The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 03, 1898, Image 10

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iitieiMle - W
Keep in the World
For Infanta and Children.
I RMiiUi Lftfai
Keep informed of what is going on; read the P3! '
magazines; save time Irom '
rest and reading by using
.- -
r s -v a
AVefilable Prcparafion lor As
slmiinlliig tlc lootl nnd He v; u la -ling
ilic Stonmifci and Dowels of
i iuuiuivj "v. . ...
ittsflrulltest.Conlain rujillrx
aituin.Mori)iun(? wr .-tun-im
,m,Xm Smi'
fltntuJ S)ifr
ArxnVct Remedy rorConslip.v
lion. Sour Slomath.)iiHTlo.
Worms .Convulsions, revensn
ness andLossorSLEEl'.
Tat Simile Signature of
PINCH. The Philippine Inland, of which
Manila is the espital, have a ojiu
lation of about nine and one half
million. Silver oomprim ibj
principal money in circulati in
among the natives. Tha Mexican
Bilver dollar in the ravorito coin in
the city and the country, and the
American standard dollar is re
ceived at itH bullion value only. It
is the samo with American gold
coin, as neither twenty-dollar gold
pieces nor standnr I dollars area
legal tender.
If Urn United States is to retain
possession of the Islands thii con
dition ol Hllairs should bo changed
at once. All the silver bullion in
the tresury if coined into dollars
half-dollars, quarter and dimes
would not be eullieient to supply
the requirements of y,.r)00,000 ol
jieople. Then Cuba, and Porto Rloo
will have to be supplied with
American silver cjins, as the
lives ol tin e it-Ian 1 prefer silver
to gold. The silver dollars in the
treasury cannot he used for
plying tho Philippines and West wrapped and of standard quality.
Indios, as they aro represented in 1'hu eggs were repacked and sent
tho circulation by Bilver certificates, 0n, but the whiskoy was confiscated
and it bu.-mus probable, however i 0 the government. The l'ress
much the gold men my dislike it, j wishes to offer its congratulations
that our mints will have to be set trt tho custom officials for demou
nt work coining silver for our new strating to this community that
possofsions. Of courso various j n,ev know what whisky looks like,
eohemes will be deviBed by the gold .is this has been tho first capture
men to prevent the coinage ol sib made in threo months; and how
tor, but everything indicates that ; Wilson should he struck by light
we will have to 0O1D more Bilver if ning c nnot he comprehended.
we retain the territory acquired by
our army and navy in the
pines and West Indies.
jthmgh farther west, and conse-
Many a nice clean boy that went jquently lartlur Irom the great uwt
t) Manila as a Boldier will come cm niarkdB, Oregon shee i aro bot
nway contaminated with tho vices ! U-r than the Bhoep of Wyominu, to
of army lifi und with a great deal j which state wo export each year
more OXpOrtenOe tbaQ WbOO he left ; many hundreds oi thoroughbred
the shores of his natie land. The jrams to improve iheir Hocks. Fur
great bane of soldier life is giitnb-lther, Oregon sheep are rapidly Id
ling, and when the soldier has , coming as good as the best iu the
nothing to gamble lor he stakes J V uion, and, at the present rate of
the future. In other word mort 'improvements in breeeding, will
p "ges his,pay to I a omc due Hi re ftOOU bo the nest in the world.
L .. description an by Oregonian
correspondent of the time killing Tho Cuban debt was not permu
occupation: M 10 upy thd public mind
"Ourbuyo play poker a great j long, uor to obscure the re.. lly iiu
.leal the loser to pay on pay day portant issues, for the very simple
when it comes, and bnaiO of the I reason that the debt is Spain's, and
boys have quite a little stake c miing. never was, nor under the ciroums
Others have not." tances could it ever be, Cuba's debt,
'Others have not!" How true The bulk if the debt for which the
and expressive ol the gambling b mis now held in France, Ger
vice and passion. Money, future j mi ny and other countries were is
prospects, everything goes when und was contracted by Spam in
the camblinir li ver is un. And the
success of the winner is onlv tern
portry for he is likely to bo in part
rith the ill notten noesesnon. In
tho end no one is ahead. CaamliiiK !
scatters, dissipates; it Is not a pro-;
ducur, but a cousunt consumer,
Hence i.raclicallv all that follow
the enticing goddess of chance in
the end are losers.
OKKUONIIS "I'KOHl'l.lun ' i
The Oregonian heads a dispa'.cb
'Trosptrity at Hand." The jHiliti
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
You Have
AJ Kind
Always Bought.
Oft editor does not consult the com
rmrcial editor who, in tho same
insue, quotes valley wheat at 5(5 to
57 oentl a bushel in Portland. And
other products of the larm are at
the same low ebb. If the Oregon
ian really desiros u hotter state of
all bin it should me its powerful
inlliK nee to secure better financial
laws for the state. The interest hw
is tho first one that should be
amended. Tho farmer who is com
pelled to pay 8 or 10 per cent in
terest, and many of them are in
debt, must lose his farm on 10 to
oOoent wheat, the price he receives
tOO inling as his location obtains
cheaper or dearer tranjportation
The "prosperity ai hand, seen
by the Oregonian, certainly has not
run over the firmer and producer.
Uvea Prcae: Friday morning
tho customs ofii mils, acting on a
tip, seized 91 cases of eggs that were
consigned by the Hudson Bay
'company to T J Wilson in bond to
Dawson Citv
In each case neatly
bottom, were one
packed in the
sui)-ljoz'3n bottles of whisky, neatly
"I Journal says conlriry
to pas l custom ineep io urogon arc
selling as high as iu Wyoming.
iai why Hhouldn't they? Al-
, what ol late has been generally
termed the "ion yoftft1 war,'' which
distracted tic island several yeats
nrior to the Insurrection which h il
ended in freeing Cuba from Span-
ish dominion. Cuba s treodom re-
j hcvea her Irom any reeponftihUitj
, of the debt saddled upon her hv
Lakfttlew Kc.ister: I. W 15'ch
ardson has begun ihe OOMtroel on
of a steamboat to ply n the Kig
Klamath lake, (he dimensions
of which will be: length 02 f.el,
barn 1C feet, with a etearn nhtel.
It will contain a 20 boree power
horizontal boiler, a 12-horwi power
marine engino with counter ehaft
IDd two .proem wee. B"" I
to each end of the paddle wheel by '
endless chain helts. The boat will 1
have a H.ieed of eight milt-H an hour
and will draw 10 inches of water.
"High (ierman oflicialB," ao ord-
inn to telegraphic advices, aro com
ing to their sensis. They are ex
actly right when they announce,
probftbly as a feeler to test the MO
Umeotof other powers, that the
United States will not ask outsMe
advise as to the course to be taken
with the Philippine! Tliey are a
little late in coming to that con
clusion, but there is no doubt as to
its correctness.
Had tho war continued lor a
year instead of for threo months
I - I J . 1 , M.n,.tJ
and ii nan. inu KUToruiuviiw wvuiu
have been robbed right and left by
iim mill r raniiru ii iiriu nwwi iiiv
.t I i il..
come to light that an army con-
tractor sold -1,000 paper-soled
shoes for the troops at Camp Alger.
The fraud was discovered during a
short inarch, a march that was
practice and nothing else.
Hundreds of hop pickeri are
leaving Portland for the valley hop
fields. Thev ifo hv boal. thereby
.. . "I - - -
Becurinc very cheap transportation.
and scatter through Clackamas,!
M irion, Folk and Yamhill counties.
It furnishes an outing with a profit-
able side to the ledger account.
The military authorities succeed
ed admirably in securing a fever
breeding nest when they located
Camp Merrill back from S in Fran
cisco bay. Since the troops arrived
there it hn boon i continuous (ale
of fevi r and deat I,
In Husinkss O Iteltman opened
up a drug store in Portland, hist Moo
day. T J Craig i his chief clerk. SVe
wish Mr Battman luooeai In hi new
Junction City :
Tho most popular flour
loading grocers.
If you wish to soo tho finest
display of Hooks and Stationery
Evm brought to Eugene.
Entire stock iusl received
direel from Chicagt .
H. G. MM LER Proprietor
Will buy a 6-ft Antique
Extension Table at
Day & Henderson's,
vashixo po.oen
Tt saves both tita ml lakr
and gives:': that please.
York. I 0
w o
Hunts v Steamer
in tli.
Florence Wait Auiunl Wlb: "Yes-
tm4m$fim I
' h u, it. .mpywd
1( MorHe.H Bdiion l. wlluemi nnt of
tj, m0t Important eoerrta Io beat
bolldlng-tne launching. On tl laoo-
nil wai o W Hnrd'i new river
ateamertbal wa to float OB tb water
for the Aral time. Kverythlng being
hi n ftdlDM ihe blocks holding it were
...,t i i in. Klorenee for so It
was chrlstiOtd slid gracefully down
Ihe ways With her tlsg (lying and she
lloated "ii the river.
"8h- WM then lowed to Hind's
wharf where Ihe machinery, boiler
and water tanks will t placed in io-
UUofl and a cabin huill OB her. After
u oat of paint she will then be P ady
for a trial trip. All this will lake
ii..,.. m. it uill Km Home week vet be
fore the will be ready to make reguhr
trip between Moreiiee aim botmuu.
! .im... A H ..... .. IJ.,rul.l nf AllLMNt S8
iu m vwuj .... v. n
. .
has thn concerning a gentleman wen
K 11 III 1.UKCUC uiiu " ....v.-
portion of the county:
(r iiurv.v Kniniiierville. one of
,le lll()Ml prosperous slock raisers of
Southern Linu county, was iu Albany
'yesterday iu his Sunday best suit of
.-.I I 1.1. ... ... I. n ..... nu u bllttf
olotbes. looking as happy a a king
'The cause can be surmised from a
marriage notice to be found lu another
! column. May they live long and be
I happy."
Here is the marriag notice:
"S(lM.MKKVIl.l.K-Wll.SON On Nat-
urdav. Allimst 7. lS'JS. at the llevere
I VI.IIOJ , ..Hl.U. , , "
! jou-e lii Albmiy, Oregon, Mr H
Sommerville and Miss Alma Wil too,
both Of Linn county, llev D V Poling
0 A J (,f ftM fr0Il, B,
over the sllUe mW j0D Ul th( hearliest
of cougiatulations.".
a viise Couroe,
The Florence West sajs Hherlll
Withers and Attorney Harris take the
wisest course and also save the county
much expense by visiting the scene of
Crimea committed in the county and
Interview iie: w it nesses before Ihe time
8't (or trying the casea in court. Hy
this means they avoid tlieexpense of
persons traveling to Ihe county seat to
appear a witnesses unless they know
something of the ease and their testi
mony is needed.
Milling Company.
in the
market. Sold hv all
rsaooM h
Han Fhancisco, Aug. 10S
We have leli bilxy slghtneelug
that writing letters has tcarcely Uen
thought of. We arrived In riau Kran-ci-coon
Halurday of la-t week, and
bad a delightful trip. None Of our
crowd were sick, In fact but few on Ihe
boot were, ftl the sei wa very quiet.
Tha flrat da in Boa PronohwO we
vlilttd Camp Merrill and naw our
bofi They were all well nmi anxious
, ... u'lih ihe (xeentloii of young
Mead, who died lhat morning, and
mi Hut hmi for intormeot At IM
u i.u y,,u; Wiiller Shelley, who
I I F U " " V, ntm " w
ibu Australia. It was
v.rv nleanaiit nirorlse to us to Hurt
il,'t hit, eves are miicli b Iter and tbat
lie can u an und aiuiarently w llhout
.imi.iiiv. Id. will return home u-
iiix dlaobaiM l made out
Ileturnlng with Hhelley were Oeo K
Brown, Co G, Portlaod, wrn waon
Cn It AHhland. a former 0 of () stu
deut, Walter Dye and HerglChas Boot
OfUoK, riaiem, who have beeu dls-
I fur varioux ailments. iui
Dn an hi hi tad In Ol a collection of
curio that is v. .foible and moot iuli
eniiiiif from a historical standpoint
includes ftObeet ai.d shells from Ibe
Btioa CiUUna, a mom taken from the
hodoiifOMOf Ihe eight i khled
hv the inMiruenl, a candelabra liOU
vearx old from one of 'he cathedral
besides rare lOlOO, kbelU, etc. and a lot
of articles of native liai iliwork- Tin
collecli u Is probably
worth loda
tSGO vi t et lin n il. ciu-h :1 o. he
ti fonMimed in nil king it
We have viilul most of the tl.ealrts
iu the city, the Chutes ami Hutro
. ,n. .... v..,,,
.ll. . B . 'i ..... I
uuU 0ue nay was pas-eu on iina.u,
nai in Marin county, goiug via Hau
Balito. Hundav was speut in Ooldeu
(late nark.
Kuitcue people ire seen hi profusion
Dri" I. Loekey. Geo Keegan, otto
uilstrap. Mrs V Johnson and sons
II I .....1 I'l....-'.. ull.l . ' .11 1 1 I . I-
Oraut and Charles and daughter
Mai v. Harley Htevens and ether
who are now resident here, while
anion l Ihosu vUitimr have been
.i.iuil '.;.( i I .i.i i hikI rminlv
and two nieces from New York, who
will io KiiL'. ne. Mr Juo .sirau
mil I'h cent Ilr noil .Mtm W Klivken
.lull ii, I v llnrrls. Ih-V J V Das-
Miss Krinilie Tl.ollilison, Miss An
f iritlin nod our iniiirlel . D I Mall.
V lirilliii. Kl' Kish aud II W liow
Mrs I.'iiii-r mid teirtv ai.d Mi
Learned leave for Kllueiie lonllthl
Miudav Mr Hh and myself leave via
. t. -t mill Mollihiv iessrs Hull allll
(irilllo, MlssOritlln and aunt, aud Mrs
J (i Lliown. leave ovcrlauil.
Very truly
Ii. W. It.
Loouey Smith was Unable to be Ke
August 1MS
t al tie luyer are numerous.
A light sprinkle ot rain this morn
HOC'alliHon and wife ban gone to
Kitsoii Spring.
K W Eaton la worklog In the Km ney
nop yarn ai tiosiien.
MrsJ M Kieney was a visitor at
Pleasant Hill l 'st week.
PN Laird expects to leave for li e
mountains in a few davs.
Levi t'astli man li ft last week for a
crip across the mountains.
A beef wagon from Ooshen is roak
log weekly trips to our city.
A band of horses Irom Eftetera Ore
gon pussed throinh here today.
Mr ll c Eteofro i in Eugene for the
purpose of receiving medical treatment
S ltusstli lift last week lor Milion,
Oregon, to visit his mother who is
quite sick.
John Himd-aker of ihe Kuizene di-
vlnlty Mhool
preaobed at this place
Henry Sand, rs and Johnny Wallace
killed a cougar on upper Fall Creek a
lew oays ago.
Hank bridges ol Eden Vale is rapid
ly recovering fn m an attach Of
typhoid fever,
Our item of last week regarding the
social ehotttd have read tun it was In-
di llinlely posti o'ltd.
From a private letter received from
t R Hull who went to Kit.. Sprints
recently we I earn lhat hi Health h
The local gosi,,s ttre discussing a
proepfoUve wedding, Neither of the
young people live live hundred mile
from Jasper.
Fire which had been set lu a pile of
straw on J s HIII'l Matt Ml hmwl
OTMiiivi iasi week ami before
checked burned some fence
chicken home.
it waa
and a
a Bi y lar, who , one lime carried
UIHll on (he SnrinuHMl.l.r ...ii
r. ute writes from Phoe dx, Arizona
tbat it is very hoi ami dry there, ami
that irrigation has to be re.orled to,
His letter souud like he would like to
return Io Oregon.
J M Keeney and W 11 nst fcft
ben Friday niBht at 9 o'clock for Fall
t reek to Mt u brtniisf L.Kiney
Health home. They loiind that he was
nimble to return on account f hi.
be kOO knee cap and Mr UUwwll re.
mained with him while Mr Keeney
returned home yesterday.
I have discovered BATTLE AX!
There is a satisfied glad I 've got it expression oo
the faces of all who discover the rich quality of
It is an admirable chew fit for an Admiral.
In no other way can you get as large a piece of as p
tobacco for JO cents.
S Demember the name
i when you buy again.
turlelnliuiiir.,.ori'.,lrlii:Nl'i;)iM..N i. ..i ii :i. . A:,',mal
Ftnrenee- M apletoo Road.
At preeenttbe ooooty road hading
we-t from Bogene etopa nt ihe head ol
tide o i the Slo-'aw river. From lhat
point, Mapletou. to Florence it Is about
twenty miles, whiehmust be traveled
in skills or hy ihe lill'.e river steuiner,
which I supposed to make regular
trips. P., r lies going by team to the
HCiicnast are 0003 polled to leave their
boreee and vehicles at Mapletou, else
hip them down the river on a scow
at a considerable expense. Such be
ing the case it 1 not surprising that
tin re is a demand tor the completion
of the wagon road so learns can go
through to Ihe 00000 beach without
the expense H 'd annoyance of u river
shipment wh eh deteis many from
making the trip. The Florence West
ot August Jli bus this in point:
"Judge Potter, who is spending a
few days rusticating in this vlciulty
made a trip over a part of the in w
road between Mapletou und Florence
Tm -day. He informs us that he lluds,
after traveling over I lie route, lhat il
will be easier to i-i'iistrucl the road
than he hud Uo ught Irom looking at
Hie lay of the lul.d while passing up
and down the river. The judge fully
realizes the advantage it would le
not only to this valley, but to the en
tire country to have Ihe lead opined
thiough from Ma) letOQ to the bOQCh
and he as well hs the rommiMlouera
are aOllOOl to see it built."
Pkabb Wanted. A Calilornlan is
ben and wants llarllett pears to ship
to California He would like five or
six car loads, but will probably get
only a couple of car loads. He reports
a great fruit shortage in California.
Co I until
r I was taken 111 mv hair commcnceil to
Md turncil gray rapidly. I commenced
0 ETrtOOBA. Tli scalp becnuiolicaltbler
to natural every .lay. Now I have a
I lliiolimwiihalrnlloverniylteadabout
ii aad a hair In length. My nurse Is de-
ivnw mo new Bam uro BfOWB. I
e .hi very luxnriant hair, even in.
ii jiiy
i iMu
ten my head to-day
-. .iiiii i , leraA fini it.
U.LAWSi i. .ni.' Hamilton st-Albany.
,'ii'..".,Tw" '"-narirMi(iti.wa
, T """.".""S" '"i ci'Ticon ur,
' ' ' ' .rurormomtnU.
''it ,;,i I' rT l).r.cnr..SiU
0.l. Uo. , j l--oaUc. LMUO.UI Uiu, hi.
flotfs Nerverioe Pilik
TIlC gKl
remedy foi
cctvous pros
t ,-atlon anc
all ncrvour
diseases ol the
f..i-r.itiv or
KS: AND Al Ttll I'MMl Z . -l.t
ani or cui'.ci
' .. 'ICO as IT.TVn.v Pr,sot.-i;., I. ,.l... .
;,'V,nhojf,Ir-P0,cneY Nightly a
s Youthful .in on. Menial Wonv.
i, .v. '. r
Z oi i ooatco or Ufriu-n, wiiici
io Cunsumptlan and Insanity. $i.0X
s--. box by maJi 6 boxes, for SSiKl
M 1 1 1 mm CO., Piop'i. CiVieliijDk
For aale by Wllklus & Linn.
Columbus discovered America but
'r. S!
"tie akaaft m
t utnubM
For tale by W.lkits A I.ioi
FOR . .
CIGARS, nd -1
j i i 1 1 - f . ri c m m
i . . v x.iwirf . ' . 1 ei
mnit HPrp hum
v w a a. w j w 3
Briny ycur Hides ml j
Skins to cor lannerj.
For all No. 1 green bidad
ruiv von 1 to I ivn'saroaO
for No 1 drv hides 10 craWi
nnnml. I.' .r ',, " Hi-Oiirdinf W
iUiiiiiy, i io o ceon
Maui r isn't fr rnetthell
are paid in CASH it
The WilltoeluTs"
ho oi
alluys lMm
!., u v on. I
lief. 1'r v ' pS
I mont Isnrepar""'
In ot the pro '"wi
wnrrunto.1. I'v i'r ! v' m
celpt Of prii-e. .Hi. ' "
niLorni-Tiiqur: r.n . nop. n
..... . . ,
For sale by Wiikim!
.r. U if! St
n.r...l men m
fi-.-im O.B tlttllil
u. - wjbt:
....... ill. in.:, . a.
I I'ro.liil.ii ' , VmallX 'Zd
in nu i,- ' . ..uorr."-.".
er, the Doctor n
I th:it il i!l 11 '1
permanent curs.
) perform inin, les.
and squ.ire i bj
I in hit specialty I
W. i.tillla
ystrm wlihc
I I ItV "
celve . Mr "
HV i.
' Thousand '
, Con.llltalioil i I
I nit i i'i.' is f
. ment i"i ,., f "
.. T... I.I.II.I--1' l" I
. Irrm. I A i ..nlT
the finest aid ' . ' h "
VOCM. von" - j iTi
are made: r - 1 ( , ng
W e are ci "i i-al
n. . e
-. .
j -W. mm hi
a p noioBii r iiv-c
U 11
Ik Ik