The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 09, 1898, Image 1

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    mmM 1tt"
U U A H I k
mtablirhfh vor tdk NMHMtJN of oeiocritii: mMiriKi. am to ejus in dosiitiivihb bt thesweit op in brow
EUGENL, OK., SATURDAY, ,11 L Y 9 1898
NO 2
f)EW f
uuuu tea
Commences JUNE 28
Lawn, 25 yds
Dimity 20c; now
Organdies 2oc; iow.
Orgtndisi 2Uc; now
Shirt waists 1 2-" for
Shirt waists $1.7.") for
Shirt waist- $1.65 for
Shirt waists 75c for
riMPBELL BROS., Publishers
FICE East side id Willamette street, 1-
tweeu Seventh ami r.lghtli tttreets
I Tsar 2.00
t Months 1.00
neMonths AO
IdtfrtL-iii rates ma le known on application
blrm nil (justness letten to THE HUAKD,
lEujtne. Oregon.
nun in ir J
I b, Watchef, Chain, Jew
Wrr, Etc.
tl: nrinir nroiiintlv done.
HI work warrauteil.
w mtowN, m. n.
let- Vp.-tnirs in Chrisuian Block.
!1 . to 11 a ur, 12 to 2, C to : p m.
fcce -One-half block south of OuritmaS
III I T .01 i; - In all 1 1,.. . ..f ti n .tut a
Wti In Walt,.,, Itlock.
Koorn, Otaoojr
I. WHlTsuv
w L.
fiOR purc-hawcl the office and fixture of
it l&te iIhi a. I W " 11...,. 1... ...... 1 .m
low prepared to do anything in the line of i ,1 1 - ,XT.a
Kp " j me aoove pan, oiitce.
ft-Maa and bridge work a specialty.
lf designs no,; new prices in Foreign and
a. k" 1'iar lie linn i.rnii ti .1 i . -1 1 1 1 uf.
NdtfoilM and Cemetery work of all kind
k National Bank
Ot Eugene.
f W up UBh CspiUI -50,000
'Plus and Profits. $50,000
ugene - - Oregon.
) basking busiceai done on MM
hrS sifot drafu on NEW YOKK,
U receiyed aubjeot to check or otrtiti
Elections entrusted to ni will recei.
fane County Bank.
iletahUahed In
A general Banking business
P W branches transactad no
orable terms.
A.O. HOVEV, President
J-M.AHRAMS. Cashier
A. O HOVEY Jr.. AsstCaiei.
.(iiaiHc i
Thy Have Arrived Safe al Tie
W ashinoton, July 4 Admiral
Dewey's telegram to the uavy depart
ure t wu8 given . ut as follows:
"Cuvito, July 1, via Hong Koog,
July 4--'lhree tuiiisports aud the
Charleston arrived yesterday. Tbe
Charleston captured Qum, Lad rone
Islands, Juue 21 without resistance,
and brought the Spaniards from the
garrison, six officers aud 54 men, to
"On June 29, the Spauish gun vessel
Ley te came out of the river and sur
rendered to me, haviug exhausted ber
ammunition and food in repelling at
tacks by the Insurgents, she had on
b ard N officers aud 94 men, naval and
(Signed) Dewey."
Adjutant-general Corbin received
the following via Hong Kong. July 3,
Irom (leneral Anderson, who com
manded the first military expedition
to the Philippines:
"Cavalry, artillery and riding bora8
desirable; can get limited number
draught aulmal here.
(Signed) Anderson."
poclal to the Uuard.
Halifax, July G-The ship Cro
murtyshire and French liner Bur
goyne, collided near Cable Island July
i li. Six hundred passengers and the
crew were drowi.ed. Two hundred
passeuger- were saved.
CAPITAL (Paid up)
W. E 6R0WII PrtlKenl.
b. o paine. vice Pfiaewl
f. W, OSBURK, Calhltr.
W. W. BROWN. ti't Ciihlir
r- it. - - u n i -ir. w E. Hrown
I) a. Paine, J P. Rob'lneon, I B. HerrU.
o r.onoral Rankino Bu;ioe8S
Transacted 09 pauorable Terns
. . . .. - -j..n.l 1 rtt till'
fnlted autre; alio exchange lurmined avail
able In all torelen cotintrtee.
IntereM paid n tln10 oepoti
Fire proof vault tor the itorefe of ralnable
Collection, recelre oar promW attention.
T ( Ilendrtrki
f . .-iff
f B Cakln
( aabler,
Eugene Loan
and Savings Bank
... Of Eugene, Oregon,
Dally Uuard July S.
Balmy, merry, gladsome, sunny
Oregon heralded the auuivernary of
the birth of the Independence of our
country nn yesler morn. From that
poiutour people had reason to feel that
the gods had strangely favored them.
The crowd attending the celebration
in Eugene was one of the largest ill
years SuLdny, people llvlug at aflls
tauce began to arrive aud camped m
the many beautiful grovs alo:ig the
rivet's bunk sdjsceiit to this city.
About sun-up yesterday morning a
constant stream of wagons, carriages,
bugitiea and bicycles began rolling iuto
the city, forming a procession that bad
not entirely ceased w lieu the main
procession of the day a program com
menced. Probably never before lias Eugene
nittietsed a celebrailou to eitthtisiastio
aud patriotic in its nature. Bed, white
aud blue, our Hag aud Cuba's llag.and
occasionally a British emblem, were
seen In abundance everywhere Busi
ness houses, residences, antl every point
of vantage w c tvered with hunMug
The Htreets along the route of the
procession were sprinkled Sutiday
Dlgbt, fact appreciated by those go
ing over the course.
At '.30 o'clock, when the procession
f irmed, the business portion of tbt,"
city was a crowded mass of good-na
tured and patriotic humanity. Ac
cording to the schedule published the
procession was formed and started as
City Council.
Speakers of the day.
Chemical Engine Company.
Young ladles on bicycles represent
ing the Mat.-.
Oregon Hose Company.
Ladles of the Patriotic I. ague.
Hook and Ladder Company.
Members of the O A B.
Rescue Hose Company.
Young ladies on bicycles repitseut
ing the navy.
Members of the Sons of Veteran.
Cyolone Hose Company.
Recruits for St coud Beginient, Ori
gon Volunteers.
Floats, and citizens in carriages.
The procession moved north on
Oak to Seventh, west to Willamette,
south to Tentb, west to Olive, south to
Eleventh, east to Willamette, north to
Eighth street and tbenoe to park.
The parade is generally considered
to be one of the finest ever given in
Eugene. Exclusive of the large num
ber of cltixens in carriages, the paradt
extended six blonki, or over half a mile
in It 1, Lib. Every department was
well arrauged and taken care of, and
promptly moved oft In the order ar
ranged. A large numbt r of buslnest
bouses displaytd floats that were a
credit to their enterprise aud inteiest
In I heir glorious annivt isiry.
Immeniateiy on reaching the plat
form erectid In the park the exercbes
if the morning were commenced.
Hon Oeo B Dorris, president of the
day, in lib opening remarks annouueed
the telegrams juit received of the great
success of Sampion at Santiago and
the -11ft at rival of our hoys al the Phil
ippines. Cheer thundered upon cbeer
auu the wild patriotism there creaUd
served to make the exercises of exceed
ing interest.
After music by the band, a prayer
was offeree, by Bev Barry S Templetou.
Miss lulu Bradley then read the
declaration of Independence, the clear
Intonation of her well trained voice
making the text of this wonderful
document heard throughout the vast
Auottier aelectio . by the band and
one by tbe chorus choir wa- then
L T Harris then delivered tbe ora
tlrn. He reviewed the sucred cause of
liberiy M conceived aud fostered by
the American colonists, aud followed
its civilizing growth through to the
present t irn in all Its magnificence and
sublimity. The Anglo Saxon race, he
dt dared, represents tt.e highest influ
en-e of good citizenship aud Intellect
ual growth. Speaking of tbe war for
humanity's sake, hi which we are in
volved. he declared it would not ceaM
until our 1' ft purpose had been real
ized, and that before Its end Spain
w ... 1 learn that tyranny over op
pressed people would nU be tolerated
by clvllU tl people.
It i 1 tl tttvrlni! ovation t' e el
otiient speaker received at the close of
bts moat able tltorl 1 ml it was thrift-
Music by baud ami chorus closed
the progiam.
The noon hour illecilvely ni-
ployed by every ODO in the pursuit or a
good meal, ami from the ctntentcd
faON Been daring tbe afternoon It Is
rldeol that the anticipation wa- nit-re
thati realized.
afternoon PaOQKAaTi
At IH I the bead to . a position on
Eighth street ueur Willamete and ilia
Oiiursed spi lled mOslo during the pro
gram of the raOM, HttOl whlc'.i are
given below:
1:30 Boys' bicycle race, for boys un
der 13 year-. First prize, -J Ml sweater ;
MOOnd prise, 99 pelf of bicycle shoes.
Robinson lit, Kaykondall seoand,
1:45 Egg race. 1st prize, .50; 'Jnd,
$1 5D. Ondie first, Calvert second.
2.00 Bicycle race, free lor all; 1st
prise, pair of 6 stats; Sod, 9180 bat.
Llvermore first, Howe second.
1:16 Slow bicycle race 1st prize,
$V50 bit-ycle lamp; Bud, JloO bicycle
lamp. Lukey first, McElrny second.
2:30 Old men's bioyole race let
pr,z, UsBOj 2nd- 91 60. J B Mct lung
BtSt. B, J Crawford SBOOOd,
2.45 Boys' bicycle race, for boys un
der 18 Is', prize, i'i "i0 sweater; 2nd,
U shoes. McKlroy first. Ones Whip
ple second.
3:00 Boad race From Kugeue to
Springfield on north side of the river,
aud return on the south side. At least
flvetoeuter. 1st prize $10 cup; 2nd,
bicycle shoes; Sd, cyclometer. Cole
McElroy llrst, Fay Howe second,
0 A Whipple third. (Cyclometer reg
isters a little over 10 miles.) Time
38 minutes.
3:15 Foot race. 1st prize, U " bat;
Bad, $1 50 sweater Ous Basftll llrst,
Bert Jennings second.
Staiter, WO Trine, Judges, Drew
Qrlffln, W 11 Alexautter, Oeo Smith.
At fouro'clock the baud and chorus
choir gave u concert at the platform.
The music was well selected and ren
dered In fauliless manner. This fea
ture of the day proved most pleasure
able ami was received with every evi
dODOa of appreciation.
At 5 o'clock the platform watt partial
ly cleared and dancing Indulged In for
u time previous to the evening meal,
which consumed the portion of time
allotted it In interim between cxerches
a announced on the program.
''It means something to be an
American cltizeu." Ibis was ibu
thought that was composite in all
minds yt stertlay as Dewey was n mem
be red and as ihe wires brought the
uews from Sampsnu. Posters were
hastily gotteti out signed by Mayor
Kuykeiidall announcing a patrioUO
parade at 7:30 ool ok, to the tod that
our people might celebrate iu a lilting
nmnner the wondcrlul American victories-
The baud kindly donated Its
services and led the procession. Abeul
ISO men were iu line iirinetl with guns
aud llring blank cartridges while the
streets along the line of march were a
H-t-tliing ruait of exploding firecrackers
and sky-rocketB. B'icb a wildly en
thusiastic demonstration could not but
aroure tbe people to tbe highest ten
sion and joy knew no bounds.
The bicyclists moved down Will
amette street from Central school
b liltllng at 0 o'clock, making a pagean
glorious In its trar.scttndeut beauty.
Ahout .10 J wheels were out, and the
long line of movlPg lanterns made a
glorious sight. Bid lights and sky
r oketl along the route of procession
added brilliantly to the scene. For
the BotSt decorated wheel Miss Llllie
Wood aeeared Brit prise, Mies Lillian
MeElroy second and Mitt Kva Hur on
third. Tbt judge were Mesdunn-s I)
W Coolltlge, J J Walton and A Yer
ington. A representation off the bat
tleship Oregon curried on Miss McKl
roy's wheel is now on exhibition at d
I) Comb store.
the DAsra.
At o'clock Daly 's orchestra started
up the first slrslns of the musio that
held tbe dance lovers until tbe wee
hours of today. Ihe large platform
was entirely inadequate to bald the
crowd during tbe early part of tbe
IV e
evening. The platform dance seems
to nnvebteomt a ptrmaoent iixiure in
Kugeue Ci-!ebratlon, so well doe it
Bold the popularity of its llrst Intro
d notion. This wa the latest and last
cheduted event of a day that pejatd
ileaautly by all attemlnnt.
Theofflesfs of the day wen-: llnrehal,
W W Oglesby; aids. 9 L OhaWbsta,
0 L Scott; President of the day.
We b D.trris; tint presidents, A t
vVoodoook, E P Ooltman, B L Moor-
head, B A Washburne, Dr Wall, W
it Haw ley; chaplain, Rev 11 Blent
plcton; Orator, L T llarri; Reader,
Miss lula Bisdley; Qoddest of Liber
ty, Miss Carrie HOTOJ,
About '.1,000 people celebratetl iu Kti
The celebration committee worke
like tri'jaus.
The usual nuaiber of oumlosl loci
dents occurred.
The utmost s tisfnetion over the pro
grsm was t x pressed.
Kvery business house repottt an DO'
Utuall good tlay the Fourth.
Lane county Is patriotic Thedem
ousiratlou lust night proved this,
Marshal of the Day Oglesby anil SI
sistants attended their work in tl in
form, and were complimented highly.
Only one arrest made during tin
day. A boy named Ftlv, While drunk
became, iusulting to latlies. Me wa
promptly knocked down by Ail K- im
and afterward taken in charge by Vsi
shal Stiles.
Two sticks attached to skyrockets
last night, when rhey fell, went clear
through the root of Mr Awhrey's
house and one penetrated the ground
several Inches. They are eeitalnly
Special policemen appointed were M
F Fogle, B M Pratt, S Hansaker, Sid
ney Scott and Clarence Luckey. They
ably assisted Marshal Stiles ami Po
licemen en in ; and Simpson In keep
ing the crowd walking straight.
Four Harm Burned llown -Seth Mf
Alister Injured.
On the corner of Ninth and Oak
streets while on a wheel and riding
rapidly to the lire Setli Mi-.Ulster ml
titled with Will Modes, throwing tin
former to the ground with considerable
force. He suffered congestion of
the bruin and a broken tollar
bone. He '.was taken to the
Boiihonlere aud Dr Prenthe
summoned. Seth remained in a dazed
and unconscious condition and is yet
unable to recall the Incident distinctly.
This morning he , was removed to his
home and Is resting very easily.
Ahout 10:15 last evening an alarm of
.".re was sounded and the department
hastily turned out, fluffing the blaze
in a barn belonging to M Awbrey. It
rapidly spread the flames engulfing
the barns of James Steveus, Joe
Luckey and J II McCIuug. A horse
in Mr Awhrey's barn was taken from
the burning bulldlug but when
loosened a short distance away rushed
back anil was burned to death. Consid
erable delay was caused all along by
bursting hose and most of the time bm
oue stream played on the fires. But
for litis it Is very probable two of the
barns would have been saved. The
garden hosu at Mr Mcl'lung's did
good service In saving Ills house,
which was iu dauger as was that o
Mr Awbrey.
The cause ol the lire Is due to tin
fireworks of the evening. Burning
rockets were found In various placet
in that neighborhood one on the rool
of the Awbrey residence.
Today the business men are siguiii)
a petition calling attention to therot-
eu and worthless hose now In use by
the lire department and asking that
1000 feel bo purchased at once. It h
very likely that the petition will bo
A little girl was run over at the cor
ner of Eighth and Willamette street
duriDg the day, bul not t-erlously nl
jury. No blame attache, to the driver
of the rig, Mrs F K Dunn, as the child
deliberately ran In front of the team.
As near as can he learned no insur
ance was carried on either of the barns.
The loss will approximate (000.
J 11 McClung furnished coflee anil
aandwicbes to the fire lutls alter their
hard work. It was appreciated by all.
A Oood Position. Dock Wanton
has just been given the (Kisltlon of
night clerk In the llolden Itulu hotel
u PtodlttOO, The Pendleton Tribune
of last Sunday, has this to say concern
ing tho matter: "i K Blanton has
been Installed as night clerk of the
hotel. For a yearand a hallf until a short
time ago, he was manager of the Mer
chant's hotel in Portland, leaving
there last spring, since then he has
been In Montana. J A DraPe will be
day clerk."
The Oregou captured tbe Spenl.h
cruiser Cristobal Colon after a race i f
60 milis. She was uninjured.
ireal lficto Www l
teclal to the i, uaid
Wasuijiotov, July i tiampiou
w ires that be has destroyed the enMre
Chi tent fleet at Bantlago and lakes
the Spanish ntimiiai aud thirteen boo '
dretl niariiie pri-touers. Not a single
Spanish ship escaped Cot vera tiietl to
break out ot Ihe harbor at 9M o'clock
Suniluy morning. S mpsou lout one
man killed and three wounded.
Wahiiinoton, July 4 Saiiipson'e
report says oranta Marie Ten S,
()iuei'tlt ami Visciya were forc-tl
ashore, burned and bio n up Within
twenty miles of Santiago. PurOfe end
Pillion destroy) d WltblO lour ml'es of
port. Cristobal Colon Was the las
ship captured. Khii SShort six miles
west of Santiago. Delay In bombard
ment at request of foielgn eon- ,1
Special In the Ouard.
i.i.n don, Bnglandi July B- Madrid,
Spain, advices say that the Spanish
Minister of Marine hits published a
long iimi circumstantial toooont nl
how Admiral Cervera esrapedwltb his
fleet from Santiago de Cuba.
fourth expedition.
San Francisco, June 5--Iu ae-
cordauce with tush orders from Wash
ington, D 0, General Otis Is hurrying
preparations for the fourth expedition
to ktanlla,
Mssell'l "Log Hume Hotel" at Me
Keuzle Bridge.
People who are contemplating a
summer trip to restore wasted energy
and recuperate their health and men
tal facultlesshoultl Investigate the
merits of Ihe Upper McKcnzie, anil
especially the vicinity of McKcnzie
Brldgo bOStOfflea where "I Sole'1
(leorge Frlsscll keeps the "Log House
McKi'ii.le llrhlge Is an Ideal spot for
a summer rust. Imaginoa level prairie
spot of several hundred acres, the With Iteautlful Oregon
mountain evergreens, cedars, pines
and llrs, buck of which tho mountains
radually slnpe DpWSrd , then more ami
more abruptly rise, until tho suinini s
llfi iht-lr heuils several thousands . f
feel above the peaceful spot at their
feet, Along the edge of lite prairie
runs the rearing If oKtOSit river, fed
froli, the eteniul Three Sisters snow
peaks, us If In a mail nice for the
broatl bosom ol the mighty Pacific.
These waters are the habitat of the
gamiest trout that ever rose to a My.
Iu tcnson, the noble deer use the trails
that skirt tin-nn uutaiu sides muklng
the valley a pasngo way from the
winter pustules of the lower valleys
ami ranges of hills to the niiiiim-r
feeding grounds 011 the summits, re
turning in season.
Six miles further up the river are
located tho llelknap springs md four
Idiral Sampson
miles up Morse creek, a tributary ,)v, , lu, Thenaaid Kllle)!, Wounded
MoBeusiO, the Foley springs, both op Captured.
splendid in aith resorts ami hmonafhi
tbe oars of rheumatic, stomach ami! Wasiiim.i'n, July 4, At 11:25 to
Mood complaints. Although six miles iKlt ,. Vy department posted the
apart tint waters of these springt have np.. iided translation of a cipher cable
the same temperature, ls devrees gram from Commodore WnSMOj. It Is
Fahrenheit, and possess many of Ihe hi,Ur to that received today from
same iiiedloul constituents as tletermlii-. Sumpsou, but 0OO taint the additional
ed by analytic tests Splendid drivee 1 Isformaiiori that HO Spaniards were
lead from MoKtOBH P.r itlge to btitb
springs through cool ami shady groves
along the rushing rivers.
Stages convey passengers aud mailt
three times a week to these points,
leaving Eugene Mondays, Wednesdays
ami Thursdays, returning on alter
nato tluys. Thi through trip is made
in oue day.
Come and see what a
Big corner we have
Knocked off the prices on
Organdies, Parasols,
Shirt waists and
Summer dress goods.
Ribbons away down.
Canara Now on
Spi cml to the ticauD
New York, July B Tbt Dsily
J'iiiriK.1 has a special from Sut-x. It
Bkyi that aVdmlral Camera and his
Rpanlsh Hit It on Its way ti) the Phll-
Ipplnta, Ths -pim-h have bps. or
yet sating the Philippines,
Pit in: KMTIAMIa'D.
WaaineoTOM, D C, July (l-Tht
Nat Department I n received word
luat L,tut' ,lttul Hobaon. of Merrlmso
fame will he exchanged today.
London, Kugland, July 0-T,e
D.niy Telegraph's Madrid, Spain, cor-
respondeiil -uynlli'il niuiiy iiewspa
ters today demanded peaee.
KtitawfoN, Jamslos, July 6 Thoe
sands of people are arriving herefrom
Santiago do Cuba. They report (he
people of that city panic si in ken over
tin- threatened bombardment.
don't like it.
Madrid, Spain, July 0 A popular
clamor has arisen agnlnst the govern
Djanl increases of taxtt.
special lo the Ouard.
Km Vi:sp, Fla, July n, li::io p m
The Spanish warship Alphonso XII I
was captured today while attempting
to run Havana harbor. Bb has a dls-
plaotmtnl ol 1000 torn, e.ii. , s 25 guns
ami Is u steel second cla- protected
111,1 n do dim is SAIL,
Special lo the livaao.
Wasiiinuton, D 0, July 6-Orders
have been sent Admiral Hampton to
semi all OapiUrtd Spanish prisoners to
the Ul I ted States,
Pi. ki Said, July 0-Three Spanish
Torpedo boat destroyers sailed from
here today lor Meslua, Sicily.
I petit to the (iuanl.
Wasiiimhon, D 0, July 5; 0:10 p
in Ueneral Bhaftet has decided to
SWall the arrival of reinforcements he
Ion' bombarding Santiago,
Madrid. Spain, July S Ofllelals here
say that Santiago will not surrender,
TIIHOI Till hi 1: CANAL.
Mai rid, Spain, July .'.-It Is offici
ally statetl that Admiral Camera went
j through the BttS I uual today.
I I'ronably ho hut heard the fate of
Cervera ami Is ileeiiig, En
, killed or drowned, 100 wounded and
16 ,00 captured,
on Vacation. Mitt Com Stash of
the Postsl Tel. graph ofllce has gone
to S alt in for a month's vacation. Her
place it being filled by Miss Anna
Oglesby of the Junction office.
I li.l
e Philippines