.MONDAY, AUOUHT 10 Junction f if ... I I V I' II ..v i -1- S II U-ii. i.t W'.l , . n 1 1 ! jSll. i Healthfulness , I 'MIL. -m.VM'fac'I ui(i;i; i IT ma. of the Uth depend. Urcly on cleanllnets of the bathtub. Court Ualli aud shua lickoeM by luiug K .mini n Orru"i wat rnn-1 in i u SB" inarkrt. t V For Infar.trt p.nd Children. Kr.-i,", t:..'iforiil.i, I'U1 it t fn.f K II rn -! r''y. - - ' I I . .i ai "I "1 - -n Junction ww : mum 1 r 1 ; k'-m iv Hi 13 LiV Tin- pic f"' 1 w ir:ul . AVcCclaUc Preparation ror As cimti.itmr t! pFrcdr.ndllrvlula- ling tticbtuoiiiis antlL'oYicla cf rmmnlcs'Di&slion.CI-xcrri;!- ncssatulItest.Containsnei'J'.cr OpiumMorphine nor Minimal. KotNAiicotic. flmyJlm Smd' -tW& SjlM -jtfUM in flmluJ Vttfrr . A perfect ncrncdy for Constitu tion, Sour Slomach.Dmn li'ca, Worms .Convulsions. icvcnsh ticss andLosSJ)TLEi- Tac Simile Signature of new vonir. : fJOCT COP Of WRAPPLfl. KF.Pl'i.hll'AN TO lKJIH.'lt AT. Stephen A liouu'iiH, Son of Ii!h Futln r, Clnuges His Polities. Chicago, Aug 'J. SUli':n A Douglas ha renounced rfjmllicaii Ihui and formally joined the demo cratio party. Although tlm Hon of a man wlio wan looked up t as tho lender of democracy in tho days when mm ofthistimo wore boys, ami wlio was tho de rocratio candid ito fur president in 1S00 against Lincoln, Stephen A tho Second has ulways been a republican. He went to democratic headquarters and made public coiilesaion of his new faith in tliM statement: For y .Mirs I have been considered by republicans aa doctiiually un sound becauHO I really believo Hint this BhoulJ bo a government of tho people, by tho poiplo and strictly for the people. This was the re inon without doubt, why I wan not per mitted by the machine to make a single speech inthuBtite ot Illinois during tho campaign in IS'.'G, though this year, under dato of July 28, tho republican Blato een- tral committee honored mo with request to take the stump lor H'"'. Of late years tho tendency ol the I republio.ni party has been to fasten this government under the control nf trusts and mouonolies. The teudency of tho democratic l,;,r,Jr i if. has been to curtail tho power li,,,, mwt at Spokane on these dates money and places tho government 'U1(j organize, in tho bands of the masi of thej u u expected that upwards of poople. I not only oelievothat this;r)00 m,. in nssemble, should bo xo, but I no'anj though they probably will firmly believe that tho "'y tftlk bluiji" lu a Rroat t-xtfiit, Uiev thing that can PreVt'"l ill manage to inako things warm this country from be'im wealth- f()r s.u.kane. Many interesting ridden on the one hand r mole f j,j,rrs ,v r(ft J, ridden on the other, is that thej wllilo ftt Sp okane, tlm editors government fhall ho in tho bauds (nko Hll ex,n8ion 0l, Like Couir of tho plain people. jd'Alene, and partake of a hanque. All my life my sympatnu nave besn with tho people, having teen taught this by the two men I honor above all others my father and Abraham Liucola, Therefore to- ur i ,-.. v the democratio party, nnd there 1 ' shall abide. " THK HOHKMIA MINKS. Silem Statesman: Among the recent arnysls in this city is Charles Winkler, who spent about three months in tho Bihemia min ing district, which is located in tho! northeastern portion of Douglas county. He speaks very highly of that mlaing section and thinks that it Is not talked about to the extent that it should he. Itvery month ot woik done upon the claim? tbeio is rfoduciivo of ric.h developments and eapitil is i bound lo I hi attracted there sooner or later. Mr Winkler thinks tho llohemta is destine' to be one of the richest camps on tho I'seitio coast. It cover a raugo of fifteen mile wide and and about Bixty long, and already about tifty ilaiws nre in operation. I lie oru n not oi a high grade, bin is sullicieutly Bo Kind You l!& Bears tho The Kind You Have ' s 7 r. r '.V Always Bought. TMt enTn commmv, Nr vorn city. 2J rich to become profitable t ) thooe mining it. The quartz is the freo milling kind and tho pieces exhibited in Salem by fr Winkler show up -plendid in wealth. What is known then) hh tho Munick group is owned by Mr J W Cook, who teems to havu nn plieit faith in tho fu'.uro of tho dis trict, having upwards of one bun- drr:l men in Ins employ, and, in eourfO of cnnBtruotioii, an addition to bis oresent mill. The main structure is Wx'?A feet in dimen hIoiih with nn engine room oOxoo leet, nn I a concentrates tUorago roo n .'Iti c 1 1; the wall J are oS feet high, lie has five et.imps in oper ation at prtitent and is preparing to idd ten more, the name iieing now en route from Chicago. His "veins" faeo 8x11!. Ho hits bjnded a couple of his elaiu.H to parties from Mont tna and they aro now actively engaged in developing their prospect, KDITUKS TM MKKT. The editors of Oregon, Welling ton ami Uaho ill hold a joint convt.Iltion f xn.r m.vt.ral etato -tliloriiI nss ioi.itlons at Spolinue this month. August 2", 2fl and 27 mivo l)W,n ,,lMl,.(. Thene dates have been already selected for the annual meeting of the editorial association, which Inn laid dormant fcr two vears, will whill, on ,lu, ,,.,,..,. -phey will ho tendered a reception nnd tho women visitors given a musical". The opposition t.) tho republican 1 - :ari;no of free silver nor paper . . . . , , ., J money, but imtead argues lor tho submission to the people ol whether they want a free silver law or not j whether they want 11 greenback ilawornot, Then our candidates i . will m ke the law if tho majority ol tin people vote for it and not make ihe law of tho majority vote ngViust it. I.t't tho majority rule by a direct vote on tho most im ( ortant laws, ami let tho people and not tho otli.-t rs say what laws ro niO'l iuuiortant. One of the odd ways of u nking ttn'iiey nt Chickmauj;u.i has ken by tattooing tho soldi r. The tat- tooing artist reached the camp of the First Missouri end in two dtiji they carried away 1170 from the return nt. Ho charged from 23 to 50 cents fr a set of initials inclosed nitnalan-y scroll. Both officers sod men patroniztd him liberally, and some of the "spread-eagle, ' , int.. i ,v. ... i . i : .i . u,ii iiiuuu "mu quite aitistio. J'.lll i lllllVlll ,HNUIIiV"tl W It MiCi.ri.ark nil over VH I'Mi". ol huv oi) liU Hlu.-Uw rai'i li tli ix y-'f. Attine Wo "truck .yn hi'. Iial Is ylfldinK iiljeut l.u-!.. 1 Jir i :: Curpeiiterii nr p!''i''.' I in in f inn- Ihts on the inw wir: li u-I u '.li'f,' JI( p ( i. ek lioli-il lit tin- l .!'D (,111 -e l.r.'iiip'l..' Mill : 1 m.;-'. ..i- price"-. Wllllilf) 'h H i n-;li'::'l JiUf II I'll, 1 I,i.u -r iii;1 photo i-r Mr Kiiiuoiii I II wife. The pluhierulo have cumiuiiiced work oil tho iitw Firnt Natloiml JiBtik tiuihlin. The H I pny car paired north this innriilnp, aiuUhiK Rbd the tiearts of employee. Two hoy luuitiulaiis carrying a vinllu ami harp, nrrlvnl lu tint city todny. They have hei n In retevcral time and piny well. The OieK"" rieru'is liJ not U-ave Hun l-rancisco Ir .MHiiiia nxiuy us orliriiiully Intended, ami It In 1 u' tful if tliey Rout u!l. Maker City l,.. pii,jlic.ui: After en j v i t . k nnniv year f cliw fileml hlp with Mr liinr, nc know that Ihe iteatti of Midi a man h a lim lo l iugene, Lane i iiiiiity ami I i (luivm. Last evening wliilo Campbell it Pot ttr's sta"3 wa cumlinj In from Her ence n ruuawuy occuiivd uhout 7 ml!es out of thin city. Two patsi-tigers were thrown out and the stue was in lured some, Hon Pingi-r Jieruiaiin, Hon Tunning II Tongue and Judge H H llean, of ,Sa lem, are anions the ili-.tlin;iiihlit-il visitors expi-eted to attend Ihe solillt-r'n eiieampiiieut at Itandim, August IS 2 , says the Cniulllu lltllletiu. Saturday 'a prinevl.le JCevtew Prluevillu lias experienced a spell ol very hot weather. For over two weeks the thermometer has registered over 100 tlenrees mid bs high at li t. Old settlers SBy it Is the loiigcwt hot spell Prlnevllle has ever witnessed A man Junt from Dawmui snys pricis have fullen greatly within a few weeks tiefoie he left. Flour wns only l a sack, beef tl a pound, wblnkey .50 cents a lb Ink where it had been $ H diiid men have worked as low es V a day rather than staive. A I.nfiriiiitlo man ws adjudged In sane and sent to the iiHyhnn tne other day Is'eikuso he drove down the nsils In tho bonrd sldewulks. If any citien of Kugene develops the same kind of mania we Ii.m lie will not be sent away until he llnlt-lies the Job. Chaplain Melntyre, on the Oregon, says Unit our luittlenli;p Is the only honeHtly mnde one in the navy, and he U hut tieeuuse the Oregon did nil the wink In the battle of July 3, and Capt Clark received only "ilJ, while Sampson received $10,000 prize money . "I suppo-e," snid the farm hand who wax looklui; for a job, "that yon believe lu the eight-hour system." "That's what I do," replied the fanner. 'I work eight ht.urs in the forenoon and eight hours in the ntterui -m, but along annul hayin' and harvest I lino I occiiKlonnlly put in two or Hire hems extra." J Waldere Kirk, of Wan Francit-eo, has sued the Western Union Telegraph Company for !i.0UO dsmsges for refus. ing to traiiHinit a dispatch until he had alllxed to it a 1 cent revenue stump, lie claims that the company, and not the ender of the messege, should pay for the licecsriiry stamp. The domestic troubles ef ex-Mayi r Fawi'ett,of Taeonia, have been settled to tho satisfaction of Fawcett ami his wifi). Judge Keuu has granted Mrs Fawcett a divorce on the ground of UoiiMipport. Mrs Fsweetl got be tween fir,000 hinl J'.'O.lHW worth of property, $173 alluiouy, and the ens tody of the two yi-unger elldreii. Illeycle swindlers are working the farmers of tlartleld county, There are generally two men in the swindle. One elidius to be hard up ami otlet. to sellhls w heel cheap. A day or two la or, the confederate, claiming lo he the real owner ot the M -ycle, happens along and demands bis whetl. lid gives such close description of the at h ged thief and the stolen wheel thai the purchaser has to part whh bis t-ar-gain. A iiuinberof persors have Iwu xwintlled. Corvallis Union: Mr K It Hryaoii Ij in reivlpt ef u letter from his frieu'l K 1 Shnt'.uck, who is in l'ortlaud, In wlilcli he states that ho will spend about two weeks in Oregon, wheu he will return to New York City, where he hs been oflcred hu ej:evllenl posl lion, Mr Sliattoek ts well known through. ut the stat.-. ami had the ered It of being the star guard of the l'neitle ccat w lieu be w as a member rf the U of O footliall team. TitASsi KKKKD. Father Daly, of tin" Catholic church, lias In-en transferred by Itlshop Gross to the Salem church, to tti" nlace made vacant bv the death ol Fatlier White, recently. Father n.lv iiih.Im iiihiiv Irlends ilurimr Ms reslilenia In Ku :ene, w ho will lie sorry to li-atn of his being transferred. Known Hksk' Mrs M Neumaver, j who successfully prilueed "Ttie Trl-; uiiiph of Love," a little musical rKtr- ; gau.a In thl city two years eo, writes to Kuge.ie friend from Olytopia that ho t ipeoti to be lu Kugeue agaiu l sit aptiug. MONDAY, Ab'tif.ST 11. I Had Homi: C"MiN'.-.S'ys (h Ci- tiigh Grove Me-mjnger: Lncle Miinii" OalMUtto arrived ii"iii" Monday fiou. , Culif.'liiia i.l' l lexas. wheie lei nm been f r tlie pie-l four mutlis. lie wis Hccniui-a: ied by Iim i iu i li tt-r. Mrs Price ami giaoil -dauglitiir Mus Price, of O.ik.'niid, California. It wusijuitoa sorroAful home coining, fir on the same train wai tho body of Mrs Price's Bun Janim, a joimg man years of Hge, who w'iM dru.'i:t.d in the L'm ipia livi-r nt It-wliiiru wlii.'o bathing "U th.'5'li. 'I'h" body was -nterted in Ihe odd I't lln'x cemetery Monday alter- noon. Mm 1'iienai'il ilaogtiur letiirn el to California on Wtdnei-day's over land. L'l cle rvaiumy will remain fr some li i-e in what lie dedans this to be, the best country on earth. FuKK T FIUI3 A J JollllSiil o Portland, says there aro numerous and extei.sivo llres through the woods in Southern Oregon and Northern Cali fornia, w hero bo has Just been, mak ing it very disagreeable to t tilera and very destructive to timber. It is claim ed that hunteis after deer set most of these llres, but there are so inuny ways of llres getting out that it is impossi ble to tell how they are started. No one has teeu arrested, and tliere seein- lo bo no one w hose bu-iners it is to look alter such matters. If the for ests of Oregon, winch are one of its greatest source of wealth, are to le preserved, some legislation must be en acted very soon and stringently en forced. A Ciianoi-:. I)r II F Mit'onuek took cliarge ol the po.itollice this liiiirii ing. Mts-rH K K Henderson and It K Uristow have conducted llieolll 'e iu a very creditable uml satl-faetory man ner to the patrona of the office. The (iUAUl e.-pecinlily i eains to extend its thanks lo tho gentlemen for uiniy favors reiel.'ed. We Uilderstalid Unit Mr Henderson will leave in n few days, on a vacation, nnd .Mr lhistow will re main lu the ollkw until he ic'.urns. We are confident that the new postmaster will also si rve the patrons ol the i lilt j satisfiuionl.y. A Co.Nl kaitok. Uiiuiuy'j Salem Stati siuan: "li .N Ibniey, tho well known builder and contractor of Ku geue, was In the city ye-teiday. He states that Kugei o in enjoyl' g a large share of prosperity at present. The new court house, which .Mr liouey is building, Is hearing completion, nnd several other important 1-u.liliues, in cluding ihe new l-nnk building, are iu cour e of con.-tr iction. I'iie insurance men say that Mr Km.ty is oneol tho most reliable nn ii in Oregon to isti luate building losses." Nkw U'aiio.n li; a in. The Dalles T M: "Mr Chnsmnii is getting his steam wngen train in readiness for Use read, having coupled the wagons to the traction engine, and iu a few days will start his primitive railroad traiu steam ing toward Silvei Lake. If It proves a succe-s, there will ho no need of a rail road reaching souih from The Dalies into the slock and wed producing sto tious ol Crook and Lake counties." -.. Co L' l.T IllU'.-K AlYUiKVlS. This morning the tlrsl accidents to work men on ihe court house recurred. O CaiPsoii had 111"' tips of two lingers unwind by gitting Iheiii caught in the wheels of the mortar and t-ru-k eleva tor, tieo llotb s w ho leiu'.s ttie hoise that acts ii4 motive power tor the elevator had his b ft foot n. allied ' y ihe horse su pping on It. To Makkikk. Invitations have bei u bsiu d by Mrand MrsJ 11 Harris to the martiage ef th'ir liiit'e, M.ss l.ella A K Hayes to Kot en A Cop. pie, Wednesday evening, August 21, at S till o'cloek at their lesitlenee I'll Wist Fifth stnet, Fugei e, Oiegou, Tax Mi'M Y. Slit ritt Withers turn ed i ver lo Treasurer Pallils'iu Imlny biCli II, ef 1MI7 taxis. The Wi.ikol servleg di hiiiiueiit liolicts wi.lse. ill begin alter which the sale will be in auguratid. A sin: liii.vo. S A lii!io htivtr listtlae 'vv f r sale fatu. day eveidng. and sold in i tfloie noon today and t wu'm have sold ' '"es-- tl I hem. four n, ore if l,e hut) This shows It 1.,'vs ulveili.v... Tiy it. l ok li I.niK.un . 1 he C tl t) library will be op u during ihe re-' uiaiuil.ri'f v:ie;iiou on Ti.ttdav o' each v e. k fuuu 2 to 4 p m. Poiin - August 11, lM'i, to ii and Mrs Se tt Lyons of Walton, a K' p.u;,U Cashing Povd for all household cleanMnu purpose. Urgest package-greatest economy. Bold everywhere. Jlutleouly t'y THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. TL'KSDAY Al'Ol'ST l'l Motoh Caii lirnsn Monday' Albany Democrat. "The bis' "i"l"r ear owned by the Albany ftr.ct rail. way c-iinpaiiy. kept back or the nepni, and which ha" hetii used recently only u hen there wis a big crowd to bundle, wasd si roved by lire yesterday morn- lug. Awhile before 5 o'clock llitm s were seen l.-sulng fr iu it ami the lire depi.r!inent was callid out. Only lh lio.e cart went lo the pi c- and a hn-i was iittaehei to the depot hydiant mid the Unmet, were exlin.-uisli" tl I'Ul "oi uulil tliecir was piaeilia'.iy destroyed. it was not insured. Ho it caught oil lire Is a mystery, l ot It niu-l n .ve been lin t nihitry. A man w ho has In Vi stigideil ttie tire sny It nniloubti thy . I t a I... It.u oeciiri'eil iroiu spaihs 'mm no--i'fci. ill taking it to the pi Saturday eve ning, catching In the ml of tlie c ir on th- pl -troiin." D.'i;i). A telephone me-siii.t; bn Ui;ht the sad news tills morning that J O Miller, t riin i ly a n m'-erof the linn of Miller l'.ros, boot and shoe inukeisin this eity, hail died in Poriiaiid at an early hour today of consumption, age I S3 years, (ienrge, as he was generally called in lvig'-ue, U-ft here about one yea; ago for Southern I ulijornia on in'- roiiotof Lis lu alt i. l'or'a liino itfi'T llis r. liU'Vat he got Cor.siderably In Iter, hut this spriii,' his health bceiu lo fail rapidly ugniu and be niovitl to Port land last May, where he l.itbd lill'dl his untimely death. He havta a widow, fi ur children and tnim-rou fiieiuls to nn uiii his ilecv a-e Fum-rid arraugeiiit tits liail iet b. en iu djut the time the ine-si-L-e was in-- ivtd I, Aim: Pih'nh Ci'.ni'. I w - aty tiious .id bushels or -lUO.MiU r-iim! s ol tried pnn es is Ihe malum th o.i! u' t-xpejUd from iho big prui of the Corvallis prune com ' Ollll'llll -any this M-a-on. To lu 'ci t lio emergency the construction of a new mnl ioaminoth ilryi r has been under'aken. A ri t i;: h ty hois.) boiler, weighing li.lOO pounds, has been purchceO, and i i.mv i,l the pintle company's firm. Tiie i!:ytr will be Unit on the Thomas Hell plan, and w ill have a cap clty of oil) bn lie's or 10, 0i 3 pound-of diiied prunes per d'j'. The ;ork of petting ih) it ry er in stupe in time to handl." tle teal ciop Ij to b. pu-hetl. JloiailT Two F.lf.MS Albany Democrat: Mr lle.ny Kiro-.s, a thrifty Nebraska fanner, has moved to Linn county his hi me. He has bought the. farms of M C nnd J L Cal loway, CJIlsi.sting of 215 seres near Taifeetit and u thinl of tho crops, splendid land, pavhig a:i iier- fir thesinit). Part of ti e property b f i e a few years a,'o c s Id an acre. M r Kaison sold ids Nebras'ia property for fU.C'.J, at the rate ef Ml! Ti in nolo. He likes our climate nnd is bound to succeed here. A Notkd Lady. Mrs l'ersis L Christian, of Kun-ka Sprlrgs Ark, ar rived in the city this p'orhiug and wi 1 remaPi liere until Friday. Mrs Club tian is a lady or talent and culture. She will favor the piople of Ftieelie with two ii'Idrtsses while here. Wed nesday at 4 p in, she will 'alk to women only mid Thursday at S p in wlil deliver a bcture of general inter es'. Admission free; ami the public c 'idially in ited. Si;ii'i't:iv 1 C!i:is K Divis, or Ch'.cas;o" the git al eiicils egeiit, al'u r the (it'AKD e-'llie out 1 tt evening e-u . eluded Unit he could not "woik" Ku gei e fin tli. r a id dt p rted s. uthward ti 'iii d. Wo uniterst.ind th't'. he coi -tr.ictt tl a few bids and gave "orders'1 on the "Oreat Syndic de ( ir, n," tlmt will never arrive. He was u tran sparent fraud and we i.re siirpii-ed that anyone wi ;,hl have i-eiieved llo.t li represented a ei eus. Wkist SI'kainkd - Or MeAl.stt r . I sterday xftertloon while iidii. I . hieycl ' 011 the walks f,i,,A tl .,, the Kl' in tl ami had hi, t -j,. ui., teellyspiain.il. it seeii.s ii:ie of the planks binke into and ra.: tl I 'ng.i m., of tii- vi In i Is of the bike- T o-threw tl e Do. tor ali 'Ut 1J f. it with the above r. -nt. machine lost . spo! e or two. j,i be reiuemln'riti that the Hector l a.t a I'Mketi h g ci ty a s'.ior: I'n.eu,;... H,. thinks he is n- uckv. i a t.t Kt u.t Fitfir Ck.ii --ant Cru. fid f-urf: "John A Hill, p. Uitif C a-t KCPht "f lie V: .11.1.. I. li - " ii lines, i,-lg u ,lh., , in-ui a to ir through t!.'ilii!.ln"'i lri.il di-t- e!s, a rt -u't of a ii ,..t eaii-tul h ip.irv , u. oouiicis tint l, e sliinmcuta of i-n.ii T ss s to ttie 1. s i mi iio.rku'a n. - f.,11 sho.t of l.: i!tl shipment" by t U,t 1,,-K.Jetua " GUARAHrEED BEST l IK.' 111' ;. tin.". t iul;tl' i!o; i in it. BOOKS STATIONERY. CALL AT THL UHWERSITY 000(1 STORE If YliU.W'ill tO HOC till) l'llKHt lisi!;iy of I'ool.g nnd Stali(-i."rv Kv.'-r lnoti.t.rlit to Kueno. Kntii'f tocl; just n coivci! (lirctt from (.'liica;:o. H. G. Ml! LER Proprietor To Minni 'Ta. I'n I M .ii' I. P.an -lit, who held the cl.air of i lion in th" Unlvi rsily f O i g"ii year, h is j-ist finished a 1 i in Chicago I'hivcisity, m o wii Killiell- I: i. lid- .1. i! s' e w id le f! coiuin.' y..;tr le. tl.e .'ii:iin-..::i tiorm.i! .-.-honl. hlie is now v. -friends at pons ,'ikct p-ic N Y. i -ii :se !' eu oiie nive i e-i to I le sli.te l.uW nli K ( 'i.l.YAIN. .:ot:i,!iy' Poriitiid Teh rum: -Colityi-t hops i ar-' tjuo i d al b eeir.s. Tl.e last local, ail! hmity sajs he does not believe that j they wi 1 bring more than 7 to S cents in the i (en market. This tuilhority predicts :h'it Oreeou's yuld for ltlS will not fall sh ut of f,om TU.tl'O to Tj.OlW b:ii' s." I.uMi DisT ..Ni l;.-J W KH 0. manager of the Oregon Hlepli' no Telegi camp 1 the otlu-r s:t.e i (Ukaiil. Ihe w.ro Is s'.riiii as far loiith as Cn -m ell, Mid the II .e will be coinpi'ti 1 imo Ko?e burg by Octot ei 1 t. Al.t.oV Kl). We are I'.ii' lined tnai Oeo Miher i( i'reswe.1 is i:..-,f!he lllell ill Lane c.iunt.v v. l;i !mve !.:.d a claim for Indian deprcl.tti ..s -.iiinuil. A lot of stock owtud by l.ioi wa diiy en oil by the India s dm ii g tin ir ib-p-r 'datlous iu nn i;.-ly ,l :y. llsel iiiu Wis for f l3,(i(MI am! h" was nllowe 1 JS 000. Of this uiiioii'it about ttl.Outi will i be used up In fees, e'e, b living aboj, Fj.OU f r Mi -Mi 1. r. - w - Slit i-oh I-ivoitcK. Lulu I'eurl Hait i has sued Anton J U der, in the Lane county circuit court for absolute divore-'. The couple were married iu Portland, March 1, 1S07. The com plaint charges de-eittou and wishes to assume h" r u aldeti name, i'eatl. : ! r!."i i;.rmaof the trorHklni!, i .' ... .i n u.ivvn to ii'j- si'.o'.il'lera vvero '-'-'''"''"a. vis net a'.'lo to See out of for "l a a whiio, ami was nuaWa -: t t we.-! ', oa aei'o-.-.Mt of tho severs V !l . tl U '..r V Orevt! Ini' illi.-lllfl. Mr fuel li. v t'"S l'i n 'nl n 1: w, r ..-o.i :i nn. I inatio ma look . : li.,f.:j t! s-tr r. at li llerent times, 1 I oe ..f .: ::!i-v-,i,i rdievo uio of tny a.svi,.- r, ,i it.,:o!i,.4. I i,t'il tlirea : t i i i n. i hi Ki '-oi.vn.-T. ftiiirliexos :.' ! (.iif.! -.t.:, t:,ri 0 cakes of Ccti : v . .' -. ;-n t ;ny iri.-n.h ami ono cf tha . ' ,:o"-'-ut,niulak-cl,"'V!iornrc.l . ' .". -t I l.U tti-ia fi'iit klv, "Citiccrx j.v.kaVka, --:.;' -7. r ''el.P'.,lirooklyn,y.T. ',"i.'-"ii'l!n.,r.. I'o.Trn n. Iisr. C"iP, . . .n.i.j. ' ui e ait ...a 1 iisuiiu," In. a. 1 I, ( i I 1 t !; '1,-1 "t. (. '' - r::'iidy .j r.ercu' f!...--trattc .i a.y i v: w.-.-.cs i i t;-,v . f.vnfr.iiiv; or- 1 . Ji5 A. , r:. Nervous Pro;l.';..P, F------ e- Y- i.tel r.Icr.'.it ; o.'ry. i-.:--W r r Opiu'D, v ! i : ot lc'. .';um;-i!sn and L-aaniiv. .' !,- 'v. mi 1 . .11 r a.. nsi;; a:.WL W.,Frcps. Cletclml Chlo For sale by Wilkks & Liun. Oil 'Ji'SLftaia a" ULC j Kf 4. sZ3 u-J J H4 J Lu ii ! QUALITY. tl. market Will buy a 6-ft Antique Extension Table at ' 7. r"nnt,( niy. Imih (le.-sv.u:,, 1 . lr.Klm,mi, . - i'o. B' t l-'-.lnKVtiiB 11 tteelnm r-M"n-,lDLS'.. I .i:.i TO: ic'-Lift iisnl.- -S. r's--l p I'. -.t i-r lean 11 t he-:- nr.. Kl '.l.l )v 4ns ..DAltOe"- l'i r n. e I v Wdi ii- tk Mt-D. i-t;K T033A50, fiifl.R3, 1 GO TO...... apl. Co, now bus ,, uiivaiie nMCTlitl)'1 locatid i.t Hansen's Tile facto.y, I ) U 1 IC . VJUIUiHUI li. r .1 11,1: hi. I Tl... tv r. ! Look flere Fa Crirrj jctr Fides art Ekinsu n:rterj, I'm f.ll No. 1 erini liiilt-- Tie.y veil 4 to i' cell's SP00 lor No 1 lrv hides 10 f""' pound; For'No tl aicordm ipiality, 4 toS cents. Now don't', forget these pi1 ere prid in CSH t Tho VillmettcTaU- HainesiCo 1: tAsal- M L.s 11. .,c 'nit at I h. Hi i .. .. l nn 'waVrii "e l.' lv."r.,-.;i-t.J'-li -ts. I'T 11 i.,Ont ,..,.. .Ml r- an "''"' ..i KAfiUfaCIJiiiKS CO.. i ! . MlM-rsiilehy Wilkins & Ji- i i:- Ul" - If yul si:: :r " '" .us-il Hill r'.-a. --r 5il' E,:,:. l i'- m WHAN 1051 IVarr-ct si. - . . s-. till -rr " atretl m "7. ace from i he eiTfcii ol" v , .. rsisrs in ni.enrrr x '-. '- l-tillll. liil""l. i in .ill it c .iiipu ..o 'to: s . rn": tiissi l'roMuOirrhiiMi. ITfuui-nt-r !' I '" ,.ri. coliil--.n.einn of rniic;i'- '' T'-;' ' . II" " er, the I' lct.-r !" '. that it villi -t clue " perni.ii.ent curi?. '1 'ic l ' pi:' em mir ,i la, 1 :,;t i" ami s:iu.ire I'hviu'' i'l 6 ,r ."of'I'V , ite--"- in 'ii ,-., Itv- l'l' :' lbilU Hi"!--'"-' ' v-t- m wehe ' I e- ' - 11 I VI .IV 'I : ur Celve eiir ft "I--- ; I . t ' M u idouiiru'i-'-' trery Ci:' vu llion-ani! " ( .,nvii'ee"l 1 I-' ' -, CiMA'W rf.'.')-' , f urri-r -Tl free (A 'ain r,. leiDl'1 r.mit Al IlSIMlt 1 Oi . ... the f.net: ar..l lar.-f .l M ,( world. L. an ' '" re oiade; h--w ta av ' W - ar e-' si U.I TALO'iCK .'.-- -! fV 1 0B I KarkftSrovl mi 1k ii