The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 07, 1898, Image 2

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    Eugene City Guard.
I. L. CAM FHKI.L. ProarLtor.
Old Probs gave us n II nor Marcli than
8iua ever dreamed of.
If H. o Holland submarine (Kint turn
out to Is- a success, th "under dog" In
the tight will got the bent of It.
Count do Mitiin, of Turin, him recent
ly passed Into tho unknown. It'i
question now who "Iiiim do Munn."
Chlnn can hhvo time nnd postngo by
replying to tlio demnnd of tho differ
ont powers with a circular letter.
It Ik Mid that a diet of gnrllo la Rood
for the complexion, hut there nre other
things In till world besides complex
As part of tho fruit of the nation' of
fort In tho way of a navy the ICen
tui'ky and tho Kcnrsnrge roproMont
big pair.
When a man places himself In tho
hnnds of ht friends before an election
there la sometime competition alwut
the hold on bin b-g.
Maybe then- won't lie many ttrlOttl
batth-a on our coast thl year, lut If
It only depend on the milliliter k I rl
there'll be BU engagements.
An Item In afloat that twenty gins
widows have started lu a lry for tlx
Klondike. Mnybo they travel together
because they couldn't well go Mingle,
When Martha Hhiih- of Denver taketi
the Held with her cavalry troop of Col
orndo girls thodonii will llnd that tliero
la no fun In shooting the Hhiili.
(Mir bicycle are ko popular In fler
many that In lino with prohibiting the
neighing American horse, thero'H talk
there ulMillt excluding the silent ttsd
A Western man lM-ipicuthed hi mon
ey l a circus. Many ean't help think
lug tbll dlKpiHiiil of wealth wouhl hard
ly give ono tho best kind of u Hhow
lie! eafllT.
Mine. lircyfiiss petitioned the Trench
Qot ernnieiit to be allowed tin- privilege
of shining II xlle of her liiiHliaud on
the gt dS Illllble. 'The (Jovornillollt
declined, being too polite to toll her to
go to the dev II.
While I'rn ii. i- keep nagging the llrlt
IhIi on tho Niger, UiihhIh IsUhcrs th
In North China. Mr. Hull Iiiim boon
known to Icwo bin temper over a part
ner-hip Intended to keep him looking
lu two directions for bent pin.
It In rumored In London that a Itu
dan spy, fllsgUlSSd H a foul man, hn
I "'ii discovered among the scrvum of
Lord Salisbury, There may ! nothing
III l li It Conspiracy, but If there ht that
footman aridently lan'l the head man
In It.
F.ngliind thU year -liil $1I.",(miO,-
(p on tin- navy, the largest Mini I pent
an It In any one year In peace or In war.
Germany baa rottd 1811,000,000 011 now
hlpN lu the next seven your. IlUSSll
U iiUiut to Hpeinl IgTJOOLOOBt If the
Hnitoi latoa i to hold it place it
urn -1 iliare thl propunitlon.
Ntrlklng at the root of a growing evil,
the National League bun wisely voted
to raspend or exK'l profeloiiiil buso
bill player who line Indecent or vulgar
language upon Um bail Bald, it i not
possible, poriuipH. to eliminate the
rowdy from athletics, but determined
managers ii do the next best thing
uiuxxie bin,
I "Timt reminds of i itory," nld
one of a group of men, looking around
furtively, "iih there are no ladle pies
cut." "No, bin I am." promptly respond
isl a tall young follow, iih lie turned on
111 heel; "mid you need not tell me any
Itory that you would not tell your moth,
or." Knch Individual cncourngi- or
discourages. This young hero did both.
The ue of the balloon III warfare will
to one of the development of the near
future. A tlrxt elan modern Ironclad
topti ghoul f&,ooo,ooo, Thii would
construct and eipilp for war purposes
u great many balloons., and It would
com n If they might be used by the
Inhabitant of a besieged clt with
which to sail over an Invading fleet and
drop explosive upon the warship un
derneath with deadly effect. They
might auto bt nttllntd to drop rhttc tx
glaalvai oral the oltlaa occupied Dp u
opponent, (if course there would bo
considerable risk lu Mich an enterprise,
unless the balloons could lo properly
steered, but the dirigible balloon is one
of tho luTantlona tbal we may agnaal
to mi' In the near future.
Tho I on. Ion Times tells how It Imp
pencil that Triuee Qaorga of Qroeco
was nominated by Itusshi to be gov
ernor of Crete ufter the Cmr hd Com
mitted himself to another candidate. It
aoaOM that the candidacy of Trlncc
Qaorga was recommended by the Queen
of lieiimnrk to (he F.inprcss iKiwager
of Itiissla and by her It was brought to
the Cmir. It seems that the Idea origin
Hlisl with the l i reek minister to Con
atnulluople, who mentioned It to the
King of (Jrcooe, who, lu turn, urged It
upon the Queen of Pcninurk. The mm
lstor was Instructed to sound the Bul
bil aptM the appolntmoiit and he re
ported that the stilus, would Ih will
lug to propose Prince titsirge, a the
Sultan hohcvisl that by putting htm In
("rote ho would be obligated morally to
Ih loyal to the tliiomau empire and
would have such an Influence with his
father. King of () recce, a to prevent
any dlaturlinncc Mug created In The
aly. Tinier these circumstance the
Cxnr dropped hi owu candidate and
took up the Trlncc
The rcort upon the mineral re
BaWCaa of tba United State recently
submitted show that the value of pre
clou nteaei produced In thai country
lat year waa fl.lo.H7i a compared
with Ut-.NMl In lsal. The principal
Item In thl total are turi)tto!e, ,Y,
tsMi; sapphire, fm,Ul(); guurti crystal.
912.CMMI; tourmaline, H.iC. and gold
quart. (.ViKKI. The turtiuolao depolt
ronnrle. New Mexico; the sapphire in
Fergus County, Molilalia: the tOOTBU
line In Mount Mini, Maine, and Mad
dam Neck, Conn., and the ipiartx cry
tal In Cn la vera County, California.
Tale almandlno gWMtl are found In
Cowee Valley, N. C. The coikMldanMa
Increase In the product of I bean pro
clou atone over the provloil year Is
aid to be due to the fact that large In
vestment of KngllNh capital have bce
made In thl Indtiwtry, more of which
have Ut-n attracted to the aapphlrc
dapOiltl of Montana. The more uipii
lar and expensive gems, like the dia
mond, ruby, opal and emerald, are um
yet uiidlMcovcrcd In thU country ami
until they are tho output of ptanJOlM
atone In the Lulled State will Im.
com para lively an unimportant brunch
of our Industries.
It la luiMrtaut to rememlMT that the
submarine tsiut built thll fur are
available only for hurlsir defense. Hut
they will be welcome for that purpose.
Kxperliiiont with them In the war of
the revolution and the civil war were
not uccoMful, but that was bofOM II"'
rn of electric storage battertaa and
gllHollne engllio. Much Ih expected
from the Holland, recently completed
m ar New York. She Is the laCOUd of
the type. The first, known iih the
Hunger, Is under construction for the
(ioverniiieut lit Unltlmore. I hey lire
tiH heavy to lie whipped on the deck of
crulHor fn.m silnt to isilnt, and It Is
proposal to build several of a lighter
pa 1 1 era, to be BlUlMd In this way. That
the submarine torpislo Isiat w 111 event
iinlly bo a aiiccoM Is the opinion of
many naval constructor. I wo win
probably siwin Is' added to the navy
and othora contracted for.
Oh, eora not thing of low degree,
Aud igii for wealthy tte;
Far hotter court humility
Than Imrdeua of file great.
For he who win mblthli' fight
Cn ncjer Is. nt ease;
He gain, 'tl true, a wordly height.
Hut baa a world to please.
For care Increase a honor grow,
And In hi new estate
lie find, thought bright tho honor
Tla thraldom to the great,
lite flatterers tluit alxuit Mm throng
gnw h ha some dole to ask;
To please tbem I no Idle ong,
Hut n Herculean tusk.
We value thing a they appear,
Nor count the coat and pain
Which line the road to that bright sphere
The envied one attain.
Tome la no royal heritage;
It BfOWBl are free to all;
Hut who lis dlzxleat heights would gauge
Must r!k Die dlxzleat full.
Then sigh not for ambition' meed,
Ita sceptre and It crown;
Lneasy lies the kingly heud,
Though plllowisl upon down.
- Chlcugo Inter Ocean.
There now no room for doubt that
the groat Internal!.. mil language of the
future will Is- Kngllsh. That this mag
nllhciit doHtlny 11 w-nll til It has been
his :. .1 by many ; but, as long as tin
prophets wore themselves of that tin
Hon, the statement attracted Utile at
bullion. Within the last few years,
however, foreign critics have come to
tho snmo conclusion. "A hundred
year ago," say Michael Hermiys
"Schiller wrote, 'Our language shall
the world command!' but lias tba ecu
1ury which Is now drawing to a close
verified this proud prediction! Is I'
not rather tho language of ShaksiM iiii
t lint Is over compierlng fresh ground'"
Trof. Sehmeiler Is more omphalic -till
Ills article bus been already much
iiioted, but, as no one baa laid down
the case so Judicially and systematical
ly, It will be well to give some extract
In advocating the compulsory teaching
of Kngllsh throughout (iermany, In
points oii that tlio Mad of a universal
language Is ery great. Artificial
tongues, such lis Vohipuk, nre never
likely to meet with general aeeeptan
for one n soti, I they have no
literature. "Nor nre they
for a world language already exists;
that Is to say, a language w hleh. by Its
Xtclishiii over the xx hole glols., and by
the ease xvlth which It can be learned,
ha obtained such a foothold ihai notb
lug ran prexont Its boeonHng III the
near future the great moans of In'cmn-
tloiiul communication. This language
Is Kngllsh." As evidence of It g-oxvtli,
ho is. ints out that in the beginning of
this century Kngllsh Ms'iiklng t. ionic
numbered 81,000,000. w hile tbej
tceed ISS000,000,
There Is no safety In the practical
tailings In life between men ami wotn
n like clour, distinct, persistent frank
lies, say the Outlook. The inaii who
has nothing to conceal, und xvho con
cals nothing, never has to make any
xpbiiuitlons, and he secures that con
Uibince which protect lilm from tin
naplcbM Hint he Is holding anything
buck which might Influence the dec la
Ion of the person with WbOBI he Is deal
lug. It Is taken for grained tba) In
has stated his whole position without
reservation. We are eonstantlv teniiu
I to desert this high plane of action
Imm-iiiisc other people do not meet us on
but our relations w ith others ought
not to be determined by their attltinh
award us; they ought to be dotornilnod
by our oxxii Individual convictions. It
tight to make no difference bow xvi
are treatisl by others -o far ns Ins
tlcc, frankness and cotirteai nre eon
i rued. It I astonishing how the
Nibbed temper yields When It Is treat
I xvlth uniform courtesy and COOatd
ration bow the secretive spirit gu, -
ii) when It is met by perfect frank
tics; how the Impatient temper Is ipilet-
aml calmed by patience and for
beam lice. When we carry MMelTM
steadily III nil our relations with oih
r we dispose at once of half the dull
ultles xvblch are likely to rise, and
avoid almost entirely IhOM mlsunder
standings xvtilch are the Itcglnultig ,.f
trangement We are often tempted
to deal with small issiple on the plane
their Intelligence rather than on the
lane of our own COO letlOOa, and exerx
time WO do this xve make a blunder
Such people, treated on a high plane,
are materially helped to stand on that
plane. They are not slow to discern the
reaped that I paid them, and they
must ls exceptionally bad If they are
not Influenced b) It. It I far Is'tler.
a a matter of policy, If for no higher
reason, to treat other teadlly from a
standpoint xvhlch xve have taken as tin
result of conviction, than to COttttaUUll)
iiiljust ourselves to the Rtntiilptilnt ot
other. Hespect, oiushlerallon. frank
nes and true courtesy tire rarely lost
when they are lnfusis.1 Into our social
and business relations. In the exact
degree III which xve are governed by
these qnailtlaa ami agpraaa them do xvi
make ourselvo not only oHVotlvo, but
distinctly uiillftlng lu our InflUOOCt
upon other.
are thieily lu 8an(a I 'e aod Oraut cltai
Thoughtrul IXr the im I Luetic.
The Duke Of Norfolk, having glxei.
an excursion party permission to visit
hi line park at Arundel, his Howard
had n DUB bar of notices, "Keep off tlic
grass," printed and put up at different
Mt. On the day of the trip the Puke j
xva Nvli busily engaged In removing
all the Is tarda he could reach. The
steward, at a low to explain this
strange conduct, nsked his Qmca tin
reason of It. "Many of the old Indies. 1
replied the Duke," win have coma, and,
I am sure, w.nild rather walk on th
grn than on the fitotiath." It 1 a 1
puy inc oui iaiie .thl not learn at tin
time how much they owed the luke.
When the pianist make the Instru
BJMl fairly talk It U called a piano re
ABESL A N 1 1 BOB nre going to
Eaetaea for October, and they
have nsked mo to go with
tbeffl. I miiKt say I'm not In QtHtielei
over tho uffalr. Tho Meiisldo In lute
autumn I u bit "off." All the nice fel
lows have gone buck to town; there I
no band; the pier la desertisl, und you
may walk the entire length of the
parade und meet nobody of more Im
portance than a houtnian.
Still, I muy iim well go. There In
nothing ou ut home ut pceeint, ami 1
fed u irltle seedy. Malsd, t, mm
plallia of being dull. Wn she ever any
thing else? of course. It's a wnsto of
time hiking any smart frocks, and iih I
tell Jane to pack my new cycling eon
tunic (H'a Just lovely), I sigh, for I
know It sweenies will be thrown
away ut Baetaea.
I Can't sny how thankful I am, when,
having seen my "bike" safely In the
van, I Und myself lu a first-das com
puitment und know that ut lust I am
rid of nianima. Mamma I trying at
the bant of times, but when I'm golug
n way by myself she' really awful. All
the way to the station she wo telling
mo to lie cureful every other minute.
She swiiis to think I'm a perfect child.
Tho Journey la uneventful. Some
time one has delightful little ad TOO-
turea when traveling, i remember
bow but never mind that now. 1 man
age to bogUlla the time pretty well with
a novel ami a Istx of choi'olatcfl.
Hob is waiting for mo on the plat
form, lie says I liMtk very well. I
rather like Bob To be ure ho is gt
aunlly Infatuated xvlth Mals-I. and pet
and spoils her In a way that Is unite pre
posterous, but I suppose ho can't help
It. When I usk hlin how she I. he says
nut very well, and bo says I must try
ml cheer her up. I nearly laugh lu his
face, f course, I know there Is
nothing the matter with her. The fact
I. the more you humor Mulicl the worse
ho I.
A I 'Xpectcd. I llnd her with that
niarlyrtsl expression of countenance
alio adopt when she wants mollycoel-
dllng, an. I ufter dinner I march her off
to Issl. Hob, xvho mnkes himself a
pltlnble slave, says ho will sit with her
a little If I don't mlml being left alone.
I say not n bit. nnd tell him I'll Just
have a short spin on my wheal Is-fore It
gets dark. At this Mabel nearly goes
Into hysterics. She cull me "Impru
dent." However, I get nxvny by prom
hdng to keep on the Pnnde. Iteully,
Matted Is getting quite old womanish.
It Is a pleasant evening, and I have
tho road nearly to myself. As I oxpecr
ril, the place Is almost almost,
but not quite, (iolng down I pas a
gentleman on foot. I like the hsik of
lilm. lie Is hill I flare say my head
would rest comfortably on Ills shoulder
mid a I steal a glance at his face us I
skim by I see thai he Is g.std hkikltig.
Meeting blm us 1 come back 1 lee that
he I very good looking. I se. that be
thinks the same of me. Our eies meet
He shires in admiration ami, al
though I don't look back tl don't know
how 1 resist the feeling), 1 know he
stops and looks after inc. After all, It
Is lucky I brought my nexv COatUme, I
-'all probably see him again. Of
course 1 say nothing to Mabel about
him. She xvoul.l only begin ultout my
Ills eyes haunt me all night.
I do hoc hint again the following
evening. Tills time I do look back, and
he has stopped, and he Is watching me.
I am vexed with myself for hkikltig.
and I know I shall bluab the next time
wo meet.
It happens the ensuing morning. Com
lug out of Um gate 1 nearly run against
him. In my confusion I drop my glove.
He itOOpa to pick It up. So do I. Our
hands touch. He apologize. Set do I.
Then he raises hi hat and goat on hi
As luck has It, Mabed I. n witness of
this encounter from tho sitting r.kun
window. Her face Is Just i-ful, and
When I got In she "lioglus."
"lie sto.kl and stared after you for
fully llxe minutes," she says, nearly
choking with lu.llguatlou.
"Old he, really?" I murmur, feigning
astonishment. Of course. 1 kuexv he
had. "How rude of klmf"
"Kudo:" Mabel echos. "Carrie, you
must'nt go out again uloiie. I shall tell
Well, this I a knocked I don't xvunt
Bob tacked on to me a kenaeec 1 go out,
and I make light of the mailer ami tell
her not let lie absurd. It's positively
appalling how staid and proper Mals l
has become since she xva MUtWdl If
I thought that marriage would have the
BUM effevt on me Tin very mini noth
ing on earth should Induce me to go to
the altar.
Well. he tell Hob, and a "he" hap
pens to Im on the parade opposite", ibe
points hltll out.
"Isn't he a common hxiklug fellow?"
ahe say.
That's the wert of Mattel, ahe will
allow karoo If to bo praJiadMod.
"Look like a barber out feu- a ImII
day." Hob rejoin.
Maltel laugh llllly. fler infanta
ttoii for Hob I really amualag.
"Why like a barberf I aak. coldly.
"HI hair la cut ao well "
Mubel giggle. It I strange how some
people mistake vulgarity for wit.
A week bus pnaaed. Affairs are up-
firouehlng tI"1" "'' 1
know It He alinply follow me like
my shadow. If I g M the pier, ''' '
there. If I take a lk and lt on the
parade, he I there again. I can only
onrapa him hy Ming my ! 1
can't be alwny biking. BeikJee, (In
road are not very gissl atMtiit KiiMtsea.
It ' a perfect shame we don't know
each other. I am certoln he I a get
demon In aplleof what Hohaiid Mals-I
ay. lie hu timt lordly bearing und
thoao aristocratic features one road of
In norela. Of course. Hob and Muls l
know nothing of such mutter.
To tell the truth. I'm a bit disgusted
with him. I shouldn't mind s.. very
much If he did sM iik to tin-, hut I tufi
very well tell him so. suppose u -ufrnlil
I should snub blm. Ot course I
ahould havo to pretend to be very
And then there's Miils-I. If she rouna
out-well, I should Is- incKist oir noiuc
at once. Ht 111. something must Is- done,
lie I growing doapcrnto. So am I.
I have found a xvny. It Is simple, yet
effective. I am going to tumble off my
blko" on purpose and he will come
to my rcNcuu. It Is 1111 original hn-u ami
rather take my hreuth uwoy. I won
flat what Mabel would suy If she kuow.
Iteully. I think she would fiilnt.
1 have urrnngisl everything l-autl-
fully. Hetw.s-n .'. and '! every ovoiilng
bo ii.aees tho nnriide. amoklng. Thl I
the hour wheu I ahull put my design
Into execution. I ahall pus blm, vim
Mi around tho corneT, quickly dis
mount, lay my mncbliie In the mad, nnd
alt ou the curbstone nursing my ankle.
If nil g.s-s well ho will Im- the tlrst per
Hon to Hud me. I shall explain that I
have hud a nasty spill and damaged
myself. Ho will give mo his arm and
BMstst mo home. Thue we hnll become
All goes well. I paa him. turn sharp
ly around the i-orner. Jump off, lay my
machine down, ami sit on tl nrbetOM
with a woebegone expression ou my
face. A few minutes later he conic lu
Bight, naturally lisk after me, sees
me ban de combat, and Hie to my u
slslanco. "You nre hurt?" ho ay. eagerly.
I looked up In f.-lgn.-d agony.
"It I my ankle," I murmur; "I think
I have ap rained It." and I rub It gently.
I am glad I put on my Is-Kt silk Block
ing nnd my DOWOOl sIkm'b.
"I will fetch a cab," ho ge- on.
"I think I think I could manage If
you gave nie your uriu, I unsivcr. It
lan't very far."
He help me tip. I manage to limp
very prettily, though Tin afraid I in OOl
o pale- us I ought to be. However, I
Bucooed lu concealing this little dell
cleiicy by holding my hntidkerclilef to
my face.
Shnll I ever forget MalM-l'a expression
when she se-e us? It I nil I can do to
keep from laughing. She open the
door for us, and 1 explain mutters. She
thank my rescuer xvlth frigid isdlto
neee und belpi mo to the sofa.
Thank you very much, Mr. ," I
murmur, sweetly, a I give lilm nr.
"My niiino I O Ciintilnghnm." he
shimmers. "C Captain Ciiniilnghnin."
Then he Imixvh himself out. Captain
Cunningham I I knew be era trail con
nected. And how he pressed my bund!
Ah the disir closes on him Maid, xvho
hu book in a state of rappreeaed
wrath, practically eiptodea, I ana war
that I coilldu t help fulling. A lib Is
necessary here. Then I ask ln-r If she
doesn't think it lucky he happened to
Is- passing. She only bites lu-r lip In
silence-. I smile.
My gpralned ankle cauaea mo some m
convenience. Mabel, w im fuaam about
a pin Bcm tcb. Insists on keeping me mi
the DOUCb for a couple of days nit.l
anoints tho Injured place with quarts
of embrocation.
This ha n xvonderful effect. I nm
bettor In no time. With the nld of a
stick lit Won't do to recover all at oneci
1 ge't out on the front, eager, expectant
The captain has railed twice to Inquire
ufter me, nud now he hastens to my
We apond a very pleasant morning.
Ill acquaintance with the titled class,
oa I extraordinary. He is a personal
friend of the Trlncc of Wales and has
stayed at iMdrlngham. lie says he
has ceinio to Baatica to recuperate. Ho
tells mo there nre times when he tire
of the constant whirl of pleasure lit
which hi- lives; times when he love to
steal away to some rctln-el spot with a
sympathetic companion. Here he give
DM a hkik that cannot Is- misconstrued.
1 fancy he I a MM-tlst. I ahull usk
blm to xvrltc some verses In my album.
I ace hlin often now. 1 ask hi in In to
afternoon tea. lie pleads un engage
mctit, however. A a matter of fact, I
don't think ho cares for Mabel 1 nm
not lurpriaed. Her attitude toward
blm Is well. rude.
1 wonder If 1 am In love with him. He
I. xvlth mil.
Oil the Friday evening Hob hrliw
papa bflck xvlth lilm to stay till Mon
day. This dik-sn't upset me in the least.
I can twlal papa round my Little anger,
Nevertheless, I lOCTBtly wonder what
he will think of the captain.
After dinner I take a scat In the win
dow. lie xvalks up and down the
parade ut this hottt waiting for me.
Cnpa comes to look at the sunset. He
Is (vrtuln to see Ferdinand (Ferdinand
Is the captain's iimiii'. one of them at
lout; he has nearly n (WOOU),
Suddenly papa atartlea us all xvlth n
loud exclamation that la -xvoll, not Ht
for publication.
"W hat I UT' Bob ay. coming for
ward. Papa Ih purple with rage.
"What!" he roar, hi ttngor extend
eel. "Why, there's that stundrel I'rsii
el, the waller from the club."
Wo all crowd forward. I am In front.
Tin- eapteln is dtraetty oppoalte. i iktxv,
He lift his gloved hand to hi hat.
Then an awful change come over his
face. He turn pagttteojy limp, ami
Btaggvr. 1 he III, or T
"Hut papa, that Is Captain Cunning
ham." I gasp.
Vaptaln: I'll give him captain
Where's my hat?"
They rush from the room. I alt with
my face In my hand. It I t.xo awfully
aw nil. A w aiter!
The either day I hearxl Malvl tell
mamma that ahe thought I'd gown
more prudent alius?. Well. I aupMwe
I have. And no wonder: Hut 1 shall
never r.-. a: the truth about that
pruloed ankle - Madame.
I,. ... that Baa Poacended to Ue
froM liol leuee Aeceatry.
I r' nltlve man, l- 'ng PI nature a
Bgbilng BBlmoJ, foitsi". f ""' ,";;'
uarl , Hrat, wltfa hi cgolne teeth, hi
',.,11. and i.u iisih. tin i proof" of time
. Jded b. those early tad mituriil
irMfwai the further persuasion of a
dob or eblUaJftb. , .
II- fought, n imrwln hn concltialvo
I abowa, mainly for tba poneoeewn of
Igdlaa of hi kind, agalntl other oenv
ln-r of III own sex and sim-cIo. If .vu
Bgbl you soon loam to prot.s-t the most
i-Xst.(l and vuinerablo srtlo:i of your
body. r- it iu ,1""', '1",lir:'1
th.n manage It for you. by killing you
off n nn Immediate conjeQueOce.
To the Isixor, wrestler, or hund to
band combatant, the moat vluiicrable
iHjriiou i nndoobtedly the kent A
i.... I I.I..U- .e,.ll ilellvored. oil the left
breast, w ill easily kill.
Hence, from an early period men have
used tho rtfbl band to tight with and
bora employed the loft arm chiefly to
cover tin- bOOrt and to parry a .low
llpjad al that epeclally vulnerable re
gion. And when weapon of offense
nd defeuso st!iM-rilo mere flsls ntul
teeth. It I the right hand that gt isp
I b ipeor or iword, wtke the left -ioiig
over the heart, for, the allied
ur buckler.
From thl altnplo origin, then, the
whole vast difference of right and left
iii drttteed life t.-ikos its beginning. At
first the superiority of the right hand
wn only fell In the milliner of lighting.
Hut that alone gave It u distinct pull,
I od pared the way nt lnt for the u
premacy cUewbere. For when (reap
ing eamc Into use-, the habitual employ
ment of the right hand to grasp the
i near, sword or knife, made the norvo.
or muadee of the rlcht side far more
Bbedlent to the control of the will than
those of the loft.
The dexterity thus acquired by tho
right see bOW the word "dexterity"
Implies this fact- made It more natural
for the early hunter and artificer to em
ploy tho sumo lian. lu the manufacture
of Hint hatCheta, bOWl and arrow, nud
all other manifold notlvltle of savage
life. It was the band with which ho
gr.iHHl his wcaMin; It was therefore
the baud xvlth xvblch lie chipped It. The
right hand ramaiM especially "tho
hand In which you bold your knife;"
in.1 that Is bow your children decide tho
attention w hich i which when they Im
gln to know their right hand from their
left for practical purpose. Saturday
Brening Tost.
How In Live Long.
B reason of certain articles In the
dally pa pen, Flinch has been Inun
dated with letter .roin a host of cor
respondent who bog lilm to observe
the ruh-s by xvhlch they have attained
longevity, hut at the sumo time he ' Is
t dUBcnlt to follow the advice o. .11.
"Septuagenarian," for Instance, urges
lilm to become n vegetarian. "On no
account touch meat. It is poison. For
the lust fifty yonn I have dim I on n
luillcd onion, and supped off a pint of
lentil porridge." "Octogenarian," on
the other hand, urges him "to eat, drink
nnd Is- merry a much und as ofit-n us
yon plraao. I Bud there I nothing like
a good dinner, followed by n theater,
ind supper xxdth plenty of champagne,
to put me l:i real good form." "Non
agenarian" declares that "tK men t of
long life lie lu a cold tub bath tit ken
every morning, winter and summer.
with unfailing regularity." "Centena
rian," again, writes: "Itewnro of soap
and water they sim-11 death. l or my
part. I have only had a hath mice In
my life, when I went to the workhouse
and could not help myself. The result
wn I Caught n chill from which I
nearly died." "Home-bird" uxors that
she owes her eighty years of happiness
to matrimony, "tiny iog of Ninety"
sny: "Half n century ago I was to
marry, when I atiddenly retneiulM-red
your ndxh-e." "Blue Blbbon" argues
that none but teetotaler! can, or do
Horvo to. attain to old ugi. "Liver," on
the contrary, writow, "There Is nothing
like goisl liquor to preserve n man."
"Irlthman" trrlteo, "if 'tis long ye're
wnntlu' to live, ye must begin over
ng'in. "ri nil a question of heredity,
It Is. Ye most choose yet own feythcr
Btt1 mother nn' see they coom from a
long llvi-d stock, nn' that' the only
way nt nil. ut nil." If It WON not for
tho Initial object that ho Is already
born, and the further difficulty of so-
hvtlng your parents before you your
self have any existence. Punch would
is- Inclined to believe that Triebman"
had hit the nail ou the head; but for
the present these- two obstacles seem
Insuperable. For the rest, nn It Is man
Ifestly lnikisslble to adopt the ndvlco
of nil. he ha decided to continue in hi
old habits and to take his chance of
long life xx-lth his neighbors.
gaermoae Amount of cmd. Mffcaa
Ke. elvcd 111 Till Country.
lfred S. Mnlcomson ha published
,' interesting atntlstlcnl table. In
...... i.i'u rMiisuiiitiiloii of brim
a llien me .......
,e Is shown fOf seven years. 11.1
tommerclaJ commodity i of great Im
Bortnncc in mnny bra.icbe of manu
facture, bol tl,.- fact la not general
known lu business rlTCtea thnt 11S.1.I7
toni en to the United Btatea from
siclly In 1807, nnd thai the year before
the Importation wu even larger.
This commodity come exclusively
,.,,, gieUy, and to I greed extent from
tho port of PfJ mm. it i inlpped in
bulk like conl, and 1'H'kH- " ltM niw
Iltlon, like plecs of broken stone
, t the ilae of those xvblch are
,, nueaffiun roada, it I '"'' Wt
nnd from that to a bright yellow, no-
wording to Its quality; the higher the
grille the yellower the atone. It I
handled by the large linMirter In It
crude form only, nnd those (IIsjiohi. of
it to the manufacturara, bjr whom it Ih
subjected to pr MM which eliminate
boss and bring to the surface Its
valuable properties. It 1 used by the
manufacturara of fertilizer material
and sulphuric add, Md large quanti
ty nr.- consumed by the manufactur
ers of wood pulp und papot.
The brimstone goes In grout qunntl
tlcs, nlso, to the sulphur refiners, and
after It I mei sulphur It plnys an
Important part in the manufacture of
vulcanised rubber. The addition of
sulphur to plastic rublH-r. vulcanizing
the mass between two till sheets oh an
experiment, gave to the world the valu
able commodity known ns bard rub-
1st; and no substitute lin yet been
found for the yellow dust lu the proc-
Tho brimstone statistic snow uuu
tin- United suites receives more of the
material than any other country. For
ih. tame time thnt 118,187 tons reach
ed the iirts of Now York, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, Charleston, Boston, Wll
Inlngton und Norfolk, the following ex
ports were made from Siclly to other
parts of the world Pnince, H4,NS.'i
tons Italy, 78,063 tons; I'nltisl King
dom, 24,520 tons; Russia, l".."si'j tons;
Portugal, 7,i-i tons Germany, ii,7'-'i
tons; Austria, lfi.000 tons; Creece-Tur-key,
13,S('i(I tons; Helglnm. 't,2.'s'l tons;
swed.n. Norway ami Denmark, ll.'."Jl
tons; Spain, 4.080 tons; Holland, 3,."l0
The wine growing districts of Kurope
Use Urge iiiiantlin-s ot tin- inaieriui in
destroy the Insect which attack tin
vines, nnd although many substitute
arc employed, the most careful grow
ers never abandon brimstone for that
The supply In Sicily ready for trnns-
pnrtatlou Is larger tlinn It has ever iM-e-n
before, there I cing no less than 2-10,3(17
tuns lu storage.
pose you aaw a groat deal . u
would change If it ,.r , "
"No-o." reitlbMl ,. .,
ly. "On the whole, i 5: ,Sh
ttlCTi WMffi IBM lit. I .. '
o r) lilt e
itenlly. u-
thor, delighted, -u, .. " H
nn Idea you'd tear th. .. . 'k
plei'e. I enn't toll iJ!
r eodl-M. t...
am; Imt
What nre thev?" "nOekl,
There' only ono n,...i.
V Mil i . t .
i I I I ' i Mf
'"- ""' J"u would Hdvifc. S
to the publication of a .."tej
POftenCO," explain,,! tin-
Aim that" ald the
XX tlX- I ftfl 'u
, surn hio h,
from tho e-,i..l. i
iuio im
the heroine."
"I It too
tek a
thrilling? ,..,.
--"int ,
the young author, anxloualy
"No. If not too thrmW"
reply; "a,, d of course I lu
if tor her; Imt. von . .
. .. -
nine uuu jiiiilii lift,,,
- - - - ii. Tr
go In aft
both riwenusl
'""'V" say. ,C
wonion't ..'i
"Yo-you wouldn't hare tiT''
cue.l?" UUTtbtn
"'VrtnlnJy not. i ,h
"Hut this hnpiM.n. In o,.
-almoM the first thing in JTJ
Precisely. That's i,,.t Jh "
to luippt-n."
llrlgiiiuliiKi- In Italy.
Italy Is u laud of secret aoclotlos
foruieel for the purpose of defeating
the ends of Jiislh-, nud all attempts to
root out the evil have Ik-cii unsuccess
ful. The Mafia, Which baa often pur
suisl Its victims even across the oevuil,
has Just given another evidence of Ita
vitality in siclly. The daughter of nn
Kugllshiiuiii wn kidnaped and rnn
loined for 120,000 by her father. Four
of the COnsplratora, being dissatisfied
with tlielr share etf the Isstty, vv,re
"executed'' burled alive-by order of
the "council." Chance led to the dis
covery of their immiu-s nnd of some cir
cumstantial rrldonce which enabled
the authorities to make some Impor
tant arrests. ltllt It Is not likely that
this will bring about a change.
Hall bun, on,
Set . n V re bl ttie v II r rxu
th.- western ckisi ,,f ir..t...i
lion, the sea set fire tr. ,t,
no-. M .. '
e.uis. i oi e-e-niuries tne great Atlantic
rollers had tteen breaking them down
und making great Assures In them. In
their depths were maaiea of Iron py
rites and ilium. At last the Water pea
tinted to th.e-, and a rapid oxldiia
Bon tm.k placa, which produced n bwi
th ree enough to aet the whole cliff on
tire. Tor week the rooks burn.M like
regular volcano, and great cloud of
smoke nnd vapor rose high In the nlr.
Where Water Is Peel died ijlko M.
In Arlxona tliere- 1 a town where, Imj!
I r.M'.TTJT "r ater
I-.-.....-. iu uie s-r. . gag
of His (Ixvn IVowcm Lose.
Hlin His 1. 1--.
A group of Congressmen wore tell
ng Htorle In the cloakroom of the
U.uise the other day. One of them, a
lawyer, told this experience:
"Iu the toxx-n where I first began the
.lructlcc of the law tliere was an Irlsh
man, Patrick McDonald, whom every
jtie called Pat Now, Pal wu n gMi
kearted fellow, but he didn't got along
very well with his neighbors.
"There was un eaay-golng fellow in
Um tame town by tlio name of VYbeel-
x-k. Ho wus ttoru In 1M0 and his pur
nts iiatmsl him Harrison. In country
towiLs the KMiplo are fuinlllar with otic
mother to the extent that names aru
ibbn-x lute-d or paraphrased. Every
)ne know this man u 'lint' Wheelock.
"Well, Wheelock and Put had Home
words over a horse trude. The lan
guage used was more cxpreaslve tlinn
elegant According to Put's version of
the affair Hut threatened to break his
face. Any xvny, Pat went before a
justice of the peace und made affidavit
tl.tit be was afraid that Hat would do
hlin Issllly Injury.
"Hat, of course, w as arretted. lie got
me to defend him. When the case- w:is
called Put tiMik the Htand and related
the story of how Bat had threatened to
Injure blm, When ho was turned over
to mo for cross-examination I began:
"'Now, Mr. McDonald, you say you
nre afraid of your Ufef
" 'I am, sor,' was the prompt reply.
" Then yon admit that Mr. Whco-look
can whip you, do you''
"Ills Irish was up In a flash.
" 'Not by a d n sight, sor; I enn
whip half a dozen like blm.'
" That's nil. your honor,' I said to tho
Justice, nnd bt dismisses! the case
against Wluvlock." Washington Star.
Oldest t'ltli In the World.
The city of Marseilles has boon lu
existence 'J.lli7 years. It wat founded
by a colony of Crooks when Rome, the.
future conqueror of lsith it and Greece,
was nothing but a tiny village. Homo'
Is about 2,060 years old. Of all the
cities that were In existence when it
began, and Still retain tln-lt- places on
the maps, Uonie Is the most nourishing
and besi preserved. But Rome Is by
no means the oldest city on the globe
r oven m Europe, Athena, the capi
ta of Greece, is about luxi years old
older than any other European city
rangier, In Morocco, is probably over
-..'Ni years of age. Peking, the capital
or t Mini, is said to be about 8,000 years
old. ot more; Jerusalem is a.uoo raara
old. lit least.
But th. re Is one other city, and prob
'"'b or.lj on,., that surpasses oven ,lo-us.-.lem
in iiiitlijulty. This Is Damns
cue, once famous for its manufacture
' f s lks jewelry SUd MM, A I,allms
eus blade was prised us superior to nil
oraera. They nre no longo. made, the
nothofl lu- which the nr.norers of Ha
;,':l7's '"U'ored the ss-l is-lug one ol
Hie lost arts. The exact ..
Ihimnscus is not know,,.
WJ M0 your old. at an rt..' .,
io Nt,eet
in nnv rate m.,t
dty lu the world.-Loudou
ntrrtefl from h Hltll fix - .
mirk M fttaa h .h m . VinM
, " uurivs or
iunn ct
A favorite trick of , SCOMdro, I. to
Place gvMM. men In such a
, that are compelled to stsud by him.
Author and frltlc
v und-bearttd man. wtea he hi
"'" io Bad ram,, trim ,0 It ,, with
- ci,.dlr,v,,Hs,n,hefl!: ;
Jtnce. repemed by u,e Chicago tZ
x' your re,,,,,-.,." m ,i. .
young author. "I h.iw,
.k from beginning to end
"Jt igttd of you." raturaad the young
.Aim dow i u-urit . - .
The sound of n it..ii -.u..
heanl 4o.(hi f,H..t through the J
can lie beard through tba alromjj
rrom tno 14H pounds of gas ,
traoted In cooking n ton 0f '
2.IMNI distinct shnde-s .,f unlHnHr,.
mada '
A jirocess has recently been MrSj
od by which thin sh.s-t of ttettel
tranjarent celluloid uro sllveredti
llurly to the process formerly 04
A determination of Prof n.
with tho Mck telescope place tk
ameier or .iittiiu. at .IL.lmi mi.
from 2,(Xa) to -l.iHMj miles leu ttej
Mate. I 111 text DtM)KS.
It Is said experiment nmdei
liy scientific men In I-'ntnce hsvel
oped n curious nnd nltogether
pe-cteMi rnct, namely, timt ccruim
sons possess n magnetic polarltr-
Is, they nre found to net after tbenJ
nor or mnr nets.
Tliere hn lieeii n coninetltlre tntfl
fire engines lu Phlladcliihui, In rkJ
It was proved that the type wltbtsl
nud superior advantages over the ml
ary. The piston engine cnimutwi'il
coal, does In-tter work und ketplJ
longer tlinn the rotary.
A gold-dmlxlng boat, fittest 1
claboruto ninchlnery, tins recentlj kn
put to work ou the ubti Itlver.lig
forulu. The chain of bueketi um't
cd with the IkuU the luth-r U-M
feet long und 'S liron.l brings c?f
el from tho river bottom, aud bd)
of acting at any d.ptli up to tkt
Tho gravel, sand and mud ire pat I
through screens and over Uh'ea ottjl
thoroughly washes! with icttctujpMl
by n centrifugal pump, ani p'i U
grains so lino us to be Invisible to !htl
nnkisl eye Is thus recovered, TkaflJ
of dredging is said to he only Ih
cents per cubic yard.
Tests have recently been madntli
Lighthouse Depot on Stah-u Islaald
un electric light beacon xvlilch. Itbtj
pocted, will be ot up at SOW litm
lint peiint on tlio Atlantic cosit
llliiiiilnntlon Is lurnlsli.-d by un
light of lUNXi-caiulle Dower, but thbil
refructed by n scries of eccentric ptl
mtitlc tegmenta, o that the liftttl
projected lu n parnllol lieani akJ
lu diameter, wblcb lsestiiiinudtoWl
110 loss than PO.iKKi.iHKi-caudle pol
Such 11 llirht xvoul.l he xlslWcM
straight line at a distance of 1"
but owing to the curvature of tbt'd
the nctuul dlstunco nt which tt cooUki
soon xvonld doiM-nd on Its tkfljl
nbove the sen.
Charles K. Tripler, of New MM
Bclentlflc American says, hu
Dllahed the i-conomical lhiuefactlsl
ti 1 f 1 ti I ti r-tr.i n nn tl ililes. He rtS
seuit two and a half gallons oil
air to Prof. Marker, of the 1
of Peunsvlvniila. The latter rouw
n pbs-e of tin thrust Into tne in
cold lliiuld-ail.H eU'gr.s-s I'
Fahrenheit- became as brittle wi
ml iilatllllllU
Ihna,.,.! Tills sm-irest.s thtf
mat. I. from which vessels lntos,'
i-An ln I n liniihl nlr should he maiie-
- . .
,,1, ....... .,, nt tlm nlr 1 uncl es ni -
nernture several degrees l"''0'!
n..hit nt ex-hlcb oxvu'ell bccnllie IH"g
.....,a,.,.,.ttl ee-hell lhllllll nlr tt aUO1
... '. ..,.,n,.. In n onell dish fltflgl
iron vnnorlzes first, and vx lint
Is mostly Hauld oxygen,
r.. n characteristic blue color.
Trhib.r's nimnrutus the nlr, tflwl
Inir throueb throe' COllS, each 1
tlinn the nrecedlng, tiniill.v iioW
j ti.. iu, ...ill In 1
UIO Ollll Ol tun ..
rt.o Maine's Men.
Death cnn.e out of the black nijpnj.
And steered for a l.attl.sbip
ltiit never a man of the HoJ "
Deatliiuiiu b 1
In W
Looked on the
Tl... Kn...n Ued nnd the Hanrpsn
. ... ,. ... ..,, Teiunsee,
With never n four thnt dentn WSI
Swung into eternity.
Sor flng, nor sho nor bsttla orr.
Nor strain of Uie nntlona s
Broke Into the gloom of m -""M
Nor yet a priestly prsyet
the dot 1
uai xou can MM-nir ir.nti . .
, . . . ......ii niui te u e
im think .bout M, 1
There looks a face from
vt-1,.1. Un. on the ell
XX 1X11 l'i e- .n.-..- ... .
For the Hampshire Jack wli.'HW
Or the ind from Tenm
Not their wns the glorj ' of f'
V ..l..... ..r..u-neil IIH
..v.--. a ..nil. in WtH-lss 1 11 11 '
Her dead benentli the HT
Mexico Two Republic-.
When a young man pi
. . a ... mllcD P
sno Is usually aooui a
. . '...I 1 L
ns a pTcsiiieiiiuii -
Is offlclslly mtltll f hl n'm
If a snowball lslhiVn Jjjj" '
of boys. It always hlu s sis-