The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 24, 1898, Image 5

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    ieiiL' City Guard
Th busineaa department of
n rtfOi
. .
thC WEEKLY GUARD is caused
considerable trouble by corre
. . r.nrifnts addressina the oro
nrietors personally. Address all
ttirs rMerrma io tne newso-
per or business connected there
with to Int. liUAHU,
(icutge Uutmrl In lUllliuore American.
hear the drum roll, rura-'ul, dib.
And the piccolo's shrill refrain;
I in- bofi in blue with heart 10 true
Are inarching home again.
I hoar the drum, hut It beats (or me
Drtpair and gru-J i tattoo;
I'd be glad If our only lad-
Our Jim- poor Jim man ' loo
I hear the tramp, the tramp, trump, tram p.
01 the array marching by;
UravH soldiers all, at their OOQBln'l call
They went to tight and die.
Their task Is done, with heads erect
They paie there In review;
Instead ol team I'd give them cheers
If Jim--lKor Jim --marched, loo!
1 hear the clank, the clank, clauk, clank,
Of the iwordi of captains gay;
Hut my worn eye rent ou the lilood-italued
Ola hill far, far away,
They left him there where the weeping winds
Sing dirges faint and few
They're home Uod'l llghl' How grand the
If Jim poorJIni marched tool
The Eugene Regittei nntkeH the
assertion that "iiuiueroua ex
changes" are opposed to a reduc
tion of inu res' r.tea. However ii
quotes but two, and the principal
argument of tine o' Umsp in that
mch a law would not le rllective
as m-ans would nafouod to evadi
it and f-ecup' higher rates of in
terest. In effect it say that the nolders
of capital wouid violate the law.
We have a belter Opinion nf our lel
low citizens, and that opinion is
backed by evidence that oaooot be
disputed. A few yeais since the
legal rate of interest was 10 and
12 per cent. The law was changed
to 8 and 10 and immediately the
records showed the general obaer
vance of the law. The small try
brokers that ban money to men
upon doubtful or haaardoiH security
will secure large interest returns,
no matter what the las may h?,
but the bulk of loanable capital is
placed in strict oonfbrmity with
law. Should the law place the
rate too low capital would siraoly
move to other fields. Few states
have as high an interest rate as
Oregon, and but one state a higher
rate, therefore capital would remain
as there is no place where it could
rind more profitable investment.
Cheap money is a potent factor in
the development of any community
or state. While the law should I
treat all classes of citizens fairly we
should advance to the level of the
most prosperous states. A high
interest rate is a clog on the wheels
of progress retarding th" develop
ment ot the sta'e.
The Woodburn Independent
rakes the brethren of the Salem press
oyer the coals as follows! "What
Salem papers wero oppoied to lIie
extra session? None. The Journal
and Independent, wi h all their
vaunted independence and avowed
espousil of the people's cause,
placed themselves by the side of
such a rotten politician us Joe
Simon. It is true that these jour
nals, or, more properly speaking,
organs were compelled to endorse
the governor's act on in calling a
special session or lose h few dollars
from Salem merchants, but they
Imvi. ,. 1.1 thpir birthright. These
organs are of a blacker stripe than
the Statesman, which, il anything,
is not a hypocrite."
The Salem Statesman says the
state fair and legislature will soon
be in session, and sounds a note of
warning regarding the chances f
robbery. Is the -tatesman fearful
that the people of the capitol city
will rob the legislators, or the leg
islators the people? It knows them
France is on the verge of revolu
tion. The Dreyfus case is the point
about which public interest revolves.
1 ., w
.Juhpgoi), until reentry .r.iidont
Bi mo state uiuvirn'y, died at l'u-
Rene yc4tm)uy of ccreur ilia, aged
M en, 5 D.onths and 2 . dave
Tim i.., i
m wm nauve oi gajg.
Kitliri ir.i.n.. - i
' V""J,"K town-nun iu isou.
He wan t,h,cutor of sterling.
....... , ujbii oi ;ue
nrn. hi.. . ...... t .
int griti
Hl btrugiilo
v.,i n. ., , . .
w in me iaceui adversity
ana i,.. cloM .jdicAtion to bit, , rt i,. il.t-rf. ill a inenmiro
w r...L-...l I,!- t:- i. j
u w Ull HDUig
- """ uie uy ui uer
mioing bit OODlUtoUoD, Through
. v , , , ,
DU lae .0rlUWiht. hllailreilM nf
former atudenU will hear of the
ueaiii oi I'rottsior Johnson with
the katntat Borrow.
The iifiubera of fie lVac I t'om
mihHiou will receive iteo.OuO each.
Sjiuewhat in e 'ei of the -f 1 3 a i
month nf the roiunteera.
111 this
appointment of the commission
President MoKiolay abjacti him -
, fi.. ;.,.i..:,;.: 1
wjiHiwHtmnuNnmiai an
the me ulicra from his own party,
nut. t. l a r
lhisisthe first instance for many
years where all the members ot an
, . .
lUliRiriani DatlOOal COtlimiBSlon
have been selected on a partisan
, . ,, , , , ,
ojsis. ihe men who founht the
War Were drawn from all parties.
. . i i
rail narrow spirit does not relhct
credit uion the man who waa
elided 'o be president for all the
The llnral Northwestof i'ortland
says: "Iour las county will evi
dently continue to hold its own as
the leading prune-producing couuty
ef Oregon this season. Marion
county will take second place this
year, after which will lollow in
rder of quantity of production
probably Yamhill, Lane, 1'olk,
Lino, Clack tmas, lleuton. The
relative standing of the other
pranegrowing counties u hard to
determine. They are .la.'kson,
Multnomah, Washington, Wasco,
Uma'.illa, I'nion. Josephine and
Columbia end, to a quite limited
extent, 'Joos, Curry and Lincoln."
The sal tries paid the officers in
Umatilla county since the commis
sioners raised the salaries of ti e var
iouBcount.y officers are per month:
recorder, floO; deputy, $75; sheriff
t208.oo: one deputy nt .f 100 and
. 4 . .
twoat ifJO each; clerk f, one
deputy at 1 00, oncatiffO; treas
urer, CC.Go; superintendent county
hospital, .f 7-1; janitor, $60; school
superintendent, $50; county jude
$100; stock insiiector, $58.36.
The Dalles 1-M says ditu rally :
"In the death of I'rof John W
Johnson, of the state university,
lost one of her brightest
men and ablest educators.
Johnson was a telf-raade man,
having, started in life as a farmer
bov working his way thro.igh the
',. , , , c ii j i i
public schools, and finally paid his
own expenses to Yale. His life
furnishes a splendid example for
the youth of Oregon to follow."
A recent diyorce cass at Cottage
Grove leads the Messenger to re
mark: We mustsav the loose con
struction placed upon the marriage
vow is not very conduoive to mor
ality. It is, and has become too
easy a matter to get a divorce: it is
ruining this cou.Hry as it has
ruined others.
W 1) Hynum has rescued the
chairmanship of tho "Gold Demo
;.. iMi.ii A rejoin! ion Htotl-
ping the salaries of all omoers
caused the resignation. ...,UUD in
tle trea8Ury at the close of the LS96
, j ii-i ..: ).,. ,1 ,ci ml I.., I ;
l, r-'sll.'llllaiuaini'.
l r 1 "
to $10,000. A pretty set 10 use an
honorable,, tine!
. . ,
Alreaoy memoers A.eotol Ihe
legislature are besieted wi'h appli-i
cations for clerkthii s
And most!
of them come from Ihe female side
of tho house.
, ,. nv,.i
Salem journal.
that it will be a legislative aeaa
lock. There are 21 members out of
90 not Hepublicans. And there
are others.
have Instituted mil in the Circuit court
of Lane county BfalWM J P Holland,
to recover the sum of $4S arid lutereet
on a promissory note.
A X1 3T0BY.
Toil younglers ;it a war store."
,,'n,,")'"tr.i 'wy. r. gUn.-iog fon.Hv
r ""rr'v "r""1' "' , h,,,,n "
sndchlhlrvn that had as-. mhlod tocclo-
beats his dxttoth
birthday Yielding to
tll' I Illlll.lfHW
ntrontUsof more than
T.i "
"Waea I winded, I thought I'd go end
lv '"""t'y ' Dr. Miller's '-nititlf I
waionh . rommnn famwr i .. i,...i
u ..Hi. . .... . . .
,,,. mmtm ... imbcwt
J remembered an at a party whon aho
"'"l ' ' 1ii .mii-
.. I . i . . .....
. ' 1 '"' 1 'I K" and tell
nor waa on tat utile m tte maniam, I
tilnl Uy f"r Jim ""r'
liattBa want wtta namt to taeaata, i
n-iwlutt nut mr .ni,i,iirn,.i k i
ho took it In txith lu r own and i..i it.
"inlto a bit, nmi iihe iht: 'Banal, I'm
irnrry you're (jolng to the WAT, You're too
Toons; a man AM to.t;,l a man to i-taml
up nnil be ihot at.' Then .lint uppcurvtl
on the 1000, SAd I wont away half eurn
lug my Bonjast hand fur being si tilg and
an tiruwn, white Jim 'a waa as waits 01 a
lily, with a gnat tliii-hing diamond on tho
mnallent of liU ulentler iliig, r-.
"Tnlk BOOUt atainling uihik n target for
l"illi-t! That'H notliing, nothing stall
I IUM.I ..1,1. I. I... . . I.. .. '
full! prwni. As tliodays pitrM'd into tvei ki. '
i1""1 ""' ffciao long, tot
inonthii so
iiiurn lunger tnai l lout all count, how
man and many a time l looked at my
white, imy hamu mui wuiu-d tboy wera
as MnandMtonnadMtaoy naad toba. and
, W. i llM lwiv 1.r.,,(1 flir ,m ,,,
"r '"' '"''r.v. huw well 1 riin, inbewJ
that Martha hail SaMIWattOO voting to
I die, and the way she had held my hand
pli" arUted mo ami kept me alive, ami t
aald over anil over to mraelf a thotttADd
times, with grim determination, what Dr
I 4S?r ? cftm .wpaatad, 'Whllo then
U life tln re I hoK'.' and at lai-t I wa i i
. hanged and iiK-harp!. oh. now happy
L to tassl fraal I did not 'regain my
innnnimiin a -ign. like tin- imorpriK-
ouor of Chlllon, but with a great joy that
buoyed tne up for the long, weary journ, y
homo utid enabled me to u.lst other w ho
wero at 111 weaker.
"When at lust the stage set mo down In
the familiar village pnatnlBflAj I was so
weary and wasted no one stvmed to rtvng
nizn tne, but looked at me In a pitying
way I could not UlldcrMifbd. and so I did
not Kieak to any one, Inn staggered down
tho hill u the old farmhonae, nrylng in
vain to stent tho rapper or tho dove plnka.
I did not know my preoloua mother had
wn dead almost a year, but when 1
reached tho gate I felt the change. It
hung by olio hinge ami swayed and creak
ill w 1th a dismal sound that itw-d to m
liko the groaning ot a ghosl It weaken. ,1
me ' that I had to mat awhlte naton k-
lug down the lung walk, still llniil by my
mother's Mower ImhIm. Hut, oh, how neg
lected they looked! As I m a red the Hireh
I saw a red calf tied to a lilac bush. ntM
that my mother had herself planted on the
day she wan a bride, and then I seemed to
know that she was gone. War kills wom
en as well as men. She thought her only
lxiy was dead, and she had nothing to live
(or nothing but an empty home.
"That was tis go.l a house to lie l oig
unoccupied, ami Dr. Miller had rented It
to a needy family of foreigners, rquaStlBg
(hat my mom should be left just as my
mother hal last iirrunged It.
"Oh, how I had tUoaiad myaall with a
picture of that waiting tea table! Hull
didn't drop down into my n customed
plai e, for even tho table had Imvii moved
Into tho little overcrowded kitchen, and
the robust woinaii who did her l st to
servo mo could not understand my almnla
lunguagi', but shedid eompriheiul my sor-
, w,.arilMW , i,i,.r (
ment, and after I hud taken n glastt of
milk she allowed BM to go right up to my
own nlry ehamls r, where everything WIS
KM-rediy familiar. Bow .i. lb ilonaly soft
self to sleep like a tired, homesick baby.
"The llrst thing I heard In the morning
waa not the chirping of tho robins, as In
the olden time, but tho loud bawling of
thut steer calf under my window. I cov
ered my head with the liedclothca mid wiw
the issir, weak luiby over again. When I
awoke later In the day, good Dr. Miller
was sitting by my bedahte. Ho helped mo
dress and took me home to breakfast
i, w lien1 tne laming ns ,eu immiwiwuii
1 r Was all fniliil States, biu Honiehow I
wasn't hungrj' ABd longed to ask what
hud become of Manha.
I soon found out. Her father was go-
lng to Holyoko the next day to hear her
valedictory, and he tisik me along with
him. It was a long drive, but wo tooK It
slow and easy, and I had my fill of fresh
air and rocovoml Biy appetite, We wi re
a little Into to the exhibition and found
the ohapal already erowded, but thogoiKi
doctor finally succeeded in getting a Heat
well up lu front, and there, right lief ore
us, was Amherst Jim, just as slim and
white as ever, llcliiigcrcd his watch chain
and jK-tU-d his mustache ami mado his
diamond glisten and devoured the plat
form with his eyes, just as he usiil to In
tho-old rl si hoolhoiise when Marl ha was
going to sKuk her piiee. Now he was n
full iliilgisl physician and Dr. Miller's
imrtner. We had a long time to wait. Tho
essays wero lengthy and learned) and
Martha's was tho last. Tho other gradu
ates woro white, but she was all In black,
with a crape collar. 1 lookul iuestlonliig
ly Into her father's face. Ho put his arm
around mo and whispered, She wear
mourning for your mother and for you.'
"For my mother and for me oh, tho
pain of It I Oh, the Joy of It I And whether
It, was the pain or UO joy, or en,,,,,,,,
,nnm')t u 1)Ut somehow everything su
pad away Into nothlngiiesi
"When I eamo Imck t
the folks wen' all gone, all but Dr. Miller
.t kia itauvhbar. and Martha waa holding
. .. .
I ,o as handy as she I, holiliiigthat bh-ss. it 1
1(ahy now (1Iltl t wlWi JllKt ,w ,,,dct and ,
l. ohlldmi , my chi.dr.
Her grandchildren uru all mine, loo, and
5",,, hail any- 1 1, utiived
him braqnarteroi a eantnnr, and l m ,
, ..... i.nt I u'iinr, vou
" ., " , : r t; d thN is
JilUMKNVin ,.j
tin- last war story, positively tho last
Mrs. H. Mnekin In New York ts-dg. r
Mother-. M.II....I.
Kfllcs-I'm having an awfully bmkI time
now i , imv,. just what i u.ium . .
Baaate What a nke mothw yon mmn
sjaa That's what our a w mrvanl girl
H ) u m , awQ k ,,r ,w, d then
i B)in t have any mow good times unt.l
the girl jaavaa and we get another onc.-
Huston Transcript,
Having adjiutct my wraps and made
inyaelf eomforta'-l In the corner of the
third i' lass carriage hh-h my porter had
ot for mo, I took st.H-k of the thrw other
pikSM ngvrs who isruphd the other end of
the coiuimrtnien:
A big, lusty, fresh looking fellow lu
stent twnsls an, I wearing a Scotch cap.
waa leatod with hi face toward sheen
glne. A young lady and a young gentle
man faced him. the young gentleman hav
lug the corner, tho lady resting her head
on his shoulder. A sudden angry move
ment of the man's limbs disturbed his
clothes. kVota an Opening In the folds of
his overcoat 1 caught the gleam of n pair
of handcuffs. Do waa a captive. The lady i
however, smiled tearfully and In soft
coaxing tones said :
Mr. BwtelUTe, oonldn'l you listen the
Iron-? They're . haling his wrists so."
"Didn't ho any he'd stusit tiio"
Then tho Uvly buret into tears, and with
a laugh taetuffemet her half way. it it -loeked
the horrid bracelets and let looo
one of Dandy 's wrteta
"Thon, nion.' s.ild he, "you can put
yer arm round 'it. It's t' hiss I'm sorry
for new Wedded too, well, I'm sorry
for you, ami, i kiting a soft look at tho
lady, went on, ''I'm sou to lie wedded
mysel' on i -v Mond y and( dang it ' l
den t care who knows it. "
Then tho lad) i leaded a apllttlng head
ache and the eap waa dmwnovet the lamp
b general eoiwnt, and 1 curled up lu my
, iped on awhile. SutclilTe wns nshs'p
sound snoring heavily Then 1 drop
pisl ofl and r, inemlKTeil m illing clearly
till we pulled up with a jerk. I woke.
Bntollffo woke.
"Mv i-ootii?" he ronml. "My bird has
down Did wo atop betwixt cn we and
I couldn't say.
lie made usoof nnoath. lie attd no
more. Swiftly he grabbed at his cap, his
erra i and a small ivig, sllppsd mi his
Issit s and ns'ncd the carriage door. As
he w M (topping out he said to me:
"No wedding for BSS on KastiT Mon
day." And off we went, and I reached Kiistou
without further adventure.
One evening some thrv years later, my
wife belnR down at tho waside. and 1 llnd
lug the nine heavy on my hands, drpcd
Into the pit of a famous playhouse.
Hcforo the curtain bad Isvn up many
minute my intention was drawn to a big
man wh hail a eent In the front row of
the pit.
l never heard any one laugh so heartily
at the nnties of any COmedlAn-It was
Arthur Itol.Tts In his merriest mood.
"Ho: ho! ho!" The girls on tho stage
wcrosisin tillering at Ills exubenut ap
preciations. I looked and talked, and then I nvog
ntatd my friend Suteiiite, the polleeman
of my midnight journey.
Alter tin- llrst net ho pushed his way
out. aid 1 touched It Ira on the shoulder
"You don't remember me."
Ho erutlnlaad ma for a moment And
then nearly i-lns'k ray hand off.
"Why. for sure I do, eh? It cost mo ray
place I' t' f.Kirce, did that job. I got
I'anaok r.s enough. Hut t' weddln's
coont off at last. Thee she is she' wait
ed tlirw long year for nut und who's
bound kick to Canada wi' me. Kb. nion,
I'm on my own lnsik am a employer o'
labor. I've cattle and bosses--I'll din
a rich mon yet. Ooom ABd ave a drink.
1'vo never clupped eyes on that mlr
"It was a g.KHl night's work for you,
then, Sutollffc? Hen-'s to Mrs. S." And
I drank to her and to him.
"Any little Sutctlffca,"
"Ho, ho! That's a good on ! Why, we're
honeyniiHiniii mon OOOH and 'avo soino
Butuior wi' us, will your"
Then we got to our places, and I saw by
his gestures and his looks at me that ho
was telling his buxom wife tl.o story of
that mad March night.
Suddenly 1 saw his face turn tlgid, and
ha sane an In hi seat as if he was about
to leap Into the stalls.
His wife p., : I him hack ami talked
eagerly to hlui.
Then the curtain went tip, but no
more laiight. r came from that iiiarter.
What was wrong. What bail BSppeOAdr'
Down came the curtain, out came Sut
cliffe, grabbed my shoulder In his hand
und snld out loud:
"I'm dommcd If Ihatthcor Dandy Ivunt
a-attttn rect r front o' me."
I followed his eyes and at once recog
nized thnt cynical curl of Ihe lip, that
rather effeminate prisoner who hail eseasl
from custody between Crewe ami Stafford.
Ho was dressed In the height of fashion,
a little more bejewelist than a gentleman
born, but not ramapteuoualy so. He was
standing with hla t a toward the olrcln,
poorlng nt fashion through a luilr of
Having himself, he Is-nt down
with a siullo to a very pretty young wom
an, charmingly dMSSSd and wearing onio
lovely Jewels in her hair.
"Hollo!" said BntoUff "Why, he'e
gctti n a new n.i-stis
"Y'es," a heavily velhsl WOBBSfl
Is'hlnd us.
Sho had been my neighbor III the corner
during tho opening act, und I had sus
pected, possibly with troth, thai she had
como to pick s keis raihcr than lomi
tho play. Then ihe whlapered in the big
man's ear:
"Now arrest, him, Mr. Sutcllffe. You'ro
not going to 1, t him go, uro your"
Wo both etartod, tt was the lady who
hod SSaapad With Dandy.
KuUdlffo was piuzlud for a moment.
Then ho said to the angry woman:
"Xuy, missus, I'm not I' t' f.sirce now.
Yo' mon ooteh Mm yerself yo' let blBt
Hhowns trembling like a leaf lii tho
wind and, casting a venomous look at us,
swiftly left tl.o theater.
"Sho menus vengeance," said S'llcllffe.
He's given her tho chuck. I know
where ho'a gone."
A few minutes l-foro the finale we saw
Dandy plooo a splendid clouk uih.ii his
companion' fall' Mioulilers anil pa-s n,
litoly along the row to the disir. Our
party followed tleir example. We raced
round to tho front ihior and wi N just In
t inii' to sco tho eecasl prisoner And his
new missus get Into an ! Kant one homo
brougham und drive olf.
Hut behind them was a hansom lu
whiSh sat a thickly veiled lady and two
gentlemen. And they drove off.
i 'opp.,1 as sure as eggs is eggs," cbuc
k'. i .-utrllffo. ".Scotland Yard Is after
Dandy "Westminster lludget.
Nut to lie II. II. ,rd.
"I suppoeo you think I can't tell time?"
riclalmud tho man whoso . hronology
hail ln iUetluiiod.
-Xo," wn tho reply, "i dont jrwti
oonltln't Udl time, but Time would BS a
fool to bolievo you, whatever you told
him." Hoeton Transcript.
IN TIlKM't'lMllMK :l ltl
dpi o)o Hand il Down b (hit II I
tMateearal Wagner, app,, va B
I'onipson, lesp ; sfflrmod, OpIOkO
i r . arlBUi
This i I In ..I A n Wiigm r, ap
pointed railroad oomuil ioner by tiov
Lord to euooerd H B Cotopaoo, n,.l is
a I.nt Bod IhOnplnK'O Uliilavor
oi (kMupsorti the original rwmlialooor,
I be i nurl slieu - l I 11 e QUOetlOU of
eoostliuitotwlliy i Inio rar it at
tempi io vt at In tho iegUlatoo t lie
appointive pawei Inatead of In the
itove,,, ,-. nasi,,,, t,.,,., decided try
IhUouart.adversely to plalallflr. The,
Ouurl Slaosttslall the point that the.
nommhwton shall hold ofpoe uoder the I
liw until their inoofasora a.e akotod
andquallfled.aod that lbs goveraor
by death or othciwise. Ihe ipleslloil
oi bond and rnaoy other points are
fully oooaldered bjr tba opinion.
Ths speakership,
ii preventative B t lartci rd Jaok
eon ooautjTi Is meotiouatl a a 0BBdt
date for sim-iiI er of he BOBI house
His cai didncy c.ll-to mind Or.-'J J ll'''"''r unties, ut e
goo's Orst apraher eras a JaeksoB cotio-1 ' Usrtos I wan
k man ii.. ..s v it Tvuit. alVKiorowl wltuesa fee lata ve
demoemt. Bewaaelaetad hi ik.r ofi
I be ipeoial sessions ol July t'i II, I8&B, I
Sepi.mb. r 13, IH'iS, May il, lSi'J ,
I'he apeak i of the iitt regular teasloo
of Ihe house under t lie ODBStltU
tlon was Benja I- lUi.iinv, f Mart
ou, who . ln-ti'.i Beptembsr 10
1800 There have been 18 ieakera
Marlon e only has had aigj !tol 1 in,
l.atie and Wasco two each am! .1 .cl
son, Villi. ill I'olk, Pongliis. I.lin ,
Ootumbla and Muitiioiuaii oi..- raob
TV.Ull of Jaik o.i, Bttd Drulu ol
Doii(jiu. the hit er of whom u.s sleet-
ed .ii 1ST! iue the only speakers Sou lb
eru Die. 'i lias had. Batten Dug. hi
baa had two apeahsrs. Moody n 1880
and Snilih in iss'i, and boib linilid
(Tom Waaoo SIxspoAkare were dem
ocrat ii 1 1 tt I.I it-publicans The last
democratic speak er ws Thompson ol, i. i wh ateettd 10 years ago
ti.e Dili of ill, month.
Makuikii Thursday, Sept 10, 1800,
at the risldenee of (he bride's p.ueiits,
Mr nmi Mis Lewis QlbSOO, 10 ...He
west ot BugenSi Rev W T Matlock of
McMhinv Ills, and let LodgBB Olb"
on, It. v M I. Ron or this city oAefc
Ating. BevjMstloeh will retoro to thta
city and .tleod the Divinl y school
Dili) - At (ircenbaf, Oregon, Kept
10, 1080, Mrs Sell. Simmons died r on
the sfloeta of ebronte stomaota tioatda.
Bbe was aged about 17 years. . ecus, d
ISAVM B husband and tWO children.
Bos was tba daughter of The Baibte,
"I Di xlei . ! he interim ni will lake
pla e lu the cemetery al I'l.a-ail Mill,
probably BUBdajf.
At rnn.Nl'. The OOmBilltSS
having lu ebalge ",e matter oi he
ooiisoiilallon of Ihe M I-'. I'nlversilles,
Salcui, i'acoiea and 1'orllnnd, I. ave
decided in faVOTOf I ortla.ul, subject to
the latter place fulllllling pledge
made (by her lltlsena a Io llnmu iul
III hii. Mrs Kusnn A Judklns. who
resid.Hitt Judki.i I'oint, died Sept in,
1W)8, from dlOpay, aged fto year !
mouth, and 10 days. The lun. nil oe-
oirnd Ibtesflsn i. Io the Hprlngfleld
eeiiit'tery. Hevt'A Wo :ey eondUOled
the krrvlcea.
BraofAi. Taaias
Two special
trains Irom Han pusscd
through lb' BtOrOlOg bStWSSO 0 AOd
7i$0 o'cteob Mrrylng Cllforal. troopa
to Vancouver, Wash. Tl.o BOldlorB
cheered lllsllly throilKl. the Oily.
cuti ii i Court Cabm J u Bllleton
has iiisiiliit. d a foreclosure suit ugaliiHt
J T RoWUtml, el al in the LaUC COUOly
circuit court. Jiidgiiient I uskul for
about II loll, kiul order of -ale of prop
To Hk Makhikh - Inviiailon nie
out lor the marriage of I'rof It K Mu'
Kev ami Miss Coiislance llawley, both
of Moomoutb, on September S3od. Mr
Mulkey I well know n In l.-u iiily.
l.oi Hnl. I. - W K Walker, yesterday,
sold to Nathan Hill, Ihe SSSI bull of
lot 8 and N, block 4 in original pi it Io
Kug.u:. ; consideration, JVO.
U'enevs, Bvpt i' Luigiul, or
Til. gram, Hepl in: That the bSST I josbasl, Hie esrniuiiu of Kin pre
trade be I wee II I. rllanil and Ihe linli Kll.ala-th, appealed today Indole the
pine is rapidly increasing Is SVtdSBC d r -t lonul chamber, I'e enlereil the
by the mat tin I he fourth shipment ol ,.,,,, smiling, aim. i the public with
100 osese wu eut io Maoll. by tbelnavs of the the bAini, asked the
Star Hrewlng ('oiiiiiine on tin sleuini t , presldi Bt ol the tribunal, l'i g( od
Ulymrda yesterdsy. aad SOOmorseasml prsoeh, loallow him a. interpreter.
are being put on Ihe Steamer SraWWhT. I flu i jHi.iliiutioti appearid to show a
which will leave ill a few .lay 1' it plot Involving other Dalian anar
land Iseer, Hlnco enterimr the Manila I L.ilet. ellcally BOB troll the traderf - 1
the Philippine Mekofthe I'Ullipplne.
London d ice oi Btptsmtwr 14 ate
that a terilble slovm pi over BaJ
bardoes, la Hie Windward Islands,
southeasterly of ul. a. Two hundred I
persons w en- .rounded, sod 4000 reol
dered homelea. '
'iiiimiv i 'in it.' ( 'nun.
W C 1'lai mi' i oinii. i , investiga
tion into ihe rtoath of ih Al
loo-la Is.y $ .', no
s L Moor head printing I no
(l v Norrle deputy aaaraanr ,., I and Wallace rh.rtf
i erteln, rm.i work.. 4 00
HUVanVslsata M I, roadleel
attaodaoea on pauper Qorduo o so
MmBherwood Hoir. deputy as
e-s. r wotk of S Purr M
J w t ook Bohemia road 801 IS
W b Brlatow suppllee fnr pauper
,. .,,. ,,1,llme,l w illllWii,
c V chapman, provtetotia and
aoppltea for Urn Ha BH
j,,,,.,, L.yior.s l,.ds i tnamii.-
f,,r pHr . cq
o A Wlntormeim 'juMlos lee
stale ea.Chartes Iwaa H ;o
s Ottarh i wan
lie DOS Quasi Witness stale V
barles t u .a....
P Mulkey wiloem st-.i. v
t harlee I an
J II ("a. vet altnee lea at Aleve
CI. arli I an
John Kuller wlloeto fee elate
t i uih I wan
II fill
S M)
!l il
a .o
t TO
2 20
J 10
Charles I win.
a Probeek witness fw slats vs
Charles Iwau
" oil
John Halm unties, fee stale vs
Obsrle l wan '2 io
I) Lick Witness fre stale vs
C!.ull-s I wan 110
O cherry fee slats v
I 00
I 00
'-' (0
A U Utdd J IwaU
'ID Wylle Jutor
fee state v
t harlee Iwso
Il I. Martin juror fee slate v
Charles waa
W V Mariln Juror Am stale v
Chsrl a Iwsn
2 00
B U Warren Juror las state vt
Ubsiles Iwsn I oo
i. I' Harris deputy dtetrlct ait. r
in j) Its Hiti t- vs Qbarles I en .. ft 00
ii iino Vitus roprsean'ed t W K
s . irnugb avked the eourt per ntoaion
to pay Ihe sum of ft ou each of the II
lots lu Fret -I v- By land 't addiilon n
BUgBBS i.s lull pay nSBt of dellmplent
tales on samsj nrdsr made t.. above
N li Alley, building Mohawk
bridge -ill i"
C Cole, lumber for btofaawb
luiilge : 167 88
Btta M Draper, railroad fate, eto
of Warren D apse, deaf mute . 00
Booth Kelly LbmbeT Oo lumber., .1 00
I, T Harris deputy district attor
ney fee Htnle vs .1 H Douglas
mid W W Clark K IB
Wm Qsrdoef .-. Oo, h.-nting eon
trnet for court bOUN 1,6' 0 CIO
A Bueber road work ik -in
lie, i K doner expense Hta'e vh
llratilon S SSA
w I Uhriaraso a Bon, livery - oo
N II Alley, repair
bridge IH 00
The Hoover, mesle for Inssns
man j Behrosder no
U PO'Meel eoyoto wlp 2 oo
HOPS Balem Journal: Interest in
the bop crop inerea-e .Bd Salem I
fairly alive with buyer, seller and
b oki-r. Ten and one-half ceol wt,
fre all ill. ml rbured.y . A prominent
dealer fays hs should BOl l.e surprised
lu si e a si nelly choice bop bring a very
g .mi tinure, and ie edvlevc boldiog
unii and selling nil short of lira best on
the first market. The NswYorharop
i not hiuiing nut tit -1 Hthaates of
yield, Bttd Ihe damage by the lute
i i '. oiii was far grealer I ban al llrl
' repelled. Agteal deal of slot k I Le-
III ; Ion mien on iiiHrgii.s oy rn
who ni.. ii . buyers properly spsablBg,
I i ni. do ibt but that very choice
hops for ihe
blgb r
foil Igll
market will i
iii j light Rokb 1 1
t'olteee Orovs Mssssugsr, Hep lii:
Pour irsmpe yesterday sftsroooo sn
tared l be Thornton bnkeiy on Main
situ i after bread, and while Mi
Thornton stepped Into the bash room
to gel it, rolls il Hie III', of til and made
their escape cut of town, Kiauk Mc
Ifarlsad followed them south hm far a
the county Hue but was noaMe to over
tabetbem. Two were negroe and
two were whites, who mil re I the
money n ml escaped.
Bxamlnatloa of Lolgiol.
Loudoo Sept in. The M.drM SOT
respondent of the Daily MhII aya:
The nlltlclaoe, for Ihe mot part,
faVOT en entile renunelatloB of the
Philippines Io retoro roreeonomle ad
II.J..I.La. an I
'. a u. u.nj eein an. is. uum.v