KLONMSRMIOHK H A Birr ttiifti Dm ha) Fn ti 101 a i? mm i Hugh A Burr, FBlrifmuiii, rwiurn. id today from KkMidlkti uVifcol auaoiilieil 'i physical bra I id '" OOd splrl's. He Iimh lawn abwiltM iuoiiIIim, mil during t l.nt i irn llM I U not paly an ooloobi r but party to (lie mining be ' city ami Klondike. Will ' f Ill Ml'HI-lll.fc' iii- -i i. l- ally Ikppttn DM tH U I i UMI him to lie tbo objroi i gmtulatloo. Mr Hun i- I U ti ri Ilia n.iuiin r ol claims mi B M ortkt and Iiuh wlili him several nugg ' ' a goodly llMi Mr Barr and pinner, and Prank Al bino came down on the H and were among Um victim- ' rj Vr llair'n i'irlner loat :i " " I Mr Atsliia H.KHi. Every effort M I to apprehend tba robber but av HI MiinceMH. Tbe entire eiiiiil menl f the ship, and i hi '' paeiigeri w re aaaroliart throe dlflirtnl tlim -BpeaklDgof Lane county peopl Mi Ban aays that Chris Bart oh i Ding a butcher ahop at Deweon city ami doing well. J W Cherry Ik at Koriy-Mlle, In the employ of He-A T (Jo, having a, good poeltion, MrObor -y aim has several claims hat plOOllM well, mo tiiot altogether bla proepect are llaMciing. Clarence AdaUU li at Circle City and bai made money dnr Ing tba peat year from elaima iiiat lie ownH. Olen ami Law POWCN ure working 'or Otbai parties n Eldorado creek, anil doing nlrely. Mr Itarr says ha has not di elded whether he w ill go hark or not, hut II bo dnaa w ill make i he mart In January. Mr Atkins, who stopped i ll In Seattle will Ii" in Bogaoa In " f-w ilaye. Meeera Barr and Aikm bare many friends who will he glad to learn i f their successes, anil who would like to ate (hem njtnro to Eugene to reside, HAttLY HOPo BOLD. Wat Dears Balla 10 Bak to llall & Hon ror ii Oanta Pat Pound. The iimt wile of isn bopa occurred tbla wtarnooo when William Deevey aold twenty balaa of Fliglaa to Oan T Hall A Bon for algbt oanta par pound. Thin Ih considered k satisfactory open ing price for thin early variety. Wright's Bod) Pound. Albany Democrat Bept li The body of 0 P Wright, or Harrlaburgi drown ed at Waldport, aoutb of the Aleee two waaka ago, waa found yeeterdoy aoma where near (lie place mIicic lie wan supposed to have (alien In. The body ofhteaonhai nut bean found) The lndkjiojijv.lfla'tr .illii boy had fatten oil the nicks, or Iwii swept oil and that Mr Wrinlit had Jumped In to aava him, and that both were drown ed together. Musi Obey Hawaiian I .awe. Wasiiinuvon, Sept 1 -Commissioner of Internal Itovcnue Htsitt, In a let ter made public (inlay, makes a ruling (hat permiiiH en (fated in business in Hawaii, mUll for the present, QOmply with the Uvea of (he Islands. The let ter conclmleH hy Miiylnnth.it it In sup pimed the Internal revenue lawn of I hi' United Slate and the regulation thereunder win ultimately obtain in the Hawaiian Illanda, Vu .11 ami Chtekeaa. j w Houok, of Jefferson, says be ran into a hand of young quail Tbureday, ami among than he noticed Iwo entail Leghorn ohlokeoe, suys the Oregon Poultry Journal. They were a wild nthciiiail and the mother QUall ex hibited fiial solicitude foi theirnfety, Hoooka lolutlon of thi freak hi that the egge were laid in thebruibbya Leghorn hen ami found and hatched out hy (he quail. Aiie-ka Brovltlea. E Kuder, collector of customs of St Michael, I credited with having itated that only ibe Loulae and Leah of the lug licet of river tcaiucr are likely to leach Dawson (hi year. High friers at Bennett. Portland Telegram: Dick BurkOMB, wbn arrlrad at Bkagway from Bannatl the other day, nays (he rush to the new digging from the Chilkoot stim nil was, he ballaVM, greater than it waa over the White pa, ami tin. prhv at Bennett beat thorn paid at Dawaon, very probahly, He mw a gold pan aold there foi 111 Wand pick and ahovel for iU) each. Mr Hephum wold two dOMOeol pboeell RM Sapie', with the exoeptiou of lac latoue, for wblcb be revived $16. tTHLKTlCI AT BCGHIIi IK W Blgggojli Hie Berkaiay Taekle, to i "in k tin' Football TkttB.i e Theatate unlvarelty Ui preparing to ( knock iiie peotmmone at atbletloi ibla . .in,, i.'iy the nrvalli lllili . i f ...it. ii roach bu already been am ,, i ed ami a traim r hii he I. elii;Dgel fur theathlotM team. Tba Information ,1 hy an Btblette circular Ih- -ii. i ' y the unlvereiiy athieiic alob, ol wt.lflli BNk Bryann of OorrallMiaa , . . - nil. Pmm ilie atgnmr the ( i tlli .. , . ( tract i- taken: .. .; ,'rly lit (be npenWiK of the ., B'ptembei, preperatlooi (,tt i bit i will begin. The meal prnwMr) o 1 1 nan w in i plehod . i.i wore fr ihovaikHM be jear The footdkll team beu bed by t W Hluipeon, (he hi ii i.i.i -hi Berkeley tackle. Hewllbe ureenl the rn-i "f Oatober. Under hie ii" ' 1 : i the ;, i- expected hi reaclia degree ol excellence eacntidto thai ui no ott. r i layer In Oregon or u i igton. Polio dug f." dball w ill l LiifiMir bsaeball, ai.d In the tprlnga I, ,-, I pr. r I'..-' cub ha ngagid . o Prln I iirelu the Held and track team which will compete for tlx cop and eta ehauipkiehlpal tba annual ,. .(''( Iiiteroolk n '' Ai lalhin ui Kdioi III June lie will li-glli to gel Ibe looteetaule Into form about Meroh. Theei rporle noelee tba liear ly cooperation ol the faculty and in mill i ody, who glo lite o'oh iveiy enuoiiragi nieot." M'l l l Al, uKfcllMu To Ouotider Improvi M.. nl of Public fquare Btrwela iintiy Oaaid lepi I Council met In chamber lael even ing in -pi clal (.ecBioll pumuaiit t Call. Prownti Preeldent Plaber, Oonucil nu n 0 huri., Boney, Halm, and Hum. Preeldent Plaber itated that (be ob ject of die meeting waa to oonaider t he matter of Improving die Mm t inn mil the publlo equarea. An Informal dla euealon waa held in which It waa lound Unit there WM a uuaniinou de.ire to make nee ary improvement acting In conjunction .villi the hoard of oommieelonen for Lane oounty. on motloo a i ommltlaa eiiuiitiug ol c uoollmen Oaburn, it may and Horn waa appointed to meet the oountj COII I. Permlaelon waagmnted I) M Ifoung to oonatrucl a oorrugnled iron wood -hi d in the rear of 0 w Voung'a inlck block n Wlllamal la etrcol . Couneiiman Oaburn reported that II It Kmc. ml I willing I make a deed ol a portion of land rUUUll g along the Houtheiii tide of the uuWaralty oampui ao to allow rbtrteentb atreet to be widened along that pall to 00 feet. Ou motion adjourned. In Ihottin H;n nor. lloHion, rVpt Amid (he greatet antbujUtni from IhouaandB, both ailoat gldaahorOi a Beet of nine warahlna, fresh from berd Dgbtlng lorOuba, led hy the Htnlely MaiuliuettH, nailed up ibeharboi tlila afternoon and dropped anchor off the wharyee, aalotea only being tired In honor of ominodore HoWleOU, of (he navy-yard, and a Qorarnor Woloott left for the abore. A Wired Hop Y aid. the ampball Walker hop yard, a : aide it' ove Kugciiu on (be lint of ti e railroad, i trellhed in teed of poled , the uaual way. Wlrea are strung aoroM I the yard, rapport ed by poela every Bfth j bill, in d to Hit.' wire the hope are ' tialned, Win n picking oommenoeo the wires are let down on (op of Ibe picking boxes without the hop vine being tangled or displaced in the least. This ill ike plckii g eaiei a (he ho hang In natural foitoona, baaldea there arc no Wilted bop a (he vine are not cut from the ground. ricking w in commence In tbla yard next Monday, September oth. Intend ing picker should addreea W R NYa'k. r, Springticlti, Oregon. Pino Hop crop iii Puyailup, i'acoiua, Sept L The bop crop iu (lie Puyallttp I much larger and battel i ban for year. This morning a fleet of it dosen Indian canoe from (he llritlah Oolumbia border arrived with Indian picker. It ia said ahout :t(l more 0OI te are coming, li hit Uen several year since Indians in large BBUlbeN baee come from a distance to pick hop. The Dalll rime Mountaineer: Tlie CbrUmao traotloo engine and wagon train luc been hud up at Boyd for mv cial day, being repaired. Mr t'tiri man expected to get started agaiti on 111 journey southward this evening. MarabfleW New. Aug 90: A large w liale c inn up the hay a far as Km plrv, Friday evening and another was stt'll by the crew of the (U at Charles Ion ttay. Whale- are frtijuoutly seen oil' l be coast, but they tsrely woje lu to tbe harbor. CHARACTER IN GAIT. Ioiir'.'lullljr U V.ry rrooounoed la Bark -iiud el waiktug. Kxperta wm that beodwrltfsg never , I i.ee (1. it l. that Its truo i i.a j .t-t Istles urs always preserved, even When on Bttempti to imiwiu (he writing of another. Hut still w know that for- if..rie mffletentJy etrrwmbewUd bjm wrltltik' i lirt have lin is-ns'tratMl, ami It I also certain (had grnndtl r tain ''knack" Bad j-ullnr lalciK, a most eharartrrlhtli: cignature can ! so IliiiUtU-d B to defy anything nion.llian grave iw pi. Ion of the committal of a forgery. Walking, however, coim-i nnili r anoth er category. No ono can linltato anotber'B walk fur 'more than two or three "tcps arltbout making it obvious to any hut tho densi it obearvee thut he i aettngoe walk ing a part, that ho Is thinking nuihtantly of the lenglli of ids stride, of the way tho loot should reach anil leave the (.-round, of tbu hsisiandof tho swing of tho hody. Bo very characteristic Is walking that even tba meet anotMBevant niiuiro only to bear (tuee or toot footntUs In a nasagt cte.. without sii-lng the walker to Ih' ahwi-lulilya--nr.il of hi luillvlduallty If, of course, tbo walker is fumlllor to (ho lis- (. BMW. Ami how dors charaet. r show itself in WttlklngV I should I lnelni.il to say, "In every way." For TBrTui could aaa imagine a busy, alert criminal lawyer lolling along w ith a long, heavy, lalwrlous style, nr could ono Imagine a lethargic, nnamUtlona, routine lif.. living farm la horer pas along a street with a springy, alert, in live anil nervous tread? The million", sii-plclous man could not posilMy walk In the same manner a tho hall f. lVivv well met. opan banded sports man; neither OOUld (lie walk Of (he dlgnl llil high church clergyman rc-emhlo that Of the hurtling, all there grocer bent on milking him- a millionaire. The cowardly cannot walk a do tho fearless, the NStleM DOt asdic phlogmatle, and forthls reason It seems to me that tho jsillco hav. oli.il something stronger to go on when they find a prisoner's boot mark telllss with the linpees of thobsit of the known . nmlnal. for If Blaead unih r observation when at exercise he will dene nuBtiBln to ihoBswetchlag him tbawalgbt ho puts on the illtf. rent picrts of the foot, when, the Impr. -- would Is' greater, and so on. mloii iduho. 1 ,, in. I, .1 Kiirruamr. In ancient time- soplo had ono name only, its Aihnn or llavld, and In order to dlanagulah persons of the same namalt was tho custom to affll tho dttscrlptlon "son of" I.-aac or .lo.-eph, as tho case might Is- Thus we get Solomon Ismi David among the Hebrews and Evan op Blebaid among IheWelsli, to quote two examples. Although tho argument that thosu names wi re not it rletly forenames" is not without weight, yet It 1 rcsKnsl hie to accept them as such, seeing that the application hail to he supplemented hy au nt her for the sake of distinction. Wo are therefore entitled to Include them within the scope of the question. Adamant! other early Ulhllcal name are regarded si the oldest for obvious rca- sons; I '.it, excluding these, the choice falls upon Uarmednke, which l the modern rendering of the ancient Chaldean M. rl dug, also written Marudiik and Mcrmlach, the got! who lnli ri nled loiistniilly Iwtwivn theangryBa ami the humble Damikmt, his lather and mother. The Koinnns u-itl h ith forenames ami family names, and of the former two that date hack almit o.fiou years are -'ill with us namely, Marcus and LociUS, lOUI'UMOBBd In niod- cni tongues hy Mark and tho fcmlnluo l.ucy. t ho old form Marcus Ii still n bdned In some families. l'ittsburg Dis patch. They Wcro ioo.l BBSBSe. Hi-' day Dr. Norman McUskI, who was a largvl .' healthy man, and one of his burly elder wein. to p.i) a visit to a cer tain Mrs. Macl-ircn of the congregation who lived over the Scotch hills. She was a frugal woman, hut since she knew that a call from these two meant that they would stay tn supper, too. she determined that t hey -hoiild have the I .est In the house. So she plied the table with jellies and jam and preserves ntnl shortbread and all tho delicacies of the season, ami, tho journey having beSO long, they jwirt.sik unspar ingly, ami after the meal the elder said to lur: "Mrs. MacUtrcn, were you at the kirk Sunday!" "Oh, Bye," she said, "Iwus." "Ami what did VOU think oi the treat ment of the miracle " The sermon boil I ... 'i on the loaves and ll-lies. "I thought ItwasgiMnl. ' -aid Mrs. Mac Laian. "And what Is your Idea on the subject, Mrs Miu'iiaren?" persisted the minister. "Loahl said their bOBtBBI suildetlly, ' I'm thlnkln that If you and the elder had bin In the congregation there wodna bin UboaketBOf fragments for tho disci ples to gather up!" Milwaukee Wiscon sin. Whf lie wm Aweke, Due of the best of the Beoteh stories Mr. John Johnston toll! Is that of n certain sermon In a Scotch church, at which near ly the whole congregation went to sleep. "The minister s.imdtsl on the pulpit," says Mr. Johnaton, "andcrl.il them shamo to Ihi all asleep when he was pnaehlng the won) of Qod, and then he looked up lu tho gallery and saw then' an Idiot boy who attended divine service IBguUrly. He ehanoed to bo wide awake, and the min uter polntsd to him in adiuliatlon. "See there," ho IBOUted, "even .lanilo the idiot is awake and drinkln In the word I" "Yes," BhOUted back Jamie then, "hut If 1 hadn't been an Idiot I d a' bin asleep too!" Milwaukee V i-.-on-in autiir Kiptii, Mesbnt. A Kentish school btni I givcsnaxiM ef maxims froin tho jvii i : ltudyanl Kip. ling, among which are found tho follow ing: "If you have any dOUbti ahout a quantity, cough. In three case out of five this will mvi you being asked to 'say It again. W hen ; ur-mtl by tho native farmer, always take to the nearest plow land. Men Mick In turrows tliat boys can run over. " "If it I- mvc.-sary to take other people's apples, do It on a Sunday. You can put them Inside your topper, which I bottcrth.in trying tobuttontbem into a tight Btoa 1 The snail's ns c.tli u one of the most aitraordinary objects In natuio By the time the snail has Worn Oal the last one of u 10,004 taeth di b -ct ha bean pro- vldcti for It t" N gin all over again. These teeth am all on n. ,i - tongtss, whieh is ooDad up In the ba k irtof toe mouth wNpsan nations are selUag annually U Mtakv, Central and South America from 1100,000,000 to UO.iK'O.iKH) worth of goods. BAMMING A WABSHIP A CRASH THAT RIPS HER OPEN BELOW THE WATER UNE. Th taw! Tsars a Uaplug Bet lu tk Hull TliroiiBh Whirl, a Tsam of gfMM toaid lis Pilsea le Awful uing Um d um VtsMast A feature of naval construi tion and war farowhl' h ottractetl tho attention of ex ports years ago and for a time was exceed Inglv 'popular Is (h ram. The Idea of putt'lnga short, stout spur out on tho item of a vcssi'l, at or Is low the water ino, to bo thrust Into an enemy's ship, hod oc curred to designers of war v. -.'. a- early as 11U. In that year then- was added to the Ilrltlsh navy the Warrior so equipped and to tho Trench navy the Magenta sim llnrlv annisi. Hut tho final actual t -t of thu ram, on which Its future largely de iicndisl. occurred In JiJ8. ThoConfisJeraU. ImiicIoiI Mcrrlmac Isiro on her stem a spur which wo used upon the Cumberland with such deadly effect that tho latter vessel sank In a few mln utii. Four year later, off the Island Of 1,1b. another Instruetlvo engagement was fought. Admiral TegctthofT, the Austrian commander, had n smaller fleet than tho Italians under l'ersano, but he won a de cisive victory. The chief mode of attack was with the ram, and two of tho enemy's beat ships, Including the lt ilTtnlln, which bail Iss'ti the flagship of l'ersano up to tho Is'gliinlng of the light, were sunk. A third contribution to the world's knowledge of tba posi hill ih s of the ram w as made In 1N77 by tho l'cruvlans. Their Huasoor stove a terrible hole in the Chile an KsmerolduolT Iqulqtle. In conseqiienoa of this Injuiy- 'ho K-t u nilda, although sho hod fought with n""g pluck, quickly went to tho Isittom. Two much more M-. nt Illustrations of the destruction which this weapon Iscapit blo of working are cll.il by William Ixxl yanl Cat heart In ('assler's Magazine. The lir-t ..f then.' was (he tragic lo.-s of tho Hrltlsh Imttleshlp ictorla In time or pejev. Admiral Try,,:! was ittlng the ships of his command, (he Mediterranean squadron, through nn unusual maneuver. The order given Involved cither a slip of tho tongue or an SHOT of ealculatlon, but It was Implicitly Obeyed, and within a few minutes tho admiral saw the huge Cam- perdown swung around ao thai she could not avoid striking the flagship. Tho Vic toria kept afloat for ten minutes, but when sho sank sho bsik down :iil ollleers and men, Including tho unhappy Tryon. This Bvent ooouxiea in June, 1098. U'ss lamentable In degnv, but not less significant In character, was the disaster that overtook the Cicrman warship Urosscr Kurfurst, In is?, while ptis-mllng west ward along the southern coast of Kngland. Accompanying (his vessel and a little far (her ollshon. was the Koiilg Wilhclm, an armor boltnl frlgatoof U.iUKl tonsdlsplace meiit. A small merchant vobbbI putting to esa eroBBsd tbe Ikiw of the uermans and conpelled them to turn their heeds tetnsiranly Inshore. Tho KurftuA re sumeil her former emirs., before the Konlg Wilhclm did, and before the navigator of either vessel re.illz.il (ho danger the Wil hclm had run her ram Into hor consort's side. The Kurfurst carried 0 officer and hi men down with her. Soon after the battle of Usse the British admiralty Is'gan to develop a class of ves el which wen' Intended to fight princi pally with their rams. The Kupcrt and tho Hotspur were low ironclads of U, -'00 and 1,000 ton and carrying one or two gun In a turret well forward. Then camo tho Hero and the Coicpi. mr, which wcro bigger and more heavily armed. These lattcrrarrl.il li luch guns and dls pliici'd about 0,oou tons. The l'olyphemus (lssl) was more exclusively u ram, for her battery was a light one. Tho next set of rams, built between Hex) and 1808, and Including tho Furlout, Vindictive, Arrogant and QladlatOT, WON (hips of 6, TUo tons displacement and had light armor and protected docks. Their largest gun am of the", inch rapid On' type. Tho projection from the stem is massive, the bow Is strongly braced and tho armor belt Is wider out forward than ll.-cw here. In order to facilitate rapid maneuvering them am two rudders, ono just forward nt the screw and tho other aft. Tho dead wood nt the stern la cut aw ay so as to favor quick turning. Theso and other war vessels of tho samp general typo, not only In the Hrltlsh navy, but also In the Meets of other nations, have been called "ram cruisers'' to dl tlnguish them from other cruiser. The light con struction of the ordinary cruiser, whoso function Is to hunt for tho enemy rather than to fight blm, which is built for speed rather thuu t . w It Inland ic ,.n'k. timludos such collisions us n ram must encounter. Consequently those ships which arc meant to fight with spun on i!;. ir stems are much mom strongly built, ispcckdly about the bow. Xheidenof glvlngaveeacl a prow thai will rip open a hostile Ship below the wa ter lino ha liccn nppll."! I i tho heaviest battleships. The Can i i displaces about 10,000 tons and I t l heavy tho Oregon and Mnsanr sotta of tbe American navy. The Fn nh battleship lironuus, which h:ts a BDUrrod stem, dls- plaOBfl 11,808 tons, while tho Italia, also equipped w ith a ram, Is a TOBBOl of nearly 14,000 tons. Tho fonuldablo character of the kind of warfare her,' described will ! bettor real ised if one will remember that the bhmeat guns now us.il In the navy deliver projec tiles only IS Inches In diameter, w hereas a ram will cut a hoi big enough to admit a two hOTM team. TegetthoS himself was so shocked by hU aohleVOmcnl iu the bat tle of Lima that he afterward saui: "If 1 worn to live a thousand years, I Would never rain another ship. The effect produced U different from anything else you have in naval warfam. i'cu nv the vessel atteoked at one moment and the next S0O men sliding into the sea, with tho vessel follow lug them. You are left with a perfect void, without any commotion, without nny smoke, without anvthlng to make one feel that lie was in linttle." Scors One 1'or Father, A gentleman once said so a barrister, "That was a very hkI (fmon Of vour ia' ther's today," to which O replied, - Ves; he must have cribbed it from someone."' But the father oSfrhoard this remark and reminded him that the Blbl says, "The ex kaowath his owner and the ass hu master's crib." This car.-:;,' reply Kp HOOad the barrister. Londo !, gnmh. Ila.l taMUgk of Tlu'.....li). First Thixisophlst This s. tiles It. I re. sign from the moiety, Second Thoosophl's! - Wh.tt 's the matter First Xhaompblat Why, one of my ten ant has gouo off Without paying hi rent and left ma a note laying he would trv to njiuim with ma in some future existence. New Vwk Herald BRjj UK HIH KOPK. The "Circus Aeenl" Landed il .'ml inaUy swviral AK my tuon will he inter, ested In tbe following fro,u BbJOhlon, Calif, of date August Nl 0 E Davis, who claimed to repre r,.nt Sell Brother' great Hyndicate ahowa, plead guilty to obtaining nton iuy by false ptttouaes lu tbe Police Court Ihi nioriuug and whs given tbe limit six UOOtba In tbe county Ijail, lie defrauded Ibe niercbauts all through ibe northern part of tbe state uol nnly for tbe prominence given hi Dp, rat I is rjy llio uvvrnfimymim Ii . v ceo doing so yet. He I wanted rati it by tho newspapers m'gni iu several places. Hi- method u to make oootmeta but at bight r raits than luiHlues men would be willing to accept the BOO in f,,r, and than divide wiib tbo menbanta, Hie latter paying Davis bit ii u b ibare oftba dl?y. Ho made several contra;! here, but as they Were all fr fuluie delivery.no caso could hove been made against bltH only for (be fact that be gave an or der on the treasurer of tbe circus for $5." ME BOLD JlKSEKVi:. Vcsteiday Brarbedtbe Highest Point in is History. Waihlngton, Bept 2 The gold re-m-rvein Ibe United States treasury ranched tbe highest point In it bis jtory today, with a total reserve of 8IV,OXO,B7J 1IM nignesi pictiou- amouot waa fS10, 000,000, which wa recorded in March, 18. Tbo reserve wa established in 1870, With $110,000.- (xo. it ii(st raaobed rJ0O,ooo,(Hio in October, 18s7. Tbe lowest ever touched was M.OOd.UOO, in January, 1M05. Iu June, 1S!"7, tliere was $140,000,000, and one year later tba amount was $10",- 000,000. BATUBDAY, BBPT 10. FOHllgBXV Hkke. Seattle lost-in-telllgengeri "Iiev H L Hates, who lllh d the pulpit al Plymouth Congre gational church Sunday morning, was pastor of thai church front December, 1884 to April, 1880. Upon leaving Se attle he speut several months in Eft top , and when hu returned tilled a pastorale ol a year in California aud of three years at Eugene. Or. r'or the Ut live year he has been teaching in Paciflc univer ity, at Forest Oruve. Or. Mr Hates ha been spending a few week- on the Sound, visiting old friends and camping at Orca island With the Column camping parly." RUNAWAY Dr T W Harri' black stallion, Memo, became frightened tblamorulug at t lie comer of Ninth and Willamette streets by the break ing of one wheel of the road cart, to which lie wa attached and made a lively sptint east ou Ninth street, crossing the ruilroad truck, aud turn ing around came back a short distance before being captured. The wheel broke by gating caught iu the street car track. Fred Gardner, the driver, and Oardy M orrla, riding with him, were both thrown out, and sustained n few bruises. HfciKS Known Heke. Today' Oregon inn: The final accouut of Tyler Woodward, executor of the estate of M V Mulki y, ib i iced, was llled in the county court esterday, aud was set for hearing October 4. The value of the real property la 178,850, and the total value of (be estate hi $92,664. Among tbe real eatate i tbe Mulkev buildlnn i it md and Morrison utreeu, proper ij u vim and Jeneraon and some in various oilier business locations. The heirs are Frank M aud Fred W Mul. key. M I'M ul key died iu Alameda, Oal in 1888, and lift no will. Buwmiinct Social. The social I given at Armory Hall last night for the Lane County Emergency Corps by the young lady members proved n suc cess from a financial ns well as social standpoint. A short program was prepared which condsted of a piano solo by Arthur Fra.er, vocal solo by Miss Mabel Craw, recitation by Miss lulu Bradley and a vocal solo by Miss Maud King, each of (he numbers be ing encored. Dancing was indulged for a couple of hour at the conclusion of the program, Cabi Dccidkd In the case wherein Dr MoKanney euad Dr Bond for 128, in tba Euxeue jusKce court, Justice Wintermelei yesterday gave a verdict In tavor of Dr McKeuney for the sum of fO. Dunn ti... well known dry goods merchant to I day increases his advertising space in inuuUARD. lokeep the public well iu formed is a great thing fr a hul- ues man. Note the new thiugs offered today. To Wkd-Clerk Lee today Issued a marriage license tn V H Swager 25, and Mable Cleek IT. M K Cleek jr,' lather of tbe proepectlve bride tiling hi written consent as required by law. mm of mm iier Boys Dyior. A NATIONAL DISGRACE CmOAOO, Hept 2-The Tribune IU. nioiulng prints Htat e ic anowlat U numlier of soldiers that have hZ? killed In battle and have died ofX ease in camp during iho Wir tt.,.. Spain. 1,11 While 360 ofllcers and men hvt bsen killed iu battle or died Of wound, received, there have died of diKem n camp be ween Uoi) aim , voluntetri and regulars. The Tribune lias secured theninj., of 1284 who died in camp r ou trini. ports, or at borne after contracting m. Iiirial fever at one ol the camps. There is no doubt about the 11 whose naoiet have been secured. Neither it u,ere much doubt that there are hundreds of dead w hose name could not be wan ed on account of lack of records and (be inability or unwillingness of army ollleers to furnish lists of dead. The Tribune gives statistic of tbe dead in inch camp, giving n every instance a full list ol names and the nature of the disease. Tbe record by camps is as follows: Camp Thomas Santiago jj Kau Francisco 73 Camp Alger 75 Camp Wikoff, gj Jacksonville ga Tampa 53 Miami 7j State aud minor camps 201 Transports aud hospital ships go Total UN Deaths arc attributed to the follow ing causes: Typhoid 515 Yellow fever u Dysentery 53 Meningitis 4; Mularial si Pneumonia 01 Other cases reported as fever 106 Diagnosis not reported 107 Miscellaneous ailments 220 Total l,2Si Of thu regular army, 29 are dead; Massachusetts is second with 130; Iili uois third with 100; Michigan fourth with 01, and New York tiftli with 65. JUNCTION CITY KBWS. Clipped From the I mrg ofHeptX K M ISaber has returned from Salem greatly beuclltted in health. Elder Skaggs has received aud ac cepted a call from the Christian church at Independence. Horn at Pendleton, Oregon, August J9th, 1898, to the wifo of T H Milliorn, aeon, weight 8 pounds, G E Gabriel and family , new arrival from Missouri, occupy the north resi dence of G M Jackson. They expect to locate here. Hev H 8 Wallace has returued from the east accompanied by ids sister, During his absence he visited a num ber of states. The last place of import ance he visited before heading for the l'acillu slope was Chleamaugua. Commencing Thursday Arthur Eger will bo assistant agent at the 8 P depot. The duties of agent st this place have increased to such an extent that one man could not do the work and with another freight made a sec ond man a necessity. Mr Cox will aet as night mau. Janollon Fruit nryer. Tii ueB Sept 3: Bushnell & Mauon expect to have the dryer ready to re ceive fruit Monday. A large force of men have beeu at work for the put three weeks aud every effort made to push the work to an early completion. Tbe dryer is one of the latest improved aud will have a capaoity of live hun dred bushel of prunes for a twenty four hour run, aud nearly douhle that capacity for apples. The building ii 40 by 120 feet and Is furnished wlta all the necessary machinery to buudl the fruit to its full capacity. The plant will be more than able to "Si dle all the fruit iu this section but new orchards are coming In s""3 "j the course of a few years the fruit yield will keep the dryer at workdiy and night during the whole season. This dryer will furnish a market for the large crop of apples which hereto fore hs yielded but little pn iUito the farmer. State Printer W H Leeds has bought of A Bush property lu the university addition to Salem, paying r v'W'0-' the same, which makes it look iffl expected to remain in that citrrr' manently.