The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 24, 1898, Image 4

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    Kugene City Guard
The business department of
the WEEKLY GUARD is caused
considerable trouble by corre
spondents addressing the pro
prietors personally. Address all
tetters referring o the newspa
per or business connncted there
with to THE GUARD,
Eugene, Oregon.
'Ivinllutnii Kit CrmonUii.
Tne Bofene Daily Regis!?
should raqteober that the days of
narrow kiuK,; railways nave fonfc
Only H uiidiini trucks are
huilt nowadays, liotnembiring tins
f.ict, Die Reflate? should put Id a
solider road had und lay itH rajjl a
little wider, fo an to conform with
ideas rcgHrdinf; breadth and BOOpa,
The Register prints the lillowing:
William Jennioaj Dry-in in in a
Htew. Ho volunteered hi -t services
to his country during the war, hut
wiim careful to Hpecify a OOlODtDOj
sh hiH alignment. He knew nothing
Kbotlt war, bat bli patriotism w.n
not srdoit enough to caune him to
tako any hut a nigh oflico. It w
n political Htroke. Hut now that
he h.ii raoalyad his appointment
an i none into the field, his object is
accomplished, and he in hiixioiih to
return to the plains of the 1'latte
and light iheraiiHoof the Americana
who are down-trodden hy the gold
hugH, instead of lighting for the
freedom of Ouhana. itut the war
depirtment refuses to release him
from hia command, und he find
hit sacrifice to his country has been
the means of tying hi bund", as
far as leading his political forces at
home. lie got more than he bar
gained for.
It is really rather unkind to the
Register t reproduce the foregoing,
and make nny more public the
nsrrowne.-s of its position. Who
ever was responsible for the cow
position of the article and its in
sertion in the Roaster's editorial
columns, should receive his time
check from the Register' business
manuger and he asked to close the
door of the editorial sanctum from
the outside.
Why should not Mr Br 'SODS
permitted to take his place us a
citizen, if the war depurtmoit
could as well as not spare hint
And how could Mr ltrynn hum
what are the wishes of the war
department except hy preferring
the rtqueat for a discharge? Hun
dreds, thousands were being
mustered out. Many were pet -milted
to return to active life and not re
main to do tedious garrison duty.
How will the Register explain
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt's re
turn to take part in the state poli
tics of Now York? And shall thorn
ha one law for Colonel Roosevelt,
Whoil a republicin, and another
for Colonel liryan, who is a demo
crat? Has unyono over accused
Colonel Roosevelt of going into the
w tr purely for political ends? And
if Colonel Roosevelt ho credited with
patriotic desire to serve his country
when ha Organised a regiment and
took the offlot of colonel, why not
give Colonel liryan the same credit?
Such a comment on Colonel
llryan's desire to leave what, in
view of the cessation of hostilities,
would probably as seen at that
time he merely the tedious life of
the regular army, is not worthy
nny newspaper that lays eliitn to
ordinary breadth and fairness. The.
Register should apoloftae to itself
fir the Miullntss of the spirit
shown in the article in question.
It need Dot apologize to anyone
else, since it has hurt no one. I
has, however, excited sumo sym
pathy for the liegisier, and a Irater
nal desire on the part of its ex
changes to admonish it to cense
giviug expression to such narrow
views, and obtain i larger scope of
SPAIN AM" t ill. I
Madrid, Sept 19. The queen
regent his replied to the cireula. f
Court MuiuviclV. the Russian
foreign mini-ter. proposinii a re
duction of Die excessive armament
of the powers an 1 ti e maintenance
of real and lasting peace. Her
majesty praises the czar's projeot,
and promises to send a delegate to
the proposid disarmament con
ference. Aesop, the famous fabler, wrote a
fable that is veiy applicable to the
situation in which Spain finds her
self at the prevent lime. Tho fox
through his theivish propensities
had lost his beautiful bushv tail
the pride of bis life, and prevented
a very deplorable appearance. He
managed to get a conventi n of ibe
beasts alien ht plausibly urn. d
the abolition of all tails; that they
ri.rn a n V ar.rwndHBO. arfflllt tl
" i f m i
that limy could easily lie dispensed I
aritb. The other animals quickly
comprehended th reason that im
pelled the fox to urge h genera) tail
removal, and his propositi n mt
with unanimous disapproval.
Spain, witli no army or navy
worth speaking of ' praises" the dis
armament project. The rem val
of her claws and t;oth has made
her peaceable, abjectly so. It
well lint her tiger instinct it
BOrbod by helplessness.
The annual salaries of the
different commissions in hose
fafor no warrants have been drawn
during the present biennial term
are as follows:
it oil., i i oommlsslon I
I'ilot commission J ,200
Moatrimn at Astoria MX)
l .'ii und game warden 2,600
Dairy und food com mini, loner... I,."00
Total ..25,700
These useless appendages to Ore
gon's oflicial family should all be
legislated out of office.
Cottage drove. Deader: "In the
death of I'rof J W Johnson, the
I nm rsity of Oregon loses another
and one of its most highly gifted
edue itors, und Kugeuc a most re
spected und prominent citizen. He
was for many years President of
the U of O und lo a larger degree
that institution owes to his splendid
and scholarly management, its
present position as tha foremost
educational institution in Oregon.
Though u graduate of Yule college,
be was practically an Oregon raised
man and more thoroughly under
stood l lie muki-up of the average
Oregon student, than most college
president', und the people of Dano
county und Oregon in general will
long remember his faithful' and
efficient work in raising the Btund
Hid of the old Stuto University to
the highest rung of the north
west's educational ladder. As a
gentleman und fellow citizen he
had no superiors and his ucqiiuin
t i.-i -non developed into the
warmest friends."
Fossil Journal: l'rolossir John
W Johnson, 17 years president of
the Oregon State University, died
on tho l llh inst at Kugene, aged
63 years. Ho was a noble man,
who took as much interest in the
moral us the intellectual welfare of
his students. For more than 20
jroari liD well-stored brain and
kind heart gave tho students of the
state university "for mental hunger
food, und cure for moral puin,"
Pro! Johnson was a brother of Mrs
Alico Martin ofOlex, this county.
RobbeJ its urave.
A starlliiiK incident of which Mr
Jqbo Oliver or Phlladelpbla, was the
huhject, la narrated by blm as follows:
"I wan In u ntOst dreadful condition.
My skin was almost yellow, eyes
BUOkoOi tOOfUS coiil ill, pain coutlminl
ly in hack and sldet, no apetile
gradually crowing weaker day hy day.
Three doctors had given me up. Kor
(uiiHtely , unfriend advised try lute 'Klee
trif Hitters,' and to my great joy ami
surprise the llrst bottle made a decided
improvement. 1 continued their use
lot three weeks, aod am now a well
man I know they saved my life, and
robbed the grave of another victim "
No one should fall to try them Only
60 ooota per bottle at Wllkloi ,v Linn's
Drug Btora,
Co.MlNti to Kl'oKNK. ( orvallis
Times: "George A Boaokand fumiiy
after an abwnOS of more than three
mOOthl In the Baal arrived home last
Saturday. Oo the trip the family
were la various parti of the oountry,
and it Im safe to aay that no Webfooter
broad ever saw more In the sunie
length of time than did the head of
the family as wits made Stearin several
Interesting lelteis to the Times. The
net result of all his SXperteOOS heyond
lit" MisMi-slppl Is that he Is iuor.
iharoaghiy attaehed to his native state
than ever. The unpleasant part of the
family return home Is they are to quit
BsUtOO nl least for the present. In
two or three weeks they expect to re
move to Dugene, where Mr Douck will
engage In Insurance and other hiisiuess
leaving bis extensive farm in the mean
lime to the care of a tenant "
S killing Best means
kafclu ---
tl onntf mtiartt
Hll.l .j'l. f ft
of high grades such a
outfit to be used by co
mon people.
ror salt by
J. U. Oreta ft San.
Per .sale.
A line stock ranch containing :20
sores for sale at a bargain. Will sell
a- a whole or In parte, one containing
ImpioveituMi's. house and two hsrns,
coiiHiHtiiiK i f l.V acres; ibe other pea
turn lands p-lnclixilly. Situated six
miles from Im.-iu.. Call on or addi'
K'ttieiie, Oregon.
UvDUliMt tMlver IMowa and rxtr,
only at P I. Chambers.'
or the
There are cough medicines that
are taken as freely as a drink of
water from a dipper. They are
cheap medicines. Quantity does not
make up for quality. It's the qual
ity that cures. There's one medi
cine that's dropped, not dipped
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. There's
more power in drops of this remedy
than in dippersful of cheap cough
wyrups and elixirs. It cures bron
chitis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping
Cough, and all Colds, Coughs, and
utrections of the Throat and Lungs.
Cherry Pectoral
is now iiai.k I'KicE for the half-size
bottles -50 cents.
GlVgg a llKAbo.N.-Tnnevllle He
view: ' F M Chrisman of Hllver Lake,
was In our city last Thursday. He
left bis engine at Davis' this side of
Hlierar's bridge. He is going on to
Silver Lake and men are In charge of
the engine shortening the distance lie
tween It and I'rlnevllle. He left part
of his load at Hlierar's Mr C'hrlsmun
says the reason of his delay Is that the
tires of his wagons are too narrow,
that they cut into the ground and lie
eatt't pull II, He says If lie bad broad
tire wagons and grades wide enough
he could pull bis load wilb ease."
Hai Its Kkhpi.ts.--A prominent
Oitlsea was heard to remark on the
streets today : "The controversy re
cently opened by the Upahd, regard
ing the work ef the street commis
sioner and the lllthy condition of
streets and the rotten sidewalks did
u world of good. Within the past
mouth the building of many new side
walks can beattrlbUted to this general
shaking up given hy the HPAJpi), and
If It was never appreciated before it is
Mo.Ni'.v Okdkk Oitk k Postmaster
Itoiiey of Oosben Informed aUliAKli
reporter today that since Ids ofllee wo
made a money order onlee, July IS, he
has transacted over fGUO worth of boat
ness from that department. It Is prov
ing u decided convenience to patrons
of that olllce.
Mkn Wanykh. Astoria and Colum
bia Diver Kallro id. Dnllastiug track.
Steady work. Comfortable iiiarters in
hoarding cam. Apply to Company
Agent, Astoria and Qalaoy, and S L
Ooldscbniidl, Columbian lluilding, cor
Third and Oak streets, Portland.
liocs Pitrohaibd. Bbtnnaa
tiayes, ngent for Neis A Kuber, has
purchased the DPts lot of bops, 4
bales from F E Dunn; terms private.
KC Smith, agent for Ilorst A Loeh
mand has purchastd IT bales of J H
Ooodman for 10 et tits per pound and
l:i hales from O K Knox at 1'.' cenla
per pound.
For Bale at i Bargaro.
A tine larin wilb entrance, L'0 miles
west of Kttgene; tl milts from Kitnira
lOOaOtej in cultivation, balance near
ly all pasture.
New residence and ham and usual
outbuildings. All fenced. -.: ucres
good orchard. Qood garden.
Bplondld outrange, ultnost unlimit
ed, -open bills. Small spring branch
runs hy house. Spit mild water. Kasy
terms. Address
J M Stki'iikns,
or Or Alio, Eugene, F.lmlru, Or.
MlNKllAI. Sl'KI.NUS Coi.i.kok. At
Hodaville Oregon. Opens Sept lit, I vis
Healthlul locution, l.ow tulllon. Cat
alogue free. Write for Deeded Infor
111 1 1 lot).
j D Geddea, Prealdeut
TO ( uie a ( old In Ote Day.
Take Laxative ltromo ljuinine Ta
lets. Wilkins fc Linn will refund
your moneyif it fulls to cure. iV. The
genuine baa L. B.Q. oo each table',
e "
itartiett Pears,
1 will pay cash lor Dartlett pears.
Offloeand packing ooma at Bogeoe
T S Skoak
1 1 x ajunn i d Sugene, Beptembei
Kt, I8B8, by C A Wlutermeler, justice o
the poaee, Qeo H WeoldiMge and Boa
ate Vera Drown.
Moo Dinger Hermann, commis
sioner ol the general land office, has
our llianks lor a copy ol the late special
report upon the "Louisiana Purchase
and our Tale Weal of the Booty
Mountains, with a Review of Annex
at ion bv the dated States."
The S P Co s paennor trains aie
loaded down nearly every trip, some
times pawing through the valley lu
section. An immcus quantity of
freight ia also being liaulvd by that
The Oliver Steel Plows have the
same old guaranicw to scour. P 1
Chamber haa them.
Now is the
To look for a place wnerc you ou "v
.supply of I'.ooDs and Shoes and if you want
It will pay you to visit our store. We have a full
ami complete stock of (be very bft goodi that
mom v .-an hiiv, and are selling them at prices
gyhicli are as low as others sell poorer good". all
and bo convinced that what ire say ia true.
(lenrge Itoniuan Shot Down In Cold
BautTUc, Sept It Ueorge Bowman!
of Bridgeport, Uooo, was maidared lo
Alaska laid wmter duilng a lortibli
now storm by a companion named
Johnson, of Bpringflald, Mssh. He
wan slmoat in Hiiiit of the Kid meoca
when Ida strength failed him and he
auiikdnwn In theaoft snow. Johnson,
wim era tbe leader of the party, neol
back to him, ami with an oath blew
out the unfortunate man's brains with
a revolver
This W the terrible story that la told
for the Oral time by J 0 Bmitha, who
baajual returned from Alaska Ills
p u 1 1, it, IvIwHrdTCal'iooti of Yoiikcm,
N V, witnessed Ibe terrible deed,
which was committed near bis OablD
a short distance from Dawson. Cal
boon, too, nearly lost bis life fr m a
bullet fiom Johnson's revolver. Noth
ing was htard from Johnson. It is
pres lined ho perished in the snow
storm bile trying toeseape.
Jasper Items.
Sept lu, 1800
Hop pickets are returning home.
The MtOlen school will close this
EdsOVale school will open in two
Hairy Koeney has goue to Bags us
in enter the high SOhooL
lloru, lo the w ife of Johnny More
house, Sept 1'.), a daughter.
Master Artie Keeniy.who has I ecu
sick for several days is rt covering.
MrPN Daird and family have re
turned from a trip to Die mountains.
BkUl It Ca'lison tilled his regular
iippointmeut tit this place yesterday.
Mr Dean baa rented tbe MoDumber
place and will run a hlack.-mith shop.
John Hands ker. who has been
staying here for the past month lias
returned to Eugene to enter the 0 Ol O
and D H.
Items ol news are elusive tilings and
we have been expecting to give our
readers a choice hit, t ut it still is Im
possible. We shall scoop it yet.
Rbeonatam Cared.
My wife has used Chamberlain'
Pain llalm for rlieumatlem with great
relief, and I can lecommeud it as a
splendid liniment for rUoomatism ami
other hou-ehold use for which we have
found It valuable. J W COTLBH, Bed
Creek, N Y.
Mr Ooyli r i one of Die lending mer
chants of I hi- village and one of the
moot prominent men in this vicinity
w 0 i'h i i d , Editor Ded Creek
Herald. ForaalebyOaburndi DeLano
Schillings Rest arc, cn
the whole, the best
Co IT re
haktaa tsiwilr
mil inlcci
there are. That is as near
as we can say. No your
money back if you don't
like them.
For sals by
Gray & Son. si -About t,i wtcksago
near Blue Diver, a little child about
three years of age belonging to
Mr and Mrs Deed, of Portland, strayed
away froii camp in the morning. D
was Pound by James Kennerly near the
divide of the mountains, some ;lj milts
from camp at 0 o'clock the same even
ing. The night w as a cold one and it
ITH. lli.. i.i.iiural nni.tlnn II (I... ..1. 1A
. mphpih it mum viniu
had not Iwti found it would have
fro.-u to deal h
an Atniiavit.
rillt is to certify tliat on May IDb.I
walked to Mcliek's drugstore on a pair
t ctutrbra tnu l might bottWd
Chamberlalna Pgln lialm or
aiatory rheanaatlHB vbteu bad crip
pled me up. Alter usiug three tsiltles
I am completely cured. I can chetr
full) reeommand l Obarlat H Wel
ti I, Sunnuay, Pa.
u d sulwcrilH'.l to before n.e
on AUKUat 10. IMtt. WiiIi.t Shipman
J i'. Kor sale at 50 cents iier bottle by
'soiirn iN'lrfino
Wood Wauted.
TbOM parties wtio have promised the
UOano wood ou subscription account
are requested lo deliver tbe fame as
soon a couveuhnt.
For Salk-230 aerae eaeeileut farm-
mnos. inquire oi John Van
Di'YN, Coburg, or.
1.....' I VI llD'T s
30 3E3 A. 3Ln 3B 3R. S
Verses Of The Doik go That ToUOB
the Popular Heart Of Today.
A generation ago there apnt ared In
"Vaulty Fair," with which the name
of ArtemOS Ward wis identllled, the
following poem on the civil war. It
will bear re.publicr.tiou at the present
time, despite Die fact the name of it
author is unknot ii It was entitled
"After All," and is all iUent in i's sim
plicity and the picture ol domestic
grief it presents.
The apples are ripe in the orchard,
The work of the reaper is done,
And the golden woodlands reddeu
In the blood of the dying sun.
At the cottage door the grandslie
Bits ale In his easy chair,
While the gentle wind of twilight
Plays with his silver hair.
A wnnniii kneeling beside him,
A fair young head is pressed
In the llrst wild passion of sorrow
Against his aged breast.
And far from over the distance
The warlike e hoes come
(f the w arlike blast of trumpet
And the ra' thug roll of c'ruin.
And the grandslie speaks in a whisper
"The end 0Q man can see;
Hut we give him to his country,
And we give our prayers to Thee."
Tb violets alar the meadows,
The rosebuds friuge the door,
And over the grassy orchards
The pink-w lilte blossoms pure.
Hut the gratulsire's chair is empty,
The cottage is iiark and still;
There's a nameless grave ill the battle
tlek', And a new one under the hill.
And a pallid, (earless woman
By tbe cold hearth sits alone,
And l lie old Cloefc in the corner
Tickso.i with a steady drone
From south Lane.
Kdkn vai.k, Sept 11, 1808.
John West has recently huilt an im
proved dairy house.
Fiank Bridget hO has been very ill
with typhoid lever is now nearly well.
Robert Carr, of Dexler, visited
friends lu re a OOUple of days last week.
School will begin tbe lirst of October
with Miss Ainv .miih of Eugene at
I N Mulkey lias rented his farm to a
Mr Miller, ami will move to mine point
down the valley.
Messrs Hullls and Farobam have
each purchased farms ncai Cedar Flat
and will move on them in a abort time.
Mrs WarblotOU and children, Elsie
Parka aod Dalton Bauabmao returned
on the 10th from a visit to Newport
ami aquioa,
P N Laird and family and D iberl
Drury returned Monday from Pine
Openings wliere they had been speud
ing seme weeks.
We hear a great deal of complaint
that fruit, particularly apples, is ilroj i
ping oh" the trees, probably owl g to
the extreme dry weather.
Henry Mitchel anc' famiD ot this
place and WlltOU Darling and family
ofPleaMOl Hill left last week for a
visit to Alsea ami oilier points on the
Mrs Caroline Hr.inton I- keeping
bouteforber brother PNBnolleyin
the absence of the latter' wile who la
visiting her old home lu Augusta,
The A.ORM Steam bruit Cunner.
Tbtaeaunar nut only saves a great
dial of labor lo canning fruit, hut also
retains the ilavor and form of fruit.
I lu ri lu .... I.. ....I. L ...
...... '..iivraiinun ur tinning over
of fruit as the fruit Is placed In thejars
, "v nun i I'lueeu m tm.jars
I r klrJlf' Dy using it ,eas,
IWuh .rr..,., 1 ' ' .
neans, corn and meats nmv i, ...i
with rx.rfw.1 .f... ""
1 he cauiieis may lie seen at Starr A
Ayasstorc. Agents wanted, address.
Waiterville, Or.
For Sale
WO teres f land lu two tepara.e
farms adj. lining. nu acres in cultiva
tion, III unlii w,,n, !,., , r..
price H 00 ,.r acre. Also tvo houses
ami Iota, catte and horses, for sale
ebeap. In.iiire at First and Wast,,
j IBg tX streets, or address
W HHamitov tfti r
i "-"f "iiguu,
To Prune Growers.
D will pav vou in i.n,i,.. .u.
I - - -....Mill IUC
Triumph Prune giader n exhibition
at B L Lon Hardwa e t oie. J: Patrhk. Mfwn.
Ph0M,J 69 State St Salem.
Hrrowt of all kind, at f L, Clumr
bcrs. tl
Arriving Daiiy
Gail . and see ta.
r i i
Our Wail Paper
,iPL fdjJ
AAA&' v
000dj C7. -SJ 5l
Just Rubber at that
Wall Paper in
P. S. 10,000 rolls just lecotfed.
Don't Forget
Will take your measure and have
made to order suits from 913 to
38. Pants from $1 to $11.
Over 1000 samples to elioose
from. Pit guaranteed or no sale.
See samples at Starr & Aya
i - ,'i ..f I .i.i kj a i. 1 '
i i tne pA mt und wall paper line at
1 l.ree iloors wi st of rostofllc, Elglufc .Sire.-.
NoBtlnatiOai Made.
Taooini, Hei.t oi Tho ret,uul! nn
state enoveal loo nominated the foi
lowlng tiejiti todait
Repreeantatlyee W L Janit, ot
North Yakima, and Fiancis W C'ush
ato, of lacotnti.
Judge of the taprme court Mark
A Kullerton, of Ctelfa, and TJ Anders
of Wuiia Walla rtneanluattd)-
Tha plalforni rkdaret in favor of the
exiitiuijKoid staaaard.
Willsie" Ca meras
Received. We recommend them .
cf tk
Superior Fotoflrafs.
a a m- ewE- ar- msm i
-""AiLin a
to be
SI A m 1 l'BUI-1l
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'Him a inn in iitij umii;'. rv is uf -tl.Dl'"!
Wo haiMlo none of thUevll trih. iou 1 'v 'm
I I AuTnTfllJeA f.. -I. ...... D i.,t mi I hit! V
t. h. uicniun d umtni 91,11 "-t?
Blue Andaiusians
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Norlliui'. ' -r'" ' , t.ri.
johnitiurg ,l.o.v.ri..o.'-
i'j'lti o". -l 1 P
bDQtcWE --
When your watch needs w
Take it V
r MVtlrj wrk-