The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 13, 1898, Image 3

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...... llllllnna lt TtnUxrm Will
Ttn to nuccD
With Ten inousnnu ict-pit-, is inc i.rcaiest Mining Camp la the World
The Greatest Koowo Gravel Deposit What the Districts Show.
Ti,. output of thomlnoaol the Yu-
lnn diatriot tbii year, while It has
SU" A a A AAA AAA . .1 t V
reached between iu,uuu,u ! io,
.nnn. hit disappointed eren tho
J. rtinservatlve estimate made lust I
(nil, '"! b,,,M"' on t,,e I0"!3"' ,,,,,n I
existintf- Three minus novo coniriD-
.horton Uil spring's clean op:
The Canadian toynlty, luck of men and
lack of strengthening loou. woo 01 mo
most prominent ciil engineers on the
rwifk coast, who ha spout thia wintor
in tlie niincf, bus said:
"Considering wo uci inui lesa man
000 poorly fad men have gotten out
' . . I .... 4 AIR fuft AAA At...
till Willi1'" U'"11" IW,VVV, HIU
Klondike bus nimio a snowing umt
entitle t0 co18,,,oral'tm tho
greatest gravel deposit In extent and
richness I" u,e 1,18 ym'
rallies 01 CUlllorum iu cur. uujb are
t only rivals.
TI.a irrfHlt riches of claims on French.
Chief. Littlo and llig fkookom golches
ire the wonder oi mining nion in tno
Interior of A Mhku. a ciunn owner on
Ftench gulch olTori a standing hot of
nun Unit he can rock out ot tils
" ' .. .. I 1 An rm
Claim. singio-nniiueu, f j.uuu uu unj
given day- Tho benchea are old river
Li. which have been brokeu up by an
entption of tho earth. A continuation
ol the Uli I rivet uuu una uitu iuunu nunr
Hunker fVek, and while little prospect
ing has boon done, it Is thought that it
will turn out very well.
Eldorudo and Bonanza ciecks have
proven all that was expected of them.
Jigcli toro cOU'1' 0,'n ot,,a' ,e'
nits il the oleanup bud been compluted
t!i in spring. . But hope that the roy
alties muy be called off, and the
esr'y drying up of the water which
cduI.I be nsod in sluicing, has oaased
niany big claim owners to leave about n
third of the dirt taken out on ha
dump. The wash-up has been com
pleted on vory few claims, and on
fewer still can a statement bo obtained
ai to the real amount of tbe clean-up.
Tliia makes it Impossible to state post
tivi'ly the output of the mines.
01 tho lees known streams, Dominion
creek is giving evidonoe of mineral de
posits which may make it known aa the
richest strike yet made. Tho conflict
of claims, owing to the two discoveries
allowed, is about settled, and there is
nothing to intorfare with tbe develop
ment of tho minca. Hunker creek is
llch in placer, but, unlike the rest of
the country, is spottod. Gold Bottom
la not turning out ns well as expeoted.
Many other creeks whioh promise well
have not boon sufficiently developed to
make an estimate of their wealth safe.
So many are tho disadvantages in
Diining in tho Nor tli west territory that
attention is being once more directed
to mines on the American sido. It is
believer! that many surprises ar iu
and you'll get your money's worth. The 10-cent piece of Battteto.
is larger than the 10-cent piece of any other brand of the same high
quality, and is larst niece of really good chewing tobacco that
is sold
torn fl.. A tt- -. ...
. v.iuni-a tp mis mr Hanson City.
store in this direction. Forty-mlle
"v iibi ooen relocated and many new
ciaime recorded. Chicken creek, whioh
bus been known lor tho hint in ,
but not worked, will be developed this
year. Canyon. Nncjot milch and
irnnklin creeks and the Uu on Forty
uiilo will ho worked by the hydruulio
process, and there will bo a good camp
at the mouth of the river withiu two
American Clock, 40 miles down from
Forty-milo, la known as good; tho
ground is high and well laid out. runB
are taken running from 80 cents to 5.
The Misson creek district ius three
formations placer, quartz and coal.
At its tnouth Is Kugle City, in which
will be established the United States
barracks and tho custom house.
Twenty miles below Kagle City Is
Star City, guarding tbo mouth of Hey.
enty-milo river. The burs of this live
has been worked foi many yenis. On
Hurney creek, from throe to six ounces
to the day has been tuken foi the last
three years. Tbe other tributaries aro
as good as Barney but it is only now,
wheu peoplo aio spreading out, that
much work will be done. A number
of men are now at Star City getting
their outfits op to the mines.
From Heventy-mile to Circlo City
has been prospected, and oreeks aro
found bore and there which give good
indications. Coal and Sheep crocks
promise esjteoially well, and ulso tho
Charley river.
Ciicle City has been practically de
serted since tho rush to Dawson but tho
riches of Mastodon, Independence,
Euglo, Dead wood and a dozen leaser
gulohea in the Birch creek district
will revive the town. A moderate
fortune can be made in thut district
in two years of hard work. Miunis are
returning to Birch creek fioiu Duwson.
They appreciate a district In which
there is no royalty, no wood and log
tax and no timber grants.
Across from Circle City is Jefferson
creek, which is now being procected
for its whole length. It will be cheap
ly worked, becauso of being so readily
accessible to the Yukon river.
Further down is the Mi nook creek
district, which has been thoroughly
advertised this yeur. It bus developed
some claims whioh have paid 1 27,000,
135,000 and 115,000 for the winter's
work. The country is to a great extent
an unknown quantity. The discovery
of Idaho bar, from which mon have
takon out $100 a day with a rocker, is a
great boom for the district, and the
prospects of the camp are extremely
A gteat coantry will be opened up
in tbe Koyukuk. It has been known
to minors for 10 years, and no proB
pector who went in there has failed
to bring out a good grubstake. Tho
territory to be worked is of a vast ex
tent, and offers manv opportunities to
if you are dissatisfied with the size of piece or with the quality
of the chewing tobacco you are using -
for 10 cents
the new com sr. Taaana, Koskoqulm !
and Chandler rivers have all been
brought prominently to tbe notice of
mining men this year. All things con
sidered, tbe American side would soem
to be tho place of the future.
As for Dawson City itself, it is un
questionably the greatest mining camp
in the worl.L Frank Canton. United
States deputy marshal in Circle City,
and in former years an officer of the
peace In many of the lament oampa of
the West, has said that nothing he has
ever seen approaches Daweon as a model
mining camp. Accustomed as he tuts
been to dealing with the roughest clas
of criminals, hid common. latum of
Dawson, as a law-abiding town, has
great weight. The sidewalks aro crowd
ed with men anil women from morning
to night. People aro oven forced to
wulk in tho middlo of the street to
make progress. It is a great Jumble of
the good and the had, and tho only
pledgo of respectability required is
regular attendance at church. Daw
son's population has grown until it is
now between 8,000 and 10,000.
Nine-tenths of the newcomers are not
in tho country to work, and when they
find that success in the Klondike can
only be bought by hard labor, they will
be ready to conm out. A great exodus
,o( unsuccessful men will take place
( this fall, nnd the cities of the Tactile
coast, lo which thece peoplo will go,
will bo overrun with a rough, desperate
and altogether undesirable chsa. They
are now in Daweou ns tho advance
guard of tho more eulistantiat men to
follow. It Is a lepetltion of tho hit
toryof Circlo City. When the Birth
I creek mines were discovered, two yeais
ago, double the usual invoice of peoplo
went there, but soon left disgusted.
Hail they remained, they would havo
been in on the ground floor in tho Klon
dike discovery.
Tli Cuban Marhvtit.
Much Iiiib been said of tho terrible
macheto, a deadly weniHin indeed in
tho hands ot a desjK-rato man, and
,whon used against a defenseless person.
I The maohoto was never intended for a
weapon of warfare; it is an Instrument
of husbandry carried by tho Cuban
; peasant in times of peaeo, itud is his
one familiar duily companion. It cuts
his fire wood, aids him in building his
; hut, hews his path through the maul-
gna, and performs many other otllces.
The machotte is a straight, heavy
I blade about two feet long, with a
I wooden or bono handle, having no
'guard; consequently it is utterly un-
suited as a weapon to bo used in il con
, diet with an armed man. The Cuban,
I of course, bv reason of his long famili
jarity with the instrument, is an adept
in its use, ami us enect upon a group
of unarmed workmen is truly terrible.
It is in the foray against the defense
less and unarmed that tho most serious
work of the machete has been done in
the island of Cuba. "Cuba ns Seen
from tho Inside," by Osgood Welsh, in
the August Century.
Advices from Honolulu state that tho
executivo council of tbo island irovcrn-
I muni Itiia ai, ,iial a til U'llli lint
. I (, l)ifljv. u vvii.iuu, ...... ...v
Sohymsor Company to lay a ouble from
tho Ameiicun coast to Honolulu and
mbT the mm
Carry a potato in onu'a pocket to
cure rheumatism.
The skin of a black est worn in one'i
clothing will cure rheumatism.
Hold your hauls alx've yonr head
and youi nose mil cease bleeding.
Never tela chicken die iu your
and you will not have palsy.
Hold a silver spoon against the back
of the neck to atop nosebleed.
Wear a rod string or ie. beads
around tho nock to pievent the nose
bleed. The skin of a snake worn around the
one's hut crown w ill cure the heada.'he.
Wear a string of gold U-ada around
your neck and your nose can not bleed.
TlcMdncho mar bo prevented by wear
ing in one's, hut the rattles of a rattle
snake. The negro sometime sl.cp with a
young dog in order to transmit rheu
matism to the dog.
At Dclphos, Kan., liven a young man
who gallantly procured Ins tweet
heart's warts by purchase.
A sty may tw cuied by rubbing it
with a gold ring, a silver spoon, oi
one's finger moiMcncd ith saliva.
If you seo any ono asleep In church
say to yourself: "When you awake
tuko these warts."
lloie a hole in tho wall the height
of a child's head; when the child grows
, above tho hole it will bo cuied of
1 asthma.
In order to cure tho toothm ho cut
' your fiiigei nails on Friday. Another
; sure cure is to wash behind your ears
every morning.
Write on a stove with a piece of
' chalk the num!crof your w.irts. When
the number has burned off the stove
your waits will be gone.
Kub Hut wart with seven pebbles,
wrap the pebbles in a parcel and throw
them away; if the parcel is picked up
the wart will go away.
You may always prevent cramps in
the feet by turning your shoes upside
, down every night beanie your tied.
!(eitrudu V. Davenport, In the Journal
of American Folk Lire.
I Steal a dishcloth, rub the wart with
it, and then bury the cloth undei the
eaves of the house. If you tell no one
1 and no one llnds out yoor theft, your
I wart will go away. '
If you have a wart and see a mun
'riiling on horseback in tbe rain (or, us
another version runs, tiding on a gray
horse), say: "Take theso along;" rub
i tho wart and it will leavo you.
Tut into a red calico bug "hearts"
ftoin gruins of corn; "run down the
road;" throw away the ag, not look
; ing where they fall; run home ugan,
' nnd if ally one picks up tho bug your
wartwill go away.
Koine of theso cures, which wero ool
i looted in Cotley county, wero obtain
'odfioni cidoted people. Tbo majority
lot the superstitions, however, which
wore collected in Douglas county, wero
obtained from people who declared they
'knew no supcrntitions ami believed
1 none; namely, Mudcnta in attendance
'at the UnivoiHity ot Kausus. Theso
1 students eumo from uoaily every
county in tho statu.
mm W W - W W W 0rm W W W W W mf W WW W w-WW vas-
The ilver Jordan makes the greatest
ileset nt in the slioi test distance of al
uust any atieiim.
The nveratfe height of the human
lace is, men, live feet lis im In s; wo
men, live (ei't two III' lies.
lYndiilir.n are alTe.tol by variations
of deiisitv of the ail, as well us by
rb.iiii.'iug tcmpcrattirti.
Avoiding to Professor Oalton, a
few pi r-ou see mentally iu print every
word tin y hear uttered.
Water piiM uro now often made of
glass mil coveted with aphaltuiu.
with highly satisfactory results.
The entire collection of coins and
medals In the British museum consists
ot nearly 200,000 specimens.
D.ntmoor is the laigest tract of un
cultivated land In Kuglatid; it occupies
one-llf tti of the county of Devon.
The bull ring of Mudri I stands a
mile or so nutei.lo the city. It was
built iu at a cost, il is said, of
f (0,OiU).
Millions of paits of doll slides are
old ill tli i it country annually, the gnat
purl of which uro imported from tier
many. The youngest volunteer in tho naval
reserve is t'adet liolaud 8. Oielow, a
bugler on the training ship New llainp
hire. Fourteen children seven set of
twins and all living is the record ot
Mr. and Mt. K lward llaril. of Uicl
nnuid, Mo.
Il is computed that wheu marching
toMieis take 73 stei pel minute, iu
quick matching 108, and iu churging
1(10 step. 1
llriti-h trade with the Philippine
last year was f'J.UH t.fitltl; thut of the
United States,, or about
half u much.
At its present tale of combustion it
is though! the mm will las! from 7,000,
000 lo 15,000,000 years before burning
itself out.
Tho aveiago duration of human fife
iu Kuropean countries Is greatest in
Kwedcn and Norway, und lowest in Italy
and Austria.
Burcelonu Is now tho most Hipulous
city of Hpain. the result of the census
just taken allowing CJO.OOO inhabit
ants, to Madrid's 507,000.
Tho SI. Uiuia team ot the National
Baseball leagtio has been sold to Kd
Wind Decker, a retited capitalist and
pilueipal creditor of the club.
Alexander Uiegg Belleville, of St.
Louis, who recently buried his seventh
wife, has mart ied again, this time to a
girl of IS. Ho is 67 years old.
Judge John K. Candler, of Atlanta,
who has been apoinlod colonel ol the
Thiid Georgia volunteers, lost Ixith his
foot in a railroad accident in DS81.
frs. I. N. Durbcr, principal of the
St Paul tcliiKil of lino art, committed
auiuidu at Mendotu, Minn., where she
was in charge of tho summer art
Owing to tho extreme drought placer
mining in tho not then counties of Cali
fornia bail been suspended. It is
thought that operations will not be re
mined until next spring.
Pf3 p
JLi J Qn
Srtfl Valu mt I'arta lllao.
Mr Frederick A. Obei write an
article foi the Angus! Century on "The
Island of Porto Cieo." Mr. (liter says:
Until it wa discovered that Porto
llico Miesed gieat value ns a "strategic
center" of naval tieration, tint (air
isle slumbered uiidisturlH'd, merely a
link, and no important one, in the em
erald chain that separate lite Atlantic
and tho Caribbean. Suddenly naval
folk became aware of it ituportuuee;
they saw that while it Itordeia on the
Caribbean sea, yet It breasts the rough
Atlantic waleis; that it is equadis
tant, or uIniiiI 1.000 mile, from Key
West and Colon; ftoni New York
1,500 miles, which in half the distance
from Cadis; 1.300 from Newport News,
which i half the distance to the Canar
ies. It lie, in fact, at the very point
that wo should have sehs-led for
a coaling station, had we unrestricted
choice ol location. All the arguments
that have been advanced for tbe acquisi
tion of the island of St. Thomas, tiO
miles distant, and for which al one
time wo were almost ready to pay seven
million dolluis, apply with tenfold
force to Poi to Itico, with its six good
harboia to the one of St. Thomas, and
its commeicial as well as strategical
lost ins lira kimmi othkk.
A rumitrv nor llt!n New Ymk (u'h-iI I
IrrtllltC tllllHHKV ti'MIII tllHl Hit Utieill tl,
ilitli en tlie slit.'tt ntlt where ltn-r,t weff linn- !
lilfW ol wetlii-ll me! rlilUlretl. He f.l tlietr
llve. lull lest lllk ewtl II llli,lr'l el lllesitie
i eil everv yvsr liy llimtetter's Htemiti-li Hit
I'eei'le Him Nr. Innl ttultlK li, 1'ietr
Ktsvei Willi itietili r of Iiiiiihi II. Il,r. !
tumels lnt IiIhihI re lirotwlil lm-k tit Kued !
hi sllli I') II. All tin' nii'k slniiilil try II.
(biv. McCord has received indetlnito!
leave of alweuco from bis duties n tho
executivo of Arisoiia, and will take ,
cotninittid as colonel of tbe regiment of
infantry now being reciuited in the
four territories.
A iwiwdcr to tie shaken Into the shoes.
At llils season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous, ami bol. ami get tired easily. If you
have smarting feel or tight shoes, try
Allen's Kiml Kue. It cools the feet r.tiil
luitke walking easy. Cures swollen and
sw eat lug feel, hliMfra and rullotts shiI.
ltflicvr corns and huniniisof all aiii and
gives rest and muifort Ten thousand tes
timonial of cures, Try It (miiiv. Sold by
ull (IrugglNts and shoe tnre for'iV. Sent
bv mail tor '.'.'' In stamps. Trial piu kaeo
KUKK. Add rem Alieu 8. Ollinted, Lt
Koy, New. York.
llailway building in Africa Is pro
ceeding with woudeiful rapidity con
sidering the difficulty and expensive
uess of miNjt of the enterprises.
waiionm mriiovico.
Yhe new Improved Stottiihtoii waKolt
stand the racket. Tliree more cur are
mi I lie v n v. It pnv lo have lite Im-iI.
Write for five ctilHloL'tie. J Oil S l'(i(t.K,
sole iDient, find ol Morrison street, Port
land, Or.
Miorolte are an minute that SAO,
000,000 cun be comfortably accommo
dated on a penny postage stump.
According to a (lerman authority the
human bruin is ooniostid of 1)00,000,
000 nerve eel la
I. I'lltMH
Stniied Htnnea
lot. J.C. llorrH.MllH itl.ltt.c'litiiiKii.lll.
EUblUbd I7SO.
celebrated for more
than a century a a .3
deliciou. nultiiieiiv
?jand flndi forming
Yellow Label
on the front of every
packjge, and our
(hocollirr,"oti the
Dorchester, Mass.
Bishcp Scot 4c da r y '
, lltll,.l.-4
ClHlf.M hii'I lio .-l'..l Itf li -
MilttM, Im'Iiih- III i-liHri- ,r 1 . H.
Arm, ,,ttl..-r. Ir.M'io), tr r 't' v
Nti-t Hi'iel.-lin I'm il M ui Kll
'I neliM -ir lm .1 I.M r,-fr'4l I, i In
KlMilfl. IIm i.f Mil twi ol
Ht. InI I114. riiellxii In iiiM.i'. ui.hl.'rrl
lHii'.i.. fi. l 4 r H t . 'I iir-.itnli i - l
If It? fl.'4.t Mill... M ,"".Ht. 'I''
I lirutmie, t. rtii Ml II f n r-.ji C w
lllli.l-m. I'4l,.lrfli' . H ie-ii !
Ilir iiriitelfii. i W. till 1. M II. e.
O luvr 17. I'miIIHi I. or.
Maientener tjr lueresliil
tieeuiRitiiti in ( lot sttn. Wa
buy Kiel Mrll ae( ,,n tit Ar
al in. Kurtutii'i into Im
DiSile u ti small Ix ioitiiti ! uxling in lifc
litri i. W rite lur lull j.itlrulr. he.t el rfe
erriiev alvea. Serarid yratu' eititeiirr ntt the
l'hiei(0 Horl of 1 rtts. tul (Imreinilt Liiow
leiliie tl Ihtf b'Miii"". Send lur our Ire ren-r-enrr
bunk. Di'tt MNti, IKil'klNs .V Co.,
Chiissn lletttil ol T i Kite llrekii.. Ofloi' la
fiirllatid. (iri'iton and Heattlr. Wh.
.' His U fur uttiisttiiritl
iltaM ttiKSi( luii1iiti'llMiiai,
Irtiistiioii or uiu i Mt tout
ot m it run riifiiiltr.iH.
or vnt in plain uripprr,
it rpr-M, rrNti, luff
II ', r l Will-.,
Lircuiiar swui tn rs-Miku
Il it Wioiiy?
Get It Kiulit.
Keep it Kith L
Htwn'i ltvsld llmdr wllldolt Tliree
duivs will maka jrou leel better, (ict It Iruta
Tour drtteitlst or n wholeiale drug Iioiim, or
! Vom Slewsrl A llulines Hru Co.. Mcaitl.
BAQ N EEOLtS.......
Iiln nr wttli t'itttr. Th Kvat nM-illi. In Itie ruur.
ki't. I'mhI by nit iuw-k Mwrrs. 'ur mU b Hit ieei
ril tuvrebttiiiliM sturv. vr b
M il l. A MM'K CO..
no Mrkri Htrna, Hn Krndn. ( nU
It. f. 3.
II KN writing; to .lrtlser ,lita
uientliia Hit iapr.
r t
. mw M mW mm
J fMM M tXrlfistn
vv o... J,. r