The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 21, 1898, Image 7

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    tHv UtiurA nn
Ibe Urand Old Mao IV I Awaj
Ibis Morning
1 S
VV M'V 1 -1
. l . V .11
I U lif"
U h
Tie Doerlog Mowtr.
fue Dwrlug Binder.
kit of lb tnl friends " farmer
I ale lUUHf in goou mull.
k.m Mt F L Cbamuora,
i 1
a It...- II - . .
M'irK PI Klul,ll, www "uiTi
beiug rapidly pushed.
kqoU (Hiuud8 ol Clretioii Orupe Boot
.i K B Fkikniily b.
kwoeut Bicycles t Huh and stout.
(,'uMlbfN will trade, yuu a new
l ..r MalMP i lit (lilt?.
The Kngeue public school clouts for
i. ...i,,,,,! vearoue Wiek from Frlduv.
. uutiimcd Bud repaired Ht Eu-
.. tlr.uku K i 1 1, utuurl Bmm a.
f0u 200 bead of Angara
I ...... al I M illtltt' flu. ut
n D r ihh i i ' ii w i ioi j i
m . - -I . If I- J.
ill home ni-ur Corvallls Monday
-LI o.r. . 77 VCllTH .
. ... i.l- II.... I Duunna
HI in.! linill w . avi.-..iintiu
same will do we I to cull on lue.
S H Fkimnuly
ll 1 I." . . I 1 . . I
Iok it" ot'tti vhuw window t-u-
. i ii i ,.Mi.f fiirfiilfkV
fu v" r s
jtiiut; knives, hand i-mnri-, long
iborl hanul primero, pruning
L ud hedge shears, at (Jrltlliu
.l i 'it'll
U. , tl.u ,w,l bUm U. ......
here, get Ibe lOilue. 1 L
0 1KAIT . UUtk 111 LMUMi ir i(tl
- m. ..... & l. ....... I .. 1 r
!trdpfora blcvcle. Ii (MlN at the
i ......... i r. . i r
Prof Mcl'lure's Poliey
The Preferred Accident Insurance
, of .New York, he beeu sued by the
liber of I'ioI Kdgar McClure, who
I death Irst year on Mt Rainier,
e case comes on for trial at Seattle
ore the 1'nitid Ktatrs court. The
Dpatiy Is endeavoring to avoid pay.
tnt of the accident policy carried by
if McClure, who met an accidental j
lib on Mt P.alnler during the vMt of I
i Mizatuas them att summer. They
Ms that the professor wes ueedlesiily
tlisi in making the decent at night,
although other companies in
Mb bs can ied like insurance paid
promptly and cheerfully, they have
dlly refined (o liquida'e his policy
Anoug Spokane Horseman.
irecen'. Issue of the Spokane S okes- i
i-IUview devotes c nlderable
i to horses and horse owuers ou
Bpokane track. It says T C ttharp
nerly of Eugene, Is training a large ;
ble under the management of D H
rser, and iclvesa list or eight homes
I' are under Mr Sharp's care.
If Dt Powell Heeves' stable it says:
lvli to the fair around is well
Ith n idle io xee the line auimuld in
V stalli. Dr Powell Heeves has the
(stable ef cults that has ever bien
gbt together in this part of the
try:; bis stable is in charge of W
aylor, aud Includes the following
es: liUVC ten. ( 'nlirornln ktMllInn
Itiy Ouy Wllkessud AlUoionL
I holdings record of 2:26; (Juybriii ,
lyenr old from Ciuvclsno: BldmoM a
par old pacer out of Esther C; Alta
Bk, sired by McKinnev. with Alta-1
. - I
pt ss her mother; Fabritus Wilkes.
letter from Jennie I': two B.vear old
F and a couple of Guycisco's cilts,
l very promising irotleis."
Dritai itcnix.
May 17.
po-tofllce li well patronized.
10 body anxious for war news.
uu Miller of Creswell, Union nom-
''f Miperlntendtnt. visited here
lurday and Sunday, lie will ad-
W Uie people of Dexter school house
irnuay evening, May 27.
nolbrcok has sold his ranch
WJ .'aa and will give possession
uoer 1st.
H Sorivner's house came very
fly b eing consumed bv lire last.
but an impromptu fire com-.
u) as finally drummed up ai d
1 exiluguiihed. One side of the
minus a roof
" QeofM i . . i 1 . r rir.
i hose wife is a. muter nf Mrs Geo.
PVi bri been visiting relatives for
P' Of weeks.
' Mill c now have all their
M Within a mlln nr an nf the mill
N Will lnti Iku. U c.. ,1.. .
. uu i.n iii in a 1 1- .
fS deserve success in this euterurise
'bey have labored faithfully
The Acme Steam Fruit Cauner.
This cauner not only saves a great
lauui m canning iruii, out
Ulns the flavor and form of fruit.
There Is no burnlne or boillnii over
'run aa the fruit Is placed in the jars
"ccuoaiDg. By using It fears,
Q, corn aud meats mav be cauned
"b perfect safety.
canners may be seen at Starr 4
y's store. Agents wauted, address.
E M Rowerman.
Walterville, Or.
It Is Feared That Germany
Will Aid Spain
Santiago de Cuba Bombarded No
special to Guard.
Washington, DC, May 19; 4 p m.
Tlio Htate department Is arouMd
ov r the report thai Hpain haa seemed
a large number of expert German guu
nera to man tbelr Meet now at Cadiz,
It is feared that Germany will aid
Hpain in the war.
Han Francisco, Cal, May 19-Tne
Charleston, which sailed yesterday for
the Philippine Islands, has returned
for uecessatc repairs.
Madrid, Spain, May 19-Santiago
de 1'ubj, has been bombarded by some
American vessels No damage re
Washington, D C, May 19; 4 p m
1 lit" government today ordered thir
ty million more cartridges to be fur
nished as soon as possible,
Havana hi m huh.
BafeJil t tkiGOAao.
K..v w. Ma. IS: R.m n
The light In Morro Castle, Havana,
wai flashed at Intervals of thnty
Seconds last night, presumably to
guide Spanish war ships.
Washington, D C, May 18;6:10p
in All cables leading to Havana,
Cuba, will be cut during bombard
Portland, Or, May 18; 4 p m A
Portlaud Tribune specla! from
West, Florida, sayi a plot hsi been
diMomnd fcr DriM vessel Catilina to
escape. The ciew had stolen arms,
ready to put to fea wheu discovered.
Washington, D 0, May 18; 6:10 p
in Herealler solid shot will be fired
over the bow of any vessel found jn
side of the Havaua blockade.
Portland, Or, May 18-LC Potter,
now s'atioDed at Portland, Oregon, has
keen ordered to take charge of the En-
!" crP8 Rl nlli ruuipme
. , . t . Vk L. t I I I
V'allejo, Cal, May 18 -Amid the
booming of modoi, shrieking of whis
tles and the greatest demonstration
evir witnessed beie, the cruiser
J Charleston left this morning for Man
ila ' join Admiral Dewey's flet.
Washington, May 18, 4:4S p m
It is Iclleved that the battleship Ore-
gon has joined Admiral Sampsen's
30,f 30 NEGRO TBOOra.
Washington, D 0, May 18; 4:45 p
iu-The President's second call will
include thirty thousand negro vol-
Key West, Fla, May 18; 4:45 p m
Commander Watson leti this morning.
His destination is Havana.
Whereas, It has seemed preper to
the sll-wlse Creator to remove from us
our esteemed Neighbor A A McCum
ber, therefore be It
Resolved, That we, Woodmen of
the World, of Pleasant Hill camp, No
271, extend our most heartfelt sympa
thies to the bereaved family in this
the hour of their great sorrow.
Resolved, That a copy of these
resolutions be spread upon the minutes
of the camp, and that a eopy of them
be sent to the 'amity of the deoeaseJ;
also to the county papers.
J H West,
O W Milam,
J K McKinzby,
Pleasant Hill, Or, May 14, 1898.
Wbeel for Trade.
A good wheel to trade for body flr
m . a Da fr w
Great IJoioo Speaking to be Held
at Ibis Place
Hon John M Gearin,
f Portland, the well known silver
tongued orator, will ipeak In favor of
the Union Ticket at Eugene
Saturday, May 28
at 8 o'clock In the evening.
Oregon does not have a better or
more able speaker.
Ihe Articles Were Evidently Taken
Very Seriously by the Wash
lngton Autkorlites.
Washington, May 17-Secrelary
Alger this afternoon received the follow
ing telegram from General Merrltt:
"Governor's Island, N Y, May 17
General Alger, Washington: I desire
you to know that the Interviews pub
lished In New York papers this morn
ing are In every way Incorrect and un
autherized. I bad Intended to take uo
notice of them, but I understand the
articles were taken seriously In Wash
ington. (Signed) Wesley Merritt."
The8tate Grange will bold its an
nual session here Mav 24 to 26.
The great
Will speak
Monday, May 23, 1898
At 2 o'clock P. 81
A cordial invitation is extended to the- public.
Come and hear a great argument, on a great
quostion, by a great man.
Kates Advanced since The War
"War risk insurance" has been ad
ded to cargoes of wheat leaving Port
land since the Uulted Btates and
Spain have begun to play hide and
seek ou the ocean, says the 1'ortland
Telegram. American cargoei in fer
eign ships leaving here far Chiua,
Japan, Australia, or any point on the
Pacific, now pay an additional to i of
1 per cent insurance on their cargoes.
American cargoes lu American bot
toms pay 5 per cent to same ports.
American vessels carrying Americau
wheat to Atlantic or Euroieau ports
around the Horu cannot be i'sucd at
all, ss underwriters fear Spanish priva
teeis and cruisers on that side. So
aays a prominent marine insurance
mau of this city. Wheat, however,
continues to be sent abroad in foreign
bottoms after being purchased by for
eign wheat dealers on cible orders.
When a foreign ship gets beyond the
three mile limit the cargo no longer Is
American, and so stands In no danger
Wheat cargoes have been very fortu
nate In leaving Portland, not one hav
ing been lost in the past 17 years,
while many wbeal-laden vessels from
San Francisco and the Sound have
gene to the bottom during the same
Heavy Fire.
Special to lbs Ooard.
Boston May 18-Tho extenie
ewelery plant at Attleboro, Mass, was
bured this unrulnf. The loss is over
To bb Hkld Herk The Oregon
Agriculturist, of Portlaud says: "Sec
retary Lake of the Oregon State II r
cultu a' Society informs ua that the
summer meeting of the society will te
held at Eugene on tbe 9tb and 10th of
June. A good program will bo render
ed. A very pleaotnt meeting of the
society was bold at Eugene m few years
ago. There are a good number of fruit
growers in Lane county, loeludiog a
number of the most enthusiastic bor
tioolturiaU tn tbe state There will
undoubtedly bo a good local attendance
at this mooting, and there ought leo
to be a largo number of fruit growers
from tbe state at largo."
HU II. IK Ol Al.1.
special 1 1 ihniuanl
Hawarde.n, England, May -Gladstone
died this morning at 5
The Right Hon William K QUd
stone was boru In I.lverp sol, Decern bat
29, 18011; was educated al Eton and
Chriit Church, Oxford, at which he
graduated, taking a double first class
In Michaelmas term, 1831. lie enter.d
Parllanieut iu 1832. He ws actively
eugagi d in politics frvm that day ut .
til his death. He held Otulj very
ofllce In the ministry, being I'rumlur
for several years upou two dilterent .
casions. Ilesliles being u h(h mau of
the first ordel Mr Gladstone ac
quired Celebrity as an author. Hi
first work wiii a treatise entitled "The
State lu the relation lo the Cbuich"
published In 1841, Since that lime he
has written a number of works One
of tl.e greatest evelits of his life win
when he Introduced the Ireland home
rule measure.
His superiority as an orator aud a
statesman was univenally conceded.
Thus died the foreinou of all En
Texas orator,
in Eugene on
in behalf of the
Union Committee
Will Organize Volui.tceis ami Tender
Their Servicii.
Lincoln, Neb, Mav 17 Hon W
J Bryan is to organize a thi'd rej,
ment of Nebraska voluir re, and
tender their Mi vices ' the
president as sr.on as mUtteri I. Gov
ernor llolcomb issued him a enmmir
slon dh colonel with authority to pro.
coed, and Bryan told the Associated
Press correspondent tonight that lie
would accept the command.
A Slight Eastern AdAance lu Prlueft
IpeetsJ to the duard
LIVERPOOL) May IB Cargoes on
passage, 1 shilling lower; Liverpool
spot cheaper.
Nkw York, May 10. Market lower,
closing at : . i per bushel
Chicago, May 10. Closed at 11.43
per bushel.
Wan Francisco. Closed at 1.0C',
per cental.
Pleasant Hill Hems.
May 18, 1898.
P N Laird has been very sick but Is
Improving some now.
Thegrangers are getting ready lor a
picnic on tbe Uth nf June.
Mr Sovereign of Kugene, was burlid
here yesterday at 2 o'clock In the af
ternoon. J H Martin bus reUrned Kit
son Springs, where he and his family
have been for about two weeks.
Bev Wood of Eugene, preached an
interesting sermon at 11 o'clock aud at
3 o'clock another, last Sunday.
West Broa intend purchasing a new ;
Buffalo Pitts wind stacker threshing
machine, for the coming summer's
Of 1338 men who ullered te enlist I i
tbe 1st regiment, Oregen volunteers 2 I
were rejected by examining surgeon,
leaving 1063 perfectly sound men in tbe
regiment. The greatest number were
rejected on account of defective sight,
there being SO in that rlaas, aud 7i
were rejected because of being under
General Merritt to Leave
i rni j m ff
' ' in i limn
Anus hi .uuiiiM for I'mttis
m'imsii iiiii ii roil r lino
Special to lbs Udisd
Wamiimuon, DO, May 10; 4:30 p
in General Merritt, who Is to be In
command of the I'lilleT States lrooia
in the Philippine Ulauds, will leave
here for San KrauclH-o tonight.
ol I ll M AND MKN.
The total uumbei of officers aud mtn
In Uw United Stales Navy le 20,34.
distributiil among two hundred fight
ng VtsaeN.
Nkw Yukk, May 19; 4:30 p m A
ible from Colon, Panama, saye the
French sti inter Ferdinand de I-sseps
cleared yes erday with aims and am
tuuulium or tbe Cerveras lit et. Tie
i uiimauder says that newspapers i
ihat pis' e isport tho Spanish fleet ll
li In the vicinity of Port Limon.
Si cisi to too Qaejii
Mai. Kin, May Is-Premler Sagasta
In s entirely orgauized the new cabinet.
Seuur Castillo was select djfor the for
eign portfolio. Tho new ministers
formally to ik (lie oath of office and
allegiance today. ACCOUNT RKCKIVKD.
Kly Wkst, May I8-The first de
Lilled account of the bombardment of
the Han Juan tarts was received today.
Uhe American warships weie slight'
ly Injured uud OBt n an was killed.
The north end of Moiro castle Is lu
ruins. The Cubauus Island fort was si
lenced aud the San Carlos battery was
daiuagrd. No shots weie aimed at
ibe city.
-peelal (o Ilia Guard
WAUUrarTOsT, DC, May 18; 4:5p
m -President McKiuley has ordered
the present strategy board wiped out
of existence and will appoint a uew
one. This board is lecated lu this city
ami attempts to carry on tbe war
through the udmirals of the navy.
Bl'ANIUH Vl.ssKI -
Ni:w York, May 18; 4:45 p m Four
Spanish cruisers aud two torpedo boat
destroyers are now reported at Porto
PlIII um MI A i I'a, May 18; 4:45 p
in I h. tenth infantry, Pennsylvania
vol ii ii ti ers have been ordered to tbe
Philippines Vla sn Krauclsco.
Washiniiton. DC, May 18; 4:45p
in. The cruisers Yale aud Mluueapolis
have reached Cape Haytieu.
Tbe School Shade Tret Question.
1 THI Editor: 1 dislre space in
your valuable columns to eudoree
every line, every word aud every
syllable of Hon E U Sktpworth's
N iter ou this subject, which appear d
in ycjtertlay'B Guard. Why treo
planting and ornumeatiiig our school
groULds hi i been practically neglected
all tlu e yiui Is Incited strange. It Is
also a mat' -r of wonder why tho sub
ject lias not bee u ventilated through
tin- public prlntl sooner, but better lata
than never, uud a splendid beginning
Mr Hkinwortli has made. Now that
the subject is up let the matter be
pleased until all our public school
grounds are prop.rly planted to shade
trees and some ornamental shrubbery.
Before closiug this note I wish to say
a word personal concerning Mr Skip
worth, that is, I did not vote lor him
for school director Isst March, but I
know bttn beetter than I did theu
and I feel that I helped to defeat a
very proper man for the position.
I. cnl Market
May, 20 1898.
llopi 2 to 8a
Butter-20 to 35c per roll.
Eggs 10c.
Potatoe 2'ic.
Poultry-12 50 to $3 50 per dozen
Da) 4 Henderson, Undertakers mi
tmbalmers, Cor. Wil- and 7th its.
Hptclal to ihsiiuaril
Wasiiinuiiin, May 0j JOD f m -The
report that uo Invasion of Cuba
will be made until all our soldiers are
supplied with the Krag-J orgensi n
gens, i,s beeu confirmed at army
KtafatOO, May 19-Warships WON
sighted oil this place for the second
Mine today. They were going north.
Special to lbs Ousrd.
Kky Wkst, Fla, May 19; 1:20 p in
I he rep,. it UeAOflnnod that the Span
iards killed ever 2 0 insurgents In
Carmen Hills, Cuba, In a recent en
gagement; also that tbe insurgeuts are
deserting and swearing allcgiano lo
Lieut Flake Married.
At Han Aiitone, Texas, April 17U,
Lieut Harold B Flske. late West Pollil
graduate froui Oregon, became the
husband or Miss Lucy Beatrice Keyes.
daughter Major tret I red) and Mrs Sll
Keyes. Lieut Flske is now with the
Klghteemli Infantry, at New Orleans,
; tbavlng been called from the side of
his bride Immediately after the cere
mouy) aud expects (usee active service
in Cuba at otice. His many friends,
both lu Htdeui and Portlaud, will wish
him a happy return to the lady ef his
in iic. Ho Is a brother of V Percy
Flske, of Dallas, and is a ualivu of Sa
lem. Lieut Flske was a cla -innate or C M
Youug, at Bishop Scott Academy,
Portland. He was ctptaln or company
H, Srcond regiiueut, () N G, Salem,
aud is well kuowu lu Eugene.
Military Maitkhm. Governor
Lord was aaked yestenlay by a Salem
Sentinel reporter whether be would
proceed to reorganize the National
Guaid. "He thought the places ef
the guardsmen who volunteered for
the war should bo filled by recruits,
but. that there le now no clothlug or
equipments left, so that s'line time will
be required to provide them. He
thinks, however, there will bo uo
trouble to procure clothing, teats, eto,
as tbe government will reimburse the
state for tho things taken, and that
fund oould be used to pay for uew sup
plies. He did not kuow whether
guardsmen would be giien a preference
over volunteers lu the president's ex
pected call or not." Tho enrollment
nf names upon the list In tho hand of
I.leuteiient Currle Is going on apace
aud lu a day or two the company will
doubtless be completed.
Plauo Recital-Miss Stevens.
Tbe people ol Eugene are to be con
gratulated ou the opportunity to hear
one who is the most famouH pianist
this country haa known. MIssMtevene
hat had quite an unusual mimical ca
reer for an American girl. When but
eleven months old she Is said to have
suug aluiplu melodies perfectly correct.
She played and sang lo her own ac
compaulment long before she went to
school. After graduating from Vassar
w hero she was always considered the
best player she studied with Liszt and
later with Hans Von Bulnn In Ger
many. Hbe has received both at homo
aud abroad the very warmist com
mendations of the best musical critics.
Several of our own citizens have heard
Miss Stevens and declare that uo bet
ter plwilst haa ever been heard In Ku
gene. Al Congregational church tonight.
Of New Jersey, past lecturer of tho National
Grange, will speak in favor of tho Union ticket at
Eugene, Friday, May 27, at 8 p. m.
Cottage Grove,
at 1:30 p. m.
He is tho greatest orator
Come out and hear himj
in Leaves Sun
ffiii i!) Tomorrow.
Sampson and Schley's Fleets Te.
Hpfelal to the Onard.
Wamiimuo.n, I C, May 19; 0:24 p
in. Tho city of Pekin will leave San
Francl-co tomorrow for the Philippine
Isiauds. General Otis will be in com
mand. OOALIXa station.
London, England, May 19 A Mou
treal dispatch says Spain has secured
a coaling station ou tbe New Founa
laud const.
Washington, DC, May 19; 6:24 p
in X.lnilrals Sampson and Schley
have officially noticed the navy de
partment of tliu juncture ol the two
Ono of tho most distinguish
ed orators in tho Stato, will
address tho citizens of Lane
County, at the Court House
In Kugene
Saturday Evening:, May aitt,
at 7 'M o'clock in favor of tho
Union Tickkt.
Every body invited; Espe
cially tho Ladies.
Letter List.
May 19.
Walter Murray H G Mosso
Hardy Moulton L C Rloe
Mrs P B W Young.
A rliaree of one Cent will bs mads 00 si
lollern liven out. 1'uraoni ratlins Utter
will jl ise state when atlvvrtlauil.
K K UiNUissON, Act r M.
Tiik Priihihituinihts The Prohi
bition party today presented to County
C erk Jennings the list of men selected
b them us a county ticket. Tba oleik
will probably file them tins evening,
but owing to ttie fact that affidavits
for the signature or petitions aro not
yet In, It will be decided later whether
the nominee i get a place on the ticket
or not.
. a. .
A young man who arrived lu Le
banon from Califoruia Friday last,
says that you could drive for miles
and miles in some or the largest val
leys lu California and not see a spear of
green vege'utlon, in fact he says there
is nothing green unless It is the Call
foriilan who Is so prejudiced to hia
sinte that he will not leave.
Saturday May, 28,
in New Jersey.
Everybody invited.
i or gruu ottK w ooi. .....