- - i LAKE CODKTi SDKD. (MIL ItalJs Ms $1,500 loi f huViges Suitaiocd. A ! Bfl. PJalntlirallege. for cause of action agalustdefendaiil: That OD the till day of June, 107, Lne county m and for a long time prl .r thereto Lad been in coiitrul of the highway and bridge in road dUtrlct No 2; that aid br'dge is aituated upon the couuty road about four utiles eaal of Kliolra, aud waa kept n for public uae and travel and wit used by the public; that for a great length of time prior to June 8, 8U7, aald bridge waa permltU d to lemaiu In an unsafe and dangerous condition, which waa well known to the defendant, Lane county; that aald bildge extended aero a awale a die tance of lAi feet; that It consisted ol atrlnger laid across aald awale upon which were laid planki, the ends of a portion of the aame upon the north aide of aald bridge being unsupported by stringer or otherwise; Hint one of the planks waa deficllve, unsafe and dahiterous. In that said nlaiik bad a large knot therein extending through and covering almost the entii width of aaid plank, (hereby weakening the tame and making it unlit for use In aald b'ld.e. Thai on said June 8, 1807, while law fully traveling over (Hid bridge, the plall.t.t!, Mra Cordelia JUvunlds In company with ti r husband, Iler Reynolds, received Injuries, uiere par llcularlv an follow: Thut plainliir, with h' r husband, w a riding upon aald roud in a light spring wagon, drav n by two horses, and that upon approa hliig said bridge tin aid Leater Itey iol(la diil In the usual manlier carefully aud without negligence drive said liorp. a u;.u sold bridge aforeaald, ualng care and precaution to keep aaid team lu the tegular and uaually traveled tiaek, and thai while paaalug cn the aahl bridge, ami believing thi aamu to l aafu auil exeicising due cauileu aald defective plunk brke and atiuck one of the home, which caused the hoiwa to Jump, and thereby pre cipitating the plnintill aud her hue band violently and with ureal force from aaid bridge, wl.erei y on of the email bone of plainliir right arm aunialued a fracture, and her right hand wh ao crushed ua to becoim per luauuiitly Htillcned and usele, by aabl accldfiit ahe suffered ureal paiti aud distress, thut aald right baud la permuuuiilly sUU'ened, lamed and crippled, and hlie atlll sulfer great nail! lu ald hand and arm. That plaiutlll at all time and In all thing acted Willi due care and with out contllbiitory negligence. Wherefore plaintiff demand Juilg ineml against the dervmlaut, Lane cniiniy, In tlie sum of f l&OO and fot A C Woodcock and 11 l Nurleu H pear for plaiutlll. SHUT 11Y HIS I'AKTMCK. A ell-Know u Douglas County Miner Killed. Rohkiuru. Or. Feb 24.-J W t an teel, an old aud well-known miner, waa killed thia morning at hi initio. on Lee Creek, eight mile north of Myrtle Creek, by a partner named Ul bvrmau, who ahot htm three ilniee Olberm an claims he acted In elf-de feline. It la aupaosud the aliootlug grew out of a dispute over money mat tera. Deputy Hherlfl' Stephen, lpu ty Diatrict Attorney Kiddle and Cor oner Miller will leave tor Myrtle ('reckon the morning truin. Olbei man will lx given an examiuatioii there tomorrow. At.MO.HT l'K t'Ki'V KU 11V I IKK, The resUUnce of M F Rapp waa almnt dvit roved by tire at 0 o'cliK'k tbla evening. 1'artofthe ooliteut of the lower flour were aaved. There 1 about ff2o00 I ii h u ranee. To Country foirespomteut.. We again have to remind country correspondents, tor whine favor we are thankful, thai correspondence that .villains irsihal and ordiuarv neigh boriuMid mentiou should be mailed to reach thin ofllc by Thursday moruliig a the WkUil.V Ol'AUl. go to pre early Friday morning. Col reapon deuce received the laid two day of the week can not be published uulll the last ol the next weekend then It In 1(H) old and atalc, In many lhatatice, to make publication desirable. Oallj UuaM, Ftluuarjr X DlHi. Joacph F.atou died at (loaheu t)i morning of old age at the advanc e.l age of 80 year. Mr H.i.ltsou of fctpriugfleld and John Katon of J u no tion re .lafghte r and aon ol deceased Aleck F.atou of Creswell precinct la a brother. Mra J J Poll I of this city another daughter, went up to (Kahtu on today' 24 local. Commissioner.' O Court Court cetabllibed line of Jasper pre-1 elnct to run a follow: Beginning at! ibe iiorthueai corner of John Kinltb'e donation land clalin lo eke 4, Tp 1 H H 'i W, theuoe eat to northeast cor nerof aald claim, thence aouth to Hue! running at aud weal through the center of Hc 3, Tp 1. H It 2 W, theuce j eaal to i Ueo corner on eaat line of Hec 6. Tp lb, S it 1 '.V, thence eoutn 1 u;lle, j 'hence eaal 6 mile to meridian line, tbeuceeoulti J ml lea, thence aouth weaterlv alone the aummlt of the dl TEACHER'S IKSTiTDTE- Proniiaeiit Slate Educators I're.ent and Much Iatcrtit MiDifrsttJ. I' ft llawlar .rrlure1eolal. Tim loe.l iMii-I.era Ill-titU'e. which ll IllOCietit 1 IIU' and ail large au array of noted educate -fiom varlou portion of Ine Htnte a' preaent a if 'the program extended over leveral jday. ! Tonight Tre-ldent Iluwley of Wl l jameMe I'liiveroiiy. h:lerr., leeturea be ' fori the institute. Mr llnwley I pop- vide between llllla Creek and Full,btlng beld In the ri"i .iiri.nu Creek aud the at line of Kec 30, Tp church today, Ih nnpaing " 18, H Jt 1 W, thence aouth to fall , any prevloualy held here, and nupi. Creek, thenoedown Fall Creek to Mid-1 Hunt la to U conirratu.ated upon m die Fork, thence down Middle Fork cMhUhlaaui which lie l.aa ien a.-iu v, to weat line of aald John tsmith' do- arouae among the tea. htr. i..a ti... it. nh m Although the liiotilute l 111 aea-iou plaoa of negiiuilng. Polling plane: but on dny, every l..t.r aol.nf.l lioliao. t pMVetf 10 Hie Ulllioai J H Htlle, wltneaa atate v liaiiga 1 oU K W Prentice, M D. wllnei. atate a Hani Caae 1 70 Oeo F Crouer witne atate va Wain Caae I "0 LA lielahaw witneaa atate va Rain Cae - 'A Leonard (Jrooa wltueaaaUle va Bam Caae 1 00 Coke liilyeu witneaa ataie va Ham Caae 1 CO Fred Wltbrow wltneai Ktato va Ham Cae 1 00 I P I lower Willi Htate va Bam Caae 1 00 Jarnea Kay aurviaor road dia trict No 04 82 00 M D Johuaon aurwrvlior read diatrict No 23 SO 00 W L lirlatow pauper upplic 12 60 J M Keerye iau(ierauppliea 6 00 Jamea Paryin pauper auppliea... 10 05 L U lieckwith pauper auppliea... 6 25 (lordou liioe wood pauer aup plirt 2 60 C W Lyena work en road 3 00 F L Chaniliera bridge and road material, claimed 26.40 al lowed 20 03 J W Vaughan J P, jury lint for Cottage Urove Justice of peace district 3 00 J W Miller aulatiug In making jury Hit for Cottage Grove Juh- tlce of peace diatrict 2 00 .1 W Jlaker aviating in making Jury Hat for Cottage drove Jua Hue of )ac diatrict 2 00 I M Fraud aupervlior road dia- BECOMING' EXTINCT. Startling Declaration Made By Dr. Paine. '..lu Abatement of A K Jone. aud Sheriff I'bJ 1'cuied. ! A K Jonea, ol Union, nd Sheriff Pby. of Union county, win diod lu the ; , bmught againnt tl.e.u tyt-A j lu the United State circuit court thia city. wy te Portland Telegram. Th Utile opinion of Judgn clll..ger, W,u ao determined the future of t 'cm by hi deciaion on the plea In ahatemei.t,m.l,nit.ed to him a abort ,,, go, ba.1 upon the ground of r i,i.iMdc.l.)ii the defendaut HIBIIW ' J , . ... ne a Teamen ... i i . .. ,ulariy known ami recoguueu oer u,c i .,a, i(U(y of tie ,.uu.e , i; inni hi au ui iinui iiiiunri .... i apeaker, and hla lecture proiniaea to be 'a lining flintle for the event. Ol i!ib rouilne work of the iuUtute i It I only ne ecary to atato that it waa well regulated and waa carried throunh wit n clo-e attention paid lo every de tail. This work embraced, for ti e inorniig aud afternoon program the following: MORM NCI. Mu-lc Prnver-Kev W H (iillert, pator Prenliyterinii church. Heading a cliii-a exerciae) Mra Ollie Hlajton, flrt grde deary achool, Fugene I liild Study W M Hut;oii, principal Kpmig'eld p"blic achool. MeilnaU of Teaching the Iliatory of the Civil War C V Tilton, principal Cxbiiig public achooln. TIik (iiowih and Culture of the MVal Faculty K D Heeler, aii)erlu teudeut Fugeue public achoola. Tlie Teachera' Personality J II Ackerinan, principal Harrlaon-atreet aciioul, Porlliiud. AKTKKNOON. Muair. iieoKrapliy (a cln exercise)- Mia Kreaa, fourth grade Central Hraulia ! l.ip.rliMenl aial laaan Aafluio - n- "It la Friday' rorimim . ......... rtulim.n i -l-rmlniocontemi-late the large per- cm...... n11Ml,iiell cent.g.of.n.an.,ycaua.d by heredity Oregom ne u ,o prevent on. per.n w h T ' ";' . Brrst ld ,nlpriHonmenl UIIDMTM -' " " like the pro.het, eaaerta: Thtt. far ahalt thou go aud uo furth. r.' " Tl.l. U Mix atari II ' IT uecinrnu.'ii made by Dr D A Paine, aU ent of the Oregon tate Inaane a-ylun, ...,.., ,)e WHH Brre.tcd to a Telegram reporter at the I.nper.a. i ifrItlou ,bla morning. The doctor ha made a by M.e . y j; K ii-e and etleci oi - i'i,, . , , lo.iieo of the peace at Lulou, in.ar.ity, with a view to .nm.n.an na ' , , t. alin $13 worth .beevll. to'rVhto ."Hterlal. After.,.. I. he with tl.e .ymptomaoi eat.. ,.; . - .rlrttte(i t,l I at tier.tthathecla.eainem ,Ul -.,. w. ,.,,. d li.en fcacli '" " " - , , . . taken to Union, where lie aecuiru tta coat. I of time, injury iu .... u-.-!eaa and injury to hla reputation. He ll!ege In hi. compla.nl that on the 1 . I.... ulil A ritend.:9ti "y " ,HHI prr" "v: :M,tfHL.edlnbualiieaaal Daviou, , real h. a bolauiat would flowers. .ymptoni he atudie. with Marching care; sometime with etartling result. So highly la hi. experience valued thai be ha. been requested to write Ireatlae. upon the subject, aud ' e now le.ture upon mental diseases to a clans In the stale university medical college. The doctor I a man of fine phy sique, ha. clear, dark eyes, full of in tellectual tire, and a oitve manner of delivery which carriea with it con- He .aid that learned physl hi. release on bull. He had a trM ny jury on the 7lli of October and was ac quitted. Ity reason of till fale arrest aud im ,.p.oi.ment. he alieites, lie was obliged to expend J154.50 as attorney' fee, t5 f..r fare and board and other large aum. for ibe fnre and U.upI of witnesses sui. .........1 In Ida lit half. RV 'eiisoll Of imvioip bl olaceof busmen clo-id up for nine davs be claim to have lost victioti. lie .am mai learueu p..,-.- bile the business was lieliiling.- in urevi m trlctN 27. balance CI Ooictiie school, Lugci.e. The I'urposH in the Plan of the Ufcillon P L Campliell, president of the O H N H, Monmouth. 2 00 2 00 6 20 3 40 1 00 I MJHadiallJP, making Jury liat for Mound precinct 3 00 Frauk Hartley awistlng In mak- Ingjury list for Mound precinct Amoa Hadaall anlallng in mak ing jury list for Mound prec- clucl J J Puller J P, tState va Hay J II Milbr con.talila, Htate va Hay Harvey Hich, wltnes Htate v llaya J W Llago, witueu Plate va Hay. Jau.e 1'arvln pauHr puppilus KU Iee pauper au pile. 12 CO I Hlayter pauper jsupplie. 7 Ho Kftle A umwalt p uper auppliea 0 IKI N Wllloughby pauper auiiplie.... 12 00 J T Calllioii & Hon pauper up- pll-a 2 05 J T Calllaon & Hon bridge iron 40 00 A C Jeunlnga stamp, expressega etc 37 45 Oeo Fleeman work for Improve ment of squares 4 l5 Win Hutherland aupervlaor dia trict No 104 27 u0 Court approved report of Win tSuth erlaud, .uperviaor of district No lot. Columbia Kivet Defenses. At Fort Canby, at the mouth of the river, on the Washington shore, there i at present but one eompany of 02 tneu, many of whom are recruits, says the Attoriau. There Is one 15-luch .iiHH)th-bor gun, five 8-Inch rifle aud ten 10-Inch amoeth-boie gun. There are also several unmounted Kilns. which could not be usd 111 case of aud- den nosalty. The exact amount of auituunitien Is not kuown, but there are plenty of projectile and .hot De ails In School MaliHg. meiit W W Allingl.Niii, p.inclpal Juuctioa City school.. I leceas. The Teacher Who Succeeds O W Jones, .tipeiinteudei'.t Muriou county SCl.lMll. Science lu Teaching in Rural Schools C 11 Chapman, president U of O. Court Hoiiaa .News. 'I he case of the City if Fugeue v. Win M Hei.shaw hm been taken up by Mr Kenahaw on a writ of review. This i. therase wherein C II Chapmau charged Mr lteiishaw with selling liquor lo university Miideiit last June, and he wus lined i 0 ai.d costa. F A Hay lor bus inatituted a suit in tlie Lane county circuit cmrt against I N Hembree. Judgment is asked for $115, interest and cost.. K J Crawford has sued J N II Fuller lu the Lane county circuit, cocrt to dissolve a copartnership. The com plaint allege that defendant Is Indebt ed to plaintifl in the sum of $1(100 or more aud doe- refuae to pay auy par, thereof; also that all property belong ing to partnership be .old ami liablli ciat.s all over the world were their combined euergUe toward re ducing the cius. which result in in sanity. Hereditary defect by far were ac countable for the chattering mauini's that filled the asylum and were ahunuedny the majority of mankind a. though possessed with a loathsome disease. Ignorance regarding tl.e law of marriage I. lespou.ibie, the docior said, for a great uumber of cases. Aud to allow pet.ou. each posiefaid of her editary disease to marry was eimply a crime agalost nature and a menace to society. The more nature was outraged lu this inani.er the more the human race would degenerate until the whole hu man fa oily would become curd with hereditary diseases. The doctor re ferred to the Greek., who were of such fine mental and physical construction. This was due to their close observance of the law. of nature. Their wive, lu motherhood were held tacred, and aurrouuded with the most pleasing In fluences iu order that the children would not be innrked by any mental agony of the mothers, which wa. care fully gnardvd against. The doctor think, the sex question should be better understood aud law. made to prevent pe ple of hereditary complaints from mingling. Phrenology properly directed would be a good thing in the schools. There should also be a better knowledge re garding unwiso selections iu marriage. Home idea of the number of these could be gleaued from the divorce courts, which were Incessantly grind ing. The weather, the doctor observed, was a great factor In causiug insanity. Iu tl.e fall, when all nature lay dead and withering and during the gloomy winter month, the number of aticnt Increased considerably. During tlie extent of 500. The damage to his reputatl .n he estimate, at $1U (MKJ, and other special damaue. brings the. sum toial he seeks to recover ip to t2l,'3U. 1 lie oniy ii --iii phy took III the proceedings against l'.u-il.nell was the serving of papers. any, be divided between the plait. till and defendant according to their re spective I n teres Is. It liildell has entered suit in the circuit court against H 11 McKlnley. Judgment Is aake.l fur $120 and interest. Wll.L Disooi-ST Ir.-Salcin Htate. man: "l.ane c.mnty will spend alut $flj,o0) on her new court home. It will be about half as flue a structure us Hlio Marlon county building, which cost nearly twice as much, or about We wi.U to exteud our heartfelt HUyHK). NY will .till have the baud- thauk. to the niauy kind friend. ' ."me"'. "d iet county court house lu w hose aaaiitauce aud svmoHthv u u i Oregon. tic. settled and that the .urplus, l 8'dauuie springtime, ou the other Card of Thauk. given u during the lllne a ami death of our beloved husband aud fa' her. klhsNJ HwwKi.i. and Family. Letter From llryau. Albany lemocrat: Hon M A MilUr received a letter from W J ltryan a few day. ago. Mr ltryan wrote tba he 1ih1 the reform parlle lu Oregon would unite iu the campaign this year. The Marlou county court house wa built years xgo, while materials aud liil'or verc about double what they are today. Architect Neer says the ISHlem temple of justice will he dicouuted. Alllltllt'O I .HUM OillltWV lt. m I....I ...mejail already, that coat alHiut t:5 -! Wh,!J l,Uu over R,,J ov''r' lirt1'i''g . T ' ll-.HItl lllll. an. I I. I.I... I . ' nuv. nulling iuiii imer- . nally, so that he did several hours Imox Ci.i ii Oroam.kis. Cottage ! fterward. hand, w hen nature sparkled with rip ples of sunshine, recoveries were nu merous. The asylum at present con tains 1144 patients, many of whom will never leave Its cold, bleak walls. Oregon, in comparison with other states, show, a amallcr percentage of case.. WOUND AKOUJI) A SHAFT. A 1'endleton Woolen Mill Kliiploye Meets With a Horrible Heath. Pkshlbton, Or, Feb 21 Clarence Dubuis, aged 22, wa. fatally hurl by being wound around the .haft at the woolen mil! ate last nigbi. Dubuis wa. employed in the picker-room, and weut below to remove a llt without waiting for the machinery to stop. A set pin In the abaft caught bis blouse, Ileal Kstuto Transient. Jtcportcd daily from the Abstract olllce of A K Wheeler A 0. J C Snodgra.s to Pliny K Hnodgrass, undivided J of residence property on South Williimetlestreet, In F.ugene; $1. l'hlliii F: Jackson and wife to tie rge Barber, 3IKI feet square in sec 30 tp IS, 12 w; $200. John ( Crump to J F Powers, lot 7, block 2, Drigg.' original l-t of Spring. field, and w .'!0 fet of lot 7 blk 4 ol Spriuglleld; $140. J I Jones and wife ( tlie Iiooth Kelly Lumber Co, u J of u J of sec 8 tp 20, 2 w-100 a; $150. Flelschner, Mayer A Co to Northwest Heal F.stateA Investment Co, the J E P Crow and wife don laud claim In tp 15 range 4 and 5 west; $1. Pally Uuartl February A RKKSTKH. Sidney Hcott, cnuatn ble, arreted D M Drake yesterday afteruoou, on a w in runt issued out ol Justice Wheeler's court, charging him with the crime of usaull and battery, committed ou Feb 22, 1S!'H, in unlaw, fully assaulting and heating Mra E McMahon, contrary to the statu tt a, etc. Drake was taken before the Jus tice this morning and entered a plea of ' not guilty." His trial wus set for Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. It is aid the trial will be "rich aud racy." Prosecuting Attorney Harris will aps?ar lu behalf of the State aud L liilveu for Druke. Known II kke Cottage Grove Leud er: "Mrs Strohecktr, sister of FYank Jordan, of tills city, haa received a letter from her husband, w ho, is iu Klondike, having left a good position in Portland to go there In search of gold. He says he 1 cutting cord wood at $2 50 per cord, and boarding him self. He is sorry uow that he went." Atone time Jordan worked foi Fisher & Watkins. Call Acckhtkd. Amity Times: "C 0 LcMastcrs has accepted the pas torate of the Christian church at Dallas, w in re he will take up his resi dence in the near future. We regret to see Claude leave Ap.iity, yet tlie Tinita joln with his many friends here and elsewhere In -vLbing him abundant success." Mr I.t-Masters Is well known in Eugene. He is a young man of ability. CooDty Convention To Be Held ldili, Primaries March 12111. lull Proceeding, The democratic, countv mitten met tbl afternoon .. . o'clock. Itobt M f'lnw !... ... ing me meeting to order, ir y. ik-. ...... . it v muriou waa eiectrd (m secretary. II J Dav lwln .1... . ' . " """eui. un inouon 11 waa ordered ih., euuiujr vouTciiuu.i ue uelu Irj pu Wednesday, March 16th, 1808 at l Ou motion It wa ordere.1 ihM IL nrlm 1 rla laa tiM 1 .1. a , o Clock Bat Saturday, March 12th. " Ou moliou the wcretary .f ((,, luittee waa authorized to M.u. , -ugene (dt. M Mb. I. of primary election in precinct. On motion It was ordered the ip, lloument be made cn the vote cut the last president! 1 elec Ion for Brn! and Watson. Ou motion the committee proce to make au apportionment cii basl. of one delegate to each prtcij and one for each 45 votes and , 01 o inereoi. 1 ne result Iowa: North Eugene No 1 North F2ugene No 2 North Fugeue No 3 8011th Flugene No 1 Houth Eugene No 2 South Eugene No 3 Elmlra Fall Creek Florence , (loshen date Creek Glcutena Herman Hazel Dell Irving N. Junction S. Junction Jasper Long Tom Lost Valley Lane .'. Lake Creek Middle Fork Mabel Mohawk Maphton McKeuzie Mouud Pleit.aiit Hill Richard.011 Spencer E Cottage Urove W Col ago urove -I Springfield Siusla'v ThursMii Willamette Walton, Iioheuila Hecela Crcswell Camp Creek Chesher..., Coyote Total On motion the chairman aud H tery were ordered to prepare tlie i ular call. Ou motion, adjourned. WILL HDSH WOhK. Contractor Boney Already Orderj Material, for tlie New Cmrt House. L N Kouey, the contrail h erectlou aud completion of lla) house 1. already busy ordering Im1 briclc. atone, otn. Iu a few day the joist, for It l' floor will arrive and they will Mr lu no Itlon. The brick yard men will tonus work in a abort time. t. r . PnrllHlld rtil IkOUCJ In .,.l ...... r.t .l.tlifl lllftSODlU iu ocuu a Vict. v. qulus to get out the .tone; seut to Portland then an the sizes required. It .ill dsaweil11 ITn n.w TIib (JL-ABDaC110' 1. r,. V A Bf- Eugene' progrelve music d. a.ong. entitled, "The Heroes Sank With the Maine." a beauti W tlie i" .crlptive .oug, founded 011 the U 8 battleship Main drove Messenger: Last rriday the Cottage Cirove Utilou Kimetallic Club was organled at the Masonic hall, aud now nuuiW'r over 100 members. The follow Inn Hte the ofllcerselicti d: Pn sl Dubui acted against the mill regula- tion. iu tryii g to remove the Mi be fore the machiuery bad been stopped. He was married and has a youug wife who had Just given birth to a child. In Prikf. if you ar a man or wmiiauSlyea.a or over, a legal rei-; dei t. Csl Wallace; vice wesun.i.t. 1 H . The accident is greatly denbrid. ueuioiaoimci 01 iww innaiuiant 1 Veatch; . cretary, J S tedley; uvas er over, and have pioperty In the d!-'tirer, J P Currin. There waa a good irlct ou which you pay taxes, you can 1 attendance for such bad weather aud vote at choo election. If you rvid ; it see ned to I the unanimous opiuiou (u a ml er district, the law ia the that we fliould have union without aim, excepting tliat you may vote fuion. Alter spveehe by aeveral evea If you pay uotaxe. If you have 'members the uieeting adjourned sub- children of acliool age to educate. Jrct to call by the piesldent." A 11akkkS1IihTINu. Win 8 John son, alius "Omaha ltob" wa shot by Officer Ksisley at ltaker City Wednes day night, the ball entering the body tietwetti the Itea: t am) pit of slomacli. It Is probably a fatal wouud. John?ou reaisted unit, 'Thirty DAYs."-.Salctu Journal Fen 25: J H Clem Mils, who wna ar rested at F:ugene Thursday charged wilh larceny was arruigne I licfore Ciy Recorder Ed N Edea at I p ft t.-(ay and plead guilty to ptHy huceuy, whereupon he was senteuccd to thirty days lu tlie county jail. Daily Uuartl February .'5 Fot'ND Not Gi-ilty.-D M Drake waa tried today before Justice A E Wheeler, at the court house, on (lie charge of having annulled Mrs K McMahon. Spectator, were excluded. T... ..... r mejustece lounu Druke not and he waa discharged, Will Heui ii.d.-e j F.-asier will commence Mondax with a foree of men to rebuild hi. rusideiicei.ti Vimi. I that vou exUt. If we sv ivt,, icreuuy ci iisumeu by Ore. guil y la H uiarW ...i. ii : quick compoatllon. The niu - Paul Cohu and word. JJ c. Susan F nil. rut Ayi.vvtt. .v.. nis ha. a ted her liu.band, J' hn b the Lau. cu" no, l'l nu.vwivv a --- ......u Tin .v.iinlo were Vy'ltUll l."U I v aw v f , . . . ... rv Vt 1SW. rtea iu J.aue couuiy. wvt j .... . .t ... ...Mine, in children were born 10 we ir-- comidalnt alleaes non-miPP0" alittse. How ISTHIS?-C0ttage C"oVtI "It is curious how the Register .. ...... non't l!, ' oryaii m worry unu. - k . ... .... ... .i ..'t even ,Br eueo. M r oiyuu in-nr.. . you we wouldn't notice ucu- o o o o