The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 17, 1898, Image 7

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    , , . al.- I,l..a, BSaaOj
illKl tl " " MNMf
Nrtssr Isas esr
Absolutely Pure
.KEPT 17
Subscrioefs whsjiave promis
ed wood in settement tor the
uFFKLY GUARD account are
requested to deliver the same at
their earliest convenience.
Ho . ea.
Pumpt and pipe at P L Chambers.'
Mooltor It i II le- on eatlh, nt K L
tr Sander pave tlie liiKli'.-nt nniiket
price for obltiam bark.
All kIimI of "Cr Lk" primers at
(irin.ii Hardware Co.
50 oo pounds ol Oregon (irnpe Knot
wallted al B ji runon s.
Tinware guaranteed to show no rust
bjr s years ai a i.iuaiuoers.
Wani kh Six car hud of cliiti' m
ber k and gnpt root by W Handera I
Kull rtock of buggies and wagons; I
alw.MMi.udliaml.atr l.l l.ambera. i
H friendly will pay the highest I
n.aiket pricw for OKWION (iKAI'K
ruitihei ihv-d
1-runinK fciilvfH. band ptHttera.lODa
land sliorl liunijie iirnnera, pruning
ia. and bedj elieum, ul (iridlli.
Hardvt itre Co a.
UBIOOH (iKAI'K HooT-Pemona bav i
fug same will do well to fall on inc.
S II b'lili Mil.v
Aoolher car load 0 Oliver flows,
just lettivul ut K L C'bmula'ni'.
Watchei, eloeka, Jawelry repaired
tetter aod tlit'aper Wan any plaee it
loWD. Oive me u trial. I wtilsavi
ju'j money. Brit; tbi jewolar, Nlotl
nl Willamette alreele.
lo i lire a umu in One I ay.
Take Laxative fiMffiO Quinine Tab
tie. All (liticxitita rtfUDd tbe nionev If
it falls to (".ire. I'n'. 'I be geJiuine bu-
L on encb tubiet.
IfANTBD. A lady to hike pail of
my cottage for tbe care of my room..
Ialll pay rent and board, A good
opportunity for lady with sou or
daughter to attend the University.
!'ii! Clay C'ai.son,
Kleventb and Hilyard Sis.
Beautiful Bong Pob Bam. At
agieat bargain 12 miles east on the
HeKentle, twenty live aorea good
ground, due modern bouse elegant
watt rand very healthy, church aud
ac ool near by. I N (Ireen box 477 or
Hi Mil . I luii-e.
Fish Makkr. OH und after
September 15, a' Cherry building,
Kb street. Fresh fish iu season, aud
salt llsh of all kl ds kept OOOaUUtli
on baud.
J n Bill, I'roprittor.
WANTED. A man of cood moral
Character aa a partner, or to wink on ;
mmuilkai0D,U a barbel shop in Eugene.
iDAiSCKis.s Eugene, ur
To Rest OHJUP A small farm, two
miles below Eugene, nqulre of Mrs
C H Cottle, west 11th stitet, Eugene.
Km Sale 230 acres excellent fann
ing lauds. Inquire of John Van-
Coiiurg, Or.
Oregon (Jrnpe Root
oO.Ooil pounds wanted. Will
the hiv'liesl market t.rlce fnr all 1
8 11 FltlKMM.Y.
Fur Kent or Sale A ttood rtcek
firnnif ojO acre apply to 2 T.
ft Mount, tiflnth st
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
i-.ure of
During the Exposition....
At Portland
o desire that you
Make our establishment
Vour Headquarters. Hav
Your mail sent to
tou in our care. Any
I'arcels or baggage
Left with us
Will be properly
' ared for.
no a.tttr-f
ViUNl' Ik. .man
-'"--i".iy would
to run out
II ssiltd
ad I bead.
'1 lad frolic
and know hall
in midwinter,
hey have to
i maaaa up
like hnt hoaei
Bower. Matt
they dare ven
ture ont in ae
vere weather,
and nn then
WQOM "htidder
at tin- thought
of rollicking in
the now a
tln-ii crand.
a . i . . mother did.
Tile tlouble lie in the del Ifaal to., few
Wnm.ri enjoy ,,. rf.-ct health and st tigtli
of the special womanly A wm
an who i not well and strong WalK can
not enjoy Rood general health. Mr Pu ree'.
Fiiymit,- Prescription cure all weakness
and disease of the delicata and important
organ concerned in wifehood ami mother
hissl It j the mot perfect ami scientific
remedy ever devised for the peculiar alt
m nt- of women. It restore womanly
power, trench and virility, it torn and
twilil up llv nerve which hive 1m en Mat
tered by ranVrlng and distast. It correct
all irregularities and d rangi-im-nt and
top exhausting drains. It restores weak
jttrvotll invalids hi perfect health. It i
intended for thi otic claS. of disorder and
food fcl m. other. It i the discovery of
Or. K. V. Mi rce. for thirty venr chief con
suiting physician to the Invalid' RoUl and
Surgical Institute, at Buiralo, N. Y. No
other known medicine can take it place.
" I have bam troubled wilh female weakne
thai my physician called catarrh ur the woasV
write Mi.s 1 m Conner, of C.itfish. I'lnriou l .
Pa "I OOCtOtsU for it and did not get belt.-.
At last I e. irm-i .1 takiug Ur Pierce Favorite
Prescription. I fot belter right along and when
I had t. k. u four Ixittlc wa cured. I recom
mcrnle.1 the ' Favorite Prescription ' to a friend
iff tat she has Isreii usiug ii and thinks it
is wonderful. "
Constipation i a little illne that if
neglected build a big one. Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellet cure constipation. One
little " Pellet " is a gentle laxative and two
a mild cathartic. They never gripe.
Hull mail Commissioner and S.
Offletali in Eugene Lut (Tight.
Railroad Commlasloners H K dm li
,, j g yM allll j Macrum. ac-
vuwhmvt ,v I, U Fields, suhcrin-
. . .
Boatbara Padflo. and W i Brondahl.
. . , , ..
suifrintenili"it of l.tlilijin, IpaDt lust
sl.k 1 1. l-. . Lsi n
MiKi. i in i.uueiie, iieu inr nisi bhpii
. .. . ,.,. ... ,.,,
- . , '
H' 'y theae oBetoh). I hey
wt-ra rrlut ulMg iron a lour
"f lBPtOtlon of tbt) 8 P Oregon
lines. la OOOVereatlOIl With (iUAKI.
repreaantatl' u Cunnualoiiar IXMnpaoo
said t but tlii ic.uiiteil i f tin- Snutbern
Paeiflo is now in Una condition, ibe
substHittiul Improvements of the past
few yean placing It on a parwlth I ha
heavy ballaaUd double I reeked ronds
of the K st.
Tbe eotnmisslopers learned bere of
the del ialOO ol tbe supreme court Ii- tbe
(fleet that General Cortpaon rennut s
In office, no vaoal oy baa been cre
ated. As the decision cariied with
It the assurance that their salary dur
lUg the past tWO yean was sufe, nil
were iu a very j .vial frame of mind.
The party left nl 7 a m today on
their special train.
All parlies who have so kindly sub
scribed lor stick iu The Eugeue Trans
fer Co, are most urgently icqueeted to
call at my oflloa at once and receive
their oalifloata in order that funds may
be had to hustle the cotup etion ot
our boat, which is now j'ist appro rhlog
completion, aud must be ready to
assist iu moving the immense tonnage
uow In sight, which must seek the
wuteis of the woild by way of Port
bind or Yaqulna. There can be DO
question regarding the enterprise as
being a safe remunerative investment
to each und every stock holder. Nearly
every dollar thus far expended has
gone to Eugeue or Lane County people
so our money Is spent at home. Will
not some more oi toe ioui h"S'"
,m.u and women ol this county come
forward and us 1st our company oy
taking more stock so that the good
work now iu progress may be hastened
for the launching of our statnch
little craft.
E C SMITH. Secretary.
Rooms to Rent.
.-. rooms, including siltint; room, two
ied rooms, kitchen and large pantry,
unlet in kitchen, lane woodshid mid
.,..., vukI. Located on norlh side
..r O.I. .ISaai lull lllllir WCSt (if
Ul .HO nun. M-..-
Jnnrnal" office.
For parllculnra lmiuire ol Mi.s Saltz
man, 'Ha stuet Mllnnery WOT.
The short cut to success
with Schilling's Best
tiakln poaSjSV
l:.r n -itltctS
ni'l spices
is to money-back them.
For sals by
J. U. Orua & Son
Cay & Henderson, L'ndertakers ni
tmbalir.ers. Cor. Wil- and 7lh sis.
Cor. First and Morrison Sts. Portland. Cr
t 's
1 . 1 1
Died in this cit, Senietnbcr U Imi.
at liltani.ofeeiehrllle, John Wt:y
Jolimou, aged 81 years, 5 mouths and ritate l ulversPy. Pl0flNrlD In the
''y- cause of public education ha not been
H tapld wa tbe progress of the J Uwratlve, though It baa been the - .
duaajetuat the umUrinlulng of his Uf much happiness all along tbe path
system and mugniilcciii brain raalnfma inntuni I Ilia rt.a .,,.,,..,.,.
Dompiatad in about hmr araeka, During
his entire life deceased had sullen d
cinslderably from the .11 .t of ill
health, but his indomitable will held
him to his work when other DMO
would have failed, iso It was that
while strict, ai d Insisting on the ni..t
perfect obcdleuce Irom students, bis
penonaj interest in eaehjladlvldual,
and the tborougbiuss of the work
under hlm.created a frieUdahlp as ; ,-t
ing as time Itself Among tbe
growing alumni of the Unlvenlty nl
Oregon, the nnrdy virtues of Prof. or
Jobneoa are incorporated In all Ibelr
veneration ami respect for "uhna
eaki.v i.i n,
John W Johneon wa on a
tanu at Westporl, Missouri, i l .
part of Kausus ( Ity, March IS, IBM.
This farm, originally the donation
land ilaim of hisfa'her, Chatles John
son, Is now one of i he valuable sec
tions of Kausus city. Here the fami
ly lived until ISiO, when they remo.
ed to Oregon, making the journey
with ox learns. The journey bears
with it a sad looolkotloo, The inotiur
sickened and died auroute, not living
to see the Western land of promise b
wards which their aspirations were
directed. The father aud family ar
rived In Heuton county, this state,
and part of the Johnson donatlou land
claim is now Oregon Agrleul
luriil property. The subject of this
sketch attended district school In
Missouri, and after arriving In Oregon,
working between times at farm woik.
At tb.' age or P.I he taught his Hist
school in King's valley, Benton Ol nn
ty, afterward attending 1'acillc I'ni
versily, Forest Orove, taking prnira
tory wo:k for his cnur e at Yale e I
lege. KAMI I. V 1. 1 IK.
The cliaracteristic Americiu desire
for a.qulei and liapy domeatie I few us
most marked In the dOOtaetd. Mar
ried July 3, 18il.", three y. ars after
gradttaUon from Vale, to Heieu V.w
belli Adams, dutightcr of Hon W L
Adams, of Astotia, On gnu, he leavi a
wile aud six children to mourn the
losa of a huhaud and lather who
sacredly guarded the family ties,
while looking to their every advance
ment. His child ren are Kev Herbert
Spencer Johnson, of Plttstleld, Mass;
Kugeuia Johusnn-Uiiftln, Eugene;
Victor Virgil Johnson, now a divinity
itudent at itochester, N Y; Eether
Blliabeth Johnson, Kugene; l.oris
Lloyd Johnson, now with the Oregon
Volunteers at the Philippine-; WletM
Wayman Johnaoni Eugeue. with
tin-exception of Kev Herbert Johnson
and l.oris Jolinson, the entire family
wa with him at the last. Four
brothers and n sister also remain of his
family, J 1) Johneon, Coreallle; J E
Johnson, who lives near Corvallis; W
C Johneon, Payette, Idaho; II ('John
sou, Orangevllle, Idaho aud Mrs Alice
Martin, olex, Oilllam oounty, Oregon.
After graduation from Yale deoeaei l
tells of his eatlier woik in sc 100I
roo ns in the sketch published below.
His work iu the University of Oregon
commenced with Its first year, lsTC.
Ci 111 18H3 during the llrst 17 years of
the university he acted as president
besides holding the chair of Latin and
(ircek. Continued ill health prompt) d
him to tender his resignation as pu s
ident in 1893, a'id since that lime he
had held the chair of Latin, resigning
August 1808, just before Ills last
Among the western educators
deceased held a rank second :o none as
a thorough and MuaelentlOUl work. r.
He Is numbered high in the Yale class
of 02 which contains an m. usually
large number of noted men.
In 1SS4 the class of '68, of Yale col
lege, of which deceased was a member,
issued a "Twenty Years Record" of the
class. In tne sketch of Mr Johnson's
life is to bu found a letter of Interest,
writttn by himself August SO, 1681
telle of his life only fro 01 hi grailua
lion at Yale, but the blgh motives
domlnatiog tii life are so portrayed
.ii will he read with inters" by
'After returning from Vale in 1W0'J,
I tanglit s hool in Corvalli tlurinn tbe
fall and winter, in an institution which
bas since developed Into the AftioOl'
turai Utttlef. The next spriog, my
health being poor, 1 went to the laOH
"dlKglns''in Northern Idaho: reOOVl red
my health; got uperieiic In the use
of the pick aud shovel, though the
gold did not pau out satisfactorily.
In January, lit, I took charge of Mc
MlnOVflle Baptist Oilleee, lalsiring
there until the summer of 1868, when
I resigned und accepted the p till H9
of principal of a rjranimar Department
nf the pdrrfle schools of the city of
Portland, O'egon, the c mm. relal
matronoli. the North Pacilic t oasi.
: After two terms in the Grammar lie
partmeut, ti e High hebool was or
gsnUed and placed lo my charge. I
spent seven years a-d a term in ihl
institution, during which lime my
health -was seriously impaired. lo
JsTH, I secepted the presidency of the
HUM Uoleerslty. located in Eugene
( lly, Oregon. I have, coiiseimently,
been euga,ied seven yens in the Uni
versity. The University appear w oe
giving satisfaction to tbe good people
ol nur commonwealth
"I have taught twri ty years since
my iriuro fr m colli ge, d bave not
lorn in. ui , all laid U
yi ar My v mli In.- l , . . h u I
pre .elw, soii.ewbat of a pi ii r char-1
aett r, a I buve th bonoi I having
orjinieal the only public high choel.
Ht 111.. lIltlM III ll.Asll.tM ...111 ..IdS II...
i -. .
o tieiiig useful in helping to lay the uf public edur it Ion In
young state I worth sou n i:
"My Interest In the fl of t as
strong a ever, and nothing could give
me more pleasure than to meet my
elaanustts once more en 1 1 e i'. Meg.
eampu of our alma mat. i Tim bal
'o.eil days of college life are numbered
With the pant, but they live ill my
memory and atteoUona. The North
ern 1'acillc railroad will soon ! eom
pl. teil. and then tb Journey between
the Kar Baal nnd Ibe Far West will
be reduced to ;nn. dime anil see
Aa a ciTir.K.v
The private life of Hroi Jobuaon was
iiitukiil In ii t ipilet eu .. -ttiers and
kindly dutpoaltlon in eapeetedln
one of bis i attire, lie a-slste.l a great
deal in tbe vanoui moVemegie to bnlld
up bis home city, and erected one ol
the lineal business blocks in the city,
besides a handsome h -nlenc.'.
LVoaaaed was, for years otthofthe
leading members of the F'irt U.iplist
church of (bil city, and fraternally
holds memberahlp arith Bngene bulge
A F .V
rV M and Fugetie lodge A O I'
I UK I.tsi Kl IKS.
Fnnerill ul the Late 1'iolessor John
Palljr uaard vpt II
The funeral of the late Professor
J -tin W Job' mi wa held at the fain:.
ly residence on ,-' Fifth strict id
140 this afternoon. Kugene Ledges A
F k A M and A V W, and the
faculty of tlie Dntve ally of Oregon al
tfinltd ill a body.
Professor Thomaa Condon made a
talk eulogizing the life of bis late 00
worker in the educational field, and
lb- invocation m-i ll led by Itev J C
A large crowd was !n attend nice aud
followed the remain - lo theli last rest
ing place in the Masonic feIU lery.
The music fun ished by the cbo r
was excellent.
Bogene lodge No n, aF aa m,
took charge of the ceremonial at the
close of II. e services at the residence,
aud In the beautiful lituallstic serv
ice ol the order couducted the last sad
riles at the cemetery.
All the business houses of the cltv
closed their door from J;. U lo 4 o'clock,
expressing to the fullest extent the
universal sorrow of tbe city In which
the deceased so lung resided.
The pell bearers were: TO llcud
ricks, 11 F Dorri, F W Oaburn, J b
Page, John Straub and B I! McKlroy.
KAt't'l.TY MKKM.V.
Tbe faculty of tbe DnlVOnlty of Ore
ron held a special meeting tbll lore
no m in ibe vnia'd Hall to mate prep
ami ions for the funeral of the late Prof
.1 W jrlmson.
A committee ouslstlng of Profs
Siraub, Carson and Young, was ap
pointed lo pr pare for subside memo
rial services to he held In Villatd Hall
in the near future.
It was resolved, that each member
of the faculty wear u mark of mourn
ing for the next 30 days out of respect
to the memory of the doceaet I
A oommittee on lultable reaoluUoni
wns appoint tl, cousis'lng of Profs
Condon, Hawthorne and UoAllster,
It was resolved that theflsgOOtbe
Oampua remain at half maul until ufter
the funeral.
Profs Carson, Hchmldl and McAUater
a i re appointed a oommittee lo procure
a ll I'd design for the funeral.
How to Look Uo
l i.x.d looks are really umie than skill
di p, dependlDg Dtirely on a healthy
ooodlUea of all the vital organa. If
the liver be li;acllve, you have a bilious
lookup yrur stoiuai ii b disordered
you have a ggepeptlo look; if your
kldoeye iw affSeted, you have a
; pmclierl lonK. necurc ips'ii inioiu, b.iu
you will surety nave i.s.s.
"Klectrli' liilters" Is a ifoon Aiieiauve
ttllj JoaiC Ads dlieolljl
on tbe
I'unlb s
! -toinacn, nvci mn k .
mooioo cur
plmpi' s, blotebee ami
tt uihhI
ihiIIs, ami Kl.
Every bottle uataiteed. Moid at Wil-
kins .v 1 - i'rug Btore. oo cents
pr bottle.
i ul Market
Hept 10, I8V8.
Wheat-ts .
Oata 87c.
Hops- s to 10(5.
liutter-SU to fthc per roll.
Potatoee 95o
Poultry-U 60 to 18 60 per down
KoT rale.
A line stock raoch containing 830
acres for sale at a bargain. Will sell
aa a whole or in parts, one coi. lain ing
Impioveuieii's, house and two barns,
consisting "' " acres; the Other pas
ture lands principally. Hltuatvd sla
miles from i Call OCJ OT addlsa
J M Oka km a in.
Kugene, Oregon
Hodavllie Oregon. Opens Hept 1", IMiS
Healthful baation. WW tuition. Cat
alue free. Write for needed Infor
mation. J It Oeddea, President.
'i Ibvertnliva I list Fri i r
H.VStt".! v-siriv ifsiM i j
Call S Sllli
II, M I Mir I'r. sr ii i I ii ii ill 1 1, n.
Following is a letter from Carl
Bwultbi son of R 0 Smith of thi. eitv.
in answer to repeated Inquiries' ir
Smith klndl gives valuable Informa
tion regard I' g our new possessions.
Another motion of the letter giving
other lufOrmatloa will be published to
morrow: Boron Boa ma ucaio. Tbe re
cent visit of Company "('" lo Horn
lulu together ailh Ibe annexation of
the Hawaiian feutnda lo the United
Btsleo have both united lo attraet the
attention of oar Bogene people to the
newly acquired territory. I have bteu
aimos: sMampe.1 with lattera from
home p. i. pie asking about Hawaii aa a
pcaeltilo home lor aattiete, mtohanlw,
farmer ami profrissl tint man. If It Is
not making too gieat n dsmaud UpOU
you I would like to avail mselfol the
Ol Aim to answer some ol the letter
and p.wsii ly to throw some light upon
the cotidliloiisof life In our newly no
quired i nuntry.
TUaPS Mime to lea pr. vailing bb a
UMMIg a large number of peoPHI living
in the Htslis thai Haw aii Is a low
country in the same sense that t ali
fornla was a new country in II I
Moved by this misguiding Impress!" i
als. ut four hundred men have I. II .-1 i
Kralic'sco w ithin the past (line we. h
and have crossed SI i 0 n lies of watei t
Illil a Hisslble fortune III the lo -e
uutry. The () AO steamship "Dm e '
arrived In Honolulu last week crowd. I
to her last hammock with pnssi ng. r .
Hie purser 0ld si the Hoard of liiimi
unit ion that he hud refused passage I
about three hundred more Nearly
every one of these men come witlioi l
t he lut ana of living here or returini.
to Han Francisco, unless you count
desire lo d anylhliiij to get rich'' i s
a means of living.
Ah. hi I one quarter ol tbe COW AT
rivals in the Island are del lists, dor-
tors, lawyers and men who rely upo i
a elieiilage for a living. The rest aie
mechanics, clerks and men who w ul I
lik" o lake up laud In the wayw "
lake up a timber claim In Oiegoii ll
Is nut a pleasing pro eel to colli. II
plate what Is to income of these me i
when they come to make a living In a
country which I so dill, rent from any
thug they ever kuew before. The
whole llfilctilty lies in the fact Hint
the Idea that Hawaii Is a new counti .'
i an erroneous one.
I would like to call your attention to
a bit of mld'l'aclllc hlsuiry. Intl..
early part of the present celilury-s
III HIP the Massachusetts whab i -fotiud
a very profitable voyage Iu sail
ing around Cape limn mm. I coasting
up tbe Houth Ami I' i can coast to aboui
the latitude of the Equator and then
crossing over to the Hawaiian Islands
and from there to the Arctic ocean.
Those weio days when the Maud
were new and California and Oregon
an almost unknown . land. Hundreds
ol vessels from Itoston aud New lied
ford touched at the Islands and laid In
supplies in exchange for whale oil. Al
this lime a large number of New Eng
land mlsslonailes eamc to the Island.
They came to chrlstlanl.e the native
Kanaka but the were wise men and
did more than to preach to him. The
missionaries brought with I hem school
teachers, doctors, lawyers, merchants
and all of lb, conveniences of clvllia
tb.u. Newspapers ami colleges wero
si rted here long before gold was dis
covered In California. The lawyet
and doctors were graduates of tbe
llnest colleges III the United Ktate
I be merchants all had their BoatM
aud London agents.
Hume were great days for the
Islands. A abort lime ago I found III-
.. i one of the newegnpen published in
Honolulu III I. 10 III olio Issue tbei."
was a note lo the efh ct that over four
hundred ships were In the Hoaol il i
harbor. In these later days there In
never been one fourth of this nuiiits r
of ships ut anchor in the harlxir of
Honolulu. In (he old d ys there wi s
lots of wealth and ll was easily go!.
The grandfathers and lathers of ti e
presenlgener.itlon gol rich end the.
endowed I heir descendants with lam's
and go ds in great abundance As tl e
youiu ""'" and women grew up thi y
went to American colleges, ami re
turned to make tin- islands a clvill.i I
and enlightened countiy With tl
growth of California most of the Island
trade was directed toward San l-'iiiu-ci
sen, but long before the latter oily
came Into being Honolulu wa a thriv
ing town peopled by Huston merchant ..
There m-vir Iim been h these Islam's
the kind ofcivillMtlon which Is know I
on the w. si coa t of the Culled Sli.ti ..
There was always u distinctive II e
gore but it has always been more III I
New BoglMd than like the west.
So much for a retrospectsve view. I
would like to give you a hasty sketi h
of w ind one finds here Imla . W be I
' came to have aOmothlng to do wl h
1 he in. r. li .ul beie I ua astoulshid
; with the magnitude of the bOeittOSI
which single Arms carry on. There
i are only a few mercantile houses iu
Honolulu aud most of these are Ingot
,oruled. They carry all sort, of goods.
grocerba, dry gisids, hardware, ma
chlnery and practically everythlog
used on the island. They Import from
every country In the world. Not one
of the large llrm. Is without its fleet of
ships which imports gmsls Iu quauti
tlaa from the oountiy which manufsc-
1 M.
Is the only plow made that
is better than the $40.00
Oliver chilled. See it at
F c
lure best and cheapest. They sell nt
wholesnle and at rctnll in d so shut out
nil small concerns. They have to em
ploy clerk who are familiar with the
dill rent languages spoken here and so
the new arrival! cannot km! Coronal
lions In such establishments
Hi-sides these large llrm there srw
only a very few .tons which are BOl
mm sg d by Chinese or Japanese. No
one can hos to compete with Mongo.
linns in any line where 11 Mongolian
call really do the business.
In the mitchanlcal you will
Bod that there is little room for white
skilled labor. The Ja am se carpenters
nru aieeedlngly skilful m vorfciog nl
details but they cannot plan. Hut 1 urn
lold that w hite carpenters and Joiners
make less wages than they do In the
ll Is In the agriculture of (he country
thai the most change is seen. The
.Innate nud mill are totally dillsrei.l
from anything one mi s in the slates,
nud It Is some time I ..fore the newly
arrived white man can In-come used to
the uew conditions. Of etuirso the
malD prodnol of the islands Is sugar.
Siigm Is raised on Immense plantations
owned hv cornorallons and oi eraled
by skill. .1 overseers and mongolian
. . . "
. -
laborers. There Is a islant cry for
morn and cheiper labor Iu the cane
llelds but 110 cry for more nvi-rscci
None of the ne v arlvnls can hope to
llnd work on Hie plantation unless he
will woik for thirteen dollars per
month aud board himself.
There Is no laud to be taken up by
settlers for long ago the sugar planters
0 lee fed UM best land for cane. On the
Island ot Hawaii, however, Iheruisa
chance for a good Investment and In
doatrjT, It has been found that codec
can be grown here very successfully
and It is believed that It will yield a
good Income hut this is a matter of
-peculation I .mill can be Isiught from
the g 'Vcrumcnt a' a reason a le rule
The land Is covered with a mass ol
tropical Jungle which coils about
thirty dollars per acre to clear. No one
ought to go Into the planting ot coll',
who bus not tlie meuns of support lug
himself for live years and Ibe OBOltOj to
ptuut und cultivate his laud.
For years the cry has tn-en that the
professions are too crowded. This Is
heard bere as much as In the stab .
Honolulu is a city of about thirty five
thousand people. Of tills number
atmut one fifth are Americans and
Boropeans while tlie rest are Chinese,
Japanese and natives. There, are about
a mai y white people In Honolulu as
there are in Kugene. At tlie ls-glnlng
of the year there Were nbnul forly-flve
lawyeis there und since then the num.
Issr has been swelled by the arrival of
about twenty five more. When you
1 tmsiilcr that the luerca dill. buelnOOl
is concentrated Into the hard of a few
corporations you can easily see why It
is that nine-tenths ol I he law business
I done by utsiut live llrm.
In the town of Bllo lln -
than one thousand white people yet
there are ten lawyers and with every
-ti nnier there is au addition to this
number. An old aud well established
llrm In either Honolulu or Hilocau do
a good business but rny uew comer
have a longer wait than he w tild
have In any similar town in Oregon or
if a man can bring to the Islands
enough capital to last him for a couple
of years, aud with It ha can bring a
strong constitution and an overMiwer
Ing desire to work he can doubtless
make a good living and, If fortunate,
may make a good competency. Hut
don't let any man come with a bare
hundred dollars and an Impression that
be oan gnd a fortune nu the tiare side
of ii volcano.
Life here I pleasant. Don't believe
anyone who ell you thai fever and
is mil known here. This Is In
the impics and all tropical lauds have
lroiici,l icv. i . It is ple&saut to go
.In ..scil in while linen all the time aud
ptek ripe bananaa in your own yard.
III. pleasiuii o I. always Iu the sight
of the ocean and to watch the liyiug
lisli play. Hut I Mleve that It lakes
a etTOnger constitution to live where
you can see the Hotilheru Cross thau It
does to live in the frost line.
Yours very truly,
Caki. 8 Smith,
Hilo, Hawaii, Aug 28, 1808.
t Onaim prion Positively Cured.
Mi K Ii (i reeve, met i bant , of Cbil
liowie, 'n, certltles that he had 001
stimptlon, was given up to die, sought
all medical treatme it that money
uoi 1 ii,. cure, ineil all cotigu remedies
he could hear of, but got no relief;
spent uiatiy nights sitting up In a
chair; Aiis Induced to try Or King's
New discovery, and was cured by use
of two bullies. For past three years
lias In en attending to business and
I says l)r King's New Discovery Is the
1 ... . ... - 1. 1
,v,r 1" 11
done so much lor him aud also for
others Iu
Ills inn. unit v. I r Klug's
New Discovery Is guranteed for
Coughs, Colds and Consumption. It
don't full. Trial bottles free at Wil
Kins 1, Hill's Drug Store.
Miss Lillian M Lewis, lately of the
dormitory of the i'oitland University
lias taken charge nf the 1J ofO dormi
tory where she will la. prepared lo re
ceive male students at t'2.60 per week
Including beet ami light.
Thooe wishing to take boarders, or
who have rooms to rent, or who are
willing to board a student In returu for
work, pl- asc send full particulars aa to
terms, location, ntui her and whether
young men or young ladies are desired.
Address, "Christian Associations,"
llox IH Kugene, Or.
Ilucklen's Ann. a salve.
Tin boil salve in the world for cute
nun , sores, un-ers, salt rheum, fever
soies, lei ii r, i luipped hands, chill laina
cms, and all skin 1 inplions, aud
po-itively cures piles, or no pay re
quired It la guaranteed to give per
tlarhotlon or money refunded
Harden Pears.
f will pay cash for Hurtled pears.
Office and packint; ootns at Eugeue
T N Hkoak.
rday's Albany Demoeintl J 11
Alexander, of Eugene wjb Iu tbe oily
lodav on hi wnv to Lebanon, where
.. wln p,.nd the winter with OH son
,-,,, , .;M,ri.HH... van. ... Mr Alex
ander was the first editor of theQCARD
which be estiihlisb. il iu 1S.,,
!gal Niason Improved Jar iter dor. BOo
gal Mason Improved Jar per dox 750
gal Mason Improved Jar per doa 6(0
2doa. beat Hlack Jar rubbers So
I do7. extra cups rubbers 26o