The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 03, 1898, Image 5

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gene City Guard
....-..a department of
IakEKLY GUARD is caused
.iderabieuouD e o
' dentV addressina the pro-
tnrs DeiSOnaiiy. nuuioas mn
ror Bi"'f-r lABh
In 10 t ,. Omnnn
All Oltt Democrat: "Among
.Oreoiuns who sr mentioned
5 Stable to eerve this great ; .-laws senate,
j( not me who is cleaner, I
fr or wore iraiisi v nonesv m
h public an(' private lile than ,
n. !.... I '.'-in nf Union cirrii-t
0 nouon. -i - ' ;
jjeoflh' fightti judicial district,
get-skin is not only an ante
,: .:, ! common sense, nut,
UoAj iriHt ugitnsit the purity
whose judical ermine tiire has
er reiUd even the lhadow o the 1
Unt apeok of dust, w bile I
K ikm is an unswerving re-
blic a", be U personally entirely
objectionable to his politi al op- j
who will be in such a
ioority in tho sta'o legislature as
j have little voice in the choosing
Oregon's senator. As Judge
kkiu i a modest self-made man,
IJob-vs no strings of the ring-'
tu and ma bine men of his party
this state, it is very unlikely the j
Lbesuf liast ONgoniftM will ;
krrv lli'l I VM IL'UI Ml me unit S '
invention of lawmakers. headipuarters at Hembree's book
' ten a Democrat reporter, whol'tor. Hembree, tj D Onant, and
let the juilgeat the Hotel Wur- j Rers Bros will use the lights;
iuer, yesterday, mentioned the I "bile many other firms are con-i
sire of many of his friends that Uomplating putting them In. Mr'
tllboold assume the sonatorial
gnity, his honor remarked: '1 1
,ve never assumed to aspire for !
Eeoflice; besides, it is highly im
obablc that any Eastern Oregon
in w ll be chosen as it appears to
t foregone couclusion that some
lortlaml man will ho elected.'
Oomllil Times: Yesterday Mr
! id Mrs J 1! Horner returned from
wEast, where they have bten
nee the later part ot June. In
eaking of our fruit Professor
orner says wo live in the prune
It of the world, and when our
narket is as mad as our frnitatro
I 1 .1. .
erv h ii no i',' ri '
- . . ...... .,, ...v . ... .. ...
to 10 cents per pound, whereas
. D "
a popular table fruit, hence there
SODQSthlno r.nlieallv wrnno-somp-
liere. ite says tnat wnne wnoie-
popular with consumers. He
u .. ... .....
men noes our industry u great
ostice, various reasons: Our
Tl If . r miilo to ai ei,r I.,. I i t .
r ' llwl.i.i.l a I 1 ........ . n. I na
result Irequently do not com-
nmton.r .......... ...'..
. . o -, j
L. . r,.,'o . . .,
CftkCns , ol P ... n .L-..1 I I ,i, itPAB.
. .. . . .
' - O . UtnfftVI, . Il W ,11 V .
- v uuiuiliill, it uaii iita.T t
v m aa tao a uuiv jiiviv4ifjj
i mo.- i iiiuiiuiiui y ui tun ui um
IT, , ... .J UnuAr-.. ........ . r ..u
i.iiu, tilCICl-ZiCi JltUI-..o
I .vu ill irUi ijmilP( lUii , ill
1 ..v. niHMIIU UU 1U U i W I I 1 1 1 1 1 fc-W
IU IWm i M T I hi) . vi. ... . . ( I . it. .1-1,11
w MUH 111!" I 1 il( UI ,'lil1'! Ill
I""o .- I . Ill U' 'Mil M - 1111
uiunciD niJUUIta UU U y niv ;
r--i n inn our manuiaciurtTb nave ,
i . . . . . .
v wwwn luuncc ku aimwu
&n. r..,,l i.-.. i i
v. tnji.1 :i iti.i Th it it it 1 1 i it mum .n
lim, f l ..... .
. .
-"'or , Mil tlml ,.r.At,ll, o t.
mo, . . . ... .
-MVII II ' I UJ I.,., I '.,ll III I Lin IT
r-- tor uraann to Ben to a
market regulated by her more saga-
"ister state.
The Ne York Sun's cable dis-
Patches from Manila full , f Hip
oportant part in the capture of,
llat city that was perf rmed by the
i v av utsi
i s-.l 1.
mled ith an Urt.
gon company a. hit escort. All'
luted when the .lug wa8 rittidl
AnOreg,,, regiment oolicil the
oltj I Oregon men
iv""1 "le ,nrrendw "' B lib
" rhe Spaniards mrrendered
nitb the honor, of ww. Th, m
r, t;11,,, ' ' 1
viuv nut.-.
iDf lottraoirer oi the i;ank 0f
"pain. This ijuestiuu lias been re.
ferred to the government at Wash
ington. Throughout Saturday oigbt men
kept coming In from the tWnl.h
lima. When the Oreeon trooi.s
reached the CtpUin-Gentral'l ',
,,a!ace, where Ceneral Morritt has
made bit headquarter, they found
the plaza packed with Siianianls
Between 6,000 and 7,000 soldiers
.. ...
Bvr up meir armes, which consist
ed mostly of Mauser rifles. Taelve
thousand stands of arms were taken !
and millions of rounds of atnmuni-
tion. Enough new Mauser rill s
were captured to arm most of ..or
regiments. Three magazines were !
foand fall of powder.
McMinnville Telephone: A ntw
system of lighting of business,
uweimg ami .-treet us,, n In ;ng in-
augurated here and already several
bave engaged to take the lights and
others are contemplating. They
tt'0 known as Helios Carbide lamps,
and tho ligh' is troin Acetyline g'i.
itl nso and manipulation is said to
safe and harmless us coal oil. I
rellner, who formely did'
J 1 " n-irau nig, ih ugeui, Wll
rellner will pipe the entire south!
side of the block Irom Hudson's o
lbe Firet National Hank and light!
the street at a nominal t'mure. This
is done to advertise the light in an
efiTeotUai manner, showing its
superior lighting capacity and
cheap cojt. The effect of the
jgenoral us of this light to the ex
' elusion of the incandes eds, will
not have a beneficial effect on the
linaucial condition of the city light
ing system, and will emphasize
the need of more competent mana
gement of ibe -ume which could
and would make a satisfactory and
paying service.
The horrible ace dent at Frank
lin accentuates tin demand for a
j stringent law requiring enjdpecrti
to pass examinations a- t iheir
competency to handle the danger
ous steam machinery. The lows of
life and worse, in the mutilation of
innocent persons, is an object lesion
that should bear fruit in the Bhape
of proper legislation. As it is now
any man that knows enough to
build a lire in a furnace, or turn a
throttle vilve, may be trusted ith
control of a boiler and engine, In
this case tho desire to save a few
dollurB in wages resulted in a fear
ful accident. The machinery was
all light il it had been handled by
a competent man.
I' is intimate 1 that Governor
,r,i noil n s i oi 1 1 , i ....s 10 ,
of electing ft senator. I here is no
i.i : .1 1 '. r ..... t I .. r f.,v
In tact most oi our neopie are
hardly aware that we have even
.No state was ever
DIM .'"lliV
represented at the National cnpitol
men of such small caliber ns
ll.n .lamn nf .1 1 1 1 A
. -
an an tn Pffi. In remain inroaSDOai
asv w -
ll.a .Ln in otn: ! i 1 ' I tlfl I
fT - ll 1 BlmwMWM llrr 1 1 ICS :l rll'ld- I
I.II.O'. ' v...' "fs -- -
an nni,Or:l I P III LT Y II' I T -
-il iv - ."...I" 1
ed c lildren making faces.
Secretary of War Alger notice 1 a
sick Midler and a half column of
telegraphic rot followed If be had
exercised good judgment in prepar
ing suitable supplies and aoc mi ne
dations for the troops there would
have been thousands less of lick,
and hundreds of lives saved.
Jf.,lUi 1m. k. IS VerH.
MM itannu from Mr UlfW book of I
' Welnh llnllniN. Th.., . JLi I
mum oi ii,0 uteres," written b
Dafydd np iiwllym:
In mm where .lrlpg the aria tat nln
US MOM tnnt loved mo m,t of men -
Otwyd, Cjrwrtd, Onr, be Pum.
..pi... ... . . . . ""
lit ?ravo w1i.t Um pa grown tank sad I
i.i. voii , r ,iy diarit-
IWIlMli Morli n, Mortal.
In nw WktM Mpt Iks ram the Uoiul
l.lo. that nut lightly U.wo.1 th.hott.l
Imlsa, OKrw ud Qwritd.
MttMaia'l lout mlml ilwiiK ,t th ahorv
Tixt OhUM IBd thu eruv Mk't ror.
Whoro Ccr CVneillr utarti up btlon.
In AWren-h llo Khythor' llnul,
ll iimtli tlw larth of l.lun Mr. I
Hut liwam ah I'rUn In louoller foil.
Mill tho ilronry moor l y tho DM wk trus,
Tho ifravo of Mau-Iy Hlawn uiay bo
Mtatoly, tnaebMOUt anil bitter MM ho.
Mid tho wilt n inarili whoro tho ttdd have
Lie tho woot maid Bunaw. the warrior Khyn
Ami BMUUa'l daughter, the alo Enrwyo.
Ami thU hioy the gravo of Qwythur x:
But who the world' great niy.tory,
Th.. grave of Arthur, aluill ever nee?
Tho translation laoks, howerer, tho
chief fimturo of tho orlgltml OOXipotitlOD,
tor It was wrltttn by Dafjrdd sp Qwltjrn
in tattered rsrta, eaued In the v. raaoular
"cynghanedd," on Inflanlou form o( oon-
Ronancy tnH'ulinr to tho four ami twenty
metors oi Welsh ,ruHiy featnra that
tho trimIiitur found iinootni rtihlo tTBU If
ho iiiHlon.tamU tho wvn't of Mioh lntrl.'nto
liiotricnl oonitrnotlon, Dafenld ap Qwt
lym'a U't produetlons wcro hlKCMiipIetn
eywyddau and his lyrics mul love wm-,
which ore standards uf excellence In Welsh
poetry to this day. New VorU Tribune.
A I uiijiie Varletjr That Has a Se lul,'l
Abudo In a Creek In l.uus.i..
"'Thero are trout In Whitney envk, a
tributary Ot Kern river, In Kansas," salt!
a veteran New York unifier, "tho like of
which don't exist In any other water mi
the face of the (ilohe. These trout have
their iiIhhIh In tho upper waters of the
envk, and it is not Invaded by any other
breeds of trout that swuriu in the wan rs
Is'low simply beoaOOB they cannot gOtM
It. About six miles from the head of
Whitney creek there Is a waterfall ISO foM
I The rock down the face of which
tho vruter tumbloa Is solid and smooth
from base to summit. There aro DO pro
trudhiK ledges nor any hollows by minus
of which the other trout, with leap after
leap from IciIro to hilifoand hollow to hol
low, could scale this precipice, as they do
at thousands of high waterfalls elsewhere.
('onsotUently tho trout BbOVO the falls
have never been dlsturls'd by interlopers
of a different variety, and they live by
themselves in the pure, cold water, a most
splendid family of fresh water llsh.
"'i'hesu trout are literally iMWiuiiiglctl
with burnished gold and dashed with spots
of tho brightest crimson. The first time I
ever saw one of these trout I actually
thought It had been doOOratOd with Hakes
of gold leaf by Its possessor and that Its
red spots had hclghtcni'd hi color
with the brush. Hut. this Is their natural
ornamentation, uud when they aro taken
Irom tho Water and the sunlight strikes
them they glitter and spnrklo like a harle
quin. They aro called tho golden trout.
Their habits aro tho same as those of the
ordinary brook trout, with all its gamy
qualities. Their llesli has the same llavor.
Their splendid beauty Is what places them
at the head of this great piscatorial fam
ily, famous for Its DOautT. How this rare
variety of trout caiuo to lie ulone in those
upper waters of Whitney envk is one of
nature's mysteries." Sew York Hun.
Some Theatrical Jokes.
Ill a performance of "Tho Ludy of the
Luko" tho actor who took the part of Kh1
orlok Dhu woe known to bo In pscnulary
dlllloultles. When ltoderhk gave the Hue,
"lam Roderick Dim," nt.janics respond
ed, "Yes, and your rent's due tfto." On
the production of u piece called "ThoSpy"
tho early acts showed that it was going to
provo a fulluro. to when at a n rtuln
polntaoharaoterhad to rush on ami shout,
"Flvo hundred ponndotetho vpy 1" thi
author-actor, who was concealed lH'hlnd
rock, arose and cried, "It's yours copy
right, munusvrlpt und purts!" Thai was
tho end of tho porforninncc.
When eating tulles place on the stage,
tho temptations to play tricks with the
food aro uuturally great. In "Henry V"
tho leek which thut inimitable braggart
I'istol has to eat Is usually made from an
npplo. Hut on one occasion ui Sudler's
Wells tho Fluellcnof tho evening gave him
a real onion, and ho had DO choice but to
struifglo through It, though the tears
coursed down his fat checks. Cornhlll
The No Urog Law.
In July, congress revolutionized
tho American navy by passing the historic
luw providing:
"That from and after tho 1st day of
September, lSS'J, tho spirit ration In tho
Uuvyof tho United States shall forever
cease, and thereafter no distilled spiritu
ous liquors shall bo admitted on board of
vessels of wurexcept as medical stows and
upon tho order and under the control of
tho modical officers of such vessels and to
bo used only for medical purpos. s.
"From and uftcr tho 1st day of Septem
ber next there shall bo allowed and paid
to each person lu tho navy now entitled to
tho spirit ration 5 cents per day In 0OD)
mutation aud lieu thereof, Whloh shall b"
In addition to tho present pay."
And since that duy thero has been DO
"grog" 111 the L'nlted States navy. San
Francisco Call.
A Shirt Wiishlug General.
I have seen B private letter from (ieneral
Gntacro to n friend in n high plaee, la
which tho general describes himself as
perfoctly happy In UM Sudan. Ht bad
only oun shirt to his hack, wMeh BO
washed for himself from time to time. He
lived on tlnnisl mejit andoOOUpted a straw
shelter without furniture and with noth
ing more than bNnki t to e.,.r hno.
but ho was In rudohcalth and the be
spirits, and nil his men wore the same.
Allahabad PioajOOR
Her CrrdrnliaU.
"Who Is that silly looking Uttleeurlj
headed blond In the pink frjck w ith blue
"Silly looking? She's going to ma.ry
tho richest young man In town. "Chi
cago Uccord.
The average weekly los of vessels on
tho seal throughout tho world It 19.
uv nn niRNiTHRP
Xrt Sl"8a ' " WM curl0Ui uoto hnt
numlier nf tenors just exactly ismal-
i tho CKiubiiicil n limber tf barlt.iiio
and basses. It Is probably tnio that
there ure just about two cultivated tea
to each bnritono or bnss. Thcro aro
similarly abfJOt twleo ns many HpoHMM
as there are mezzo sopranos or eoutral-
toa, and there aro probably two tnin. il
f"liruuos to every toner.
Tho reasons for these ratios aro preb
ably these i A higher voice, beuij; the
inure unusual, attracts to its own. r the 1
more intention. The natural t u uu.l
soprano are accordingly sjMOWSged t'
cultivate what may, alter all, bo only
a JiHHliivro ability. Tho mezzo soprano
or baritone, however, Is tboulit of as
Mt1j .... ' ' n.i.l .,
' " .' ...1 . .. , .. . , ..-.. 1 1 IHKUUl
tho utmoM poMbUlttea may bo left ta
waste Its bogranos In the dark, uufath-,
omi .1 oave i of Its owner'a thorax 1
A Village Ohurch is the c;,.,:u. uf
I the world m (hbteapaol Tbevi mea I
I "sing alto" or keep qniat, or strain and I
j sfiueal at the top notes; th" v. :i da-ono
out a buKpipirh baas. The k -si voices
1 i . . . i .i .
, an.' lost m the lugubrious a. r.i-e, but
if there is a eirl who Ml;, s t! hiM.
not, .ftatil, or a bvjrbocan mterpo-
late the tenor part without ilangerot
m-arlct fi v, r tbi voices sine; out ubovn
the grounding chorus. Every one pricks '
ear to list, n, mid tho Word is pasacd j
that Snkcv Smith or dal. v .limes "Ills
r ' - . -r
a voice. It may U that that vole
ought to bo cultivated, it may bo that it
ought to 1 COOftJOatod, but to tho touch
er it must go. 'L'!... steps from this lirst
discovery to a cansx of public weal OX
woo are easy.
So much fi r the disproportion of high
and low professional binginir. Tho fact
that more worn, u than nun study s..ti
is doobtlooi to he aoooonted for by tho
' superstition that flourishes iuiuanydis
triets that Selling dry goodl or kivpiug
bo ks is a More manly oanM than sing
ing. This public creed keeps many a
Man from di vi loping the gold miuo in
his larynx. Is sides, thero is, especially
in America, a sentiment that a man
ahoold not depend on his father after
be has reaohod his majority.
it io a wboloomne sentiment on oome
: accounts, a irmri ms sentiment CO Oth
. era, but many a father will set his isou
up in bllllllOM with a sum of money
1 which if dev. it. il t i paying his artistic
I tuition a few years on in his twenties
might give him a capital ef unlimited
possibilitii s. Coily 's Magazine.
All Etprrluirut Whlrll Made MOOtOlO
MTeese Tana (aef Mail r.
A story, the truth of which is vouch
ed for in high quarti is, is told eouccrn
iug the "maimers" of the political mem
bers of a small country renowned for its
ancient courage. Tho prime minister
gave a reception to meet some distin
guished Englishmen. Tho assemblage
consisted solely of tho strangers, tho
membe.'s of tho parliament and tho
prime minister. Dui iiijr tho course of
tho evening ouo of the more distinguish
ed of the Knglish guests discovered that
his watch had bu n taken. Ho went to
his host and informed him of bis loss,
udding that bo especially prized the
watch, as it was a present to him from
tho king of the country whOOO guest ho
ii.i. I tho honor to Is.' at that moment.
Tho prime minister saw
thero was only one thing to bodono,
lunl, asking for silence, explained tho
situation to tho comany. Be said that
no doubt some one had yielded to tho
temptation of tho moment, but that
when they learned that tho missing ar
ticlo was tho gift of their king ho was
suro their loyalty, if nothing i loo, would
prompt them to restore it to Its owner,
lu order that the culprit's honor might
bo preserved and the country saved from
a scandal, ho laid, tho lights would Im
lowered for live minutes and tho guests
would dolllo past tho writing Ublo,
Which would give on opportunity for
tho delinquent to plaee tho watch there.
Upon this tho rjni was darkened for
tho stipulated time. Ont'ie lightHls'iug
turned up it was found that the Watoh
hud not been placed on the writing ta
ble, but that a valuable silver inkstand,
also a gift of tho kitig to his prime min
ister, was missiug us well. i. .ehm
Frautz l'ocsiug could not understand
why ho should not ho allowed to leave
thu barge olllco. His card bore the in
Hcriptiou, "Not money enough, " but hu
thought hu hail something ns good as
money besides thn cush ho had shown.
Ho was a hualtliy young German, his
accent fresh from Untirden Linden,
his suit and his boots spiel: and span,
his luuuner full of dignity und method.
"They say I have not money enough, "
ho urgued, "but I have a brand new
suit in my trunk, for which I paid U
murks, and I huvo not worn it more
than four or live times. You wi-h to
sto it? Weill anyhow, it is worth nt
least C5 marks now. I ussuro you it is
us good as now. Then I have it lot of
pew books, for which I paid M marks.
They are ull a! h ut business, unit ouo is
entitled 'The Merchant on tho Height
of His BttOCei , and How to Follow
Him.' I bought all these b ks before
leaving because I hud made up my
mind to go into l.usioess in this coun
try and I wanted to prepare for it. So,
you loe, I have 60 marks' worth of
books und a suit of clothes worth 50
marks. This moku together MM murks,
aud yet they say I bavo not money
enough." New York Commercial Ad
vertiser. Chlralnr m l f'uiiimcrelaliini.
Tim Colonel Yi s, sail ; tliat
stahtcd. suli. '-van a ganou ot email
sweet ci'lah at that has cost tho liv s ,
of 20 of Kaintucky'a bravest sons, sah.
Tho Yank. Huh, tlut is nothing.
We had a lawsuil on r a calf in our ,
neighborh's1 tliat over $11, 000.
Indianapolis Journal.
tinny KataMs aaiafltots n" turn Meet
la Mtlurv.
BooeatM w.. tumpy, also St. Tuul and
lander tho dnut, irrcitt only BJ war
1 rlor.
matatim both ho aiul hU far in.irw In
t. iiis null fatiu r, Philip ol Maosdetii
r. ,i. h. l mlildlo helttht In thU rfiint wo
may rank them with the hMBOM Simrtan
general, aflSeUaW) with Attlla, tho
mMiirne nf OikI" brnnd shouldered,
IhlnVssa, stnewji short; with Thwdora U,
hin(oi tho Ooths. of whom Oasstodoros
: trrllos, "lie Is Ml her short than tall, 00090 stout, with ihaptlT limb allko lithe
tuid stroliif."
Actlus, tH, isinuiiander In chief nf the
Homan inns ami prop of tho toMorlflg
ltniuau empire In thednvs of nlcntlnlnn
was a man of low stature, therein n'seiu
Tlmour the Tartar, self diK-rltHM
puny, lame, diSNpll little wl,tht,
M a
though lord 01 Asia ami terror of tho
H-orlil " t li. eroi.r Conilo ami his livir
eontompoearjr, Mamiml IauemiiourK,
n,!na?,4J' V,"10',1"' fNv,,h,"
u J'1'" '"1r ,","k " H M.VI;,1".1: ,
hlvKtl .'h, ,,',, towering wl. dwindle j
to about A fast A Inohsa
Bnt won thus pasod down to tho tnobss
nntiin' gavu him he was aglant companil '
with Sir frauds Drake and with Admiral ,
Vmm1"I Oil.. K. IOI.-I " s overv siOlor
K,l'tHl Mtilo lv pin I, as om ry sailor ,
Hi the lomny uuiu.n mm irom pun-
,., ,,,.,1 , .lf..ll,ili I
HBttodamaad an aeokayfloai thodsy
( Algiers for an insult t .tho llrltlh llim.
ho took so high atone that the .ley e
c atfaliist tholnooloweoof tho llrl!
lh Ulins for charging a beanllesa 1m"
- .ssJ - --
with such a message to him. Iteplletl il o
heartless hoy, "Wero my master wont to
lake length of Is'anl for a test of wisdom
ho'd have N'lit your deyshtp a he goat. "
Oliver OronwelL Olavorhowi and Me-
hornet All must Isi content to take It out
In bruins, for they nil Im-kisl Inehm. Two
of those great names naturally suggest
that of another famous soldier and usurer,
N"lK,Ux"' '""aparte. U Petit t'apornl."
ns his men lovingly culled him, '..!
OhOOt 5 feel I French) In his stockings, say
& M ii Indu s , RngUoh).
lu stature thelioa Dueboat him ahont
six Inches, while the Ik feet 4 Inches of Nel
son plain him midway or therealsjuts b0
twis'll the v i, tor and tint victim of Wuter
loo. I'lllsliiirg IHspatch.
ISaiOtblOg Whirl! Should Net lie Taken
III Little lially DjaSSS.
The admitted advantage of MOVMOM
life III many morbid conditions and nota
bly lu consumption seems to int to the
conclusion that tin ro Is OMBMhilM dofl
llltely Injurious In the Indoor life which Is
now the eiinitiion niodeof exlsteueeamolig
OtvUlaod pooalo. It Is a striking and star
tllng thing thut tho mere removal of n pa
tlent MM the open air should lower his
fever, should remove his night sweats and
take away Ids beetle, audit 0 dlAotttl to
avoid the conclusion that If these symp
toms nr removed by the purity of the air
outside they must have In en largely OaUOOB
by tho Impurity of the air within MO
Nor have we any right to assume that
It Is the consumptive only who suffer.
Doubtless tho healthy struggle against
and overcome evil liitluenees before which
those who are tulsTculosts succumb, but
that Is not to say that In the struggle wo
do not suffer, and, Indeed, the facts re
cently brought forwanl um sufficient to
show thut the stuffy life if Warmth and
comfort which OtVUtatd innn now "en
joys" is bud lor the health even of the
healthiest. We make our w Indows III , we
pad our ihsirs, we shiver nt a draft, we
surround ourselves with WOOlOH curtains,
dusty earpoM and fluffy, luxurious uphol
sterv. we breathe the same air over and
over again, and then wo wonder that wu
are not strong and vigorous.
Tho fort Is wo inn dally using up the cx
ulHTant vitality with which nature has
provided us In struggling ngulnst arllllelal
conditions. BOW pUWOffuI (Of SVil, bOW
deteriorating t hese eondlt Ions an', Is shown
by the fact that their mere removal glvm
liaik to the consumptive that vitality
whloh onshloo him M overcome tho otsiis
of disease within Dim. Fresh air Is not a
thing to Isi taken In Utile dOOSS 0O00 0
day, but a thing to llvoon. LoOOOO HOS
The OJrtlirt VasktOi"
The wild dog, DnlnflMOeod at all by as
Hoclatloii with limn, Is typical of nothing
but the Wolf, and In the OtrotUUpolaf lot
ho Is found In DOMbOM mv lug over tho
In Ids of snow and Ice, frispiently In cuni
iany with the wolves. The Ksklmos have
taken their wild creatures and by a rude
pnsiess of selection aud training I hey have
duvelossl tho "huskle," a colloipilul ub
hri'vhitlon of the wont WrtTTrf These
animals represent a tyjMi of dog but little
removed from tho wolf hornr. vicious,
swift of foot and kivn of eye. Tin y bavo
liectl trullHsl to haul sledge loads of g,ssis
00MM the now and Ice, und this O0SBM as
natural to them now as for a s Inter to
jsilnt. They )kissis tho blissl of the wolf,
howuvor, In their veins the taint of the
jackal. At. the first opportunity they will
run away and join tho wild dugs and de
terlorato rapidly lu their ooniuiny.
(iourgo E Walsh In North American Hu
Oaa An-iinl lo Have a 'nw.
"Just after l'resldeiit MeKlnley's In
tUgUration hu had his relativi s vvl.o vv. re
In tho city ut u family dinner at the While
House," says The Ladloo1 Homo Journal
"It was a largo company nnd u very gixsl
dinner. Dear old Mother McKlnlcy was
there, but sho wiis not very talkative. She
was too happy Mf words, lint she kept a
sharp eye on thu dinner, and no detail ut
It ustaHsd her. She was IfflntOOMd by the
ipiuhtliyof cream served with the fruit
und coffee, for she looked up ut her son In
her SWOOt way und said:
' 'William, you must kis-p a cow now.'
"Homo of the younger membon of the
family party found It difficult to suppress
a smile, but, tho president, With his 0001
tact nnd gniclousiiess, replli d
" 'Yes, Mother, W0 can afford to have a
DOW now and huvo all tho crcuni wo cull
possibly use. ' "
I'unuy HthOi
Ellsho (incllnisl to Isi facetious) I'm
m.tiliiir ti, lu. nr, tlv bald, nn n l D S'lSiso
i you'll baVO to cut my hair for abOdt half
I price hereafter, eh?
Tentorial Artist Oh, HO, SUI We id
' ways charge double v. lien we have to hunt
i for thu hair:-'Boston i raveler
Somu years ago W II Dr.. vv n. chief i 11 I
gin.iT of MO nnnsyivauia ram '" v '"'
intnsluissl to a a rgyman as grww
brldgo builder in tin uiitry UDO fO0
build 0 bridge tOttSSOltyf" Otacd thu oh r
gymun. "100, U you con lurnlnii thu
abutmonU," WM the prompt reply
is yib Will fill Penil His Ton
liuofj il Work.
I I ICM II l.l I I I 'I I
II Will Ih Itnrned u KM ,m. 'il
that J W JohroM, prolaooof of utiu
in lbe University of Oitmoi has re-
signed, i neeounl of bis pour health,
t. ;, i t,.r he . x press, il his reuret in
leaving lbs University ami
''rof J ,'"""' l" Bu '"' fr"1"
'"r'a..d in 1176, bavtrt been oloeted
'""'"'I "' 'nlverity. Ho
opened the aaheol on Oct 1ft, 18T8. The
only membei of the original faculty
j, j,, ,ti(, M.I(H, .ri)r 'w ('onr00
, ,. !
Ho held the po-l'.l.ill of 'n sldeut
u .. r,K. a
I . I. ....... h...ila ...
l'nif Johnson bull up mitt ol the
leading educational lUstllQtlOttA In
the nortliwoat. He mu aueeoao not
only as a U nelu r ol latin but shw as un
sxeeutiva ofReor, We trust the Pro-
f, MM 111 live long among his Mends
lie is a limn thai can lie I Misled In
ovary walk ( life.
The Qcajid nrgreta to see bin leave
the institution in which he haswnrkid
m miimullv ami liilelllgelil ly Mr (lie
jmst tweiilv-tivo years. We will have
mute III mv il l lit II e. ill. I e I' ll wl
lbe Inotllutlon at u m.ui una.
QOOD III IIM.. Marshal Stiles,
Johnny iiuni and Andy lotyior return
e,l last night (r un a limning trip to
Bine river, They aranl lo that place
Monday ami We, In,-, lay while out
hunting .Marshal Hliles came acliHis
three line deer and n Spotted faWU, He
killed II nine deer nt Ihne thotO,
bleuklllg I i of Iheir lock, Hllil slinnt
lug the other one UtNOgll lbe
ibouhloro lie oould have killed the
spot led fawn hill thai isugiliist the
law, mid Isi' gup, lie. uftlc, r and u good
cititen, he OjOOloMd, It would sct'in
thnl Marshal Stiles is the Isms hunter
that h is g, oie out ftmu Kngeiie this
season. S une are Inellned lo think
oor popolar Marshal isjokiog but the
(Ii akiiis aaUsfled thai in uuhd the
deer us detailed.
Insank Tills foreiiiMiii Chaths
Alexander renuesstHi Uoforth, was ex
MBlntd St .1 unci Ion mi the ehurge of
Insanity before the Justice and Medl-
o,i Examlnoro Dii N LLtoand K I'
(iiary, mid was ordered committed.
Bo UI M yean Old lunl been married
nnd hud two children but they are
dead, The oaaao of bio loaa&By is the
over use of alcohol He urrlveil
In JnnOtloa a day or two ur from
OpJUbrnbv Bherlfl Withers broagbl
the man In re this nflernoon mul will
lake him In the asyliiin on the early
train tomorrow. Deputy sheriu Day
soya be uirvsttil I he man here fur
diuukelincKS two years ago, while mar
sIihI. He hole the same name nt I hat
(line us he dOM now.
W.VK ol BATM Marohflold News:
"There is war bet ween opposition eottt
panleH on the Druln route, und cut
rules nre in order. Word was brought
to town Friday, timi through tloteta
Irom Jin vis lauding to Dialu are mII
lagatfl.fln" BeooborgBavlewi And
we are liifiiimid I hat one may puy fare
or not. jil-t us he pleases. It in a gissl
Ukm lo go lo tho boaeh lor roaraatloiti
Minnville Trm script: "The 01 gage-
pjmuioI I'resii I, Boardoaan and MIsm
Alice Dorrls is uuiiounced, the wed
ding to occur ulsitil Kept 1st. ,v truly
worthy couple." The GOAHD desires
to ritood onogralolatlono even mis Ur
in ad van o,
a Lamii Pnaou. -Col 8 P Bladfli n
yesli i. lay evening premnleil this olllco
wiih a peach Iron in his orabar I ihat
iiiensiited III Inches lu eiieilinferenci'.
W hi ran beat II'.' What does Kdllor
MHehell, of Jacksonville, usy about
Salmon Kisiiinii. Wb Kyle and
tl tber -.. 1 1 ut ryineii that operate on
lbe lower Bloolaw river ore now got
ling leuily lor aeilv work. It )h ex
pi elnl Ihat the cannery al that pluce
will MOO start up.
The wheat market Is lifeless. On c
couut ol Hie plosM.'Cte of big eropn all
over he world tbe price Is down ami
ibe outlook la not ijood for its getting
up very much.
MeMlnnVllMTnuaerinti "Our old
fr'eod N B DoBoJa arrived home from
Foley Spring- Saturday lent, ooking
us If Ibe trip bad agreed with hun. Ii
looks oatoral lo bm bin at bis ktuthm
about tbi hotel niter sn ata,euue of a
mouth or more."
Portland Telegram i rroiessor u w
Jaivi-, prloolnal of Hie AtkliiHou
-el ool, has j'i-1 returned from a six
I w, ,-ks' nbseneo
In (ieorgls aud South
Carolina, where he found linn s very
good and everybody elated over the re
sults olour rub with Spain.
The English and German Expert Spi