The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 03, 1898, Image 7

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Absolutely Pure
lAtikO fOWCO., NI. Q.
Br ' v.
Mi.w. r.
IHrvrlny Hy
IXrm.U inn. r..
Itlf I tie Utsi iririmo u i"iui'
L-lbt V are made of good slul!
I.,,, il F u I naitii.ern.
I..., I, rmmvi t lit) high- st mulke!
krcliit "ttrK-
. Hardware t-o.
i,, t, ,,Mir
. ........... 1 1 l.u.l
, Bl
'. I e I: I'Ml l. s
ICImii.i tn will tru.le you a new
. i ur i iu one.
rent Bleyoles btjfBnh and atoat
- 1. IHA.MI.KKH, g..
vti-ii SIX car loans ui UMiiiHiii
i. i . .
Lut uruic r."H I'V maimers
W" ...
Friendly will pay the highest
Li nriec lor unwivn r. a ic
n n r
lain no difference what mower
Uv K I, i hamijcrs can ruroiiD
Euai ''f It.
.n mii think von w ant a suit of
or nulr (if panlH. go and we J M
L fur b) -t kikmIh and perfect fit or
From 13 00 to $3S 00 per suit
Ding knives, hand pruncrs, long
lliurt hami e pruuers, pruning
suit bulg.- shears, ut t.rllllln
bare (
cj,, docks, jewelry repaired
tiid cheaper than any place In
Qri me a trial. I will save
loney., me leweicr, nimn
flliaim He - tree-Is.
i want ii go 1 buggy or hack
itiMiii the lent for leu
. 'U-
f L
here, ret the Kclne.
Iki-1 - i ii ;n.
Idon (iK.U'K Hoot I't-rsons liav
ne will do well to cull on me.
beam Freezers.
u M" i -.
I Finer.
su Do
F I. ( iiamiiers has Ihein.
ftp- ' Linn anil lieutou
i, having tirtd ol being often
HMd by ui-crupuloiis dealer.-,
Itpniznlllie Albany Fruit Ex-
, for tin' purpose of mutual pro-
tuet to in mi ii t i ii uniform
Muni ti 1 1 e true if sufllclont"
I word fii'Ui the wise should le
kiit, lut yoa ask, who are the
Those who know. The oft re
laxperlenot of I runt worthy ih.t-
nav be taken for luowkoge. M
Terry nyi ( haiubei Iain's Cough
dyiivis bitter satlsfaetio than
her i ti : mink- t He has been
Idrui: bullae ut Klkton, Ky,
lvi tears: luis old hundreds of
tin- n medy and n larly all
I cougli tin diotnas tin DU 'act u red,
ithowcc nelualvehr that ('Imni
i' la the ui". t Mtiafaoton tnfae
i,ai:d i- t lie biHt. For Hale b
pii & ! Lano, drugglHta.
ie.mia ..inks Rneeburg Re
I Hun I; H Sheridan ii home from
ohmiin niinea and report! in
pg activiiy in that district. Iu
on t tin. recent rich strike in the
My, tlf ( hiimiilou. aUn. reports
I vein of (jutrl. recently uneover
Im wagon rond Is DOW Onlebed
I Autiii mine and Superintendent
111 having bll acciimu.iiteil run-
kte haiili d out for shipment to
I a. Market
Bei t
Hat- Uo.
fee- 2 to 8a
I'er-j:, to 40c iw roll.
tatoe-i 2on.
K.v :-' 50 to $3 50 uer dozen
pie l!th. ring and drying Is now
fat my farm Bllea north of hu-
Beptetnber 1st, 1898.
Nokris Humph bit,
For Infanta
Kind You Have Always Bought
Our new prices
"'ly here.
- 7
' Down.
.i aJOAV i i. m: , ,., , ,
Takima, August 30.-The Hong
KonB preat It authority for (he htate
metil that W0 HpM tarda k their Uvea
aevrrul atk ago, ,t.u t10 Spanlli
gunboat I,,.y,. mIK (gptBf l)y lhe
Maeli of Oewej ' iqtudroo,
The Ley te had been stationed at an
ailj llolOgUltOd, where the iueuigeuta
wen numerous. The latter
Ing groaod rapidly causing yoo
Spaniards to board thrte failing ves
sels In nn endeavor to escape from the
The gunboat undertook lo tow the
trmmpoMH MB, A(lvr the Iey.
te hud lowed them lome dlntanco
along the coast, a heavy Mora camo
up innkiiii; it necessary for the
boat to cut the tows loose.
I i I.' te was capturi il by the
AuiethMiis tbo next day. An Ainerl
OM TOMet w slisoatched to rind lln
trurispnris but failed to discover any
M iiieiij.
wi:i)Xi:si)AY, AFtifSTui
(ioon Advick The Fluk taoa Win
said editorially Ibis week: "The Fu
gene GUARD gave the real estate deal
ere of that place some iro id advice
about Injuring the country when i
atra-iger cotms to that place and ar
ral'L'I'S I I liliri'lllltal. UltniQ l i ..I u.lala
from one dealer, the otli.r ili.ulura loll
Hill the newcomer that the or uierlv is
, . -j
Worth lint little or that the clloiut,. ,if
Oregon Is terrible and so endeavoring
to prevent tlie hurgain being carried
out. While we know nothing of the
facts In this particular case, it is alto
gether too common a practice In tl e
World for men ill mil' trade or nmfW-
aion ti) try by misrepresentation to in
juie their competitors in lhe hope of
giitungsouie advantage or themselves.
This is a mottdeteatable method uni
one that is very apt to prove a boom
erang and return to injure the person
using it."
FoiiLsr Banana. Commissioner
Hermann of the general laud office is
responsible for a law providing
for lhe employment of M Forett
Hangers, ut a salary of jOU a month
each, to bum arouud the Cas
cade re.-erve w ith instructions lo pre
vent and extinguish Sweat fires. There
are several clliztns of Lane county
okliog dowo ttiis, by no means oner
ous job on the liue of the
anel .Military wagon roads. It Is do
ing them no injustice lo say thut they
are about as useful to the public Inter
ests us a tilth wheel would be lo a wa
gon. Mr Hermann knows how tei take
care of biiurelf, and incidentally bis
friends. He is In Oregon now looking
out for that vacant seat iu the L'uited
Sin t.s senate. Hinger never is cuught
napping when public plums are leady
for distribution.
A liiKKKHK.vr LcoatioWi It leetni
the alleged threshing machine horror,
whicll was loeateel in Ben ton county,
Is certainly a myth The following is
from yesterdaj's Albany Democrat:
"For MVeral days a threshing ma
chine rumor has been goiDftho rounds
and a I trge number buve made Inqolry
of liie Democrat about It. The follow
ing from the Eugene Ouakd shows
it lias reaohed Ihere tth Hie location
(banged from Polk to Benton
Makkikd - At the residence ol the
bride parent, Mr and Mrs E B Hol
lenbeck, 1 miles west of Kugene this
morning at 8.30 o'clock. Mr Oeorge
Tuoker,f Portland, and UlaaQladyi
May Holleubeck, of Eugeue, Ilev M L
Rose e niclaling. It was a epJiet ullair
and ouly the immediate members of
the family attended, The couple left
for their future home in I'urllaud on
this loreuoou's train. The Guaru
tenders cougialulalious.
A m an y Hot. Democrat: 'Th
foolisu Item U lukeu from a paper pub
lished In about the deadest town In
Oregon: "Many vacaut dwellings iu
Albany could all be rented and occu
pied If they were In Corvallis, There
bas been a greater demand here for
residences this summer than for sev
eral years."
R f Boise Juuoe. At Salem yester
day afternoon Judge llurnett rendered
bis decision In the D'Arcy -Boise cir
cuit Judge contest, declaring Judge
Boise elected, and giving the total
legal vote as i,03l votes for B P Boise
and 6.000 for P H D Arcy. nanner
party Is to recover costa.
ynoHT Raw tumomt. - The
fieight rate on hops from I'orlluiid to
New York has U-eii reduced from K
per IW lbs to ILftO, the old rate. TWl
to equal tooue half cent per pound.
Clean Hon. A hop grower in
loims us that there is no sign of mold
In the hops in this vicinity. Advlcee
from Marion county slate there is con
siderable mold in that section.
M arriaoe LKEN8E.-County Clerk
Led this forenoon Issued a marriage
license to Oeorge Tucker M years and
Gladys May Hollenbeek, IS years.
BORN.-Iu Eugene, August 28, to
lhe wife ol J Jackson, a daughter.
OrefOII Se wl UulcUiilal.
The Oregon l'reae Amoclallon at
! kl I . . . .
-Iiokuiio passed the following resolu
tion ollered by F Holer, unanimously:
"Rebolved, l!y ule Oregon State
l'reaa Association, tiat we heartily
enej rand and eo-opoiate with the de
partment of eoouomica and Iilstory of
the University of Oregon iu iu latwrs
of collecting and preserviug materials
for the sources of lue history of Or. gOO,
"-. That the state assoelatlou appoint
aeoiiimlttee of rive memlera of the
dally and weekly prewt to promote the
celebration of a teoUoMtMnleJ anni
versary of the org .ni.atiou of Oregon
as a Urrltory of the United Stales,
March .!, lsici
"3. That we favor legislation to the
end that any available tiles of the state
and territorial newspapers may be pro
cured and turned over to the depait
ment of history of the state university
as a part of the permanent blatorical
records of the commonwealth "
Blekard lmibard host Two Fin
gers roday.
DI1t uaard, Auiuit 31
Richard Lombard, a boy 19 years of
age, who lesides with his parents
near Falrmount while bucking straw
from ibe Goodpasture thresher this
for.moou , got the rope tangled around
the two fingers of the left hand, cru-b-ing
them badly.
Dr T W Harris amputated the lin
gers at the knuckle Joint this after
noon. Anarch) In Manila's Outskirts.
LOUDON, Aug. 81 A dispatch to lie
Daily Teleuraph from Manila, dated
August 27, says:
All the outskirtsof Mauila are in a
etateof complete anarchy. The inmr-
uents are hunting anil pillaging the
Spaniard-, while the natives generally
are sacking villages, robbing vehlc'es
and stealing horses.
Andrew Carnegie's Viewx.
LOHDOV. Aug. 80 The Times nub-
ltshes a le tter from Audrew Carnegie,
who advocates an exchange ol the
Philippines for the lirltish West In
dies, urging that England and the
I lilted Stales should retalu coaliuir
stations in each and that an open
door should lie preserved for each by
tyueen of Ike Netlierlauds.
The Hacile, Aug, 31 Wilhelmiua
Helena I'aulina Maiia today attained
her niujorily, aud became queen of the
Netherlands. Solemn thauksgivlng
services were held In churches through
out the ountry.
Notice to Hep Tickers.
Hop picking will eminence on the
Campbell & Walker yaid between Ku
gene ai d Springfield, Monday, Sep
tember 5.
A clean wired yard. Was thorough
ly sprayed aid Is free from lice.
Heavy hops.
Notice to Hop Pickers.
Hop nickers wunted no toe Dunn
yard acioss the liver from Eugene.
Will commence picking lliursuuy
morning September 1-t.
r Menu.
.Se avey Hop Yard.
Hop picking will commence on the
Seuvty yatdoo lhe McKenzie, Mon
day, September II Will have a
grocery supply store ou the yard lor
the In in lit of pickers.
Hop Picking
Will oomirenoeon the Cheshire yard
below Springfield Septembci s.
W P Uhmhibk.
Hop Pickers Wanted.
Win Nels will commence bop pick-
lug Monday, September 5th.
Fine Jersey Bull.
I have a full blood Jersey bull for
Ml rlc . Kept ut Stewart place.
John Stewart.
Hoi' Pickers Wanted. John
Brown wants 30 hop pickers lo com
mence work Sept 4 lb; 14 days picking
llrst class bops.
1 m i
Beautikul Home For Sai.k At
a great bargain 12 miles east on the
McKeiule, twenty five ucrea good
ground, flue modern bouse elegaul
wale rand very healthy, churcb and
aol ooluear by. I N Green box 477 or
Heifluian House.
a l'KKun tion. The Oregoniau to
day predicts wheat will soon go down
UifiUeenbJ per bushel in that city.
Such a price would mean 37 lo 38 cents
per bushel in Eugene.
Hew l"n il tn,:c
you to find out whether
Schilling s Best
baking owdtr
lid tpirri
are good enough for you ?
for tale by
J. U. Orcca It Sen.
Hon .1 D Hillock Tflli About
Ml I Ml I II I All II
Ou August 3, about 7 p in I got on
board of the steamer at Lake Bennett
logo to a new mluiug ramp Jutt dis
covered. We traveled nil uiglit ulnl
passed 'M mile through Lake Ben
Oette, through Windy Arm and Lake
Taggiab; tbeii Mr ck Lake arm liiob
lUtis nearly south; aleaimal up thai
lake about BO miles, then turmd e isl
up one of its arms and came lo the
portage between that lake and Lake
Ailand; made the portage thai day ami
In the evening passnl over Attend
lake, about g miles to the mouth of
Mae Creek on w blch stream the mines
are situated, in the morning we took
our bl.iukets, tools mid provisions on
our backs and started to the mini s.
I had 78 lbs, and arriveel at the
dhcovery claim, evell miles in a.aiut
three hours- We fouud Discovery a
paying claim mid there are gbottl 100
claims which bsik J net as good; but
they are not worked or even prospect
ed i borough W, but what prospecting
has beeu dor.- on them promises thai
they will be good. It i m,, Discovery
claim pays from fgO to t-KH) OH man
per day. I took a claim about tw o
aud one half nnljs above Discovery
and staked 001 for Kdis. But did not
prospect them. I was gone from Lake
Bennett seven days. Kdla will go
tomorrow to tb mines. We will hold
them uutil we learn w helher they are
good. If good we will work them, but
I have uol much faith in them. This
creek is just an outlet bilweeu Iwj
lakes anel is 15 miles long. The dis
tance to the mines from hoe Is about
140 miles and '.) miles of th is distance
is by laud aud lhe lest by the lake.
This is a gre'at country for iakes. Ben
nett lake is -''' nulls long, Tagglsb
about 100 mil, and AtlantfTO miles.
These are the lukes we passed through.
There are many others just as wonder
ful scattered all over this country.
The mountains are uot as high as lhe
Cascades, anil many of Ihein are al
most solid rock, with but little dirt.
Mr Qrabarn ttlaai Lookiug Up Mutteis
For the Senat'ir.
Local interest In the United States
senatorial contest has been somewhat
sharpened by the pltatlOB In Pendle
ton of Orahani Qtate, of Portland, who
bae been talking vltb people here on
the subject of H W Corbetl'b senatorial
a-piraiioiis. Mr Olass is a rising young
political! and attained considerable
prominence throughout lhe state.
Being delegated to look after Mr Cor
betl's interest in this Motion, gives
him considerable prestige-. He has
been Interviewing people here and
strengthening Mr ( orbetl's political
Mr Class in conversation with an
Eastern Oregoiibin representative said
that he bolievi'.l MrCorbett would be
elected with ease; that there were
enough republicans so minded as lo he
able to organi.e the legislature anel
give tho odlce to Mr Corbeit. He
minimum the strength of lhe opposi
tion, aud tbiuks "the Hcua'orial inn
test will lie a tame affair," to quote
his exact language
lio Will be otir Next Preetdeut.
PolitlOiani are uow planning for the
prealdenllal oampatgn of 1800, but the
war has bo overshaeiowed all other
in-tiers that politics is almost unno
I iced, Many peoble are of the opinion
that the candidates will be the same II
i'i is'iii, hut there may Le u ".lurk
bone" who will win the race. Popu
larity has much to do with candidate!.
Till ii alio true with medicine. The
most popular remedy today is 1 1 -' e I
ter's Stomach Bitters, anil It has re
tiiined this for many years. Science
never ellsi-overed the equal ol this nied
lolne for stomach, liver and kidney ill
-, W I, It builds up Ullld llesh tissue,
Imparts vigor aud vitality to all or
gans, and inukes life worth living. A
bottle will make a big change for the
bet'er. Try It.
KUeumatsm Cured.
My wife has used Chamberlain'
Pain Palm for rhi umatlnu w ith gn at
relief, and I can recommend it as a
splendid liniment for rheumatism and
other household use for w hich we have
found It valuable.-J W CtJYLER, Bed
Creek, S Y.
Mr (Juyler Is one of the leading mer
chants of this viilsk'e and one of the
most prominent men In this vlciuity
w o Phippin, Editor Red Creek
Herald. For rale bj Otburn A DeLano
For Sale.
720 acres of land in (wo wpara.e
farnn, adjoining. 120 ucres In cultiva
tion, 10 mile eouthweet of Eugene;
prie-e $1.00 per acre. Al"0 tro bousea
and lots, catt e and hones, for sab-
d.i ip. Inquire at First aud Wash
ington streets, or address
W B Hani-ton, Eugeue, O efoa,
Strayed Large brludle eow.'blgb
horns, strayed from Ooixlpaiture's
farmnnrihof Eugene. Supposed to
be in the neighborhood of Creiwell.
slend Information to M O Maitemm,
Da) & Hefldenon, UndtrUkert nd
mm, Cor. Wil- ar,d 7th $U.
Mu) Hunt Afi'iilfotally Shut llin
sell' Today.
ii iii am mi
htiir Oaejg st-i't i
Johnny Hun', who manages the
Lane paint store, while out hunting
JapausMi pheasants at about noon to
day near the Kakln place,' Bum mije's
west of B ige-ne accidentally shot him
self and lhe wound is a very dangerous
It avpeara that he was Just iu the act
of getting Inlo bis carl aud lie places!
his shot gun ou the door of It, when
by some means it slipcd aud the lock
struck ou something, dlse-harging one
load of bird shot, w hich e ntered Ilia
left side just below lhe nipple aud a
little to the left and came out ou Un
able, making a fearful wound some six
Inches long aud three to four luchcs
wide, cutting Into the chest e-avlty, m
thai w hen he breathes every pulsation
of the lung Is plainly visible. The
lower Kibe of the lung was WOUbdod
mid considerable hemorrhage ensued.
The powder set Hum's clothing on lire
and hi- body was coii-iderably burned
before it was extinguished. His com
pan iOU, One Of th) Beam' bays, was
about three hundred yards away, and
he i- nd. ted all the assistant- possible.
Of course the wound was very painful.
Hunt bore It with great fortitude.
Dr T W Harris was summoned as
soon as possible and made Hunt as
couifoi table as possible under lhe cir
cumstances. The unfortunate man
was brought to the Lane r sldeuee iu
Eugene, about 4:30 o'clock this after
ternoon and Dr Harris Is now drafting
tlio wound lurther.
Dr Harris informs us that the w ound
Is a very dangerous one.
This Is Lane county's llrst gun ac
cub ni for some time, however, It seems,
she Is bouuil to keep up her reputation
In this regard.
The gun was a double barreled one,
but ouly one barrel was discharged.
The eleicteirs, on lurther examination,
found one ol the ribs driven into the
left lung, the sac to the In art piinctur-
I aud the diaphragm also torn badly.
It will be a miracle If he recovers. He
rented fairly well last night, however.
Over a Thousand Men on the Mirk List
at Porto Moo.
Washington, August 31. There are
about i;,iHK) American soldiers iu Porto
Ilie-o, and ou the day of our departuie,
August 2'J, there were over I, Ho i n
on the sick list. There was a luigu
number of typhoid casts, but ou the
22nd Instant this disease was not e u
the increase, a fact which liiellcates
that the malady had be-en carried from
the camps at home aud is uol In
dlgenon to Porto Bico. However,
there is a very large Increase in dysen
tery, liackboue ft-vir and malarial dis
eases, due to the rainy season, just
Bfdloal authorities in lb army in
Porto Bico agree that the sick list is In
creasing, ami an alarming condition
maybe expected unless the war ih
partfflant promptly arranges barracks
for the army and Immediately pro
vides additional transports to relievo
such sick men as can be safely transfer
red home. It is impossible for men
from a northern climate to recuperate
lu a tropical cou try elurlug Its most
unhealthy seasiu.
A Clever T tick.
It certainly loon IIM It, hut there Is
really net trick about It. Anybody OU
try it who has Lame Hack anel W in
Kidneys, Malaria or nervous tfOOUloa.
We mean thai he can cure himself
ihrhl away by taking Kh ctrtc Bitten,
'This medicine tones up the whole sjn
tem.uctsusu stimulant to the liver
aud kidneys, is a bloeiel purlller and
nerve tonic. It I'uiea constipation,
headache, fainting spells, sleeplessness
and melancholy. It Is purely vegeta
lile, a mild laxative, ami restores lhe
system to Its natural vigor. Try BtoO
tile Hitters ami be convinced that they
area miracle worker. Every Isiltle
yiiarautced. Only 50 ceuts a bottle at
WilkinsA LI in's Drug store.
For Kent or Sale
On easy terms. Hotel in Springneld.
Address, T M Jackson, lock box 140,
ttprtngfleid, Oregon.
LOR. A reddish yel'.eiw pupOorelon
ami Lewellyn, about 1 year old, be
tween Eugeue and Spriuglleld. He
ward will bl paid for Information
leading to his return to C H t'MW Al l,
Irving, Ore.
Mineral Si-rimih Cuii.EfiE.-At
Hodavllle Oregon. Ojs ns Sept l!l, I8S.
Healthful location. Low tuition. Cat
alogue frte. Write for needed infor
rn itlM.
J It Qfddee, Pi.kiilent.
Spices .ui' I ll.TVorin ex
tracts arc favorite nests of
adulteration; perhaps you
don't care.
But Schilling's Best are
pure and noney-back.
For ul by
Gray & Son.
All Hie Smillilielil Victims Steadily
Mill I s I . 1 s II. lilt. Ill
Dr Oglcshy tends worel to the (li arii
from June ion today saying that he
visited ull the Smlibtleld victims this
forenoon and that t hey were all im
proving steadily.
Young Mc lice's eyes were found to
HI Si! riL'tlt. U lit II I hi. lltll,l,lD.. ..'Am M. 1
. , - - - - . V "
moved tliis lorenOOO KM tlie llrst lime.
Two her. st BeaaeM Aui.nis killing I
ud Selling Vonlaon,
afoKaoate Bridga, Aug so.
BonOI OOaMi Forest Itcacrve
Agent Andy HtOkOM is probably the
best hunter In Oregon. Ho Is now
killing deer right along and another
Forest Agent n-. bis pack horse to
carry out the deer. They sell venison 1
at eight ce nts per uud. Still these
men are siipMised to be working for
l uclc Sam at M per .imnth. Of
course they ar-- only n-uaid for work
done Iu Juiie.
A Tai-a i.h.
ihiuv (iunl spt l
A very quiet home-like wedding oc
curred at lhe residence of tliei bride's
paieuts this forenoon st U o'clixk
when Hev H L llourdmau, president
of MoMinnville College, was nulled in
marriage with Miss A lira Dorrls, a
young lady respected by all, who was
reared In Kugene. Hev H C Hrook
was the olllclatlug clergyman. Ouly
the Immediate relatives were present,
exe-cpting Mrs Chase, Ml ea Chase,
and Miss Mary Met'ornack.
The couple went lo Portland mi this
forenoon's local train , where they will
visit for a few d ys ami then go to
McMlnnvllle, lie ii ieruiailent home.
Machinery Arrived - Nearly all
the machinery for (biislale's saw mill
at Coburg has arilved. It Is expected
the mill will be leady lo start up the
llrst of next week.
Tho Corvallis Times cays the sale by
Hie Hherllt of properly on account of
delinquent taxes occiired at Corvallis
Monday, Not many investors were
on hand, and the bulk of the pioperty
wus bidden In by lhe county. The
total number of pieces of propt rly sold
was about I7.i, of which 72 were pur
chased by individuals, ami the remain
ing 133 weul to tlie county.
w ill Minn have auother wee!-
The Doctors That Cure
A Part ot tho StalT of tho
Tho Doctors who cure Catarrh, Ooniumptioa, nnd all Chronio DieoaBe,
ami Dr- Meyers
Tho (amODJ specialist for Discauea and Weaknoia of Men, will
again bo in tliis city on their regular monthly visit, and can be
Consulted Free of Charge at the
Wednesday, September 14.
Staff of tho English and Gorman Export Specialists.
Incorporated Under tho Laws of California for 'Jf0,000.
j Established Twenty-live Ytarr,
I ... i i;.ti,i ,n Si4-iikll.sU Is cmosxeil of tivs rKOlarly
..,i,,,.i. ,i a, Li i. s i.i.v.ieikii wiio Lks
aar sf ebroeio 4isaiia .. , , . .
Huriuirllu pMt ipmrUr f outury tin- - ' ' itlV "'! IHiIar IniUlU
I 1,11 "tlisr.liy.i.Uiiiin.ltub I t i yii I tu ..r.liiurv -Is sfplisat-es, ejnlckly raHlM
.ii.l ii ll.yi Ki.lih and I ! eiilU Thsy haes the lnrst and
lltaUonii A IW I tiermn i.xp. it Scillts
Ml uul ouljr ouwpitsat and Willi e, lt in rrssmibl, lww backsd by tuupls eaptUl ad
ably n.knatfsil. , . . ,
HuM K CUHK.S Wldli it Is prelsrabls In many lattaaw tn a mtlut, the Knglish
ami lien Bxpsrt gpselalUU ban in I tliniisaaeia of psns ua whom Ihsy liavs nsvsr saw.
If you cannot m the J." writ ll.s horns "tliee f. r ipMttioa lit and frea advks in regard
to your ailinsnt.
i u ol i ii rr Dis ' iis rnr.l ciiaa All ailing paopU iho'ild see the hngliah aad
Usnaaa Bepsrt Srwelaliats. A friendly talk, blch cosu alsM.lntety aothlng , bbeaadtei.
ult in a gnat drat of I, lithr tnalnit-ut is tak-m or not,
The English and German Expert Specialists
A stall of the Moat Eminent Tbysiclans and Surg, on In tbe World.
v 731 Market St, San Francisco, and 218 S. Broadway, Los AnstlM
Kenfral Improvemeot in
Lftrfcefl Today.
1MB vi no m.i it
spccll In lh eiusrJ
LlTBBPOOti, Kngland, Sept 1 Car-gia-s
on pa-sage, rather more enquiry;
LI erpool spot, easier.
New YohK.Sept l-Market steaely,
closing at t.SJ cents.
CBIOAQO. Uept 1 - Firmer; closluiiat
San Franiisio, r-ept 1 Market
-tremg, i'..
POKfLaitn, Sept 1 -Price Wholly
i BR! BRA UOlNfl iliiMK.
Himself, Ills Htllrers and His Men Or
dong to Prepare- lor Departure.
Annapolis, Aug. II Oraatl hve
been rooeleed bar from the president
dliootlng Cerrera to make arrange.
mi nts to proceed with his olllcers and
men back In Spain Immeellately, In
I nn e w ith instructions issued by
Itx Bpautob mlniaUr of marine. The
olllcers were very enthusiastic when
they received the news.
DBATB Of J0BOI I 0 Mil aw.
Fought ludiaus In 18 til and Lived in
Marion Comity 54 Year.
Ha i. km, Or, Aug. 81 Judge T C
Shaw died at Ills home In North Sa
lt in at 4.40 o'clock this morning. He
was stricken with paralysis two years
ago, and had been In a helpless con
dition for a year. He was aged 75
years .
Filssell's "Log House" Hotel.
.Neatly built. Splendid accommoda
Liont, Table supplied elaily with fresh
trout, and vciii-on in season. Hplen-
1 1. 1 hunting and llshlug lu vicinity
singes anil mulls three times a week.
Very reasonable terms for gues
Only about out half (he usual charge
Li . i
... .... i. . imnii i i
For terms and further particulars ad
el ress,
Oko FitissKi.r,,
MoKeuzie Bridge, Or.
iliickien's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cut
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
soli's, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
crus, ami all skin eruptions, and
positively cures piles, or no pay re
quired it Is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction or money refunded
Pom Rbmt om Balm A koou stock
i n in of 66(1 aoree apply to
It m .' . i , Nluth it. "J
ha iimiiv elm fi4jileaos la ootIm au aaav