The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 26, 1898, Image 7

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    Ljrcne City Guard.
,' MaIICII 20
t CertalU Kugeue Will Ut a
freight rrai i uivision.
I , i ... ika nnard.
fpoKTLAND, Or, March 23.-Railroad
Lossy that EuBH,e certain to ha
j freight dlvUlon, tukfutf the place of
t.netlou. 15 mile '"m''
ITlie lufirniHlloii while reliable comes
i gu unofficial way. The date of I lie
LaDge N nt given out from tle olllce
bra a the working ol the new pa
Lger divisions have nut ltn reduced
Jtbe usual steady griud. It la expeU
to be IsBUed within a few ilsys.
Pohtland, Ok. March 23-A South
In Pacific train wu held up at Fresno
Lllforiili, today, It la reiwtid that
fx rubber niade au exceedingly i leh
Surprise Parly.
At the home of Mr Mra J V
faker, three miles noilh of Eocene,
m Tuesday eveuing luarcii sa. a very
ititsaut surprise waa tendered Mr
lakarby UlS Wliu. inn jutoh nswm-
d at eight o cincE anu aeni a very
iloyalile evenlug iu social coiiveisa-
oo aid delightful gHie, uutil a lute
lour, when a moat delicious lunch
taa served to which all did ample
(slice. Alter warning tne nosi many
nreaucb dava, aud thanking the
lostess for the way she had ao highly
sjtertalned, the gueata dcp rted for
fceir resectlve home. Those present
Sere Mr aud Mia J W Baker aud htile
pnCal, Mr and Mrs li V Daker, Mr
pd Mra H Saunders, Miss Mary aud
hunie Young, Mluuie Harlow, Cora
lyres, Miuda Gillespie, Linda Haui,
ary Mastersou. Meaara Frank Har
iw.MU Maate:soii. Geo Sautiderx,
Uward Ay res, ueo anu i nomas
Free Fills.
Kend your address to H E Bueklen &
i, of Chicago and get a free samjde.
a of Dr King's New Llfo Pills A
jal will convince you of their merits.
Jese pllla are easy in action and are
Iticulary eflective in the cure of Con
iatloo and Hick Headache. For
luria auu liver trouuies tuey uave
In proved Invaluable. They - are
irauteed to be perfectly free from
ry deleterious substance and to be
rely vegetable. They do hot weuken
Itieir action, but by giving tone 10
ach and bowels greatly invigorate
Vftem. Regular size 25 cents per
t Bold by Wilkin's & Liuu, drug-
For Bale or Trade,
fatni of 480 acres In gbmiia
pty, Oregon, 20 tulles south of
all under fence; 200 acres in
Bvatiou; survey of Wasco branch of
14 N runs near the place. Will
or trade for property in or near
valley town with good school
I lieges. Address,
1 Thomas F Miller,
Scio, Oregon.
Mare Strayed.
frayed from my place 5 miles north
f Eagens In July, a black mare, 13
yean old, weight about 1100 pouuds.
Bulging forehead and I'.lsh-faced.
Information leading tohir recovery
wl'l be rewarded. Address
I M O Mastkkson.
Eogene, Oregon, Dec 20, 1807.
Estray Notice.
Tien up by the undersigned, living
1 ralles west of Eugene, 1 red and
!-' spotted cow, no marks r brands,
1C born aroopa, about 4 years old.
Cl m (o my place about the 20th duy
of rcember, 1897. Owner can rccove
rfcy Paying charges.
Tjgene, Deo 30, 1897.
1 Money to Loan.
Jj have a block of $40,.)00 to loan
od taunt in county. If you
good security and perfect title,
in furnish you the coin without
f i u we make our own examlna-
lof security. Call on us or write.
Albany, Oregon.
For Sal.
lavea 12-horee J I Case nortable
which I will sell chean or trade
good team of heavy horses and
JH Harris, agent.
r Aultman & Taylor Thresher Co
Fr Sale on Good Term.
flret class brick and tile factory,
'S a giKxl business. Reason lor
fV Have other buslc.e s.
Mitchell & Moore,
Newberg, Oregon.
Estray Hotice.
jme to my place November 24.
reu cow, crop en rigui
derblt in left ear. About 6
d; At Anderson place 4 miles
. Gborok Barnes.
Dec 16, 1897.
Veterinary Buigeon.
bn ? J rnoihera, veterlnarv aur
hn. '"r'd from the Kaa't, and
h ',7 rdy for bust dm. Offli and
Uhe Uw' sUbIe of MrEI1
Nonii far State Officers De
ferrti Until May.
Uerk l're(rrlii llarmonluulr
Hvclal lo (he c.t tno
I'oRTLANu, Or, March Sl.-The
platform aud conference coniinltleea,
con.tiiig of 27 men, nine from each
party, appointed ji-aterduy evening,
are now at work and their reports are
i peeled tonight. The 11 rat work of
the coufeience commltteea la to draft a
platform ou which all three partis
cm s'biid. Nomliiatlona are not ex
pecttd until late tomorrow ftruoou
The Kiitlmeut of the democratic aud
silver republican convetitiona la uuitu
Iiloui in fayor of union, Ti m luxion
l-ts control t tie populist convention by
aliuge majorlly. A few populUt dele
gate threato i to put up a middle-of-
the-road ticket, but theii- following la
weak and it Is not thought the name
will be carried out.
WheieaH, On the 10th dny of Mun h
IMS, Mra Liiina Holt Oaylord'a pure
plrit broke away from Its earthly ten
ement and took its flight from her
beautiful home In Pasadena, Cali
fornia to her home not mude with
hands, eternal iu the heavens, ami
Whereas, MraOaylord waa the only
child of our Brother Ruling Elder S D
Holt unit his wife, therefore,
I. Rk.soi.vkd: That this aessiou
hereby expressed ita deep and profound
aymputhy In their uusptukuhle grief
with Brother and HMer Holt, in the
death of their lovely uud accompliahed
daughter, and Mr daylord luthelofa
of his excellent wife, aud that we
unitedly aud earnestly pray thut Our
Father in heuveu will make auie to
them his gracious word, wheieiu he
haaauid, "All thing work together for
good to th.m that love God," and t ut
in these tleep waters of allhction his
wonderful grace will austuiu (hem.
II. Rl.soi.ved: That a copy of this
paper le furnished to Brother Holt ui.d
hla wilt, aud a copy to each of the
dully papers of cur city with a rnjiiesl
for their publication.
By order of the tession, March 20, '1)8.
V B Fa Kit,
R 11 t-'MACKLKrr,
Whereas, Our dear elder and his
wife, Mr and Mrs S I) Holt, arw sorely
bowed with sorrow, that hat f.illeii
upon their hearts aud home by the
death of their mucli-lovad daughter,
Mrs Liiiua Uaylord, and
Whereas, Her many uoble puall
llesof heart aud mind, indicated iu
uufuillng Dtlectiou, ubsolute coulldence
aud utttr self-bestow ul, make the
aeuse of loss greater aud the sorrow
heavier; theiefore be It
Resolved, That the members of
these societies deeply symattiiz with
Brother aud Sliter Holt iu this ureal
sorrow aud pray thut Uod's grace may
besufllcicut for them, and that her
lovtly Christiuu character, her firm
adherence to duty aud the example of
her devotion to her Waster's work,
may be au inspiration and a consul a
tlon in their hours of loneliness.
Resolved, That we bow iu luarl
felt sympathy with hei sorrowing hus
band and commend him to the care
and love of thut Ood whom his com
panion so faithfully trusted.
Resolved. That a copy of these
resolutions be sent to the family of the
deceased aud a copy to each of the
daily papers with a n quest for their
Mrs R H Shacklett,
Mrs EB Rutin,
Misa Ella Ak.mitaok,
Mrs WBFarr,
Handbook ol the Tariff.
The understanding of the compli
cated provisions of the new turill has
been greatly simplified by the Issuance
of this manual. To digest the turill
law Is no easy task, but to digest the
food tufceu luto the gastric receptat le
Is reudered easy by the u?e of thai
thorough stomachic, Hosteller's 8toiu
ach Bitters. It preveuts aud cures ma
larial, kidney aud rheumatic trouble,
remedies nervousness aud Insomnia,
aud removes constipation and bilious
ness. Appetite, as well as the uiulity
to satisfy It without a sulwetjoetit an
doiutuul disturbance, is reslo,ed by
t ils tlue stomachic, which also accel
erates convalescence. Persons In the
decline of life, and the Infirm of every
sex, Uud it of material assistance
Lace County Ahead.
A Gillim county paper eulogizes its
properous commonwealth as follows:
"In this issue the couuty treasurer of
Uilliaui couuty announces that he Is
prepared to pay all couuty warrants up
to March, 18!)(l. Few countie' iu Ore
gon are a-i near a cash basiaas tis."
The last call of Treasurer Patterson
of Lane county called for warrants up
to March 30, 1897. More than that,
warrants are purchased readily by
brokers at 2 per cent premium, aud Ip
some cases sheriff's claims have been
bought at the same premium before the
warrants were issued.
Oregon Grape Root Persons hav
ing same will do well to call on me.Q
U II 1 1 1 1 r r i t v
G W Pickett wm in Junollou today
D E RuWI, of rndulia, M, Is at the
II H Wadiworth, of LUt on, Ohio, is
ngistered at tlm Hofl'muu.
SeVerul gi)d iMeond-htiiii wagons
Very cheap at F LCiiAMnnw.
Bom, at Pleasant lllll, March 21t lo
the w ife of PX Larud, a ti n pound
Crercenl Blcclta nov; .V at
C A Whltmote, of Portland, presi
dent of the Irwlu Mod ton Co Is In the
Ole J Oltaon, of Portland, cue of the
tale solicitors for the Oregon exhibit
at the ( iuuha fair it in the city.
Fred E Chamber, tho hardware
merchant, came up from his Indepen
dence home today to visit Ills parents.
A good ncond-hand Mediut'i" saw
mill at low prices
The IXxiglas county giand Jury found
a'truo bill aguluat J M Olherman,
charging him with murder in the
first degree.
Chief of Police Ja 'ob Kailllniatl, wife
and child returned today to their home
at Walla Walla, after a short visit with
relatives here.
Pa'em Statesman: Prof F HDunn
Koca in Portland today to deliver a le r
ture before the Portland l'nlver-lty on
the "Acropolis."
Pruning knives, hand pro ners, long
and short hunu'e primer, pruning
Haw, aud hedgo shears, ut Grlllliu
Hardware Co'.
And now Dame Rumor, w ho often
Unit assist rexrters In t' eir local
work,acrtM that another wedding I
on tapis between Eugene partie.
R A Hurrl", circulation agent of The
Oregouluii, w as In Eugene today en
route to Coos and Curry counties, The
(il'Ai D acknowledge it pleusunt cull.
New room (one door north i f old
stand) lot of new good prices u' llw
boltoui and always the mine, best to
he had, ipialily ol uimx!,
Win Williiiiiiy, ut one tune in the
general delivery and draving business
In this city, but iately of Ptndleton,
hint removed to Wallace, Idaho, aud
orders Ills (iU.vlili clii'liged to the new
CoiiniiIssi.ini r Binger lleruiuun, of
the Genera! Land llhv, has issued in
ntructlona to local I n d ofllcers In On
con, rt-sti.rliu lo settlement and entry
several hundred tin u Mil acrvs of land
situated Iu Lli u, Clook, Grunt, Har
ney and Malheur enmities, which had
for years been held In a stute of reser
vation on account of a land grant to
the Willamette Valley-Cascade Moun
tain Wagou Road Company.
Marshf.eld Hun: Maud Miller, who
is visiting her uncle, Clias Hilboru and
wifr, was in Marsh Held last week
Miss Miller is a daughter of Jonrjuiu
Miller, the poet, and ut one lime at
tracted world wldo attention ou the
American atugo us an actress, which
pr frsslou she followed for a number ol
years. Miss Miller will piobably muke
Coos county her permntient home.
State Summer Schuol.
A Salem dlspa ch in the Portland
Trihtu.e has the following regarding
the summer school for teachers inau
gurated at Yu'pima bay:
''Mr G M Irwin, superintendent of
public instruction, hus come home
from Newpoit, w here he weut on Sat
urday lust to make arrangement for a
summer tchool to be held there. Pro
f. ssorC II Chupiuuu of Eugene; P L
Campbell of Monmouth; T M Gutcli
ot Coivuliis, uud S G Irvin, of Lincoln
county, conferral with the superln
teudeiit uud ull the details were (lis
ctisaid and settled in such u way as to
usstire the best accommodations to all
w ho may wish to attend. The date of
the commencement was fixed at Au
gust 1, and the session will lust uhout
four weeks."
'I lie Sui pilse of All.
.Mr James Jones of the drug firm of
Jones & Son, Cowden, Illiuob, In
speaking of Dr King's New Dl.-covery,
suyes (hut IumI winter his wife win at
tacked with L' Grippe, and her case
grew so serious that plnsicians al
Cowden uud Pana could do nothing
lor her. It seemed to develop into
Hasty Consumption, Having Dr
King's New Discovery iu store ai d
selling lots of It, he totm a bottle home
uud to the surprise of all she begun to
uet belter from the first dose aud half
doen dolhr bottles cured her sound
aud well. Driving's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds Is
guai untie I to do thN good worK. Try
il. Free trial bottles at Wilklns A
Linn's drug stole.
On gon (irupe Jtott.
51,000 siunds wanted. Will
the hielo st murktt t rice for ull I
8 J I Friendly.
For Salu
Or exi for city properly, a de.
sirable surburhun home of 24 a?res,
1 j miles west of Eugene. Apply to
C H Ham eks.
Notice To Poultrjrmen.
If you want fine cockerel from prize
winners, B P Rick, Bull" or Brown
Leghorn and H H Hamburg, call ou
or addre-s Amu Wilkin, Ash Grove
Poultry Yard, Coburg, Or.
W'ANI kd Preston A lisle want 2ihi
yards of old body (ir Wood. Call U
' iieai and learn particulars.
MiiiliT AjMireJ Hie Cj-i'niim iTi
i i
Senate and Mat.
llii II lab Trulo I ll liis.
Washington March Annul li
terveiitlon Iu ll) day was predlcte I h
thee.' dispatches last night. The
diction la nut withdrawn. Today's
development' coullrm the al si lute
sccuracy of tho news this Journal
printed this morning, says aspiml to
the Portland Tribune. When the prcs
Ideut tieguii rending for democratic
senators yesterday it was obvious that
he I'tul formulated a policy. Today he
ent for Si uators Walthall, F'ii.lkuer,
Bsc hi ami Cuckrell, all diiuocrtit,
They all promised him their support
In the execution cf hi Intelitl mi. I hus
It w ill l e si-en that he has ii-urul him
ell of Hie sUlport ol the senate, lor he
has already teeu the ri publicau lead
ers, Senators Hale, Hauna, tieer, IUii.
Mws, llawlev, Fairbanks, Chandler
aud Allison.
The president lias secured the co-op
erattou of Senator Forakir, w hose de
sire for InUrvciition, aud armed Inter
velitlon al thut, at the earliest posihle
moinent, la well known.
The fact that S.'iiator Foruker seems
entllely chterful aud t lis his friends
he bt lieve the president intends to do
the roprr thing, is a mailer of consid
erable liiillcance In this connection.
The president w ill have the m Ited
con grcis behind him if he maintain
the II i iu dciucr.tior thut hus been so
notieeuble to tliu-e familiar with the
inside f.nis during the I ist two weeks.
Tho knowh dge thi.t definite action
I to le hud soon has relieved the tili
sioii wonderfully.
Ytsterdav Wa-hingtoL's idllcial
clicks went in a s ats t f fi-veiish In
tensity. Tod;iy everybody Is calm,
and only desirous ol beginning the end
a toon as posalhle.
Ori g in (irons too Much Puor Stock,
Imod Quality or None
at Ail.
The following wiltten by u promi
nent hop broker, of New York cliy,
ore who has been iu the busliiesa for
thirty-lour yenrs, was recently re
ceived by the alem Stn esmuu; I: bear
date of March loth:
The iiueatinn Is often uked. 'Why
has the market here uud Iu London de
clined, also iu Oregon, when produc
tion the world over was so much be
low 1S0G?' Now, I think it is not
hard to auswbr this question, ami It is
simply because your Oregon fa ineis
picked aud forced on the market so
many nuldy and low grades of lsi7
hops. The lo.OOO or 2t ,000 bales now
remaining In Oregon (March loth) w ill
du a great deal of harm to ail markets
hanging like a mill atone. Oregon
should tint have picked over 40,000
bales of 'U7s. Iu picking tho balance
of your crop you ouly show ed lo the
world how poor your state is liable
hereafter to grow hops, and this will
hurt Oregon hops In the future. Aa I
wrote you a yar or so ago 'it pays
better to grow five bales f choice
hop t!,au ten bale of poor ones.'
'From what we see and In ar, In
your Oregon psp.Ts, It 1 ok as If there
would be an iucresao Iu your state
this year. If this Is so it will be
another big mistake, an our briwers
must use up their big stock of 'odds'
If we ever expect to see a good paying
i rice hereafter, and this w ill never
hupHu so long a more hops are
grown the world over each year than
are consumed."
Ileal Estate Trun-feis.
Hi porto'l (Ulljr from the AbsUnrt Ollieo ut
A K Wheeler A Co.
Wm Russell aud wife lo Catharine C
Johnson 194 acres In DBCurtwilght
d I c In tp 20 4 w; flToO
Geo Burvhill and wife to Gu
Brahhum a a ol sec 4 tp 10 1 w ami
s w 1 or sec 20 tp 10 1 e 3.0 uciesj I00"
JFAdklns and wife to Mury Elva
Mulkcy 62 seres Iu sees "Jt ui.d I'M tp 10
0 w; love and i flection
J F Adklns aud wife to Shelby Claud
Adkins OL'.Ij acres In sees 2j uud ".U tp
10 o w; love and affection
M EJudkins and ifj lo Susun A
Judkins 30 aero., In fee 25 Ipl8 4w;
140 00
Reuben Smith to II M Black, lots 12
and 13, bl a k 5, Fairmotitit; $100
W E Brnwu to Thtnsa E Brown, e
ot lot. 3 and a of lots 1 and 2 block l.'i,
Packard's add to Eugene; (1 00
United Mules to R H Brudsbaw,
paten , 1 0i. 10 acre- iu sec 30 tp 21, 3
Stute of Oregon to Ardello II Addi
son, s w of n w and n w J of s w
of sec 30 I p 20, 5 w, bO acre; 100.
United States to A J Keeney, patent,
se of se J of s.c 2S tp 1, I e, 40
For Infanti and Children.
H II Friendly will pay the highest
market price for Okluo." Oram
Root. o U '
Jlicci'k fntk h Frovk Another
M l.l.l I S I Ol U VAI.l i:u ATS loo
The rich strikes on Mlnook creek on
the American side are verified by W J
Wels, w ho arrived Iu the city yester
day, say the Telegram of Portland.
" The pro-pec s are excellent there,"
sild he. "It will take tho spring
cl. an-up to determine what there Is,
but tin present Indications are excel
lent on otto creek. Mlnoak creek
conies into the Yukon on the left bank
about u mite above II impart City.
IIu;iti r creek, Little Mlnook creek aud
lloosier creek lire mialler stream all
running Into Minnox creek. Hunter
creek comes ill ahout four mile, Little
Mlnook creek about six mile, aud
I lonhi r cit k about eight miles from
the mouth of Mlnook creek, often
cilled Big Mlnook to distinguish It
from Little Mlnook.
"The work on Little Mlnook I pro
giesslng rapidly and with very gratify
ing results to the owuers of a number
of claims, w here targe nuggets and
rich pans have been taken out, One
ei:hl-ouuce l:iti nugget, one tlve-ouuce
;s nitccct ami a one-ounce $17 nugget
and si viral smaller ones have been
n nod on William McCluln's claim,
No '., uhov Discovery, within the past
two wetks, and they are said to tie
panning from 40 cents to fl 05 per pan
on the claim. Ou No 0 above Die
''overy, l.uiiuford & Johnson 'a claim,
they are sahl lo be panning from 30
cents to $1 30 per pan Oue pan on
No 0, an exceptional one, of course,
reached f 10.
"News has Just come in that a 21
niu-iret has been found on No 8 a hove
Discovery. If this keeps up aud half
us good re-ults are obtained ou the
oilier claim on the creek, it can
readily be seen that Little Mlnook will
show up a wnudcifully rich creek.
"The claims on Little Mlnook are
Inuo feet lom; and those on Hunter are
Quo. All the claims ou Little Mlnook.
Ilunti r and lloosier are already taken,
there n to a number of small stre inis
llow iu; Into thrm, Dawson, Miller and
several oilier without any special
names. There arc numerous streams
within a mil us of 13 or 20 miles of
IUiipait City that look promlslnir,
but whether they contain gold In pay
ing (inanities cu'i only be determined
after l hey have been worked.
"When they got down a few feet
deeper on' No 0, Little Mlnook, they
found in rex big nuggeU which ran
i:w. S-J4 a-d $100. CI tlm No 2, Lltl'e
Mlnook, wa receutly sold for f 1000.
A Drunken Redskin Adopts- an Una
sua I Method of Tylug Ills Horse.
The average redskin has lota of confi
dence Iu his horse. To get druuk and
go to sleep Is the favorite pastime of
many L'ma'illu braves, and It la their
usual custom to He down on the moat
convenient spot, first tying the relna
of their cayusu to their feet, says tho
Pendleton E O. Oue shudders to
think of the amount of soil that would
i'ti fertilized with mangled and scat
tered Indian should the animal take
fright and run away, which it never
docs. A white man under the same
clrcumstuuces would be yanked Into
The above Is by way of preface to an
incident which luppeued In Pendleton
Monday evening, aud is noteworthy
hecuuse the Indian reversed the cua
toiuury mode aud tied the rope around
his neck to hold the horse. He had 13
inches of red eye below his belt, more
or lens, aud Marshal Heathman say a
ho wua the drunkest Iudlau that ever
emptied a quart Husk. He waa lying
ut Ltghi's wood yard, oblivious to the
world, and his horse stood like a mar
ble statue besides him.
Marshul Heathman. was strongly
tempted to give tho cayuse an ungen
tle hint to run, aud hang the Indian
ny a new au Interesting process, but
conquered this notion and diagged the
-looping brave to ail for le could not
1 round L'ood raisins tO 06
7 burs Lutiox soup 25
1 pound greell Co lice 10
.1 I Ins N'u 1 rile 1 reuse 25
3 psK gold dust wushlliif powder 20
1 pound wusti Hwuor in iiuik iu
1 3-7. pkg best cut plub ton 05
' plug g oil ehe a lug ton lo
3 pound exi ra soda crackers 20
1 pr men' good heavy shoe 1 00
I i,r Indies' heavv shoes 85
7 sp ols 'lark's O N T thread 25
3 cat Eugene tomatoes Jo
Per doz 05
Omi (tur4, M rch 1
Ft Kit A i. smiviciM. The funeral of
the lute A S McCIure was held at the
First Presbyterian church, Rev Wm H
(iilix-it conducting the religious ser
vices. The remains were then
taken In charge by Spencer Butte
lodge, I O O F and conducted to their
cemfry for interment. A large num
lier attendi d.
bail Uuard Marcb lil.
No litiTKR. Mrs Oren Beckwlth,
who was stricken with paralyrla ye
terduy, wasiu a very critic! condition
lat liltiht and lemalm so today. Her
recovery s coualderad extremely doubt
A J rickard arrived bom today.
Mra L Q Adair returned today from
a abort vlalt to Portland.
Mlaa Margaret McClung arrived
home from Hodavlll today.
Wm Kyle and wife of Florence, ar
rived on last night's stage.
J B Cusbman ef Acme, and L P
Tllman of Meadow, are in Kugeae.
50,000 pounds ol Oregon Grape Root
wanted at 8 II Fkikndly's.
Miss Maud D. tiniore went to Junc
tion today to attend her pupils in
Buffalo Pitt Spring Tooth Harrow
The best on earth, at
A well known cltixen seen today
carrying a ferocious looking revolver
In bis band led to the report that war
had been declared.
A L Bratton, formerly of this oity, Is
now In the employ of Cawstou A Cum
pauy of Portland, and will represent
them on the road.
Mlaa Magdalena Breymao, of Salem,
who haa been the guest of Mra II II
Tompson for a fortnight, returned
home on todays 10:50 loeat.
Garden seed in bulk and all kloda
garden toola and Planet Jr tools.
Price away down, at
F L Chamdkrs.
The Pendleton E O aays: Justice of
the Peace Wirt W Saunders of Spo
kane baa been appointed by the coun
cil polios Judge of that city to All tb
vacanoy caused by I he removal of C F
Backus from the office of Mayor Olm
stead. He la a man of fine addresa, ex
cellent education aid good chiraolsr,
a shown by hla success iu winning
hack elf-repct and a good name
atraiust the greatest odds that can be
placed aitatnst a man. Few men,
Indeed, there are who could have won
in such a gam.
Mariou ocuuty prahibltinnlst have
placed In comlnatioa a full oouuty
ticket. They expect to poll 200 vote
Iu the couuty at the conilug elocllou.
Graut county republican will nom
inate a ticket April 5. The convention
will he heU at Canyon.
The following union ticket has been
uomlnated In Uulou couuty: W M
Sasser, drm, representative; M II Bell,
dem, county Judge; M It Rlggs, dem,
olerk; M A Moore, dem, sheriff"; DE
Tswpleton, pop, assessor; William
Johnson, dem, sohool superlutenden ;
Knox Huaton, dem, surveyor; Jo
Kluklo, dem, coroner.
Ceneral Point held a city election
Pat Denegan, jr, waa injured at
Jacksonville yeaterday with a pen
knife, making a wound in hi side.
The matter waa eutlrely accidental.
Mr Donegan will recover.
Governor Lord I In reoelDt of
general orders from tb wardeoartment
covering nw work of a general nature.
Grant county will no longer pay a
bounty for the scalps f wild animate
The order ha been mad by thoounty
Bettle, the 5-year-ld daughter of Q
V Queiner, Amity, had a narrow
scap from death yesterday by having
her clothing Ignited at the family fire
plaoe. The Stat Dairy Association will
meet in Albany Marcb 28 and 29. A
good program 1 being prepared.
Tb body of Ol Randall, who was
drowned Feb 13 la tb Rogue river haa
been found. The body of bis little
daughter who was drowned wilb blm
I still missing.
The total expenses of La Grand for
the past year ware (8303 48, or 11257 09
lesa than the pievlous year.
Municipal Election.
Notice I hereby given that tb
Annual Election for city officers, in
and for the olty of Eugene, will be
held on Monday, April 4tb, 1898. At
which tlm there I to be elected:
Ou Councilman for each ward; all
foi the term of two years.
Oue Recorder and on Treasurer;
both for tb term of on year.
Judge and olerk for aald election:
First Ward J H Lauiioo, P J Mc
pherson and Geo Norrls. McPhsrson
and Norrls delsgnated as clerk. Poll
ing place, Cyclone Truck House on
Eleventh street, east of Ferry street.
Beooud Ward-Wm Preston, L H
Patterson and Al Hampton. Fatter
son and Hampton designated aa clerks.
Polling place, Engine room In th City
Hall building.
Third Ward W B Andrew, Geo
A Dorrls and Geo O Yorao. Dorrls
and Yoran designated as dark. Poll
ing place, Cberty bulld'Ug, north
side of Eighth street, between Olive
and Charnelton street.
Poll to be opened at 8 o'clock a in,
and cleeed at 0 o'clock p m, on aald
4lb day of April, 1898.
By order of tb Common Council of
Eugene, March 14th, 1878.
B F Dorbis,
Administrator John W Grimes,
f Harrlaiiurg, ha been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Laura A
Mauafleld, who died recently atTekoa,
Waah. Monro Leach, Ed Alllngham
and T E Grime war appolnUd ap-
Jjmcs Jeffries Knocks Peter Jackson
Out in (he Third Uouud.
'I t I ihl a lair Oaa.
San Francisco, March 22-J Ira Jef
fries, of Lo Augules, easily defeated
Peter Jackson In the third round to
night at Woodwards pavilion. Jack
son did not make much ofaahowlLg
after the first round. He dlaplayed
nine of his old-time cleverness In
ducking, and Jabbing wi h hla left, but
oould not land hard enough to atop lb
ruahes of his younger aud stronger an
tagonist. Jeff' Iu showed considerable
Improvement In cleverness, using hi
hand with both Judgme it aud pre
cision. The (ecoud round waa lively
until Peter got a hard left awing on
the Jaw which seut bhn on his back.
He rose only to go down again from
the same blow, aud was saved by the
gong sounding time. Jackson came
up looking fairly fresh In the third
rouud but soou received a hard left, on
the Jaw which made him wobble help
lessly about the ring. Another blow
from Jeffrie sent him against lb
ropes, where he hung, unable to lift
his hands. Jeffries msgnanlmously
tepeed back, awaiiing the recovery of
hi opponent, but a Peter was plainly
out, the referee stepped between them
aad declared Jeffries th winner.
About 800 persons a the fight.
Jackson weighed In at 200 and Jef
frie at 215 pound.
TAX COhLKillOSeil.
The Sheriff Is Bally Keeeivlug a Good
On Monday, March 14, the 1S97 tax
rolls were opened for collection by
.Sheriff Johnson and his deputies bay
ueeu busy ever since Issuing receipt
In exchange for the money presented
by the people, who thus acknowledge
a protectorate over their property
No money ha been turned over to
th treasurer aa yet, hut oommenclog
next week the amount received will
be duly transferred to him at the close
of bualuex each Wedneaday night
The total s mount to be collected 1
$120,730 74, aud up to laat night
$7503 04 of thla auiu had b n paid in.
The amouut collected each day I
March 14.,
..$ 278 29
. 448 14
March 13
March 18.
March 17.
663 77
817 83
March 18 405 00
March 19 1840 48
March 21 1429 88
March 22
March 23
851 83
1249 20
Total $7663 94
Mercy Uox Meeting.
There will be a Mercy Box meeting
at the Salvation Army ball on Satur
day night, March 26th, '98. The pro
gram will be as follows:
Opening Hong.
Bong Rescue the Perishing.
Toplo-Resoue the Perishing, by Mra
Dr Bllliugteo.
Bong Band of Love.
Toplo-Lllt the Fallen, by Mr Wil
Recitation Yes, I'm Guilty, by Mr
Capt Tolly.
Topic Help the Helpless, by Bro
Bong The Yellow, Red and Blue.
Topic Homes for Waifs and Stray
by Mrs Capt Tolly.
Bong by Bro Petty.
Topic Blum Work, by Cspt Tolly.
Topic The Mercy Box, by Mr Chll-
A cordial weloome to all.
Juogs lor Bait.
The undersigned will have for sale
on or ahout June 1 a lot of firet-claa
yellow fir saw logs, about on and on-
half million feet. Borne are now being
cut and bauked ready to roll into the
river at my farm near Elllstou. Par
lie wlahlug to purchase saw log are
Invited to tall auu Inspect them on or
about May 1 next. Also I will have
ahout a many more for sale by next
fall, aud a further lot of from 8,000,000
to 4.000,000 feet to be prepared for
market during the seas, n of '93 and '99
All of said log will be banked at my
place on the McKenxle river.
John Cogswell.
Elllston, Feb 1,1898.
For Hale at a Bargain.
A beautiful country homo with
twenty-five acres of excellent land
floe dwelllug house of modern con
tiuc lion, two wells of elegant water
outbuildings etc. Fin fishing and
untlog. Would exchange for a pay
ing business. For particular addreaa
Box 477, Eugene, Oregon.
Bays Hb ia a Fake. The Athland
Town Talk says that the "well-dressed
nice-looking man," who fainted In Eu
gene from lack of food, and was given
courteous treatment by th olty and
county officials Is a fake. It further
say: "Tb aauie man worked Drain
and Roeeburg. He fainted In Medford
Thursday and received a few
"squares" and some money for hi
trouble. We presume be will oontlnu
t talni Just as long as he can work tb
o u & ma., v .
O 0cb