The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 23, 1898, Image 2

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Kugciic City Guard.
Uulon Ti ket.
Oovernor-Will 11 King, ol Maker.
Congressman First District, It M
Veatcn.of Douglas. Secoud District,
C M Donaldson, of Maker
Buprem Judge W M Ilamsey, of
Secretary of Mute Harrison It Kin
raid, of Lane.
btate Treasurer J O JJooth, of
Attorney General John L Story,
of Wco.
State., Printer Cba A Fitch, of
Bcbeol (Superintendent II 8 Lyman,
of Clataop.
Circuit Judto-J W Hamilton, of
District Attorney Henry Deullnger,
of Lincoln.
Tilt: WHEAT 'ilUDE.
Foreign Market Flrro-Ktoek Rapid
ly liecrraslug Good I'rlei as
sured For Block on Hand.
Portland Oo-mueroUl iUrlew April 21.
During tLe past we k Hie new from
foreign market waa decidedly more
favorable for wheat holders, Tbe firm
r ton of cable, both public and pri
vate, tin bad a Manuring effect at
bom, and pric have greatly hard
ened. Tbe export inquiry ihow acme
Improvement, with perhaps a rela
lively better demand for valley than
for club, and evral round lot of val
ley wheat bav passed ioto tbe band
of iportr at very full figure. On
of I lie vmsel cow on berth will lake
e-stralgbt cargo of valley wheat, and
toecurher want something abov
the rl value of ih article waa paid.
There ba been a very beavy call
from Ran Francisco (peculator for
both club aod bluestom, mostly to
cover up shortage on call-board pecu
lation. Five thousand ton of wheat
from th Sound, principally rectd
for shipping purpose, h been pur
chased for on of the California mills.
Itid aieout higher than ha yet been
offered thl season, and what wheat
remain In the country will bring good
price Stock ar rapidly decrenslnir.
and to date we have shipped, both for
eign and domestlo, about 29,000,000
bushel from the Columbia river and
Puget sound.
Exporter claim that thy have plan
ty of wheat an band fer all vessels un
der charter; If this la true, sharp com
petition must exist between Han Fran
Cisco speculators and Interior millers
for stock. Perhaps at this moment It
is more difficult to purchase than a
week ago, owing to th tendency
of holders, whenever an advance oc
cur, to enhance their pretention, al
way keeping from 2o to 8o abov the
Irapratlv Orders for Special Meeting
of Company C.
Captain V 8 Moon, of compauy C
today Issued older for a special meet
ing of officers and men a follow:
Armory Co "C" 1
Heooiid Jteglmeut, ONUl
Eigene, Or, April 21st, 1898.
Compauy order No 7.
Company "C" 2nd KegtO N O will
assemble at It Armory F'rlday, April
22nd, 1808, at 0.30 o'clock p m in
fatlgu uniform.
Tbl order la imperative; uo excuse
The McMinnville Telephone ! be accepted. Uy order of
Register sayi the nomination of w a Moon,
HonWm M UatnBoyof MoMinn- ... ... "f"oaag-
- i iwinw in i in inn; in um laaiiaii iim.
lug the week by tbebrlgadecommand-
r, Cha F Dee be, forbidding tbe giv
ing out of any Information, nothing
deflult can be learned regarding the
purpose of the meeting. It la known
however that special order were re
ceived by telegram tbl morning that
make this call seemingly Imperative.
Company C will turu out with 03 men,
the full limit. Th boy hare not been
aaylng mueh but quietly making prep,
aratloaa to leave, and will be found
ready whan the call la uiad.
Tlios JefferHou unqualifiedly In
dorscu tbe policy of Ins successor
in office, President James Monrce
In a letter to that gentleman Octo
ber 21, 1823 Jefferson wrote:
"The question presented by the
letters you have eont me U the most
momentous which ha ever been
offered to my contemplation since
that of Independence. That made
ui a nation, tit is lets our com i ass
and points a course which we are
to steer through the ocean of time
opening on ui. And never could
we embark on it under circumstan
ces mora auspicious.
"Our first and fundamental
maxim should be, never to entangle
ourselves in the broils of Europe;
our secon J, never t suffer Europe
lo intermeddle with ois-Atlanlic
affairs. America, North and South,
has a set of interests distinct from
ttnse of Europe, and peculiarly
ber own. She should, therefore,
have a system of ber own, separate
and apart from that of Europe.
While the last is laboring to become
the domicile oi deotiim, our en
deavor should surely bo to make
our hemisphere that of Freedom."
villo for supreme judge has been
ell received, without regard to
party affiliations. His worth as a
citizen and lawyer is known in all
parts of tbe state, and bs has re
ceived a largo number of cmgratu
latory telegrams and lottors from
leading lawyers, some of them be
ing prominent in the Republican
party. What it needed is nonpar-
tisanshipin the suprsina court, if
it is to be a court of the people.
A dispatch says a triple alliance
of Germany, Austria and Italy has
Wood Wanted.
Hid will be received at the office of I
Convincing Argument Why the Mid-
fle-cf-tlie-Boad Ticket Hhould not
Re Placed on th Official Ballot.
Republican newspaper and mlddlo-
of-tbe-road men have ud every mean
within their power to Induee Becretary
ofStateKincaldtoput the middle-of-the-road
ticket on the official bollot.
II aas were the urgDt plea with fair
aod convincing argument as follow:
"If th duties of th secretary of
tat are exclusively 'ministerial' and
be I obliged to file and plae upon th
ballot all nomination presented, then
h baa no power to 'arrange' In the
manner provided in tbl act for tbe
arrangement of th nam and other
Information concerning all the candi
date contained In the certificate or
nomination which hav keen filed with
him, and accepted by tbe nominee, In
accordance with th provision of tbl
act.' If certificate of nomination ar
presented which are not 'In accordance
with tbe provisions of tbl act,' be ba
no authority to put tbe names upon
tbe ballots, and must necessarily have
power to decide what certificate ar
'in accordance with tbe provialona of
tbl act,' In older to perform th duties
Imposed upon blm by law. Whether
tbl power be called 'ministerial,' 'ad
sniBlstratlve or 'Judicial,' It exist, or
th law ba no efleotand lore and
cinnot b carried out,
"If a candidate receive everal
nomination tendered according to law
In good faith when be accept one, tbe
law says, 'It shall be auffloUnt and
ball b equivalent to accepting each
one of aid nomination to tbe same
office. Ills name should tbea be o
placed upon tbe ballot a representing
each , party nominating him, as Mr
jpaugh'a nam was placed as presl
dential elector In 1890. But it does
notfullew that if socialist or anarch
1st should offer to file nominations for
the purpose of Injuring tbe Itepnbli-
can party or one or more of It candi
date, or any other party or one or
more of It candidate, as ba been ug
tested, they could force the name of
their party upon the ticket.
"That would be a violation of th
spirit and evident Intent of th law
which waa enacted te protect elector
and candidate In their right and
prevent fraud in printing and arrang
lug the ballet. If the dulls of the
officer who I charged with arranging,
certifying and sanding out th ballot
ere so "ministerial" that bit has no
power to decid anything and must
file and put upon th ballot everything
that la presented, In some Instaucea
two parti claiming tbe aam name,
In violation of tbe law, then the law
fulla nnrl pinnnt. lid parrluff lnf.n pf?0flt
Lane County Most Provide A Prize
WKuykendall and F M Wilkin
hav consented to canvasa Eugen
Monday April 25, for tbe purpose of
securing financial aasistanc for th
Oregon exhibit at th Omaha eiposl.
tlou. This I most important to Lan
county' Interests aud liberal responses
should b mad.
To tbe member of J W Oeary Post
No 7, 0 A R: You are requested te
WIU buy you a pair of aood
wearing and good style
shoe. High suoMorlow
-hoes. Chocolate or black.
Ifyou want good shot fr
llttl money go to.
Yoran's Shoe Store.
He Will Return Worth on the Steamer
Tueaday' Portland Teleeram: 'Ex
Senator W F Matlock, of Umatilla
county, la In town on hi way back to
Skagway, where be ha spent four
month since last November. He
started a brewery up there, cud would
hav made come money out of It, but
waa notified by Collector of Custom
Ivy that he had better quit making
brer In Alaska. He now has a tradlntr
pott at Lake Bennett, 40 miles from
Skagway, over the White pass, whlon
he claims I the lowest pass tnat tap
the Yukon. At Its highest point It la
only 2000 feet.
"He aay Skagway is prosperous and
healthy, and that tbe mea who were
dead broke then have mauaged to get
on somehow. He will leave on the
next trip of the Elder."
.Notice to I'ontiactoi j.
Sealed bid will be received at tbe
office of Delos D Neer, architect, 153
First street, Portland, Or, and at tbe
office of the county clerk of Lau
county, by tbe board of county com
missioners, until 12 o'clock noon, April
23, 1898, upon the team-beating of the
court house, now In course of construe
tion for said Lan county. Plan and
specifications can fee seen at the office
of said architect and aald clerk.
A certified check In the sura of IS
percent of bid made payable to tb
order of E O Potter, county judge,
must accompany each lender, properly
indorsed by any reputable beak, as a
guarantee that tbe successful bidder
will enter into contract forthwith, with
good and sufficient bonds In tbe sum
of 13000. No bid will be considered
unless accompanied by such check, and
tbe same will be forfeited to said Lan
county In case of failure on tbe part o
any bidder to whom th contract Is
awarded, to utr into such contract.
Th aald board of commissioners re
serf tbe right to reject any or all bids
as they may deem best for th interest
of said Lan county.
Attest: A C Jennings,
Clerk of Said Board.
Housekeepers should m tho new-
Sewa together and turns under.
Tloaa not break or require binding.
No odors or germs of disease
Insects do no trouble it.
Heavv furniture does not break it.
Doublo faced doublo wear.
Artistic colors stylish designs.
We Copilia'lj Invite your Inspection
proposed to the powers a plebiscite seeretary irf Ui. Boar.1 of R.B.uU mwtl 0ud A dy even
n.l.r mMnU tL ..i ,t t of University of Oregon until log, April 22, at 6:30 o'clock for work,
under which the population of Apr Mf lm fom wtia ,nd l0 Bt Khliy t0 m.ron to the Chrlg.
vuio on wood, feet loug, not less than three,
the form of government under uor more than eight Inches lu diame
whioh they live. The United Statu ltt-
proposes a "plebiscite" that Spain
shall got out of Cuba, then the
Cubans can vote as they please at
to tbe form of government they will
establish. Just at present Uncle
Sam is doing a little "plebiscite"
business himself.
Dated April 4, 'OS.
J J Walton,
Becretary Hoard of Itegeuta
Letter List.
April 21.
T L Grave Adella Green
DC Harris ilerth Hufl'mau
CordlllaMiuear V F itimii)
one of W W Wadaworth (2)
i A fhrg of on eonl will t macU on all
u i iMttr Htvvn tint. Timlin iil.u i. .....
will lt'Mtiit when biIwhImmI.
Ileury fcUenan Married.
Lane county is rated as
the best agricultural counties
the state siya the Toledo, Bonton
oounty, Leader. Her farmer are
intelligent and progressive, yet
LI. ...
uij repuoiican convention ignored Jacksonville, Or, April M.-Hen-tbem
to the extent of sending only ry W Ktewart, Southern Pacliio da
one to the state convention. The llou Keut lu MU Winulfred E
rest, as is the common nraotica nf Stratford, oldest daughter oflt-v JL
the g. o. p., was select! Irotn ths .l,h f.
politicians, lawyers and merchnls. Taylor of Ashland, oOlolatiug. Mr
- and Mr Stewartleft tbi evening for
The National militia has been
playing war. The Cuban compli
cation will give it an opportunity to
test the reality. The men who
make light of the fighting qualities
of our state militia talk withou
reason. It is the boys that make
the ideal soldiers.
Comstock w her they will reslil
I O 0 V Aaulvtmary SerTlce.
for war, old men for counsel."
Th Curry County Feud.
Ex: Notwithstanding the fact that
tbeoffieeraorthe law kuow full wll
who It wa that aaeastluated Van P)t
laat February at Chetco lu Curry coun
ty, yet they frankly admit that the-
fear to mak any ariest. They allege
that should they arrest th murderer
they themselves would be
w nat a wrgt versatlou tbl la of jusdoe.
Th member of Hpeucer ltult
LodK No 9, 1 O O V, aud vlsliing
brethreu, are retiuested to at I O
O hall Huuday. April 21, at 7 o'clock
p in, to attend religious services at the
"Young men 'lrt Chriatlan church. Anniversary
discourse by Pastor Morton L llos.
H L Chilsqn, N. o.
Fruit Urower Meeting.
Lane county fruit grower are re
quested to meet at the court house in
hugrii. siaturday, April 23, . at 2
o'clock p ui, to dlscusa mattrof in
terest conutoted with th coming sea
tlan church at 7:15 sharp. Th O N
O, V R V, ladles of th GAR and
Son of Veteran ar kludly requested
to b ready at the stated hour aud all
march to tbeohuroh together.
All above mentioned organization
will plea stand lu Iront of their Mat
until tL sound of th gavel, when
they will be seated at once. Or Kel
logg Is here and Salmon Brown will be
her with his daughter, who will give
a violin solo. Lecture at 8 o'clock.
E K Chapman, Commander.
Setes Fretu the Bohemia Mines.
urain rreas: "John Peterson, who
ha beu working In th Bohemia
mining district waa In Drain last wk.
11 report a great deal of work going
ou there aud prospeot of considerable
gold being takeu out. Several quarts
mills will be put In during th summer
by th different ruiuownri, li clud-
ing three 5-atamp, twolO-atamp aud
.. tt 111 ei
uue .v-aiamp uiiua. mere is at pres
ent about three feet of snow, as com
pared with twii ft at this time last
year. iu itarusoraiibl road will be
built; Mr Cook of th Muslo mine,
paying on half of the expense and county tb balauee."
Ctroult Court Case.
K u Haye TC Sharp aud B L
Bradley. To ioovr $500 and for cost
aud disburmtnt. This suit Is to
recover above amouat as pne of th
well kuown ruunlng horse, Black Alder.
(Jolty Item.
April 0.
Tbe U B quarterly conference con.
venedat Bush Islaud last Saturday
and held over Sunday, Elder Bennett
being In charge. Rev McUaiu failed
to be present on account of hi wife
being sick.
The Union primary was held
here ou the 16th. Clyde Warner,
George Breeding aud Alf Matteson
were elected delegates.
AC Edwards and M Y Warner aud
wife attended the oouferanee from this
Mr Barer has hi Iocs acalnst the
boom near the mouth of the river. He
will probably let Iheru loose about
May 1st.
A light frost this morning.
rh republicans will meet her next
Saturday and organize a McKluley
Real Estate TmDMnrs.
Reported dnllr (torn lh ttrart nm ni
A JC ttbtwler A Co.
United States to William Rover lots
1, 2, 6 and 6 sec 18 tp 20 1 w cash pat.
O 4 C R RCo to J H Weavr & L
W Rlgg w J t seo 9 tp 20 2 w $300,
Emma A Butler and husbaud to
W Waihburue lota 3, 4, aud 5 blk
W A M add to Junctiou $$3.
iseuie J liakerand husband to 8 D
Clark w J w 1 seo 17 tp 15 4 w f 100,
Eatat of James Robiuette to 1'
Nland CO acie near Creswell fclso
Interest in 400 acres in tp 10 3 i
David Worknisu to Mattie Down
lot In blk 17 LA L add Cot tat
urove $ooo.
John 8 Stephen aud wife to John 8
Decker n e J ec 10 tp 16 4 f 1600.
Joun B Decker aud wife to David
Smith n e see 16 tp 16 4 $16' 0.
For Infants and Children.
It milt
Can it b possible that .worn ,mwrt ,0 PuuJ f0"' $ oo
Oat Wanted.
of th law will refuse) to do their dutyt
Boolety demand it, outNgd lust Ice
demand IL Talk of lawlessness In
th South and lewhr; w should
look at home before w bak our
hoary bads at other. What tb Cur-
ij wuui guinn suoum Oli I lo r
sign ana let tn peopi wt men who
will perform their worn duty n-gard-lea
ot the cansequenee.
rar goou cavou ! 25
20 bar good aoap (ou box). fin
8 1-pt tin cup 5
I lOc-package flexible starch
4 eana good salmon ,
3 &e-packa(esiu( Vlng tob
1 doieu 6 qt milk pans
1 doaeu good lanr lemon
Mb package good smoking 10b
3 good cigars
We pay cash.
I K rniKS, Ninth etreet.
His Opinion Hoo L B Cox, a gold
democrat, yesterday In a speech in
Portland, aald: "If I were forced to
choose, If I wer forced. I say, to choose
between Bryan democrats and Mark
Hauna republicans," aald be, "Iahould
not roi th republican ticket." We
understand that quit a number of
gtld democrat bav like opinion.
Kebekah's Notice.
All men.ber of Euceue Bebskah
x.tKige o 00, lOOf and all visiting
members, are requested to meet at I O
O Hall Sunday April 24th at
o cioca p m, to attend services at the
rlrst Christian church, on invitation
from th pastor. By order
Malissh Hoax, N G.
ra nts and Oils.
Our stock is lareer than mu ri 1
paint fresh from faetorr.
i.un too iiHira. 1 K l'r-rla
Niuth St.Euifene.
Wheel for Trde.
A good wheel to lr.T l..i a.
or grub oak Rackct.
Is Worsk Again Mr J H Wilkiu
on receivtKl word today that his son,
Charles, now at Denver, is again quit
low. At th time of writing hi tern
peratui was 104. For neer a week he
has U.- unable to bold food of any
klud o . nls ttotuach.
A Wedding That Did Sot Occur-The
Crowd Disgusted.
April 20.
Fmrn n 1 liavlog en
any news from thU part of Unci
Bam' vineyard for som time, I ven
ture to send a few items.
K.dini7 is about all dons. Fall and
winter own grain 1 looking vry flu
and promise a big yield, and with th
ptosptct of good prlcts before us, w
runusuulljr bappy.
Th frost of tb 17lh aud 18th lnt
did no nercentlbl damsg to fruit in
this section and a heavy crop of fruit
is among the certainties.
Road work has commenced In the
different districts hereabouts, and It is
to be hoped that getlii g to Eugen
next winter will be less disastrous,
especially to morals, than It was last
lienre Hickathler left last Monday
for Pine Openings with a herd of cattle
for Walker Young, to be goueuutii
November next.
Old Unci Jarnagau shook tb Spen
cer creek doby from hi feet last Satur
day and left for Yuba Dam, C al.
Mis Loreua Doan visiting friend
at Pleasant Hill
State politics aud war with Spain
are the principle topic of conversation
nowadays. In the former we are
about solid for union, while In tbe lat
ter a change of sentimeut exist a to
whether Hpaia ought lo be exter
minated entirely, or merely driven out
of Cuba.
A rumor tot into circulation In tbi
vicinity a fsw day ago that a certain
young coupl ware to tie marled on
tb 17th iust, and on the evening of
that day a dozen or more eereuadurs
loaded with old shotguns, tin cans
cow bells, etc, hied themselves to tb
house of th supposed bride's father for
th purpose of serenading the happy
pair. The dog being inclined to dls
put their right lo enter the yaid, they
opened tbe charivari by shooting blm,
following It up with a roar of mm
ketry and rattling of etceteras, accom
pauied by vocal demonstrations that
shook th hill to their foundations
giving tb inmates ot th house th
impression that war had begun in
earnest. At this stage of affairs the
man ef the house appeared at tbe door
and demaadsd to know what in tb
namot all th inmates of the toplet
all tbl racket wa about. The crowd
demanded to know If he was married
He replied that h certainly whh and
bad been for a good many year. Ex
planation followed and the crowd
ot strenaders began to realize tha they
ware tu victims of a false rumor, and
to make their chagrin more complete,
th upposed bridegroom, being
prnt, appeared at th door, veritvini:
tneaeniais or bis marriage and hurl
ing joke at the crowd as they turned
tueir laces nomeward, sadder (for the
night Win cold and wUar rnu,ln.
never to be caught on that book strain. U. S. 10,000 rolls l'ust ICCOived
un oemsr i'ie second tl me that dHine
trumor had similarly vletlmi,i ti,nn.
For Sa!e 011 Easy Term.
A nice home in tbe heart of the oitv;
j . .
buuu uouse anu outbulldines. all In
good repair. I am Instructed by the
owner to offer this property for sale for
iu aays.
'lsrms, $020; $220 down: bulanee on
time, secured by morttaco on Dip
Don't fail to see thU.
O W Kin-sky, Agent.
Locul Market
...Is now ready fop 1
KiVr?2r.' .1.. ' -v.
k fc::i
5) c::i
1 1
0 I
J jst Rubber at that
Wall Paper in
Mi Hi
Go's Window.
Wheat 78o.
Cits 2Sc.
Hop- 2 to 8a
Butter-25 to 3 ic per roll.
Eggs 80.
Potatoes 25o.
April, 22 1858.
A'1ay Hi Henta
All wool Ingrain carpet 60o
Mixed Incrain rarnnt. . . sr,n
8-nly carpet .'(idctofl
0k center tables f 1 75
I Ked steads j i
Woven mattress .". 1 "3
Ext' ueion tablss, 0 ft 4 00
Kitchen treasur tables.,
Kitchen tables
Fall leaf tables
Lounge bed
Bed sets, 3 pieces
SSiS Th3 Shoe...
ni llest$3Sho8maiBforWW
Superior poto$rafs
tclllng all thsrtln
-Irtistio arpd
P?rrriar;er;t Results,
of t-K
Blue Andalusians
and Black Minorcas.
Every shoe warranter) tn
the best of oervice. Ladels
look at your Home Journal
Munseys Magazine, Home
1 "iiipanion, Farm end Fire
ide, oiiMis' Companion and
iiunj -other magazines, foi
the' CompoNliB" HixH-adver-made
Detroit. Mich. We have
theruti, stock, all wlths.oioth
and vesting top,, aP0 Hnd
but on.tuafromato 8.
THAT WIN'-Th. .1..,
....1 ! . '
$3.60 f--w'
I Lead
Two settings
T""""""M''-'-eaw.a..M..MM. I
Over ill Hnilng 5toves.
luok at m
BU'f 1.
toot, KniMUr
eitan- set. emu
They will suit i
We keen the
niir itcuty WBIIJ fl tj 1
saaaSSiJ S. L. LONG.