The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 03, 1898, Image 2

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    Eugene City Guard.
I. I.. CAMI'll FM., Prui.rl.l..r.
Complete Review of the Telegraphic
Kewf or Thin and All Vor
elgn i '
The queen-regent of Hpain has signed
n royal decree, convening the OOltol
Heptoiubor 6.
Oropi in several provinces of liiiMla
are woithless triii year ami people aie
beginning to ask the government forro
lief. A fumine in feared.
(ioneral Morritt Iiuh assumed govern
or's duties in (he 1'liilippiiiM, and (lio
commund of tlio urmy at Manila haH
been transferred to Gonoriil Oils.
Correspondence published bv Socro
tary Long goes to show that Cotnmo
doro Hchloy agreed with Admiral
Sampson as to the danger of entering
Santiago harbor an long us the mind
were in position.
According to a dispatch from Madrid
to a London news agency there lias
been serious lighting between the (Span
ish and insurgents In Cuba in wliioh
insurgents lost 600 killed and wound
ed. The leport cannot be continued
from other sources.
Madrid is irrltatod at tho failure of
tbo Cubans to respect tho protoool In
ii 1 m Troublo may possibly follow,
and the Spanish government tbroutena
to send the Spanish troops in Cuba
against the insurgent! unless the latter
cease their reprehensible actions and
ubide by the terms of the protocol.
The tirst mustering out orders issued
Include eight regiments of infantry, llvo
batteries and six troos of tuvolry.
The list as made up by tho war depart
ment include 2H batteries of artillery,
nine regiments of cavalry and 0 regi
ments of infantry. Doth batteries of
Oregon aitillery are included in Un
order. A Madrid dispatch says the govern
ment has advices from ltiim, governor
of tho Viscayas islands, and successor
of (lencral Jiiodonoa in tho governor
Keneralship of the Philippines, saying
there has been bloody lighting between
Spanish ttnops and insurgents, with an
estimated loss to the latter of BOO men.
The Spanish losses were "unimort
lint." Tho dispatch says a number of
insurgent chiefs were captured and
A Manila dispatch says that at
conference held between the insurgents
end Americans, the foniicr declared
emphatically they were wiilllng to oo
ooiuto with the Americans and to sur
render their aims promptly!! assured
tbo islands would remain either mi
American or lliitish colony, under the
protectorate nf either nation. Other
wise the insurgent leaders asserted they
would not dure to disarm.
lnlera for n leasing 100,000 volun
toeis have been issued by thu govern
ment. John I'olo was drowned by the cap
sizing of his boat during the llshhoat
ruuu at tl o Astoria regatta.
The supreme lodge, Knights of Py
thias, met in biennial session in the
hull of the house of ropicscntativoa at
Indianapolis, Ind.
The British expedition in the Soudan
report! terrible scenes of slaughter by
the dervishes. Everywhere uro evi
dences ol misery and decay.
The '.Mill annual meeting of the
Alton iean Hunker's Association con
vened at the Urouilway theater, Denver,
Cola, Tuesday. Most of the Mm dele
gates expected were present.
There are now in the hospitals at
Cain p VVikotT, Mnntuuk Point, nioro
than 1,1100 men. Of these about 000
are in the general hospital In deten
tion. Many of tDOM in the general
hospital are Improving, and seine are
now being discharged as well every
Kight men were killed, possibly 10,
and live injured, two fatally, nt tho
('urnogio tunnel on Chartier's division '
of the Panhandle railroad near Pitts-bun-.
Pa. The accident was due to the
wall of the tunnel caving iu. The'
deml me: John Jones, foreman: Felix
Mills, a laborer, and six unknown
General Merritt has sent word to the
wur depaitiuent that he needed no
more tumps. This statement was In
respousu to an inquiry from the White
House. The president and bis war!
munageii ate well pleased with the
general's dispatch. They accept it as
an ji--.ii ice that the American com
in. n. dei has the Filipinos under hia
Coincident with the West Indian
sugar conference to assemble at llurha
does September H, for the purpose of,
protesting against the sacrifice of tbo
colonies, Jamaica is preparing a plebis
cite to the Uritisb parliament, icqucsl
ing permission lo endeavor to arrange
(m annexation to the United Slates.
TIN promoters of this movement ate
endeavoring to secure inter-colonial co- I
nperation, but are not depending
up.. n it
Minor New Items.
John II. Lane, storekeeper of the
United states transport Minucwaska,
dropped dead on hia boat at Savannah,
The total earnings of 60 railroads (or
tb.- month of July amounted to 24,
438, 4S3, an increase of 60,3J8 over
the same month in ISO".
One of the Hint business enterprises
to follow the acquisition of Porto Uico
ia likely to be a new cable connecting
that island with the United States.
Throe hundred and sixty-seven thou
sand acres of land will bo restored to
the public domain in Minnesota and
on October S next entries for homestead
title- can be made.
Mine. Charles Frederick Worth, wid
ow of the famous cos turner who died in
Maiclj, 1HU5, and bia successor in the
auieriiileiidciii-o of the Worth establish
ment, dieil in Palis.
Col. Boose volt has aent IS to each
of tho live rough riders lying wounded
In the pot hospital on Oovernori
Island, with the message to notify him
if they needed anything.
Camara'a decrepit svjujdroii, all that
fa loft of Spain's navy, has arrived ut
Pell'. I f
Dewey has transferred his flag to the
cruiser Baltimore, thu Olyrnpiu sailing
for Hong Kong to be docked und
Tho United States peace commissi' in,
so far as it bus been made up, is com-
P I of Senator Davis, Senator Krye,
Whitelaw Itcid, and Secretary Day.
W illi, nn K. Vandeibilt and tho cap
tain of bis half-rater wero thrown Into
Newport harbor by the capsizing of
their craft, und had a narrow escape
from drowning.
Senator Hoar may be our next am
hussudor to treat Britain, President
McKinley will, it is said, make the ap
pointment if given assurance that it
will bo accepted.
In a statement by General Shatter ho
says the Santiago cuinpaign was bolt
lessly conducted. And the man who
io conducted it was Shafter, who is not
too modest to say so, and Incidentally
to reply to some reflections wliioh have
boon made iioii his method of doing
General Agulnaldo, interviewed nt
DaOOOr, declared that he was anxious
to Htipport the authority of tho United
States in those isauds, ami bo bad par
suadod tho other leaders to accept his
views. Once Spanish rule is ended, bo
favors the disbandiuent of tho insur
gent army.
A translation of Ocneral Illanco's
latest proclamation to :ho people of
Havana has reached Washington. It
saya: Proiorty-owncrs in Cuba should
refrain from all hostile manifestations
and put their trnst In tho United
States, which will do them Justice ami
protect them as regards their private
in forests.
Tho United States and Germany are
not in harmony regarding tho govern
ment of Samoa. Emperor Willi. nn, it
is said, is JeahiDS. A desire to absorb
tho islands prompts bis course. Corre
spondence now In progress between
Washington and Qerlin may lead to
serioua fiiction. Thu United Stub's
maintains a firm attitude with regard
to the recent extension of tho bounda
ries of Apia district
There has been n norloua clash at
Cavito between United States soldiers
and insurgent'. Tho riot resulted in
the killing of one soldier, ami the seri
ous wounding of another. Tho man
killed was Trooper Oeo. Hudson, a
member of thu Utah battery. Dis
mounted cavalrymen charged and final
ly dlsporsrd tho natives, killing four
and wounding several. A band of
natives engaged in plundering u
Wrecked gunboat was charged by Amer
ican troops, who killed one and wound
ed another.
Secretary Alger, while on a visit to
Camp Wikoff, ordeied a furlough tor a
sick soldier.
Acting Secretary Allen says thoro ia
no prospect that the battleship Oregon
will return to the Cite i lie coast in the
near Inline.
Hy the explosion o the boiler o( an
engine used to npciato a thresher on
the (arm ol J. F. Kirk, If miles west
of Eugene, Or., one man was instantly
killed ami flvu tori I lily scalded by
escaping steam.
At M hhlletnw n, N. V., ion oreani
piepared with lemon extract, pur
chased from a traveling salesman,
caused the death of tlnee persons and a
arm ii ol other! aie sick, and mote fatal
ities are expected.
Meiritt cables from Manila announc
ing the arrival of the transports Rio
Janeiio and Pennsylvania. All were
well, mid no casualties wero reported,
excepting that Plivato Wenks, First
South Dakota, died on the voyage.
A sot iocs insurrection bus broken out
at Nad in, in the interior of tho Hainan
islands. The American missionaries
mid native converts have sought refuge
in safe territory. The French may
Interfere it labali are not mpprtaaul
The ThlnValla line steamer Norge,
which bus arrived In New York, re
pot ts that she sunk the French fishing
schooner lal OOQUOttO, of Hiionnc,
Kiance, Saturday last, on the Grand
Hanks. The captain anil eight seamen
weie saved and 111 went down with tho
Spain is apparenty willing that I 'or
vera's men remain in America. Bagaj
la's lefiisal to accept McKinlev'l offer
ia now regarded with suspicion, and the
prisoners in conscipienco may not (am
so well in the future. No officers will j
be liberated unless the sailors accom
pany them.
Two passenger trains came together
at Pint Union, Mich., with serious re
sults. Many persons were seriously
hut l. A panic mining the passengers 1
followed the collision and in the rush !
for the doors and windows of too cars
many women were trampled under foot, I
many slight injuries being thus in
dicted. Advices from Honolulu, by the
steamship Moaiui, slates that the con
grcssioual miuiibers of the commission
to report on a form of government lor
the territory ol Hawaii, ai lived at
Honolulu August 17. The commis
sioners met Dole and the cabinet, and
proceeded to organise foi business. Sen
ator t'tllhuil is , li nt lean
F. A. Loach, Nporlutendtil of tho
United States mint iu l'ort Towns, ml.
Wash., estimates that the gold output
of the Klondike thisyeai has boon onlv
boat t.VHM.OOO.
The president has appointed Jndge
J. M, Hobson, father of Lieutenant
Hobaon, of Merrimao fame, poslmustei
at Greenstniro, Ala. Mr. Hobson ia a
democrat, and the nomination was uiadt
at the earnest taojieat of his republican
fellow townsmen as a murk of good
A company of New York business
men aie making arrangements t,,r the
en-otion of an Ameiican hotel iu Ha
vana, as soon as the city is evacuated
by Blanco,
Pettit, the missing millionaire real
estate dealer ol New York, is retried
to have been among the passengers who
perished on the steamer La Bourgogno.
Whilo leaning (Mm window of the
knitting works in Shamokin, I'a., Mis
Jennie Allie.ui. n.-l 1 years, was olei
Irooutod by her nose coining ,u contact
with a telephone wire that had bean
creased by a lire arc light wire.
Strained to
of Rupture.
Chinese Foreign iim., A.-ting I'n.lei
instructions rrom BaaiCa A a
it at I'ort Arthur.
Loudon, Aug. 20. The Peking cor
respondent of the Daily Mi l MVl
The situation has become acute. The
il lations betwacn the tsung-li yaineri
aii I Blr Claude McDonald, lire
minister, are strained to the point of
rapture. Sir (Maude McDonald has in
timated that any failure by China to
observe (treat Hrltain'H whims will be
accepted us a casus I-Hi. In supMrt
of Sir Claude MnDonabi, the fleet h e,
been concentrated ut Wei-llui-Wol and
Hankow, arid all the warships under
6,000 tori.i have been mobilized in the
Yungtfto liver. Tho naval demonstra
tion la solely directed against China,
as it ia seini-ofTicially stated that the
existing relations w ith P tafia are cor
dial. A speoial from Shanghai says: Vio
lent scenes are reported to have occur
red U-twcen Sir Claude McDonald, the
British minister, ami M. I'uvloft. tbo
Russian charge d'affaires, owing to
the lattor's commending the tsuiig-ii-yamen
to revoke its agreement witli the
Hong Kong bank, under pain of the
czar's strong displeasure. The Chi
nese ulo inclined to Obey M. PavlofT,
seeing that tlx' Uritish conflno l). cm
selves to verbal piotests. The iosition
is now worse than ever. All the Bus-i-1
hi ships have returned to Port Ar
thur, while the British vessels lire as
sembling at Wei-IIui-Wol and Cheo
Foo. Extreme activity prevails ashore
at Port Arthur. All the information
obtainable tends to show that tho dis
patches sent to London from New York
confirming yesterday's cnhlegiiiin that
England hits been preparing foi n na
val demonstration in the event of
grave Anglo-Iiiissian couiplcutions, aie
merely gossip.
Urlllsh Forces Within Knrty Mile ol
the Khalifa's Klrongliolil.
Wady llamid, Aug. 'ii). Yesterday,
the gunboats with the Anglo-Egyptian
expedition seized the island of Gib-el-Boyan,
opposite Elhajir, about 40
uiiloa north of Onulurinan, the capital
of the khalifa. Tho iiland wiil bo
used us an udvuuce depot for stores.
The Anglo-Egyptian tOTOM began to
advance yesterday, moving in live par
allel columns ut deploying distance.
They were led by Jauliu guides mid by
hands ol pipers, who were playing. It
was au imposing spectac'o. The
ft iemlly natives on the opixisite bunk
of the Nile Indulged in delighted war
dunces. The camp is now a wilder
ness of broken biscuit boxes and other
The derivsh scouts are active, and it
is rumored there is a dervish force on
thu left bank of the Emirs BooU and
Wubilshuiu. It is reported that the
khalifa Is preparing to make a stand at
Kcucrri, seven miles north of Ounliir
man, lllltl will defend the Mubdi's
tomb to the last. 1
iirtiuii Oeasal i.nnkiui out for Aaaeri
can Missionaries.
London, Ang. 'JO. The Daily Mall'l
j Hong Kong correspondent telegraphs:
j The Hritish consulate nt Kiuiing Chnu
i Hainan, has asked the American con
sul at Canton to urge the vlootoy to
I send soldiers to Nisleii, near lloihow,
I tO protect tho lives and pioperty of
Ainericuu uiisslouiirics there, who have
been obliged to flee for their lives (lorn
Nodia mid seek the protection of the
, Hritish consul at Hnihow.
The lliitish consul appealed to the
i tuo-tai to protect the threatened Amor-
j i"Bns, and soldiers were dispatched who
i siiceeded iu rescuing them and esooit
; iug them from Nodea to lloihow.
tiatnar I naiif united for the Puriieno ot
Ulalng KuniU.
Havana, Ang. ail. Lust night, a
bazaar was inaugurated having for itr?
object the raising of funds for the re
lief of the poor. The civil governoi
w us one of the patrons of the haiuur.
The huildlng in which the affair war
held was rilled to its utmost capacity,
and a huge OTOWd hud assembled out
aide. An American merchant has given (
hands of potatoes, and Ming Chua
Barton has offered 50 barrels for ubo iu
the free kitchen!
tllai Clara Hurton, accompanied by
a number of her .party, went this morn
ing to Mutaiixus. The remainder of
tho Rod Cioss delegation remained on
board the Clinton ut Havana.
I', on of Vvtmr II. it ... n
Salem, Or., Aug. 37. The death Ol
1'eter II. Hutch, which hud been ex
pecteit rdiioo Sunday, when he wai
stricken with paralysis, occurred at 1
IV M. this liter noon at the family
home. For the past lonr days he had
lain in a semi -conscious condition.
The (uncial will lie held Saturday.
i". ' New v . . i . ...
BptlngSoM, 111., Aug. at. The see
rotary of state today licensed a new
political body to iucorpoiutc thu
"Social Democratic Association. " Eu
getto V. IXibs, Victor L. liorgor auJ
Seymour Steadiuau are iucorporutora.
Meaty Dank Failure In llerinanj.
Berlin, Aug. SO. A repot t published
ill some of the papers that tho Alice
mine Deutsche Credit RffeOteO Voreiscli
eruugs hunk has failed, with liabililict
or several mllllous, and no aaaots. 1
the liuukcre, it is said, have dlsap
Tukl.i Warehouse
Seattle. Aug. 2t. The steamer Bio-
jon Maru brings intelligence that tin
Japanese commercial world is beinij
tout to its DM Ml by the discovery ol
frauds-Ill ttie management of the Tokie
Warehouse Company (UltgJO 8oko
: Kluoi). Up to the time the Biojun
Maru left the Oilont, the investigation
of (rands showed the deficiency to b
over M)0,000 yen.
The akin
atont the l -g
of an eel. if worr
rill cor rheutnatliro.
itlekeen nt. r rndoult.llr
Lost with
All Hands
8an Francisco, Aug. 2u.-Ncwa has
been received hero confiiuiing the re
is.rte.l loaa of the stem-wheeler
Htickeen Chief. A letter received
from Juneau dated August 10 brings
the coiilirinatory news, and fulher says
that the diaastor was doubtless caused
by an explosion, und that the ciew and
passengers, aambtring 18 persons, weie
undoubtedly lost. The Doru saved a
dog, which was found Heating on a
piece of wreckage.
That it waa an explosion that caused
tho loss is Interred by the Dora'aciew
from tho fact that inoal of tl"' wreck
age was broken Into small bits.
The wreckage was found m latttuoe
fifl.88 noitli, longitude 14.'. 13 west, on
August 0.
ilea as at Two Mourn. flat trim
(Traaelaee for it, Mlabaala.
Bar. Fiutroisco, Aug. J9. The steam
er Dawson City, which departed Iron
here for St. Michaels more than two
months ago, bud a very bud time of it
on her voyage, und arhon lart beard
ft. .in had not readied her destination, j
She was the imal I est steamer ever left
here carrying passengers for Alaska,
and was intended to go up the Yukon,
dredging the river to make it navigable
and tils. i to scoot, tin gold. A letter
from the steamer dated ut Dutch Harbor-
says that it took her 35 days to
react) that port, which her commander
expected to make in 10 days.
"lit l.nmlier ii, i ii Wreck In
VI. Waters.
Seattle, Aug. 20. News touched here
this afternoon of the wrecking of tho
burk Guardian on tho rocks off Tegal
da island, Alaska. No lives woio lost, j
Captain Eagles and tho crew took to
tho lifeboats and pulled tliiougli the!
fog II miles to Unnlaska. The Gait
dim will undoubtedly ben total loss,
a- she was fall going to pieces when
last sighted. The Guardian was re
turning from Kotzohtio sound, where
she bad landed a large number of pas
sengers. San Francisco, Aug. 20. Tho Mer
chants' Exchange hero has received
word from Unalaska, continuing tho
report ol the Wreck of the bark Guard
ian. The captain and crew have laud
ed at Unaloaka. The Qnaidian was
bound from Kotzcbue sound for Seattlo,
and ran uground during u fog on Togal
da island.
One I'tuh Hnldler Killed mid Heveral
tVotuided Ii jr Nilllvi-t.
Manila, Aug. 29. Last Wednesday
a corporal and two men ut buttery U,
Utah aitillery, after disembarking at
Cavito wero sent on an errand. Whilo
passing through tho streets, Trooper
Hudson discharged his revolver. It
was in mere fun, but the natives iu tho
immediate locality were much alarmed
foi a time.
Tho natives immediately begun fir
ing. Dismounted cavalrymen were
sent tO 40011 the disttu banco, but tho
natives mliondontood the movement,
and thu bring became general.
Trooper Hudson was killed, and Cor
poral Anderson mortally wounded,
Troopori Lajnlon, Machhur, Connoly
mid Doyle, of the Fourth cavalry, wero
seriously wounded. Four natives wero
killed, mid several wounded.
Agolnaldo has axpreeaed regret at
the encounter, and promises to pnniab
the olTenders. No lurther troublo is
rrtlculiir of Ho- Clash,
New York, An,'. 'Jit. A copyright
special from Manila to the New York
Journal says: There ban liecn a seri
ous clash ut Oavlte between United
Slutos soldiers ami Inaurgentt, Tho
lint lesnlled in the killing of one aol
dier, ami tin lorioai wounding of an
other. George Hudson, a mem Dei of tho
I'tuh battery, got into a dilpQte with
a native shopkeeper. Fearing trouble
he Ilrcil his revolver iu the air to at
tract the attention ol soma fclluw-sol-diers.
A great crowd of natives ran to
the scene ol the dlltUlbajlOB, an I began
tiring their revolvers, killing Hudson.
ami seriously wounding Corporal Will
iam Anderson, of the same battel y,
who bad harried to tho assistance of
A detachment of the Fourth cuvalry
was culled out and dispersed the Fili
pinos, who continued to fire their re
volvers as they retreated, but without
doing any more damage
On the same night some of th? sol
diers doing guard duty saw a lingo
party of natives stripping the wreck of
u gunboat which was lying in Cavito I
bay. A bout with an armed (nice was
put off shore, and the sailors hailed
the natives, who failed to answer.
Then the soldlots fired a volley, killing
one and wounding another.
Iludinn ( nine I ruin linker Oily,
Salt Lake, Aug. id. The killing of
a Utah soldier and the wounding of
another at Cavlte. us announced today,
created much interest hero. Doth men
were iucuiIhts of battery B, under com
mand of Captain F. A. Grunt. Tho
man who was killed was George II.
Hudson. He enlisted at Moicur, May
ft. Hit boma waa originally at Baker
City, Or., where his lather. Dr. Hud
son, now resides.
A Pewllah Kvpeditiun.
Atlantic Citv. N. J,, Aug. 27. In a
boat II feet long, well provisionoM,
Captain William Andrews has suiled
from Young's ocean pier for a trip to
Europe. His boat, which is peculiarly
constructed, is known us the Phantom
Ship. The captain expects to reach
Europe within 00 davs, in spite of all
Profes-Hir Hill, of the geological sur
vey, says annexation is Cuba's ultimate
Another War leailmeiil lllumlrr.
Chattan.HVa, Tenn., Ang. 29. It ia
anncunced this after noon that it will be
piactically iiirMssiblo to maintain the
Third aimv cups at Huntsville, where
it has been Ordered to ptOOeed bom
Chickamauga. The Indications are
, that the corps will sent in its en
tirety to Anniston, Ala., a place said
j to be adapted lor camping a large body
! of troope. The officials here have
j "greed upon the change In plans, and
only await indorsement tmm the wai
department. The reason fur the
change is scarcity of watei ut Hunta
1 villa.
Mines Better Than
in the
i -nn, . i- of a Oeeaaataat Hani
lias Huereeded There I nrt
Yukon food Hint-
W ho
Portland, Of., Aug. 17. "The man
who can go into the Klondike cmintiy
and succeed now would succeed if ho
atuv at homo," said II. W. Bboiidao,
who has just returned from that Ml
land, lie was formerly superintendent
of a Kansas City railroad, but vein
gO he left Portland for Alaska, Went
over Ghilkoot paM ami down tbeiivei
to Daw on, ibenca tq Fort Yukon,
where he spent most ol the winter, then
he returned to Circle City, and Anally
out by way of St. Michaels, where hi
I topped several weeks.
"Yes," continued Mr. Sheridan, "u
yoar ago a man itood n good chance of
striking something worth having, if lit
got in before the main rush reached
the cam. Hut thoso chances were ull
taken long ago, and tho man who suc
ceeds now will have to be possessed of
tho qualities thut would bring him sue
cesa anywhere, And in thut case, he
would hotter remain in a olvillaed
Mr. Sheridan wont In with a party ol
seven men, which was known as II. W.
Bberidan & Co. Aftor sixing up the
situation at Dawson, they took n con
tract from one of the big companies for
chopping 120 cord 6 of steamboat wood,
ami delivering it on tho river hank near
Fort Yukon, and thithor they went.
The terms of the contract wero that
the company waa to provide the
necessary supplies for the woodchoppers
and pay them fa per cord for the wood.
Sheridan swung a 4'i-poutid ax until
tho wood contract was tilled, and then
he took to trailing, and found it a great
, ,. . , .
eul more profitable nd a great deal
less laborious. Ho bought and sold
outfits or mines or Anything that was
nn aiticle of commerce in that country,
lie said his business brought him en
tlrelv satisfactory returns, but declined
to say just how much richer his year's
existence in Alaska had made him.
"I will say this," raid ho: "I
cleared as much in gold in my one year
in Alaska as I could have made iu 10
years railroading, and I Live always
commanded a pretty fair salary, too.
Besides, I have two gooJ claims there,
in American territory. I shall leturn
to them again."
Mr. Sheridan had some notablo ex
is'rionces in Foit Yukon. lie was
brought to the front at the time of thf
food riot and rendered valuable service
to Captain Kay.
At Circle City Mr. Sheridan thinkr
present prospects much brighter than
at Dawson. The Bitch creek digging
cover a milch greuter urea thuu ths
whole Klondike country, though the
claims there uro not so fabulously rich
afl a few of tho choicest Klondike,
still many thut paid 1(20 to $50 a day
wero abandoned for the Klondike rush
and are now being retaken. Reatak
ing is in progress all along Birch creek
uud its branches, and a great many
miners are going in there again. As a
permanent proposition thoso mi nes will
bent the Klondike. I regard it as a
better Held (or the mini r. Mr. Sheri
dan says there are just (our good mines
on Minaak creek, and that the great
furoro over thut creek is u systematic
booming scheme (or tho benefit ol cer
tain piomoters.
Nine Slt k Solillers t until., to Stun, I the
Inlwnge ii.-at.
New Y'ork, Aug. 27. Tho heat if
playing havoc with tho sick men in
Camp Wikoff, und is partly responsible
for the following deaths which were
reported today:
Private John Ilnllon, Seventy-first
New York; Private Thomas Smith,
BerenUi United states Infantry, Both
i of the above expired in the general
Dorand, a colored man of company
A, Twenty-filth infantry; Ausex, Lull
ing and Dosoll, troop E, rough riders;
AngOJt Bhralter, orderly of company
K. Seventy-lirst New Y'ork; John
Simpson, company D, Tenth regiment
regular infantry; Sergeant (1. P. Bind
ley, company F, Sixteenth infantry, at
the detention hospital.
rhoro are 1,120 sick in tho general
hospital, and 810 In the detention hos
pital. There arc 210 oases of typhoid
fever. One bnhdied and thirty sick of
the Eighth Ohio voluntteers wore land
ed from the Mohawk today and taken
to the detention hospital.
B ratal port.
Allen City, N. J., Aug. 27. While
wrestling today at tho Linot Park for
the championship belt turned over to
Uichard K. Fox by Ernest Itoehor,
"The Terrible Greek," Iloraklides,
and "The Strong Jap," Takczawa, be
came involved in such a heated strtig
gle that the former was rendered un
conseins by the fearful pressure exerted
by the wrestler. When the
mutch was stopped, tho Crock whs
black In the fuce and was in spasms.
Tonight he lies in a precarious condi
tion, mid his death is expected.
H. T. Gage for tlnvernor of California.
Sacramento, Oil., Aug. 27.-Hc,y
T. Gage, of Los Angeles, was today
nominated for governor, Jacob H Neff
ol Placer county, for lieutonant-gor'
nor, by the Repnblloan state conven
tion. All the other candidates for
governor withdrew bofoio tho lonven
I ion mot. except Dr. Heorgo C. Pardee,
of Oakland, whose nun. ..i
h.A. .1.- . I"""'"
"7"". ",c ""'veniion, and who
uskcu uie ueiegatea to cast
vote tor his rival.
a unanimous H ani, the l.a.lrnnes.
battle, Aug. 27,-Janaiiese nn..
papers received hero today aav that Jv
pan want, ,l,uv U(rono
for their Bsh tosomcea. AU.ut eight
years ago. it i. stati-,1. Spanish gov
eiitmetit offered to sell the tslands to
- ..pan. but their purchase was success,
fully opposed by Cmmi Inouye.
New JmAm. W.-Motrti D.
I.t'n. l,,,r,,lW Juigensen. pri
a ei of ,he Seventy-lirst New York
volunteer., were killed wh.lo skvlark
mjon a train nea, Westbury. L. I.,
All or Hhnfler's Amir. Ineludlu the
Oaaereli " '"" laattaay.
Washington, Ang. 27. Tho last ol
shutter's army will euil tioni Cuba to
morrow. Tho following dispatch wiu
received at tho war depattment InU
this afternoon:
"Santiago, via Havti, Aug. 27. Ad
jutant Geneial, U. S. A., Washington:
Command all embarked except detuch
,, t of recruits of tho First Illinois
voluntcci infantry, and a part of tin
Ninth Massachusetts volunteer infan
try, all of which will embark tmorrnw
morning on transports now bore. I km
eral Bott, with tho First Illinoia, or
tho Berlin, uud the Berkshire with UC
convalescents, leavo this morning
Montane Point I leave with head
quartan and one company of tho First
infantry on the Mexico by noon today.
Instructions about tho Orizaba pro
ceeding to Montuua l'oint Just received.
Tho Allegheny left yesterday With till
Ninth Massachusetts on board. The
Unionist, having on board one company
of the First Illinois and private horses,
leaves today. Tho Saratoga, with Lieu
tenant Fieednian and 850 of the Fifih
Infantry, anired this morning; 80j
more are ainaotod on the Knickerbock
er in two or three hour a.
"SHAFTER. Major-Gonerul."
W III He Kent
nlnn of
intuit Feasting Caneln
'en.-e Negotiations.
Now York, Ang. 21. A riocial to
tho Herald from Washington saya:
Acting Secretary Allen said in nn in
terview thut there is no intention on
tho part of the government to diminish
tho fighting stionglh of the Noith At
lantic squadron until peace has actual
ly been declared. Foi the present and
pending the conclusion of peace negoti
ations, tho squadron under command
of near-Admiral Sampson will Ik) kept
intact, with a view of meeting uny
emergency that may arise.
Mr. Allen addeu that much time
und money had been expended iu the
as-, -ml In,.: of a formidable fleet of war
ships, and it would not bo judicious to
disband or scatter that fleet prcmutuio-
IJ. . AOU Ulliuun DUI "in a-,, ...
PJWffil0 reoeive such
i.. Tl . a,., ,,,ii ,, i,,
repairs us they mny need, but they
will bo continued in commission and
prepared for immediate eervico.
Mr. Allen says there havo been no
requests from tho pooplo of tho Puciflo
coast for the rcturu of tho battlo-ship
Oregon. It Ib possible that she may at
some future time return to tho Pacific
station, hut for the present she will
remain with the Atlantic squadron.
Ponding tho conclusion of peace no
i gotiationu, thoso oftlcera wbo partici
pated in the wur will he given leave of
i absence when circumstances will per
I mlt Tbo vessels of the fleet will not
: bo sent out of tho country on spcciul or
other service.
Hlilpluad of rruvUlnmi for the Starving
l'eople of lite IrIhimI.
Washington, Aug. 27. Tho Comal
sailed from Tampa to Havana today
wtih 1.000,000 government rations for
distribution to tho starving people ol
Cuba. Thcso rations will be distrib
uted by Lieutenant A. 1). Niskern, un
der the direction of Captain Lotus
Niles, of the artillery, in conformity
with tho orders of the president ami
secretary of war. Supplies will be fur
nished toother provinces in tho island
under tho direction of officers of tho
ai my as tho emergency demands.
It has been learned that thoro will
bo no difficulty regarding the entry ol
tho supply Teasels to Cuban ports or
their distribution under the direction
of United States ofllcers. It is said
that the Spanish authorities in Cuba
are glad to have the provisions sent in.
Insurgents Welcome Peace.
Havana, Aug. 27. Tho British
steamer Bayan, from Jamaica, arrived
at CionfuogoH today with 1100 tons ef
provisions for tho Spanish muiy. Tho
steamer Clinton, with Miss Clara Bar
ton, of tho American Bed Cross So
ciety, has also arrived with piOTliioni
for tho society.
Bcports fiom Pinur del Bio say thai
the suspension of hostilities comos
agreeably to tho insurgents, as they
weie entirely without clothing, and
woro obliged to divide in small groups,
it being impossible to find provisions
for all.
Settlement of War ( latins.
Salem, Aug. 27. Governor Lord to
day received, concurred in and signed
n joint memorial to congress, urging
prompt and final legislation for the
settlement ol tno war claims of Ore
gon, California and Nevada, accruing
by reaaon of tho "costs, charges mid
expenses incurred by thoin from 1801
to 1805, for the defense of tho Union."
Tho document contuins a full, yot
concise history of tho steps heretofore
taken by tho states to havo tho great
public claims settled, and was signed
by Governors Budd, of California, und
Sadlor. of Nevada.
PfMllaent Stockman Kill, ,i
Thompson Springs, Utah, Aug. 27.
B. F. Graves, a prominent stock
man, ot this county, was ahot and in
stuntly killed yesterday by Del Weutit.
The men had some difference regarding
... vwumwaip oi property. They mot
yesterday at Bargard's ranch, and aftor 1
a lew wonts Winchesters
wero brought
Into use, and Graves
stantly killed.
waB shot und in-
Brisbane, Queensland, Aug. 27. The
British steamer Urmston Grange lust
reported at Townsvillo, August 8, and
the British steamor Duko of Suther
land, which arrived here August 9
from London, sailed today tor Manila
with 2.000 Jons of frozen meat.
Fall Rirer, Mass., Aug. 27.-Notices
were posted today at the Merchant's
Manufacturing Company of a two
week's shutdown, which will stop 12 -000
spindles and cause the enforced
idleness of I.-100 men.
Line of Transports.
Washington, Aug. 27. - Assistant
Secretary M.uklejohn. of the war do
partment, is contemplating tho cstttb
Ushment of iline of transports from
New Tork to Havana, Santiago, Ponco
ulTut V" Ptedtl..t the
Bne will be ready tot operation neit
week. Havana will not he on tbo
route at present, hut aa soon as that
port is open the war department', line
of transports will touch there. The
W twoili will have :he,luled
TTJS. del,ar,nre d itrival, like
any other ocean atoamship line.
Spain Will
Fight Against
"I Kill 1'HEHt(.
Fears of an Agreement liw
lain! A inert,,, .,,, JJg'
Ing I lo, ...
London, AuB. 2(1. A dlanata .
Standard from Madrid
Prance, says: A vety tlnf.onZll"
prossion bus been c.i in u.'-
telegrams attributing to Preakk
Mule, tho intention of instruci", ,
peace com missioned to insist ,
cession of Luzon, that Amwj-T-5
morco should have the sunio ftil
Spanish in the Philippine, J,".'"
Spain should pledge Itself tl, "'')
the Spanish colonies should be ml!
to European powert. If ,nco "
intentions of tho United But?,?
eriiiuont, the negotiations are ver, T
to lie laborious, oven if an imilerit.!?
ing Is arrived uL The Si,oi.
ode, ll.n , i ... """ urn.
j ".Hi"!! Ol IjllZI)!), u,jr
and most important island, to U
death blow to their prestige' uitl
eroignty in theso regions, and tluTli
'would bo irretrievably weaken! h
the presence of American! io Ihebsw
of their colon jut.
Commercial oquallty with the Dnit.
,cd States In tho anhipelago wotklZ
mil tho only advantage arid coair!,.
lion which they might mvo TT
to havo derived from the cent andtaH
Dees which have been necewar. ,j
maintain their rule in the archipeiW
j Tho separation ol church and Ti
would ho mo9t unpalatable to am
Spuniarde, and would create grave dig.
unities in their relations with tberii!
can and the church, let ubme the p,,v!
erful religious orders in Spain, whidi
I are always disposed to side with Dig
varies iiguiiisi mo present ilyniity.
Lust, hut not least, any pli-due ti re
train from ceding any part to tin;..,,
ers would displease many MatenMi
and people of all classes, who are dailr
more and more inclined to advocate tig
salo of the Spanish urchi4-laKIIC( tl
tho highest bidder, especially to Cooti
nental powers most likely to bo in pwj.
tion to arrest the growth ol Americu
political and commercial inuueuce ii
tho fur East
Germs or Great Intrrnxthne,! Complin.
1 1. hi- Are IMs.-overrd.
London, Aug. 20. Tlio Tina'
Madrid correspondent suys: The i
cent articles 111 the Times rc-nmiuenl-ing
tho annexation of the I'ti i I i .ptoca
by America ate attracting much attra
tion here. They are regarded ai c
firming current rumors about a nerd
agreement between the cabinets at L
don and Washington for joint action u
tho far East.
In any case, it is feared that the in
tlorstamliug, which unipiestionablj t
ists, contains thu germs ol great inter
national complications.
Three months ago, w hen Spain sud
denly found herself alone fuce to ttt
with a powerful antagonist, isrb i
prospect, would have been Imihil will
delight, because it was believed thai il
a general imbroglio she woulJ bam
to find support. Now the politic, I Br
nation is better understood, ami lent
uro oxpressod that in a central conlirl
of tho great powers, whatever the re
sult, Spain would have to pay lesispat
El Libeial publishes a significant
article in this sense. Trying to tire
cast the Immediate future, it aw;
"Two contingencies are ponibfc
Either the gteat powers will come toll
agreement about their ri'specwe
spheres of influence, or thete will bra
great war, in which England will ( UT
n lending part against Kusaia J
France. In tho former case,
would loso the Philippines became tbej
would bo included in the partition. U
the latter case, England would begia Is;
nn attempt lo get possession ol tin
keys to the Moditeriuneati, inrludiag
Cent ami the Balearic islands.
may bo regarded as the kcyhoH.'
Trouble of Large Dlmenslonl la
Ing In the Orient.
London, Aug. 211. A disputed to tlx
Herald from Tangier says: Inj '
effectually to check the rumors ol tM
sultitn's death and divert tlio puWM
tention, it is assiduously leiwrle'l tl1"
the sultan has loft Marrakeah for '
there to leccivo tho ombassiea'iiaw"
visits, returning after the uprising h
been quelled. Meanwhile, the V
vizier is alarmed at the iiicreMi'l
rluence of Germany, and at lliulu'"i
demands, and is preparing to ""fJJJ
a Moorish embassy to Europe, proW
to London and Koine, to settle w
standing cluims. .. , .
The Spanish gunboat General
des arrived this morning with
incut orders for the Spanish vaw j
Thero is great excitement at the
consulate. Mohammed Torres 1 ,
corning threatening, "id the
i-n.-i ft i. :a , -o.-iucr I" l'
aio (leiiuni. ii meiu m .
ultimatum, a warship will elart at
for Spczza. . fl
There is absolutely no dollnwrjj
concerning tho sultan, ati'l ,0.J'
mind is nndecided whether ho 1! ,
or alive.
III, I I Ull'' "''' , 0.
Sau Francisco. Aug. t, -Tb," ,)
er Brunswick arrived tins even n,
davs from St. Michaels. viaDuU-'''
bor. with 2,600 pounds of
and 20 passengotrs from 1:l '!' ke art
Those coming from the KUei .u
reticent regarding the amount
uie brought down, hut the to"1
believed to be largo.
Fatal I'owrer staplosla .
Chattanooga, Term., A'lU- ilf
tremendous explosion at leJ:.d
ttin I 'I, .11 .ii.ioi'-l Pow h r
tViltowuh Station. IX mllM
killed two men, Lucius 1-
Hurton Mortchket, and 'iWJ. '
.. . au
several others,
bv fira
Tbo plaal i
Copenhagen, Aug.
thunder storm e wept the
peninsula today. S'.wy
were struck by lightning; " '
were killed and 39 farm barU'"
13 bouees buined.
fix r .