The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 05, 1898, Image 4

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    CITY AND COUNTY ounce? iI"r p" it- Mr
, ..... . , t Cleveland's administration wa hos-
ATUKDAY ft tile to lilver and availed itself of
lha option to purchase the lesser
OllnntitV in pinui nanna f wl.!.h
ojif n hostility to and, non i ointili-
ii.ce wid l he intent ol the in, Mil- j
front an rdtoimi u th.. Cincinnati
Knqiiircr ( iaiiliia trmi.y
Aliiui-r Frifi.di ! Nlver.
l Ailiilt:e in U.e-K"U.
"V hep silver im-n of all jari'
tores.j" the over i.niinu gin. (.or
tam e of emit nucd unit)'. Iiium i
iln-reia Ktrt-iiKlh. N ininK hut in
faliie ir tenses of the Kenuhlicsi.
J art t.'.at it hin.itiillisn
gse tin-in th ele.tiun in JS'Jii
1're d- nt McKiiilcy, Sf. rt'Hr
and ;x--iiM!ir JM mind have
ver again declined. The act
ietaiwl Novernher J. J'J3.
lf'Jl . . ,.0.7Gl
1'J2 . .073
18!3 00.'
lff'Jl 4'J1
If'J'i WW
190 (Cm.r.t.) 5 2 8
Our readers should note the dill'-r-"me
in valuta helween 'the hrt
fi(il yeir, 1692. of this pun-hasr,
0 073, and that of the year 10 1 f.l-l-.wing
the repeal of the a' t, fO.-l'Jl,
nd then consider the credibility
the Oreeonian as a witness. In
I-- viv.-finaii m ii Ulir.rr, . 1 1
a'wutone year after this l.w was
mi iii .ii i.f Miuin-an lurtv n rmi n,... u..ri.;i...Liin
I I'1 uw ii iu sa diiii I ir ifvr-l
tin? almpe if the g ild etwidard
intiuri tending in CuiiKre-.
That party h.n forever iind com
pany with every t-.irticst bimetalliBt,
Lane Coin ty Yf"iW Tarty t 'overman
.ori aok (jko) v., Or , March, 2 181
To Tiik I'toi'i.M I'Ahiv ok Lank
CiiI'.mv, Oiuuon:
In liio nliM-nrf .f i. or chsimian.
ami In . roid. id. n with u lesolutlon
pi-ieil lit) IVoplm I'urly at tl.e
meeting in Ivik1 He, Oregon, I'Vb IW,
IMS, I lifri'liy f.'i'l tlie cunty ."live.. -
tlon iif tin- People Party of Lane c un
ty, Oil-Kim, l'i mi'i I hi Kuk ue il)
Wt'iliir-ilMY, Mhi.Ii l'i, IViH, til tl e
hour of IU it'cli'i k h. in., to elert a
cliiilf man. unil central committee, ami
delegate to the HihIh convention, and
to transact any other liusines that
may he neees-ury to keej. the organi-
zalion r I e parly uiiaet, tot used
III the campaign of 10, If H thou 1(1
he ilfi-riii-il wlMoand the liext thing to
Tlie IimnU of ri'pr-Kfnlitlioii In the
county coitveiilino, will In- one Ue.e
vatefriiiu em-li prt-clnct mkI oiip for
every 20 votcnclwiiul or niHjorliy fmc
non inereor ot I lie vote cum iii ttie pre-
for CoiiKri--iiiHii al the lant gen
.... . r"' in ll'JU.
......Uu,w, ,,. yu.uc. tuui-i iiimua ,rrelnct o Voi. So Del.
tC.lIrl i-qualn 10.182, alrac iunover Ku,.,,,. ,, o,
2'i r cent of a declioi in one yeur. X Kiiitene y 4:1 3
w 1
Ami thtr Orrffftnian Krurculv na. Kuhe(te No 3
intludiny thone who hd hofd for Lnrtg that law ha. nnlhin,. tr. ,!n 8 K,K"' No 1
inii rinitifiiial luni' liillihin. Vic ory witi th olum .,f ,iiv. .n,i MKu, "eN"2 -
" l n r.iiirHiiu .-no a ,
....... N Junction 47 OK 15OS. 8 Junction 30
Irvinir "l
Jackaonville Ti men: ''A cnmnnpl Wlllarnttte G7
coalition ot th ilver-reforui lorcea HprlngOeld 61
hai h-en formed in Lane county. Thuraton sh
ii, theaeturc, ahuoln'.ejy mr i thn
year, and again in ll'DO, if aedo
nut allow our cintnicfl to divide ih.
They uiUHt not le alloHfd to ow
tarn among the a heat.
Theoae overhflniin( rjucHtion
i i. . ,
; r"i"" county in the state where the I'op-
reotoration of gold and silver on uliup, Di tnocrata and .Silver lie
equal terms to their conhtitutiotial Iuhlicana do not favor a union
place ts money metal. This prfat Ba,n81 u,e common enemy."
movement in for the common good.
Without it there lie beforo us years
of diHasler, retrogression and gener
al distrecrt. The titmott good ftcl-
InCV III llirMiJUPU ImlU'iin ull l...
ft " 1 J illicit ait iiic I - i vauniicu
elements w hich a -ted toccther ir. ''vana dependent on supplies 'rom Coyote..
1300. Karncst advocates of free a,'roa(1, T,ie ,aleBt "uggestion U LongTom...
that Ulanco can be whinniwl t uaiecreea...
i i r t. McKeoaie
F.I m Ira 1
Camp Creek 47
CreHwell 03
V Cottage (irove 101
K Cottage Orove .'. 04
l!ua..,il Hill IU
I. vnn.. .if ........ J J
Itlchardaon 1
live inland, but nain has Dursmd M"1,,wk ' '
a restraining policy on the agricul- J j.''r
. - ....Li . u.u iii u , ubo . r,iiiri,'ii i i ' i.... i j.
$150 o SHOES o
i'lca-aij t Mill 1 1 mm.
Manh 1, 1VJN.
The run ahone I riir II V ("day. vlv.
nx everybody nrw life ami eiierjfy.
liorhfi the wife nf Koil Calliaon
Ial Hunday, mlaughlir.
Orau Davit ami Mauley Oillirrt
wei.t over to Cainn rk Ul Friday
aud returned Humlay evening
tra A L)av a in uui'e nick. If 'an-
valzah la her attt-mliiitr phy.lclun.
Airs H llanilimkrr of Kuiretie. la via-
if with !,..- (Lighten. Mm W L
linatow and Mm 1' I.alrd.
Itev Mlnulck of the Kuiretie Divlnl.
ty achoi.l. urtached here Ut Huudav
aud Hunday nlkht.
Mrs Q W Milllum returned home
after two week with her tmrenla
at Thurnton,
W L Iirlatow U I uttina in a new
UrIx of soodi and aaya he will m il at
oeo rocK priii g.
The tchool neelvea a new nunll now
aud then Inmi the iieinhborioK di-trlcli.
Kills Calliaon let l.ia team nf
horNfs Ket away with hi drill. Ttiev
ran a few rod aud broke l.mae, break
ing the totiL'Ue and doinir bui llitlo
damage otherwlae.
buikton Items.
coinage will rt-ogoize the itnuor- 1 II,nco CBI be whipped in
. . . 1 I r.,i. ,...;..i. i i r . .
lance ol cultivating good will and '" V'B" oy iew warsntps MaW 8
of ovcrldbking personal advantages b'ln? ,ulloneJ "hort distance off
Cheaher 'Si
in the coming caufyaigo.
''la union there is strength
Divided we fail. We earnestly ex
hort all this) who seek the es'ab
liahment of hiinetallistn to waste
llivai a to cut off importation.
H Ktoue, of Wlllanilna, la In Kugeue.
Juimm IJblHsrt went to Portland to
no strength in jaMonal struggles I jny.
within llie ines. Dcm.Kirat i, I'o,,- K M MMi l)f Foret u (i ( w
ultsU and Silver Kepublicans city.
Should only engngo in a generou M O Warner returned toKuge.ieto-
a ' a aaa m
Birneiosee who snail carry Tor- a.v,
ward furthcrest the bimctull.c J C (iiHHiaie of Coburg, was In Ku-
standard. Sustain the man who ly-
seems to bo most likely to lead the J,,n" "ainptoii made a abort trip to
allied forces to victory many given Ju,,t,,l,,u tw-
- I la, m a...
j n imioi, oi Morunce, la
Kiiurneoii bualueaii.
Kail Creek
Olentena I)
Middle Fork 1
NUftlaw ill
Hazel Dell 6
Lost Valley M
Hcrmauu 1
Lane. 10
Mapleton 42
Lake Creek 13
Mound I'tl
Walton 21
Florence "0
state and district, ecorning either
toanknr reinrnlx r who were hm
political asHociatcs in former con
tents with which the present is in
no wiae concerned.
We with a full representation I rom
. an prt cniei aim lurinoii o is act oil aa
Oria W.hhI arrived lioina from a irii. .. ' . .
, l.,l....i i.- . ' lM UWM ' r lia.aainlej till.
Home Hgure renjurtful y Subuiliiid
for tla loiianleruilen.
TheOregonian continually aer's
that tl.o fall in the bullion prico of
silver is not duo to law diacrituinii"
ting against the metal, but to nut-
Ural causes. II it it give no proof foliage tlrovt.
to Portland oil today' 101 local.
A D Smith and II K Cole, of llalsey,
are registered at the Hotel Kugene.
itiiv Dollarhide, fonnerlv cf Kinrviin.
IIIkooii nio.e from odavllla to ha
lent. Mla Maude Do smore went to
Ju union today to attend her clawa iu
L K lleaii of Mapletou, Is n the city.
He U a republican candidate for coun
ty cli'ik.
I'er A M SwkaNV, Sec'y.
Call for
M sa t on Veil tlou
to Silver
to sustain thn b iso a-terlion.
The fact are o hcrwise and any
reaaonahlo mind will bocniivinctd
of the truth ot our assertion after
carefully examining the following
table, tin correctness of which is I
Annual clioiil inuctliitr neat Moo-
day evening; school election one weik
from Monday.
Misa A , Ktltea went to points north
lhl morning In the Intereats of the
norary aaaoclathin.
vouche.1 far by a very capable and ... , , " ,':,U,y ,,r ,h -wburg
accurate tmblication. ho v... . ? " 1 "
i.niajr miuinwarii bouud.
accurate liublication. tlio New
York World aluianau for I SI'S.
lll l.l.m.N VAI.I K OK o71.25(ilt.Ms in
I'l llK HI1.VKH, TI1K Hoi. I.Alt, AT
I'llll'K OK Sll V Kit.
isio itwy
1M' 1.01S arrived iu Kugene taday
lboo t n:-. orotner,
1S70 1.0J7
1871 i yor,
1872 u)m
IS'J 1.001
iur readers will note that tin.
, "" ' tue guest
Btamlard dollar was droppol from Mr Van Wll.on In thla city for
uui vuiinir iii ioi ii, .mho itio pri- ' " iiuine louay.
ces that follow: Mr David Cherry went In H.lem
1874 f0'SS 1 ',' " her oa, Uobeit,
1875 'W i w,, U "'a"'" e,,t ln 1' office at
There will be a iiiaca convention of
Hllver ltepublieliiia of Dune county,
held in Kugene, In the City Hall,
Wednesday, March 10, l.VJS, for the
iiiiriniM. tt .itiiiiVii.. fli-.i.i..i ..-...
... . . . iinrunnmriioiiiB
ITL li I.UCkev arrlvwil Immu n.l. I Sll..r K...,,, i.ii.,.., u... i
... i o i .., I'liuMim, ,-iif vnuit'llllUU (!)
ii.ornlii from profesaional trip to be held in Portland March lad, audio
( 'ollaLitl I Jr.iiA I. . ....
naiiaaei any oi ner LUI lies that limy
properly come before said convention.
Let those K-nutilicKii who kll,.v
I In a purely American system of finance
a opposed the lliltish Monoinetallli
and tlage system of 11 ii.mce. by In at
tendance at this convention.
County Chairman Slate Central Nil.
ver Itcpubllcan Committee.
honest insuruiife man will admit that
ii'ore that one-half of these losses were
caused by over-Insurance.
Is It uot time fur a reform Iu tha iu-
su ranee busiuess. when under the
I presvnt system of ktoek-couipauy In-
i . . . . . . -
surance ine tione-i preuuuni-pByer
must nay i' for tl of protection? We
certainly cantiot 'li'tend upon these
stix'K comt anles to w rk i. fnitu in
their methods whilj tiu-yareuil com-
biued In a trust and haie t,ower to
make rates to suit themselves.
A refor u can Le worked by a care
ful system of mutual Insr-cce. 'liis I
lo s ratio of the OreL'ou fire Relief
Association during the past year only
amounted to 10 cr cent of stock com
pany rates.
i ne only reason thut its loss ratio
was so much lower than that of the
-toek companies Is liecailse. of their
cuieful system, which adjust, If not
cuiueijr uvuni uisiione-i losses.
11 llEl K.MAX, AkcuI,
Kugeue, Dr.
'I I. u SI. i , I , . . . .
...c .-f.ii.ui lauira inietiu Having a
lady candidate tu vota ,:, u.u.i,
from Monday lor director.
iienneaday'sKoaeburg liovlew: Mr
and Mrs It J Jeunuig left this loom
ing for Cottage Orove to reside."
1." K llrodle, goveriiu'ent llghthouae
Minier, how stationed at Tillamook,
lo visit his
Mrs I) Howard, ot Albany, who ha
lien the guest of Mesdames James and
W II Hodman, In thU city, returned
homo on todays 10:50 local.
Mis Mary Cuudllf, of Albany,
"111! lilt IIVII ll,. .,... ..,
Loral Market.
Feb 'Jo, 1S'. 8.
Hop tl to 12o.
Kggi 8c; weak.
Hotter 25 to ,"0.' p r toll,
l'otatoes linJ.
roultry-fi fi0 to .t 50 per dozen;
li F In II, u
Firth hou-a and Is making business
hum aiouud the old farm.
James .See ver fell from his wagon
am! hurt his aids very had. No bud
result Is anticipated.
M V UeiV family le.'i for California
Februuiy 1'4. Mr Itees was disap
pointed, as he had to stay and finish
uinif.iaiiig oi IB property.
Horn, to the wife of John Price, a,
l0 Minud son, the 2Jd of February.
Lexter Hparks.ff Jllus Itiver, has
beeu visltlug friends at this place.
Frank Post was in Thuistnn on Im.i.
Ueas one day last week.
t'nltj e.
Lowti.1., March 2.
There was a bimetallic rlub
led here the 10th nit with 2S members.
It O Kdwarda and J It HolhrimU
visiti ( the county swat Inst Week.
Itevs Callisoii and Medal
.i i.,. . .. . '
mo iuiiiis nere Sunday.
Mathew I.sllln. U'hi) mil I, nsr In i
railing tree, Is Improving finely.
ine irogsaresingiii,;. i
Thla ia beautiful snriiitf . ! . 1 ,ll'ri",,y l,n-,u,,w 0elfa rand,
We fear It la t,H. !,,a,e r,,r re-election to the
arealmo-t In ,.,m , ,e to din" '
ger of (hem gelling killed. i
Will Taylor has I MTU nirrvtntr 1 '
Kpri.igt.el. and I.-.w-ell mail fr the'
pstt Week. Josh Cain u ill n !
carrying It lomorrow. rK Iu tbe circuit court of tlm aiato of Orreon
' ! tor Laim county.
I William A LI, riaiulitV, l
I " I
i Victoria All, Deft mlnnt. j
, To Vicloria Abl the ah, ve ta.ii.d I), f,.n
, danl. iu the 0,me tf tiw Su,e f ' -
.' an utTfii T rninrn.l t
next regular , .l "i . I
i - , 1 r u','lie, Uregon,- on Mod-
for ii,;; "' .
,0W1",. r-'ioriuiid cou'plaiut,
menu o .sr. . r.
'l'hi Siuuru'itif is pulilinLel in ii,. r
-........., jtl, ni sai.l Court iiui I
Mer lwino .lai..l ,i ., , "SU
"liuttlc of Oellysbuig."
(ien 11 It (onii'sou uill heture on
the "r.ittln of (iettyshurg" on the
evening of Friday March II, probably
in Ylliurd Hall. .
An Interesting irogruiuinf recitations
on the battle ami music by the Oiee
Club has been arranged lo supplement
ine lecture. It will be illustrated with
stt-reopticon views.
I he It elure will be free.
For School Cleik.
Oko F Chaw
Wallet tide 1 1, ins.
i .. Mrch 1.
,., V fc,"le has ni got iheKlon.
dike lever so bad a usual.
The oil prosiieeliiui will u, ..,..n
In the spring. "u
Kiyeral conlraeln have b.en let lo
the timber men. T ,, ,
are running In full blast.
Mr White the blaeksmiih talking
"f going to I,lal,., ,llhill(hlt ,
priog. no will ,ve fclin t
K-d runnmgtr,,,, N ' lZZ "Z,
fl'IH III llm iu.l U.... I , . niiml inllk;.. . . "llu
" " fiantis III Oregon.
Alaska 1 atkinif.
jT.ieria.jng .land the lil'l, il.iv
i i Ji'i
of Dtceru
Walton & Malkut,
Attorneys for riaiotifl.
The sudden appru iatiou in value
from 1SS0 to 100 was the ru-ull of
the silver purchase act ol July II
1800, which provided that the Sec
retary of T reasury should purchase
in the omn market not less than
2,000,00011 more than 4,000,000 j
that place,
uurai .-Northwest: Ilov M r. u-i
i, pasior or ine w k church at Al
bany. Oiegon, owns a flue fruit farm
near -ewierg In Ibis state.
Mr J T Iteckwlth and daughter.
miss .-n. me, of Jellersou, who ,uv.
oven the gue.t at tht horns of Mr aud
Mr II K Ankeny, Noith Pearl stnvt,
returned home today,
A dispatch from Wash I mrtnii. 111'
av the iMitoitl, at Wallac. I.aus'
oouuty has len dlc,,i-.i .....
that mall Intended for that nm. .1..11
bi sent to Col tags Un vs.
The Ui ARt) has recslvetl the Daily
ltet.urgUj.lss. It I. a live paper
and should have the an noon r n.
biiHliirasmeu of lt.Mehurg. ( , ,0
au ante tap . nc nt of blnieta'lam.
v a . .
uruiiesiiay- reiidleton K O: 'U
Aioeii, wn.i lt.:y anirsd from Ku
gene, has taken a MMtib.a aa wagon
uitker at MloaN'a .hop. Mr McNeil Is
an 'auxi acouallitaniw' ..r 1.
Dkkh k Lkaski.-F. J McClanahau,
through ticket agent for the H Pit U
In Kugene, has leased the south win
dow In the new room being fitted uti
lor tliu t.ugene Kstate Co. one
door south ol Hie Hotel Kugene. He
will fit up bis cilice iu fine shape and
w ill have elegant .marler.
ball; UuaM, March J
Hkiikik Com Kt. Lvon. itn.
of Walton, who yesterday llulahed the
colislrucllou of a bildue aerosa umr
Coast Fork, about IS milt east of Cot
lags tlrove, arrived In Kuirenn tt.U
afleinmni on their way home.
Hall; l.usij Match J
l'l lU.ICtl'KAKI.NU.-C M lvisliiL-. r.
Deo A Dorils and J (1 SttVeiio. u III
address the voters ol N.-rth Kugene
precluel, N ,t, at the liros. arhi ol
house Imiiorruw evenlni! at 7 uM.iek
All invited
rortlantl Telegram: In frout ()f , I
gwery store on Wash ington street Is a
v. ijueiT-imiKing bags, w liiel,
",H.n C.wr Inspection,
"'"r" K'KMta. Ml,. I -,.,.1, .,l .
attL?iiLM" MM CO.
''"' Creasy 'packing: T. . " 'L DFECTORS.
are of an oblong sh,pe ami securely
touml They were nia,,rc,ur, d in Q , ,
nw tk i.ici, suggests ti,e fc : peri Or Fninrtrafc
lhatst.n.e Portland dealer might ,u ,. I ' 1 rUlUXrajS
I'ly a needed wai t kv iuL:. ' ... iutilins niMh... .
fn.mtln n.. ,""wn ! .
The pile ci ntaitis six ...Idm,-- ,,. i PftistlG anH
... t ., . . " " ".a I -7-
The whole lot weighs about a tou.
New Spring:
Hie Vmi's Insurance Lu-iti'"-
The Jalillu'iV liullii'i r o the CoMt
ItevieW publishes a sU .l--lii-i.t sho
In tlie buslnesn t rali-nlnl by l'"'
lock coinpaliles oil the i'a iU C"Bsl
during the year K'7. Ai'-onlinif v
the figures giv.o in this siippl. no nt,
I lie people of this c i.-t paid pieiniuilis
!o the stock coiiij anu s amounting h
a -.111 mi it, .I in letuili
4,Itt'i,3U in pa) un nt for lossts, leav
iug the slock i.uiipiiiilis 1 1,511, f"
proll s ami exs-ns-s.
Uaiug to cie rule war in California,
the average rate paid waa H 4H per
tlOO insiirance, while on the rest of the
coast the average tut was f2 ID. Had
tlis companies been ah to obtain the
same rates in California thut they ob
tained in Oregon and ihe rest of the
coast they would have i een able to add
f2,WX),0(O more I . their profit.
The pevplHi f Ihe coast, excluding
California, recti .ed 301 cents iu ihe
payment of bwses for each H advanced
for premiums, and for each IOOO in
sured the stock ci.mniinie consumed
tlL'.(i2 for profits utid expenses. Any
la all Ih Nmit aS Latest
Oiilgni aS Colors
Qrand OPenin?
v11 iiaicu s Ladies
4"' and 5th. ... 1 uSSf
loves and Ranges
PO These are
0i all new
stoves Just arrived
01 reci irom
th e
If you wish to see the finest
display of Holiday and Christmas
Hooks ever brought to Eugene,
ntire stock just received
direct from Chicago.
H. G. MILLER, Proprietor.
. . . STOVES
OHmfcs t,ad
Ovtr all Htatln, stove,
Caj i Henderson, Undertaken ni
Emtalirtrs. Cor. Wil. and 7th sfj,
of t&
llljl Uurl M:rh 3
Ji i .ika or Ki.kt.riN.-li:e of
ch.s.l directors this sli.M. .9, J luilw.n ami ..I...L.
elections: J M Vill,n, M O Wilkii.s
H J II McClunir.
"llyuuard, Nre.- x
Lakuk H(mi.-v v wiih.r.
ter.lav ki.1,1 I,. ..iiu. -
i, s nifMi market
a hH that wei,heU 41,1 imun-ls.
I W 1
va?.- U if 2 i. 1
Watch Us
Sell Shirt Waists.
J;he!rShlr,W,"' We
Ui;m ant h,,,.t u mve
J'iU"" W,,K WbI-- We
Ws'W1" '-M,i.,m.y.
"u "oi io ui
M-T..,u!,,""-y- ",,,;,,
1 1 -. - . ' . ' ' '', ir, ,kl
f ' n. o.i unit n.'
It Pays ta sell br full
l'i- Who
. il 01, I
MMiiTliey will soitjai
:w. ik
fimnniKTc l, pi,M'on,yoenuinelr-tlohtl
Black, pewier loaded shells kept bj m htL"U11
S. T. T nxin
, ' V- J,M J
Closing Out 5ale
At greatly reduced prices Tf . . t u
oK'st Clothing on Mni yon waut some uf
"aneo to Sfi? for 2 CmG nW whil '0U hart !
again. This is i o joil? f' th 3 U Can eVr gCt
C A i r- . . l for we mea" business,
Lalt V it
Irllow r I '"'"V
o?iNt!1u dV.kVulnr,I- Hhood. Kis-hil 2
'Lit 5" oP'Bia or i,J,r"tlrrt,0. youthful rrrora .-f" "f
Umrc .Th IV,- ! AKlorll:Uiro-- 4
wjcod'a MertKtn, Co., Pans. France. "fP