The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 28, 1898, Image 10

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AVceelablc Pr cparjfion for As -
slmilallttg UKT0xlnnilHevii Id
ling ituc biomathi amll3owcls of
nsandHcst.ConLiin' ncilhcr
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Jmnftm .W "
AUSauum '
J I If r nitlil -
GvSifM M
HkmSitJ -
Aprrfetinrrncdy fnrtonslipa
lion.SourStoniach.UianhoM, Worms Convulsions , I ever i sh
twss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Te Simile Signature of
The Republican .t ti ) nl i fr Mute
(senator Ktceive Hume Atit-niioii
at the Hindi (if lln 0 H
GAR and SPR R Incidents.
Walterville.Or, Muy 19, 1808,
Kiunm (ir.vun: As the cam
paign is now open ltin candid ib
before tlie puhlio are lit Buhjects for
criticism, and every voter m
titled to not us a critic
The Mayor of Kugtni, I'r Kuv
kondall, being a candidate for the
office of State Senator, will be the
first one I shall att nipt to plaM
under tbo search light of public
opinion. In the first place the
Doctor is in favor of the beat money,
and when he says "bent money" he
meant gold money, and gold only
That tning his position on the
money ueHtion hnciniiot rnnaist
ently Bolicit the vote of any biniet
allist, either independent or inter
national. Me does not believe in
bimetallism in any form, neither
does he believe in United States
treasury notes or greenbacks.
The Doctor is regulirly employed
by the Southern Pacific railroad
company as surgeon, located at
Kugene. Of course the railroad
company furnishes the Doctor free
transportation whenever he tit-sires
to travel on any of the trains. Ami
that occurs very often, but of course
as an employe of tbl railroad 0ODV
pany ho is justly entitled to that
courtesy. And. as a matter of
course, whenever the opportunity
occurs to do the railroad company
a favor in return In is only too
willing to do r-o, no matter at what
cost or disadvantage to piivate in
divi luals or the general public.
That 1 do no injustice to
the Doctor in making this state
ment is prov d by a recent incident
within the memory of all. Doctor
Kuykendall was a very important
witness (or the Southern 1'a ilic
railroad company, not 0D go, in
a damage suit brought by Mist
Siuitson of Bprlngflald who, sj
most of the eople of LsDS county
are aw ire, was ten ily injured by
one of the railroad company trains,
and was lelt a h 'lples cripple for
life, having lost both lower limts
through the can I ssness or BOfltOl
of some of the railroad employes.
The Doctor's testimony before the
court vras so flagrantly against the
claimant as to urou-e the indigna
tion of all fair tuiiulid people who
heard the testimony. To tin- ira ,'
testimony entirtdy was attribut d
the cause of the ridiculous small
judgment against the railroad com
pany, and the young lady is liable!
to die of o'ld age before she reci i v. s
If the Doctor is listed to U e
Senate, and any legislation comes
befon the legislature wherein it
might interfere with any of the
perquisites of the railroad com pa i . .
such for instance as the abolishment !
of the railroad commission, and the
enactment of a maximum rate law,
is there any doubt about the side
on which the Doctor will le found
Tor Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
You Have
Always Bought.
working and voting?
It has Iwen generally rep.rted,
and there yet has been no contra
diction, that the Doctor had a
prominent hand in the legislative
hul l up of -7 by bringing his in
fluence to bear on a certain Lane
county representative, and keeping
him Irom attending the sessions of
the legally constituted temporary
organization of the House, thereby
contributing to the performance of
an illegal act, one which has worked
great injury and injustice to
the taxpayers of the state, whereby
a half million of dollars of the lax
payers money is In Id up in the
state treasury, and the state is com
Msltd to pay interest on its own
money and state employees are
obliged to have their warrants
shamefully shaved in order to get
cash for themselves and their
The Doctors record in connection
with theti A It of Eugene is also a
matter for adverse criticism. When
he was appealed to by members of
that order touse his lofloOBM against
the order issued for them to take
their A U "trash" out of the Mc
Kinley beadquirtori during the
last campaign what did he do?
Simply nothing and the "trash"
had to he removed. Right hero 1
want to say that no man, 1 care not
who ho is, can offer any indignity
or insult to any old soldier of this
nation witlnut arousing all the
patriotic resentment in my nature
I care not what that soldiers
political faith may lie.
(J 11 BaUU,
Oregon in, May II.
$10,000 00 Reward.
Will be paid by The Orcgonian
to any one who can prove that a
cheaper dollar can be substituted
for one of greater value in tne pay
ment of debts and wages, without
reducing Um value of dhts ami
Raft I in the fame pr iportiou that
the value of the dollar It reduced.
Here we come:
$100,000.00 Reward
Will be paid by Tin: QOABD to
anyone wh i will produce a dollar
of United States money, silver, gold
or paper, that is n t of equal value
with any other dollar issued by
the United States.
We uuder.-tand that hr Kuyken
dall is now posing as an advocate
of fie tingle g ild standard.
This seems strange when it is
remem'H re I that ouly a few months
ago he wai in Salem at the head of
a self-constituted delegation at
tejipting 1 1 whip Senator McClung
into the supoort ol one Joliuli
.tifiien or i DIMd States a nttor,
who is known to have ikdvieolid
free silver all In- lif-. Mr Mc
Clung, although labored with long
and loud by Kuykendall, rofustd 10
vote fj. Mitohel1. It uow seems
strange to ihe noin
iuee advocating a gold
standard. What does it mean?
Was he honest when he waut to
Stlem and wanted McClung lo vote
m m it r
A At
for a fee silver advocate. We will j
leave Ibis H the voters of Lane
o unlv.
And again. have ihey. the voli'is,
any sournOOJ I they should elect
Mr Kuykendall t!e ne ,ator that
he Mold not go to Snlein and vote
for hi-1 oiid Mitchell.
(n he wiling to explain bis psafi
ti in in lb aiMive mattf r. We await
his Kdsuer.
Following te bsbte "t dketoooii
made with" " "'ir ar
with Bpairti
Cadis uj Sod '-rk :i,120
British Wis u New York 8,017
Sm Proneioooto Yokohama 4,500
Yokohama to Hong Kong 560
San Francisco la Hon
Kong 0,880
BOB Franc'scoto Manila. 0,520
Hong K ng to Manila . 'J 10
Sm Frsncisco l ilawaii.. IfiQQ
Bon Francisco tuNew York,
via Oapl Horn ISjSlO
Porto Blon to Washing on 1,200
Cape Yerde to Porto Hie a. . 2,370
N York to Havani 1.215
Porto Rioo to Havana 1.C10
(.' .nary Inlands to Cdll 780
t ,i i Blanco in Can try
Islaods f66
Key Wert to Havana 90
HIXPKli I 111.11 .Hi r.
The Middleof-tht-Koaders in
Linn county did not have enough
strength to get on the ballot un
aided. The Albany Democrat says:
"The petition contains 73 names
made upMn five sections, of whom
only fifteen or twenty are of the
middle-of-the-road party. A special
effort was made to get democrats
und a few are on the list, the re
mainder being republicans. We
give a list of the signers, which
speaks for itself."
The "Hoard of Strategy" at
Washington is a source of irrita
tion to naval commanders. It dots
seem ridiculous that a few men at
the capitol should attempt to give
orders for the movement of squad
rons thousands of miles awiy. It
is no wonder that Dewey cut the
cable between between Hong Kong
and the Philippines at the oppor
tune moment so as to be free from
theofiicialinlerfereuce that certainly
WDuld have emanated from Wash
ington. "Cyclone" Davis had the right
kind of an audience yesterday.
The farmer was largely in evidence.
M my of the points made by the
speaker will bediscussed in country
homes before the day of election;
and such discussion will not he
prejudicial to the Union cause.
Kmkkorncv Kind Kknefit The
I' -in-lit . unci 1 1 and social given Satur
day night at the Armory by the ladies
of the Patriotic League for the purpose
of creating- an emergency fjud for com
pany C of the Oregon volunteers,
proved even more iiiccessful than an
ticipated, and lb laditu netted a neat
sum which will be ussil for the worthy
p up"-- for which it Is intruded. The
program rendered was a inoiit happy
surprise iti ewry number, and the re
Iroahiueuti served weie par exeelleuza.
Kugene Is proud of Iter soldiei boys
and leaves no stone unturned In the
eudravor to financially aiM them or
pay a tribute to their worth
Ctrruit Court Cases
Arthur Hortuian v Mary ilortinan;
tuit for divorce. The couple were luaij
rled in LeM county July 17, 1890. No
children have reunited from said mar
riage. Desertiou Is alleged.
Kxecutors of estate of I 11 Dunn de
ceaied vs Sidney Horn, to recover
money. Judgment I asked for J 100,
One of America's most fa
mous physicians says: "Scrof
ula is external ccnsnmotion."
Scrofulous children are often
beautiful children, but they
lack nerve force, strong bones,
stout muscles and power to
resist disease. For delict U
children there is no remedy
equal to
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo
phosphites of Lime and Sod.,.
It fills out the skin by putting
(rood flesh beneath it. It makes
the checks red by making rich
blood. It creates an appetite
for food and gives the body
power enough to digest it. Be
sure you get SCOTT'S Emul
toc.M4$i.oo; tBSniggktt.
whose house is conspicuously clean, whose work worries
her least, whose leisure time is greatest, how she manages.
The chances arc ten to one she will auswer :
" I do all my cleaning with
Sold by nil grocers. Largest package greatest economy.
Cblcago- i-i. Louis. New York. Ilottou. I'luludelpMu.
rii:r liu.rj Mr a
Ron Jacob Gillespie, ODO of the 1 est
known plnueem of Oregon pa-ned Irom
tills life nnSiturday. May I'l 189H, at
Hie nil ' h I nt'e of MX yearn, i iiioiiIIim
and li days, a.'ler SO illenn lt extended
duration, du to the loflrttllUM of old
fiiriernl occurred at 10 o'clook
today from Ids family residence, one
mile north off tb: city, to tbt- ( Mill sple
cemetery, and was attended by B large
Dumber o( relatives ami Moods.
The funeral sermon was preached by
Dr W B Farr.of this city. He was
as-inted in the services l y ll-v V H
Wallace and J (' Kieliariloii.
Tin- pill bearers, wlewire all grand-
sons of the deeeaesd, wrs as follows:
CM Voung, M Gillespie, Oeo Oamr
beii, Tbos Osapbotl, W sv Wltbtrs, M
Jacob (Jillespie was born in Kuinner
county,, in November, 18DU.
On October 18, 1831, he removed from
Mm i Nee of his htrth to La Fayette
county, Missouri. In 1802 lie joiued a
com any composed of eight wagons, of
win- b hu was chosen captain, on its
way to far-ofl Oregon, crossing the
plains without any incident worthy of
note save thoi-e hardships to be li okid
for on so long and perilous a Journey
On the ninth of (September of that
year (Ids party camped en the C'lacka
mas river in Oreg n, when our subject
continued his journey direct to Lane
county, purchased the donation claim
of Abraham Peek, ou which he took
up his residence, Octobers, 1852. This
tract is situated one mile north from
Eugeue City, aud lias for one of its
I bun - the beautiful Willamette
liver. Here Mr (iillespie has contin
uously redded since thai time. In
1857 he was elected one of ihe board of
county commissioners, and held that
office until Oregon was admitted iuto
the Cuiou as a state; while previously,
In the session of 1S64 ! he represented
Lane county in ttie Territorial assem
bly. Mr Qllltepls married, lirstlyi
August 4, 18:11, Almyra Hannah (now
deceased) aud had a family of seven
children: Mrs C W Young, Mrs J O.
Day, Mis Tin s lirattaln, Mrs J E P
Withers, Mrs li M MiiHtersou, Mrs Geo
Campbell and M M (iillespie. Of
these, Mrs Day, Mrs Masterson and
Mrs Campbell are uow deceased.
M niie.l secoudly, Mrs Amelia Mar
tin in the year 1S45, and thirdly to
Mr- Elizabeth (ioodpasture, in July
1857. This lady Is also a pioneer of
Lane county, having settled within its
confines with her former husband in
the year 18bS
Hon John M Qaarln will Speak at
Cottage Orore Instead of Eugene.
Hon John M Qearln, of Portland,
who was announced to speak in Eu
gene next Saturday evening has can
celled his da'.e here, and with Henry
Denlinser, Jr, union candidate for
prosecuting attorney, will upeak In
Cottage Drove ou that evening at the
City Hall.
Mr tie uin is one of the ablest orators
ou the coast.
information Wanted.
School Laws of Oregon: "Section
88. When any vacancy shall occur Iti
the board of directois, i v death, r.ig.
nation or otherwise, the lemalnlug
member or members thereof, shall
forthwith authorise the oierktooall
special meeting to till Mich vacancy,"
Since Director Oilbeit rtelgucd,
about tiio weeks ago, and the la v says
so ejection -imii lorihwnh i author-
Ued, a vii it would like lo a now
Direotors Frank
u.d McClung l,4'T,,"7,,,,,0rnf,,,lJrby" M"
eiedon ., .be :u"i7:;,:,,vi,'l'',:,,,"kH,s work-
n t authorised an
Card of Thanks
e hereby desire to return oir
heartlelt thanks for the kind
MU neighbors during the iltm and
,t....i. ..i r ...
..i h oi nur nusuauu if . I lather.
Mu jaioi;oili.ksiik am Family
Notlte U hereby given t m
sepmtel from MS II r
I have
Wtsoarsoo, aud I will not bv rei-pousl.
ble for auy debtsshe may OMtroOl Ir. m
Ihe dte Itereof.
Bmnos WaKAnooM
M.yii v.i
Sl'KAKKK SK1.KITKI). - liev Mr
Aokerniau. pastor of Ibe First Con.
gretational church, Portland baa been
Obosen to deliver th Ueea'e.ureate
suiuoit m th, luiu. iicemeuiexercissi
ol me L ulveriy of Oregon U,i y
H is an able pulpit orator.
The (.old Hug Hp'akinr at Dexter.
Messrs J M bhelley ami L A v inier-
i ,,,,-ji.f of Kugene fpoke lie'e Friday
evening to a mixed audience of gold
BD, f i Ver men.
Mr W, wliom b the way we under
stand is a candidate fur Justice of r.u
gen . uve tbem such a choice) talked
an Imur and a half on the evils attend
ant 10 free silver, and the only impret-
I !,, ,nHde was the Impression made on
the seHts by Ids auditors.
Mr S Followed in a 15 minutes talk
in which he told the people that he
bad been to Mexico and what a miser
able tiling free silver was proving to
be to our als'er republi Their argu
ment was wholly for the gold standard.
Neverocee did they think to tell us
w-;. at a good tiling International bimet
allism was as they so fn'ly did in 189(1.
I'l'hat dog has had his da. ). Not once
during the evening was tue name of
McKinley spoken.
There art Juot enough gold men in tb's
precinct, Lost Valley, so by special
arrangement a number of them came
up from Pleasant Hill where the gen
tlemen had spoken the previous even
ing, aud our hoys had gone the even
ing before. So both preciucts were
able lo muster 15 men to shout vo
ciferously at the mention of the mag
ical name Mark Hantia, the dtspeuser
ofall that is great and good. Bring ou
aunt her hosa.
Now let all attend the Jolon speak
ing next Friday evening and listen to
Wm Miller am! other speakers.
Latkk We learn that Shelley's
great (?) visit to Mexico consisted of a
trip to Monterey, Mexico, 150 miles
south of Texas, where he spent one
uiglit on a drummer's excursion. He
is a great traveler certainly. He was
not in 700 miles of the capitol of our
sister republic, and the capitol is about
in the center ot the country. And then
to think he learned so much in 12
boors In an old city. Shellev likes to
talk even if he has uot seen Mexico.
He knows about as much about Mex
ico, personally, as a citizen of Lane
comity would by traveling as fur as
Vancouver, Wash, or alwut the civil
war as one of the Oregon Home Duaid.
i' Hill's Canvass
Albinr Dt mccrat.
"The middle of-the-roaders gener
erally are receiving some nice notices
from the republic i papers. Here is
one from the Salem Sentinel:
"Dr J L Hill, of Albany, straight
populist nominee for congress in this
district, was lu the city today, having
made a speech at Silverton lost night.
ni'iigniy Hiiiiuie-or-ine-roaoer is
making every . Ilort to meet K M
Veatch, fusion candidate, in Joint de
bale, but ti e latter wants to avoid the
Conflict, He refused to meet Hill at
'orvallls next Monday, saying 'other
speakers are to meet me there and 1
cannot accept your oiler.' Then Hill
wired blm, Hsking, -At what time and
place are you willing to meet me in
debate?' Veatc answered: ' I cannot
answer at this time.' The doctor says
he is in the race to sta and will
make a vigorous canvass In Linn. Polk
and Clackamas counties and such
other places as time aill allow him to
"He-ally there is no occasion lor Mr
Veatch to meet him. LsU Dr Hill aud
Mr Topgue cms bats."
That last proposition would not
answer t' e purposes ol l)r Mill
While lie is parading as a pnpulis;
his object is to elect gold standard
longue and the rest of the gold stan
dard ticket. Hut he deceives no one.
Profitable l lawn
Canyon City N. w: paer ground
Mar Canyon City, which miners 2J
1'ii'iiiauii-, ip n,)w ll g II 1 IK 1 1 liml
; yielding good returns Labor, it is
I true, is a little cheaper now, but the
' fact la plain tl at the people are now
Musnso with a profit of to for a day's
Clean up win n f:l) deiiiunili.l
, The same is Utta of
iuanz imami io other sectlniM ..III...
!ast. Of t hi, class ol mining, howev. r
tlraiit county will oen tie in a posilluu
, to show up with ihe tiest disiricts on I
To Hk . Pi'EA LKD Sumlay 's l..r;
land Tribune: "The attoruey-ge,,. ral
baa inetrue'fd DoMed States Diatno:
Attorney Hall to take an appeal In the
cane of Chue Chee aud ( hue How
Chinese b ys, fn-iu Eugene, whoe aim
10 be here lor Ihe pur,Ke of gaining
an education. A eomm.-l;,er decided
thai a. s udeut.the sOJS WOTO CnUlled
to remain here but upou learning the
he of the OMS Ihe a..or..ey-ge.,erl
"".inntoiuetwi-eai,, i,e
be brought up b, fore the court Of
peals at San Fraucisoo."
Junction City ; Muling Compaj
$10, $10.50, $13, $15, $17, $20, $'J5, s:;o $.I0 u.
150, 60. $66 and $80. '
PARLOI Sl'ITS, s-j5. s:55, &',:.
WOVKN MATTKKSS. 1.125, $1 ,S5, .2.5() jw
KITCHEN TABLES, $1.25. $3.25
vrn,v) 2.. .2.25. :,.:,( i, $s, sin,
SIIADKS, :;uc, -15c, ."., cr.r, S0c, $, ..'.-,.
Ham ft TTAMfTrWflan
ftralcIaKutMJ0.Orvtf.,br HKXIIo!li.N u -
The Callforste Kailuie.
A Lob Angles correspondent of tlie
Albany Democrat writes of the Culi-
f .rl ....... f..,li.r., UmIm A-m ..f , .. ,.
i -i hi.. .,.., it,,,,. i, , u nun ,i ii' ...
IC, as follows:
'We have just been glorified in
ha log a beautiful rain, ou last Hatur
day niuht anil part of uii..v uiorn
lug, which will help some of the grow
ing crops, tint it come most too late to
do the grain much good, for the grain
is pact doing anything with. Hay is
selling for a good price. It is bring
ing tM to -;ii. It costs like everything
to keep stock. l'otatHs is not going
to be much of a crop. Htrawberriea
have been in the markets for a uinuth,
but they are no such strawberries aa
Oregon can produce. I have not SSSO
any cherries that come up to Oregon
cherries yet. They are sour t-isllng
cherries. Oregon is ahead of ('alitor.
Ida for most all hinds of small fruit so
far as we have seen, except apricots,
almonds, oranizes, li, - anil all such as
those, which Ortgnn cannot grow."
BACK Hosiu-Clay Zumwalt and
wife have returned from .Skagway and
I.ak-; ltennett. Mr Zumwall liad been
sick which necessila'ed In- going
up the Dawson City trip. He says J D
MatlJck ia duiug a tine hotel and store
business at Lake Bennett, wher thou
sands are encamped awaiting the break
ing up of the ice so they can move ou
to Dawson, As soon as it does Mr
Matlock Intenos going to that city
with ihe crowd. He has been feeling
unwell lor several weeks. Jake Kline
is at Cariboo Landing waiting for the
Ice to go out. 1 he rush to thut 0000
try Is over says Mr Zmnwalt and many
are returning, On the City of Seattle
on WnlOh he i. 'turned were 327 pasaeu
gitrs. Mott's Nerverioe Pills
The great
remedy for
nervous pros
tration and
all ncrunm
diseases of the
. . " puis ol either
KB! P"tratSon, Failing cr
MAnh-H. Impotency, Nightlv EmL--Hans,
YoatOfal Errors, Mental Worry, ex-
US o. Tobacco or Opium, which
"sumption and Insirity. SI.OC
' mj 's 6 boxes for $5.00.
WLC3..P,oP, Clftoland.Ohia
For sale bj Wllklna i Linu.
. wn i i'uhii .
I ha.! nrawaa Of OW SOaly, Itohy kind seven
Tears. 1 thuucht rur fic anil rmj were
arlre. My f.u was fuU ot large white scales,
an 1 mv hea.l was fuUofiom. I wasuhatned
o go In roiiiuny. I took five In ties of Cen
eriu Kbuhim, wanhed with Ctmccaa
Boar, put ou 1'i Ti. i aa u.intment anil found
frtnl rrllrf iutanllm, and got a clean face
spam, thanks to rrricra.
VII PVTtVff .V-f
starch 7, isoa. IDS Suqt St., Broklyn, X. Y.
itit IlkCm.
rr. sor.t.IWMl.c.-,lth On in in,im.nlv.
r"'.-l Minral kl nnt a.,14 tmm ot ernrrit
i'IJ.VIJifJ.l.j iT'- "
ssi Ual. "
' ,,tUui..L....,ii1 ... r iuo i manici ainr.v. u... Am
.'ui,mHMt'il pu-i.rn4hiiioion.
rcT i iAi
w 1 1 wiui
The most popular lljitr in the market. Sold b
Leading grocers.
Cor SfiVPtttri
ww w VAA
m dW, Willamette
If you wish to see the finest
display of Holiday and Christmas
Hooks ever brought to Eugene.
Entire stock just received
direct from Chicago.
H. G. MM LEP Proprietor
. - ...... r,.vkl.
m mm
. ...iiuy, mm
i - strrrt
Mil I i'V UtNPJVUnVl Df
sisws w s bi ii u nk ii
'ii. i i i . i i i mi i mi iii ri
in-, lu ii mi. mum
una i. .tin., - l.ainj
In illr:. ut uuoitabiH. .Sll
vi ln in -if i.luml
I. , I r wr
111- in. I tnni I ao Um-lttr
NWI 1 PI u-r
l.v iii Ui ktt HM
For Mile by SVilkins i Linn.
FOR . .
II St. ' 1 1
i t i i i t i - rr rn
IVJIIV UIU -) I lltl
iiii i ii iiiw in
T 4 mi mm 'J
I fill IK nHFr rHFIHR
.Bring vour Hides and
Skins to our tanner).
roi all No. 1 green hiiU'9 fl
pay you 4 to U cents a poult
lor No 1 dry hides 10 ecntll
liountl; For No 2 according
quality, 4 to 8 tvnts.
ore paid in CASH it
The Wlllmcltt TW
I ,1 l.lUtllH"1
nor ; iw "-Sia
i ...lint
i'r. II. Willi ..... IM'" T.T
In,. li, 1 ispepareiiiv. -
f IFor sale bv Wilkins .t UN
- an. I
illi of m.n. ccn-.e lo in"S
cv. u - - -
OR. JilfiDAV ,ati
,1061 Markets.. W -
Vo ii it if men arda
fm,,,.I..T,r.... ? . w .
ft waasl in j- n
-wc in tn.inirtr ' - mm
rvuini iniMiirpry .." . 'flsgaV
"uiii 'Pilin, .up 11?,, rp a.lf
Irriim nry of rlnioliiiS' .-
lha DMnaW hai a arrjrik;r". r 1 1 . hot
that it will tux only Retard in-' ,
prmanetn cur. The ht. r
perfom Iett but io wctl-kt
I ... . I t..r,-,
u hi wiMity ifteftirM i -"-.M
ft.Tithllla ihnromrhlv nnlv:ii'
VHtciu w uho'H tisitii; Mr ri i
Wire niir f.'mtt MM ot iii" , P.'.'.
. ,-lnL
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thMMi4 Hallows. ,
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The Philosophy or Jfaxriar
fix. A nliubla bouk for men.)
Tiarr dr. jofn" f
CJroat liisoiini ol A""
the tirhnstf and l.aivrwt MuorUIHOI kl. ,. w
orlil. tome and lrrn ti-' "V
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lLATAI.OUl'K I.I.L. ii'i
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