The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 05, 1898, Image 7

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7.totfcU'"' htl f -
furtlwr tfc ear IW tri
Absolutely Pure
tvL Min Kwsw to., srw vox.
, ..gone City Guard.
uLiKoKMA mop reports.
,t Ham nave improved the
lUius Have Improved
Kan Francisco, March 2 -The fear
,f droutiht and failure of the crops
Vbicli liatl given gloomy color to le
oris from the Interior during the lat
ter end of the winter have been In great
lart (l!8laU-i' by the rcceut rains. So
triune wero they thai uow, far
N 'fmui feeling appreheuOve, the agri
Vulturliis of lalirornla are lu a most
Liilnililif frame of inlnd,and save io
fewlucalniea are conteuled villi the
L,og tor Hale.
The undesigned will have for Sile
lunralxiut June 1 a lot ol first class
How II r saw logs, about one aod oue-
Llf million feel. Some are now being
it aud bunked ready to roll into the
ver at oiy farm near Elliston. Pur-
Its Wishing to PUIchase saw nm in
tvlted to tall L(. In-pecl tlie.u uu'or
outJluy 1 uex". Also 1 wi.l imve
out as many more for sale by next
II, sud a further lot of from 8,000,000
i 4.UUU.C0O feet to be prepared for
fctrketduriigtlieseastnaf '93 au)
II of aid logs will be bauked at my
ace on the McKenzie river.
John Cogswell.
Kllislon, Feb 1, 1898.
Fur Sale cr Trado.
A Imu. 1 1 M) hens la Sheruia
uuty, Orignn, 20 inllea south of
ro; all under fence; 200 acres in
Itivstioti; survey of Wasco branch of
KAN ruus near the niace. Will
I or trade for property lu or near
lie vail y town with good school
Ivllet;t9. Address,
Thomas F Millkk,
Sclo, Oregon.
Est ray notice.
fallen up by the undersigned, llviog
mllfs west of Eugene, 1 red and
ilte spotted cow, no marks r brand?,
t Lorn moopa, about 4 years old.
me to my place about the 20tu ddy
December, 1897. Owner can recover
' ly paying charge.
Rich Vaiohan.
pgeue, Dec 30, 1807.
Atteuuua Kx l'uiou Soldiers.
It is your duty to become members
of J W Geary Post, No 7, OAR, De
ptrtmeut of Oregon. If you live in this
Jurisdiction, post meetings every sec
ond and fjurtu Friday eveuingsof each
J EF Chapman,
I Commander.
CJenxixos, Adjutant.
Money to Loan.
iVu LlDA 1.1. .-I- A an, .
j "uiwor ciu.ijuu to loan
Otf good farms lu Lann Pminlw If vnn
lveg,K)d security and perfect title,
jianiurnisu you the coin without
fay i as we make our own finnilna.
h of security. Call on us or write.
. Steele A, Co,
Albany, Oregon.
Hare Stiayed.
Wrayed from my nlace fi miles north
"geue In July, a black mare. 13
toraold, weight about 1100 pounds.
'Klug forehead and dish-faced.
formation leading In her raonvorv
fill be rewanlix) ajj,...
Eugene, Oregon, Deo 20, 1807.
To Sell or Trade.
e and one-half Iota In Irvimr.
r' uuiiainff and stork nr nmmhnn.
I t .. '
. value f3000. Will exchange for
Or fcfrwlr V vtrl. a.r cnl
fP 'or cash. Itcn rnr
rs Alaska.
!.. . , .
Itray Notice.
Mr .
l? My Plce November 24,
lr. ii,V.:.V;. w,t?wi crop on rigni
SB I I F Fl f . mw . t
. ln let. About o
ovbvv ,At A"lerson place 4 miles
c - viivrviiiM.
rv.. , George Barnes,
'Wed Dec 16, 1897.
For Sale
I 0r "change for city property,
raLlH Klirb....! k m a.
nies west of Eugene. Apply to
C H Sa.nI'Eks.
Sotice T Ponltrymen.
. i ' li. u vi K
If OU Want nn i. i.
Win, ... .. . "i-nrm irnui uritv
JJ"". B P Hook. Buff or Brown
J.nm . . .... . . IIIUlUUriTR. fMIl till
p ,,'!u. Amos Wllkias. Ash Orove
. wu irv .. -a. . ...
"ro, toourg, or.
w . ;
o Z.: NIED-ret.ton A Hale wli.I 200
th ',,!ia My flrw.Nod. Call on
w w Scott i.fCre well, It In Eugeue
IV- .
in w w of Junction wan lu
fcugere today.
Alf Walker of Gottage Grove, whs In
cugerie louay.
Jonn ijavlea was a passenger to
Junction on today's local.
John Cogswell of Leaburg, I. lu the
oily visiting relatives and friends.
W W Haines wan a passenger to Sa
lem on the overland this moriilng
Kidney Scoit went lo Junction this
forenoon to erve some circuit court
Jack Mortis left on this morning's
iocai inin r..r AoIiIuhou, Kan, on
business trip.
Dr W Kuykeiidall made his regular
'rip to Salem today to lecture before the
medical college.
Mi8 dlii Robinson arrived hoin
louay rroiu a month's visit with
friends at I'ortlaud
Dr t'ulne returned to his duties In
uie msauu asylum at Sa'eni on the
overland this morning.
Mrs Verula Adalr-Scigler. ol Port
lanu, arrive I up today t visit her
mother Mis M Adair.
I K Peters and wife have r turned
from San Francisco. They report hav
ing hud a pleasant tiip.
Grandma Reed, of Springfield who
Is 02 years of age, we are ple-aed to
state, has about recovered from her re
cent illness.
W H Parsons and II G Ply mate are
paa engeis on the steamship Elder,
which leavea Toriland tonight at 7
o'clock tor Skagway.
Tom Cain will leave for his old home
in New York slate about the 10th Inst,
where he exacts to spend the sum
mer and probably lougt r.
Mrs John Dempaey, widow of the
great middle weight pugilist, died in
Portland yesterday from consumption.
She left a llttlo daughter.
Call Coats, a former lesident of Eu
gene, In In town. He desirea us to
state that the informal lou that he
was In jail In Corvallis was not correct.
An (pldemio Is sweeping over Skag-
way. boine 17 deaths from cerebro
piual meningitis were report d in 24
hours just befo'e the Steamship Oregon
left that place.
Heury Simon, at one tlmo iu the
clothing bus'ness In Eugeue, v.'aa here
today. Hi Is uow traveling for the
Blumauer-Fraiik Drug Co, of Port-
laud, representing the cigar depart
Mr and Mrs IIS Taylor who have
been visiting with her pareuts, Mr and
Mrs J II Lampson, have left for San
Francisco, going on the President of
the Yaquina route.
J E Davis and wife ixiect to leave
tonight for Southern Califiruia, prob
ably Ventura county, to reside. They
have made muny friends in Lane
county, and the Guard wishes them
health ami prosperity iu their new
We have received the drat number
of the Lebanon Criterion, a republican
paper. It is full of newsy Items. Leb
anon Is a town of about hOO population
and now has three papers. Some of
them probably the entire lot will
starve. One paper could make a liv
ing at that place. Jesse Lawrence,
formerly of Eugene, Is f ireman of the
Real Estate Transfers.
Reported dally from the Abstract
olllce of A E Wheeler 4 Co.
United States to John T Martin,
138.65 acrt a In Seo 2, Tp 22, 3 east;
homestead patent.
Albert S Chcsher to C A Brown,
lots , 2 and 3, block 2, Chesher'a Addi
tion to Eugene; f j00.
Frank Dwyer and wife t C A
Brown, lots 2 and 3, block 3, Chesher's
Addition to Eugene; (100.
J H West and William WestJr, to
W C Ren wick,, undv. i of the Edward
Mulholland donation claim InTpslS
and 1J, 2 west; (1000.
Alice V Cook and husbaud to II R
Matteson, S E of N W , Seo 13, Tp
16, 2 W; 300.
Estate of Sarah M Meek, by A C
Woodcock, admr , to Jese Boverns,
100 acres iu Sees 10 and 21, Tp 16,4 W;
Birthday Anniversary.
Mrs" Win Stevens was tendered a
surprise party last evjnlng by a Dum
ber of her triend', it being the sixty
second anniversary of her Llrth. The
evenlug was most pleasantly spent
with music, games and loclal inter
course; after pariaaing or a unim
lunch, served by the visiting ladies,
all departed with one more page filled
in their book of happy recollections.
Those nresent were: Rev and Mrs
Robert Leslie, Mr and Mrs W J Fox,
Mr and Mr Wm Mrrrtio, Mr and Mr
Geo Klnsey, Mr and Mrs WW Stevens
Mr and Mrs DP Burton, Mr and Mrs
JM Howe, Mr and Mrs B Allen, Mr
and Mrs Wm Gross, Mr and Mrs
Cbaa Haiuts, Mrs Renfre. .VrsT B
Ford, Mrs D E Yoran. Misses Katha
rine Kauflmai), Lena KaufTinao, Ethel
Kinsey, Beatrice Yoran and Mr Ira
Allen. A.
BiQkleu'a Awa salve.
The salve m the world for cuta
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
soies, tetter, chapped bands, chill 'ains
corns, and all skiu eruptions, iLd
positively cures plU, or no pay te
quired It Is guaranteed to fcive per
fect satisfaction or money relunded
1 A lice O Braudl vs A Park Hi
2 Frank Bros Company vs C Dela
uey and J W Achlson; to recover
. . ...
james r. Keimerly, admr, vs
Frank Mengoz; equity.
In re-estate Joseph Bailey, diu'd
certified Irom couuty court.
0 ii bwiiu vs N II Tallafero; to
establish division line.
0 Michael E Uellly vs 1) W Fleet
Lillian Fleet, etal; to set as de deed
7 FA Daly vs E Broug; to recover
8 A J Kaiser vs J E and Dolly Ie
etal; to set aside deed.
0 In re-assigumeut of A H Blgelow
10 O W Hurd va Robeit Thomas
Cooper; tj recover money.
II J O Wheeler va E B W lilted; to
recover money.
12 C P Houstou vs H S Wallace,
et al; Injunction.
Is i .. .
io james it tiara, rec ever, vs
Joseph Sternberg; to recover money.
it jiues ii tiara, receiver, vs wiu
8 Lee; to recover moMey.
j j ocuooi runu vommiasiouers vs
J W Gross una wife; foreclosure.
Iu L L Horning va lieeve A How
ell, et al; foreclosure ol lien.
17 C baric F Cox v Saruh Jane
Cox; divorce.
18 Mary E Livermore va L It Llv
erniore: divorce. Submitted.
19 STIsom vs 8 It Williams, admr;
to lecover tuouey.
-0 h K Henderson, admr, vs Kllz-
abelh lteastou, et al; t recover money.
i'l T W Harris va Sarah Jane Alii.
sou; to recover mouev.
2J WH Holland va E EWlllard;
23 U Beltmau v Johu K aud Dora
Belshaw; to recover money.
4 Albeit Kostenuan v Johanna
Welderman, et al; confirmation.
2 Zorada Hartwlg v Louis Hart
wig; divorce. Report of referee.
20 In re-as-lgumeut of J H White
aker, Icsol.ent; assignment.
27 W J Van Schuyytrva Johu T
Card well, etal; confirmation.
28 C It Cook vs Thomas J Johnson;
29 J 8 Conger v Rtuben Smith;
30 Eflle Piiluaiu vs A J Putnam;
damages, motion to dismiss.
81 W C llembree vs C P Houston
andFM Parker; to recover luouey
82 Stephen Suited vs 8 C Brautou
et al; continuation.
83 J E Davis etal va City of Eugeue
el al; to restore public square.
34 Doilio Rauch va II L Itauch;
divorce. Report of referee.
&) bcnooi fund Lommlsalonerk vs
Sarab L Johnston, formerly Lytle, et
al; for closure.
80 Mary L Butler vs Geo M Jack
son et al; confirmation.
37 RayADeLano, executrix, vsS
and C A Merlau; ujotlrmatlon.
88 George M Blackburn va CU'ft
Blackburn; divorce.
39 A C Duun et al, executors, vs E
P Peach; to recover property.
40 School Fund ConimUMpuera vs
Mliburu C Brown et al; confirmation.
41 J D Matlock va Smith & Mclu
tlre; foreclosure of lien.
42 Fredericka Roatein vs Jacob
Park; to set aside deed.
43 The City or Eugeue vs A G
Holden; t J revoke franclse.
44 Dorrls & Stevens va Wm II
Poole; to recover m mey.
46 S L Hcrshberger vs A J John
eon, sheriff; injunction
46 II F Stephens va E PJeunlngs
aud Geo N Spurr; lo recover money.
47 J II Wood vs Irena Wood;
43 George Midgley va C T Good
man; to recover money.
49 J II Seever vs R Siuole; to re
cover money.
60 J II Seever and wife vs R Sinole;
to foreclose bond for deed.
52 SEMcClureetalvsJDIloward
and ueo Porter; injunction.
53 Frank Skinner vs Mary I E
Skinner; divorce.
64 L D Forest va J C Ooodale; to
recover money.
55 Wm M Rmishaw vs J T Card
well; to recover money.
66 M A Shough va John H and
Lizzie May; to recover money.
67 R V Howard vs Elmira Mill Co;
63 DCDrury vs John A Hills; to
recover money.
69 John W Richardson vs Mary J
luman et al ; to quiet title.
60 Wm M Rcnshaw vs the City of
Eugene; review.
01 W W Oglesby vs D C Gibson; to
recover money.
62 A L Yarnell va John Rotilnson;
to recover money.
63 H II Friendly va Robert F Fields
and wife; lo recover money.
64 John Welty vs Eugene ('oh ; to
set aside deed.
65 J D Irvine vs William Calvert;
to recover mouey.
66 E L Smith vs N B Tullafero; In
junction. 67 George Midgley va Geo W Itlggs;
to recovir rr oney.
68 William Ahl vs Victoria Ahl;
09 Wm and Thomas Seavey vs H G
Plymate and D J Cover; to recover
70 OQ Cartwrigbt v Geo M Mllltr
id wife; foreclosure.
71 Sampson McCnuell vs II C
l items u, et al; to recover money.
72 Mable Foster vs Charles M Fos
ter; divorce.
73 Houeyiuan DelJart A Company
a nirnnratioll VS C P Houston: lo re-
cover money. qq q
71 Fritrick (iotwert vs T X and
Josephine Segat; to recover money. '
75 J II McCluug and M (I Wilkin
Vs M A Thomas, to lecover momy.
76 W F Edward v J C (;.,)!,.!. ;
lo foreclose mechanics' lieu. ,
77 IKury Brown v Charles C
Humphrey, etal; forecluiure.
"3 C E I.ix'inls vs W It Tucker; lo
recover money.
70 J M Horn vs J II '. luteal .t. et
al; foreclosure.
N) II I, Lawieuce vs II J Jnli.cs,
a luiluistrator, et al; foreclosuie.
81 J II McC'lung and M l) Wilkin.
vs C V Clever; lo recover money.
2 M () Wllklns vs R I. Wllliuuis;
Ij n coyer money,
t3 S H F'rletidly v Eugene F.leclrie
Light Co; Injunction.
M J H Wlilteaker, tru-Ue vs Jolui
Winzeiirled, Jr; to recover money,
85 R M I lay vs E J F'rnsier and
wife: to recover mouey.
86 8 11 Friendly vs R Smoole et al;
f irech sure,
87 The Mitchell, Lewis, Muver Co
vs Mulvina J al; to st aside
83 WMLIveolyvsS P Garroutte;
to recover mouey.
89 James 11 Hurrlss vs The Colum
bia Implement Company; damages.
00 John iVbrl-k vs 11 J Jclu.s, ad
ministrator, et al; foreclosure.
91 Eva 1. Cover va David O Cover;
92 Celia Dunn, et al, executor of F
BDuiiii estate vs T Itilnnlre; l re
cover money.
03 S U Williams vs J C Goodale;
to recover money,
04 11 I) llultum vs Elizabeth Buf-
fum; divorce.
95 Martha Dick vs Alex Dick;
96 James W Seuis v Joseph 8
WoodrufI, trustee, et al; foreclosure of
laborer's lien.
97 Sternberg & Sender vs R P
Caldwell, administrator, et al; fort
closure. 98 N B Lytle vs I C Humphrey ; to
recover money,
99 Clara A Thomson vs J B Cull
man; diunag' a.
10J Geo Midgley vs Win Edrli et al;
101 J C Goodale v W it Andrews;
to recover mouey.
1(12 A Hacheney vs V V Xilkey and
wife; to recover money.
1 13 A Hacheney vs It J Zilkey and
wife; to recover money.
104 J B Stewart vs John B Mosby
aud wife et at; foreclosure.
:05 J BSleaart vsRH, J Baud 1)
A Mosby; to recover money.
li!U J E bavin vs L aud E A Davis;
107 Stale of Oregon vs Chas Miller;
10.3 State of On gnu vs Wm Me-
Clureu; robbery.
109 Statu of Oregon vs VA Bangs;
1 10 Stale of Oregon vs Peter W llsou
aud Peat Norton; burglary.
111 Stare of Oregon vs Sum Catc;
assault with dangerous weapon.
112 Mrs Cordelia Reynolds vs Laue
county, a public corporation; damages,
113 Susan F Dennis vs John L
Dennis; divorce.
114 FA Say lor va I N llembree; to
recover money.
115 E J Crawford va J N B Fuller;
to dissolve partnership.
. 110 B Gardner ys 11 G McKiuley;
to lecover money.
' 117 M J Hadsall vs James A Mc
Leod et al; foreclosure of lieu.
118 The Vulcau lion Works vs The
Siuslaw River Lumber Company, a
corporation; foreclosure.
ft.'iltuu-Kreuaon Marring.
The Worth Couuty Index of North
wood, Iowa, has thef llowing about
the marriage of a loung lady, formerly
a resident of Eugc.:e:
"On Huuday evening, FVi iimry 20
1898, at the St l.ui rld. n- of F E
Bolton, aojusln of the gro in, . iruned
the happy marringu of .Mi (inirgo I
Bolton, of this city, Mi - I In F
diiighterofMrcnd Mrs Kv. n Fveiisou
(formerly of North woxl but now of
Eugeue, Oregon), (lie c. r. moi.y lulng
performed by Rev W V Evert', of
Wood laud Park Jl.ip'.. church. The
young people were si ln.t Imnles and
deal friends in tin i r -rlifu; daysof
a dozen years ago, imd the ph asnut re
lations, begun as childnn, but par
tially interrupted when '.lie Evensous
moved West in the el hlles, wire re
sumed as man mid woman, last sum
mer, when Mr II It' n rnado his mem
orable visit to Die I'lii'lUcsl'ipe. The
groom is known lo every one here a
one of Norihwoid's Ut and most
popular young men; and we arc as
sured that the bride, who l ft North
wood a bilght, intelligent, child, has
developed meanwhile Into fair aud
noble womanhood. 'J lie happy couple
refurned to Northwood yesterday
afternoon. They are making their
home fur the present with Father aud
Mother Bolton, but will soon begin
housekeeping iu the elegant rooms In
the Kean block, over the poslofllce."
A Clever Trick.
Il certainly locks itke It, but there Is
really no trick aloiut it. Anybody can
try it who bus lame buck and
weuk klineys, miliaria, or nervous
troubles. We iiuau he can cure him
self right away by taking Eliclrlo Bit
ters. This medicine tonea up the
whole system, acts as a stimulant to
the Liver aud Kidneys, isabload puri
fier aud nerve tonic. II cures Consti
pation, Headaclie, Fainting Spells,
-leerlesi:ess arid Mi hinchol y. It Is
purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and
restores the system to its natural vigor.
Try Electric Bitters and be convinced
lhal I hey are a mirucla w -nker.
Every boll la guaranteed. Only 60o a
bottlest Wllklns A Linn's drugstore.
Nii'Viithbi'd ii Heart Fiillure !.,
.Niglit at I lit Home KiIoh Ctburg.
1 til) Uuat)l ii'h I
, The sad news reached Eugene this
in rnlng that James linger expired
from heart failure last night at his
farm four miles below Coburg. From
Information at haud it I learned that
the end came suddenly aud encefully
In company with his son John Mr
1 larger had been busily engaged during
the past week putting In spring grain,
and it Is supposed that he had over
woikcd himself, 'the only details
kii wu are that, during the night
John awoke, with a feeling that some
thing was wrong, ami reaching over
to place his hands on his hither found
him cold lu death. A messenger was
at cuce despatched to this city to
notify his w ile aud children residing
This morning Jerry Horn an t James
Tay lor, sou-iU'law of the t!eceiiel, ho
coinpanied by L'ndei laker It M Diiy,
went down to prepare the body for re
moval to this city Al tills lime no
arrangements for the funeral have
been made.
James Burger was turn in Morgan
couuty, Missouri, July 1, 1832, and was
at the lime of his death rged 65 yeaia,
S mouths and 1 day. lie was married
lu Monitor county, Miss. .ml, March (I, Mary June Finley, who sur
vives him. A year later Ihey came In
Ormon, going o New York and
tlieino by steamer, arriving In Salem,
Oregon, February 14, 1SI5. Shortly
afierwurd Ihey settled on the farm
below Coburg, where he lived, and has
reslued there most of the time since,
part of (he time living on their resi
dence properly In this city. Deceased
leaves besides a wife, seven children:
Will Barger, Irving; Hubert L Barger,
Nor: hport, Wash; Mra James Taylor,
Eugene; Mrs Jerry Horn, Fi.iip'ue;
Wulter Barger, Peoila; Johu P aud
George, of this city.
Deceased was universally resected
for those many sturdy virtues possessed
by the hardy pioneers, and hi large
uir jlu of acquaintances w ill learn of his
death with genuine sorrow. He waaa
member of Eugeue lodge No 11, A F &
A M, aud the funeral services will
be held under their auspices.
The fuueral will occur tomorrow
af.eruuou at 2 o'clock Irom his late
residence In this city, cormrFo r.hint
Lawrence streets, to the Masonic
Big Price for a Broken Heart.
Not long sluoe. a Danville, III, juty
ordered the male defendant in a breach
of promise case to pay the competent
sum of (54,333.33 to the allllcted fair
one. Though it is a pretty high est I
maie oi oiitneu ailectlnn, there is
another estimate which, if not In
dollars and cents exactly aahlirh. vet
lu general consideration of excellence
readies as laf y an altitude. This I
the estimate of the people as to the
eiucacy or jiosietier's Miomaoli JJItlers
as a remedy for constipation. The
action of this gentle but ellectlve
laxative is never accompanied by the
gripping so marked in the operation of
most cathartics. It is an Incomparable
remedy for and preventive of malarial.
rheumatic and kidney complaiuts, and
a promoter of appetite aud sleep.
Fleet lou Notice.
To the Legal Voters of School District
No 4, Laue County, Oregon
Notice I hereby given that the
annual election of this district will be
held at the City Hall In Eugene, Ore
gon, the second Monday, being the
llthday of March, 1898, between the
hours of 2 o'clock and 6 o'clock p m of
that day for the purpose of electing one
d rector for three years In tho place of
J L Page, term expired, and one clerk
for one year lu place of Geo F Craw,
term expired. Geo F Chaw, Cleik.
J L Pane, Chairman.
Simi no n eld Woodm en. The otien
meeting held by the Springfield Wood
meu on Tuesday night proved most
beneficial, over 20 application for
membership being taken. Several
speeches on woodcraft were made.
Those by B A Washburn and Rev
Frink Day being of especial merit. At
the close of the program part of the
evening a lunch was served that was
very highly spoken of. A number
from Eugene attended,
I)i ed, Mrs Fountain, a very old
ady, who resided on the McKenzie
near Hendricks' ferry many years,
died at the home of Mr Nicholson In
Camp Creek precinct, thla Wednesday
morning at 4 o'clock. The Interment
will take place Thursday afteruoou at
2 o'clock to the Dick cemetery.
Dsllj Uusxd, March 2
Runaway. County Commissioner
Bailey, while out examining bridges
near Cottage Grove yesterday, bad a
rucaway. He got off with a few
bruise while his driver, Henry Wag
ner received a sprained ankle.
Rmri'lNO Hoi's. A Wood burn dis
pitch of March 2nd says: Charles
McOrmack, who lives about two miles
hhsI of here, Is preparing to ship about
600 hales of hops lo England. He
hopes to obtain a better price by ship
ping ihem direct to the lurge con
siii'ieis. Sui'HaMK Court Order. J F
Koylcs, appellant, va II D Norton, re
siondent, oidered on stipulation that
respondent have until April 15, 1898to
sjrve and file his brief herelu.
Pensions. The following have
been secured through the agency of 8
H v illisms: Samuel F Kerns, of Eu
gene, granted an original prntiofl; Jo
siah W Brewster, granted an lucicae.
I;.-uN.-In E iveue Feb 27, 189S, lo
Mr aud Mrs Jix l ' McCornaek, a
Suliiiitriiu Investigations Lead to tie
Kellef That the Ualue Was
Wrecked by a ttlue.
New York, March 2. A Herald
dispatch from Havana says:
The Maine's back wm brokeu. Later
discoveries made by divers uot only
support the Information prluted by the
Herald concerning the disclosures of
paramount Importance by Euslgn
Powilisou, but oonvlnco those
charge of llio submarine Investigation
that a mine rut the battle-ship
asunder. The keel of the ship was
found hi two pieces, th nearest eud
of which are now separated by a dh
lance of 2) to 3 feet. The sections ai
uo longer lying In oue straight Hue,
but show theeflectof a force executtd
from ort to starboard.
It is evldeut from the discovery of
the present couJItlon of the keel that
the section of the bottom found 25 feet
from Its natural position was wrenched
from iu belt by the first explosion aud
u riven upward. The keel Itself was
forced In the middle unlit It was
broken lu two and then collapsed In
two st et ions and fell lu the posltlou
the diver found it yesterday.
Democratic Cuuniy Couvsntlou.
The Democratic convention fur Laue
county Is hereby called to meet at the
Court House In Eugene,, Orrgou, ou
At 10 o'clock a m, for the purpisw of
electing 14 delegates to the State con
vention aud to transact such other
business a may proiierly con.e lfore
the convention. The con vei lion w ill
consist of K;0 delegates appointed
among the dillereut precimts us fol
North KuKclie.No 1...4 North Kugi'iit No i I
North Kiixvuo No 3 2 South Kugonu No I 3
South KtiKone No i 1 South Huge no No ID
Kliiilm 2 Fall Urvek '.'
Florvnro 4 l.oiheil V
Usui Creek 2 (lloiiten I
Herman 1 llavl Dell I
Irving :l N Junction s
s Junction :i Jsiper I
I-uinTom . '.' I , nt Vslh-y 2
! Uk Creek .1
MUMIo.Fork I Ml-t 1
Mohawk Mapli-tou 2
McKenils..,.. Muuinl 1
riesuiit lll'.l i Klclisnlion S
''peneer :: K ( nlts Uroro &
W ColUiit) Uruvo . . SnliiKlleM. 3
hIuhIsw Thuritou 2
Wllltmsltc a Walton 2
Bohemia 1 llccsis I
Crvswcll Camp Crook 3
CIkmIut j Coyote 2
Total lit)
It Is reoomnisudsd that the precinct
conventions be held at the usual places
of voting on Saturday, March 12,
Rout. Clow, Chairman.
II D NoitTOJT, Boo. pro tern.
SV.iJiaf An;iual S:U)jl XMu;
Notice la hereby given to the le-
l voters of School District No 4. of
Lime county, State of Oreg in, that
the Auuual School meeting fur the
said district will be hi Id at the Court
House lu Eugone, Oregon, to begin at
the hour of 7 o'clock p in, on the first
Monday, being the 7th day of March,
A D 189S.
This meeting is called for the pur
pose of hearing the annual report of
the Directors aud Clerk of said district,
aud for the transaction of liuslnt
usual at such meeting.
Dated thla 23d day ef February, 1893.
Attest: J L Pauk.
Chairman Burd of Directors.
Geo F craw, District Clerk.
Iii the Varmint Business.
William Ilammersly, of Drew's val
ley, Lake county, has a contract with
several prominent sheepmen of Lake
oounty, whereby he Is to receive from
each signer of the contract the sum of
25 cents for each coyote cat or cougar
killed by him In the vicinity of Drew's
gap, say the Lakevlew Examiner.
By this arrangement he averages f2.60
for each scalp. Io leas than three
mouths Mr Ilammersly iias taken the
scalp of 78 coyotes and cuts and ou
cougar. It would serin Unit the busi
ness of killing these animals Is a pay
ing one, as Ilammersly has realized
nearly f 200 from the scalps lakn iu a
brief space ol time.
The Greatest Discovery Yet.
W M Repine, editor Tlskllwa, III.,
"Chief' says: "We won't keep house
without Dr King's New Discovery
for Coughs and Colds. Experimented
with many others, but never got the
true remedy until we used Dr King'
New Discovery. No other remedy
can take Its place in our home, as In It
we have a certain aud sure cure for
Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough,
etc." Il Is Idle lo experiment with
other remedies, even If they are urgd
on you as lust as good aa Dr King's
New Discovery. They ate uot as good
because this renmdy has a record of
cures and besides Is guaranteed. It
neier falls to satisfy. Trial bottles
free at Wllklns A Lliiu's drug store.
i-etter Mst.
March 8,
Berge James
Campbell J E
Deuney W II
Miller II
Robinson R F
Anderson Geo
Brown N N
Desarl T E
Gopher John
Moford Jrc'
Sawyer, Mrs Mettle Simmons M A
Smith Mrs Chas E Taylor Chris
Taylor F'annle.
A charg of on cent will b made on all
letters given out. feraunt oiling lot letter
will lileweiMK when adrerllMsl.
K K llasiiianoN, Act P SI
For Infanta and Children.
Til lis- j
The President, impatient, S-.-ut
llio Hoard Ii. k r.,r Further
IfiV- Vlitim.
WAsntvii., lie, M.,rch 2 -It is
known posiiivnv t:,.ttn,,' i,.ir, t In
quiry on the Maine disaster has re.
ported to the secretary of (lie navy 1 1, at
It Is unable, so, In d.'terin'ii,. t list
cause U the n.vMnit. .'i u . llv(.,
this Is the r. t-oii f .r . rt-:ii y J,,,,,
tut.'.'..,., I thu i!,,, vmi.Mti U11)l',t
claim i'l.hiuiiiiy, ,mt ,,. oft.rr
thepre-l.tenl tl,:,t t!,.. t,;ir, return to
Investigator,, n,,r , ,,,,,,,
pose of the lAccutnet., leave,,,, t.ue
Uliputstied wliicli i:,v l.l
greelll it speedy mid .1. Ili.iU- -1. frm-
tna'ioii of tlii-. uniiajij.y r
31 'tioe of Peoples l'any Prim uy ;i,.e.
Notice i, herehv el'. n I u l .1..-
iwty IVi.uaiy, lectin., fr tli(. purpose
of elcetinK delek-utes to th.. Lanef .U!-
y i copies Puny C.,ivent,i called to
whcld at Eilwene, oMl;t,, Mttrt.
hl,,e lal.l at 2 o'clock p in,
to. ocl.K'ic pm,. .it Saturday, March
1-, Isos, i ,.,!, ,)f (IU ffl()W.n
named precinct-, in iii, . iti. t v
HI I.ailU cotlnly, Dregou:
orth I'.Uirelli' No I. Vnril, i.-
No 2, ami foui , i:( . .,,
South EllKeiu. . I'l,.,
place, thu lumU rof i..,.L.i... i.. i-
elected, an.l I ho Judges of i-tfti..ii for
each of said precincts are: North Eu
ueiie No I, polliiiL' i.liu' Hi I'ilU tl.,11
lu said city. Delegate 4 and In.K....
D 11 1, .kin, L II Patten-on and Clint
nnrow; .Nortl, EuK,.la. 0 o j,,,,,,
place, Cherry buiMimr. 8!h Nir.i ,i..i.
egates 2, Judges, (1 W Welder. J C
Klchardsou and A Brown: s.nith !..
gene No 1, puling ,,1,,,. iwUll,
uui.oii.g, u Mri.lti 3 ,.,,,,.,
ludges, Pet.r Nye. J
LB Kowland; South Eugene No 2,
2 delegates, ludges. J Pllill. Tlo.r-I.,.!
Gootlpasiuroae l I) E Knight.
Secretary Lane Countv PeooU'a l'-r.
ty Ceiitral Committee.
.Notice of Deiiiocialic Primarv Eleo.
Notice Is hereby elvtli that a Ik.,.,.
ocratlo primary election for thu purpose
of electing delegat, tj,a La:;e Coun
ty Deni.H-ruilo Convention called l0
nel.l at I'.ugeiie, Oregon, i, Mttrch J0(
I8WH, will be held at 2 o'clock n i,. i
7o'c:tHk p iii.oti Sittirday, Maich 12,
iiua, in each of the fl,nvinir n,....l
prtolucts 1 1 the c ty of Eugene, in
Laue county, Oregon.
ftorth Eugeue Nol. Xonh h Hi u ma
No 2, and South Eugeuu Nol. an.l
South Eugene No 2. The imlllmr
pla., tho number of delegates I.. i,
elected, aud the Judgea of flection lor
eacn orsiitu nrecliicts are: North Eu
gene No I, polling place at Cliy Hall in
said city. Delegate 4, aim' Judgea, IJ
F Dorrls, J J Walton and Geo W Kln
sey; North Etigcno No 2, polling place,
Cherry building, 8th .ireet, delegate
2. Judges, Geo A Dot ris, Tho Brown,
A J Plckard; South llugeuo No 1,
Hlli g p aw, Rowland bulidinir. Utli
street, a delegates, Judges P J McPber
son, John Hlggius and Ell IUrur
South Eugene No 2, 2 delegates, Judge,
r.ais niauock, Win Hodc and X V
II J Day,
Secretary Lane Countv I)
Cetitul Committee.
A liood Sliowlinr.
'l'he Eugene Loan A KhvI
haml out a statuu.eut showing jon
dltlon at the close of business IYo 15.
lN'JH, which is glvsn below. The state
ment shows the bank to be In a very
prosperous condition ami no a .r
financial fooling:
Loaus and llbursements.. $ 05,202 62
cousins aim other Mecurl-
4,107 17
11 60
Real instate, Furniture and
l- xture. 10,620 37
tash on hand aud iu banks 68,820 28
f 103,800 90
U A llll. I l l KM.
VTl,1lf"'"to',k $ 60,000 CO
Uudlv ided Profits , 74, M
l'0'" 117,156 30
f 108,890 00
With The ItKiiKK-vns.-The regu
lar meeting ol the Eugene lodge of Re.
bekahs hud an unusual vlvaeitw ut
evening. Besides Initiatory work, the
lodge had the liouor of entertaining
the president of tho ueueral
of Oregon, Mis Ida Foster, and the
eveulng will long be remembered with
pleasure, by those attending. The en-
llm IfullA lilfflliiinrulilt.. . .. aa-
- ininj nan pi corn io
greet the gueat of honor, uud It was far
Coward I he mMniti,, l.i.lir whan oil
Journmeut was lad.
Birthday Party. A dinnerparty
wa given at tlio llofluiau House la't
evening In honor of tho anniversary of
the birth of Mrs Charlos Mayhew, lie
lug tendered .by her husband. The
dinner was served lu live courses and
all Its appointments were In keeping
with the event. Those In attendance
were: Mr and Mra Win Keuahaw, Mr
and Mrs J W Owlrin, Mis Louise
Rtmshaw, ("apt II L Hatch.
Pohition Skcukkd. Penlletcn
Tribune, March 1st: "W A Teutsch
left las evening for San Francisco,
where he bus secured a lucrative posi
tion as tiaveling representative for a
large house. Mr Teutsch takes with
him the best wishes of a iiost of
friends." Mr Teuii-ch formeily re
alded at Creswell and I a brother of
Lee Teutsch.
Da learu bartlculan.