The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 09, 1898, Image 7

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..: ; ii"0 assise aswesf
' h.. i. - ---
runner oaa viaar oraaa.
Absolutely Pure
99fAL M " CO. , t.f VRM,
fleering Mower.
DeeriiiL- Hay Base.
iDceriug Hinder.
kreeol the "est IriiMln h runner
fiave they are made of good slulf.
Itlicm at r i. itiamiwra.
Venders pays the highest market
'or chltleui nara.
. . . in. ..,.- . . .
IUll oi ik ;tuiiitii i
i ., iuiicN ot Oreiron I'.rnjH- JJjot
Sei-Celll 1 'II "r s i'ijn--imiiuiiiui.
. - " - - Ml I I..I. ... .......
p ij ..ha.mlkrh, Ai?.
r. ChambMs Will trade you a new
ty for yoLf old ol e.
Lws giiiutiud and n 'paired at Eii-
Saw Works, Aintli teert, i-.ugy me.
I)K AI.K-suu neau mgora
loijuireai C M oiUns njtat
f JJITID BIT OUT loada of chilh in
i and graa root hy W San. lera.
U Friendly will pay the highest
price for Okiaion Ukaf'E
ie celebration nt Co'.iageGrov. eaod
dricks' rerry are Bald to have been
I attended.
Mass no altlereuce what an wer
naveFL Chambers can furi jiuh
extias lor It.
Bale. Two horses, a bu ggy
harness. 1? i.iire i.t luigcno 1 'etd
Willamette street.
lining knives, hand pru tiers, ' .ong
I short hanule primer, pro jing
and hedge shears, at (iri ill in
Iware Co's.
hi wunt a good buggy or
lias stood tlio lent for ten
here, get the Undue.
libers Iium them.
Eiio.N (iltAPK ItooT rerson iiav
kme will do well to call on toe.
I Cream Freezers.
mi Mowers.
n Doors.
F L Ciiamiikks has them.
pany Democrat: It is said then
Albany man who can make a Hat
i wly-flye Albany people wbo are
1 to the morphine habit.. Too
i. ''here shouldn't be any.
clocks, Jewelry repaired
cheaper tliau any place in
i dw u trial. I will save
Erb, the jeweler, Ninth
i l)oio , "ecelvea a certmcato oi
' T . a II..mI. ... In.
Ifroni Gh "" hww
llind liet n INSUe" reHlra"n,,K
v tnoHnr lu 1 1 , i- t v
ti it. Tin 1 . '
He held , X)urt 1,1 Ba,0,u es-
ell's "Lotf 1,
'ouse" Hotel.
Ibuilt. .snien
did .icOiimmedi
lally wllti fresh
am. Sato-
able supplied i
veni -i hi in
ItiK and lishii
i" vlcinii.
'one. :i week.
Id nalla three t
kaonable terms
for guests
al chatf.n
it ooehaf the u
H reaorl plaoee
fUs and furl her imrl
teuton aii-
o i- KISSKI.I,,
McKeu.le Krii
Ige, Or.
lllils Wanted.
rill be received until 3k turduy
i i p in, for the carpe ote r work
levator warehouse' .he owner
kg all materials. Th e rlj ht to
ly and all bids reser ed. For
y to W T t'limpbi ;ll a t the
rt house.
lb pull
Imower or Mnder in this mai-
hud at F L Uhambeis.
Oaty anted.
if cash.
I K Peters, Ninth sfrosrt.
July 8, given by Methodic
I School and Epworth Leajfva.
M the Pnik -oi i... .It. t
I- ... ww vjii n I , I
'fee. Allcoire.
Slaocabee Pits.
fatfs bas just receiver', a vet T
ffK O T M and f , O T I C
election and wll'. ell ver. f
and Siitimiuv Af.iv
" e
To Our Krlen ..
h to extend oar gratitude fer
nera and sympi thy extended
Irinv nn
mi Kim uorr ow.
" JoHN T Wiuom and Children.
J Henderton. Undertaker, nd
Wk Cor. Wil. and 7th, sts.
Civil Stit hi: i;.viHkA.i.-l'n!
Luitfii -tun civil service mitoi
Blnii am. .mice, that examinations may
be token iii) July 07 nntl 2s, ib'.is, at
the cities uamcd In tbelr circular for
positions In tin- offices of Hie surveyor
general, aud the register end receiver
of the several land districts the I'm
tod Ktat.e. The cIlk'H lu Oregon desig
nated tor UOfa xaniliiHtloD are Asto
Iln. Lu Urauue. Lakeview, Portland
mill RoMborg. rarllcularH regarding
the examination, requirements, ttc.
may he had of PostniaBter FraterBose
burg, Oregon.
BOTH ID Office - Wednesdays
1 Itg Etol ;-w: Judge Hamilton
uml Metric! Attorney Brown have
huh Qledtboli ofllotol ontha with Die
aecr-iary ot state and are now In
Bbwgt. Judge Hamilton held his Drat
couri hiNpimi Tuesday in Roaeburg.
The only eate presetited waa Douglas
Uonntv D&LAsan va 0 L Parrott,
Milmr forMtoraft. A decree was grant
ed and the court adjourned for the
term. A special term of the circuit
court will he held in Horeburg the first
Monday la September.
.makkiku. varas nave been re
ceived In this dtV aunoiincinir the
marriage of Miss Minnie A Holland
to CH I'.owker at Long Beach. Cali
fornia, June '.'1, 1WS. They will beat July 1, at 43a South Hill
street, Los Angelee. Mrs Bowker is a
sister of Prof J P Holland of this city
Nick Pkksknt Miss Xina Nicklln
who rode on the chemical engine dur
Ing the Fourth of July parade, was
preiotnted with a flue gold watch by
the enmpauy. It is an elegant souvenir
and highly sppieviated by the popular
little lady, Ari'itovKi). The commb
sinners court lias approved the bond of
E U Lee, clerk, in the sum of tJO.000;
sureties, F W Folsoni. N L Ijtm atal 0
W WashbL'rnc. The court alao ap
proved the a 'polntmentof F L Ulbbr,
as dejiuty.
Postponed. 1 ,M)ry Van Klyke waa
brought before Jus. 'Ice Wintcrmeler on
the charge of purlo 'nlng jewelry and
released on his on re uluoe Juntll
Friday at 10 a m when teUal will be
"Vacation Suooesi kd." As the
title of a 40 page pamphli t. Illustrated
on Yaqulna Bay, by H Q Jrvlog. It
is well written. The sta to teachara
association meeta at that pi. Jly 27-
Position Acckptkd. iHerbert
Murch, of the 'US 1 J of O cl. nd
winner of the Failing oration prize,
lias accented a oosition as rennrl V n
the Uregoulan, Portland, and vlll
shortly enter upoti his new duties.
Bins Fractured. J M Keeney, aa
Jasper, fell from a log on the Foui"U
ami btokt two ol his ribs.
The Coming Woman
Who goes to the club while her hue
hand U uds the baby, aa well as the
good old-fashioned woman who looka
after lw r home, will both at time go
run ii i .vu in health. They will bo
trouble. 1 with loss of appetite, DMd
ache, a) eepleaneas, faintiug or dizzy
spells. The most wonderful remedy
for theie women is Klectrlo Blttera.
Thousa uds of sufferers from lame hack
and w th kldneya rlaeup and call It
blessed. It la the medicine for womeu.
Female complaints and uervoue trou bles
of all kinds are soon relieved by
the use o f Electric Bitters. Delicate
women t hnuld keep this remedy on
hand to oulld up the system. Only .Vie
per bottle. For saie by Wilkiua &
State Insatie Asylum Report
No patients May 8., 1145
No males June ;I0, 700
No females June 30, 8fi5
Total JUI e.ld, 1444
No officer and emp'oyes, 141
o eiise for June 14097 70
v0 eloped for mouth 10
No e, xayv" rolurntd 7
No (lit
1 for inontii n
No disci
larged 13
No receiv
Hi 10
No re-admi
ted 7.
KlieUL )" red-
-ia. i... , -el t bamberlain'e
Pain Balm for rheui naiiam with great
li-J 1 r .... miimAi, u It
reuei, aim i
splendid liniment for rueuma
fc . r,IH nun f,,r Which
tiam and
ve have
oilier imurciiwiu .
found it valuable. -J W Cdylek wu
Creek, N Y.
Mr Cuyler Is one of the- leading n
e chats of this village and one of ti
most prominent men lu this vicinity
07 Q fBXmS, Editor Bed Creek
Herald. For sale by Osburn & DeLano,
The Acme Steam Fruit CaDner.
This oannei not only saves a great
dial of labor in canning fruit, but also
n tains the flavor and form of fruit.
There Is no burning or boiling over
of fruit as the fruit is placed In thejara
before cooking. By using It neas
iieans, corn and meals may be canned
with parfacl -nitty.
The canners may be seen at Htarr a
Ava's store. Agents wanted, addresa.
Waiterville, Or.
l o ui e a I old in One Hay.
Ti;e Laxative Bromo (juiiiine Tab,
tetK Wilkins & Linn will refund
vou'r moneylf it fails to cure. 2. Th
geuuine has L. HQ. on each tablet.
lor Sale.
16cl..-vm,lehWws, aUglng milk
J noneoverOyeaomWree.
Pleasant Hill, Or.
The Rhh Ifflieedes Cap
tured Last Nkht
Fortifying Entrenchments
Special to the Osard.
Washington, D C, July 7 Bear
Admiral Sampson reports to the navy
department that the dismantled
Spanish orulaer, Keiua Merit dee, the
second claaa cruiser, carrying 1 gum
when manned, laat night attempted to
eecape from Santiago harbor. She waa
caplur d by one of the American war
Wahhinoton, D C, July 7. Gen
eral Sliafter anuouuoes that a number
of the Spanish army officers are desert
Ing and Joining the Americana.
He also says that the Spaniards are
fortifying the entrenchments at San
tiago de Cuba.
Arthnr Collier of Portland, arrived
up today.
John Hill, of Hazel Dell, was iu Ku
geue today.
Joseph Fiuley and wife, of Salem,
are in Eugene.
Alf Walker of Cottage Qrove, waa
in Eugene today.
Misa Grace Smith of Monmoth, la
visiting In the city.
Geo H Yerlngton left for Blue River
mines thla morning.
Commissioner Edwards ia In the
city attending court.
Mr and Mrs Vau Wilson visited old
frieuda in Albany over the 4th.
D B Murray and 0 F Rockwell left
for the Noonday mines, Bohemia to
Not so .many peopls goiug to His
mountains aud sea coast as in former
Miss Cells Walker of Albany ia via
iting her sister, Mrs Virgil Bowland in
tbls city.
Hon L Bilyeu orated at Urowusvllle
the Fourth ot July. A large crnad
was present.
Thermometer 53 at (i o'clock this
morning. Thla la enough to make
swsltering Easternera smile.
Prof W A Calder, superintendent ot
the Brownsville public schools, is the
goest of B H Miller in this city.
Attorney Woodcock of this city, hss
ln-eu retained to help prosecute Mc
Gtalh ior the murder of Jsmes Tur
ner. Judge Potter Is feeling utiwell and
commiaaiooera court adjourned at
aoon outll tomorrow morning on this
A alight bicycle collision occurred on
the corner of Eighth and Willamette
streets this afternoon. No one waa
Geo Nolaud the well knowti Astoria
attorney arrived here laat night and
with hla family will visit in Eugene
severs! weeks.
Master Sammy Handsaker left on
last night's overland train to visit with
bis father's family at Wolf Creek,
Southern Oregon,
8 M Garrlaon, printer at the Deaf
Mute eahooi, Salem, came up today
and will speud a two months' vaca
tion In this vicinity.
The Albany Democrat says of Dr
Chspraan'a Fourth of July oration In
that clii "It was patriotic aud up-to-date;
a creditable ellort."
Mrs W Kuykendall and children,
Dell, Bob and Eberiy aud Misses Sibyl
and Mabel, leU fer Gardiner today to
spend a portion of the summer.
Alexander Lamb, a native of Great
Britain waa made a full fledged citizen
today by Judge Potter. The witnesses
were B J Day and W T Bailey.
Corvallls Times July 6: Prof Glen
and family, of Eugei e, left Saturday
for MoMinnvllle after a two weeks'
?ls It with Mr snd Mrs E R Bryson.
J H Belknsp was down from Mc
Kenzle Bridge yesterday. He says
there Is consldersble exultement along
he river over the reported Hranton
een murder oase.
on U r inompeon oi romaim, a
t of tbe University of Oregon,
d laat mailt to attend a meet-
came l
Ing of i
r -
he executive committee. It Is
ta matron of lbs dormitory
likely thi
will ie aeli
HSted at tbls meeting.
U Ka Hi-ship (iregou.
The (ire.
. he Oregon around Cape
Ztl oof 18,000 miles, with
Horn, a distant Jg damage to her
out doing any p. ohverneDt u wlll(!
macl.l ery.lsana
WS all lake pride. lht r)pBO,j
.ii woman whoreaci ttw h
Ol IUU years. ' y
great many could If
proper care lie
taken of the lieaiui. ,h. liver or
mr Him -iK 11
of disorder In the sto eagund
blood, help sbou il at on
by taking Hoatwr a Sto,
The stomach Is the start. ,rmttn
nearly every dlsee. and I lmporUnl
correct tbe ail men ta of that t
ona, With ths digestive i rn;
a healthy aUte, tbe length o.
To Tbade-A buggy In ood repair
to trade for a blcytfib liulre a - me
Guard office.
Hi: M I HI J,M n.r
California's Kirit Native Hon tiiftsUi
Not I pou Uealth
(J EStowe, the Capital sweep, who
has betu In the eiiy for Soma time past
i a man with a history that of inter
est. Mr Mowe claims to be, aud no
doubt is, the (list white man botu iu
Calif iruia. Ill parents came around
the Horn with Geueral John Sutler in
183S, arriving lu Sau Francisco bay
July, lNW, and went with the geUeial
to the preseut site of icrauienlo,
where he uuilt a fort.
Mr Stowe was born at the fort lu
1840, 50 years ago. According to Mr
Stoww's account of his life, his falbtf
died in 1878, leaving a fortune of $400,-
i no to three children and the mother
niu present eiiiiuuvy sweep was some
what recklcps, and soon went through
his portion of the estate by riotous liv
ing. When bis money had vanished,
he learned to clean chimneys, and by
this calling lias accumulated a compe
tency amouui lug to $10,000 In cash at:d
$10.000 lu real estate.
The Native Sons of California looked
up Mr Stowe'sautecedeuce, and recent
ly granted him a pension of $60 a
mouth, which be. says he i.celves In
quarterly installments. Thla Mr
Stowe Is pulling away tor tbe luture,
aud he expects to retire to a life of ee
and comfort this fall.
CAPITAL chimney bwkkp
Forty years experience In cleaning
fireplaces brick or terra cotta Hues and
ratiyea. No dirt or dust left on your
carpets or goods, and they will be
cleaned as good as the day they were
first built.
Cost per flue 1 story house 60 cts; i
story 18 cts. All my work warranted
flrst-claaa or no pay.
Leave orders at GOLDUflTH'f ClOAR
Stork, w ith your name and the street
you live on. (iK Stowe, Manager.
Have been in Kugene since July 4th.
Prof L C Canon left for Portland to
day. W H Baiighman was In the city to
day, F A Johnson, of Astoria, ia In tbe
J P Jones, of the S P B B, ia In the
Dr Chapman returned to Eugene last
Col E P Sladdeu of Portland Is in
the city.
Mrs Anna Mc rady went to Junc
tion today.
B L Taylor of Corvallls, was beie
Attorney D II Huberts of The Dalles
Is iu Eugeiie.
Mrs lien O Yorau and children have
relumed home.
M E ('al ter of llarrislmrg, spent last
night in Eugene
Mr Anderson, the carpenter lias re
turned (torn Linn county.
Attorney J E Young of Cottage
drove, was in Eugene today.
Hon I) P Thompson relumed to hla
home on this morning's early traiu.
Mrs J 11 Davia of Palouse,
rived here last night on a visit with
FWtMiurn and sou were heaid
from at Spokane, Wash.
They were
making the trip nicely.
H J Burrell and Dr WlUnu or
lai d will arrive up toulght and
leave for Upper McKeuzie tomorrow.
The Salem Journal says Misses Hel
en and Bertha Jenninga of Eugene are
visiting at Stayton, Marion county.
Prof Thomas Condon and family
went to Newport today to spend the
tin tner at their Nye Creek co'tage.
E H Ingham la In Portland attend
ng a meeting of the Uregoii aud
Washington Caah Buyers atsoclatlon.
Arthur Collier spent last night in
Eugene. He will be a member during
the summer of a geological pally which
will operate near Myrtle Point.
C M I, 'n-i; wood, Ernest King aud
Master Elmer Paiue rode up from Sa
lem yesterday ou bicycles, reachiug
here about 6 o'clock in the afternoon.
( litis Marx, Jr, went to Portland on
this forenoon's local train, where ha
exects to obtain emplayment In a
wood-working factory. We wIbIi the
young man success.
Cal Jones, of Salem, airlved on lo
day 'a lecal train. He will go to Foley
Springs where ht will spend at least
two months. Thin lias bet n hit custom
for aeveral years.
Frank lloAllttsr, who baa been
working for Eakin & Ilrlslow at Cot
tage Grove, has taken his position In
the First National bank of thla city.
Frank will Daks a faithful employe.
Attorney Woodcock nearly every
night after supper rides hla bicycle to
Ills farm, eight miles below Eugene,
and after slaying all night returns
home the next morning In time for
Mrs E 1. ( ami bell and child re.
turned to her borne at Woodburn on
the local this foteunoD. Mr Camp
bell went over to Springfield and look
the narrow gnage tia ti lo le-uine
work nn tbe as In the mail ttrvloi
betwe.ti Woodburn and Natron.
Notice To 1'oultry me, i.
If you want Ii ne cockerela from prize
winners, B I' Rook. Buff or Brown
Leghorna and H S llamhurgs, call on
or address Am Wilkins, Ash Grove
Poultry Ysrd, ( oburg. Or.
Oats Wanted.
We pay caah.
I K Peters, Ninth street.
.'ID 1)1
. I UN'
liiriilciit Safe.
Sclat to IhsGasrd.
WAIHIMOTOK, 1) 0, July T Gemral
Shafter has notitled the War Depart
meiit that Lieutenant Hobsoii ami
men, of the Merrimac incident were
exchanged yesterday for Spanish
HhNMIU Home. -A G Mathews,
who went to Omaha, Neb, in company
with Geo Fisher and Bobt M Day, on
a cattle train, returned home on last
night's train. They left hereon June
-0th and arrived a their destination
on June 20th. He took lu the Exposl
tlon for a few days, and says It is quite
Interesting, but the buildings will not
be tilled before August 1st. Then the
best Is Insufferable, the thermometei
lu the day time ranging from lot) to
110 lu the shade, and the nights bir
little lower. This drove him home,
and he Is very glad to la) here. He
s tys Mr Fisher is now at Dea Moines,
Iowa, vhlting rslatlves; that Day will
he home In t wo or thtee days, and that
Fisher will not (airy long.
Suit kob Divorce. Ida Ply malt
has sued Henry G Plyutate, her hus
band, fer divorce, iu the Eane count
circuit court. The couple were mar
i led In Laue county March 3, IKS!'.
The complaint alleges personal Indig
nities, abuse if plaintiff and plaint nt
child; that defeudant committed
adultery and lived op.-i.iv with
another woman whllee nroutelo Sksg-
uay. The fruit of ssld marriage I
one child, Morris Plymate, a son, aged
three years. The plaintiff asks that
she bs awarded the care ami custisly ol
(lie child; that defendant pay plaintill
$40 lor costs and Disbursements of thl
sult. Quite Lucky. J A Steyeus, barn
which waa burned hi the fire on the
night of the Fourth was found to be
insured for $100 in the London &
Liverpool A Globe Co, and adjuster
Guun this morning hauded MrHtevens
a draft for the amount. Mr Stevens
had the barn lusured a couple of
years age for live years but bad for
gotten the fact, as also bad the com
pany's agent, Mr Eaklu, until running
over aome policies lu the bank yester
day, this one waalound.
Loss Adjusted. E L Guun, of Sa
lem, adjuster of the I ...n.:. oi. Liver
pool A Globe Insurance Co haa com
puted his work here. He allowed T G
Hendricks, on his residence, the sum
of lOO'JUO. L N Honey made the cou
tractora estlmats at this llgure. The
adjustment Is perfectly satisfactory to
Mr Hendricks. It will he renumbered
the lire occurred last Saturday after
noon. Tho furniture was not Inttirtd.
Notice. The ladles of tbe
Catholiu church will hold a
Lawn Social on (he grounds
surrounding the church on Wednesday
evening July 13th. The abject of this
social Is to addjto our new church fund.
Hy many novel leaturea. among others
a well stocked booth and Duwey table,
the ladles Intend to make of this a
very enjoyable and Boclal gathering.
Kindly honor us with your presence.
SunscRiiTloN Paper, Wm Bogatt
aud J M Williams were pasting
around a subscription paper today foi
amounts to help J C Goodale rebuild
his saw mill at Coburg. When we
went to press about $150 had been nuh-
scrlbed. Ths gentlemen deslrs to rslee
about $400 for tbls worthy objsct. Tbe
Coburg people we learn, have subscrib
ed enough to rebuild the mill building.
Officers Installed The Rebek
aba Installed ofllcera at lolloaa last
evening: Jennie Aiidersou, N G; Hat-
tie Walton, V G; Bessie Dsy, secretsry i
Allie Eastbam, financial secretary;
Jessie Wiukley, treasurer; Mrs W M
Green, chaplain; Mary Flndley, con
ductor; May Baldwin, outside guard;
Maggie Simon, Imlde guard.
Price of Wheat The Oregoiiiaa
ol today predicta that new wheat In
Portland will open at 57 to 00 cents per
bushel. Tbls would meBU 40 to 48cls
In Eugene. We believe It will opto
Case Ai pealed. The esse of L 1)
Forrest vs J C Goodale, decided at the
Slrcult court in Msroli, IW18, wher lu
a verdict waa found for plaintill in 'I e
! tum of $174 H aud costs, waa today
, appealed to thesupreme court.
Lost Strayed or Stolen. Eng
lish setter, black and white spots. On
nose ami from feel, brown and won
pots. Left about May In Hail collar
ou Willi name aud address "Ed Pengia
Eugene, Ore."
Very Fine Farm For Sale. Dr
i T W Harris offers bis faini, which is
ons of tbs best la the ststs of Oregon,
for sale at a rare bargalu. ( all ou the
Doctor at his office.
Bbvbnue Stamps. The Eugene
Loan A Havings bank has received a
lot of revenue stamps ranging from 1c
Mi.ll.iS' td i.lvMNs
Attorneys ioi H P E.iwar, I Want Hie
Ciiiiintis-louer c mtaal tun
MmM ' d.
Dally iituud, July 7
The fol low in.-, win. I. lsss)fela0
atory, was til,, I in the stork's office
In the circuit court for La:.e c.tinly,
W H llttughniati, plaint it: sj . con
testant, vh II 1) Edward-, defendant
ami contest, e.
Comes now the above mimed dcfi n
dant aud coiitestce uml moves the
court to dismiss tho above named pro
ceedings and alleges a ground for this
First That the notice of contest
tiled In the abOVU proceeding is sham,
frivolous, Irielevant mid imtnali rial,
and doe not stale fuels sufficient to
constitute a cause ajf contest under the
laws of Hie State of Oregon relative
Second That no complaint or UoMea
or other paar has txvn tiled In tbls
proceeding or nerved oil defendant and
contestee which Mutes a i auseof com
plaint or context, or which stales
what errors it any, have bee.i com
mltted by the persons aut'.iori.ed by
law to count the ballot and to make
due returns of such count, or winch
states the number of votes or ball. .Is
which Is claimed to haw been Ille
gally counted, or In what ruapaot or
particular such illegal actawnc don.
or what Hie nature of tbe ballots mid
the description of audi billots aie, or
tile number of Um same which Is
claimed were .tnl for plaintill mid
contestant an. I not cnuutctl for him
Third-Thai i.tithlUK bash, en filed
In this proceeding or tsrVSd 00 de
fendant and c. nil -tue to apprise him
of the issues lie may be called upon to
meet or to re.iilie him to mal e an
swer to.
A c Woodcock,
Chas A Handy,
Attorneys for defendant aud con
testee. Free of Cbaige to MUfferers.
Cut this out and take It to your get u sample botlll Iras
of Dr King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs aud Colds. The
do not ask you to buy before trying.
This will show you t lie great merits of
this tiuly wonderful remedy, and alio
you what can tie accomplished by the
regillsl size botl'.e. ThlalS no expeii
un lit and would be disastrous lo the
proprietors, did they not know II
would Invariably euro. Many ot the
best physicians ate now using it lu
their practice with great n suits, and
are relying on it In most severe cases
It Is guaranteed. i'rl.V bo lies tree at
W'llklusA Lino's Drugstore.
Bib n lb aril Prom
Salem July 0 It Is claimed lure on
good authority that the missing couti
i.v clerk. L V Ehlen, who disappeared
about June -0th, Is lu communication
with friends lu this coituty, and Is
anxious to return If bis affairs caii Ml
satisfactorily adjusted. Ehlen is
thought to be a defaulter to the extent
i ne.v Hint came Int.. his
bauds from lltlgauta under order of the
court, and la also under suspicion of
having tampered W illi the election tal
ly sheets In the D'Arcy-Kolse scandal
over the election of district Judge. His
father, an honored citizen of Aurora,
olUrs to make good any shortage that
may exist. It Is alleged that Ehlen is
n British Columbia.
For Bale.
A line stock ranch containing .'in
acres for sale at a bargain. Will sell aa
a whole or In parte, one containing
Improvements, house and two barns,
consisting of 1.15 acrea; the other pas
ture lands principally. Situabd six
mllea from Kugeue. Call ou or ad
J M Gearmart,
Eugene, Or.
Fur .-air
A 10-roolil residence, bam on prem
ises, two lots, line gurdeu ground, good
water, 110 fruit trees.
Also one lot with fi-iooin resilience.
Will trade for Tacoum prowrty.
Kor nariniilura apply to uuaud
ofllce or S J Hllla, corner Jefferson and
Urst streets, Eugeue.
Oregon hi ape Root.
60,000 pMDds wanted. Will pay
the highest market price for all I can
H li Friendly.
The highest cash price will lie paid
for 1(K) tons of baled hay. Inquire ol
E J McClanahau, Eugene.
Oats Wauled.
We pay csh.
1 K I'ETFiiH, Ninth Street
Wheel for 1'iaile.
A good wine I lo trade for body II r
or grub nak w - ML Baiki.i
lliick Lambs for Sale
JO head of thoroughbred Coatswolil
buck lambs for sale. Terms reatoni.
hie, I : ml!es tiorl heast of Euaeue ou
Cloverdale road. A J Chi .an.
i a Ms unit Oils.
Our stock is larger tliutiever. Mixed
paints fresh from factory. Our prices
suit tb.) times I K hmOUs,
Ninth Ht, Eugene.
1 lie New Produce Co.
All kinds poultry; eggs, butter hides
and furs bought tor caah at Eugene
Produce Co, 1st door south A V Pet. r's
I our - . A
, sack of blud.iig twine it
ii part of town. FimUrwii
me nsriuern pari m umu. riuut
oe rewarueu ny reiur"ing same u
Callihom 4 Nin, Eugene
He W Fur for Han)
Total Loss Probably $10,000;
Insurance $2,000-
Sis-rial o Uie Ouard.
Aliiany, July T -About 6 o'clock
this morning (lames were discovered
issuing from north of the rear of the
o. era bOUSS. They were seen from the
depot when the Height arrived, M
much start had they gotten, and II. e
whistle of the engine was hi iWU
sliriljy. It attract. .1 attention down
street, and W B OIUoU, WbOMVM near
the llrela-ll, and w bo had arisen ruined
to the lower and rang the hell. The
h -p. use a prompt one. . he
whole end of the opera house, End
wig's tlu stn p, Rtalri'l grocery store
and the adjoining warelio'ise building
n tb - tj JT, seemed to bull flames at
once. Everyllili'g was as dry as tluder
and burnt d fust, the lire spieadmg
quickly and It iOObUd as If the ei y'waa
iu it for a big coiillagrutlon, A stream
or two from the hydrant sooti began
o check the llames and both engines,
iu a few moments, which seemed much
longer had streams playing on the
buildings. Qood work was ihcndone
suit after an hour's work ouly the
charred remains of toe i-cverel frame
structures were left of Albany's utlly
oHra home, of Ileum's grocery store
and the llttlu wareln use sin ds on the
alley were entirely destioytd, also
Lttdwlf's ilttahop and the warehouse
ou the ulley lu w hieh F I Allen h Co
bad tweiry or iboty s ov.-s and other
hlugs belonging to (their business
stored, and wl It'll wero all i!etroyed.
Our citizens did splendid work la re
moving goods and the entire slock of
ijoimIs Of 0 A Beam was s .ve I In good
condition. Nearly all of Mr iiradwohl'a
stock of groceries and crockery in the
corner sb ic In the opera house were
saved, though aome were burned,
he thinks about $200 worth, and Mr
Ludwlg'b tinning and plumbing uten
sils w ere ncal ly nil gotten cut. E It
Case, the baiber, and his father resid
ed above Eiidwlgaud saved ouly a few
thing i. Mr Case, sr, losing oven bis
false let ill.
The department altogether did effi
cient wprk.
The total loss is probably about $10,
000. The . p. ra bouse with scenery
was worth nearly $6,000 and the sev
eral adjoining buildings nearly aa much
IIMfU witli the contenta uoi saved.
The building lu which Mr Beam's
store was located waa owned hy Mrs
M adv. the adjoining building ou the
alley hy Mr (irudwi-hl, and tbe Eud
wlg shop aud warehouse In the rear by
WOTweedalc. Mr (iradwohl Is the
principal stockholder In the opera
house property.
Tho opera house waa lusured iu sev
eral companies for $2,000. there waa
no Insurauce ou the goods of Beam,
Ludwlg and F E Allen tfc Co.
SLUBAW Oien. Until further
notice the U of() library will be open
Irom '2 to 6 on Tuesduy aud Friday
afternoons. M A Plumii.
Well Pleased. -I N (Ireen re
ceived a letter today from the manag
ing editor of the Boston Herald, saying
that the work Doing dons for them by
Mrdreen's son, I Newton Oreeu la
giving great satisfaction. He la
with Shafter's army tatfore Santiago,
doing special correspondence and
sketch work.
. it in In breaking out.
' j Syaiaians,trto
I I' .lson, but It got worse.
I was suffering untold agony, and finally bad
to give up work. CrricvaA Rawas were i t liiiini'UlaUly procured.
1 ..-I --, K-xiwriencoilasoothliigrollor,
notwl'.t latcnsepaln. Ilmproreil
...iir tiil atliut J ieucailryeari,aa4
not a tig on my bad) a nyvhtrt Indicating that
anything hail ever beta tho matter with me.
H.B.B W.Hnntet st.tUnta,Oa.
- I I'll Tn.THiWT fob l:tiTRLoosssSn
- "I . - II o - W,rm bolt, was Cm..
.'.);. ..II" uirlnt...c vie. I . T.i'.'S. MTMlet
o 4 aiUL-
lui.piilwl blood pmnly.iasj Uwiusfc
o..r. i' .rue Darn snCin.
, I. lu. ... HlllU.itfW.