o -v-v (rCno City Guard. V I 0lriertasrt FO'Dm Absolutely Pur HfU WW"" 81'uDEN DEATH. 10U Kuykendall Died of Heait Vbli morning about 10 o'clock m i Olive Kujkeadall, aged IS, wu fbsrway to eehool the auddtnly kted, apparently, and Ml lust aa the fared tbe Central Mbool ground ptRiU.r,and toma of the pupils 4brfall and baateaed to ber, - tba young lad waa carried to tioueeofber parents, Dr aad Mra JjksQdall. Si,rj effort toward resuscitation Ibis fu nade, but without avail, t tbout 12:50 tba braatbad ber last Jhout baring rtgaloed consciousness (dtath resulted aitber from heart art or tba forming ol a clot on tba ya. Jbtroung lady wbowaa about 15 p or age, wti tba aeco id daughter of JjerandMra W Kuyaendail ana I milled in tbl elty from early jdbood. She waa a nietcUrrf the i Mboel grade cf tba put I c hcIiuo:, I of lta brightest puplla aud a )eral favorite with all ber auoclatee. isad blow fulls with eudden weight ber relatlvea and frienda who are itrlcken. Eetray Hotloe. me to my pleca November 24, i a light red cow, crop off right fuaderblt tn left ear. About 0 hold. AtAnderaon plaoe 4 mi lea is Waltervllle. i Geo BOB Bakmes. kted Deo 18, 1897. For Bala exchange for city property, a de- ile turburban borne of "4 acres, illea weet of Eugene Apply to C H tANI ks. Notice Ta Pi altrjmen. tou want flue ciM'kcivl from prize lra, B P ItK-k, Huff or Brown foot ei.tl H H MHiuliurite, call on tit Am. t Wllkins, Ash Urove try Ysrd, I'oliurg, Or. AimtD-Preaton & Hale want 200 a ef old body nr wood Call on j and learu particulars. RICES CUT &AKII10 loth The greatest opportunity ever offered Good o 13" DEMOCRATS FOR DNION. Full Kepjrt tf Hie Couo CflDTCLtiuD. IT was nitnmni n. Ilulwrt Clow, clialiman of tliederu- cvretle county central committee called tbe convention to oider at Parket'a opera boune at 11 o'clock. On motion, J J Walton wet elected temporary chairman. He made a tpeeuh that al-ouudeil with many good reasons fur the success of the tilver movement. On motion H J Day wat elected aeeretary. On motion a committee of flvj on credentials vu appointed at followt C M KIenKer. J W Huker, J P Wlthert, Iloht Clow, (lenrge Bmlth A committee consisting of Robt Clow, Jamee Parker and V P I'hesb- ire wan appointed ana committee on permanent oraaiilziloii aud order of buiineia. The committee ou order of business reported ae folio s which wee adopted 1 Election of permanent officer. 2 Election of county central com' mittee,ohairman aud cl rk. 8 Committee on reeoluiloni. 4 Election of 14 delegatee to the State convention. 5 Nominations for oounty oflloers. A motion wu u ade and carried that the temporary oflloern be made perma nent. Judge Walton thanked tbe convention fur the honor. Oa motion J J Wulton wat elected as chairman of the county central com mittee and L L Stevens a secretary. On motion L L He vein, Horace Mann aud I L Campbell were appoint ed a coiurult.ee on resolution!. COUNTY (IN THAI. COHMiniE. Lonf Toin-li V T ir.ili ow 8 E No 1-8 Sn.tt, Eluilra K Monrr, N Junction W M Houston, 8 Juoction-J T flow, Goahao U Muthawa. , E Cottm Grove-J 8 MeIUy, Cbwhar-Q II Hale, Springfield A Ui;art, 8 E No3-E M ISailey, Sptncer Geo llcllmul, W Cottage Grovs-J 1 t'urrln, N E No 3-A J Clnae, Pleaunt Hill II L Mitekell, Irriug-- J M Kitchen, IUchardion-J K Hill, Craevell-Ueo Wliitwtt, 8 E No 2 -A G Mathewe, N E No 2-0 M Kinger, Camp Creek Jolm Waring, GaUCrwk-J W Hirrill. Jaaper II W Jtmea, Coburg Geo Smith, N ENol-J J WalUin, Fall Creek J E Mattexon, Mohawk-J M DavU Loat Valley-Ja Serihner, Coyote Thoa McCulWh. A motion was made aud earned that a aonferenee coiumittee of five be ap pointed at follows: II J Day, J P IN TWO ing and Men's Furnishing Hoods at Having decided to retire from bus iness in this city, and in order to close out our stock quickly, we will, for the next two weeks, offer the entire stock bought from Howe & Rice at JUST HALF PRICE. This firm kept as good quality of Men's and Boys' Cloth ing and Furnishing Goods as any one in the city; hence an opportunity to buy at such a reduction should be taken advantage of quickly. All-Wool SALE Currln, J E P Wliiitrt, W W Oglesby Vn Hogart. q The committee on credentials re ported tbe following delegate entitled Roseate in Ilia onveution: DRMOCRAT4 Eaat Cottage lftove--L F Wooley, H J Day, J W Baker, J H Medley and A J Brumbaugh West Cottage O rove J P Currlo. Horace Mann, Aiei Cooley. J TV dowdy and EC King. Bouth Junctlon-Dr W W Oglesby, Jamee Clow, Thomaa Mllllorn by K Clow proxy. North Junction, Bev William Houn ton, W L Houston, Jamee Darnelll. South Eugene No 1 Ell Barger, P J McPherton, John Higglns. North Eugene No 1-J J Walton, B F Dorrlo, Geo W Klntey, 1 L Camp bell. South Eugene No 2 -A 0 Matbewe, John Holland. North Eugene No 2 Geo A Dorrla, C M Kissinger. North Eugene No 8-J A Close, M J Calloway. SprlngQeld-W P Cbesher.J E P Withers A D Baker. Willamette Wu Bogart, Geo Smith, Geo Drury, Uosheo J B Keeney, II L Edmund- aoa. Jdmundson by a V Matthews, proxy. Irving B F Andrews, Thomas Fisher, J M Kitchen. Coyote Thomas MoCulloob, John Scbrlmpf. Camp Creek Jamee Waring. J W Shumate, George Barnes. 8peuo.r-II Gates, G W Holland, J SmldgUy. Pleasant HUI-H L Ml ohell, Junes Parker. Richardson Alex Lamb, Crlt Croue, J Mahon. Cretwell-Geo Wbltaett, Q B Day, R V Porter. Gate Creek J FHarrlll, James Ken neily. Fall Creek-J E Matteeon, M Y Warner. Lako Creek J O Farmer, by Jaa Fountain, proxy. Mohawk J M Davit, Chat Han berg. Lost Valley W F Mooney, Mr Dodge. Jasper H W Jones. Long Tom Murrr Hays by J II Ferguaou, proxy, J II Ferguson, J R Turnbow. Elmlra J F Ionian, R Moore. Chesher T A Fountain, C K Hale. South Eugene No S Cbaa Callo way, E M Bailey. CORONER NOMINATED. Dr W L Chesher, of Eugene, was uomlnated for coroner by the conven tion. Bueilen'a Araira calve. Tbe beet salve in tba world for cult bruises, soree, uloera, salt rheum, fever aoiee, tetter, chapped banda, cbilLlalut tro, and all akin eruptlont, .ltd positively curre pi lee, or no pay re quired It la guaranteed to give per fect aatlsfactlon or money refunded Wbtel far Trade. A good wheal ta trade for body Or or grub oak wood. Racket. Clothing at less than the price of Shoddy Goods LASTS TWO WEEKS ONLY AT HOWE & RICE'S OLD STAND. o o o o o 4 ail POPULISTS FOR DNION. Without One Dissfi Voice Their Cuiiiilj Convention Favors Union of Reform Furces. Tilt: IIMMIIll l till. Tbe convention waa called to order a. II o'clock at the Batvutiou Army lrraoka by U P Caldwell of Junction, at J D Sutherland, chairman of the county central committee, was out of the county. A S Patterson of Eugene waa elected as temporary chairman aud E Yaruell of Mohawk secretary and 8 K George anslatant secretary. Mr Amis made a motion which was carried that If any precincts weie tn represented by any regularly-elec ed delegate a iy populist from that pre oloci would be gl en a aeat lu the con vention. The chairman appointed as a com mittee on credential! O W Welder, iMJgeiie; It P Caldwell, Junction; and A M fcweauey, Cot'age Grove. On permanent organization, W 11 Spaugh, 8 IC George aud Dr Snapp. J A J Crow of Coyot e precinct made athort eptech while the coiumltteea were formulating their reports, la Which he said that while he bad been considu:eJ a middle-of-the-road popu list, he was selected as a delegate to do wiiat be could for a union of the re form forces; that he held a proxy to vote for the same thing; said be had fouud out it was best to do what the people wanted, and that thry all wanted union. The applause which greeted Mr Crow's speech showed that tbe convention was atrL-tly a union one, with no dlteiiMljn. On motion the convention adjourned to 1 p m, to allow committees to pre pare their reports. ORLEK OF Ul'SINfcSS. rite first order of buaiuexe waa the selection of a chairman of the county central committee. On moiion A J Zumwalt was elected by acclamation. At delegate! to the ctate convention the following were selected: Q U Snapp, F M Nlghawauder, It P t'aldwell, O W Welder, A A Foster, Frauk Kirk. J C Kichurdaon, A J Zumwalt, W W Withers, A M Sween ey, J E Yarnell, I) H Lukln. HARMONIOUS RKSOI.L'TIONB. The following resolution! were pre sented aud unauuuotisly carried, before the selection of delegates, aud were re ceived with great applause and with absolutely nodlsaent: WncKEAS, The peoples part v stands pledged to do all In Its power to restore the policy of tbe free and uullmlted coinage of gold aud silver at the exist lug ratio which waa substantially the policy of the government from the ad ministration of Waahington to that of Grant, aul which waa n lvocated by statesmen of all parties for more than 80 years of our national existence; and, County to buy alem Woolen Mill Store. THOS. KAY, Manager. man nn n n niaaawp -a Wihriai Tbt rtpoMlctb ptily hat uow thrown If the mask and stands avowedly for the slnglngold standard and for the further demonetisation of silver, aud the retirement of green backs and other curreno and convert lug the tame Into Interest-bearing boudt aud ia for establishing a repia- beuslble bauklug tyttem; all of wbicb it destructive to tbt mast of tbe people and beneficial only to the nioueyid class; and Whekkab, The democratic and fite H er republican parties agree sub stantially with tbe peoples party on the financial qccellon aud aa to the uecesslty of reform ou state and oounty government,. HtaoLVKD, That the peoplet party of Lane county la lu favor of uulliug with tbe democratic and tilver repub lican partlea In tbe approaching elec tion, aud that the delegates elected by this convention to the state con veutlon are hereby instructed to use all reason able eflortt to effect such a union of reform forcee. ItKaoLVkD, Tbat tbla convention It unalterably tn favor of tbe tyttem of direct legislation, or the Initiative and referendum. Ou motion of Mr Foster a oommlttee of Ave waa appoluted aa follow! to con fer with Ilka committee! from the dem ocrat lo and allver repuolioan parties. The chair appointed A A Fouler, G T Birch, J C Richardson, R P Caldwel and L B Roeaman. Arrangement for tbe Joint confer ence of committees was made to meet at once at II D Norton'aoffloa, whither they went. PKHM ANENT ORGANIZATION. Tbe committee on permanent organ ization and order of business reported that tbe temporary order of buslnesa be made permanent. Tbe order of busluest presented (l)eltctlenof chair man of central committee; (2) election of 12 delegatea to tba state convention of peoples party; (3) nomination of county surveyor; (4) we hereby recom mend and eudorse the plan of oiganl cation on union lines aa proposed by the Union oounty central oommlttee al outlined In Ita resolutions of Feb ID, 181)8; and wa also recommend tbe pla'. form as adopted at the Albany conven tion Aug 2, 1807 W II Hpacoii Q U Snapi 8 K Gioroe on motion tbe report of committee was adopted by section!. COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS. We your committee on credential! beg to report tbat tba following cre dential! are correct and bolder! enti tled to seatt In tblt convention: Cheeher-R P Allison, 8 R Wlth- row. Thurston Cbaa Gray, Geo Cum mins, W W Wlthera. Spencer R B Hays, Dr M Canady. b ast Cottage Grove Q L Birch with proxlea for H G Veatch, I E Tbomaa and Nat Martla, Long Tom- -R Catebeer, H B Dun lap. Richardson H Flelda. West Cottage Grove A 8 Powell, Levi Geer,A M Sweeney proxy ;Harvey Taylor, A M Sweeney proxy; W M in the 50c Honest Goods at half price. Sinco buying the stock of Howe & Rice last fall, wo have added kcvcral thou sand dollars' worth of our celebrated all wool goods made in Oregon of Oregon wool. There are no jobbers' profits on these goods and they arc cheap at regular prices. They will, however, be sold at or below the manufacturers' cost price. Ore gon goods have a reputation for durability and there arc none better than those manu factured by the Thos Kay Woolen Mill Co. Wltte, a U Snapp progyt A M Sweeney, DrQ U Snapp. Wlllamette-D A Holland, Joel Jackson, C V Marquis, G M Suther land. North Junctlon-M Eocleeton, R P Caldwell; 8 M Cleek, R P CabJwell proxy. Walton J I. Atkinson, J M Carlisle. South Junctlon-Jaa Calvert, A A Foster, J T Curtle. Heoeta-W H Spaugb. Mohawk-J E Yarnell, W Duryee, J R McGee. Springfield 8 K George. Lake Creek C K Hale proxy for Fred C Pell; Lewie Hwauson. North Eugene No S -L B linesman, J J Mutbs, J Neuehanm. North Eugene No 2-G W Welder, E Reams, J C Richardson. Gosben-P It Wall's, II Hutchinson. North Eugene N' 1 A 8 Patterson, D It Lakln, Clint Wlthrow and L H Patterson. South Eueene No 1 Jamee Nettle- ton, Eugene Nye, L B Rowland. Coyote Jamee Crow, Jefl MoCul- link, 8 R Jenkins. G W Weideh, Chm A M SWEANEY R P Caldwell The convention made a few changes and alteration! and same waa adopted Tba report of tbe oonferenee commit tee wu read and unanimously adopted. Harvey Taylor of Cottage Gro.e, waa uomlnated by acclamation for sur veyor. On motion Mr Zumwalt was em powered to select his owe secretsryofi tbe county central committee. On motion adjourned. 81LTER EEPUBLICAM Mel In Mate Convention at ( ity Hall and Elected Delegates to the State Convention. According to the call a mass inven tion of Silver Republicans conve led lu tbe City Hall In Eugene at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Cbaa 11 Baker of Camp Creek pre olnot, waa elected chairman, and W K Scarborough of Eugene, secretary. JGSleveueoii audT 1) Llntu ol Eitkeue, C II Baker of Camp Creek precinct, Ell Perkina of Speuoer aud Jamee Hayes of Junctlou, were elected delegatee to the Silvei Republican State convention, Cbaa H Baker vis uuanlmoimly elected permanent chairman of tbe Lane county Silver lUubllcau party. Resolutions patad will be publish cd tomorrow. Money to Ijoaa. W have a block or 40, KX) to loan on good farms in Lane county. If you have good security and perfect title, we can furnish you the coin without delay, aa we make our own examina tion of security. Call ou us or write. 8. Steele A Co, Albaoy, Oregi U. Veterinary Surgeon. Dr 8 J Chambers, veterinary sura-eon, has returned from the Kaet, and ia now ready for business. Oltlc and hospital at the llvory stable of Mr Ell Bauga. PRICES CUT IN TWO on the $100 AGREED TO MUTE. Democrat, Pupnlist, anil Silver Re publicans Vole lo Fight Together. The .sreriMiiii F.L'iiknk, March 10, IMS. Resolved by the conference coinn It- lees appointed by the iK-mocrailc, Populist aud (Silver Republican con. veutloue i hit w ie on m ul the d p- tlon of the plan as proponed by tba union county convention ly the Pop- ullM, Democratic and Silver Republi can convention!. And further, Unit for the purple of maintaining the organization of tba respective partlea that the Populist county convention nominate a candi date for the otllce of County Surveyor and that the Democratic comity con vention nominate a candidate for County Coroner. Aud further that he platform adopt ed by the L'ulon party of Lane county be adopted as tbe basia of this uulun J P Currin J E P Wlthera W W Oglesby. W M ttogart H J Day Democrata. A A Fo-ter G LHurch L B llo-smau J C lUch.rdaon RP Caldwell PoDtilleta. J G Stevenson Silver Republican. 1 ho 8urpiie of All. Mr James Jones of tbe drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, Illinois, In speaking of Dr King's New Dlacovery, tayea that lint winter tils wife was at tacked with L Grippe, ami her caaa grew so serious that phveiclaus at I'owileu aud Pana could do nothing lor ber. It teemed to develop Into Hasty Consumption. Having Dr King's New Discovery in store and selling lote of it, he Iook a bottle home aud to the surprise of all ehe, tegau to get better from the flint dose anil half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound aud well. Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds ia guaiautted to do tbl good work. Try i. Free trial bottles at Wllklna A Llnn'i drug sloie. Kitray Notice. Taken up by the unilerHigned, living 2J miles west of Eugene, 1 red and white spotted cow, no marks nr brands, left horn aroopt, about 4 yeara old. Came to my place about the 20th djy of December, 1897. Owner can reoove oow by paying charges. Rich Yauuiian. Eugeue, Deo 30, 1807.