The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 30, 1898, Image 3

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3r lli
srr li
jov to llfyKiS!!'
T i fell
r 1
eellng. Co to your druggist and get
bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla and be-
hn to taka It today, and realize at once
e great good It Is sure to do you.
food's Sarsaparilla
Ii Amcrlcu s (in-iitest Hprlng Mcillelno.
A llosy View of Klondike.
Mr. Ogilvio, tlie Ciinadiun govern
nont surveyor, now visiting England,
1. 1 j a nnlahlo interview in tlio London
financial New. lie declares that
11,,-re ru 120,000.000 in Bight today at
Hornlike, tested and proved, not to
peak of what may bo found next year
ir tli8 your aner. it win nine years
Merely to prospect tho country. It limy
,eaid ll'.it there is not more than one
iftecnth or one-sixteenth of tlio torri
ry prospected. Mr. Ogilvio ling no
Inulit that there now oxints in tliu re
peals field which will require tho la
irt of at leant 100,000 men several
, D-rations to thoroughly tost and ex-
alien's Knot-Ease, a powder for the foot.
1 urt-i puiiiful, swollen smarting fret ami
hManlly takes tliu sting out of corns ami
unions. It's the jnaint comfort tliscov
rry nf tlieage. Allen's Koot-Kase makes
.(ilit-l.ilini; or new shoes feel easy. It is a
yriuin rure for clii IblaiDM. sweating, damn.
Milium ami Iml, tired aching feet. We
luvenver l'Mi testimonials of cures. Try
i today. Cold hy all ilnift'Ul.s and shoe
unres. Kv mail for '.Vm. in stamps. Triii
narkae KKKK. Adtlresa Alien 8. Oltu
mil, la Koy, N. Y.
A nugget was found in Siberia re
I'litl y containing 74 Kiumls of gold.
I'Ini's Cum for Consumption tins heen a
I sl-cnd to me. Win II. Mcl'lcllun,
liisur, Florida. Kept. 17,
The rxjHirta of locomotives in 1897
rent three timeH greater than cigiit
rears ago.
'ITJ 'rnmiiiniUy Cured. No Itisur
II sflcr llrM days u of lir. Kline's l.r.ut
.'erve It. NlnriT. Hi-iel for F1IKK SW.OO irml
t illi-snil ticnllse. lilt. It. IX. KMX hi, iJ., nu
rUi urwit, t'ulladrlphla, fa.
I Tliu Chineso dictionary, compiled hy
JVcM-sho. 1,100 H. ('., in tho inoNt
ricient of any recorded in litcnuy
too kkv ai:i stoo.
The render of tills paper will Iks pleased to
'frarii iimi ihern ii lit ln-( one dn-ailed di-cnse
(list science hss lieen utile to euro lu all lit
lum, and t list iac.atarrh. llall'sCatarrh Cure
i-ir.ei.iiiy postlive cure known to the niedieal
Jntrriiily. I starr li beiiia; a const ititl tutiHl d ia
nn', r'iilres a cotiMiliiiinnal treatment.
H nil's t'starrh Pure Is taken liuernslly, ailing
Sin-cily utioii thu hlnnil anil Inlieons surfaces
Ol llie t'Mero, thereby rtclroyinix the fooiula
ti'.ii nf'tlio iltscs-e, nn.l kIvIiik th patient
trcntMh ly building up lint eolistitut'oil and
vs ilii! li'sturv In doliiK Its wnrk. Tlio pro
prietor have mi nnieU faith In lis curative
inwrrt, that they offer Olio Hunilreil Uollnrt
tor any esse that It fads to euro. Scud for lit
a U'slluioulsls. Address
K , . . -J-t'llENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
I'ld by ilrnculsts. 7.V!.
j liuil't t smily fills sin the best.
I" tho jungles of .Sumatra tlio largest
piders aro found. Somo of tho largt'Ht
ipeciinens nieasttro ei(lit inches across
tho hark and have 17 inches of leg
1 In the sprinir eleaime vour svstPin hy
.tising Dr. Plunder's Oregon Uhiod Purilier.
More than a third of tho French
crown jewels have been bought by
Both tho method and results wlicn
yrilp of If irra iu t.lkf n : it n lile.TN.Tnt
a'i'l refreshiit"; to the taste, and acts
wntly yet )iroinitly on tlie Kidneys,
wver and lJowoln. cleanses the svs.
tem effecttiallr.
ache and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Fipt is the
ou'y remedy of U kind ever riro
uueed, pleasing to the taste and ae
wptahle to tho stomach, jiromjit in
't action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only front the most
ncalthy aril agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
Pl;iilar remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in M;
ce"t bottles by all leading drutr
R'sLs. Any reliable drugpist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one w ho
'ihos to try it. Do not accept any
lovisviui. a. 4uw rout, ar
Wisti Hsist ail (tbt fAlS.
,('llnm TsoMUiisl. C
........ .,, p. nraiifw.
At the Trans-Mississippi and Internationa! Exposition at Omaha From June to November cf Th!a Year
Will Pj Seen Many Artistic Decorations, Beautiful Landscapes and
Famous Bits of Statuary and Paintings.
The Greek Ionic stylo of orohitectnro
characterizes the mines building. Tho
Older is of heroic proportions, carried
out with great artistio care in every
detail. The principal feature of tho
lagoon facade is a circular dome 150
feet in circumference, rising to a height
of 78 feet The dome is sunixirted on
a circulur row of fluted Ionic columns,
and tho space euclosed by them and
under tho domo is open, form ins a
grand, uien, domed vestibule for an
approuch to the building. The inner
dome is richly designo l with rihs and
panels aud is to bo decorated in colors,
while tho outer is formed bv a seiiei of
Nothing llrneath the Sky Is I'nwurthy
or lbs Artist's Attention.
Tho exterior decoration of the build
ings at the Trans-Mississippi and In
ternational Exposition, to be held in
Omaha, promises to be both unique and
atlructivo, While the individual
buildings will show in their decora
tions some approach to modern ideas,
tin statues adorning the grounds will
be exact copies of the famous figures of
antique urt The stately figure of the
Venus do Medici, an AhiIIo or a Faun,
will lighten the grounds with their
classio beauty and this delightful mode
of reproducing the antique will prove
not only the most beautiful that can bo
conceived, but, as well, tho most in
structive. With the natural advantages
In landscape gardening that aro pos
sessed by the grounds, the lake, the
Bloping bluff tract, with the river so
many feet beneath the emerald turf
aud tho supeiabundunce of nature's
fairest (lowers all these, together with
the imposing bits of statuary that will
dot the grounds, should make it a ver
itable garden of tho gods.
Tho primary theory that will lie
demonstrated in the deooration of each
building is that the statuary, the relief
and decorative work generally will be
symbolical of the exhibits contained
therein. Nothing beneath the sky is
unwoithy of tlie artist's attention,
lieiiuty is everywhere, in everything, if
our genius but lead us to seek (or it.
Perhaps the most unusual of all tho
designs in decorating to he seen is that
which adorns the electricity building.
Tlie general architectural plan of this
Rtinctnto is one of classic simplicity,
thoiiuh the decoration shows a happy
blending of modern ideas. All tho
cresting, scroll work, ornaments and j
spandrels ate suggestive of machinery I
and the science of electricity. Clever
designs in cog wheels are seen about j
the cornices and an heruio figure piece i
of "Man Controlling the Forces of Na-1
tu re" is placed above tho spacious en-j
trance. Tho first group shows "tho,
struggle," and an immense American!
lion is seen fiercely wrestling with two,
female figures of colossal size. The
second group shows "tho victory," tho
upright figure of man, triumphant, one,
foot testing on tho prone figure of the ,
defeated enemy, while tho third and
largest group which will occupy the
central position immediately over tho
entrance typified "The Supremacy
of Mau" for here in an immense
chariot is the triumphaut victor, driv
ing witli reins drawn taut, his now
docile and obedient steeds five great
lions. Tho figures are all full of
erength and life and promise to form a
fitting adornment for a beautiful build
ing. Tho decorations which will enhance
the agticultural building are not less
attractive. This great building is, in
its immensity a fit gamer house for
this, tho granary of tho world. It is
finished in ivory, but garlands of flowers
and festoons of cereals are thrown into
bold relief by being finished in their
natural hues. Medallion ornamnts of
barnyard fowls are placed at intervals,
while larger medallions of our nation's
representative bird tho eagle will
also appear in connection with tho or
namentation. On either sido of tlio
great main entrance are figures taken
from Millet's famous paintings, the
Diggor" and the "Sower." Immedi
A startling omnsement which might
l. ,,.,! ", minim" is railed "Rolling
ur ' i.i1-. ....... - ...
tho Koll," and is supKisd to succeed
.V... .....II i,,w.u n "Ul.notina Inn ('hlltes. "
ilia i:il iiwii .
A Bloping railway, somo immense bar
rels provided with seats, and a willing
jsipuhtce seem to be the only necessary
adjuncts. Those who are sufficiently
curious may enter tho barrel, and
strapped to the seat, are allowed to
roll merrily down the hill. This un
usual form of amusement is said to be
exhilirating and not at all unpleasant
The scenic canal will be a stretch of
water 800 feet in length ami 8 feet
wide, liordered with panoramic pictures
with real foregrounds. The scenery
will represent in a realistic manner
nianv of the famous spots in the west,
Including California's rarest views,
and iKK'ks from Yellowstone Park and
Yissemite valley.
Tho Herman village will contain
the typical Herman liooth and ahoj,
With the best types of Ueriiun archi
tecture exemplified in the buildings.
"1! .
Ii j ' '
steps risiinj In the form of
a cone to
apex, which is crowned by a richly
decorated haso for a fliiKBtaft. Tho
outer row of domo columns ia detached
and tho entablature is tuoken around
them at the base, of tho domo, and over
each column ia a statim and twileslnl
havina as a backcrouud tho stvlohalo
of tho domo. This trniitmunt is v..r
monumental in effect, and while in
good tasto ami harmonious with tho
architectural style it is at the saute
timo original and interesting. Over
the d jorway leading from this vestibule
into the building are three large panels
between the pilasters to receive paint-
lugs which will bo emblematical of tho
ately above the gtand doorway is an
immense panel decorated with a gigan
tic bull's bead, gracefully festooned on
either side with the fruits of all sea
sons. The cential figure crowning the
whole composition will represent
"Prosperity" supported by the figures
of "Labor" and "Industry." These
are colossal groups of statuary and will
fittingly adorn this beautiful building.
One of the best and most striking
statues which has been designed for tho
exposition is the figure of "Fame,"
which will he repeated about nine times
in tlie decoration of the Art building.
It is the winged draped figure of a
woman, a palm branch in each out
stretched hand, with something divine
ly free and full of life in the erect fig
ure and upturned face. The art build
ing, which is well nigh finished, will
be one of the most artistio on the
grounds, and ierhaps one of tho best in
its adaptability to its piirise, that has
ever been constructed. It is in the
form of two li reek crosses, joined, with
a court between. The galleries which
run around the interior of these twin
buildings afford uneqnaled facilitites
for gaining the requisite amount of
light ami shade. One of these build
ings will be devoted to the oil paint
ings, while the other will contain the
water colors, black and whites, prints,
etc. No picture will be hung higher
than 10 feet. In the court will bo
found replica of the most famous statu
ary, ancient and modern. At tho bases
of the flagstaffs groups of cupids and
eagles uro seen, while a figured frieze,
five feet high, which surrounds the
building, will add to its uiiiquo bctuty
by Iming artistically colored.
Ono of the daintiest and most beau
tiful acrhitcctural conceits on tho
grounds is the administration build
ing, with its slender pinnacle and
graceful arch. It is decorated with
symbolic statuary and forms ono of tho
most beautiful pictures iu tho main
tract. Immediately across the lake is
the arch of the states, tho grand cen
tral entrance to the grounds. This is
composed of 24 successive layers of
Btone, each course representing somo
trims-Mississippi state or territory.
Above the inch appears a scries of stone
tablets upon which are pictured the
coats-of-arniB of tho 33 states in col
ored faienco.
The Zolnuv fountain, which will bo
situated in the lake which widens into
trefoil am) is well culled "The Mir
ror," with tlio great government build
ings in front, the sweeping colonnades
encircling it on either side, and tho
gushing fountain in the center will
form one of the prettiest bits of scenic
effect on tho grounds.
The numerous colonnades which con
nect the buildings is a feature both or
iginal and artistic They will form
one almost continuous shaded walk,
where one may niako tho entiro round
of the principal buildings and yet be
sheltered from the rays of the sun.
The color scheme, too, is an unusual
feature which should not be overlooked
when discussing tho exterior docora
tion. While the general tone of the
buildings will be that of old ivory, it
is the intention to finish one-third the
height of the colonnades as well as
about the cornices, doorways and win
dowsin full Pompeiian colors.
There will be other novelties in in
finite variety and, altogether, they
promise to make the Trans-Mississippi
Exposition one of the most beautiful
and attractive that has ever been held
A distinct novelty will be the Wine
Cascade, a perfect reproduction in mini
ature of Niagara Falls. The- base
work, including the rocks, Goat Island
and the Three Sisters, will be done in
glass, over and alsjut which will sweep
an unceasing flow of California wine.
The precious liquid will be conserved
in the gorge below, and automatically
and secretly it will be returned to the
fountain head to do duty again. An
other reproduction of nature will bo
that of Old Faithful, the big geyser
in Yellowstone Park. The cost is es
timated at f 30,000.
As you cross the viaduct which con
nects the Main and Bluff tracts, the
first of the villages to catch your eye!
will be the Moorish. With its pictur
esque group of domes, minarets, pin-!
nacles, and vari-oolored streamers, its
appearance is most inviting, smre mo
interior will lie as thoroughly com
plete and pleasing.
A vaudeville theater will occupy a ,
place in the Street of Foreign Villages, !
and the standard attractions iu this
line will be pieaented here.
rf srt n
I 1: IL ' P.:
tiwSi'.'.nj.?'i w 1 - -
' - '
character of tho exhibits. Flunking
the entire dome are beautiful Ionic col
lonnades which form covered ways
along tho entire facade, stopping at the
corner towers. Over these colonnades
are balconies capable of holding largo
numbers of peoplo and Paning from
the interior galleries of the building,
affording a line point from which to ob
tain an elevated view of the lagoon and
tho beauties of the grand court. The
four corners o( tho building arc marked
by squuro plain towers surmounted by
oruato, open columned pavilions, cir
culur in form and to servo for electric
lighting. The building was designed
by S. 8. Ileiuan of Chicago,
The Prototype of Itrginns Infernal to lie
Shown on the Midway. :
When tho conversation turns upon
tho Trans-Mississippi Exposition, some
one is sure to ask, "And will there be
a Midway?" ami then reminiscences
will bo the order of the hour, anl again
you will see the red fezes 'of the
Tutks, the bewitching smilo of tho
Parisian coquette, the haughty ' g I nice
from the dark-eyed houri of the Orient,
tho seductive dances of the Spanish
senoiltas, tliu slow revolving of tho
I massive Ferris wheel, tho little nooks
from the other corners of tho earth, tho
I swaying, sleepy camels w ith their
j loads of laughing, living freight, tho
queer meals with egg-shell ohinit and
chop-sticks served by a shy, dainty bit
of Occidental beauty; again you can
! hear the musical snugs of unknown
tongues the monotonous chant of cer
emonies iu strange religions, the lusty
call of tho "Orangeade" hoy, tho entic
ing shouts of the fakirs, tho growling
of savage beasts whose tricks aro almost
human, the hum of thousands of
voices, the laughter from thousands of
throats and all the rest that Went to
make up that ever-changing kaleido
scope of strange voices, strange people
and strange Bights. We had never
thought to see its like again, but, af
ter all, there was nothing that could
not be duplicated and, if one may judge
from the extensive preparations that
are under way, wo shall see in Omaha,
not only a leproduotion of the most iu
teresting features of the Midway, but
many novel ones nnd breathe il gently
minus the humbug and fake features
which were at once the bane and tho
characteristic of the Midway I'laisance,
If one has any curiosity as to their
ultimate destination after this life
they have but to enter a novel building
which represents ono of the Egyptian
pyramids and is called "Night ami
Morning." This building is 140 feet
square and 100 feet high, and in this
space there is warranted to be crowded
sufficient celestial joys ami awful ter
rors as to niako a trip through it one to
ho never forgotten. On entering, ono
is immediately lost in a labyrinth
which represents tho journey of life
from the cradle to the grave, and
whether ono walks quietly along
through pleasant paths with delightful
views, or becomes lost in dark byways
in the midst of terrible scenes, depends
entirely upon chance. When at hist he
has reached the end of the labyrinth he
is confronted by a winding flight of
golden stuirs, which will lead him
straight to tho Klysian fields, and on
his left lie will Bee an elevator which
plunges him down to the lower regions.
It will be a Bafo guess to reason that
the visitor will take tho elevator (list,
ami after descending 200 feet he will
find himself in an exact duplicate ol
Dante's Inferno, with all of Dore's hor
rible pictures realistically reproduced.
In the cafe he will rlml ooftlns trans
formed into tables, widows and orphans
iu gloomy weeds who uro enacting the
parts of waitresses, tho menus printod
in white on black curds, and till the
symbolic gloominess that goes to make
up the infernal regions. If, on the
other hand, the visitor prefers a
"Heavenly" meal, ho lias but to
ascend the golden stairs, to be ushered
into a beautiful room, hung with sutin
dratieries of white rose color, to find
tho tables of golden harps, the wait
resses whito rohed angels with wings
aud eveiything lovely.
' Let us glance over the list of novel
H..S ami see what we shall see. Amonu
the foremost of things unusual will be
the smallest tiain in the world. The
miniature locomotive, tender, four
iilmnrviition curs, one box car and a
calioosu, will he, in all, but 80 feet
long. This tiny tram will lie In oper
ation daily on its own tracks, and will
serve for the transmutation of the lit
tle people. Each diminutive car will
seat two wee ones comfortably. The
engine weighs milv 450 pounds, its
nearest competitor being a London
locomotive which weighs 5,000 tiounds.
Ibis will he a great curiosity and one
that will lie greatly appreciated by tho
A cycloratna of the Merrimac and
Monitor encounter, promises to bo an
Interesting comesiion, and the won
derful J I aegen heck's trained animals
will, as ever, be well worth seeing.
The largest soil a fountain in the
world will be a gorgeoiiB affair In onyx
and silver, with all ths drinkable con
coctions in this line. It will prove an
attraction on warm days.
Eaststiri's Traposat to Perlare Coal
untrahand Suits I'nela Sain.
New York, April 20, In directing
her colonies to regard coal as contia-
hand of war in the event of hostilities
between the Unitiil Stales and Spain,
Great Urltain lias taken action, Ameri
can official say, In line with the
wishes of the president ami naval au
thorities, says tho Washington cor re
fHindcnl of the Herald. Pressure will
be exerted npon France, llayli and
San Domingo to accomplish tho same
result, ami soma attention Is being
given by the state depaitmeut to South
American countues, with a view of se
eming a contraband character of coal,
as well as an announced determination
oil their part not to sell either to
Spanish or American men-of-war a
supply of fuel greater than necessary
to enable the belligerent vessels to
steam to tho next home port.
K far a the Danish West Indies are
concerned, tho authorities have pur
chased, In their icports, all the coal
that is possible to secure. With coal
a declared contraband of war, adminis
tration officials and naval experts say
it will be impossible for Spanish ves
sels to operate In the West Indies or
In the Pacific, and as a result the
chances o( success for American aims
would bo immeasurably enhanced.
Great Oritian's declaration of the
contraband ohuractcr of coal will affect
the United States at only ono point in
the far East. Tho 1'uitcd States now
has at Hong Kong six vessels, the
cruisers Baltimore, Olympiit, Italeigh,
and Boston and gunboats Concord and
Petrel and these ships are awaiting
the word to rush to Manila.
If tho fortifications of the Philip
pine should stand off tho American
fleet for any timo, tho Oierationso( tho
vessels would bo greatly embarrassed,
for by England's declaration, her col
onies will be only allowed to sell to
cither belligerent a supply only suffi
cient to take him to his home xirt.
Appreciating the position assumed
by tlio litilish government, Com
mander Dewey, acting under instruc
tions from Secretary Long, has pur
chased a large quantity of coal and has
stored It on boa id two colliers, which
will accompany his fleet to the Philip
pines. Extended operations would ne
cessitate a renewal of tho supply, and
tho oentrul position of Hawaii is
pointed to by naval experts who want
it for a naval base. Hawaii is 4,000
miles from the Philippines. Her posi
tion In the family of nations would
compel her to observe strict neutrality,
and not favor ono belligerent more
than another, but her annexation, it ia
pointed out, would result in placing
supplies for tho Asiatic squadron 2,
000 miles nearer to the vessels than
would be the case If coal, munitions of
war, eto., had to hn shipped from the
United States. It ia also pointed out
that Hawaii will find it necessary to
sell coal to a Spanish vessel in at Hon
olulu Mifllclcnt to take it a portion of
the way to its next homo Kirt, just as
she would sell to any American ship.
In the event that coal Is declared
contraband by France, San Domingo
and llaytl, authorities say it would be
iuivossilile for Spanish vessels to secure
coal in tho West Indies.
Venesnelan President Slain While Fight.
lug to .Malntalu His tloverniuent.
New York, April 20, A special
cablegram from Curacas, Venezuela, to
the Evening World, says that Presi
dent Crespo, of Venezuela, was killed
in a battle with Hernandea, tho
leader of the rebel forces, last Friday,
(Joaquin Ciospo first Vame into
prominence in 1H8II, when ho acted as
a subslituto for General Guzman Blan
co. Ho showed liraveiy and was faith
ful. In 1HHH he serve. I part of a terra
as president. 1 Iu got up a revolution
shortly afterward, and had to flee. In
180!) ho got up another revolution, cap
tured the capital, Caracas, and
declared himself dictator. At a Subsu
quent election ho was elected for four
years, beginning February, 1804.
Ntnrk In Danger ol Starving.
Son Francisco, April 20. A Chron
iclo special from Fresno says: Unless
something at present unforseen bap
pens, fully 100,000 head of sheep and
cattle will die of starvation In this
county In the next few mouths on ac
count of lack of glazing grounds. It
is said representation has been made
to Senator Into, asking that the Hi
erra reservations be thrown open to
sheep and catt'e this year, with no re
strictions as to national parks.
Hpanlsh Fleet at I'orto ltloo
Provincetown, Mass., April 20.
Captain Kehb, of the barkeiitino Mo
rales, which rvuehed this port today
from Ponce, Porto Hico, reports that
on April 0 eight Spanish torpedo-boats
arrived at that port from the Cunuries.
Two Spanish uien-of war were there
already. A Spanish cruiser was sighted
as the vessel sailed.
Mo Mora Foreign Warships.
Washington, April 20. It was
stated at the navy department that
efforts to secure the Chilean battlo-ship
O'Higgins huve been pruuticully abun
doned, and that there is no longer any
prosiect that tho United States desires
or will be able to secure any more war
ships either belonging to foreign nations
or having been built In foreign ship
Invitation May Ho Accepted.
Paris, April 20. Le Journal pub.
lishes bd interview which its Madrid
correspondent has had with Senor
Moret, in the oouise of which be said
"Spain has made all the concessions
compatible with her honor, and if Mc
Kinley wants Cuba let him come and
take it."
Barcelona t'nlverslty Closed.
Barclona. Anril 19. The university
here has closed, In oonsequence of the
deoinnstrstions made by the students.
London, Apiil 20. According to a
speoial dispatch from Madrid, Henor
Moret, secretary for the colonies, lias
approved a contract to lay a cable be
tween Cadis and Havana, by way
Teneriff and Crab island, nine miles
east of Porto Iticn.
Ht Louis. April 20. The Eighteenth
infantry at Jefferson barrck, aud the
Third cavalry, regularly on post there,
received positive orders today to move
immediately to Mobile and Chlcka
mauga, respectively. The work of em
barking the trooia was carried on until
late hour tonight.
If your
doesn't sell Sctiis Best tea, tell us his name,
what kind you want (Japan, English lircakfest.
Oolong, Ceylon, or Blend), and what size pack
age you want. We'll see that you get it
Don't send us any money We don't sell at
San Francisco
Cigars of Taper.
A Gorman chemist announces that he
has discovered a method of making
ilgiiM, without tlie use of tobacco. Ho
ptosisis that people shall smoke paer
instead of nicotine, but it is a pner
which has been previously soaked in a
preparation. of which ho is the inventor,
which will give the smoker piecisely
tho same sensation as though he were
imokiug "teal" tobacco. He declaies
that his formula will give forth an
aroma equal to that which perfumes
the air when a lino cigar is smoked.
The "liii slenslile mlnrrsl i-sllh"of newly
found m iiiim r.-K ion. Un-.-ly run hy ndli sles
Slid pri.mnli-d tiv lirtie.p.irtstliili riiiupiiiis Is
in leu ii s'iv tiiMsmv really s Isl.le. I lie pro-lii.-uul
lint "any In lesliliiisle llelda of il,
iH'srrr limne arj fur Mirer snd irnmii
mure Msl.le ress d. Sonne ill so nitre
osnl'd In the inmier ol Improved ln-.illli who
u-e nvulsrlv in.aieiii r Mnmsi-h llitteis for
nullum, ily.ias, I'o.ullpsliuli, bl Ilium.
Ill a, vie.
Insuring tlernian Wnikmen.
Under tho laws which compel both
(ici limn employers and employe to
contribute to sick funds, accident funds
and funds for the aged and incapaci
tated, about :)00,000,OUO have been
paid during tho last decade to 25,000,
OHO employes. The sums paid in dur
ing that period amounted to f itIO.OOO,
000, of which tho musters contributed
f .' 10,000,000 and tho men (220,000,-
000. Many large firms have also pri
vate pensions and other funds to which
they contrihuto liberally, and profit
sharing prevails to some extent.
Wr me seitliig In the courts onrrVlit tolha
esi-ltlMve use of the wold " CAM'l'KlA." and
" I'l ICIIIiR St As I OK. I A," as our I Mark.
1, nr. Ssmurt Pitcher, of llyannls, Mssuchusrtts,
waalhculliSiustorof" I'l rCIIKK'sCAS-rOKIA,"
the same that lis borne and docs now besr the
fse simile sliiustmc of I'll AS. II. FI.Kl'CUKR on
every wrapper. This ia the oilulnal" I'l I'CHl-K'S
C.tSTiiKI A " whiih hss ticca used in the home
of the mothers of America for over thirty ycsis.
Look Carefully at the wrair and sec that It 1
Ihi kind fvu A.itw alwatt Mmgkl, and hss III
slxnsliir or CIIAS. II. FI.KTCHI'.k. on th
wrapper. No one has authority from mc to us
my name ri rpt The Cenlsur Company of which
Chss. II. Fletcher I President.
Man S, BAMl'liL I'lTCIIKK, UJX ritoiiccTS ami re u it roi.
All Ksatern Syrup, so-called, usually very
IlKhl colored and ol heavy body, is msde Iroin
slllcose. "Iru UuiiIVn 1iiii" l msde front
Suitsr ( sue aud is strictly pur. II Is fur ssl
by rlral clsas trrocers, in i-sus only. Msiimso
lurcd by the l'i trie I'naa-r STHUr Co. All sen
time "'Vrt itniM irina" have the msiiuiae
turer's nam lithographed oil every can.
liondon lias I.8H0 miles of streets;
Paris (100 miles and New York 676
Afti-r lietfi swindled by all rtlhera, send us. lamp
lor of Kin Kiiiiiuii.n's 'I reamire. in.
tiNl.Y ri-m-wcr of msiiW sirenslh. MAHus
I'll KM It'A I. IU. I'. U. Hot 717, I'Uiladelplna. I'a.
Glass bricks aro in extensive use
abroad. They ate blown with a hollow
center containing raielied air, ami are
said to be as strung and durable as
clay bricks, while freely admitting the
A few words from Mrs. Smith, of
Philadelphia, will certainly cormliorate
the ehmi that I.ydiu K. Plnkhnrn's
Vcfctuldo Compouud la woman's ever
reliable friend.
"I cuunot' praise Lydla E. Tlnlc
hnm's Vegetable Compound too highly.
" For nlno
weeks I was
bed suffer
ing with In
flammation and conges
tion of tho
ovaries. I
had a dis
charge all
the time.
When lying-
down all
tho time, I v'
felt quite
com fort-
able; but as soon aa I would put my
feet on tho floor, the pains would
come bock.
" Every ono thought It was Impossi
ble for me to get well. I was paying 81
per day for doctor' visits and 75 cents
a day for medicine. I made up my mind
to try Mrs. Plnkhain's Vegetable Com
pound, ' It hua effected a complete cure
for me, and I have all the faith in the
world In IL What bleaalng to wo
man It laP Mhb. JrKsriR L. Smith, No,
834 Kauffman St, Philadelphia, la.
5VA "
Marital Strength, Vitality, Manhood, In Two to Ten Day. ,
) Wfitk anrl inifrfitrM mm run Mir ur hnlihy. vlorm murlliil utrmirth. vlull.y iftd tt-
viY'-ii-nt In from Iwu to trn duyt hy lh um uf lr. An rmmliatilt WoMt-rful HA HIM
i VITAI, HI'AKKM, In nlni'iy it tnt of th cjmc th mulls art irminnl mnA 1atlnf.
' is flrntri rrurm ml mci. Tbry cur rricii', mtur ltt tuwr. glv wotvWrful
. vlK'ir rvl fttrftiKih id nun ur Wt.mtin; liulltl ui quirk I tht wNtt. nrvouB. brukn-iluwn 1
ytm. A Kmi fir imtvm. hraln anil muwlca. At laal a re-mcly that la bnArlal to (
1 all. ami that aia on lh or una aa rapt ily aa a, cathartic seta on th buwtla. Always
rrrctuiil. Nvr falla. IteauHa parmanent.
I Al at onra, an4 hlr mntlnuM . for ft fw daya bull da a man or woman up 'wonrlar- (
fully. Th nis'llrlria la a a'lf)iitlh Krwh praparatlon, prf'ily aafa lo una cannot Ha- (
I Hi'ly Injur you, but on lb eontraiy will atlrmilaia your oraana tu ba Mat a youth of XI. .
If ynu ar ftetylnir tu ymintflf. "1 wlah I wra lUa-V then thrr la aomathlnv wrong with 1
tlio Innrr man; you art morbid. nielri-hly, unhealthy, ami II la yuur duty to youraalf and (
1 family to brat up and talt 1'AIIIS VITAL HI'Al.KA. 1
price $3 P.?;:. loo doses h'
To Inspire conSdenc. In nur remedies, ws will mall, clearly sealed, regular full month' (
treatment. !' dnaea. M package of PAIIlS VITAI, SI'AMKS. fur 4S lo .lamps.
This enllr.nSer la an honest one from start to Hnlah. No dec.iillnn: means siaetly what l
II ).. and Is ms.le by a realvnalhle sr.d wesllliy Medical Company, who believe la
doing ss they would like to be done hy. snd who csn refer to ths leading and Isrgesl
hanks at bom and all newsi-seera in a hlch this advertisement appears.
You csnnol gel something fur nothing. Avoid sll so-cslled free cur. a. No ens ear pay I
for sdverllaltig medicines and live and cure y..u free Kvery i.rTer nf thla kind la a trap. .
When discouraged try our PAIIlS VITAL KI'AKKH. Our offer glvea you Three Dollars' '
gix.,1 value, If in need of treatment, for inly 4M rent. We rneke no money when we send '
s full ni.tilhs treatment. Hal d.-a, s three-dollar package, for only 4 on .-cent .tamps:
hill our Carls Vital HiHirhs are so r.llsbli, an effectual, that we glwsy Irak, many other al full price, through your certain cure. (
Jo. I aa ...n aa ymi eminence lo lake I'A II IH VITAL SI'AIIKS, Just an soon will you
commence lo feel ynuraelf a man made oier. Why nut try today, or al tea.l cut ihisoutT ,
Nil C. f. II. PAl'K AOFS (fl IiKi'KITIVB rtll'fl.AltS CAI.MSO TOH MOnR
MfiNKV, lll'T TIIK AiTCAL MKPIt'lNl: HKN'T, WITH KI'l.t. lUKKiTIOKS. IM'l.t'lh ,
Falling Vigor In Cases Past Forty Our Qrcat Specialty. 1
"SIM'KlltTT In speaking as they think. believing as they pretend, acting ss they pra (
ress. perrornnng ss tney promise, snn neing
smhsult I'n. alwsyi
ys floes. I'osr. virus lousy.
82 Pcmbcrton Square.
A. Scu'liMfr & Company
Best Reputation.
Best Paint for Dealer or Consumer.
Color Cards Sent Frc.
Cleveland Oil S Paint Mfg. Co.,
In barrels Welhluf from M to (IS lbs.
u QuMmiEs Bo. mi li.
Cut this out and tend with order.
til Occident I A.. IssHI. Walk.
Tested utA Trus.
The Old German Dr. Leopold's
Will cure luu-kachr, Hlirumall.m, lllseawt Kid
lirya,NrviiiiNtiMa.Vimrt lesnrdrrs. ftvitud Wcak
hesa, t(.iHMiteiiiy ami kindred comlltlims. Con
milulh.n bee: 41 years' esperlenc. Terms to
sun. i'hII ur writ.
? Akkr Street, PortUnd, Oregon.
Is the workln espllal
or humanity. It. wha
loses thai la wrecked
Indeed, la your heiih
holm you. your am
bition, vrisnr, vitality
wasting away f
When othsr Bill ooo
For th speedy, safe an narnisnent cur ofsll
Nervous, Chronic ami Special diseases, ev.a
lu their uioat aravalrd tornia. Titer Is no ansa
In the world who baa i-ffn-ird so many permanent
cures In bolh Men and Women or troubles shirk
iith.-r phyali-ana id si knowleled ability bad given
up as linieli-.a as Ibis eminent eim-lallal.
MCltVllt S KKIIll ITV and all Its attending
Sllni.-lil, i.f Vol Nil MIIUll.K-AIIKD and OI.O
MKN. The aw hil eltWla id liraierted of Improp
erly treated cases, oaualrig drains, Weskaaae ot
body and brain, nirilneas, (allies memory, lack of
ein-rsy and pains In bark, fnlna and
kldnrvs, and many ether distressing sympinms,
millions; one for aludy, l,ualn-s ur uf
life. Ir Hau l ilTe can cur you, no mailer who or
What haa rallril.
H KAKMKN. II restore mat and vi
tality to weak men. Organs of ths body which
bsva been weakened through dlaease, overwork,
en-esaea or Imllarrellnna are featured lofull isiwer,
atreimth and vigor through bis own sut-ceasrul sys
tem oMri-slmmi!.
V A KM OCKI.IC. hydrocele, swelling and ten
derness of th treat ml Willi nulalllug .uoness.
NI'KCIAL IHSKASKM, InSamuallon, dis
charges, etc.. which, if neglected or improperly
tn-elod, break ib.wn the system, osus kidney and
bladder dlai-ases. etc.
pecial si lent Ion given load their many ailments.
W illi K irynuareaware nf any trouble. IK)
NtiT HKI.AV. tall on lr. ItaiclinVtoiiay. If you
cannot call, write turn. Ills vslnahle hook freo to
all eiirtbrers. CONSULTATION rilKK and oonS
denPal al nfflc or by teller.
E. M. RATCLirrc. Tunmbt,Biim.iui
IIIIIPIT money by uocful
ITfULfl I I'W'U'ailun In Chicago. We
Ifrir 111 buy and Mil wheal oa mar.
II Ills II I gins, fortunes hsvs been
mad oil small beginning by ir ailing In fu
tures, writ lot 'nil particulars. hu ol ref
erence given. Several years' iperlenc.on the
Chicago Hoard of Trade, and a thoruuih know
ledge nf the biislne.a. Send for nur free refer
ence honk. IioWNINu, HOPKINS A Co.,
Chlcsgo hoard ol Trs.lo Itrokers. Otto la
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash.
Plain or with Cutter. Th best needle In the mar
ket, feed hy all eack sewers, for aal by all gen
ual uiart-baudla stores, or by
S30 Market Stmt, Haa Fraacfsoo, Cat,
Ii It Wrong?
Get It Right
Keep it Right
u . ti ii e J . i. w-
- J "iiniuik aurvsv
doses will make you leal better. Oel It Iron
your druggist or any wholes! drug houss, or
tram Stewart A liolme Drug Co., Beattl.
0r tracing and locating Gold or Sllet
- I I ... I ... a. I.
ruHLIK, Bos uT.HouiblugioD.Coun.
K. P. M. li.
Sin. IS, 'SB.
II EH wrlthiK to arfvartUvrc pliiM
nivniiie-n ssist pkw"
aa in.y aisar lo l.- Thla la wltat inr. Aran-
lion'l delsy. Address plainly.