The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 07, 1898, Image 5

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    Lfjrj A QUESTION.
tontioii again Uou lolonaatlon
Don Nl WUUt.
I Iih Register publish" the fol
The Ut'AHD, t certain tiroes, is
very solicitous concerning the old
soldiers, but they orltloil lie
,,tl rs' tickets- Where are the old
got tiers on the fusion ticket?"
The (ti Aun will briefly unswer
Mr W F Gray, who was nomi
ii ited unanimously for representa
tive by the union convention, is Id
old soldier of the civil war; is an
honorable member nf Cottagotirove
lVct, G A K; ln.B the respect of the
pi ipla generally of the city in
which he reside?, and has resided
in Line county tor a number of
year. Before moving to Cottajt
Grove he resided on the Siuslaw
It Hon Herbert Condon, who is so
.W . 11 II 1 !ll
l ktrioticaiiy mcuneu, win
call on Mr Frank lleisuer, Com
mander of tho G A 11 for t h- It it
ot OragoOi ha ill learn more com
mandatory inform ttion concern
ing the gentleman.
AJo we will inform Condon that
! . learn from nearly any ol the
nil omrades of Kugene Post, t
A K, how the organization has
been treated by the GrOAKD and
lit yi'-ttT. And wo are pleaded to
?ay, in advance, that the informa
tion will not bo plaaatnt to his
ears either, if we have b?en cor
rectly informed.
Hon H C Huston, Union nom
ineo for 6tate senator ia als I an old
ex soldier, being an Indian war
veteran, having served throughout
the Uogue river Indian war of 155
with credit. During tho two yean
he received three severe wounds.
What do you think now Condon?
It seemi to be a very general im
pression that the overwhelming
majority of the 1245 soldiera who
will leave Oregon tor the war-front,
are Republicans; a fact that speaks
in vibrating- tones for the patri o
tism ol the party and that, of
course, without prejudice to the
loyalty of such citizens as do not
happen to be in the guard. All the
same it is a circumstance of genuine
and justifiable pride to evory Ho
publican in the state. Statesman.
Suoh aolaim as the above, which
is made clearly for political efTac, is
not iu gooi taste, says the Salmi
Journal. The word party or
church does not enter into conver
sation when the Spanish war is
discussed. Politics and nligion
cut no figure in the organization of
the volunteers.
Mr Bryan and his iollowers,
nortjh, south, east and west, are a
unite for the vigorous pressing tor
ward to victory. The same is true
ot Prohi'sand Mi.ldle-Uoaders.
At the Silver jubilee celebration
in honor of Archbishop Oross, juBt
lirld at Portland, tho most patriotic
and loyal spreches wore made by
assembled Catholic prelates and
priests, when their utterance are
directed to the overthrowing of n
government in which their church
a .ai a 1
l- almost the government liaeii,
Following is a New York telegram:
At the regular annual meeting 0
the National Committee of the
Catholic Young Men's National
Uuijii hold in this city, the follow
ing telegram was sent to President
"J'he National Committee of the
Catholio Young Men's N itional
Union express, on behall of oOOi'O
young men, their fealty to the Hag
and their determination to uphold
by every possible meant your ad
ministration in the upright and
patriotic course it is pursuing."
Let it now lie forgotten that the
official report of chaplain of tin
MuineBhows that out of 2G(i men
on the Maine 190 were Catholics
and that probably a majority were
not Republicans.
The Republican party of Mult-
nomah county boa a wing with a
t , r. .i
novil designation. It goes on the
. . ..
ofbeial tiallot as an "Anti-Mnnu
ticket, Mr Mitchi II belo.igs to the
party. It is nwdless t aay Mr
8 oott ot tho Ortfonian does not.
HoBMlun uud ngbtara are Mde
For t .el, Mam's avy.
i ob uuiiaing letter fr.nn it wi ll
known baneeoants boy will be read
with interest, tnu war Paver of tba
preneul tune rendeilng it purticularly
in point
"There are tally Wiy miliums of io-
pie lu the United State who have
never hem on i.uurd mi American-man
of-Wir, Ud probably sixty million oe-
I tbe Atlantic : ml rucitlo coast Put a year or more In the scatne.i gun
that do practically nothing abuut the nera class, iie.ide. n varlad and
meu il.ut ai - in esaary for '.he mati
Ding of Ibe modern vaaeela; our modern
ships are wonderful shells of stee', and
armor, tilled with n.- and lluest
g ins ayd iipplhmcts than ingenuity
of nun can produce.
It ii only during
t I .4 l... l.
in - "niij nullum me innv lew ycuiB
that much inteies' has been taken in
thalmpioieiueut of the uavy. One of fact the seaman gunner Is what our
the most ellcctlvo steps toward the 1 Uew ahips need more than the old type
proper manning of the Man-of-War of f "ailornian. The meclmulsm is so
Hie future, was the establishment of,1,le nw, a person has to be well
t lie appretn training system tor trained to operate them although tbey
A iik i lean b lyi w bo ished to become are very siuiplo.
Man-flf-War1! men. During the ft rat Tlie llrst descent into the lower re-
n follow ii.g the lotroductiou ,
ul ho mi uppii utlces. their presence .
w. agie itly opposed by the men and
Office -; it being claimed tint they
win not strong euouuh to do a man's
work. It was found iu a short time
that want of strength when hauling
on rupee, or pulling an oar iu a boat
w a amply made up by the appren
tice boy's catlike activity aloft, and
his ipiick way of picking up signalling
and the use of the modern form of ordi-
uauee. Tiie American boy between
M and ID ytars of age is eligible for the
naval Mrvice, providing he is pbyel
tally and mentally quahlledand poo-1
0 iliaracler. When be llrst
enters tba service he is provided free
with a . ompleta oinilt fifclotlnm, bed
dun;, and receive! ID 00 per mouth,
and beta only allowed to draw $2 of
Hi- . tlie remaining i is placed
to Ids en ii!t on the l ooks until he bw-
: age, Wben his term of eulist
i. i pirn. Itesides be gets bis
i Ula pay is increased lufld,
00 and i'-l 0.1 per month. On enlist
ing he is u Si d t laM apprentice and as
he gaiue a more familiar knowledge
of what his duties are he is rated to a
gnd elaat apprentice at $15 per mouth,
and when he baa thoroughly mastered
signalling and seamanship and ordi
nance he i- rated to 1st class ami
receives $1T per month. Upou the
expiration of his eulistmeut, he can
r..i a. 1 1 at ... 1 1 I . .. ..' iiinn n f a i ... t IV .ill I -
........ -..-.w T rV ' . .
oaf s rations nl wiys reatiy lor nun. ia in. Ilil. - lo nrevenl. a title it
boy who has bet 11 well behaved to
secure a well paid position for life iu
Iho 1' lilted (Slates naval service.
1'hu training station at Uoat Island,
Cal, after the receiving ship, is where
tlie boy receives bit first leisons In sea
manship, gunnery, and what Is more
tmportaut dlcipliue. fie Is taught
that strict observance of all rules is a
virtue on board a man-of-war
and suoh vices as drinking luiuor aud
smoking cigarettes are no permitted.
Se jalor Oeorgo C I' : kins, of Cali
fornia, lutrodueed a bill for an appro
priiii inn to rebuild the old woodeu
ship, Tetitacola, aud make a training
ship out of her. It Is now completed
and will be stationed at Uoat Island,
In Ban Francisco bay, and accessible
to Hie island for drill ground. The
ship is fixed vt ry eouvenieutly, having
a school room, where they study all
kinds of school books, they have a
library room and gymuaslum, where
they can exercise, making a perfect
borne for a boy. Perhaps a boy has
his greatest trbls when he is 00 0
training sltlp where be la still treated
as a boy though be may be able to pull
an oar, reef a sail, or receive a message
.villi Hags as well as his teacher.
After finishing bis course at the
traluiugsblp, he is sent to sea for a tew
months making a cruise from Sun
Francisco as far south as Han Diego
end from there to Sandw ich islands,
and trom there as fur north as Victoria
und back to San l-raaclsco. the u a
B Adams Is Used for this purpose sail
ing most all of tbe time she Iseipilpi d
wltb steam. Upon her return after a
lew months cruise tlie apprentice are
distributed among the vessels of our
uavy. y one of our vissels has In her
complement a certain number of ap
prentlors of the first or soooud class,
received from the training ships,
tjome time tho uumt r allowed Is ex
ceeded as was the ease in the Crack
Battleship Oregon, a ill rl time ago
w Inn instead of 40 alio I over sixty
are needed to fill the sti if e of men.
Si uie of these boys are o i Kiearsof
age, but do a man's ik and are
pioud of it
Cai tain llurk r of t he Ou'gon com-
plemeiited the apprentice ou his bat-,
tie ship very highly the oiber day in '
lils report to the Secretary of the Navy
Several years ago the Government
became aware of the importance of
having a corps ..r weiiinnnea men to
band Is the modern sppllanesa on
, ,, , , ,. ,, ,
board ship and e-tui ll-h.d epical
, , i. .i V.tannrt It I and
Washington, DC, Tbeae schools are re-
aaaaaiawa) " , .
served for the es-apprentlee. Upon the
1 expiration of bia term or enlistment ne
o 1
can make appUaaN D t be Kent to
these Warning to hoola ami lb Qovern
ineut pay., all cipcuae. Al these
place tbo apprentice becounaiprolloicut
IB the use of modem gOBa, the manu
facture und preparation of lorpadoa
It in amazlug In what a short time a
maa can get practical knowledge of
several .object. In th. .hurt time al-
'wed at thts. training places. Ou all '
four ships the electric turret
gear, the
ever miming dynamos, the install.-
HOB Of wires and liahts. the Portwdns.
and the many other delicate coutrl-
vaocee are managed by man who have
useful accomplishmente, they can bead
tt topsail or mend a rigging on a
luK ship; they eau go down In a
'"If ut to examine damages to the
bottom or recover a lost anchor, they
aieablo to cook, waab and mend tlieir
own idulluM 1ULU. ...
own clothes.
",vi " uceouiu i l
t lie stores In a satisfaetorv manner. In
8to"8 of 8 modern warship is likely to
convince one that bualneu h .s been
overdone; Hint there are too niuny i n
glues, dyuamoH, pls, wires, flxini;s
genetally, Tbaplpaaand tnbea and
wires suggest the veins aud arteries in
a human body. And they are as fa
miliar t the ofllcers and trew as the
veins and arteries of tbe body to a
surgeon; more to because they are
studied daily by the crew and their
own paits which each Individual has
to opsialu are thoroughly understood.
All apprentices upou discharge do uot
go lo tbe gun aer schools as the M 1009
un nUtioii there is too sins 1 1 for s
many. Home prefer to re-eulist with
tba guu force and before the eud of the
first year, the boy wltb hie llrst enllst
tneut stripes If ha baa show n proper
pluck and zeal, perfrins the duty ami
receives the pay of a petty olllcer.
The Controversy Over position
Middlc-.f-thc-!toadirs on
the Ticket.
Tba Ralem Journal has tlie following
lUOOlnct Comment ou the effort ofthe
Middle-of-tbe-Koaders to get upou the
oftleial ballot, with the exclusive tiame
of the Peoples Party, tbe result of tlie
boltimr 10 of tho Middlc-of the-Uoud
u l i :
All through this controversy Beero
tary Klucaid ha takeu tbe position
that it was his duty to eaable th Mid-dle-Holders
to get their ticket on tlie
official ballot iu a perfectly legal mati
er. He has -hown no dispositlou to
keep them ofT.
But their damaud has been to go ou
tbe ballat as 1L0 regular and only
'People's" parly entitled to put- up a
ticket or call a coiiveutiou.
The regular Peoples party convau
tiou of 223 delegate put up a ticket
tbat goes ou tba ballot, just as tbe Bry
an electorial ticket went on two years
ago, Peeple's-l)niocrat!c-tilver-Ke,iub-llcan."
Another "People's" party
state ticket would confuse the voters.
Confusion is what the Republicans
want. It I their oulv hope. They
cannot meet a L'uiou of tbe Hilver and
fteform forces sipiarcly as a matter of
principle, on the Issue of, for or Against
tlie gold stHiidard, and win iu Oregon.
1'hat is the secret of Judge Hewitt's
I .n mnalderad mandamus decision
j u WR8 , full of def-ctg tllut the attir
neye for the stale did not care to aineno
H oontradlotiona tor fear of improving
; i. standinir In court.
Judge Hewitt' decision will never
bear investigation ot the higher couils,
as it would establish tlie precedent that
number of delegates rejected by a
state convention could put up a state
As tbe matter stands the only can
llHhtll prt by tlie Hewitt mandamus
is Hewitt hlmseif Tbe lawyers for
.Saotetary Kiucaid have won every
point In the suit sa far and Middle
Itoader have no one to blame but He
witt. Student ti ddlers.
Up to last night the following stu
dents of the University of Oregon had
enlisted as volunteers from Oregon
A number of other will probably go
J 0 Booth, '98, F 2ud, Albany.
H Davis, 0 2d, Kugene.
It I. Kuapp, F, 84, Albany.
Pbilo Holbrook, 'M, U, 2d, Eugene.
M I, Applegate, 0, Kugene.
F K Aukeny.C, F.ugeue.
A 0 Stubling, H, 1st, Portland.
0 KSauudets, (i,:tid, The Dal lei.
L K Hooker, (', V.u-. e.
K Crawford, (', Kugene.
C McCornack, 0, Eugene.
A (Jamber, F, Albany.
Oregon JJrape Root.
60,000 pounds wanted. Will pay
the highest market price for ail I can
H H Fkienulv.
i a i r..ur..i I rs
i . l It I '.
I i ii. i lie Nil
c un Annual eMMoMat of A a. faUersoi
lam: ii'iMi ii m.
al ,m iiaiKt October i-i. is:, m
MMlvtd from Taxi ! isis.iv.'
Keeelveil from Tae HM.0I
II. ... i . . I it oui-iits iT
Cert jflclltea)
Ueeeiveil from tuilions I'm
Beeelvc.l from L'uuccllatloiia (Tsx
Bitot in issup if Ooi Wattaal by
Clerk (cush)
t'ss of roek erushrr uv i lty nf Kniienn
Criislieil roek purelusni l C S.
reunion of pauper from Co. Jielne
Bay Land to apply on lodgment
wieklism v uoodiile, BtenOfxraphsr
Transfer of Bah sml KSBM (uiel In
HI. Ml
general rumi
,11,1 - 1. irimiurmiu,,, W
. :ii.:n
I'OSIS on li'llniiM'lii
if I-'. I
Keen from Counly l leik
lei a from Mivrlfl
Paid line Counlv Wiirranla WIS.!
lluluuee on liand MTV.M
cocxtt miiooi. 1 1 mi
Bal on hand OMober l-t. ivf, ROSLOI
Receive.! from Bees MOM
lleei i ed froiii lap. i t ill. met
No. lift li.Ml
Bi i i h sd from taxes ism mjo
Beeelved iroas taaee iMl MiaOl
raid eountv superintendents ordeia tirar. r.t
Il.ll nil h ind ft.'al 1 1
nan un aain fi no.
H it. on liand O. t lat, av7. . . VH VI
Uecelved from tinea
.... M.m)
I'ald nplcra of Co. court . .
II .w
Transferred in l.nne count)- fund
Hal. ou hand
nsiiiuiB rcsi.
Hal. on hnml nctoher lit, IsnT.M.TS
l!i i i ' I Im in I ii -inn i lulen l
ttal. un hand 11S.M
- 1 III. IIOOL 1 I'M'
Hal. on lianil iii tolier 1st, !!;, Mo.i'l
rani i n. inperlntaadeat Order ....
BOiS vvsd.
Hal. on hand uetolier 1st, l" B.47
nut. oil hit ml
raoioan aoi.nir.Ks ran.
Hal. on hand October 1st, 18117, .. 9.C7 on 1 1 in 1
Hal. on band October Is
Received from sheriff. . .
Paid "o clerks orders.
Hal. on hum! . m .
sracUbom anii si mioL uistiiict ran.
Baealvad Paid out on band
mt. ree'd
Jlii7T.ll OTS.M
o I
lis. 7.1
l.nne eountv fund t Ihik.
Seliool I i n I liial'.'.iil
Kiah ainl irauie fund
Inaliliite fund
lis. 71
Slate teboo land
Itoad fund
lndiueiit auldlera
BTnnas fund . . .
Special elty and
aetiooi district
772.10 lJDI.M
1-J5l,ss7 tl71ST..7:
siati nf Oregon,
County uf l.nne.
I, A. S. Patterson, ln hereliy
certify that ttie foregolag la a true and enr
reet atiiteuient of amounts received, paid
out and remaining on hand tn the enunty
treasury of said eoantv for six umnllia end
Inir ou th Hal day ot March, A. II., s.w.
Witness my hand tins Ittb duv of April, A.
ii., lsas. a.s. PATnaaoH,
County Tieasurar,
Semi-annual Htatcuieiit of the iniiountof
money and eountv warrant rooelvad for
taxva, uud aiiimint of uionet paid to the
eniinty troasnrer lv tin' sin riff nf I am
cuuutv, Oregon, for the six ntOBtOS oniliug
the ist day nf liareb, . t.. ISM.
'to amount received
Oetnlier Is'iT iluilnix the miiulli n f
November s'.l7 .
y.,,. ilil
Deoeinber isv;
.lanuitry . .
Keliruarv ISM
Ma i eh lstis
Amount onotal received
ib7 ... bund October l-t.
total BMBMI
amount pant .Inn-niiei ilarhiK IB
nth of
tletobor Is97 17W.M
January Isss sii-
March l-.a. II '"i 7.1
Ou baud April lat, 1S1N ... SSM.SS
State nf Oreifnu, i
County of l.une. i
I, A. J, Johnson, sheriff of aitld
county, do hen Li n itlly thai thu fortaioing
statement Is etini el alnl li nr.
witness my band Hiis ttii 'lav of April, A.
D,, ISM, A. J, Jolisaos,
Sin i lit ot l.nne County.
Seuil-iinnual report ol the County Clerk of
I.aae county, state oCOrea ihowlngthe
imiiiiiil ..f e I It I li I s ilMiiltil hV till
Coin I nf aalil enuntv. Im what ullnH
l eil .
ainnunt of warrants drawn and amount ol
u nil iiiiim ii.itatiiriitini' unit iiiinaul from the
1st ilav of i, I-''.
n me mat nuy oi
March, ls, both laclUllTS.
Ain't. 'la
d r'u.
on what kOoWed. IIIM.
Itoada J.'uilii.ll
HridKi-a Miajj
Boontle Kh'
Aaataaor se
Wltueaaee "SI. ill
Justices itl7.iil
Jurors IBRM
t.'Oliataliii SSS.S.I
lUatrlet Attorney... M.M
Mieilff ... Wi ll
Surveyor 'inti.iu
legal set vices 73..l
Itlaoellioii niia . 'ii7.(ai
Court boii-e S.7.U7
Kuriillnie. luel, Unlit
unit WatW S7.MH
Stutlnni i v. Puatagn etc. IM.I'i
Prlniiua TJtUia
Kxatnlnatlon teachers MJO
Ulerk Union
gaj i luperlatBSJdSBl xit.w
Transurer BMiM
t mnitv Jii'lge
Cnmuil--nineia Tti HI
Soperrlsors I '-7
Insane Bail
Inuneal JMu
Ball its i nlfht-waMo SUM
Tax refunded .17 tn
CtlOUll court tU.OO
I.l Ilea IMpM
Hoi k crusher IKX.iJ
i '.-I '
J. "i
1 11 .lal
17. l
Itnllllelit anldlera... . 7S.
7s. is
total smounl elalma
allowed and drawn tUlOti lS 3:i:.l
Total recelpM of clerk's
ofllee from b os from In
ilivnJuai., Including
si: mi
('!,., ,
.ii it HUtll
I I .1 cleliaca i.l ullli O
iii'lii.lhiK mui'tMnriit
rolli, nmu Me HUM
llcccllla III Nl'rl) u(
cxpc u see (11.11
WaifaaU outalandinii
ii. i. im, layi ... s:i.;w
Wan aula laaued from
Oil . lal to April I, M KIM. IS
K-llmatt d m i rui .1 In
tereat SIMM
Pin- contingent m 1 ol
fund 17W.11
Pile lUll and K:llll " (ulld W.M
Pile -HI I linnl . ll.T".
Pile lonil fund J.IT
Pile lndlK'-it anldlera
fund .... M
pne SXOM fund .. .. U.TJ
Hue ell lea ulld aclinol
dial i lei fund WMJI
:.2t 30
W ,ii rant- ii.ild from i icC.
I-I trj. lo Mareh ftNl 'in
Caab in baad ol treasurer
appUeabla to paiuaal
of in nan aula . oim.iio
I'aali In hand of Sheriff
applicable t paymaai
of i'o. warrants tiaO.10
Kallmated eountv MUU
eolleetlble . ." MiatM
Pile aenool, city uud
epaelal fuada. t.'.i.i; Del Indebted-
ueaa ol eouul v ...
'.i: I ;: i
State of IHctfon, I
Uottaly oi Lane,
i. . t Jaaalaga, Conati Ctarh
ofttie OouDtr ot Lane, Statu ol OrMon. do
iieiet.v certlrjr inattbe foregolaa la a tnie
Slid eorreel at.llemelit of the no omit of
eiiiiina allowed liv the eounty I'ourl lor Hie
als llioutlia endillK oil tile " III itllV ol Sep
lenber, list, mi enat account and Ina
it tut .i i t .1 or. in. inn si-o me
I am. nun of wan inta nuiaianuina o on.
1 aim tll'll tin- loieuoini; wtiiumai i i- umiu- n
froiii the aeeoaan ot Inn stierilfi ueaaurer
and rieik and Is a eorreel tbowlag ot tbe
aa alnot ll hy -alii icenllllla en A III l-t. I-'"-.
lin.Oiciai eonillliou el l.nne ennui , . urn
W one. a my hand ami nillcial M o tn... .'lal
lay tit April. ISM. A. C. JBSataOS,
sea'. i roaaty Clark,
Two s ites to Paslou.
Boom, April B6( 1888
BOITOI (if .inn: In an editorial of
tbe SBd inst you say ' Fusion in ( lie
gon is eonipU te, the gold d nioerats, or
rather t lie Cleveland democrats ami
the McKinley lepubhi-atis have (used
nnil will support the ticket Domini ed
nominal, al Astoria!" News Indeed.
Kroin w in nee did you vet Jfoor Infor
mation Inhumation that no one alsa
possessed.' Again , w hen and Im did
a certain "class ' ol deni"einla BOO a
certain "class" of reptllilicnns filae?
The nalioiinl dcuiocrats you designate
"Cleveland democrats" disclaim any
such bargain. Have you, Mr K.litor,
heard one elulin any stit-u tiargnlu a
you charge exists? I have e inverse.
Wltb quite a number of national demc-
crata during tlie t reai ut month ami
have found on v olio w lioixpn ca it
purpose to vote the Astoria ticket
The position of national democrats
seem unmistakably t be, that tbey
will sell ct from tlie fusion ulld reptlth
licau tickets ruoh men as theytlesire
loMite for. for the respective nfllces
And further, national democrats gen
er.dly sipreM its mselvse aa favoring a
mnjurily of the fusion candidates.
Iiatl tho honor to occupy a sml In tlie
state coiiveutiou of national demooratC
at Portland April 18, and there many
expressed llieir views rispectlng
political parties uud political Issues
ami, save one exception, thu McKinley
admlulstrati ut was condemned and
rather than vote for a oontlnuatlc oi
such a policy und the perpetuation of
Murk Hktilia repUOlloanlsm, they rO
ferreil the success of the lectilar or
Bryan demooratlo" organ leallou
oue of the platform declarations of the
aational democrats was as follows
"We charge that the republican party
locally and at large, Is now , as In Ibe
past, tlie party of extravagance und
corruption, it i. growing more nod
more the party ol Wealth and -pecltd
Interests, in I the pnrly of the pie
BOd is accustoming the country to the
wi olesale and hardly disguised pur
chaae of sleotioni and public position
And again, tlie mine plat for Ol declares
"thai the icpublloau part has been
grossly derelict In the matter of cur-
rsney reform." Does this loo'; liko
fusloir.' I think not. 1 wish furllnr
10 adtl that tiie decision of the national
dsuiocratH to tiiuke no iiominatioiia
was not in ti e Interests nf any patty
lint simply ilial il would result In no
practical good to the National Dame
erats a" a party, ami Ihereloro no pc
oultar obligation nsteil on the conven
tion to make nominations. It is not
BinlM for me to say that tlie hope was
expressed on evety hand In the con
venilon that ul iiodis'.uiit day ull dem
ocrats inigbi unite on common gioumi
ami light i" r tims-bonored democratic
principles under one Hag. It wil. be
noticed that the National Dsmeerata
In Ihetr platform distinctly recognize
the "Bryan Demooreta" as democrala.
While It ia true that the National
Democrats did nol deviate one lota on
national questions from the platform
adopted at Indianapolis in 1MM, tin
hope was freely indulged tbat the
money question would prove epfaemer.
ai and be speedily Settled) mid that
there might 0008 more bo a united de
mocracy, lighting II. e batllM if tl.t
. i a a. . .,.a,,il.. Matta.
people llll'l "I in c inn inaiaai s-.....
l",,g ; ment, as in days gone by. I my uu
sus hsaitatlMlri Mr Bdltor, in the
light of recent events In tin- Mate,
youreditorlal is mlsleuding and uu.vlso,
hncli Meiitlue ol" as you
Xpreas ul t
ly. not calculated to unite a parly.
IJefore the enmpiilgn Budl I
oils I -hull
I -
probably ask apace in .voor paper In
present my views on tin- pullllMal al u
ut lull.
K K Mkii wokih
All aluda i.i ' Crnk" presets
Qrlffln Hardware to.
1 1 i i. IRUTHIR obi HOLDIHI
SintM viv terday we h ive learned
of another old soldier that is a can
didate on tlm Union ticket. We
refer to Mr Frank Kirk, of Uioh
ardinin prc inet, who is a candidate
for representative. H i wors the
kjray during the civil war, being
a confederate mldier. After ne
conllict w is over he came to ( lu g in
aud h is since been OOOOf LOQI OOU l
tys protniiieiitiiii l resja'cted citizens
lie is a loyal oltiten and is prou 1
of Old I i lory.
Thus it will be seen that thu
Union ticket is composed of soldiers
that were formerly in the Union,
Confederate and Indian armies. It
is a "reUnion tloket." All tbae
men arc b mded together for one
pur. i.-e. They are satisfied now
to labor for tin enfranchisement of
their bro'.hets fro ii tbe tioid plat
Hon Herbert, hy uot mum
soni" of the old soldiers on the I -
oalled Republican ticket.
rHH is." I K i. PL IS
I.-m-i Kef lew
Tba republican state convention
at Astoria hut aeek adopted tho
following plauk:
W'o ire in favor of 'In- maintenance
I atandard. We
.. .. Ujf opposed to the I'ree
coiuuee i.i silver and lo all other
scliiines looking to the ilelntseniciit
of the currency ami the repudiation
ol debt. We liellevc that Hie liest
money in the world is none to
good to bo assured ny the BOVerO'
uient to tbe laborer as tlie Irui' of hie
toil mil to the farmer as the price
of ; crop.
is platform was framed bf
men who are bttlerlv oppomd to
any ihiog Unit is not
in the strictest sense, Judge M
It Plpaa gold demo raij being one
of the platform oommittae. It has
tin merit of directness and dme
not equivocate, making thu leaJing
issuo of thu campaign so plain that
no ouo need mis-anderstand it.
Republioaolam simply means
liiii.ii si'AMiAitn, and under UUI
banner are arrayed all the followers
of the money power. On the other
sido are the common people in
cluding nil who believe in tho
money of the constitution gold,
silver and paper. The masses do
not desiro to see the Gage plan or
currency "reform," meaning the re
tirement of all legal lenders except
national banks notes, coiisuin mated
and fas en i upon 1Mb people.
Oould iho issue he plainer?
A UMIUM Mil. 1)1 KK.
Cottage tirove Messenger: "W
K Gray of Cottage Grove, nominee
on the Union ticket for representa
t ve, is the only candidate ou the
legislative ticket who served in the
Union army during our late un-
pleaaantoeea, He voted lor Mc-
Ivinl. v tWO yeirs ag ), but s.iys he
can no longer follow a party which
secured votes by deception and now
leolarei absolutely for the single
goltl standard. Mr G ray will get n
large vote iu thil end of tho ouuty
win M lie is well known."
"Hob" Veatoh is making a veiy
oomtni indable tleiarturu from u-tial
catnpiigniii( methods, lie is pay
ing u good deal of attention to out
side precincts that seldom have en
opportunity to hear political speak-
nigs. And be is getting larg aud
iences, i ifi croivd at Utimira yes
terday was larger than mrny we
hae seen assembled iu Kugene,
even when men of stale and nati-
ionul occupied the
font n.
The Oregooian tjuotcs Calhoun
asautliority on the financial quoO.
tiou. Maybe Calhoun was no
sounder on linancf than on the
Hecession-siaverv r-Miio. Anyway
ls3i was a long lime ago tho
conditions ol that urinative period
in our national existence, compared
with ii i- present, are as the child
t the man. What might have
answered then may not answer
Spain must let go her hold on
Ouba, I ho handwriting is on tho
Orescent bicycles now t at