The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 30, 1898, Image 10

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DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of "C ASTORIA," the same that
has borne and docs now bear sSj-" n CVCr!
the fac-simile signature of (ffiuc&4 wrapper.
This is the original "CASTOR I A" which has been used in
the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years.
tOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and sec that it i3
the hind you have alwaiis bought sSTZ5Z m ihC
'and has the signature of Cav4uk wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company, of which Chas. ll Fletcher is President.
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in
gredients of which even he docs not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Med You.
When several hunJroJ member
of the Third Nebraska regiment,
commanded by Colonel William J
Bryan, arrived at Nashville, Tenn,
on Wednesday, en routo to Atlanta,
they were given a warm reception.
Congressman llonton McMillin
presented Colonel ttryan to a lur4e
and enthusiastic audieuco of men
and womon, who greeted lit in with
cheer. Colonel ISryan then spoke
a follow:
"Wedo not know what may be
the result of thin war. War often
bring result whi:h wero not
imagined at the beginning, but one
result ba already been achieved
during this war. If there was any
body in the" United States who
doubted the loyalty of the people ol
the south, there will be no such
doubt hereafter. Applause. Why,
when the president of the United
States gavo a genoral' commission
to Fitzuugh Lee and to (ieneral
Wheeler, the sectional question was
forever buried, and hereafter there
will be no Diziodine. Applause
When our band started down hero
I told them I wanted them to prac
tice well on "Dixie,' so that we
omldplay it when we goto the
south; because I told them you had
bean practicing for 30 year on
Yankee Doodle,' and we wanted to
mix them down here." Applause.
'lie 8a Vin with his little cyo,
That' why
Their cruicers lie
All battered up there on the
fohley's a peach,
That' what!
He opened up with sholl and
One ship against the lotl
Went in to do or die
And he did
Just smashed the lid
0 tho cracker box
Schley old foxl
Didn't somebody mention Schley
Whon the good new came?
Did they try
To keep his na me
Out of the glorious work?
Did they try to jerk
The credit they had won
. Away?
Well, hardly, but what' done is
Were excited that day
So here' to Schley,
The man
Who saw them with his little ere
A i they ran
For the open seal
Ii the man who merits praise
To bim i duo
The credit and he'll get it too
One of these (Uysl
Juit keep on Schley
You're all right;
It wa your fight
The world will know it by and by
Cleveland Leuler.
Albany Democrat: In Linn
nnnntv thura has been a war of
ballots. Though election has been
over three week a hot fight has
been in progress, not for new vMes,
but to destroy or regulate those al
ready cant. The result shows that
there are a great many people who
do not know how to vote well under
the present Australian ballot sys
tem, and that they are pretty even
ly divided between tho parties. Of
filtv or sixtv ballots defective in
different forms each of the two
principal parties bad to tuther
about tho same number. The con
test will have the effect in educat
ing the people up to some things
in voting and it is to be hoped it
includes lbs judges of election. Just
what this will be on cannot be
stated authoritatively until the
supreme court decides one or two
point! about which there is
dill'oronco of opinion.
Tho editor of Lo Journal lies Dc
bati of I arts hai collected so ue
official statistics to prove that a
bombardment is not such a terrible
thing alter all. In 1S70-71 the
bo:nbardmont of Dclfort lasted
seventy-three days, during which
99.153 nroieotiUs full withia the
lUy and there were but sixty vic
tims killed or wounded. At Stras
burg, during tho seige of thirty
eight days, the Germans fired upon
the city mostly at close rane
1U3.722 shells, with a record of
only three hundred victims
Finally at Paris, where the bom
bardment lasted only twtnty-ihree
day, ten thousand seine shells
were thrown, killing ami wounding
107 persons.
A unitiuo feature of nearly all
homes and building in Manila is
the use of tiny squaro pares of
translucent oyster shell instead of
glass. The window measure on
an average Bix feet long and four
feet wide and contain 2G0 of theso
oyster shell panes, which temper
the fierce glare of tho s.iu in the
building. Inacouutry where peo
pie go blind from constant
sunshine, this U a precaution very
necess try to bo taken.
The price ever reached bv
wheat was $5 per bushel in 1812.
This price was duo to the failure of
the Knglih crop, and a very high
tariff oa cereals. In November of
1S(6 wheat sold at $2.03 in Chicago,
And during the following spring a
"corner" sent the price to if 2. S3 by
May 1. In 1S83 wheat went to 12
as the result of a "corner," but
such instances are rare.
Uosebur? Review: There will be
government civil service exami
nation in Koseburg Wednesday
and Thursday, under the direction
of Postmaster Frater. We have
learned that quite a number of re
publican applicant for the laud
office clerkship will take the exam
ination on that occasion MrTback
rah will hold down the job until
the civil service board decides on
which republican shall succeed
him. .
fl nn lllrr.ftfillllhlt tLC lctttf
W wv it
alleged to have been addressed bv
GenOarcia to Gen Shafter, corn-
plalniug ol the treatment accorded
to Cuban, and advising Gen Sbaf
terot Gen GarcV resignation, was
nrr.,.l hv a newsnaoer ror
reipandent named Aras, who has
been acting on the stuff" of Gen Cas
tillo. It is not clear that Gurcta
eyer saw the letU-r.
The uostoffico department asks
the pref s to give this notice- an in
sertion:. "FrienJ and lelalive of
Boldiers in the field, hould mark
plainly the company and regiment
to which they belong, as by doing
to the distribution oi the mail will
be facilitated. This applits to both
the regular troop and the mditia
In the naval battle of Santiago
thn Oreeon fired 1776 shot. The
patriotio figures easily account for
the great victory.
Hon. It It. Have, another of the
nlorecrs of Ltne county, departed
tnls llfeat blshnine in Hpenccr pre
cinct, 12 miles west of Kugeue, last
Saturday afternoon, alter an Mess or
several month from heart disease.
He was born id Warren county, Tenn.,
May 0. 1831, Lut when eight yearn or
age was taken by Ma- parents, who
moved to Dade county, Missouri, and
was reared a farmer. On the dlxcor
eryofgold lo Ca'lfornla our subjict,
loo, fell the wild excitement ttiat pre
vndid the land. Therefore, la the
month of Apill, 18"0, accompanied by
bis parents, he Joined a train bound
for the land vt gold, and after a Jour
nev of four months arilved at Cold
Springs, near HaoKtown, now Placer-
vl'le, where he worked In the mines
fur a vear and a half. Ou the expira
tion of that time Mr Hayes commenced
teaming In the clv or Stockton, bis
parents having proceeded to Oregon,
whither our subject came In Novem
ber, 1M2. and choosing Lane county,
took up a donation clulm at Fern
Itldge, Ihe property being now owned
by Wesley Wahburne. Here Mr
Hayes remaimd until 1SU0, when he
purchased his present farm, slluuted
in towuship eighteen, section five
west and located 12 miles southwest
of Kugeue. lnlS66Mr Hayes served
in the Itogue Itlver war as a sergeaut
lu ('a Dial u Jos lialky's company, in
which he -rendered good tervlce in
scouting expeditions. He was four
times elected to the legislative assem
bly, viz: In 1874. 1S70, 1882 aud 1884,
being deteated In the election of 1873,
a sequence of distinctions that leldom
fulls to tho lot of anyone man, but
which bad been earned by a strict at
tention to business aud an earnest de
sire to do the thing that Is right. A
a farmer be showed a marked Interest
lo the rearing of horses, doing his ut
most to Improve the breed auJ infuse a
good strain of blond Into the couutry.
Mr Hayes married In Lane county,
aud leaves a wife and several childien,
inoBtly grown, aud hundreds of rela
tives and friends to mourn his death.
"Dick" Hayes was a generous man
toafau t, and the Uuakd with sor,
row chronicles his death.
It 11 Hayes died at his old home in
Lane couuty, Oregon, July SI, 18'.S.
It It Hayes was born In Warren
couuty, Stale of Tennessee, May 0th
18.11; came to Oregon iu 1S"j2; settled
with his parents lu this couuty; was
married to Lucy ltrowu lu 18.S, set
tied O'l the farm on which he lived un
til he died. He leaven to mourn his
loss three sous and three (laughters.
It 11 Hayes was a kind hearted man,
liberal lo help the needy, and often did
ho do this, while at the suuie time he
needed the help lmself.
Mr Hayes was .lour times honored
by the voters of Lane couuiy, who
seut him to the State legislature, which
position he filled with credit to him
self and the people that elected him.
He was burled by the side of hi
parent In llichardsou grave yard.
Now being Overhauled for Its Kali
The large cannery building lu this
city Is already a sceue ot activity, al
though ouly preliminary work Is txlng
The building Is being thoroughly
renovated, machinery eleaued aud
everything atranged to take charge of
the fruit crop when it ripens.
Prunes will lie the Hint fiuit handled
lint as the time of ripening varies two
or thrve weeks It cannot now he an
nounced when work will commence.
That the fruit crop of 1803 will be
large uo one (questions, and if the
growers handle It properly and receive
fair price for It, instead of a bill of
freight charges, a goodly amount of
money should be brought luto the
TltHKK CII1NAMK.N. Portland Tele
(tram: "Seid lUck, Jr, a sen ol !Srld
Hack, the Chinese merchant and con
tractor, ha enlisted In company O, O
N Q. He Is the third of his race h '
has enlisted In the rauks of the Atneri
cau army. Of the other two, oue eu
llsted In New York aud the other In
San Fr' c'aco. The two Utter have
gone to Manila, aud are bow In the
regular army. Seld Hack, Jr, feels
much elated of bis sucretw, and is very
proud of lbs company of which he Is a
i -v n n rr LH-J
d u m is;
Milling CompaJ
The most popular Hour in the market. Sold by J
Social Sew-Ourforre-pondeiil L'rifes
County Court Muks Mece-aary
Improvements ou the uoau.
A correspondent from the McKci .
llrMue send u a llt of guests ai r na-
hhII'n "L'ir Cabin Hotel" as follows:
From KngHie, Mr and Mrs R t.
Iirown, Mr aud Mack Bommtrvllle,
Lonnle Patterson and J R Campiiell;
Portland, Mr and Mm Olendorl! and
grandchild and Mr and Mrs Dr Spnry.
In cam p. Mrs C V Cioner, Miine Fan
nie aid Magle Croner, Mrs A Ink
1'ntU-ri-on and MIhs Ka e Patterson of
Etiuene. and MN Moree of Portland.
Mr and Mrs Geo Hall, Minn Carrie j
Hall and Mlsa Cook are oicupjliig
their summer residence.
Travel across the moj itnlnn is light.
The road is lu better condition t hail
for years, yet there Is ample room for
betterment. An appropriation by the
county court for work on the road
would bo money well spent. A mod
erate sum would place It Ingood con
dition for travel. There are very few
settlers above the thirty mile stake,
and it is Impossible for iheui to even
begin to ketp the 50 miles of road
from that point to the sunmll In prop
er condition.
This is an import an: thoroughfare
connecting the upper cndofthoWil
lamette valley and the central part of
Fasten) Orrgon. It ban easy and safe
grade, good bridges, and on the whole
Is an excellent mouutain road. Our
suirccfctinu to our county court is to
employ a few trustworthy men, ilur
lug Auguat, at least, and keep them at
work making necessary repairs unil
Improvements. The heavy travtl nec
essarily dumsgea the roadbed that wa
placed lu good condition before travel
cummenced, and as the roud is pruell
cally built of dirt, ruts and chuck holes
are soon dug out. If tluee were filled
aud repaired during the dry teuton,
when the travel would soon pack the
dirt and make the roul smooth, an
other seaou uould flud itlu much bet
ter condition.
A small outlay now will save a con
siderable tum that w ill have to be ex
pended next spiing lu case the road is
left to take cure of Itnelf. Little ex
pense would be oi'nifioiied by repairs
on culverts and bridges. Tlieceareiu
excellent to ditlon. 'Ihe roadbed Is
what ueeds pnnipt atteutlon.
As Usual. -It Is woudeful how
Madame rumor spieads rejwrts about
the country. The lateat comes from
Walterville, the home of Urantou and
lirecn, confined in the county Jad
clia-ged with the killing ofLli.u. Il
la that Hruntoti, while U ln exeicised
iu ti e Jail Saturday, struck Cireeu h
blow that knocked bin) aeu sties and
then kicked him terribly in the ribs.
From a Waltervllle itoldent we learn
the people lu that Mellon were worked
up to a rage over the rumor. Of
nothlmr of the kind occurred. iSherlfl
Withers keep the men confined iu se
ara'e eelK 25 fett distant, hi d dms not
ul ow Hu m to beexercisetl ut the sume
lime. However, the two men are
friend')-, -o .Mr Iiy iLfunusus.
rHUNU. The Pacific Farmer, ol
Portland Talks discourngingly for
prices: "Although prune prices In
California are paid to be strouger we do
not see anything to indicate that prices
throughout tho Northwest will be any
more than last year. California, not
withstanding the early reports of
great snort ago win nave as many or
more than was harvested last year,
while France Is reported at 100,000,000
pounds. The only hope we can see for
high prices is that the low prices which
have cleared up the last year's crop has
mated an iucreused appetite for this
kind of fruit,"
FisniNo at NioiiT. A Nevada ex
change has llih: "A new scheme of
fishing in theTruckee at night Is prov
ing very successful. Fully a dozen
residents of town were to be seen hut
night scattering along the uver looking
for favorable pools In which to try
their luck. The tly Is cast In the dark
and drawn over the surface of the wa
terandtlie tlsli blto readily. Some
largo llsh have Uen landed In Ibis
way.-' How would thia work here in
Tkoi iii.kin rVroKK.-.Max Pnu-ht,
special laud agent tf Uncle Sain, re
turned la-t uighi from Mound precinct
where silver meu abound at the ratio
ol IU to I. He is looking over lands
hoint steaded by residents of low us.
He claims that luVome Instances that
residents of Eugene who hold home
steads in the county are compelled lo
hire guides to show them their laud.
Ci'Mi-UMKSTAKY.-Halem Sates
mm: "Salem will regret t lose so
acvoitipli.hed an educator as Prof
Duun.aud Willamette's IrusUe will
flu I it a difficult task to secure another
P'taoti to mi the chair so sblv as did
Frank Malhewa, who graduated
from ihe University ol Orrg.iu, in the
class of '!:., has accepted the pastorate
of the Kirst Itsptlst cluireh of Tonswau
, da, a lowu of 1S.C0) Population, uenr
Kutlalo. He will soou visit relatives
lu Eugene.
The man Frank Frsliui, ubo had
both Iks cil shod at Coinstock's last
Saturday, dud on bis way to Iioe.
burg on the afteruoou's train and was
ouried by the Douglas county aut hoi I-
tie Sunday,
Fikst Excursion. The first seuthle
excursion of the season, given yester
day, troll) Eugene, Albany, Corvallis
aud other valley points lo Newport
proved lo be a success, numerically
speaking The iraln numbered
coaches, all wi II filled, w hen ll reai bed
Yaqtiiua Cily. Forty four went from
Kugene and they brought back
trophies)!) theshnpeofslu-llsand water
agate to say nothing of two i hoes
apiece full of sand. While none of the
excursionists went out over Ihe bar
Is said a number of them w alked up to
the bar. lhe-e short time excursions
will likely be repeated during (lie next
month. No sea serpents have yet been
Uen reported off Newport which at
tests the excellent nmility of fluid ex
tMcts dispensed at that report.
Fhom Sii.vkr Lakk -Ti e Lake
view It jsller says: "C L Williams ai
rived here from Eugene a few days
since, bringing tin monument. His
brother. It Williams of Dexter, came
out with him. Mr Martin ol Eugene,
Is here. He is finishing the monument
hns part of lbs lettering done, and w 111
finish ill about two weeks. When
completed the monument will be
grand piece of work. Mr Martin will
be with us for some time, as he has
more woik In that line to do."
Rich Si'kcimkns. Dr Ogle.-by. ol
Junction Cily, was lu Eugene yester
day. He was returning from a pros
peeling trip lu the Unheiila district
where he discovered amine that prom
ists to be a rich one. He had a uum
ber ol samples from the mine and they
were very rich, wire gold being plainly
visible lu all of them. We understand
Attorney Woodcock owus a half In
teresl lu the properly.
ARAKIN'O I O.MI'l.KTIOX. 1 lie liew
wagon road to llohemla mines is n ar
Ing completion, so RenJ Lyons, oneof
the contractors Informed a Guard
reporter t day. They now have a force
of &5 men at work, and are building
roadibat will be of vast benefit In
opening up (his rich section. He re
ports a large amount of travel at pre
ent and says great Interest Is being
manifested by prospectors.
W ill Lecture. Itev I D Dilver
we leave Wednesday or Thursday for
Lincoln Nebraska, where lie will lec
ture seven days, August 310, on ' The
Origin ot the Constitution of tl,
United bisies." A number of the
leading lecturers of the country will be
pn sent. Uen O () Howard will fol
low Dr Driver with several lectures
on war subjects.
New Art Synares.
Now Stock of Shades.
New Sewing Machines.
' New Sweepers.
All at new prices at
la! I Mtffion's,
Cor 7th and WillametteS-
If you wish to k'O the finest
display of Hooks and Stationery
Ever brought to Eugene.
Entire stock just received
direct from Chicago.
H. G. MM LER Proprietor
,. ...... .
. .1. f
I I..'-'
linili:.'" I
turlo lu Euiii,iio,ort,i:.,l'f llHNOliH -UN .'; L
'"--?m. Iiinia,
i ' "if Mi. -Kt
.v i '.'i..i.u,um.
TtLKi'iioNE Coming. Mr ShnllVird,
Supt. of construction or ne runsei
Telephone Co, states that the work on
the California line, between Mn l-ran-
cbco and r.rtlaiid Is being pushed ss
rapl lly as possible. The crew ou the
uorth end are now this side of Albany
aud will reuch Cotlnge rove aboi.t
the 15lh of August. A force of C0
meu ore also wciklng on the ther
end of the Hue. They are uow Ibis
side ol Ileddluc, Calif. Mr rshafl'ord Is
a rustler and there is no doubt but
what the line will be completed as soou
as it is pntsille to do to.
The cost of the w ar up to July 15 was
$l25,O00,r,OO. Up lo that date, the
amount appropriated for canylngon
the war was $202, 00,000. Principal
Items of expense have been: Transpor
tation, mobillzitlon of soldiers and
charter and urchasa of ircoj ships,
$17,000,COO; psy or clllcers, soldiers and
sailors, f20,000,000; tents clothing aud
camp equipment (O.OCOOOO; strength
ening sea coait diuns s J S.COt 0.0U0
coal ror warships f4, 00,000; oidnance
and arms $8,000,1X0; Miimunitlou $7,
OOO.OCO; hores and mules, 4,0i 0,000;
expedilloii for relief t f Cubans (1,5(0
000. ly crediting the expel. iliiurcs to
80 days between April 21 and July 15,
tlieavtmgt dully cot of the wurls
found to I e about tl .450.000. K uch of
the money was spent dining I he pre
paratory period from the destruction ol
the Maine t i the declaration of war. At
the rate of $1,450,(00 a day il will take
until November 7 to exhaust the bal
ance of the money a proprluted which
Is IC7,000.COO. By that lime the war
ought to be forgotten. Torto ltlco and
the Philippine ialauds uie worth $)00
0(0,000, and we are getting them cheap
wheu I hey come to U9 at three-fifths of
th" t amouut.
Irtntv nnJt)tnlMtoUjaxTw
oiul h.uilth "(Mini of ko
li .n " 1i4cj art ' Lift Hat
to v trie at womanhoo. va
vcl'tiiint of ritaMUh"j
Vtiin rfmnti for
tln m. Cnnot do bine-uj
i-i.rT'M d i-anrr. VI prf
hv tnrill. Wold hr
Fur tale y Wilkius A LIdd.
Siikru k's Salk. A .1 Johnson to
uay soiu at Mieritrs sale, onaludir-
rnent In favor of Florence D Gilbert
and against W S Lee el at for the sum
of Sliijj.lO, thenorlli half of lot 4 J, in
Juncllou City, the same '.laving a one
strry brjck on ll occupied by Sternberg
& Senders, for the sum of $1 loo Flor
ence D Gilbert wa the purchaxcr.
Makkikd. -Saturday. July It) 1S08,
iu Coddon. Mr George L Hint hart, of
Condon, and Mlsa Mary A IVrry. of Uook, were united iu innrrlHg-,
City Recorder WA Uarllngofllelating.
Ulnehart was a former resideut of
1. sue county.
Fkci-kkty Sold r K Snodgrars
has sold to V L Chambero ihe un
divided one-half of 273xlOJ u-et of lot
5, bbnk 15, Mulligans donation; con
sideration I'.HX).
Civil Cask. A case U Mug tried
In Justice Wli.teruieler's court wtnie
lu Eupherula Condray tues Cordeia
llynohls for the pos-e.-i.ion of a cow.
Vaclt Removkd. The steel vault
of the First National Bank, was re
moved to the new building yesterday.
L N Rocey directed the work.
MysoreMn llcommviiCLiI with burning on mf
f nn. ra. When 1 mblied thora jrou could w lulls
whiin flmplcs, n,1 1 felt llko twutlng them out or
tliplra.trk"is. i lud hlph feycr and cold chill,
nights I bii la a Ui floor until I roll lep.
H)' liunln peclod HWo an oalon, the flniter nulla (rot
loosp, tl. w it ran out, anil there the burning f.r
J. aljr puiTcd up worm than a load, lb
w ver ran thronuli Iho bandagMin to the Boor. I
wrr.t to adoclr for a year. 1 Rot Concent Ri.
.r.v ext and Cutict ti Soip. The nallt hardened
p, pcelf d oir. and mr handi are now cured.
CASl'Eli DllVlVCllt.KU, Pembroke, K. T.
S-miit Ci ea TmnTi..i TotTratmt, Pmrcn
lliaoaa, ira ri or lln.-Wnn bnlhl
h i tii re oe. rntln'.tntincnIUCllTlcURA.
i' I mi ll tloMeof CrTn o4 liMnuiir.
'I'd I'-.mrtotit lh w'.l.TSra OiiriiiiCiit.
--.''ill '"a' " 10 il4Tt S"uu'l HtniU,"
Mott's Nerverice Pills
fctiuKt ASO ll li.ll IsI.Sii.
Tlif grea'
remedy ioi
nervous pros
t ration aur
all nervous
disease of t!i
generative or
gans of either
x, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing o
tost Mjnhooi, Impolencv, Nigl.tly Em;$
Ci-ijve vsf of Tokitrn rw-l... .: .
W.J to Consumption and InsAnity. S1.0C
per hot by nuu'i 6 boxes for 15 00
Julie GoId$flI
Look Here fmt
Bring or Hides d
Skins to our taimtrj.
Foi nil No. 1 creen hidei a
pay you 4 to 4 ceD'Pf
lor io i oi "
pound; For No 2 sccordnf1
quiility, 4 to S cents.
are raid in Ccn c
The VillIBltT,r
I iua tlis llcsljj-
or mo privu : I-"--
Ceipt ot price. M ceu:a anu ,
For sale by Wilkim 41"
CP 1
. s
9 UWJft,
1 it
.3 1
If yju a t'
I OS I WaiW "J
need i".B "":-
from the eiTtctioi y-'-'SzL
cee in manner yf-i"1' , ru
IMbl I II ,1 m
in all in "; e.rra.
1 roqurarr of I
combinaiioo of rrineu.e..o' I. i ,
er, the lvctor ku 'j .'V(
perm inent cure. 1 lie .' K,vif, i
perform miracle, bit UjZitZZ
and !uare Phy.! -"-;
Mynblll thonxik ' mry f
-a-va-HV MAX ,l,,.'CJ-r.:.'
clve our himnt ;'"" '",,i;rJ' 'L
Thannand In!ir.i ri
mil. t.
iriD.ira trr: i. t-1
VII .in1'". . .
nrnt pe
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(A Miuawe '..!r J
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the (inert and larf "u .
world. Come an.l .rrt.
are made n-i
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1081 WarMi!1,
For sale by Wllklns ft Linn.