A. ass- a. Jm ' ' "1i Ml -tin. irmjium nr. uiJnRii, jfJJJ iiTiiuim niTiiiiuuniTiuopiMKUTicriMtinn, III rn khs ii nuinnmit m miflil np m EUGEN1-, OR,, SATURDAY, BEPTEMBEB :i isiw m M I ROLL OF HONOR sick soldiers firk at roskborg. ,JKTri(; BKTTER HAIWPTON BROS Wo keep in the lead with our line of goods lor the public Health Conditions at San Francisco. SiiiiimscJ Id Have Bw ilw Work Roster of J. W. Geary Post, No. 7, G. A. R. M Burglars. All tin MM W& -ome Id make the prices right. iv store 1 1 1 m) H. in our store today. YEEKLY EUGENE GUARD. LmPEELLDROS , Publishers I'U'K I lldool Willamette street, Ik'- Iii. . ii . vi'lilli ami r.ik'iiin rtrerw asm OF SUBSCRIPTION. Yaar r lltuntli , Months futatr.' rat, - inaiie Kin wn on nppucati'ii Mill buai nes attain to TUB O yAKD, pat, Oregon, tUCKKV, HEM KH IN Its, Watches, Chalus, Jew v, Ik hiairin a. prninptlv dune. a:: work warranted. W BB WN, It, D. EHY8IUIAN AND SURGEON. i I ; tain in elms-nan Block. IHoum: " tn 11 a m; 12 to 2, fl to 9 p m. C Woole, OCR, AITuRNEY AT I.AW. Witt (W half Mock south of Chrimnan iclt, ! ! M , OKI PUa J WALTON NEMMiKl.lT TALTO.N & MARKI.K1 . ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW PI practice in nil the court of the state. in Walton Block. Kl'GENI, OltEnON. L WIIITSON, DENTIST. fflff l,iir(.,.,..l 11.. fivtiirAa ftf plate deceased W V Henderson. I ni prepariM to do anything in the lino oi ntbtrv iii ii, .i,u. ..iv,.... Crown .ni l bridge work a specialty. 0 i.ake, ANITB and BABBLE works- IcsuToa and haw nrtcpn in Foreign anil DomMti.. 1n.l.lA..l fl 1.. Xfni,nwtil BUadati ue. ami Cemetery work of nil kind 1 RSKATHEHINE I. BOBLIKF, M D Diataaea f Women and Children rHWge and Electricity. -Shelton Block, opposite (iuard office FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Eugc e. aid up Gash Capital, $50,000 Nus and Profits, $50,000 Eugene, Oregon. ,;KN'KI5AL BANKING ll'SIM - f- - 1 I ,n .11 - u; ... M;;0 hlcufro, San KraDciiw nd Port- . 1 1. t: i '' "change, told on foreign countri.-. Siy.'f revive.! subject to check or eertili - -. -waia, . en-.ru.teJ t. . M will r-c i .. ouon. ' G Hoiiaic. S B KakiN, C'anLier. Ireai,leBt No iale too Large, no sale too small to receive our atten tion and painstaking service And see us every day, for each day we show Special Bargains in bright new goods We place at your disposal the host goods in the market Our greatest ambition is to give you better trade than " Sever so much goodness crowded into values as you atMlnttoot. it nlattOM f Methodist Sunday Behoof, FrnnMui Oregon. Whereas, (tod Id hi mysterious providence hits called from out midst Elery Kirk and John Lemley, two be loved members of our (Sunday School; therefore he it Resolved, TiiHt ire extend our heartfelt sympathies to tlio bire.ved parent, brothers and hitters id these OTfd OOM, and deplore the Mtd acci dent Wbleb hax bfOUfhl hucIi deep grief to (be itrieken fumllitaatid cart a gloom over the eutire coiiituutiily. It MUI '!. That while we feel the niorit profound Morrow at the Mtd oc curreiice, we bow in Mtibuiisn-ion to Hie will who doetb all thingM well, and ray to those who mourn, a the man of God naid, "The Iiord gave aud the Lord hath taken away, lilc-scd be the name of (he Lord." liKSOLVKli, That a copy of these resolutions be hpread upon the tninuttg of the Buuday Mhool and be sent to the county papers for publication, lie it further RttOLVSD, Thl we feel the deep est sympathy for those who are still prostrated, as a result of the fearful ac cident, rihV pray Uod to remember them in their sulierlngs, aud if it lie lila will, restore them to health. Louise Bennktt, Cora Hill, Ei.SAniE Beam an, Committee. DaUd August iis, 189S. Oaili HEIGHT Train. --The SP Co has decided to begin its daily freight traiu service onBepHth. Ihii will be necessary in order to handle the Immense crops ol the state, aud will aive employment to a number of ad ditional trainmen. The new time card has not been received at Eugene. EUGENE LoaniSavingsBank Of Eugene, Oregon CAPITAL ciid up) $50,000 W. E BROWH feiidnt. B. 0 PAINE, Vice Prcildint. F. W, OSHUHN. Cashier. W. V. BROWN, Asl't Cashier DIRECTORS- FWOSBURN BD PAINE, W E BROWN D A PAINE. J F ROBINSON. J B HARRI8 A Seaeral Baaktag ! Triiiinncteil on FaTtraMt Torum Draft' lul "1 the principal lltjMjt fnited Htatea: also exchange MUM "" able In all forelatn eoimtrlee. Intereat paM on tuao atpoau. Klre prool vault for the atoraso of valuable P Coneclloiia receive our prompt alteullon. LANE COUNTY BANK Eaiabliahed la IS8., or EUGENE, : OREGON. A General ankingibusiness in all branches transacted oi favorable terms. A . HOVEY, President J. M. ABILVMH, Caahier A ii HOVEYJR.. Aanttaebiei The following comprlMH the o m lete Ut of all name of veterans on the descriptive book of J W (.icary Pott, GAB, giving the letter of company, regiment, state, term of cause of discharge. It qolti a number of set vice is not given. Incompleteness of In failure in making the been done at the time, have these errors cured, may be had of each The publishing of the lilt at this time is done by a resolution unanimously passed at a recent meeting of the Post, and that It bo published in the Daily and Vekly Euoeni Ucahu of thlscity. It may be well enough to add that the Post hopes at an early i ay to have publishtd a thoroughly re vised list, giving the names ot all pensioners, the amount drau u and cause of Neiitdouing: NAM I and COMPANY. RsgiOMBt Anderson, Thus. II., 1 Adams, Stephen T., Banner, John S.. u llrabham, T. J., H Ilurllngame, J. A . L-K. I laker, Alvason, A Heche, Jas. O., II Illinium. Samuel. I) Bennett, Jesse, I I: li nes. Sol nn ii, 1, Beadle, Chariea, I Itrown, a W H BOWenv, Knink, O I Pitcher, Hobt., C IliMlngs, W. J.. I Butler. David, F Craw, (lei). F.. D Chapman, K. K., 1J Ooebraa. o. a M Wis. I .Miss. Marine Hand., .'til 111. I 77 Ohio I . I Be. II. A., Me. I In hi. i and U Ohio I . t Ohio I . :i Iowa 1 ii Mo. C IN N. Y. I .1 Iowa C '2 HI. Art Brackett'a Bat. Minn '18 Iowa I 7 Vermont 20 Con. I 10 Iowa I in in. i 1 Wis. C :o Ohio 1 1 Iowa C 1 Oregon s7 Ind. I 31 Maine I C Minn I 2 Mo. C 37 III. I Cirtwrlght, Ueo. 11 . 11 Cole, Columbus, Chapman, A. J., I I It Calbeon, it. 0 Carr, Smith, I.. Carlton, Elxn I'. 11. bruri Geo., K Unison. F. M L Liobson, John T., U ... Dodd, C J-. K ICistland, Hubert K.. I Kvenson, Even, B Foss, O. J H French, H. W.. O Fisler, Martin, U Ollbert, Chas. 11.. K... Cllstrnp, Louis. U Gates, J. II., D Garrison, Robert, D.... Gill, Thos. J., H-F Gunn, K. L., O Greene, Orvllle, B Goddard. A. J.. K Huntley. M. F., H Holloway, Samuel A... Hlltcgas, M. J., K Hardy. Thomas, A Ilumell, B. F. Holloway, C D., B Hutchklssa. M . A-B Harrington. L. U., H... 3 and 33 S Ind. 1 j owe c 2 Wis. C 2S Wis. I 4 Iowa 1 147 N. Y 17 Kan. i 28 in. 1 45 Mo. I , 7 Ind. I, 5 15 Mo. I IN N. Y. jet in. i 147 . Y. 11 III. I 12 Mo. C 8 By. c Cadet O. 13 WU. I 24 and 110 t2 111. 1 S Iowa C hi 1 rem c Itutham, .1 ''in H.. Jennings, A. C. M. James, G. W.. Kearns, S. F., II.. D.. 77 III. I 1 Oregon I 8 Mich I 3G and 50 125 111. 1 Kress. O. E., C Kitchen, John W., C-I... Liggett Lawson, 1 Lakln. J. W A Loomls, C Bh Surg Longsworthy, A. J., B... Lyiwell, S. P Miller, II. O., K McCrady, D. M., U Martin, W. F F Miller, R. H., A Myers, Jos. D., D Miller. Wm. 11. H . L-H. McKlroy. E. B B Ifatteeon, a. s.. o m Kenney, B P., B Marsh, George Nash. David S.. M 139 Ind. I 115 111. I '29 Ohio I I Minn. Art 166 Ohio I 7 Minn 1 l6 111. I 1 25 Ohio I 1 Oregon C I Bo. C and 1 West Va. 10 Mo. 1 13 Iowa 1 7 Mo. C Pratt, I 'IIII". Pryor, Perry, J, II . Ii.... i Mass. C It. I). A... I N. Y. Art i Maine I II Kan. 0 12 Ind. I 58 III I IS Ind. I 39 Iowa I 17 Ohio I John. F.... P II. M., Prii. II. M., I. Patrick. John w., F. Palm, I). O., C RtitnW. Frank, Ross, R. II., E. Hcmlnger, Iml9 B.i 11. Radford. R., D Ruth, William. B Rowe. A. B Russell. IlenJ. F., O Russell. Silas. II R,sland, J. T., F Sylvester, Lyman, H Spencer. David, C Shlndall. D.. K , Simons. Lybot, II Shelly. J. M A Stewart, c. v., E S hmutz. John. H Stoel, Oiner Sahin. J. C. C Straight. J. A., E Sim mm. Wm, tL, I Smlts n. Henry, V Tayi .r. S. WH B Taylor, W. B., O Trls.otter, Wm.. D Trotter, Abel, B Tu ker. Wm. B., H Vincent, W. A., O Vance, Geo. W., C W. 1 1-r. G. o W , I White, Chas. E., C Williams, a. R . I Wllsm, John, C Wylle, H. D . B White. James, C Winters. Nathan. D WTsby, Thomas R., B... Yeager. Isam, B Y t ting ton, A.. Band-E... ,4 Cal. I 35 Iowa I I Maine Art ' 10 N. Y. I 1 Oregon I .1 Iwa C 12 Mich. 1 17 Iowa I 1 Wis. Art 17 Iowa I I Oregon I 13 Mich. I 48 Wis. I 3 Wis. Art Bleb C 23 Iowa I IS Onto I 25 Mo. I 13 I'enti. c 61 111. I 18 U. 8. I 17 By. I I Or-a-on I 8 Mass. I 18 Iowa I t Kan. C 8 Wis. I 4 Ohio I U t'wa I I Wis. I :17 Iowa I 27 Wis. I Minn. I 7 West Va. I .1 Mich I and Mich C service .It. months and will be noted that of uacao the time of Thl- N owing to tin formation furnished, oi reOOfdi as should have and the Cost hopes to that a jerlect record member. Caiui "i discharge. , .( (General orders. . . II Spei i.il ordi rs. , . jelose ot war. . . BtptratiOn ot term. ttjCtoeej ut war. 45Close ot war. l5Sxplratlon of term. Pi General orders. . . 25,1 Usability. , . i Close of war. . 17 Disability. . . wlBxpiratlon 'f term. .. 20 Expiration of term. 0 ITIQeneral orders. i ; nei l orders. .. 2ii,Goncral orders. , JltjCaOee of war. .. 2'.i i:xplra,.lon of term. . . 4 Expiration f term. ., plsabllUy. ,.H5,Dlsablllty. . . 57jClose of war. .. lOloso. ot war. . . 35 Expiration of term. I I l.VGenoral orders. 30.C1OSO ot war. . J', Expiration of term. . 12, Disability. , 37lGcncral orders. . 12, Disability. ,32,0090 ot war. . 24, General orders. 36lGeneral orders. , inclose ot war. 23, Disability. . 4, Expiration of term. , 43 Close of war. Iowa I Hid. C I I . 23,0086 of war. . 27, Expiration of term. Closo of war. , I-;, Expiration ot term. , ,45Closo of war. , 1 3ii, Expiration of term. . 1 36, Expiration of term. . jCloso of war. II Expiration of term S. A N. Y. I... so ' teneriil orileri ;7 Expiration of term. ItExplratlon of term. 32iCloso of war. 38, Expiration t no 29,Close of win. 35,ciose of war. 12, Expiration of t rm, 17 Disability. .Disability. 24,Cloa of war. 37 .Expiration of term 111. I 7 Mo. U. . . lo,Close of wm. ,i7Close of war. .. 12, Expiration of t-i in. 3ExBlrallcn of t rn i . ,. 24Cks of war. . .W.Explratl oi ! term. 14 Wnd left arm and ihldr l( Expiration of term. Ill General onlers. 1 16 General old' i J Jl Wounds lo close of war. 1 lODlsablllty. MICIoae of war. 36, Expiration - f P mi. 36'Close or war. , General orders. 13 Expiration of term Bur. cerUfleate. i ' I "f war. MIExpiratloa of term. 36 j,, Rhi imatttee. Expli .it Ion of term. ;j ! M iration of term. M 1 leneral orders. j0 C of war. 12' Disability. 41 Close of war. i Expiration of term. f war. IS Expiration of term. 1:1 Expiration of term. 13 OloM of war. in 1 leneral orders1. ,,, Expiration of term. 10 1 :ioM of war. . . , ..f war. y Disability. Expiration of term. 24 1 'lose of war. Disability. '- ise of war. 11I orders. I r war. of war. , - 1 iMllty. ill Disability. f war.y 1. of war. 1 40 Close of war. UEj pi re 1 ion of term. 311 f;.-neral ordere. ; ;.) Disability. u i.vr lratlon cf term. m OHM I'll N I t 1 11 Sau Frauclseo, Aug '.U lit spite of the precautions taking by the local military authorities, the health OOOdl tlons at the local camp are worse than ever. Today ' e total number of sick Is the largest yi t known The total Is S08. A cable was received today from . la........ I I.' 1 ll , i usipiai r . wawea, a im saneo in ?. mmaiid ol the second expedition, in I ferring that he intends to return to ' the l ulled States Immediately. HOW RBWI riAVBLS, AnxloU Kelaliv. s In other Stales Bake iuuiiY About the gmltb- Held lloi'cr I'xpli'slon. Tills Is the age of the telegraph wl en the news of the country is sent from one section to .mother with lighti ing rapidity. It was only Thuisday morning, AURdil 85, that n terrible boiler explosion occurred near Smllh Held, 1 Franklin pi stofllee In the Wes tern portion of Line county, mid al ready telegraphic inessagi s are at haiid from w idely separated pol l Inns of the country a-king nb ut individu als whose names uppearid In the li-l of injured. They are as follows: 'Butler, Ohio, Aug 2 "City Clerk, Ephkne, OBJMMkti "Lemley injured explosion Friday. Wire condition, and If from Ohio. "John Lemi.ey." "Davenport, Wash, Aug. 27. "Mayor, BoattRBI "Wire age I birth of Joseph Gib- son, wounded It) Kirk explosion. "(Jiiikon Bri h." The anxious relatives will lie re llevea Ht the answers which assure then that the injured are none of theirs, both young men being native born to Lane county. FLO KEN IE NEWS. 01 1 sped From The Wort of Auftrt 2i Judge Potter and family made a Dip to t Tear lake Wednesday. Hulte a crew of men ate at work opening the road betwten Point Ter racc and Mapletou this week. Mrs J K Htlles and Mrs Lester Ogden have been camping at the mineral springs on UadaO.ll creek. County Superintendent Miller In lorms us that he Intends to visit this part of the county In about a month. Andiew Hartley and John Shultz c line down the river yesterday bring ing over 100 gnats which (hev purchas ed In tho valley. 0 M Young aud wifonud two daugh ters and Miss Bessie Day arrived here fri'tn Eugene Wednesday. They came for an outing at Ileceta. Bberifl Withers and Deputy District Attorney ilarrlH were In Elorenoe Toeeday and Wednesday investigating the killing of the Indian Bennett Bar ney. IN BOHEMIA DIHTKICT. Kick Vein of Ore struck In tho Noon. day Mine. Cottage (imve, Or, Aug U8.-G J Atkins, of Chicago, one of the stock holders in (lie Noonday mine, accom panied by Superintendent D B Mttnay came in from Bohemia last night aud conveyed tiie news that they had struck (be richest vein of ore ever struck Li the mine. At a depth of 400 I'll from the surface, the vein Is eight feet wide, and free-mlHIng ore running from 11 to i Ion per ton. They opened up it large body of ore, sufllcient tokeep (heir 'jo iump mill ruuniug for several yiars. The company Ih going to run 300 or 400 feet more of tunnels befote stalling their mill, In order to have levels to block out before stopping com mences. There Is already .'1,000 feet of tunnels In this mine. The force will be increased to rush the tunneling. Hops .Near liariisburg W 11 Spnugh of Hurrlsburg. wiltes as follows to the Salem Journ-il: "I have Just completed picking and baling my crop of early hops. They made alsiul 1000 pounds per acre. I shipped one hale to the Albany Brew ery, Eaber A Neis, 011 August 21, which I believe was the first bale ol hops t ut on t e muiket lu Oicgon this season. Late hops In this vicinity ate In g.ud eon loo, mostly free from lice or mold. "Picking w ill begin lu most yaids Sept 1st. Out of an average lu this vicinity of 300 acres last year. 1 10 acres have been plowed up, leaving 260 acres this year; the average will be about 1,000 pounda per acre. SO and 40 cents will be paid for picking, 7 and 0 bushel boxes." . GtmOOBJ Coi'Ri Case J 4' Ooodale has Instituted suit against A O Bow man in the 1. .1 county circuit court, .ludguict lsaked for the sum ol 1 1 HO. 00. I Iretl I be House 11ml llnltlieil II eealel to tha oeaid Itosi.ttl itu, August :ii) The real deuce of Dr P II C Ifinriii burned last night and is a total loss. The con tents wore destroyed. the supposition is Hint the lire was the work of an Incendiary, as some valuable silverware and a 44 Smith and Wesson revolver that were in the rcsidfuoe before the burning cannot W I, 'ind In the ashes. MAMl.v LBTTKR. L Hooker Writes to His hneud Mc Artluir. I The following letter was received the other day by Clifton McArthuc Can 1 ik AK8E.SAL, July 27, 1 SOS. We haveall been sick slni-e we ar rived but all are about tl K now, Shelley was very ill with BMMlej and lost the sight of both eyes. Ap plegate's eyes have been very sore, but have given him no serious (rouble. He is forced to stay In the house on ac count of sunlight. J'hilo Holbrook was uppolnted cor poral on the boat and Is the ts't.1 "non com" in the regiment. He Is now sick aud in the hospital but la much be'ler and, I think, will be out in a day or so. Booth Is doing Duo In the hospital corps. He holds a very tesponsible, as well us a good position and Is a gen eral favorite wild both 00am ami men . Howard Davis Is company clerk. We call him "(louly," lor he Is such a tobacco bum. Everyone likes him. Travis has let his black whiskers grow aud is (he happiest, as well as the most careless man ill compauy C John Newsom Is the same old boy. I) -n't take any more interest in drill thatihoustd to In class mailers. He is always kicking about the "grub." Hu is now making a dish out ol a c. nasal shell. Church la a sergeant now, but II don't worry him In the least, for as long as Church gels plenty "l'"ltull Dm ham" tobacco and plenty Ol grub, he don't care whethei school keeps or not. Thompson and I are partners, lit is well liked and you seldom hear him "kick" about anything. His chief worry is that we will have trouble with tin- Spaniards and vv.iu't get home lor 2 years. Condon MeCornack is writing be side inc. He is standing the trip like a man. East night 1 heard him talk Ing lu his sleep. He was dreaming that he waa on the larm at home and had shot a pheasant. I heard him say "Bring It here good old dog." Mel or uack is one of the most generous fel lows I ever saw. 1 am very well. I go to work to morrow In Ihe Quartermaster's De partment for $15 a mouth extra. We were all glad to hear of the U of O's splendid victory at Salem Field Day. We would like to have been there to help yell. My best wishes to all. Your old clans-male, L Hooker. A (.001) I1ILD. U 0 Blllett (icta 10,000 HusheU uf (Irani oil t.rcoo ArreH. U C MIHett, the well known Dane county farmer who resides near June lion City waa lu Eugene yesterday. Ho Informed us that he completed threshing yesterday at four o'clock. Off of 000 acres which h- had in grain he harvested 10,000 bushels, or an aver age of '2UJ bushels ht acre. The 10,000 bushels ubh c imMM,ed ot 11,000 bushels ol wheat and i!,000 bushels of oats and barley. He expected considerably more, but grain is not turning out as well BJ pre dicted and he Is -at I -lied. Itoaeburg Review: The hay busiuess is practically a drsd 00M since the raise of freight loSau Eranclseo. There are already 110 tons hele lu the ware houses awaiting shipment. HAIiF-PRlGE SALE. Shirt Waists. Waists worth -"Uc. 25c Waists worth $1.00 oOc Waists worth 1.50 75c Waists worth f'2.00 $1.25 Wo are bound to sell them out tlu .se next two wooks sure. Call early. THE BIG STORE F. E. THREE IN DANGER. lettta! to the Onard Jc.MTioN CITY, Or, August 10; 3 30 pm.-Dr Ogleshy has just returned from the Smlthflelil neighborhood, where he visited all the victims of the threshing machine accident this fore noon. Be repotia them all improving steadily, snd says Ihe only onealu danger now are young Bryan, Chance Mcll, e and Robert Herbert, aud he la of the oplulon that they will all re- coyer. - A IIAMAOK SUIT. The K Sheriff of Douglas Couuty Sued ror $10,000-Cause: Failure to St a Mine as Advertised. Ko-., lung Review: J Frank Watson, through his attorney, A M Crawford, bat Mtd ex BbertlT it c .gee for 10,000 damages. H serins that Wat on se- a red mi the 8th of last June a decree and judgment (by foreclosure of me chanics' ami laborers' lien) against the Noonday Mining Co, of Bohemia, for ' sides accrued Interest, at torney's MM and costa of Ihe action An execution was Issued ami date of sale of tin- mining property, machin ery, etc. set lor Saturday, August 3; Ivs Before the appointed time ar- ilvttl, however, the Noonday Coin pany, through their attorney, w B neon, Sled a stay bomi with Mr Agee, aud took an appeal to the su premo court, (he sherill Mr Agee re lying upon the slay bond and refusing to sell the property upon Ihe execution ss advertised As a mine is regarded its personal property and Is not subject to redemption like real estate, the slier Ill's disregard cf a stay bond would probably have subjected him to a dam age stilt from the defendants, instead ot the plalntlfl who Is now suing him because he did not sell the property upon their execution. 1 UK " MUl.NElr M KM. M Mi L- ticr of Acknow Icdgmeut From the M d ( roit of (tail Francisco. Eugene, August 30, 189(4. The money contributed some weeka ago to help send traiued nurses to Manila, anil retained here sanding the sanction of government oMcials to per mit them logo, Mas last week forward ed to the Calllorula Red CriMM State Association lor that purpose. This morning (he following teply waa re- eel vi .1 : In acknowledging the very generous lOOatlOU Of fltOOO received through you today the State Association of Cal ifornia wishes to express their appre ciation of this kind assistance from the citizens of Eugene, aud to thank their sister slate for so liberally aiding them in their good work. In reply to a queaHou asked In re gard to their establishing a Bed Croat Hospital at (ho Prt-sldlo, the following explanation Is glveu: Our Convalescent Home Is rapidly approaching completion and when lluished you will all rejoico with us in having a suitable and comfortable hospital wherein to put our dear slc-k OOVH. Yours very gratefully, MR8 John N Dickinbon, Secntary Pio lem. 'I'o Mrs E O Adair, Mra A Yerliigton, Mrs m a i .1 nun, Mrs (i . Fraser. Oregon Views Wanted. A clllzeu of Eugene, who believes in Oregon, expects to make an extended lour through the east and south, start ing about the last of September. He wants views showing Melds, fruits, scenery ami Improvements of whatever kind that will make a favorable im pression concerning our state. This Is not done as a motiey making scheme for blmeelf; simply to Intereet Eastern men and money lu the un limited aud varleti resouroea of the slate. Leave photos at or mall them to the (it'Aitli, Eugene, Oregon. Ladies' Dress Skirts DUNN