill with w hich it Is manufactured by scientific processes known to tho CAi.irouNtA I'm Svnup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all tho importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As tho genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by Mm (ULiroiiNiA Fio Svnur Co. only, a knowledge of that fact ill as:,ist one in avoiding the worthless Imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI tDMlA eM BrMIf OO, WtUttM medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of 1'igs baa given to millions of families, makes th. name ol the Company a guaranty of the excellence of Its remedy. It la far In advance of all other laxatives, aa It acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without Irritating or weal, en Ing them, uud it dues not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FHANCIMSJt. CL loi isviLt-a. Kr. nr.w vena. a. r. Kan Francisco has a magasine, the Twilight, edit. ! by a Japanese. Its editor, Yono Koguechi, is assisted by a Japanese artist friend. Adventurers seeking Spanish treas ure in Carrihean wateia slum Id not overlook Ibe fact that there was somo coal on the sunken Mcrrimno. 1 Roots cmwnrd. Bridgrt Mads. Painlns filling And extraction. DR.T. H. WHITE PortUnd,Orgon 'StQiUoma Krom IBS well-known Portland Business College serves as a life lour testtmonlsl ol thnmiuth r, .rnUiiD lor an offleii pualllnn. Tha Intro iluitl.in ol "Aruiatreiia's ('oml.lne.1 Tli.-vri ami PraeUeS of ... kkeopinx" rimhles us to .1" butler work now than ever betnre. Iiivmil. Ile Cull or writs. A. P. Anmiiinii, frln- nasi, Portland, Oregon, Buy Direct - --FlUm TUB WOOLEN MILLS Ami wive in it lli-mtn's proline Klnt tailor- ads sails, IMS mm Ku . I. rata- liiltuo, samples, arlf-iurasiiretnent l,tnk., rlc., mailt'.! free A. I. loss . I LANI'MlaY Mi Kaf lanlilliif, r.irllaml, Or. BASEBALL, FOOTBALL. ATHLETIC AN t GYMNASIUM SUPPLIES. Hvhil iur Catft'tigiir. WILL 1 FIMCK CO. Nni, rrmtelaro. YOUR LIVER Is it Wrong? Ret It Right keep It Night. afooro's MMatai Ilemeilr wlllilolt. Three, doaet will make you loel better, (ict It from yniir drugglat or any whnleaalo drug SoaSO, or truin Htuwarl 4 llolinea Drug Co., Heslllo. Ill Ml" Make money by eiii-eeeful MIULR I ieculaiioii in Chicago WnrU I buy and sell wheal on mar II I I Kin" Fortune, have beeo n.ada oD a .mall beginning by trading lu ! tnrea. Write tor lull particular.. Iteii ul r-i--r.iice given. Several years' eiperieneeon the Chicago Hoard of Trade and lhnr..iurh know ledge nt the bn. Inc.. Bent! (nr n.ir (re refer cure bonk. UilW'MNii. HOPKINS .t Co, Chicago Heard ol Trade llrokert. OSlcea to Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash. CURE YOURSELF! I'm Mlg fur iioriatHrU -ii-' mii, a, lunniiiiiiwiion. It NUM. .Hi tir lll - i at I,. i of m r u a im n i .an- Irreveou ala. TklotwH, ftfirl hot .t-lr ni THEfVaNlCHtHlClLCO. .PW ' NMMWVIi Moloi b, IkruuuLtat, r- - gr.et ""in-", bf riiraM, i ' i it i I. toi tf no. .ir i unm. Circular aui on rvquoait. Ma. 4S. 'OS. fllKN writing to ad.ertlaere ,.l. uicotlou ii. i. paper. Iron Works... II T i ii la. a V aW llsarisu4 was mm e siruiere lA NCI NUT 1.0 BB m. r. m. v. VI INCORPORATED I80B. Manufacturers of Marin and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Saw Mill. Flour Mill, Mining and Dredging Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Water Wheels, etc. Aaenti for the John TaNoyc Co. Flour Mill Machinery. Huntley Mfg. Cot Monitor Grain Separators and Scour re. Dealrrt in Excelsior Bolting Cloth, Mill and Elevator Supplies, Cotton and Leather Belting, etc. Send your onleri direct In ua aim gel the beue flt of manufacturers' prlci-a. aTBAMIIOAT III II iikus ... PORTLAND, OR. 1 Cawston & Co. Iwce.ss.rt t. H. P. Gregory OS! 48 and 50 First St, Portland, Or. 304 First Ave, S Seattle, V.