The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 10, 1898, Image 4

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    Kugene City Guard
The business department of
the WEEKLY GUARD is caused
coniderable trouble by corre
spondents addressing the pro
prietors peisonally. Address all
etters referring to the newspa
per or business connncted there
with to THE GUARD,
Euflene, Oregon.
fiov Oird -ivfB as a reason for
ailing u ipeoUl MatioD of the lf
ialutur tin- ueceJtUjf of atlemlinp.
to business left without legislation
by the udrinpted legislature ol
Hut how comes it hat Ojv 1-onl
has rusted easily lo the Oberna
torial chair since the. election last
June, a period of lores in inths be
forn he fnunj out that the public
nervtoe ll threatened with diimter
unless lejUUiimi ! uttem t'd ?
It is but a perl 'l Of fool months
until the lafUlatow will m t lo
regular session with l.-nly erf
to attend to jiuhlii' need.
And what logislaUoi Oiiul 1 he
nccoDjilish in the short period of
twenty datH allotted toasijecial se
mod? Apart from the election of a
senator there would DO danger in
our law making body attempting
to make laws in that sh rt period
of time, (lov L ird b tys iho con
stitutional limit of forty days it too
short. Whit good then MO ho ex
pect to be aooooipliebod lo twenty
('ays? The long nnd ibort "f the
special session is that the people
are to be ooospcllad to pay 'ot a
legislative HMsion held for the Bile
purpose ol elo -ting a I'nited States
senator. We would liKe to see the
state with mother representative at
the nation il capitol hut must con
tend that the price of the articlewill
he too high. N' i tli a short delay
the state cou! I get a senator u a
nominal rout.
Lieutenant Colon"! Dick, of Ohio
is(uoted as having said: '"The
principul dill reice between an
American Indian and a Cuban in
surgent is that the luii tn knows
what honor is."
Tho Jndian, doObtloM knows,
but bo DION frequently fails to uti
lize tho knOWlOdfO than otherwise
There wns a glaring illusiration of
this fact in the Modoc war. How
ever, honor is purely a matter o'
individualism ami not of race.
Some races have a higher percent
ago of honorable men than others.
Conditions should also be con
sidered, in making estimates of
people's honor. Tho percentage of
honor U even bight r among a race
onjnyiug petfict freedom than one
which has horn the yoke of slavery
or oppression for years, for Un
hand of tyranny, pressing for -ur-ceesive
generations upon a class of
people, hns a tendency to crush the
spirit of those people and with the
crushing of that spirit, manly at
tributes, like honor, gradually dis
appear, and the atiject serf beOOUeS,
in tha majority of eases, a mere
talking animal, which it takes IUO-
cossive ceaaratiom of edu Alton
and freedom to tt volute into a man
to be trusted.
A BKPfhBHKNMlBLK riiu no.
When someone is badly injuied
or killed by trucks drawing hose
carts going to fire- m a run through
the business streets, and tha city
has to pay a good tllll of damag.'s
for permitting ll the dutt.erous
practice may be stopped. Alter a
lire alarm the streets generally (ill
with people and through them,
around bliud corners, and across
high crosswalks, the trucks and
heavy carts are taken at a run.
1 lie time saved amounts to nothing
and the danger U great .
Go slow through the buiineai
streets and around blind comers,
and make time on outside streets
where there is ao danger. This
I floe, if Bteds I, may save sOOaOQM
serious injury. Hesides there is a
law probibtUng this feet driving
What right has the city, or its
agents, lo dmregird its own law
made for the protection of Itttb and
life? Beoeusa there is a fire is uo
reason why people should act like
madmen either going to or at the
scene of the c mllagralion.
The list of fatalities in the war
with Spain is a small one. In all
2C4 men Let their lives and of th e
number U.'l wer j officers. A eery
large rrentagn for that clas.
An tiobange sajs ihst notwith
standing the paper mills ol Oregon
City ore being (iterated day and
night, and ore taxed to lb it titanst
capacity lo supply I be tieinand tor
their i aper, the wages in that in
stitution were reduced list week
from 20 lo 'AO per cent. The ma
jority of the stock of ihe mill is
owned by the fcxamimr and
ObroOioleoi Ban Fran c o. The
woolen mil's at the same city are
OOly paying $1.15 p'r day and
have M trouble in getting opera
tors. Yet the Oregonian every day
announce that we are in the midst
of prosperity.
i over.'ior-elect (leer is tjuite non-
committal on i lie ijueslion of an
extra session. When approached
about the matter he setlleB his in
terviewers with the statement that
he DM been busy putting in bis fail
Wbett ami has paid little at
tention to the matter. Somewhat
like the bujy man that saws wood
and says nothing. Our coming e
ecutivj appreciates the fact that
lileooomey be golden for bi.n at
the pteient time. A senatorial
toga is h inging on a pg in the
state bouse f.r some lucky man.
D could drily he made to (it Mr
One of the causes alleged for the
war with Spain, was that several
tbouttnd Cubans were starved lo
death by Weyler, uti'l now according
to reports, owing to the negligence or
incompetence of the War Depart
ment, sevi ral thousand American
soldiers, who never left the United
States, have been treated almost as
cruelly ss the OobetU were by
Ih marriage a fuilure? "Not on
your life," says Ilenr Admiril
Sampson, who has just be ecu pro
moted oyer Commodore Schley for
BOl being more than seven miles
away from tho battle of Santiago
Hay. Sampson married a isler of
the. Secretary of the Navy, John D
HI A I B COM KM I'iN W. 0. T. U
To Held in Begeae From (Mtober
I'll to Till.
Ah the tlute for holding the .Statu, W
CP V t'onvention li - bet-n ilellnilely
And, Ilit'irrMili'iit ol I he Kueiie W
.c T ' baaooneonod the looal eieou
tive board from Una to time, appoint
ed ueeewary e uinuillees, iIiphikIi
whom BSasntlal nml various plans
preparatory to successfully and credit
whly entertaining Mich an assembly,
may hi- executed
the program, lnuumlng with the
evening of tha 4th Inst, for tiotti day
ami evening sessions will he varied
and full (it Interest to all.
Ah stated hereto! 'ire, the attendance
Is expeeted to lat lare, and tho peo
pie ot Bugone in oheerfully render
ait aealatanoa poaelbla in making thia
OOOVentlOfl iqttal, If not better, than
auy yet held In Kugene. ,
Mrs White Kinney, t lie
stale president, will prnhahly lecttlie
one evening. Vi . Kinney lias a
national reputation us a platform
speaker and ber Itotnre will ho one of
Jfep for
the Jratr
isWut a gr.'xl many men and women
Are looking for help Against Approaching
baldness i help Against tvhitenina locks ;
help to restore the lost gloss to the fuir;
help AgAi'ist fading tresses t help far the
scAtp Atl.nh. J by dandruff. AVER'S
HAIR VIGOR offers Juit such help. It
restores gr.ty or faded iir to Its original
color, gi ves it length, tmcltness and gloss,
and removes dandruff .
" Mv hair s.: rnuirli and krokm and t cja.i
lo full mil. 1 b ue ol but one botdo of
AVKK Hiuiii vasoa beta aaactid tnaUllma
out nJ r-ii lire I my liwr mintli, fcloakv una
in nii.ni1 la condition. It lthe finentof Ircs-
a, .'it" I I. MI'l ll.bllverCrctli, Uim.
"Komt yer avo tnr
hair iMiran to fall out and
I i . in 'e ln'J K
Id'.ttc 1 trlca
and very conn raj hair
cvaurd to (nil out ami a
oewand vli.rou(frowtli
made it appraranc. My
liuir la row aleindant ami
Kockville, Wla.
Bkanton and (Jkkkn. Hherl1
Withers informs the (ItiARU that
Brauton and Qretn, aoensed Of the
murder of Linn, aie about the two
httiipitst and plea-ant criminals i vei
con 11 mil In jail. They Ire laughine;
and joking at all times nnd are mi
Irlendly tartne. They do not seem to
understand that tliey are ntnndiiig
under tb. shadow of the seaOold.
r.KSIIiKM i: LhASKO. I) W C(.(ili(le,e
has leased liis resilience at the east
end of Fifth alltet, to Prof and Mrs
Arthur Ijaehmau. Mrs OuolldgO and
children will leave about Sept -0. for
Southern Oregon and California to
apend the winter.
BHiPPina PnnMU Norria Hom-
pbrey is now packing three ear loads
of Italian prunes for shipment to the
KaMern market. Ho receives Ills cash,
a good price, bh scon us they are load
ed. He is nlso running his time
large dryers.
Dikii. TIioh W Southerluiiii.ot tilen-
tana, died at the raaldenoe-of Dr HI''
Itussell, 111 Thurston, yetttciday even
ilig, fiom Bright' disease, bkkI 'A"
year. The funeral ooenrred tins after
noon at Ihe Thurston cemetery, Hev
M L Boaooflehulng.
To Bl M AJUUKi Webster Waliis,
of Eugene, and Mis- Nellie Holt, of
Ooborg will ho married tonight at
s o'clock, at the rcddcncc of It H
HhaekleUla this city. The Quabo
extends congratulations in advance.
a i'omfokt. Thermomater Sfl at 1
o'clock this morning tjuite a contrast
With the '.HI degrees of yesterday after
noon. Cool nights and mornings can
bedependtd upon in the Willamette
Penult ru Wm County Oletk
Lee today letued a permit to wed to
Andrew L Hill 84, and Olivia Stickles
New Lumbar Yard.
Pl aaanl tin. Jettlega
September B, IM7.
The sun Is i ll II ahrdding his warmest
rays upon Ihls part of Oregon.
Thteahlug is a thin,; of the past, and
people are turning I heir attention lo the
hop yards w in re (bey reivlve 85 oeuts
p r box.
Mr. Wheeler, the road overseer, ba
begun road working. He Is the man
lo have good lends built, The road
from Kugene to Pleasant Hill is the
llni at in Ihe county.
Mr. and Mis. M. V. U es and tin Ir
daughters, Tina and Mal'cl ftrs visiting
with their deugbteri Mrs. 0. w. Milam,
Kdw ard and lu'cssreat I'eta'umu.
w. L. Brtstow la Intending to move
to Crvswell, Oregon, soon. Mr. ItiU
low expeel- lo run a store hi thai place
We legrel very much to have lo part
with Mli li good and honorable people.
Mrs. suite, lilai Blaneba ami it. m.
Warblnt hi and J. 1). Kallghmau Start
ed fir Newport ihls morning on avblt
Miss LUUafl M Lewis, lately of the
dormitory of the Poll land I'ulveirlly
lia laki'ti charge of the I' oft) dt ruii
tory w btie she will lie prepared lo
alee wale studenee at It, 60 per week
Including heal and light.
i hose Wlthlng to lake hoardeis, or
who have ruoms to rent, or who are
willing to board a student In return for '
work, please send lull particulars a lo
t. i ins, location, linn bar aud whether
young men or young ladies are rk sired.
Add i es, "I'hrlsllan AsaocUlpina,"
ll ix '2A. Kugene, Or.
Kok Bunt nit iSai.k A kokI it-clt.
IhreaefHI aeres apply to
H Moi nt, Ninth at,
The Trent Lumber Co has establish
ed a lumber yard In Eugene, comer of
l-'if.h aud Olive stru ts, hack of the
MtnncHiita Hotel. Teams are now
lui'iliug lumber to stock the yard, and
orders oan be filled on short notice dl
reel from the mill.
Qlveuea oall vVa guarantee sella1
I, K Bnvann,
To Pi una li rowers,
It will pay you ifi ximlne the
Triumph Prone giader in exbilliion
at s l Long's Bardwatj store. a Patrick, Ufara,
Phone 1-'. flt) Slate Si Salem.
i BYV Hop Yard.
Hop picking will commence on lie
Si' IV, y yald oil the McKenzle, Mo
day, Beptember li. Will have a
grocery supply ktOTe on the yard 'or
ll blOefil of pic kers.
Sortavllle Oregon, tlpens Sept 111, Imis
hTealtblul loeatlon. low tuition. Cit-
ttlogiie free, Write for neuled in dr
ill Hon.
J R tieddes, President
Now is the Time
To look for a place wlioro you can luy your winter
Htipiilv -! Itootn and Shoe, and if you want
It will puv m 'i to visit our utore. We have a full
and eoni'l'Mi' -luck uf tlie very liest KOOdl that
money can Imv, ami are selling them at price
which art - lwas others sell poorer jroods. 'all
and be con inc-d that what wc say is true.
i mi HI w
A Lsne lOBDty UJ "i"1 " MlUel's,
II ID i Hi
It li learned i tin a Isiyahout bl
years of age do ill - morning al Wm
Mlllei's bopjfard, i.laiut ft miles north
oflblscily. Trg iher with his parents
the lad iiini enriie fn in their home al
Lake l reek In pick Impa. Tb boy
had ti en sick lor two or three days Lut
was lUppOli il In I e .a tler. He waa Irlt
at camp iloue, and m the return of
theotlii is waa found dtad. Physiclaua
from this t ry were suiinnone l, and it
is said s i tngef waa sent for Con
uer Qbsshira.
The CitfAHU waa unable to gleau uiiy
pertleolars other than ihoaa as abort
given, st lie- time iifgiiing to press.
At 4:11 i his afieinoon Uoroncr Deputy Attorney Hauls
tarted do s n to the yard. The parents
Who ars H In udattm-It is learned will
pet inn no one to touch Ihe body of the
child until the anival of the e 'roller.
It Is also -aid another child of the
family is ill.
During the Battle of
' Miiuiiisioiiers 1'oUtt.
August B
L N Kosejr, court bouse f'l.loOOU
W T Ballaj, count v c miiuls
slouer 47.60
Deios i) Near, arehiteet no.OO
In the mailer of icfeulug w rrant to
the sliuill for collection of luxe.-; cleik
ordered tn i.-sue warrant to slierill' uu-
Iborlalni bin to proceed lo collect Ih"
deliiiiU' nt taxes for (be year 1866, ami
that 11 Utetasetrf be preen d by levy
and salt us upon execution agnlml
said dtllnujusnt.
A W Wullaee api'olnted eonstalile
for t'reswell precinct.
't runnell road; Jos Beddleaton, l'aul
UammlU aud ''hos Whltmore ap
pointed viewers.
r r Pitaor hi pointed justice of ihe
a-ace for Lost Vallsy piecluct.
Kisb and game fund of ISO trans
(erred lo genernl fund.
Hherlll Withers Dutifled the court (if
the appoint mem of L 1) Forrest, L I.
Sleveua ami r t: Harwood as deputy
slier ill's.
it Fisher, reek crusher f ;to
BBohwerswhllil fiunuln pen 2 so
J T Bowland, hupervlsor road
district 'o 107 18 00
J M Noan blacktoillblug 10 oo
B Klluiaker, rock erushsd 0(H)
L G Haggard rock crushed OS U0
AUgUete Patterson, teachers ex
amination IJ (N)
II L Hard w ood ii . , rs exaiuiua-"
tlou j 00
Wm M Miibr.Mi erintendont, teeehen
SXamlnatlon uud stamps 29 75
I) !' BUI too as-ts.-or ss so
Uo vrrsllj n Oregon.
'Hie fall term II begin Ssptombet
llitli. 8tudeiils who have oomplttsd
the tenth grade I n -1 an enter the
lubvfreahman class, No examinations
are reiulred for Kraduatesof accredited
seiioofs. Reasoiial equivalents an-
accepted for mot . tba mpilred i u
t ranee atUdli s.
The courses ollereil are those of a
good ajpltrersity. There are depart-
rneiiis inoiiern ami ailCleill lau-
Kuaires, iihysli-s, chemlstrv. hh.lnuv i
geology, F.tiKiish. i iM iiMoiii advanoed
engineering, aainu my. i. gle, pblloso.
phy, payebology, malhematioa and
physical education. Music ard drew
lug are also laiiitlu. 'n. tuition a
tne. All am. I. i t- pay incidental
fee (if ten dollars ,:ir y. Ho, id, I d,i
inir, heat and Until in ihe d rmlton
cost $2 oil per i
JutllUA J W m i, i,
Hec "i Regents
Rnckii . s antra salve,
Mm best sn v io the ,.rld for tut
bfnhwi, . res, ulcera, sail rheum, fever
aoies, letter, chappM hands, chill 'urns
corns, and a km aiupth ns, u d
sisiti , uies piles, or no p:,, re
uuired h marautetd to give ir
lect aaiufaotion or mouey retund.' I
ih it Packer! at the Hitlle ol -an-
tisgo do Cnba were all Herofi
Their Heroic KfT.irts in Qetting
Ammiinitinn uii'l Hations to the Suved Ih? Day.
i' K lli'ii.KK, nf pack-train No .1,
wrltlngtrom silih.-.. He Cuba, on
July gfd, says: "We all had iliarrlnx a
ill moru or less y ,!,.., i foriii, and when
we landed we had DO M me in see a doc
tor, for It was a en si 1 1 rush and rush
night and day to keep II e I roups sup
plied wiiii ammunition and rations,
hut tha ks in Chamberlain's folic,
t'iinlera mid Diarrhoea Jtemedy, wi
were able lo keep at work and keep our
hen! b in fact, I sincerely lielieve that
at one critical lime this medicine was
was the indirect saviour 0 our army,
for If the packers had been unable lo
work there WOO Id have been no way of
netting supplies lo the front. There
were uo roads t lint a wskihi liain
could use. My comrade a' d myself
had ihe good fortune to lay In a supply
of this medicine for out pH-k lraiu lie
foie we lefi 1'ampa, a. id I know ill four absolutely saved life."
The above letter w aa written to tba
manufacturers of this medicine, Ihe
Ubamberlaln Medicine Co, lies Moines,
Iowa. For sale by D-hurtl it Del. alio
Adopted by Eugene Camp No 16,
Woodmen of Ihe World, Sept 2, 1808.
WhiujuI) Dread olaeaaa has re
moved from our midst and from bit
laiuily 001 esteemed neighbor, t'barlis
11 Wulsun llierifo'e be it
RaaOIiVnn, by Kugene Camp No 1 13.
Wo dmen Of the World Unit we have
lost from ihe Forest a faithful disciple
of Ihe Craft, the memory of whose
sterling worth and integrity w ill ever
be w ith us. We further
RaooLva, Thai iheaorrowlog widow
ami orplr lis he directed to look limber
than earthly friends for comfort and
consolation, tn him who holds us in
the holln w nf bis band, who alone cun
sooth their sorrows. Be It furl ho
Kksoi.vhi, That nur Charier be
draped iu mourning for the period of
thirty days, lie il further
RnOLVBD That a copy of these les
OiUtlOUa bespread upon the minutes of
Ibis Camp, a copy lie senl to the fiimily
of the deceased, and (hat copies lit sei t
to the FaciHc Woodmen and (lie local
i ipare for publication.
u h Faku iw, Oommlttee
L O llKt'KWITH , J
w w Moona, c s Hi nt.
Clerk Consul Commander.
( n cuil Couit I uses.
The following cases were llltd in the
Lane COUUtV Circuit COUll today:
M.iy s:. Amant s. Bugens st. Am-
ant; suit f..r divorce, t he couple wen
married July 11, 1883. The oomplalnt
cliarnes thai defeudaiil abandoned u d
deserted plalnUII August Ifi, l,s.2
w s. cinismaii vi, Louis, Howard)
sun for forei 'sure Judgment is asked
for KW10.
Ill Ihe Veimout election Ihe demo-
Scats made galea do the vote for g
eruor and abo for members of Ihe leg
You cm make the ac
quaintunce ot" SMNmtfs
hbinj powtitc
givoeittoj t-gtractB
lor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Wgeatuw of
A Fi.nk Buck Hon Char Us H
Hiker, Ihls week, rtOOttOd u line
AUROra tuck, by .-.;ile.H from (J p
Bailey, the uoted goel breeder end
Angora hair manufacturer of San Jose,
(-'at. Mr Itaker any. goal!,, inlelllgelit
ly handled, ill pay lerae returna. He
has sold bb surplus stoek, ai out K50
bead, a ihne dollars per hi ad, and
says he could sell several thousand ii
hs possessed them.
L t-i las
Eugene, Or, Bep(, s, Ibiis.
Be lej B M. Foetei J w
ll-iillei Jul,
Miller F II
Paiker It F
IVtervoii t;Hf H,
R - Mis Kiln I,
ttailtb, rs B J .
for nothing, and welcome,
gjodet knows.
For sale by
Gray & Sen.
taj tS Hiniirun, UnJtrtiktri nl Cor. WiL md 7th jIj.
Fi k s k i k -220 acres eSSeUent farm
Ing lauds. lniuire of J.uin Van
DOVN, Col urg, Or.
"Willsie" Cameras
lUvcivnl. We rrcommra.l thmi .
Superior Fotografs.
ilixi-r O (i
Chuk W F,
I Drew CD S
Km, raon M . M J
jjkulth M:s Magali
iii. i I i'r't,, enlinij 01 kttlvra
I will K- , ..,. aaellilcl
II K. Jl. ( ous.ici I- u
For Sale.
r:u acres of land iu two s-para e
tams, adjoining. 120 aeres in oaltlva-
."OU, It) miles Miuthest (il Kugene
ntkwHM , A)a0 lro
.and lots, call e and horses, for sale
cheap l,iu,re t First .! Wa-h
ingtiui sireela, nr address
W D Hamiton, Eugene, 0 .gon.
Oregon Breec i: ot
uiSS pTUDds V WlU pay
the highest mttkel prlee forali 1 can
8 H Frikndi.y.
Arriving Daiiy
to be had
Cai'l and see them.
S. Ii.
Our Will Piper,,,,
...Is row ready fi inspsctiof
- a.
Just Rubber at that
11 all Paper in
Griffin irk
Go's Windows
P, B. 10,000 roils just leceived.
niu iu 11. sBstM
stroBK Academic lU
wdi aanlppad iraii
croilca wnli ebl
Hi'Kiilnr Nornml i'nu
Hcnlor yi'r wholly i
BnMloaul f
OOllStM HilinlUnl '! ' 1
The diploma ol I
law al ahfe certlilcHti i
Tba graduaU'S i I ' 1 "
ns truc'licm.
Light Eipcnies Th.
llvmit'iful rikI h '
Tbo tint term will i
fullyti'iit ou tpplicatiii
Si b rata 17 of Fn
ol Ihn' JM".
1 men ijm
to ''"''JljSU
in 11 m
.- . : l"
x isfl
l ehoek full al bad tbjofi, o i UiaiPtlorlty f
aala, hamlln none of IhU ?ll truth. You win
in llic luui.t nml wull papal line nt
vi tind I
L A. OVERTON'S Exclusive Print and A ?W
bres 'Uom wi i-t ol roatofllre, Kijhili Street,
Answer a few questions and get a tW.i
it Tree, the Questions are asAiw.
are alike, and the treatment mu
cially. A special treatment 1
you free. If you suffer trc
night Losses, Lost
ancholy, Dizzy opc
Eyes, Sleeplessn.
special treatmc'
cine, but a
aW TA X. a trial
Do you have pains?
others ? How long ?
Niiht sweats? Howottcn?
Do your eyes blur? Whan?
Doyoushepat night? How long?
Ars you constipated?
Answir tfai i
. 'IU U Jl.'tW'l.
trial treatment mill h
..... . p , . .j , , i, , UIIW J .
to you by mail free. You take no chances.
s at m "V
m. T -V Am AW AiV "x
v jw "v
Am w
- r ATM
.m Imn flS
.1 1
! be
UtitH 1
j - - - j
refullj J
I ...kit
,U s"---
When your watch needs rapa ring
Take it to
FIRKT-russ h hi, ti rep I lnr, currarliif and
Ji'Wflry woik,
fi ir ','tlna Willamette Chriiman Bmli
Blue Andai ssians
and Clack Mine
an 1 iorlii'l Orik1 .iirrf"
Is hoaili'd I f " Wli
Biiruiusi-": l'rlV 19 I
pen l li 'l ' , ja
joini.i art thow, "
Kns one ' ting
T. F. Btslifl,