uixTANi COUNTY Mv a llrvVHirH. .... . f PMMM from fti to J M.I !..- A' Urll giallled Mlun li I- mull l-r.iii: Mowr. Z iwrf'rf ,Uk,? L lri..g Binder. !hr.f iu t--! 'rl"d f"r""r lV,.!i,. v'' aiadtaf good stuff, Jllleiu at L i"""'1"' Winders p' IBS highest market forcbUlem bark. IfOftOdlM HM "eeil esiHiin nco m r .... mualV. OfMOtt. with " : . job.iMiHl''a"1 ptuiusl. r Kin i- "Oronk" praneri at Griflltt Hardware Co. jOOOJ pounds ol ONOn Grape Hoot .n'lsdel 8 H Fkikni.lv H. Cfttcent Bicycles tstylleh and stout. F L Chamukrs, An.. rL. Chambers will trade yoti a new tUfor your old one. .,, gummed and repaired at Eu Miiw Works, Ninth ateert, Kugei.e. r0B :ale-200 head of Angora p, Inquire at 0 M Young's meat Wanted Six car loads of ehittem krk and gnp root by W Sanders. H Friendly will pay l'ie lilght -t ptrket price for Orkiion Orate Boot. 8 11 v ORtuoN GKAl'K KKT Persons liav Ioiwne will do well to call on tue. m r t. .. n n r 1. i i i a jbe J W Kays Furniture Co, Is !,.: i its sooth aliow window eu lirpoto Uer display good. Foe Bale. Two horses, a buggy tod bines. Inquire at Kugene Feed Yin), Willamette street. Pruning knives, hand pruners, long icJ taort lianule pruners, pruning . i .i . - ; .ml i . . r luu neuge suears, at viruuiu H.jwre Co'a. If you want a go.)d buggy or hack Ihit his stood the lest for teu yearn n, ,t here, get the Krclue. F L DUDUelH II i 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ToTkauk A buggy in good repair trade for a bicycle, li quire at the SCARD office. Ice (.'renin Freezers. Uwu Mowers. Wall Taper. Beret n Doore. F L Chamhers has them. Inlormatiou Wauted. Idesiro information concerning an al man's whereabouts'.' Charles W Bvker, my father, write fiom Ku W about two years ago that he would we lor the bay trout cugeue auu tolls the last we heard (roiu him. now annul uu vears o l'i'. annul tkin hnlvht. atronir holiv frame. uviinn nriiiu iii-ri i n-i r w aniMiull , Inn heard. If there sanv A miUll iuii v wiiii i mum alio uiv hns tt iikiiiinriiiiiiT li I i v' l i rt . mm. Chahl.es M Hakkek, Halsey, Oregon. Tk Acme Steam Frnlt Cauuer. Thl i uoner not only saves a great There U no burning or boiling over I inill u. ' ' .. t ru 1 1 ..'.. In Il.ni.iru uiuir wuniug. uy using li i'ean, beam, eeru and dhIh nmv ba eanned with perfect safety. fbe caoneni may be seen at Ktarr & Ayasstorc. Agents wanted, address B II HOWEKM AN. Walterville, Or. For riale. A 10-room resilience, barn on prein Bj tw lots, One gardeu ground, good water, 60 fruit trees Alio one lot with o-ioom residence. "ill trade for Tacotna property for particulars annlv to Oltakd office or 8 J Sills, comer Jellerson and "fit itreets, Eugene. Paints and Oils. Oar stock Is l:iri'i r tlinn ever. Mixed Uk fresh from factorv. Our prices It the times. I k Peters, Niutli St, Eugene. Ike New Produce Co. H kinds noultrv: eu-irs. butter. hidiB Jurs bought for cash at Eugene froi hit MCo, Ut door south A V Peter's Oregon Grape Koot. nmincla smlul Will nav threat market price for all I can 8 H Friendly. Wheel for Trade. A fOfvl V, 1 , , , r L 1 .. r r Pub oak wood. Racket. Wasted. TV. ... usnigheat cash ptice will 1 Jaid r 100 tons of baled hay. Inquire of JJcClanahan, Eugene. For Sale. JJ choice milch cows, mil giving milk "one over tl years old. Address W H Welbarn, Pleasant Hill, Or. Oats Wanted. W Pay cash. I K Peters, Ninth street. THE GREAT ORATOR AS GREAT AS BRYAN CYCLONE DAVIS' EQUAL, Hon John Lentz, CONGRESSMAN from the 12th OHIO District, will address the people of Lane County in EUGENE, OREGON, on 01EDESMY, JUE 1st, In tl?e Afternoon at 2 o'eloek; also at 8 p m In favor of UNION PARTY He is the greatest speaker in Ohio, and represents a republican district in Con gress. Every FARMER Specially Invited REMEMBER THE DATE. GOLD STANDARD Correct List of Mortgages Recorded aod AMOUNT OF INCREASE $45,000. Ever since McKluley'a election In newspaper tbat a llood of prosperity had the Uuited Stoles. For several months niaimlna-that the mortKaKe record, of nutuher ot mortgages releaaed over those ing man knew this to be false. However, to be absolutely certain In Munen to search the records in this matter and he found the following to be the result: MOKTGAGES RECORDED. 1890. NO. October 28 November December 61 1897. January February March April May June 1 July August Sentember 26 31 19 23 '. 81 ttM .27 .., ...28 21 W October Nevember : 80 December 1898. January... February . March April 85 24 .' 36 26 SUMMARY. Total Mortgages Recorded Released Excess of Mortgages AMOUNT OF INCREASE $45,O00 Average Amount of Each Mortgage Raoordtd $500 Farmer.. Business Men these figures and on June 6th. prosperity. PROSPERITY Re- ft li 1896 we have been told by republican orerawept Lane county, Oregon, and gold standard journals have been every county would prove this by the recorded. Of course most every think the matter we bad a competent gen RELEASES RECORED. 1896. NO. October 20 November 20 40 1897. JanDary 18 February 27 March 9 Anrll 18 May June ' July Auguat JTJ ..17 oo (September 24 Ootober 27 November 88 December 18 1898. January 31 February 25 March 27 April 28 543 453 90 Recorded Mech.nica and Laborer., Study vote for Free Silver and genuin. AIMS SLAIN So Says a iladiiil Dis- Our Govern U THE OREGON AT KEY WEST Sampo s Fleet lias Seized Coal Deposit. Luge iiii n 1 1 i i 'ion i ii.im.i:u. Hpeclit to Uuinl. Mahkid, Spain, May 20. The Spar -ish Koverumeut has received advices tl at the Americans attempted to laud men, gu is and ammunition at Malayan Philippine Islands, hut the Spaniards drove them back with u loss of a num ber of Americana killed. UNR DO! BTKD, rVABHIMCrrON, D C, May 'X; 8:15 p m. The government has cabled for particulars rtffirdlnft the reported American loss ui Ralayau, which the Spanish fOTarcmenl claims to be true. OREGON AT KEY WEST. Key WW, May Uj 1:18 p m. The battleship Oregon arrived here this morning. She is now anchored at Sand Key Light. It) A I, SEIZED. Key West, May 'J A dispatch boat in from North Cuba says Admiral Bampsou's fleet seized a bU coal de posit on Cayou Islaud, Krauoe. It was dumped ut that place by (lerman colliers for the Spanish licet. IIALTIMORE DUABLBD. Washinuton, DC, May SO.-The cruiser ltallimore has been illsuliled at Manila No lives Mero lost. VROBAlll.Y WIUiIMO. New York, May 20. The Eveniug Journal's special from Madrid, Spain, says a consignment of Krupp guns has reached Spain from Easeu. They passed German and French custom officials as cooking utensils. QDEEN VICTORIA. May the M Aooivtrsary i her Accession to the Throne riVTl dm: imi'oiiT.ivr i n ruatday, May 24, was the 7!Kh bnth- day of Alexandrle Victoria, lueeli ol Great Hrltalu and Ireland, ai d Em- press of India. She was born at KaD sliigton Palace May 21, 1818, lier par ents who had been residing abroad for some time having hastened home In order that their child might "be hern in Hrlton." Queen Victoria mcceedsd her uncle, William IV, June 20, 1837 as Victoria I. Until a few weeks previous to the coronation her life had been passed in comparative quiet and retirement. Was married February 10, 1840 to her cousin Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg Oottea. Te them were born nine chil dren. Prince Albert died December 14, 1861. This is the filst year of her reign, and those fifty-one years represent more to the cause of civilization, to advance ment in the arts and sciences than ten times that number of the previous years. The race from which she sprung and which she rules has been a potent factor in the wor.d'a progress The Anglo Saxon, lb English aud the German, have played important parts on the world's stage since the then maiden Victoria assumed the crowu In 1837 The blood of those races, with ita commingling, will jet rule the wf rid. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of local Market. MS) , 27 1W.B Wbeat-81o. Oats-28c. Hops 2 to 8a Butter-20 Ut lit per roll Egge-IOo. Potatoes 25c. Poultry-2 & to 13 60 per da isn RlltBUl DAT. Appropriate Sei vices ia This Uily Under tofien ol J. W. deary Tost. Mi nil i) -li, H .Moudar 'lu u Order Ol exerc ises conducted by J W Geary I'osl No 7, Q A K, assisted by the Woman - Keilef Corps, Circle No 4 of thwladleaol tliM) A B, nd the Sons of Veterans. Comrade Haruey Paine, Marshal or the day. I -lion will form at 10 o'clock a. in, mi Ninth street, right resting on Oak itrMt, and Will move In the fol lowing order: Marshal and aids, May or and city council in carriages; J W ii arv Post, J W Geary Relief Corps, Rich Mountain Circle No4, Ladleaot tb G A It, Sous of Veterans, children o( the public schools, citizens ou foot and in carriages. LINE Of MARCH. Wilt move promptly at 10:30 a. m., north on Oak Street to Eighth street, west on Eighth street to Willamette street, south on Willlamette str.it to eleventh ctriet eat on Eleventh Vin t to Pearl street, where those who areiinabl" to walk will take carriages to the OC Dietary, where the nsual Decoration service will lie held ac cording to ritual of the G A R, after which the procession will reform and march back to (lis Post Hall aud break ranks, EVKMNW i:KKHrtE8-AT CHRISTIAN OUUROH. Opening Ode America Invocation Rev J T Abbett Music Selected Select Reading Address. ..Comrade G W Granule, Balem Music Selected Benediction A cordial invitation Is excended to all i x -oliln rs and sailors ami citizens to participate. Ity order ot J W Geary Post No. 7, G A R, Oep't. Oregon. A Yekinoton, R H Mii.i.eh, J A ltL'RI.IMIAMR, Committee. School children and the publlo gen erally are invited to brinii wreaths, bouquets and Mowers to the Post Hall ou Niutli street, not later than 8 o'clock n in, May 30. MEMORIAL SERMON. The memorial sermon will be preached by Rev M L Rose at the Christian church, Sunday May 29th, 3 o'clock p in. Tlio Post, W R C, Cir cle and Sous of Veterans, will meet at IheG A R hall at 2 30 aud proceed In a body to tiie church. THIS CHINESE CASES Eugene Parties Charged With Fraud ulent Work. MBMalNABH TRIAL TODAV Ptllj Uuard, May 20 Government officials aro now In this city working on alleged fraud perpe trated by two Kugene citizens In the matter of unlawfully lauding Chinese lu this country. The officials here are II S District Attorney Hall, of Port laud, U H Marshal Houser, of Portland and Deputy Collector ot Customs Jes- up of Tacoma. They have placed under arrest Attorney Geo W Klusey, Straud Long and Chung Cbuug all of tills city the point at present in ques tion being the registration certificate held by Moy Quoy, which the officials claim is bogus aud was "jobbed" by the parties under survelllauoe. Attorney Hall states that It ia the puipose of the government to make a most vigorous prosecution of all cams f this nature and tbat nothing In the proceedings of the same will be kept hack. Attorney Klusey, one of the defend ants, states that everything Is straight regarding his connection with various Chinese cases and he does not fear the result of a trial. The preliminary trial cornmencad at 1:30 this afternoon before U S Com mlssloner J J Walton. District Attor ney Hall appearing for the United States and Attorney L Ullyeu for de fendants. Defendants Geo W Klnsey and Chuug Chung, the Chinaman, were placed under bonds of $1000 each to appear before the U S grand Jury, which meets in Portland In September and defendant Straud Long was placed under the care of Chief of Police Utiles For Kale aud Rent. Household furniture; 4 cords maple wood. Ileuses to tent or sell, one linn" r.r 10 rooms, or one-balf of ear. md one bnoaa of 6 rooms, with good nrdM grounds with both. For terms Mid furt In r In! rmatlon lnquireal tbla ..nh or of H J Hills', corner ol First ami Jellerson streets, Eugene. Uuck Laaaba for Sale II head of thoroughbred Coetawold I uck lanibs for sale. Terms reasona nir, 12 miles uortbraatof Eugene on Cloverdale road. A J CBl'ZAM. OUR SOLDIER BOYS The Wanderer' Writes Concerning The Favurite. MTBasMTtlW ill I i ll Could we fall to feel proud of "i iir boys," when even the California prt M acknowledges them to tie the tint s! body of men that ever marched on Market Street. Life In the army Is not all rose colored but the lirave OrgOO Volunteers accept their hardships with philosophy and ko'hI humor. Than was a good deal of amusement caused by the long-prayed for almost despaired-of rain materializing the morniug the Oregon troops appearnl The rations were vile for n -arly a week, but the last week at camp, the food Improved amid general rejoicing, I went out to luncheon one day, seated on a blanket under a liny tent with four Eugene boys to wait upon me aud familiar faces passing by and greeted instantly with, "Why, I'm glad to see some ane from home. My heart ached for the loved ones left behind and I tell how many mothers and sweethearts, sisters and friend would envy me my good fortune. The menu offered me was scarcely tempting, canned meat, labelled Is'ef, hut put up In PortUud, necessarily suspiciously "horsev." tinned beans, cold hard tack and coffee; served with sand instead of, sugar. Camp No I was at the head of Com- pany C's street andseenud me of the most popular tents with the ladles.. It was occupied by Wiley Francis, 1 Charlie Kllngensmith. Raymond Hakb and Charlie Griffin. Frank Aukeuy tented next door. One glimpse I had of It Im was funny. Co I had just in ished drilllug when I arrived aud as I turned the corner I came acro-s Frank with his head and neck under the wa- ter spout cleaning up. He has not lost any llesh aud he was very pink v whether from modesty or cold wa'cr I am unable to state. One lad con l. --id he would like to put his "feet under Pa's table once more." The (Helpline was pretty strict. A few nights after our boys came a jsck rabbit attempted to run the Hues the entry quickly speared it with the paint of bis bayouet aud in the gossip of the California camp they really com- pllmeuted our officers ou the efficiency ot their men saying, "even a Jack rab bit couldu't get through the Oiugon lines." Col Yorau was most polite and cour teous, placing his tent at the dispoial of my frleuds aud myself a compli ment we were glad to avail ourselves of for Its wearying work standing about watching drill however Interest ed we may be in the troops. I saw Chaplain Gilbert several times and hla pretty wife out. She looked tbln aud white; she bravely bids her husband go for the sake of Old Glory- till she sullen at the thought of sepa ration. The Captain Is a great favor ite with the men. He said to me, I keep the boyi straight and the Col keeps bis eye on me. " He told me that Vin Straub was nearly well, In fact that bla lungs are completely cured, but tbat be aud bis mother will remain here during the summer. How tbli war has already changed our young men, I scarcely knew Mich ael Leonard tiroes, lu bia new uniform and close oropped head, no more Pad- ewreskl hair for him, and the way he bore hla blushing honors when o e young and pretty girl kissed him In full view of the company aud about three hundred visitors at the camp was a revelation indeed. Well, the last chapter of the llrst book is nearly at an and; the Oregon troopsjust filed past my window on their way to the ships that surely will bear i hem lo victory. I've shout, d myself hoarse aad wept myself blind. was lortuuate enough to attract compauy C, aud the beys gave me a cheer as they went by The street was thronged and the ovation given them waa uearly as great as Ban Francisco gave her own bids yesterday. War is an abomination and It's worse for tho women than the men- We can only hope and pray and eat our hearts out in Inaction; but for our country we give our best sometimes our all. May the laddies come back to us unscathed. The Wandkkkh. Oats Wanted. We pay cwh. I K Pktkrh, Ninth fllllt. Mules Waited- 16 or 20 mules, in good condition, suitable lor packing, wanted within the next ten days. Apply in Hangs stables. Kugene, May 12. E. Uanii. Short Time Only Good Shoulders per lb 7 cts Good Hams per lb It) cts Good Hacou per lb 10 cts 16 lbs D G Uugar 11.00 Just received oar load extra heavy Imp roved Mason Jars . To be appreci ated must be seen Rest black jar rubbers 2doz for five cents. AX BILLY J. W. KAYS FURNITURb CO. LMBALMLRS and fUUERAL OiRECTOHS ALARMED New fork City Med ii' m vr war m HARBOR BEING FORTIFIED Steamship Ohio Ordered to Sao Mil. I. lOIVUY Mprclal to lh Qosr.1 New York City, May 26; 6:20 p m - New York Cliy Is alarmed over the tfDOfU d slglitlug of French and Spaa ish warships ut!' Halifax. The harbo r here is being fortllled. OWMOUn to 'krisc Seattle, Wash May 2H The steam , , , , , . . . . ... . I.., ...a. I I .. lu lit !). LiM in . - will join the sleauishlpa Lenteunial and .elaudia now there preparatory to mJJuu for Plillipplne Islands. will OOMTOV Man Francisco, May 26 The steamship Peter Jellerson will convoy e cruiser Monterey to the liiittppine Islands. CITI Ol' I I !.!!. II Ills Sptflll to th OUASD. Washinuton, DC, May 26; 4;.V p in President McKlaley has issued a call lor seventy-live iiinusanu mere volunteers. 10,000 MOHE M KN. As soon as General Meirltt leaves for the Philippine Islands, preparations will bo made for additional teu thous and Philippine troops. HI'ANINH WARBJIM'S 8IUHTKD. Hom Kono, May 26 Word waa received today from Admiral Dewey saying tbat four Spanish warships had beeu sighted. PRKl'AKINO TO LKAVB. Han Fhancihco, May 26; 1:66 p m The steamship City ol Peking la pre paring to leave this afternoon. ARK HELEABBD Speoul to ths Uoian Wahiiinoton, DC, May 26; 6:16 p m-The additional call of76,000 troopa will make the total army strength two hundred aud eighty thousand. HARK KKLKASKU The bark Karauac, captured by tho Spauiaids at Manila shortly after war was declared, has been released. OtMCIAI. NOTICE. Special to Ilia UuM Washington, DC, May 26, 1:66 p m Secretary of Navy Long aaya he believes that Cauiara's Spanish fleet la still at Santiago de Cuba, aud that Admiral Schley Is close ou the outside of the harbor watching every move ment of the euemy. THKORKWON LOCATED. Wahhinhton, D C, May 26; 1 p m Secretary ol the Navy Long thia morning received official notice tbat the bat'.le ship Oregon la at Jupiter Inlet. Washington, D C-Under the call for 76,000 addltloaal soldlera about 730 will be allotted lo Oregon. Comi'LIMknvaky The Pacific Em pire of Portland has this deserved meueutlon of one of Kugeae'a moat popular young ladles: "The Neighbor Hat, Is the taking title of a two step composed by Miss Stella Pitt Denis, of EuglOe, and arranged for the nruhestra by Prof W Gilford Naab, of the Unl versity of Oregon. There ia a charm ing bit of hcntiment connected with the naming of this coiuposltloa. 'The N.-ighi hi liar will have a place on the musical programme for the oom nieiic iin ill ell nil. of the 1,'ulveislty o: Oregon in June. Miss Dorrls wbo Is the embodiment of all that la aweet and lovely in girlhood, Is an earneat student of music, aud Una la not her only venture Id the Held of original compoeltioa." Oats naBta. We py cash, I K Pktkhs, Ninth street. MEN