Eugene City Guard. I. I. CAMFBBLL. PraatUtnr. EUOKNE CITY ORKOON P-paln's ultimate conclusion Is likely to bo tlmt Columbus iniide a great mls tske. In nny event the IpuWli having ryletad Minister woodtord, can claim they "Ured" tin- llmt big Run. Ociiornl Crant's grandson serving on Ocncral Kltxhtigh IoB staff IndlculeH tliat OM war In over, anyhow. It mny In- Illiterate generally sponk Itig, Imt Npiiln In going to rollalH.riito In writing some remarkable pngcn of history. Victor Hugo Midi "Kvery man In the Hon of his own Invention." If Victor wns right Dr. Calling, of Cleveland, muHt 1m' a son of a gun. Kjmln richly deserves pnnlHliinent, of course, but we doubt whether she rcil ly diwrrcs such trentineut na the American newspaper isn't are giving her now. One of the Rhode Inland churches Iirh WftlfWd the astonishing feat of getting through with a "Jile supper" containing fourteen varieties of (do. Think of linking religion and Indfgos tloul The Greek scholar l'mgntsls la con vim d that he him discolored the grave of Themlstoclen. Should he lc mis taken he will have committed a grave error, and, to a certain extent, put him self In the hole The Philadelphia Ledger head" an editorial " 111 ImM (lOT Ilay'a London Address," and then, Instead of telling whore the ambaaHador Uvea, quotes from one of hlM speeches. Is this treat ing the public fairly? A Vienna authority sweetly remarks that "it muHt not In' torgOttOB that the nineties of Kuropciin diplomacy are en tirely loMt iii dealing with Nueh n people aa the A rlcnns." It must not tn- for gOttMS, either, that the Americans nre not lying awake at night on that ac count. OceiiMlonally the llavami puinT find time enough to Indulge In humor of a rare quality. That Havana editor who explained to hit reader that "tSeneral Lee li ft Havana Inn-miso he waa too cowardly to remain longer" will exer1 encc no dtttlculty In getting a good Job on Puck or Judge Just aa hood aa the unpleasantness la over. A hundred yeara ago nations went Into war In a leisurely sort of way. There were no telegraph-wires, no en-bh-s, no rapid lire guns, no tremendous eiiglueM of war, no armor-lM'lied ships. Bcletico Iiiim changel (he whole aspect of war. Tin' (MM of battles hangs to day upon the iiil'k eye, the prompt de cision, the llghtultlgltke rapidity of BX eculluti w ith which the new appliances of warfure are employed. The South In receiving high pmlso from the Northern press for the mm iilmlty with w lih'h Its Itomfori and Itcprcsoiitntlvc voted for the $."0,000, 000 appropriation for national defense. '1'h.' South Is the most Interesting part of this eountry. It has more Inherent piH'try and rnmamv than nil the rest of the land put together; lta lilatory conlaltiH the moHt ImprcHHlve drama of mod, rn tiini'N, ti 1 hi it bus produced Matesmen and soldiers aa great aa any In the Ktigllsh-spcnklng world alnco William the Conqueror. Tbt argument against the wearing of the feather of aong bird In DOnBOtl are autlb'leiitlv Ktaong ami suttlclently numerous without roiortliig to such n Ntatettient a that made by Iiev. Hugh O. Pent .-cost, In a rSCSOt aermon, that, "If Cod had meant women to wear feathers he would have made feathers gTOS on them." .lust as well might It be said, "If Hod had meant people to Wear clothe lie would have made clothe on them." Hut n logical ab aurdlt or tiro may ! forgiven when one w ho Is doing effective work against the useless slaughter of the blrilit. That travel toward Alaska Is falling off I an afMbllahad fact, and people arc trying to account for It. One lea aon given I the war with Spain. It I far (TOO) U'lng acceptable. When n mini becomes Inoculated with the goM feur he Is not likely to stay nt home for the piirpttaa of shouting for the old Bag, nor give up the prospect of a for tune ao as to I' enabled to get a lash from an unfriendly machete. It I not difficult to understand, however, that the stories of ilcath along the northern trails, of etarviitlon and frosT, and the gloomy report of thiiso who vainly Bought to win glittering plenty there, might easily tend to cheek the malady and at lat clear the system entirely of the fevor BrCTObea (ioverumeut bonds have fallen some what sltuv the Maine disaster, but thl doe not mean that the public BUppOBJt the I'ultisl v.i'i'i would Ih U'liten In a trfll with Sttu, aay the St. Uutta UlotM UetiHH-rat. Neither doeB II mean that the ( ioverumeut' CTOdlt I low ci i-l due of the things It mean I that many luvitirv lnlleve a war would bring nueh a demand for money that a higher rate of lntrt for It could In' lutd than lioverntneiM lmnds provide. Hence there I n llKwdtion, oil the pari of many holder of lioild. to ..ell In onler to I' pri-pai I to take inlwiiitage of the evs'iisl urgent de BMU4 fur money In various eutertriea, guverniiiilitiil and other, aixl to get the higher rate of lneret, w hich they look for. Thl lemlitH-y to Bat mmiiI BOOdl down. Aatoolabtag dlarioattrai a to the dif Acuity of acurini riH-nilt for the army wei' made by the I'hlladelphla liOdgBT Stations had Iss'ii optMied 111 city, atid one day P' applicant were ex auilncd. Only four of the 100 wuld pass Ihe teat and were accosted. Thou aand of men have olYcivd to inl1t In I'hlladelphla lme the war began, but only a Htiinll projiortloii of them have tiocii aeeeptiil, all the rml having ls n turiieil away on account of mental or phy-i. al dlsalilliiy, priuclNilly th lat U't, lu.' the uieutal requlrvuicuta lu r!ud nothing harder than almple math ntnatle, ami prevloua exiierlenca la not cMctitlal a In the cane of the navy. The Ledger think thai such figure In dicate a degree of physical mainlna an g the applicant ao low that It should engage the attention of scien tific student. The only consolation It can offer I that "It I not Improbable that many of the applicant were of the aort that hnve failed to meet the phyl cnl nsiilrenienta of ordinary trade and Industrie." The recent NQVMl made by the pres ident of the CnlviTlly of Chicago for an add ' fo.000,000 to Ih- added to It endowment fund shows how o,st)y n thlint a griit university I. This In stitution I one of the youngest of tho gri-at sehiMiU of the country; It ha al ntidy MCOlTed In endowment alut ia,tKM,0i0, but y"t there Is an annual detlrleucy of somMhlng like $200,(SK), which Is not ptQ Tl dad for and has to bo raised from outside B0QTMB. 'J'o pro vide for this almut $.',000,000 more should I added to the revenue pro ducing fimdn of the I net! tattoo. Tho I'nlverslty of Chicago Is not In this re soet an excopilon to the gem-nil rule In this country. It costs orer $1,000,1) annually to run Harvard I'nlverslty and Its etwlowmetit I alout 00,000,000, Yale has fumla aggnwitlng 14,003,000, and yet the Ituitltutlon Is poor and Is always presd for adeiptate funds to carry on lta educational work. Colum bia, In the city of New York, has $!, 400,110 III fllli.l, but It N restricted 111 each of lis departments by lack of imn ey. Some of the other universities In this COUUtr having large productive funds are; Cornell, New York, $U,:t(HI, 000; Clrard, Pennsylvania, Bl&810,000j Johns Hopklrw, Maryland, tffOOjOOOi Leland Stanford Jr., California, $3, oOO.OOO; Nortliwestern, Illinois, $'J,1'-.. 000; Tufts, Maaaiu'liUKetts, $l,"oo.os; UntTnraky of Penney rraaia, 3S2io00; andeibllt I'nlverslty, 11,10000, ami Wesleynn I'nlverslty, $I,17'J,II0. The DUnrbef of Hchils with endowments of less than $1,N,000 are to bo counted by the score. There Is n dlsisisltlon to reganl Texas as one of the very backward Slates In tin' I'nlon. This ImprisHshm may, In some paapeotBi ! not altoiretner incor rect. Hut Iii many other roe pacta TexaM has made progress. Especially In re ganl to pular nioniJIly and In the uialntenaiMv of law andonler the Slate of the lone star Is cresting 11 rociml that some Northern and Eastern Statin might Imitate with credit to them selves. Some years ago the adinlnlsini t Ion of criminal Justice In Texn was principally In the hands of the lynch law courts. QreBt outrages were per Hlra1el In the name of humanity de manding redraw for brutal crimes. Dill BOCtOty did not get belter. The rule of violence did not bring peace and otM dlenoe to law. The mini of advanced thought and Ihe friends of sm-1iiI order In Texas found that In many InatBnceB partepi in most oaeeB in public vio lenee the pea Mist of the county or city or town, as the ease might be, nude no effort nt effectual rsBlatance when a nob attempted to take a prut oner out of his hands for the BXeen lion of summary popular Justice. It waa then thought that If Officer chargisl with the ciMisly of prisoners were held to a closer accountability for the prisoners In their care the rule of rtoience might ! brought to an end or al PeB trained. The Texas I'gls laiure, therefore, paaaed a law which peris'tually (llsiUalllbsl for office In effis-t dlHfratu'hlsisl any sheriff, OepU ly, iimstable, k1Icc ollbi-r or Jailer w ho should penult a prisoner lo Is- (Bken out of his hands by a mob for lynching pntpoBBB. 11 i a matter oi otBclal rec ord that since the enactment of this law not 11 single lynching case has curred In the Slate. The wisdom and unwisdom of self re-prisAslon Is carefully weights! by Mary B, ltahiwin, in a paper on "Safety Valves In Home Life," In which she OOUtendl that a high pnvssurc life calls for some procootrre tneaauraa, and tho woman w ho BJkjBgea mind and head lu her puipOBBi BYen thoiinh she may not I' classed among public workers, In Htlncllvely M'i'1,1 her safety valves. These are peculiar to her Individuality, and suit, ns she Imagines, her Inssls; bill MNDatlnOI they are nut ebOBBB w Isely, ami arc overustsl. The Inteuia nature, with the gTelitiwt nissl for let ting off steam, Is the one who will make the mistake In this dlns-tlon. The home of such 11 woman I often a place where tragedy i frequently enacted. Her nervous system, wrought up to a point bordering upon ftvn.y, her men tal and physical anergics following Us lend, there come a moment when the strain must ls rellevisl or mind and body will both give way. It Is not an easy thing to acquire the habit of w ith holding the worst from the dearest friend, and showing id m only the beat; imt it is poaerble arhen the baart i right and the BMTPOBB has even a germ of strength. One brave, gentle woman COOJlded to a friend bet experience In trying to relieve the tension of tulml ami spirit Without giving discomfort to those whom she lovisl. Her piano he came her abiding frlcml whenever she felt the ins.! of letting herself down from a too highly strung condition. Sin played off her noMoga ami gradually bis anie calm. The woman with mental rinouree. ami wilh wise dlscrimlna Hon, will learn to choose her safety Vulval with reference to the comfort ami pence of the home, and will thus Uud a gain In self n-spivt anal In strength of w ill. Mrs. lircen twho thinks of hiring i Hut Is the girl turnout? Can sjie Ik tnjBtadl Mr. Hrown tthe girl's (OfBMt mlsttvwo You iisl not ls In the least alarmed. She Is perfectly honest. All the time she was with BM 1 never knew her l take a thing not even my ad ' vice as to how things should 1h done Boston Tninscrlpt. one in vi j n'f.i'1 111 in'r manner, remarked Willie Wastilngton. "Per Imps," was the reply, "but h)ic has a I heart of gold." "So I have BOM In i formed. Hut I am tired of trying to 1 cross a conversational Chllkoot Pass In NSka tm I', I.. I I I. I. . order to reach It." Washington Star. "My di-ar Miss Hullyan," said the 1m IMS'Ulllolls youth. "1 love von more ttinr : 1 can tlml wortls to U4- " "W.JI then," IntiH-ruptisI the tielresa. "why don't you try' ttguivar Chicago Newt Talk la so rltcap that much of It in to la d'ssMd of at a big dtacei'Bt WHAT THEY DO. All night long the little stars blink; All night long they twinkle and wink; All nlgbt long, when we're fast asleep, Through the crack In the sliutler they peep, S'i. peep. Hut what do they 'I" "hen the daylight collie ? When the sun wake up nnd hi big. round eye Btarc and stares at the big. round sky, The little stars BBBtUt right down lu their nest, And their bright eyes clone, while tiny ret, ret, rest, And flint's shut they do when the duy- light comes. All day long In the wnrm summer time. The ioilsi blossom and creep uud climh; All BOOMBeT long when the south winds blow, They nod their heads and they grow, grow, grow, Hut where do they go when Jack Frost Comes ? Tbey wrap themselves In their faded gown, And they take a trip to the rootlet towns. When tho Icicle fringes begin to grow And the air Is full of the snow, auow, now, And that's where, they go when Jack Frost comes. And the little ones chatter tho whole day long, Of building nnd weaving nnd lOBBflfl and song. All dny long In the merriest way. They laugh, and they work, and they play, play, play." But what do tliey do when the Ireaiii- innn comes? They nod nnd forget all their Joys and cant; And they fold their hands, and they say their prayers; And under the blanket they gladly creep, And they close their eyes, and they sleep, sllsyp, Bleep, Aim! that's wlinl they do when the Dream- man conies. Utlca Qlobe, JIEIl UNAVAIL ING SACRIFICE. T wua very quiet, very tianqull, In barracks that day, and from tho de serted grounds, whuro only a aoll tary sentry or two paced up and down, none of the usual barrack room talk, laughter, or singing could Is' heard. For every Midler, bund man, and OfflOOT had I n called to the officers' pollCS quarters, where a fellow soldier was being tried for his life by the court inartliil. It was during the revolutionary days, when pOWSf was vested 111 the hands of the military. They had the right to any whether or not Private Santiago Moreno was guilty of manslaughter, ami whether, In payment thereof, he should die. No women were present III the grim, fortress like quarters; only the sol diers who stood 111 silent, stem rows , around the risiin. On the dais sut the colonel, the mayor, and some lesser of fleers; fronting them, straight nud erect, with shoulders thrown back, si 1 the prisoner, Santiago Moreno. He was a good looking fellow, and the slur en Ills uniform lapel showel that tie had received credit "for valor In the Held." Not n Bicker of an eyelid, not a movement, showed what he felt; there was not even a tremor when the colonel, lifter long ami grave discus sion, at the last stood up, with the other officers grouped alsmt him, and pronounced the sentence of death -"that on the morning of the following day, Private Santiago Moreno would be SBCOrtcd to the plains of San Ucrotilmo, 11ml there be put by Ihe Icy dc filga to death.14 That was all. The prlaottat drew himself up, and saluted, his face no more concerned than that of the nu n about him, and was taken to his cell The soldiers melted away, group by group. 10 DM of them displaying sor row, some unconcern, and others anger, For the slaying of hi compan ion In mills by Private Moreno had been a ery cold blooded and more than usually wicked deed) even In n coun try where wicked deeds arc common. Tot with deliberate Intention Moreno bad waited for the other, after parting with his sweetheart, Panclia, and cool ty and methodically bored a dagger straight to his heart. For It he had offered no eXCUBe or defense, stilting merely that the murdered soldier had "annoyed Panehltai tlmt n cabailero cannot allow such a thing ns the mo lesting of his iiovla." lu his small stone cell once the room set apart for those about to suffer In (he auto da fe of the Inquisition days -Private Moreno walked about, whist ling a gay Mexican diinr.a. hunting the while for writing materials, lie want ad to write adlos to his sweetheart, he stated lightly (o the Warder, who was eying him warily, one hand on his pis tel. Though Moreno might not Is- arm ed, he was a man to he watched. Hut at the prisoner's wish to write a note to PnnChlta, the warder's face relaxed, and he offered to Hud psaefl and pnior. For PanchltB WM his own cousin, nnd every one loved the gay, pretty girl, with her artless. Innocent ways that had lunsl two men on to death. Poor III tie Panchlta! Five minutes nftcr lbs death sentence had been pro BOUnCSdi she knew of It, and, her dir lockcu. was lying nice downward on the cold stone floor, moaning and cry ! Ing to the Virgin for help. It had all Ikvii her fault, ns she knew through her two men would go to punitory, ami how would she answer for them? On the shrine In-fore her. decked out In blue and white, was a tiny, yellow Image of the Christ, with bhnnl stnLicd tody and ban N I'tidertieath 1 1 1 tit hung the holy pictured face of the Vir gin, and to the two, Panchlta. weak and faint from long fasting and cry ing, was pouring out heart and soul. Only that Sautlsgo ber Santiago -might be saved somehow In some way. Ay bueii Pdos Marie madrv de IMos- take her life her soul for tor turv lu purgatory only let Santiago escape! Tim weak to pray aloud, she had crawled before tho ahrlnc. ami with burning, tear covered fiuv was faintly whispering her petitions. The girl drew herself up numbly on bet knees, sobs that came from her very soul still shaking her si b-r Isnly. A sound outside startled her, until she reuiemln-rcd that Santiago's motibw had come to we. p end lament with her owe mother. Out there, In the patio, they were lamenting and wall ing with loud cries, lion 1 id they do It llko Halt-walling and shrieking so that the neighbors lid hear? BOW angry Santiago would be If he could Inar them making such n nolae over him! Hhe cast ons more pitiful glance nt the Virgin, but the sweet, calm face was so quiet, so restful, so little dls tnrbsd. What was the use to ask her anything? No. there was no help. Mhe stood lip, tottering, and moved over to the window. There was 00 one In sight; the hot sunshine poured down on the yellow sandy Itreet and the gray nilola- wnlls. Out In IhB middle of the calh-Jon some dogs nnd small children rolled and tumbled In the dust to gether In high glee. A burro, with mel ancholy fnce ami long, drooping cars, munched alfalfa, while bis owner drank pulque In the pulque shop m ar by. It wna all so ordinary, so every day; nnd yet Santiago was to tie shot to-morrow I That la nnlesa she could think of a plan to BVS him. There was n BOddefl clatter, and the children seattcri-d rapidly, with many duckings and bobblngs of their small, fat bodies, as good Padre Francisco, n his pacing mare, turned the corner and went rapidly down the atreit. Hehlnd him nsle a BfOae 09 a hacienda horse. Panchlta thought dully that some one at the pulque hacienda of San Juan must Is- very ill and BTUtad the padre for confession. It would be a long ride for the g'ssl old man, bi-cuuse Saa Juan was many miles away. He would be absent from the town for over a day. Pulling at the airings of his soutane, Padre Francisco rode on, his old black cloak flapping la the breoBs. it was so old and shabby that even Panchlta' dim eyes could not but remark It. Pmir Padre Francisco, with no one to look nftcr his clothes he waa a gml mini, nnd really di-servod a In-tter cloak than that shabby thing! Perhaps, If she asked her father, he would allow her to take the cloak that had belonged to her uncle, a priest of the same order as Padre Francisco, to give to the latter good man. Ami the Insnl that the padre wore, covering hla head and nearly all his face waa ever anything seen like It? One could, of a surety, wear It to a masquerade; in-rhaps she might lsrrow It for the next "Halle de Museums " At the thought she laughed and choked It would In- a gmnl disguise. The next moment she was weeping ber heart out, pressing passionate kiss es on the cold fis-t of the ivory Christ. He had hoard her, after all, and the virgin had helped her Interceded for her! For now she knew what to do. nnd Santiago should ln saved. There was a plan the Holy Mother had sent It to her. Now to carry It out. At tl o'clock that evening Ihe soldier on guard In-fore Santiago's dmir admit tisl without question the thin, stooped form of Padre Francisco, cloaked and h led lu his usual manner, and carry lug prayer-books and rosary, The good father was silently telling Ills beads, and the soldier bowed humbly nud erossisl himself as he opened the door. sin-aklng no word. For 110 Oatbollc ll privileged to address .1 priest w ho Is counting his rosary beads It la a sign that silence Is desired. The cell ihnr opeliisl and closed l lently after the padre, and :he watches outside heard a mothered, Impatient ejaculation from Private Moreno, who was smoking a cigarette nud trying to write that adlos to Pnnchlta, Then tin diKr was locked, for the padre was go Ing to confcMM the prisoner, and tin guards retired, laughing at the Idea of confession for Santiago the wickedest dog In the army of Mexico. Indulging In Che doorway, the soldiers speculated bully as to what was golni on in the condemned ceil, it was si OUlet Not even a murmur could In beard, and Dually the men ngreisl that the pndre was praying silently, with lUttlagO cursing lu the Other corner of the room. It was ilnrl; quite dark -w hen Padre FranclSCO came out. with head bowed lower than ever, clonk Wrapped discon solately BDOUt him. and lingers still tell ing his In-ads. He had Invn there for an hour, and surely Santiago was cither talktsl down or .had ny lids time. "Shall we go and Beer askisl a guard. "No, hombre; let the poor brute alone," said another. To the men who watched all night for fear that the prisoner might esrspo It Boomed n century before midnight gave way to the darkness that comes before dawn, though lo the prisoner -qulen salnd Such waiting Is iinrd even on the men who are not to die, and there was n sound of relief when nt last the tlrst bugle sounded: It was time to get the prisoner and march. Hocause a soldier Is allowed two privileges 1,1 Ik- eXCCOted before dawn, and to In? shot In his uniform. Then- was no need to change the clothes of Private Santiago Moreno; so fur ns costume w as concerned, he srsi ready. In front of the prison. Bttffly drawn up Into line. In the darkness, stoml the squad of the Twenty-third (Private Moreno's own regiment), who were to kttend to the "law of tin-," and In the Corridor waited Impatiently the two guards w ho were detailed to walk 011 either side of him. The prisoner, how ever, was not ready; ami deep disgust and scorn was shown on every face when Hie warder appeared and stated grimly that the prisoner was Weeping coruo 1111 nine, ami had begged one mo incut's grace. Weeping, Indeed I A pretty way for a soldier of the Tw enty third to die! And men who had thought privately that they would aim low lu the ley d fiiga, hardemsl their hearts a coward did uot deserve such treat BBBfiL Thai the prisoner, barely visible In the gray dawn, was perfectly calm and eoininis.s.l when he did appear made no difference to them, perhaps he had BMBtOted up some courage, after his weeping, but he had played the cow urd for all that, ami a coward's dith was no loss. Out mi the tiare. swampy plains of Sau Cieroulnio. Just w hen- Mount AJus w risen up bleak and rock -coverm!. whs the place of execution. The walk was not long for the men, to the sound of the muffled man-tin. but very dreary There was hardly light enough to see each other's fsces, and the trwe and cactus slirutw loomed up gray and ghostly along the side of the rocky tralL Aa for the condemned man. though he might have played the part of a coward In the prison, there wns no sign of fear uow. W un un . steps almost out-distancing the regu lar pace of the others, he walked out bravely, as though going to another d ration by el preside..!.-. Insiead of to the death of n murderer, nt Un hands of the very men with whom he had fought at Ma ta nana ami Uosos I and otln r places, arm to arm. back to hack. . , . . Here was the pot. And. with his 1 back to AJiisco. his fori sinking Into : the damp ground, nnd the gray mist of j t turning resting like a pall about ' him tin- prisoner was allowed to stand i fr a 1110 nt. while the Captain made j a brief address, concluding with the statement that only ln-.-nuse the prison ! er was a soldier the "law of lire" would I ie put into effect; when the word "uno 1 was prOBOUliciHl he was to run for his I life. On the craggy side of AJusco, he might find shelter, perhaps. l DO -floa traff would In- counted; nt "tres" the squad would Are. Therefore be would bava to bnstcn-othcrwlse, Uod have mercy on his soul. "tSDCton I" The soldier stood on guard. "Fno!" wns counted slowly. The pris oner Bioml stock mill, nnd the man QMLreSt swore that there was u Hinlle on his fnce. "Dos!" (Olos de la vlda, wns he paralysed, that he could not run. even to save his life T) and lit last, alowly, "Tres! Fire!" Motionless, borrifled, the men bad watched. Still tbe prisoner stood there, head up and shoulders back. At the sound of the "tn-s," however, muskets wen- lowered, and every hammer pull ed, out thundered tbs salute of bullets. a veritable hall of them, oml the soli tary, pathetic flgnro tottered, then reeled over, face downward. In the damp grass. Dead, of count how could It be otherwise? The Cnptnln should havelooked to make sure, but he wanted hi breakfast and some cognac; merely glnnclng casually nt the bodjr, he gave the order to inarch, and with the innrchn once more ringing out the men tramped back through the light of the coming day to barracks and break last, leaving the dead man alone on the plain. 'Tin- next day Private Santiago Mo re no himself, whom we hnve seen shot mid left dead on the San (leronlmo plains, was there at sunset, pale, crazed Willi grief, nnd holding 111 Ids arms n dead Innly In the uniform of a soldier, but Willi the tWeet, peaceful face of n woman who hnd offered up her life for n friend. When the sun went down his lifeless form remained, sllll clasping even In death- the oilier lxnly that had bis-n thought his San Francisco Argotinut. There nre forty varieties of the to bacco plant. A Chinaman eats twice ns much meat ns n Japanese. Koothlnoks are seldom seen on the stixs-ts of Berlin, III the whole of Crisis- there are only io2 Dewnpapera A Kaffir! religion consists mootly in alngliig and dancing. In India there Is n fly which attacks and devours large spiders. Silver money ISO years old Is still In Circulation In sonic parts of Spain. A map of Jerusalem In mosaic, over l.rsm yeans old, has ln'cn found lu Pal- CHllllf. Tile River .Ionian makes the greatest ib-seeiit In the shortest distance of al most any stream. Massachusetts contemplates the ex pendlture of $,i for the Illumination of the dome of the State house. it is estimated that at least 1,000,000 imumlri of robber is annually used ta the manufacture of bicycle tires. The average duration of human life lu Kuropean countries Is greatest lu Sweden and Norway and lowest In It lily and Austria. Admission to HolyrOOd palace and chapel will hereafter In' frm-, the llrtl Mi government having decided to dis continue the Inking of fees. Italy has (allowed New York's lead In lighting the spitting habit. Notices 111 many streets and railroad cars request passengers to abstain on the grounds of decency and health. Mr. Lea of Worcestershire nance fame, left nn estate of h800000j his partner, Perrin, left nearly ns much. Tliey began life as druggists lu a small w ay lu an BngUab country town. Minister, in Westphalia, has n public sciimii which has Just celebrated the 1,100th anniversary of Its foundation. It in the st. Paul gymnasium, ami was originally a convent school. One French citizen Is doing Ids In-st to save his coon try from depopulation. new recruit 111 Paris Startled the en rollment board by announcing that he wns the thirty fourth child of his fill her. The Theater Hal In Paris. M. Blanc, the new prefect of police in Paris, has begun his administration by the Issue of a stringent ordinance Bgalnsl women's high trimmed hats In the parquet and baliMiiy seats of the metropolitan theaters. The rule does not apply to women In the lnxes. Curi ously enough, a similar rale was enact- d at the close of the last century by tin- chief of the Parisian nillee, whoso name was not M. Hlanc. but M. Nola 1'he same edict delvarred all women. eZCepI those of the arlstiK-mey, from appearing In theaters ami places of public n-sort with rouge ou their hecks. Measuring lapen Mnde or Steel. Steel tain's for measuring are made In lengths varying from thnn- to l imn feet. Tapes of 1,000 feet In length nr made only out eighth of an Inch In width, so as to save weight, and arc usually made to order. Tapes of great length arc usisl In bridge and railroad work and In measuring streams Some times two 1.IMI finl tapes are J.iim-d lu measuring. The Final Printers. The tlrst printers us,,! i lir. ,.,,. on one side of a ngo. and then pastel together the two blank pngn to give Ibe Impression of one leaf. There Is enough M ( ,pa ,(l cover LJM square miles of Brad wltL a Isyer oue uille Id thhkucss. LET US ALL LAUGH. JOKES FROM THE PENS OF VARIOUS HUMORISTS. IMcnnaiit Incident- mcrrlne the World Over - Saying" that Arc Cheerful to the Old or YouiiB-Kun-ny Selection, that You Will Knjoy. ContlanhtS the Trouble. Ile-The trouble with tini many ieo pla 111 this world Is that they don't know cm, ugh to quit wh.-u they are ahead of Ihe game. Sl I know It. I ought to hnve quit wh.-u I got your BOgagi meiit ring, but 1 went ahead and tnarrh-d you. BsarsaTa Berkley An honest man itanda no show Iii Ibis world. Dixon Who told you that? Ill Cniinl Posltlon.i Fweddh--Yaaa, I'm always for the under dog lu a light. Mori, ns.--Oh. I could hnve gUBSBBd that. Charity nnttiriilly begins nt home, you know. AOcntle Hint. Film-What's gisnl for n cold? Flam- Have yet got the price of two hot scotch's alnjut you? Film Yes. Flam Well, take one of them. St Louis Post lilspatch. A Slid Day for the Muc. "Ah," sighed the pm-t, "I shall be snt Isfled If 1 can pn since but one line that will make the world In-tter." "Say." said the nn't's wlfe,"Jllst come hnck here and try your hand nt string ing this clothesline, w ill you?" Work ut llcliimutca. I was driving through one of the tn-st farming districts lu western Ontario n few years ago. I expressinl my admira tion. "Yes," said my companion, who kuew the country thoroughly, "nearly nil the fiirmers around hero hnve second Wives." "Why?" was my surprised Inquiry, "oh," he answered, "they killed their first wires making tho farm." Perth Kaposi tor, looking Aheud. "And do you love me for what I am or for what I was?" coolngll askisl the old millionaire with one foot In the grave. "For what you will be. dourest!" nm blgnously replied tbe poor girl with n living to maker-Mew York Journal. A Pertinent Inquiry. Tim kins Who Is that solemn-looking man? Bbnklna Why, that's OmnUebrh, tbe great society leador. Tlmklns Society for the mipprosislon of what? A Uiientlonnhle Compliment. Mrs. Borer Tou beard my appeal la.-i night in behalf of the advancement of women? Mr. Blunt Ob, yea; I wns nn ntten tlve listener. Mrs. Borer What did you think of my arguments? Mr. Blunt 1 can unhesitatingly say that they were all sound. Hostoti Cour ier. Charitable, Ella Young Llghtwlt wns in n lovely frame of mind last evening. Hal lie Hut one can't always Judge the picture by the frame, you know. A Natural Deduction. Wllle Pn, are all blind nsiple Idiots? Pa Certainly not, Willie. Whatever put thai Idea Into yiur head? Willie Well. then, why do they say "out of sight, out of mind?" She Never Tried It. Mr. WabuSfa- Are you fond of repar tee, Miss Olive? Miss Olive (of St. LonlS) I don't bo live I ever drank nny of It. We always use "Oolong." A Populur Superstition. Brown They say that ileenlns with the moon shining In your face affecta the bead, but i don't believe It Jones -Why, certainly. It makes your head Ibyht Cincinnati Enquirer. Knpert Testimony. The Attorney-Yon say you eouhl not believe this person ou oatbl The IFKnesn Wo, sir; 01 never beard the lady swear In me lolfe, sir. The Yellow Himk. Oulet Millenary Work. Literary Critic Haying down a new book-l Wish every mnld, wife and mother lu tlie country could road that book. Able Editor-Well, run In n line to the eff.s t that that book Is one which no woman should In- allowed to see. The Yellow Hook. Why He Objected. Ootor-I wish you would tell those deaf mutes to stop talking; the noise disturbs me. Attendant-Why, how can they make a noise when they talk with their an gers? Ioctor - Well, dou't actlona apeak louder than words? sip Wurdrobe. li ta hni'lni ll,.. l..-i a iieiu -,,..1.. for her n.. ..l.'. "Ah:" "Oh. Im-xpri-sslble! Panieni..,. MtlB ball dress with ,IUil trlu . "I didn't know there Mas I jgj , play." "There Isn't; she OSS that ,r, turn her new double soiuersai,t ... i ..... i i'...i in'iliili A . ooji.e. Ills Kxcuse. Mrs. HllllllnTS Isohhlm-, v .. . , ,,u H ways finding fault with dm bow y crythlng I do or any U w rong, nnj , ' never get tired admiring other ... i-... - u. . . ' '"'ii. 1 n ne.l J on linn. e o In j you snhl I was your Ideal Mr. BItmbart That's all right, u t you livid to your age without reiiu Ing that only a fool never cbn0 opiuiou r It Milken ii IMfTi-rrn. "The man who can profit by ,0 failures Is the om- who g, i, o this life." Thafl nil right from yoor ttla point, but it must in- rememhen we are not nil fortunate einmgi, t In business for ourselves." Tlmt Would He '. ,,, . "You have brokeu my heart' sobbed. -..ll al,n Mnllnl HIM - .. . ,,, nnc .-,., in nil vim, not to make too much noise alsmt If pnpn hears you he'll go out am sninsli your wiieei. Knew from kxperlsncs. if l.H .1.1.. I. ...... I 1 oon I UHH you isiyn gel S Hlajf hnrd lilts ns we dhl when I noj ,, i. . ' said tin- grand fafner, "Why, grandpa, you didn't have U cycles when you were n boy , did juuj" lookers Mnteinaii. II WH. OoL Kentuck Yea, tniys, reiueaiht way buck lu '03, when three hullo made holes right 111 my hat. Jolies-llrown Say, colon. I. that nill4 be the hut you've Nam talking I ever ilnce. New xork livening jw nai. A l - i .i. Julia Before wn were bbviW Jtltlllts us, d to call me Ids Idol. JanetOf course. "Hut since we were married he wami to be the Idle one."- Vonkcrs Sn.i man. Must II. . i . li. . n a l'riuk. MatMh- Young Dashing Is simply nV ful. Glare Why, what lid ha do? Maude-The very llrst time I ns-t lit3 he had the audacity to put bis sra around my waist twice. Clare Is It possible: Why, I hnd nt Idea Ilia arm was long enough fur thai He Oldn't Wult Uing. Purine!- 8o you are limklng for work, eh? Whnt can you hi? Trump Well, I once worked In i chopliouse n waiter. Pnrnicr Jiust the man I w ant. Iisi give you a Job In n chophoUM, nnilrm won't hnve to wait, either. Coiueriji) out to tbe woodshtnl. Lioness My dear, did you tmtlivln neatly h' was dressed? I. Ion Well, yes, It struck DM tad) was a very tasty young DUUL QkBjl Inter Ocean. Infbraiatton Wsntsd, 'IhifTtou If you ever call mo I U again I'll shmrt you like a dog. ' HlufTtoti You will, eh? By ttltl how dot-s n dog shmrt ? In II -I on. He I'm not myself to-night. She-Then how dare you si"! 1 me, sir, without nn IntrodllctloBl Soitictlllnu I en n il. Biggs i wonder w hat's wrong s Knox. Hlggs Nothing that I kinm 0 BlggS 1 told 111 til 1 w as si .. , .i.i . .. .. . .... ... .I.,, K he never suggesti-d a remedy for it- '1'h. it Lnnitiuiiic of Ours Tlmkltis- What did she say win'" promised to her? Btmpklna siie didn't mj iviLW Just looked nt me nud then ilnil" her eyes. Tlmklns- Poor girl! 1 hopeihsa break them. 11. .-I W..... Uba KmI Tin' Ho Darling, l dream of T nnd dny. She I'm sorry, but your ilreiims avail you naught. ttm Wliv arihat .i.i v.m unflll! ui..i n.... mi. ,'.n 1 marff i-io: A iim-11,1 . .... i ...i .11.1,91 lu, 11-l.l.l,l ,,'.. L-.l ' 11,1 .lr.niers u apply. Are toi v riiniu. hollVat Dr. Ktirnlt-I never knew onetjB lilaln In mi- llfii N.-w York Jou" Alimony on Installment a Ldds K. Howell was ,llM.rc.iH! Chtisou the other day from band, George w. Howell, who J remembered In Western Knn!M",,(j tug lumin-r dealer who ib - . years ngo. Under the terms et voree decree Mr. Howell inii-t I. ( wife 1o.ihi In Installmcnis t . .l ine II r. ' UIOIHII. Ill' S now lion-"'- ... . . . slm I on a salary ami It will nn tttO yearn AM ellit DMWKM wr- s-K., sHmamSi . . ' . ., , .-Id f,rl ease Is rttsirbsl from Arkansas where n mnn Is paylifg IO ' Ig , ..... r .;' a " " ' ki If" After procuring this m"" ' . LL. ...,n u-ho. hoW'm- i in.... I,..- .oen II oil'. sisis oil iiaiioiuiK '' , . ,h, .. . iii.l to BSt vorced wife nnd pays the till! Oil",' ", . I, til.- i. eases ii ri r i ut . a ri'l.rt r. ! I""" tweon the two women nre a"111 Kansas City Journal. CyekBM' Mntoh Bos. A handy match i-v B ' ' . .i... i L- iv a screw clnmp ai - enn be to the frame or bar at a conveuleut poluu Aa to Tustc. tit: '0s P)ri