The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 26, 1898, Image 6

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CCBrjsulof AILoy. "M u"
Gao O Kuowlw, it Florsue. Is I
tba elty.
rferrraiary KlncaM cam up from H
Jem today.
BLTyl'-r of Orvallia, I"1
night br.
Pmuw -r IV.nfy of 0't. "
the city today.
Fjttirr Italy tot "1' t''
this afternoon.
J H MsMurry armwl li'ima'-n to
day's 10
Mr J H Medlay rm down frui
Cottg 'ro tbli ojrnio
John Tail, of Cfsawtrll, sb!pjd two
cr l'ds of stall-led bf cattls ' I'wt
laud. Mm F K Goodman relura'd l' i"- I"
Collage. Grava this iferiiioii kfler a
vi-lt hT.
Jliiiitfr W W Chw-nmii of
PriritifcfWI'l, doiuK iulnes lu Ku
(lie today.
A M iJlurn arrived up ri this fir
noon local and 111 visit In V.Hi-i
for a wrk or more,
Mn Kinfiii Wltl-ars cn. down
today from Oakland, wlitr aha )
teactiltikf aehool.
Mrs II L Hatch went to Portland
today aftar i.Waaant with
friendt la '.bin city.
Gtorgs Hmitb, the wi-U known Hn
Francisco bol and s'na drumim r, l
lu thi city !iitlu( frlsnds.
irandrija JJiddia of Albany, cams up
on tha 1! 01 train today to at the
home of lir sou Dr (J Biddi.
Annuity Minor, of Par Uml.and a
uiimUr of ths law flrui of t.'ox,
Cotton Minor, I In the- Ity .
BOBplcer, who baa n visiting
rslatlvi-a In this county, left yterdy
for his hoiua at Warren, Mill".
It Imtattd that a Pin FranWw:o da
tsctivs hrs baoi hera for a wn k Invet
tltratlng soma recent Eiinr Area.
Itav C F Clapa arrlv'd up from Port
land ti Jay and will Uka part In the
Wlllard memorial aervicea here tomor
row. J M Volkmar, M I), baa fllsd a phyai
elan's certlflcat In lbs elerk's office.
Us Is s graduate of tin University of
Corvallls Gazette: Dr Ilea Job and
family, who ars now al Cottage Drove,
areeipecled to rvturn to Corvallls soon
to locals.
Mia Caniplll tud daughter, who
bar besu visiting for some uiotitbi lu
California, have returned to their liaiiir
In tbla city.
Mr and Mrs F (J Bhaw will leave In
a raw days for tbolr old home In Ne
braaka, whore they will make their fu
lure home.
K H Ingham gas to Portland te
night, where be will meat tbs repia.
aentatlva f a large fnralgn hmie, 10
purrbMs bla nsit Xtnas Rood.
Dean Manderaoti and Students Omd
liar aud Patterson, of the Divinity
acbool, Isft for points north today to
fill appointment for tomorrow.
DUtrlot Attorney W K Yatei re
turned to Corvallls on this morning'
local, In response to a Uplioue urns
sage stating his Hills sou hud brokxi
collar bone.
Marville Item lu Cnnden (lloha:
"Misi Kmma Edwards, of Eugsnw, ar
rivsd here Fridsy of lat week a id
will mend the siimuisr with her
brother aud (amity ."
AC Harbour and wife arrived hurs
from Northern California Uit evening
Mr llarbeur will spend several mnnlbs
In Laue iiiunty. Ho owns consider
able laml on theHluslaw river.
Judge Flsk leaves t iuorriw morn
Ingou a trip to his eld home at North
field, Vermont. Ho will utop over at
Baltm day or two enroute, Mr Flxk
will be gone several weeks, maybe ii
long at time tuoutiia.
J V Orlmsi has bveu appointed ad
mlnlstrater ol the tstats of Laura
Augusta Mausflsld, w ho recently died
atlekoa, With. Probakle vlue of
ealste, l.'UKW; boad required $7 '.DO. Ap
pralwrs appointed: Muuroe Leach,
Kd Alllugham and T Ktlrlmes.
A (lei mail liaptist church with 1
uimtis waa orgaulml lu Albany
Huuday by Ilev C K Klelwer, of
Kalem, who has been preaching there
forlwoyeara. Services will be held
regularly lu Pearoe Memorial church'
llev C W awhile, of Kugeue, will prob
ably be lntallel as paster.
Henry Mel' lure Is expected here
from attlo tonight to attend the bed
side of bis father, A S Mot 'In re, who Ii
suMerliig freni a paralytic stroke. Mr
McClure can move only the toes of the
Ide that ti paralyzed and hit ietcli Ii
.rlounly afleoted so It te almoet lin-
poetible to make hlirwelf uuderatood,
txoei l by signs.
Minlford Miner: J A Dobkln. wife
udllve children, who have lived tu enui. io I oju.Ik-i.....
Tcff HAVE EA'.i
koMbl Ike Thloa 7h Hi'cil "'
F1HiQ for I'ri and JsrldrataJlr Tor
. i.... 1 . i.,.i Th.t AlmuatiT, of la
. .. ... . ....IIV.I
cr Repealing tur
CrltleUttig Kelfhb"r.
I ,f!.i- tr ita '
i i.ur t.'iuW vrelfarf. '
! I:, r w. ri: lik-.'. !. 1. -1- '.
Ii..:.'! a tU'.;i f.r t t' .:.:
; n.' t.ut I
et;,i.i'!. r, 1' -. !:.? k '
i f th I arn I.'.'..' r r!.
will li Ki'it.J!
l..:.hty .h:ki--j.-.r; wi
I vi i.. n i.u ! I'. :
f..,u: 1 U-iu.-t Ud b - i v. ?.;.'
i i'.ui.i , I. '.an l! orm '': -I
ov n .. a l.lni. " .;...' "
' v I'.'i it tvlp)..m t! .it
n- '.. mi "in' y. Ji ,ve r..;
i, if I -l oriil-i .i. nr. rt ' :
fM-J lit ll '.'tT
v.j iu:A U M ry t-r
rbdud a lilt A 'r -I
Ava'llsg lb Prli.
E.,ry tie la r.flyn l l tu brc It 1
. .. i,v. - i v-Lrrv-nr-.r: l." l.r..Vlrii lit ' f' r we t.v.ii.'J ii
In l.r fSrl.'.li'.r.K'f H'.bAen tr cnr:r.f
ru'-U-rl". 'f tho struck f'.r ei!it-n-
In .Nivr J:-.'.:c nr.rj t:n..!:r a-.M.r!t.
I.r k ; ..!! i :.!r.i't tl.u .i.t:t vi. n
j ui-it, nr.'i '! i..lmI).t '.rj t:.' in.
Mur.y .:.' r.'i' l l'. re I: t-. o.r.tatrl
B li.i'fe fire ian cri v. 1 . f
j r,r I Ji'i j '.''' ' '' v'.h."-
U:t,(( In J:r".'.yf. t.v.'.i"'!"! Irvl
riwt ai.ut ir.iir.n 1 nft- r r- rurn
It.j. K' u, to Ia- rii'.re u:?. l"l I J
It lUn i..t:.. It l '.! lino II.' a '.!:(?
;.irt: t!i wii.-in s',:i) xlnf In
J.f.klyn. In t.; v rj lr:!n.t " t;.y
ivn, Iny with a i- I:. ti. I i' k ' I
I i,t 11 c l r -t f tr.t f '. r l. j ! irf. ,
r.ornr.t ' f !..-t j f v-' k'.'.e i-'-' rc 1.
ar.y u-b a br. f :'' ' j
the ifuii.e im.v 'r I ; :..y, I'.Lr
at a ti.b.1-. t:. wim.;m( i.r ..- n !:.
(Ol..1, till. I: to Ik blbT l'..t, t!..: l"k
If.K ju:r !.;. 'il.' I-.'-t t , Lku:.:iy
kt.own aa ll.e lii.jj t.l.'.-. I '.; ! !- ''.
at the oi,' lu-.i n .f v. i.; h ii K-.i x i rMf
ar'l nil the i-th'-r iri.n.'k ""n I'-'-'l
thi r-, Ihu fvui.: r v. rtli.K to ti n U-t ".in
til. t-l ii' iil At th- - Qf.' n r f t;.r r-furiuiai.'-e
the ( r-.-u v. .i. ihi. r- nt-
lt IiUII.UT yf 'Hll. Ik u I r.j; lll.d Jf
'I'.i-iitly thi n- arc a tiun.: ri ' o:l.i-r I r.
fur tboMi hfihit.i M l hi- t- ;'.
F'tr fif h K'"'. ''-n the j.lny. r .tet- a
llttio .ir.f r..l'.nd I t r fj hur h'-r
card. 'lh'-; ru a ciii.!- m uu n'.' .rii
Mi at!i"ina:' ' nai l'-r rw u'li'i .r.. ( 1 1 nt
Dit. I'.i nt!y thire niK u lur,"'- oni! iyj
lial j rjr'T --Uc i ui hn- -lit' nt l.r i l.i.r.iy,
nj ii lo loil.w oLly, l. M In a jr.Mle hn:lil
liiK In lln.klyti, at w!.l' h u p jrf r
irw nt. Ii ui.nri:.'.r.d, 1 mt In the
Knliery, ri. h; '.ot of ih.iiarr'a way
arid ilil "! t lanatlxiia
of tho lnou fi.ffitu viere fun.M-'l to him
iy a yoiif.g lm'.y who nil j !.iyliiK on
OK-'.uiit ol Itif.rh to hi r ft in ri lvi-1
., , f i r. .r t t- U-
,r !-.--
, . .-9' :'l
-..o'-.-.j-. -."' -d - -
1: en ! ti'
,f I- h.t
ky tbe Oregon City Hrld,
' Ji t.ppr I'ubl'lhed
lu a J Tjul.n loutty
-or ivy v
LT lit I-'- - '-'
'' '' : :-'
. l r.c: h.i ''
, - . - i. "
.. r f :ti:.. : .- 1
t.rr t:
of the
J ty
,r- v v .-
Lt .'. -".ES C'-T C" CiTE.
The dutr'.
i i !.! f- '
Wh-.t t-rr e-1
IW.:', -u-
t:.e Je
,'l s:.:i firm
Mil.!. 1T t!ir Ijn.41'jblT.
v.u.e of the MUtalea
'. il in Kjwii
-i- Ma I tint now I-
.i :;.;. It U i
I ! r- !.' f'.j'll.!.!.,
.- i : . . r. f - i'.h'I i;.
i - : ' ' ..'i ri
.-, I. ..::i. J of !'.
, : I.. th.-n-k
1 ; .
ttnk l f'-ri In o fum; lu !.!' h hnil
bn wrof.t'.'uli), n.nli' loo'ly. lil'al.y,'iJy ai.d ili;rlidof
thlrt j rlo.
".Sijw they r- K-ilr.jr t-ju.u, tain tut
rt'porur'a mi-ntor a t iiii.!,..i:y r ir.K '"K
K"'iK a eral : 1 : i . .
Jmii.ili.t ly .'''O won ii on tlm
fMir - jan rt:ljlrif t i.n.ul:,ly aU.ut
tho pbtie, whlb: the a.r liu. ii v. i;li ti.e
- V. hi- Ii ! r. y lal V
A n il l.nlr. d i iii.ji V ho t it at u fctand
D'-ar the door t'j I In ihiiri, n
altivj l y light woia n w. an:.(.'
They're tic icon f," K.-.M the n.i i.x.r.
"and foro tLU l.wr thi y II v.;.-.h th' y
vo ru dead."
A few mnim-nti wirn T i:i;.' 1 l:i tnv
dlktrtbiitlon f i laying n:.i H. ro card,
ufli r wbli Ii tho n.aniir" r nil 'I cut:
I'hiy will l vil:i ri t'.ti k'j'.n.'l t-f
tho K'H.K and . r.:l..iK' t.: I.: tho v
rlnnii, when nil hatnlii nn:: Ij tl.niwu
down. Are ymi ail riu'!y;
Walt! wall 1" ihrl ki-d al.t'i'jwoit an
ahrllly. "Thl j :i k t any h. r In It. '
"Wo don t i.lny ruil re a j. ki r
hero," r Hid ti e' r Invumring
tlillea. "We w til .-"TiuJ. "
I'd to I m w whire el.u tutink
from," cr nttii the Imnt. r, "to Mailt
to j lay with tl.u Ji.hir!"
( luny! went t.'.e iun. an i l.'ie ca:nr
Oniuini mi ii. l erino initiuin meni wa
oiiiirathi i..l i t", I ri.Wui t:!y by jio-
ladle wnintli ok r tikkn n ; j iisk ;ji i.i tables, 'il.iii mib-.-ly at tho
klliK 'al le rlid:
'ihat kl . V.V'reont. lllri; the l-ell."
Aaln the I (il i.mhd, in.d tins time it
Win the nigral f " 1 aliiii iiKinliii.i.
"May i:.o 1...! 'I ut." "No; l !. Me;.,
now." ".No, Il don't." "We'ie i.Ik ml "
"It lin't fair; )uu oi.ej.t t i lay on!."
"When tho tri. k It i M li e l aril, jui h ue
to take It iij'. Ihu hainl N lad. "
"Hew, I rlnj: the ktar." "No, le.tUerv.
u won that I.hihI."
FIto Imiiilreil k.'inr.ito wero
And klliitiltaia-oukiy a! II. o iiianaiT, w l.ile
tho eoorein Irlul to tiiiraM I ! : ; : 1. A
camit woiiian linally i htaiiml r.t ;;nilii n
by Km. dint lijoii o i l.ulr and v.alnj; heJ
When dbttnonds mo trtimj s. d.-t the
right Uitti r I.i'kO the Ii It I uv. i r: " ii what
alio minted tu know In thuml n .ut t'liu-..
"Mt duWli!"iallid a M i.rei f v lie, and
alio auhslded timh r a h ad i f eij liinatli n.
"WoiilJ ynii rather inanai,-" that or line
Jitro a fiKdliall (.-uine;" kuiI the rej.i rter
mentor to Mm. "That'H the way It will
le after cm :y band. "
Il was fiily II m lie d to j.-n.v Wfre
each tlli.a At line t laic tin I" were lio h
thun So women v ho, 1 :w nlml i i
tbo floor, Were wa Intf trantio nrni ut the
inauntrcr und deinaiidliit: that ja-tho Le
done thntlKli the rm-f fall, width It miunl
very likely to do. 'J i layer pt
Into ao animated a illt iivlun that they all
burt Into tears and b ft the (Mine, vm liij;
that It Mtud tin in nht fer inuring a
J utile piMirt'skli eia Lie (.Mine, w hero yell
never could t 11 what kind rf I tenhi ynti
Wen plajllig with. It was iu!to vain fur
tho ieorers to try to hiv; order, bi.t In
aonio way t r f tin r they manauetl to j;et
tho tables rearranged and tho play to
retnl. tnco the hum table made Itu lf mi
IHipulur by nhwntmliuledly i laying on
lat tho II vo I'otnts, wld. Ii, whin It l-e-cumo
know n, taui-ed all the Iomt In that
baud to di maud thai nuiuuiit ho made
of It.
Tblt sort of thlnu ki i t on f. r tw o hours,
the uuiuIkt of )Jnyerd dlmliiUhiiiK after
each band. At the final band there was
alnieht a rl. t. aial It nvinril likely f.r a
tlmo that tho pellee would have to U
called lu to ae the llMtef tho manager
and awri yulet Udnjr Dually rektonxl,
tt was found that the ktatitlt'M ef tho
Kamo wire n; lir ilniate!y m Kiilonii:
NatntuT of t layer entered V
lift tlitf Kiune la uiik'er IT
Left Ihu Kitnie la tenr.
lt.fl the k-tune In t.T-terl -
Itrfukfd tu I Uv hv,tUMi ii uuLiivlyhke Ue
tiavter ef ei i-ntntii '.'1
NuuiUt In LHii.e ut tiiu-h 14
( hiiiuixt ttrt 1 rl.-e tl
flalinct kivetnl ruu...
t'Umied lined it1m
. I -
I, IT! .
: I.'
I Mir.;
't. V
l ra'i : 1
ti.e ii n.i.-. :
. ej, y ir
ni !
U'-ll dofie.
f.ifo and
1.1 -1 1.
llfl... f
llai.t and :
"nl;'h I., -
'ihe.:-,:.i- .- '
w-. n.'.d tie
Vi lltUi' s N -a ''
hal.y, ar.d wie
o---.-.'.ti '.' I.
loi tie1 ; r i'.
Iliil--n ; i;
mr-ly, th- il'it
liiar.y i a- th
w ard luid .
ilnv Mrs. - . .
Mm .J,,i,. ,'
Ir a I.
hat y'e-!.
(Tin Inal-.
a," i -a
i ill' r i f I
that iii'.rn,:..-. w
ilrltiklmr In t .
lU'ht tl at We .1 1
1... t' I."'-
hi.' ( :-r-. a'el t.':' an ':.!'(
:n i i
-ir 1
:. , r- tl.v
i. .ay. "i ih, r.
i h ir:.i i.'nf."
It '-.
: w . .. i
ban. i
. I r
:.i i ;i :
e m, .:
'.t ti. r
- ko 1:1.;-
.' ;!'j w ' i
l,. i'. i.
. i ai.-. a
, f.:.: t:..
. I la-.
. .r : :
i... t :
a I
-1 - .;
r.iid t
t... - ,v '-''-I
v.... :.' re
. ... I-.'
,r.. - ;p I
: a !
he " -a.i- j
. '-at tf I
, . i l'ji in Iowa
iit'jpie p ; , , .
; .iierrioie, v..
'al r-- lut.ons
J. ..-'. 1 jr.1-"'''"
evr o jii.c within
0f ct)'.uriii.'
g'.f-..aU'ieU (
i, Ne!rak.i
-j iu'.h Car j
.'.er elat.
L -.!.:it loth"
.. in .-t vie-
. ,.Vl T 'Pr-
v? L ok ut
I-n, I-' "
L-t.t u!!, and
i, .j .r.-.v in
Wb I:
i a
.1 1.
. r. i!
1 tl
w la
... I.f..-1. ti.
I r t W.t j ti
. f. :: ti.- I.i' -a
I: .': p r.. . .-i
1 to J.-at
1 1'
r l:.B
,..t : a e.l.Ji I
, ;.)..: a c f-i
:.:. j f ..are ;,
.rd. Ai-iut ti.e
:., i.r a httio !--.a:.
I" t.-i be
:.r- t:j
wnii' .
r kr.- '
r tiiht
!-, w .th
r, .-.1.,-i.t c r.Ui'J-ril
,t oi. t ot tiior'-' tnei
t.-J t-xo"ii by a
1 1
I in
It.. I
1 .
n th.-
th. :r w '. ; i'.-'iKi v
I -i'.r.;..: c ..;! i: '
i.t:i-i-...rfl;.-. .
. .1 la. i ti i'
t. I -.: I.:. - t.. I
. r. a-:-. :.!.! Ir.
.. lit i :..;i:.i; a f
e hi i: : u :. i.i '.' ' !
.a.if'il .1. i - i.r
II 1 In:, - . !.
: --.-..'. :
-1 !
i. .
- .. we j r. . I y
i . ..: :,'h rn'.'.l: -.. -; .
' .t K'.rh fntidi:-'
.' ry v .'ii a
il..- a l.-r'a n i.;. "
!.. '. I y a . I
:i r w.. r. .,!..-.-,ur!i
: I:.: i t.. :..
. i.r-1: - I "i r.
a t...-lw..-i-
'i :
i. in I y
Mi A
: 1 I -.
d. r If v
tnl.llr,' th- '
weald I e In -ir 1 i. .in : th'
blina U- t iv .. .:.-'' w..ik.r: "
and In .!!.: t y of the !
I l.e i k In ' i.r . "..: . n't eh.i
fa..:i.. r h ar - i ofti ri w
nine oi:'.;;. r -' 1 ' ri-h i:n r n '
Ve-, I P.-iy It l hii'.w ti- to I .I." 1 1
untu .air m . I t u- ' nr.- o-ir-- '.m i.n l
kp. i liny, i f ti... '.: I'.:! it x.nie I a'.lt. I., t
lit mi to It tiatte .r In the lifi.-1 -own
le.iri:: nr.- 11- h.v.i:. !.!:. II:-...'
baby eunnilii ill.-.-u--. d. Never h 1 v
all'. w our j ride to run i.'tayw.t'. i.
the txt. lit i f khnwitn; i.:T .-.rl.'- '
lib, the I . rr.i. loii-u.-t iu If .
rn-e with e.hleli we t-l'-i i: to :' :. .! I: i
Itt wur-l i''' r.
Tie re i. : f"r hi i h i : .'i. n
In tl.l, i-M'.Mi', ii lii-ite v. I I : 4
mi n mid v.on.en "f i.'.ir I .!.. - X : t..l
the liiill. :.l.i-.:l:i ,:i wo 1 : t ' a. -i t:
th ..r tra-i ; 1 : :. ' '. y, bi-.t a ! i: t . . le w nod th. n. will i- ' .!:
er it.tnliu ' f th" i',i::. : i . i , .
lli-l.t ini'niii:' i"!iiiiv..':i : ' ' i: ,'
nil evil ni. t an . ther ; "
ineri' irha;sln l:i.!'.: ' 1' ;."--! :.
j mi the h;hl t bar i t - 1 : m ti.e
fa-hiuri fid. r 1 miiu I..-...; i .:: !!:.
thelrfrielidtlltld l:ei).-hh. .- . ; ;.. ; ;, ..
i.f llfle f..lkt. Crlti.i-i:.,-' ' :- : . t i:.
ai y 1 r. in " wiiatt". v r '. - I .- i v . i
linn j r. li tilt : I ut, I t' .: : " i .y, I
am kiviikinit only of d 1 : .' .- !.".i.
hihln-n lu bear and lia:: . 1 r .y
w 111 Imitate like little .: r -. i. n
we.A.rheara little man . . . -i ; ,
In judnient on -'.mo m ' :' .' i'-' '.'..''
Ii- m :i:hlni;'.v at we e..u..l .. . it i r I
t -late; hi! t It n j'aii,-::.. : I ; there It mi mi re .-
r..r of our I try sins and w.
the lnnneent m i in lory i f a i.: '
A-we erlth i-i' our 1. 11 v :
the little o net. so w ill the 1.
ami ri tlu-in'.elvi t, and. w . -w:ll
they do ly and ly wis. n .
ilaees In the wvri.l ! Ij, '..
It end t;nhs wo end It l'.r-.i .
It u-e-am to me tl'at I" ; .;
w av to euro thi- i w unhi I I
sr.. Ii rrith i-ni aluo tie r. aj
liudu liK- hi. ks. Anni.' 1!..:!.;.:
In UotiM'W'Ue.
r v . - -
.... . , . i ', ,'
r. .lard
... v . ..ti., r ! v h
, !:,
In ti.e tyt of
r l- i
...1 I -
. I.
i n
- 1 ti.
n I:.'
- 1.'
- -.
:.. d to tho
l nds
a.l s'.ai'.y
Y'.u will
:i :.arh t.
-1. J he
.aiis ti'' d
the to-.v-f
a: 1
I !.. .'
I ma
!..:. 1
a l i
. ml
a. th y were
L.. ;i fuil tnly
,re tho wind,
r. shir are from
ie nt i hey are
. :;: d U-tw-t-n
:, I r.eid up,
. a !.' ard. The
i... ti k..p it
.,'. mo i-'i
a ' ut tho Low
h aiTtcUd as I
n ' ! a race Ix--
i:h '.-tarhoard
i .-ki; ;- r, w nh
!r.. i.tiy naii
i.t have Utii a
.ar.-lt ii. f '
i ,J- i.:i ii. 'i '
j.o-fc.l Ui a If'
I. .t -r- I!''
,,i 11-iiii-M
.. t j -1 "
C ,-r. -r ai.'i a !
i.f r-udi ir.-ti. N
eoU.d h.lVf l Il !tf
ru.'i'n.? Yf. ii-'-.v
j.ut.ctu.t.1 Murk llsui. tin
l i.-y a' L: "M"i-k-tLr
ii.'.e i:ca:i..-' t :'urtl.. r tu-cr.a'.liu.etr-
I - I"''vtr'
lln v ure lii.Min.' '.!.' tor, nwiiitiiin
t!,-reinforaa by a -..-r nuidt
o: the- -ai.'.e fctuil' I'roiu Orfgon.
Tui y are b'.iuiog tl.-- f'-r: till Wil
i'tai J Lr)ati - r mi e iu-ills
is j; .a 1 ii i-t-ttttl in ilif WLiti
1.e W uaiii ri.ic Jew.
are u
he V.
:a 1 t
.. .- r !:..
v, .-I :. I
ln t..e 1. i.
: r a I .-.v
; r t i c
: . r-i :.s o. tae st' rr
.V.v. tho l i.- i.db of
d ti e f '.ii.iiatii :.. '
... j ::.- and tr.unlh i.
: l! :- ; . n w as u n rv
f I-.'.ev anil pave tho
he w a. i'.r..-'.-. d cut i f
A v rah.r
t I hit lea-
, t:." v.-ai. I.
, 1 ,t hi
: the ( ...
t j :
fa-.h. r
.. t:
a .-
- n;
: .1 1
:i I :
,1 v
th" v.
. ' i.f
.i- ( h
-y h. '.. I
..::, a:.'
t .
r a i..f:u! r
..:... mill
Ir r:h i f the
- i w :tb the
star ltd to
I: ru!. ai-u
. i the ch.l-I-
this i . r-
i-r:.. I to Jer-i-.i-wi.ii
ii. i :. a:..l the
.- the? I .- a.krh: to
1 i' w a
lilr.-J i f the Jew s.
..- u tlu.c, whtn l.e
v. ho wst en.;.i'iyi d
w hhh the .-av;uur
;e eyes i.f nil
i.n th" war to
-.-i th : w "ri.-h ;i i f
he r a. hid i:s d.
I v :h" f.-;:Ter.:.t's
he k.i.i
i to t:.e '
! r -i-r
f t
i.t i.r
. :.'.e
r . ,
. . e
AUfU Its A a alul. 11' I
kiuui. iua iDjQr
one is th concern of all.' j
ont dianlrfA tr -
V 4 ' UI mJ Wort ii
it-form, tven tbooeh it. "
S3 UUM ..,
eminabs frotn our own eoon.-ii,
",uu ij-ggj
the pale of oar on party."
i . t. .-1 1
Ilalhroollil All I.i W hile
The fashion to have la'.i r .
lijuthss white that I- .r:
eee.llnly lit. ill some I'.tiur.
tie .-a rouuiii aiv liiiish.1 w.'ii
ti'n-d liners ami'..:ii
creamy white, nnd the mi.-i a:
111 white enamel w.sslt. ih. re
tlraivriet at I tie window, and , v,
tie w all i ahlnet fur lnves.-.iry t.-.i.
Is finished In jxiU.-hed white . :..,:
the luarldo and l oreelain of ' I;
litiiu-ntt the tf.'eet U ult'a -I ih.;..
Its Whr.. nes3.
To l'.eniove l'nr I ruin Intlde li
al a
li. r.
I. V
' 1 t.
I'll! the kettle with w.w
a drain ef al mnru 'i i i -. let i:
an hour; then the fur . r -ri:!. .'. si:
termed on I he metal w ill i-e di--o!
e.m e;isilv be r..n...e.l I:i t eil.tij a k
MetUord for tbe Ial several inoiitlia, I Tho maunder and eljslit rorert, formlna
left Tileeday evelilDf for KUrfene. Mr tho eummliteo on awards, tttld that the
IV.bkltisIs ail Invalid aud rauie 1 tvaults would te aniiouin-d In few daj-a.
. ... A Week later they were nniK.uliCotl, ntul
for his health. He Is a luemlier of tbe ,ho ..; wrri. i,miledlaiely tol-
Maeoulo onler, and Uirte in atialt'lied lowed by norma of re.te-t. Hut. m It ban-
elrplliliilauiva, reeelvetl aid from the l-eued, tho d.tlsl.m i rvaehitl In the
I.....I I. ..I... t.n. I,. ...i l i,- ... i inokt eiiultablo manner. 'Hie committee
. i . taliui'ly drew lota lo divide tho
awiaianre iu reiuruiiin io uie n iiiam- , utj,oxwla they'd U lu aowiuu yet,-
tie eare mut I e tale u to
eh.s.'ly, im at iiet to h i
erevleo. If ll.e lid Is In
It 1- tvst to f t a t ew- ,
wat-T It liable to be t'n. k.
unlit b.r use, liej artln
ta-to to the tea.
the lid
1 Ut ell
e tho t:i',
;.' le.i-t I r
; ..lh. riv i- ti.e
d and remi. ril
a dls.i;;rt ahie
"CI wlii'. l ;t '1 Ctrli-le am
their ilk il l i. ' ":",t .-ii'.-'n met.
Ti.ev ar..l t'.ieir f w'wz vrill huj-
jorl McKii.ii-y aivl StunJ inoii":
(i.xlt-ave ll.e i.nri:. lJeiuocracy
die-a I,n t "liilel for Cii-'Vclai1lieflj
to lay. If it iii'1 lli'-re i.'ould be no
iinioii id bif i-' with il :mocr;u:y.
Tt'.ler ami loivr.e and t!:' ir follow
ing do not s:at .l today for gold
ou.'i-m. It l !) d.d tin-re coul I
dc no u ni n of lorces with euvn
re; uLiio -.n-. Straight j'...u!is:n i
I D-tt.-r than Cryau ik'ii)0"r;:ey, but
al. r.e il ii i,f !;..css; it i- bo'.ter than
IVliir re. ul. ifi'.uisai, but alone it
rantnt carry a fcinyle stii" in t'.ii
-inple jial:t.n d: ours.
"Weciin stand cu the Daiiha
ji'.a'fjr'-;; we tan j ubli'li our j-rin-
. ii.K tithe world, wc can turn
with full Lt irts nnd ;)!. y
s'.un.a' ht f-r '.!)- ' cuntcr,' and
w- w . h a uuiu-.l jdutocraoy
i .-'.l orj; iniz-.'il tii'f.ority des
:.oil our 'air la-id, rtdu'.'e to lit''-
I ' .
;iry i.n 1 want a..d critr.f cur com
ii.. m a:.d lietliii u.-ri;a
an aristocracy of wealth. We can,
t iio j; i j.tliy j any strif and a
'''uw'l' j1'1'' u;.o in; riu:i- nj sjiirit, rtjuat
the artful do '111 ui KoniaU ClU-
I'irt, but, niv brj'.in-r, will it ay?
llavii you todiit.-l th'j co;t id su-h
a blind, j artisan course?
"We are two niiili ui tou'..-; caa we
! control a nation wi o.-e n arly four-
1 1 ; .-. rr.w-. i - :!.! the car; ".-i- j t.-uii u.iiiioii Voters enjoy the j ri v i
.i w him tlareftra little. , . ...... ., ,,
i 't-r Ul .Ull Ci.U. I!.-l!ll i M U ) W ill
C unir to our relief? Do yo i think
t .9 di-in ocr itic jurty, r:irinizeJ
under Bryan nnd rid of its- Cleve
land Rnd '.s Carlisles will leave an
organizi '.on co.u;iosed of three
times our v. ting strength to tome
tons? Not ytt. Not so long a
t':.ey i.avt tonfidencL in thoir leader
aud believe in the Chicago jdatforra.
"But together wc cau carry Ore
gon, tlur i'rty makus no further
eacrli-e t'nan a diyirion of the
ollkeir-. W'i shall maintain our
platform. We will promulgate our
d vi: e will contrast the
men chosen from our party with
all other ni' n in ol.'n'e, and we shall
gtin the admiration ind respect of
our ..11.-1.
"Washington his d neit, Nu
braeka lias done it, Minnesota lias
agree 1 to do it, and Or. gon will
five the cold party its first black
eye in the campaign of 1900 just
upon ui.
lhe Orcgonian intimates that
theho.eo' plutoency rests assured
in the disagreement of the rabble
. n.i.i n.- l:.i'.;it bi a waiit f
.v. 'ih- :i i: :s rn: 1 t!...t I'hrlst j r..
:: d bis d . :.i. v. 1.1 h v m to wa!.d-r
the i ii.-'i'i t.: til the s-end i inln'.
lh;.: i -is ho has
ii' r i' t:.-: -.!.,- iha'h, 1 i.t tr.d!in It
i.:.d his ; .:..;.::.( :.: I ..i.u::,ing ut.ri'
an.: !e ie, the n. rati, r.a come and
lie Ih Mid t j.i.e a; ; . ar-sl In the
. 1 :-t!;, s.M'i.:. i.i.d even as tfer.t-
the i iiih:.. :.'h c. nti.ry under the
" f t'art hilns nd Abas:: ru. by
li the V.v d r'.i-rf .lew l..-uj ttea
-. :i. .-t. I;,; r.bil,-.
Ouf.f li. f.ulilon.
!..e ' .r.. i-.s stracta from rx
ijto ted I y the I'hicai'O
c v. : :
::. 1
i ..' ( :.:
I." Al e, '
.r.t; Is i. v.:
; vvi !..,:; : ;
' inr--.:
i i.-i.. ::
" "ClL'e
i arrv v. nier
1.1I0.N IS OTBEK TATfce,
T Marksberr Ii a UlUr u ,u
Medrord SloDltor-liiner, PopunJ"
"In tUetonau ere havdCva m..
ber Allen, Butler. Ii.i.fl.u
furner and Kyle who are a!'.
tiouU work for reform. We all aj
mire them and delight in point; "
to their record. But for their r.rJ
ence in the Benat? another infamous
oon :i seneme wouia Lave beta
listed on tbe (oun ry era
How did tbeyg' t here? Xot j,.'
tho mid lle-of-the-roid route. Thij
rav anti-fun:on friends will ...
ieny. In the Louse of repreienu
lives we have twenty or more mta.
te re, all Uomg the very beat ti,..
can under Czar Reed'e rulw fo,
reform and tho adfancement of th
principleiour party advocate. VT
lelight in pointing to their record!
is true reformers. How did mow,
if not all of them, get there ? Kbt bt
the middle-of-the-road rout.
"Our party has been in powir is
Kansas to a greiter or less extent
for the past five years. All admit
that a great deal of good has been
accomplished therein the wij of
reducing taxed, brineine the ear.
portions under control and dis
pensing with use. ess commissions.
How Lave the populists of Kama
iccompluhed all this? Not by a
strictly middle-of-the-road policy,
"Nenraska is now enjoying some,
ol the benefits of populist rule in
dome of her utate affairs, to which
the reform press frequently calls
mention, and populists claims the
honor. ll?w has it been possible
for Nebraska to elect a populist
officii.? Not by a strictly middle
of the road policy.
"Colorado, Nevada, Idaho and
Montana all more or less hare
fallen in line with our party and
its principles, but this has not beta
done by a middle-of-the-road
"Our Bister state of 'Washington
is also at the preEent time enjoying
-ome of the benefits of a populist
or, more properly speaking, i
fusion a lministraticn. If the r
tuna press is to be relied upon and
the reports from that Btate haves
shade of truth in them, our piule
there have no cause to regret thei1
action in that state. Taxes have
been reduced, sii..ries cut don,
useles- ollice? and commissions
abolished, the state government is
lining run at $200,001) to $300,000
less expi-nse each year than under
republican rule, state warrants
now telling at par that were a
drug on the market at 93 cents
and all this brought ab mt by that
horrible bugaboo called fusion.
"I believe it is possible lor tne
reform forces in Oregon to accom
nlish or brine about the same re
sults that our siBter BUte of NVh-
inetou has. The hope of wresting
this state from tbs gold standard
boodlers is worth the experiment.
i..r i. r
il 1: i -.:!
l'or bli
l:i,I it enrl:.- th. tu i
eii'.V.euit ni m. el In
I.T lliau the In-.- u-e i
a air i ( while Klil
I-'or I he lUu.u.
liiiu t! el . iv :..:.df ri'revuit-
i I i. 1 1 1
' -i i..., -v. a:..l
. s .-a liiio
isirr xzrwMM ? wiU veto
to Utvp tho
::t i.f Kr.ulanil Id
;,' ami e-...-:: ln. n ImUlia la tbe
- ::n;'e.-. li:..-i., is (iwtuel I y tho
i..:ii'':i i.f ' in. Ir-illa ar.U t art uf
"i'.'.i.-:.k a ir.sjj
.i '. 1 y .--jviiii." Tlio
ei! In as lieiitiltiuiis of
ti.e l !:.d jart -f a
a' :.'.;iii ceil . .Idler."
3 : r.t." ".-treiio
:: a i r.o sl.nijud
a rvss tho d. s.rt."
e- Win asiie.1 to etilain tho
ih IV ai.,1 "A. IV 1; vvm
av.l. !'.., l.ut ei.e Lid linally
1 1 i lltt'.o band slmt lis
.i:..l l.o ar. wl;h iiyl-,,.n written nn bla
ir:.. -t fife, i'i'.emid: "11. V. i:ie..r.a bo
' r, l'!.: i-t ai d A. I. aft, r hu die J."
A l'.ujal Hi priiuaad.
A tu:.-r wi. . iu.- en.i liijed to loach
ti'.e m n ef a ki: k. The . Ui rl:;co waa
K r... t ::i.i a ulsuU-dU lit. liut in the estoeiu
. .' t.-.e fjtr 1: w;.a net ejtiitu jin.jr t.
wl.'.r iliu a.-nof a k!i:t; with n cvunnioi
J kiivi .i i:ie rov a coat r..i.: ... ....
thetesolii-r;dr.r.cU at teccvt rwtwrlt.bon. . l,lltrr"'l' to me opposition; but
v.iun tho your, jinnee inaiiifetted u dia- union of will free the Slat nf
l.Mliou t., duly authority, the Instructor . . .
rvi-.' with tho end it tho rvxi toths i r'ia I .Mitciielliim and
Hirj io rlt.lxin on Ms cat. This Waa oil ; Simon V
k-iis.ul to his n.val M.m.1. i
: itulionul convention, pmha.l.. in
. . ' 6
I will give us a const -
The name of Judge Reuben P
Iloise probably ia familiar to more
men and women in the state of
Oregon than any other name, apart
from those of a national reputation,
that could be called. He is an old
pioneer and sat on the circuit and
supreme court benches of the state
for thirty years. The venerabie
judge addressed the Marion county
Democratic conveution the other
lay as a conference delegate from
the Populist convention in session
at the same time. The Salem
Journal, in a report of the proceed
ing?, says:
"Judge R P Boise, from the
Populist convention, made an ad
dress stating that he was glad toM
in a Democratic convention espei.i
ally when it had returned to the
doctrine ot Jefferson."
The English press, with Mit -cntion.
sides with the United
Statesonthe Cuhan Question
Knglaid had our opportunity
Suanish raicgovernment on our
the lollow to do lu wurk eiily
elte valley, a nere tie uas irieua. I vurk sua.
tad tvtdki caxctivelT,
jit very inf.mous
law and r-peal thing of the pt.