The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 09, 1898, Image 3

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ami fXranllon" I'llre.l ttjr llnuti'e
a-w...ifiuy Httl eruptions
their fa"- 1 rK"" ""'o
IE HrsB"irilla, nn'' NfcltBiJf hud
RL lakliiK 1 in1 Ixiltlf the sores
llu'"iM- Wenrr now iflvlnc; llond'a
rr..r,ll I ir balnea fcif hives, aud it
..imiiit V "V
or. '
1.. I llll t' lllllltl l , ,,,...
tr : 1 1
. rm m a v a m ;-a . I - a
.' alen Mcuienic. ai ; hi lor .i.
n I HI n- H I 1 t T 111. I'l'ti
(t-vilvhi( Heat.
nciit especially adapted for use on
. .r,,ll..v cars, lor tin- overhead seals
aMIi HK PtWCW in pa DIM parka
novate country JioilHfK, etc., lit do
Z.a mwiii die nrineiido of tho rolliiu
I..L- mi that llicro 18 always u
....f .. , ii nil.' tin' i at ii V cir M,(iu v
-Uli'' .
.i. .. Ad a COVci HI" fill tile
. ,;... I i. ii H in -uli'l w.iii seat 1 hi ,!
..,,.11. -- nil . I"! mi" I ol t at Htrmn
WW I. rlWtea tecuteiy to omnia of
KJr. ptgimoid oraimilur material
nrMvntln an even surface, the
I K 1
i . t i ii 11 h In.' c Heat, u .i, i la
around too B"at hoard. Ily
o( sunk buttons or tin.', laoed
able Intervulti this roll oun du
, revolved, briniriiii! uiit imrium
..uilinll flir II Hl'llt. I1H lllllV 111, r...
i riiiiH. in inn event ui tiie .,. ,i
w.lKei to tlio rum and rendered
iw . - -
L.. ..a,, llw, niirdmi .I,. biii, ii, .. o.i
B lm- t i tn l V bv Itieuna of the 11 i -
bole f fg1 to draw the roll
1., ,1,1.1 u I ,.. r fi-i'l I v ilpi ii.... in
. L. intil tWIBltUIII lllllkl ll , ...'I
.liiich length that auothei dry imr-
ntnciciit for a seat in Mill in re-
:f r.iiiiul ndi'iiAaiirr tti it. 1.1 i t i. ...
ihliaa tlio roll is revolved in either
it 11 tin, I, tl.a aul
-1. In I'lttitilClt uitli nn Imliii.i ill. I,
. u'lin'li t iU'i-ri ntT nil ll,,. In. mi.
til . .. ,1 .11 .11. I I . .. MMlUa
IIIIUC L iii. i..- ii in
. .1 nlli.'ll ll'lU ll.l.lll ..VI,,..., I ,v tl...
B34I alien nut , l,.,,vii lit 11117
in is i.'rv ii K I ill ii'ii 1 ii nir tin
t ... ..L . I J I
UI ' . -t - O
1 I At I. tr ttiiit
a A..r Ills . uV H IISI nl llr Iil,,.... ii......
u ...... v...n,l fnr tit i. . n.. . . . .
i Kim-liiiit granite monuuiviit in
ii.,.. tl .... :
w .. . -
Old in. ' 1 " ' llv.IV), iii aiio lt'lll
I till II I Ii I 'Mi l Ul'lll lull, III Ml,
cultivation of the potato."
1.. n l t .'. II 1 111 II .1,1- i.l i.',l,.
I taatimonlavlt An provvn to nol
PHM, TBI PtflO Co., Wiirren, Pa.
The dentil lit'iinlty ih rarely enforced
Germany, Austria, Denmark 01
.-J t VT r II . M i.v
vMt'lli HI i' l l li ll UUI 111 1
I til i . I 1
riii'ri.ri , - 1 1 nt will 1 1 ill r iil i, ii
i I ti II 1 1 . I i . i I
e ru n r Km or in 50 snffera capital pun
iment. A KTtalilc X-ray appari'.tUR no liij.'i'er
ful etuMiL'li to enable a surgeon to
ik through a man's body, has boon
vented fur use in war bv Professor
Tho photograpble action of lifht,
n et is' it u nt'li at on inaiv temneiii-
r '.i u i ii' iiinii I'lii'riivi'.
Profi'ssor Dewar recently stated in
I'lHiice til a eoture at llie Kuril ln-
.tiiiii ui tiii'ili iiriLiiin 1 1 1 i i L iiii-ii-
iieen a ureal dove iinmnet in tho
;calnin ol 1 li l ll it 1 air us an nun-
-opareuiai cine ever inns to tne 101
llingle member nf the insect tribe.
general the eggs of an insect are
.1 1 i V . I ... I 1 I . . .. . i.
an r 1 1 liins.
I iilr. ,,.,i, l,it 'i,.,.n t"i t it v iiviiltl.l t
C W -lit-1 1 t lilt II 11 It- il UK 1 1 it .11 I
ll r i .
thumb tcrews on tho uppor sido.
"imn ue tKxiies are ontereu as a
Ii" 1 1 II It H I I ,i,V 'III' .111. II i l'lllilt',1
the inroioes as "statuary" or "nat-
I lvt,,rv , , , . ' tit nil, tl' I iii
-iiiiiiii- icars oi tne crew.
luaonuii nonovoa nor oi &u
pi.ti - m . M
Hor Troubloa.
r-e t . r . - . r
rand Uupida Mich., had ovarian
W " am j at It. 1 .111.
ill w Bin- ,s WUU. IIL'IQ
vre her own words:
M Vour Vegeta
ble Compouud has
made tue feel like
n I'ftc t , r ,i in
Beforo I be
gan taking .t
I was all run
down, felt tired
ud sleepy most
of the time,
had pains ln
uack and
and such
'all the time.
acdcould Dot
sleep well
nights. I al
so had ovarian
trouble Through
the advico of a
friend I began
the use of LydiaE.
Plnkhams Vege
table Compound.
. a .turn .. I, i Tl .V
"tv.11 l.i it.- sii iiiiiiiiui. I, ill l ain
iil .1 ... ...
we slightest pain since taking
-:uieinc. I cannot nralse your
til 1 11 I . .. . l . ..l. I n
. , , ,, , ,,,,,,, J
-"i anil Trirnils see sni'h a cnunLTO
I look so much better and have
-clor Inmv fail. "
r iiii '. .
- ' niKliam itiviti... trnmiiii wno are
P wnte to her at Lvnn. Mass.. for
"niciirsfieely offered.
WW tP Make moiiff by sucretlul
NkR I aiwcuiatlon in i liicaan (
HI H I buy au.l sell viDeal un mar-
aaSl I i-ttta L-.i.i K.... hin
"rile fnr lull ...... ..Hi.' ....
i. aen rH t .rcr 1 )"-api' experience on tha
..!.MolIlll,, .h .,,n.
"MO Ri ara"'..?; .Ni'' "KIN C?"
Uri(j (-7 'it- nrniirn. t'nirre ia
aiiii-, n ua,
Oon ch.rl.. Cmmw ..p.
h latttlt M..,iiu.
OniMt CharteaiavanauKb. ,,. ,.
h.. iir.Ni ti,,. an ,,, ln .
n?Vi "" f M"nl,u "o ' Son
of Harvey C.unty, Kansaa. He u a
Ktinn. r tin tbe Olympln. Admlrnl Hew
rtagsiup, nn,j htlH (.llnrK of on(,
of tho 8-lnch (runs. When the battle
ciiuiini-niiitl tint hi -t . . ..
" " 'i-iti'in MKiinnil llie
other shins to begin firing., by
"wigwagging" nnd by firing tbe first
hot herst lf. QkarlM OftVUMgk had
thelitmor of tiring that tlrat allot A
letter as ri . elved fi 'avanaugli by
( inn i. s Barber, a coasts, in which bo
said the fire of the Spanish fleet was at
all timet very wild, nnd thnt to tho
American oallora It was almply an ex
citing target practice, (.minor Cnv
anaugh Is just years old. and hna
been in the American navy nearly two
years. He enllsUd In November," IK!,
and was drilled In tho recruiting sl.l
Indepeodeaoe. The following March
ho was Btut ncross the Pacific In the
lllllt'itP 11.1-11 lltt.l nti.r, l.ln ..I .... 1
III, niw i i t u, unit III iti 1 1 l - .1 l i l l .. I
I I.I T I .. ..I I t V t. A . .
in uuiuii. iui i.i ne was transierrisi
to the flagship Olympla. He leaned
tho tricks alsiard ship very quickly,
and was transferred to the York town
and back to the Olyuipla. His promo
tion was rapid, and he soon was placed
In charge of one of the big guns.
Hut Cheers nf Welcome fnr the liny
Htute Troops in INttH.
The reception accorded recently In
naltlmore. Mil., to the Sixth Massachu
setts Ucghuellt, ell route to l ulls
Church, Va., to fight the Spaniards.
was In striking contrast to that green
Sins't lulmaa Gay and Bowtsy! wlnrf. April
the same r.giuicnt In the same city
April 10, 1881, when the New l'.uglatid i
troops were on tho way to Washington
to defend the capital agalust a Coufed- ,
crnte attack.
In '01 the troops were savagely at-1
tncked and blood flowed freely. He-
cently the troops wen received with
every demonstration of Joy nnd pa- i
trlotlc fervor. Truly has time healed
tho wounds of the civil wnr. In billet" and "The Itrook dde."
tho Sixth Massachusetts Iteglinetit,
after lonvlng the President street rail
way station were proceeding along
Prntt street, between Ony street nnd
Bowloy's wharf near Calvert street,
whan stone throwing nnd pistol firing
by those opposed to the pnssnge of the
i..n.ia , . ,t , 1 1 1 , hi , , 1 with great
lltMII'.l 11 tl-' ' " "
Five of the soldiers wero killed anil ,
twentv-fotir were Injured.
Among those who welcomed the Bay
State soldiers last month were fifteen
of the men who stoned them In '01.
They made up In enthusiastic Welcome
for the dark event of thirty-seven years
Ilnck Eggs t" n Alhumen Factory.
Noar Chlngklatig, China, Is a great
albumen factory, for the utilization of
the duck eggs which nro produced in
Uint txgiou in enormon quantities,
flocks of 4.000 and 5,000 ducks being
by no means uncommon. The eggs are
broken at tho rate of from 40,000 to
nil 000 nor day by women, who s.-par
ate the white from the yolk, the for
mer being careruliy clean. -o nun m on
until they resemble fish glue, when
they are packed In MO-pOOnd cases j
llinl with Sine. The yolks are j
through sieves Into twenty five gallon ,
receptacles, mixed with a asll ami lsi
rax solution, packed i" pound bar
rels. and used In I'limpo for preparing
aud dressing articles of sui- rlor tJBS.ll !
. . j i ii.i
ty. The albumen finds a ready market
i.'i Knglnnd. France and liermnny for
dyes for tie' Ix-st cotton gotsls. Phlla
Aalphla Press.
Liverpool and Slave Trade.
The great wealth of the merchants of
London aud Bristol enabled them to en
Joy a practical monopoly of die Afri
can slave trade for a long period prior
to Liverpool having any snare in u.
says Oomer Williams' "History of tin.
Liverpool Privateers." Urerpool ad
venturers with a smnll capital were
unable to eiulp vessels nnd purchase
goods specially adapted to the Afrl
can market and of no use outside of
that market, nor could they afford to
await the uncertain result of round
voyages, sometimes prolonged to more
than a year and subject to terrible dan
gers unknown to any other description
of trading adventur.- H'irly 'B tbe
eighteenth oetitury. however, a suc
cessful rlvalshlp with Bristol In ex
porting provisions c-irse rtatrW nod
ail he ' of ManchoSter make
vigor. A Inrge pile of cobblestones succeeded by Frederick VIII., who In
wits plied up on the side of the street j turn will be succeeded by Christian X.
hero nnd these were used to drive back j It Is the law of Denmark that Chris
the soldiers. There were thirty killed j tlan must lie succeeded by Frederick
In the mob and more than 100 wounded. and Frederick by Christian. To at-
to tlw Wi-t Indies Hint tin. continent
of America eventually enaMetl the
merchants of UVW I tn partli 'paie
111 the more lueratlvi' slave traffic.
While Urarpoel nhtahitd froa. data
tniN'tlton a NdtlM act e-sloii to her
i-omnierce which lllletl her WMvbOMM
with sugar, ruin and other Wi st India
ppodMfcj the trade of llr'.siol to ih,.
West Indie dis The el k of
Xlancheater, In UrtTpOOl ships,
ousied from that market the tieriuan.
Trench and Heotch ostiaburgs exported
from P.rlatol.
The. Morse Hamlu ruing.
Thomas Hall, y Aldrli li once recsiYod
n letter from Ills friend. Professor K.
s. llama, tad, ladlag ike handwritini
absolutely Illegible, he Rent the ful
lowing reprjri "My Dear Mr. Mors. :
It was very pleasant to receive n let
ter from you the other day. Perhaps
I ahould have found ll pli-asanier If
I hail been tblt in dedpbeT It. 1 don't
think I mastered anything beyond the
date, which 1 knew, and the signature,
which I gut-used at. There Is a sin
gular and perpetual charm In a letter
of youm It never grows old. It never
loses It novelty. One can aay to one's
self every morning: 'Here's a letter
of Morse's; I haven't read It yet: I
think I shall take anirthcr shy at It
today, ami mnylie I'll lie able. In the
oourae of a few year, to make out
what he means by those t's that look
like w's and thotse I's that haven't any
eyebrows.' Other letters are read and
thrown away and forgotten, but yours
are kept forever unread, line of them
will last a reasonable man a lifetime
Admiringly yours, Thomas Halley Al
drlch." Poet In Parliament.
Tho father of Kugllsh poetry Chan
cer wa.s elietisl a nii'inlaT ..f the
House of Commons ln l.'ISd. In 1031
Waller was at the age of 17 elected
mcmlier for Agmondesham. In Bucks.
He was several times re-elected and
In liSHl, as a memlH'r of the lmg Par
llameiit, delivered his famous sjas'.-li
against the levying of the ship tax.
Andrew Marvell was. In 1UQ8, elected
memlH'r for Hull, the place of his birth.
Addison entered Parliament ln 1T0O;
he had previously been Dnder ttoere
tary, and afterward was Secretary of
State. Hlehard Clover represented
Weymouth In Parliament for many
years sulweiUent to 17(11. Hlehard
Itrlusloy Sheridan sat In the Hons...
and his speeches as a member were
greater than his poems; ami at the
IB, IH01, nhern a mob of 10,(100 uulM llie nweat,
same time dsn-go Canning, author of
the "Needy Knife (irinder," sat as a
memlM'r of the House of Commons,
Contemporary with Cnnn'ng was Lord
Maeaulay, wboae rival In debate, Will-
lam Mackworth Praed. llso sat In the
House. Monkton Mlln. (afterward
Ixird Houghtonl becanrj a meinber of
Parliament hi K. though belter
known ns the writer of "Strangora
Dullish 'tings.
How many historical students have
olvservod that iK-ni lark's kings for .1M
years have all be0 named Christian
or Prederlck? This Is not tbe result
tif fii'elilont It Is (he biw Tho nana.
ent King Is Christian IX. He will lie
tain this, and without the changing of
names, In case of death or oilier ret
son, every Danish Prince, no matte
what other names he may receive, al
ways Includes Christian and Frederick
In some Qermtn royal families It ll
also the custom to name all the mak
children after the head of the bonse
Thus It transpires that the house ol
Tteuss has Its King Henry LXIX,
Heady for the Next.
A certain eminent Judge who was ri
cently K-elected. when he was ask d
abottl the facility with which he turn
ed from one ease to another, replied
that lie hud learn. d that from what be
saw at a baptism of Colored people
when he was a Iro.v. The wi atlier Was
vw.y H 1 1 in t to Immerse the can
,i,ml(.H they were obliged to out away
1(,p ,M,f., tlml wlll.M ,. 0f the
f.mill(, converts was dlppi d back In
t), Wlltl,r the cold made her aqnlnn
nKint ,i i n momtnl she had slip
frilI1 preacher! bands ami was
(iown . ,,,.:,, under the I.e. The
. however, was n il dlsconceri
d. IHtklng up with perftel enlniin
nt the crow . on the bank, he said:
"Brethren, this sister balk departed
hand me down another."- Argonaut.
Naming Ships of the Navy
The nauilng of Vessels of the Dnlted
States navy Is rcguliitit! by law. Vea
sols of the fl rat class are required to
Is' namisl after States, those of the
second after rivets, those of the third
after the prlnelpal elths ami towns.
I and those of the fourth as the PtSatdeal
I may direct.
Carp Out .if Water.
Some flab exhibit great js.wcr of en
durance when deprlvisl of (siwer of ac
etna to their native olemeuta. In Hoi
land carp are kept alive for thrts'
weeks or a month, the flab Is-lng placet!
In wet moae and kept In a cold ot.
Keeping thu lye.
A little cream rublx-d Into black kid
gloves will prevent the dye from com
log off. It also fives them s nice gloa
Porto U.c tn M tiled i'i I . Mi, in
o It Ptd HO Vera Ami
San Juan Is a perfect specimen of n
watted town, with partculUa, moat.
Kates and battleMaOBtB. Unlit over BO
years ago, ll Is still In good Condition
Hid repair. The walls are plrtlllSSQUO
nnd represent a ltnpea4oni work and
coat In themselves, lusldc the walls
the city is lahi out in regular aqua res,
lx parallel streets running In the dlree
Hon of the leugih of the Island ami
seven at right angles. The houses are
cloaely and compactly built of brick,
usually of two stories, ttOCCOed ell the
outside nnd In a variety of
colors. The naajMNT tlisirs an enph d
by the most respectable people, while
the ground floors, almost without ex
ception, are given up to negroet and
the pOOret classes, who MfOWd one iisiu
anothet In the most appalling manner.
In one small MM with a flimsy parti
tion a whole family will reside.
The grotitiil Moors of the whole tout)
reek with tilth, and conditions are most
unsanitary. There Is no running water
tl the town. The rati IS populiitloti do
BMMB1 on rain water caught on the tint
roofs of the buildings and conducted U
the cistern, which occupies the greatei
part of the courtyard that la an es
sentlal part of Spanish houses tin
worhl over, but that In Sun Juan, 01
icconnl of the crowded conditions, u
unall. There Is no si wei age, except foi
surfinv water and sinks, aud (lie Itok
if contaminating the water Is greal
mil In dry seasons the supply Is entire
ly exhausted. Epidemiol are frequent
Wd the town Is alive with vermin, mos
lultoes, an.l dogs.
The sliv.'ls are wider than In the old
K part of Havana and will admit two
carriage! abreast Tbe sidewalks ire
uaiTow, and In placet will aceoniino
late only one person. The pavements
are of a COmpoaitlon manufactured in
JOnghitid from slag, easily broken and
unlit for heavy trifflc The streets are
swept once a day by hand, ami me
kepi very clean. From lis tosigraple
leal situation the town should he
sealthy, but it is not. The soli under
lie city Is clay mixed with lime, so
liird us to be aim. 'st like rock. It is
onaeqnently Impervious to water and
tarnishes a gooti natural drainage. The
trade wind blows strong and fresh,
iii'l through the harbor runs n stream
if sea water at a speed not less than
three miles an hour. With these eon
lltlotis no contagious illseases. If prop-
irly taken care of, eould exlat; without
'.hem the place would be a veritable
plague spot.
foiTthe amateur.
Verjr Convenient Triple Plio ttgruphlc
l-i.. i. Holder.
Hero Is a triple slide holder, which
Consists of a traterprO0f case for hold
lug three double dark slides, with nn
extra space at the back for prints,
memorandum book or small focusing
r 1
. -
Sloth. In the front Is a white UMttt
iurfnee washable tablet, on which may
je recorded p'lrtleulnrs of the exposure,
mil In each partition Is a tape which
inaflant the slide to be easily pulled out
A pencil and pencil holder are Iqcltldod,
ind altogether this innkes all eXi i lh ut
protection for dark slides, either In the
Earners case or In the holder alone.
Two Moat Remarkable Ripen.
Prom the beginning the Mb' wai at
exceptional river. Its sourcei were un
known. There were those who thought
that the Nile flowed down from In ar
en; that It welled up from streams thai
llaappeared under the earth on an
other continent, or, al tbe very least
thnt Its springs were Inaccessible tc
There was no such myslery about
the Euphrates. From tbe remotest
times Its sources aeerfl to have lieon
known by hearsay. If observa
Hon, to the dwellers on the coast.
The Mb' was beuefleenl even In Its
fliHids. The people learned to let it
waters flow over their lands at Hi.
time of the Inundation, and where tb I)
nils.'.! dikes nnd sunk ranals and bt
sins It was to let Iii the water, not to
keep It out.
The Euphrates also had Its floods
but tlnste were deatructlre. They scar
rvd the soft earth with ravines and
awept the fertile soil onward to build
new lands along tbe edge of the Per
dan iuif. Th" people anticipated tbe
overflow with dread, nnd their BBOati
absorbing task was to restrain th"
river within bounds. They beenm.'
more Intimate with the earth thin
their Kgyptlan contemporaries. Tln-y
learn. si how to mold the clay and to
make tbelr houses and the hotisea of
their klnga and their goda out of the
material under their fis t. The Kgyp
tl.ui bar:.. ! aomeiMng about brick
manufacture, but they had no need
to depend wholly upon that sort of
building material. It was easy for
them to obtain atone, as their huge
pllaa attest
A Total Disability Claim of $1,650 Paid to a
Man Who Was Afterward Cured.
The .If.itn'tii. , a in -paper ptlbHahsd at
Msafhrd, out., t una. la, urn dweovered
tin i aaa two yean ago, ami pobllabed h at
length. Wliith now tiln, owing lo the
i nn' of it. lo U' a miracle The facts were
o ihnt many M'eplr doubted
the truth of tin ui. They said: "Itilloo
remarkable ; u cannot jmssihiy is' true;
thi- imper l mlaUken, mid the man,
nit In, ucli he may think hltum-lf CO It .1. I ill
s.nin rvlap-e into hi former condition."
tie. i ate. The accuracy of Its report railed
into tpicstioii, tin- .V'tiiif'tr determined to
nnd out deanltely whether tbe aactswers
lis stalisl and win Un r the BNU1 Mould n-al-
lyatat on red. They accordingly kepi a
close watch on tba esse for tec ynr uftrr
the lirnt ITttele appeared, ami have p. i
imwr - nr.
aiu . i s- i m mm hi ann ir
r to
now published another article alsmt It in
trhleh fir tniyimtl rrjMi, Un t ntH.fHtl'tu im-
kW tts sate arreaanaaL and tv pn'.ia
n fnt limilt of Ikr c. l iitrn Mj thr I loiWnin
aValaal I, iff diaasletaaaWeeaDllaaasaiil
i f Mil glae'. i. ily r aim hi tai by thrm tu Hr,
The lirst account tl that the patient
ftttaddreH ! . i bad i-.i . paralytic
tot live yearst that then was roch a Iota)
lack nf feeling in his liuiha il id IkuIv that
spin run full length could not MMtj
t hut lie could not walk oi nolo btmaelj at
all; for two years be was not ilresscd; fur
Miarmore that he was bloated, wai for thai
reason alllMMft uurecogiiiahlt', and tOUM
nol gi t hUekitbet on. The nasalysli was
tu eompleit MmafllsHtbelaee ami pn--
BMglneerlai I ml" late Baiilli
The newest wonder in Anion. 'an en
gn ting bai Just In i n inaugurated at
Uaughton, Mich., via., tbe Red Jacket
baft of the Calumet and Helcu llie
greatest mining shaft in the entiie
world, ll IH 1,1)00 feet deep, and, com
pared With il, the deep silver mines of
llie t 'omstock lode ill Nevada, or the
vnnderlul mines in Austria, WOtked
lor many centuries past, are but sbul-
lon- pits. Thoro nro six oompartmcnts,
says the New York Sun, onoh aqwl in
size lo an ordinary mining shaft, four
of these Isdng used for hoisting rock
and lowering timber; nno in used foi
the ItddtrWayti and tho sixth aud last
ooinpaitmont curries tho wires and
pipes for telephones, light, pOWBTi
water and conipressed nlr. The under
ground WOrkt nil ol tbn shuft are laid
out with mathematical accuracy, the
iindcviating cnurse of tbe copper-bearing
lodo allow ing work to bo planned
thousands of feet ahead of tho mineral
picks. Tho great pumps which free
the mine of wuter nro operated inter
changeably by conipressed ail and elec
tricity. The power drills which oat the
holes for the dynamite cartridges am
run by compressed nlr alone, and there
are more than SHO of these drills, each
doing the work nf a dozen men, Work
ing both night and day, in tho Calumet
nn. I llel. i mine.
Ill I'I . IL 'S IN Vl I I I I II I -
II la aaht thnl weaiarn rnpltnllata are eon-
teini'iaiiiiu the orssnlaatloB ol n preai bloycla
OompaAJT) wlneti lnina tn lliske Hrsl-elHKa
wtaeeh and asll ibeai aa low as tin. Wbeisat
tiii-. be tme or net. the fael reaututi iiiat n - -taitar'a
tfomach nitieraia a Brat tlasa remedy
lot the itomai bt Rvet and bleed, tad lbs
pm it itiii. in ri' n body'i reack t" bt sell and
IroiiK l or lever anil suae It la a apn-llle.
Tho latest of tho lofty outputs of
mien OS to be established bus bus re
cently batn put on tho summit of
Mount Kosciusko 7, HUH feet high, tho
most elevated point in Australia. It
is a mtteorologlotl observatory.
A isiwder to Is: shuken Into the shoea.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous, uiul hot, und get nn 'I easily If you
have sinarting feet or tight aboea, try
Allen's Koot-Kusv. It cools the feel and
htakaa walking easy. Cures swollen und
sweating feet, blisters and i allium spuls.
Kelieves corns ami minions ol all puin uuu
given rest aud Comfort Ten thousand tee
Umollltlt of CUISti Try il IkIiii. Sold by
all druggists and nIioi' stores f. ir ?.''. Bent
by mull for is- In stamps. Trlul package
I HI. 1. Address Allen ti. Olualvd, Le
Hoy, New York.
Poisons residing in thn District ol
Columbia have no vote there, but they
may vote in the state ln which they
i l.t i ui a legal reside nee.
The new Iniprnved Stnughtoii wugons
aland the rat ki t. Two ear loads have just
urrived. It pava tn have the beat. Write
for tree eatehiane, JOHN POOLS, aola
agent, tool of alorrlaon itreet, PorUand,Or.
In 1 ?U 4 the habitual users nf I he Ku
gllsh language did not number mom
than 10,000,0001 in 1807 their nniiil.i r
wiis estimated at 100,000,000.
A ."'I'I .Wine Fnr -.. ... ....i. .
Tho war privies captured by Itear
rVdmirul Humpson'a North Atlantic
tquuilruii are of considerable value.
Twenty-eight captures of Spanish ves
sels weie made, and it la said that sit
of the principal ships ami cargoes have
I ii valued at $1,600,000. When they j
I .... I A I .li .1 ll.A - - Will '
nuve ii.'en stun nitii tn iin- tHia'ren ivati
go to the government and the other
half (7.ri0,o00) w ill lm divided among
tbe captors, Twenty per cunt, of this,
or $110,000, will go to Admiral Hump
son, and the lotl of it tn the auhnrdi-
nates, Inoledthf tbi erews, if this sort
of tiling keeps on Admiral Sauipann
may .nine out of the eon lest a inillioti-
uiie, and every junk-tar in his shipa
. a . . , ..i.l
muy have a auug nine turiiiiine ui rna
Marigolds In North Africa reach a
I. eight of four or live feet.
uoitt-s Miy.Mii. rm hots.
At DUlHeatmS. San Maleo county, Cel..
ia one of thr moal thoMugh, careful and
prat tnal "Home Hebool" lo be found on
the PaeUeOnaeti Aa-redlted al Stale and
gleafiad riilveralliea. TboMuah prapara
lion for Ituaineaa. Send for calalogua. la
'i. lb nt Ph. I' , Principal. Ka-opena
Vuf. ink.
vented him from o nlng hi mouth ulll
eiently wide lo lakemlla food. The duo
tors talletl llie tllwiine spiuitl i'leroi, and
nil "in. I he Don Id not lite
pur three rars he ling, red in this condi
tion. Then In m iim- lm ml- lie a.lvi-e.l
lotaas lr ufniUms' Pink Pillalor Pale Pen
' pie. lie look them mid liters a light
change. The nr-t thing noted was a tenden
cy to iweal frteiy. Thi ahowsd there araa
aomfl lifeifft Inhli belpleN body, mat
rami h lutie Ibeilng la hi- llmna, Tins
aatendedt folloisi j pm king senaatlons,
until al last blood ts'gmi lo course freely,
naturall ami vlaetoasly mroagh hi body'i
nnd tha neipleaaiteaa gave way to n turuing
treogtht the ability to walk lellllliail, and
hr uiij iMlurn' to utJ limr Afn.fA.
i a aaaawggggggggggggcn
r- 2
The tbpTS is the llhalmiet' of the lirt
nrtii le I'lilili-lieil by tin I,. niter Now fol
low Mint clippings, taken Imiu the same
paper tWO ytan afterward, and there Is not
the tllghtt'sl shadow nl a dirndl, in view of
this testuiioiiv. thai Mr. l'tleh'a cure la
permaiiettai tlere follows tin teeuttttj i
On In ing ugalli ipienlioned. Mr. Pet. h
said "Vol! see those bands llie skin Is
now natural ami tnuNiei Ones they were
bald mid without sensation. Von ' mil. I
pieree lli. iii with a pin and I would not
feel il, mid w hut It. true of m V builds in true
ol the re-l of ii i v Is.ily. Perhaps you have
obstrrsd that ( bave now even eeesed lo
use a Oane, mid . an get alsmt mv BaaltntM
perfectly well. You may sav iv.r ' ufnti
ittlf'V an flat. M ai In in y .'urtt vifiii iM"-ritiitif uf .
Sugltt-Saaitii I ...i ii l'rtla.
The Canadian people are showing a
stronger sentiment towurds Unolo Sum
nl the present time, culled out no
doubt by tho struggle, If such it uiay
lie called, betwevil t la IB goveriimenl
and Spain. An inalanca of this ih
lonnd in now Mstiil cards, whioli am
passing ihrotigli the Cuuudiiin mails to
this country. On oua card is shown
tho Stars und Stripes, which cover tho
entire front of the p, curd, the
white bins of Old Olory being used to
write tho address iisin. Another card
shows the union of the Puglish and
Am. ti .in Mugs itisciihod "Anglo
BtUTOOi one aim, one goal," while Iw
low am tho national shields hold by
Ceres and the lioddcaa of Liberty,
guarding whom aio the proud eagle
bird and tbe Hon. Until ate private
postals, such as are now permissible in
this countiy, and Isilh arc very unique.
The most ancient coin in Kurope, llie
duett) was first struck in the mint of
Venice In the year lUHi. The building
is still in existence
Is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of tho combination, but also
to tlio caro and skill with which it Is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to tho 0AUV0M1A let Svnur
Co. only, and wo wish' to Impress upon
all the iinpoi tunco of purchasing- the
true and original remedy. As tho
geuulue Syrup of Figs Is manufactured
by tho C'Ai.miHNU Flo Hvuur Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one In avoiding the worthless
Imltutlons manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of tho C'ALI
rollNiA Flo Svnui' Co. with the tin -(ileal
profession, und the satisfaction
which tho genuine Hyrup of Figs, has
given to millions of fumilies, uiukca
the name of the Company u guuruiity
of the excellence of Its remedy. It Is
far in advunce of all other laxatives,
as It acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowel', without irrituting or weaken
ing them, ami it ibs's not gripe nor
nuuseute. In order to get Its bcueflciul
effect., please rcinetnlMT the nutuu of
thu Company
I ... I I s 1 1 i.i . Hi. NKW VOHK. N. T.
eateeeeeeeteeeeetfeeeteeettt a e e
i Hk
ii la
Hcrcvln Special
t2k aetnal horsepower)
Price, Oalf flHS.
; Iwifftl I nm in rtn hrllrr Kralth iSnn irAra
(7tli v"it Ik' triad islrsrtiVw."
")o you till attribute your M1B to I he
ii-- of' In William.' Pink PilU7"aakad
I ll.' J'iiilfiir
1 aqtteallqnaMy I tlo." was the n-ply.
"Util Ion liml falletl, as had aim thf nil III
arum remt'dieK rt't-oiuiueuded hv my
m. ml- Nothing I took bad tbe ahghlaet
i lb.'t Upon nit' anlll I . -n the Uneof pr.
Williams' Pink Pill 7V m wmlttful
mrtli'itif I nut "iv itlfii from th tiling
timlK. I have iiiitf rrcoinnirudail thrae
pills to many of myrrieraw.and the ver
tin i i alwaya la Ihell (tvoti I hallalwaya
I'll- tin-day I wu imlun.l to inkr thi ni."
ui li In the history of one of llie BJMet r'' us-, ol nnsb rii limi t Can any
oij5oim anflaflflnananah.
one nr. in tin f.n e of Math basttmans tliat
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are mil an titled to
the careful oonaldcratlon oi any suifeiug
man. woman ur child T Is not the asj In
truth a miracle of nimh-rii meibi'inef
To make tin evidence romplela w pub
lish tbovt u DM imile cut of the thai a re
celved by Mr Ptleb from Iht rauadlan
Mutual f ile A stH'iatlou, Iteiuif tbe amount
due him for total disahihly. It la unuarea
ary to udd ihut tin life limtirunce associa
tion did not pay tin- large amount of
ney to Mr Pel. h, exn pl after Iht must
.an ful anamination f his Boadltloa by
: their medical asperta They muii have re-
ganbsl til tti as fnn ver Incurable.
Mr. I'i t. h'ii nddresa la aa follows Iteu
I ben Petcb, ilriersvilb', On!., I'anada.
i ....I. i.i. "U- for Noltllara.
Cisik IsHika Ii iv. lieen diatrihiitvd
through (ho companlos of tho Twenty
nennd rcgimcnl, says the New Yoik
Tribune. The receipts given shew just
how the government wants its suppliee
(-(Hiked. There must hereafter ls an
lnsss'tion of the dssl at each meal,
und an ofllcei is to overhsik the weigh
ing and apportioning of aupplina to as
certain that the amount given out le
In New Zealand two persuns work
ing together consulate a factory.
ii.'u ... of Olnltnenls rr Catarrh That
tasntsts M-1- nt i ,
Aa mercury will urelr tlralrny the aenae o(
mi ll ainl riuiiieiely deranas Ilia wlinln ) a
tern when entering it thrtinsh the niueoua aur
laeea Hueh at lleli a .IiiiiiIiI nrver lie uaetl ex-
et'i't nn praaarlptlotui nwa rvinuaiiiH ihal-cUn-i
aa ilitiilamaae Ihey will tlo la ten Iniif to
lbs BOOd yoa ran pnMllilr derive Irmn them.
Hall a fnlarrli l ure, iiiaiiiilaetiufl tiy K. J.
Obena) .V Co , Tolado,0.,eontalna aoBereart,
ami la taken lim riially, aetlns illrcetljr a.on
Hie I.I I ainl imiruila anrlscea ol the ayaleni.
In baylni llall'a Calarrli Cure If aur juu a' l
llie ue n nine. It I. taken Itilernallr. aiiil ma.le
In Tuleilit, I lliln, by K. J. I'haney a Co. Teaii
mnnlal. free.
Selil br hruidiMa, prleo 7Sc. per botlle.
Hall's Kinill) I'llla are tho heal.
At lait the hiim ii'iihi-ii lat laaaef eaieat bat
baea riia.U'..n llie . . 1. 1 hu iIumI nl idale leath.
Inalead ..I waarios a olumay nostalal of rub
1st Ire Ih, li llr. Whlie'a new nietlmil ymi . ,m
liavu jour teeth replaced by crown ami l.rl.laa
H. nk, itlv lua llie same re.ulia sa ynur nalural
leetli, In .'fsraiiie, ennili.rl .luialillltr.
... DR. WHITI...
j;!1, MnaaiaiiM Hr . ('us. Itii, rORTLAatP, OR.
Urn nittl 'Mall, bit ..Wadirlibfrn",
in old)( gttilr tiitpilillirin, in brum tl bio
t)t nod) until flfiiiifinib brfauitt war, frnbtn
wit it uon jrvt an bis pint 1. Viiiunt 1NV9
ftti ait atlt birirninrn, iDclctji tin bat inio)flt
inlii tnm 'dbonittiilrii rptrbrn uiib bn
i'cltap bafilt. 2.(H), rf tinlnibnt. Pfait
I. in. iu!i 1'iotif mnmirn id)icfrii.
(icrnuin I'libliahing Co., I'ortlund, Or.
Is It Wrong?
Oct It Right
Keep It Kight
Noon'i Kavaaleil llemrxl y wllldolt Thraai
toaea will uiako yuu ftatl ballet. Oat ll Iron
ynur ilrintvlal or any wtmleaala drus buuw, or
liuui Itawart J. llnlruea Urns Co.. Haaltla.
iniuim cos IIohwlI,h
I'laln at Willi Culler. Tbe beat nevdl. In it, mar
kt i Uaatf Ii) all taea aewt ra. Kor aala by all aaa
eral uiuribaiivlliHi .terra, ur i,y
WILL 1 IN. Ii CO.,
"Si Market Mat Sao rranclauo. rL
Mini i n i r.
( ;.i ink
Ii l Nl M
SliuilK'tl atimoa
HnrrMiN,4HlMliella, lilcan,IIL
n. r. m
.No. SS, 'OS.
ill n trrltlna In atl.erllaera plaaaa
llielltlun tltla iter.
Power that will save you money and
make you moacy. Hercules Engines
arc the cheapest power known. Bum
Gaitoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke,
(ire, or dirt For pumping, running
dairy or farm machinery, tkey have no
uual. Automatic in acUoa. perfectly
safe .ind reliable.
Send fur illubtraOal catalog.
Hercules Gas
Engine Works
Bay St., San Francisco, Cal.